6 Hélène Flautre Chairperson of the Subcommittee on Human Rights

Note on the first year of activities of the Subcommittee on Human Rights

Executive summary

This note is an overview of the first year of activity of the subcommittee and demonstrates the wide range of work which covered - with differing intensity -numerous geographical regions of the world, a wide range of human rights issues as well as important contemporary events in the political human rights cycle, such as international discussion on UN reform, the discussions surrounding the establishment of a fundamental rights agency of the EU, the appointment of Mr. Matthiessen as a Personal Representative for Human Rights of the High Representative of the EU for the Common Foreign and Security Policy as well as discussions with three successive EU presidencies (Dutch, Luxemburgish and British).


Since the beginning of the legislature the newly established Subcommittee on human rights has been an active participant in the life of the European Parliament. After its first year of existence it is useful to review its activities during this year and possibly come to conclusions how to further improve its work and streamline its operations, in order to strengthen the impact of the European Parliament's already very active work on human rights.

The main tasks of the Subcommittee on human rights can be described as follows:

1. Evaluating the implementation of the EU instruments in the human rights and democracy field; Making the Commission and Council accountable for their actions in this field;

2. Setting-up a constant dialogue with international institutions on human rights issues so as to ensure coherence between EU instruments and international instruments;

3. Providing a platform to analyse human rights issues related to specific subjects and/or regions; using this platform to provide an input on human rights and democracy aspects to reports submitted to the foreign affairs committee, including on agreements with third countries

4. Preparing initiative reports on specific human rights instruments;

5. Mainstreaming human rights issues throughout the different bodies (committees and delegations) of the European Parliament;


DV/ 583150EN.doc 6. Organising and preparing the Sakharov prize award procedure;

7. Delegations of the Subcommittee;

8. Providing a platform for a permanent dialogue with civil society representatives;

In view of these tasks this note will enumerate how these where put into effect and fulfilled in the meetings of the Subcommittee between July 2004 and October 2005.

I. Evaluating the implementation of the EU instruments in the human rights and democracy field; Making the Commission and Council accountable for their actions in such field:

One of the main tasks of the Sub-committee is to analyse and follow-up on the implementation of the different instruments available at the EU level in the field of human rights and democracy promotion: Financial instruments, human rights guidelines, human rights dialogues and EP & Council reports.

Financial instruments:

The EU has a set of financial instruments for human rights and democracy. One of them, the most important in the field of direct support to civil society working on human rights and democracy promotion, is the European Initiative for Democracy and Human rights (EIDHR). Indeed, though this instrument is meant to be complimentary to other financial instruments, it allows the direct funding of NGOs working in the human rights and democracy field. In this sense, it is a unique instrument. It was agreed with the former commissioner Patten that a regular and structured dialogue between the Commission and the Sub-committee would be held on this issue.

The Sub-committee is therefore closely following-up the programming and implementation process of these budget lines. It was the subject of several of our meetings:

- In its first meeting on 28 July 2004 the Subcommittee on Human Rights after the election of its chairpersons and vice-chairpersons moved immediately to business and held an exchange of views with the Commission on the EU Human Rights Policy instruments and in particular the programming of the European Initiative on Democracy and Human Rights (2005-2006).

- On 22 September there was an exchange of views in the Subcommittee regarding the report of Mr. McMillan-Scott on the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights.

- On 28 September 2004 the Subcommittee held an exchange of views with Commissioner Patten on the assessment of the Commission's activities in the field of human rights and the impact of the various instruments of the EU. Amongst other things the Subcommittee discussed the human rights dialogues with different countries as well as the EIDHR.

- On 23 November the Subcommittee held an exchange of views with the Commission on the programming document of the EIDHR for 2005 to 2006.


DV/ 583150EN.doc - On 31 January 2005 the Subcommittee also held an in-depth exchange of views with the commission regarding the programming of the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights for the years 2005 to 2006.

- On 5 September 2005 the Subcommittee held an exchange of views on the Implementation of the EIDHR with Mr. Richardson, Deputy Director of EuropeAid, the European Commission's Cooperation Office.

On the same day, the subcommittee in the presence of a representative of the commission (RELEX) was presented with a specially commissioned study on the Financial instruments available to the for its human rights activities in third countries with a special reference particularly the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights. An exchange of views followed.

Other financial instruments:

- On 22 September 2004 the Subcommittee had an in-depth discussion on a report where the main committee AFET was responsible which dealt with "Development cooperation: Democracy, the rule of law and human rights". The subject of the legal procedure was the extension of regulation 976/1999/EC. The Subcommittee also heard the views of the Institute for Multiparty Democracy on the Hague declaration "Enhancing the European profile in democracy assistance".

Financial perspectives:

In the context of the adoption of the new financial perspectives (2007-2013), the EP voted a resolution asking the Commission to set-up a specific instrument on human rights and democracy promotion. Though the Subcommittee is not directly involved in the negotiations with the Commission and Council, it has been following the discussions and giving input to it. A position paper by the Chairperson of the Subcommittee was published and distributed to the members.

- On 27 January the Subcommittee held an exchange of views on the financing of human rights policies in view of the financial perspectives.

During this meeting, the Subcommittee held an exchange of views on the aspect of the future financing of human rights policies within the area of the external relations budget by holding an exchange of views with the rapporteur on the financial perspectives for the Foreign Affairs Committee, Ms. De Keyser.

EU guidelines in the human rights field:

The EU has adopted five guidelines in the field of human rights promotion: protection of human rights defenders, prevention of torture, fight against death penalty, protection of children in armed conflicts and structured dialogue on human rights issues.

The most recent guidelines are those for the protection of human rights defenders. They were adopted in 2004, under the Dutch Presidency. The implementation process was launched under the Luxemburg Presidency. Therefore, the Subcommittee has mainly focused on these guidelines during its first year of activity:

- On 27 January 2005 there was an exchange of views on the outcome of the 6th EU discussion forum on human rights in The Hague which dealt with the guidelines for human


DV/ 583150EN.doc rights defenders, as well as a brief exchange of views on the plans to set up a fundamental rights agency.

- On 16 June 2005 the Subcommittee held an exchange of view on the guidelines of the European Union for the protection of human rights defenders. During this exchange of views the Subcommittee received testimonies by representatives of the FIDH, the Commission for Justice and Peace (Colombia) as well as the Ingushetian movement "Dignity for Women" (Chechnya).

- On 11 July, the Subcommittee organised a meeting with Hina Jilani, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the UN on human rights defenders.

Dialogues on human rights and democracy:

The EU holds structured dialogues on human rights and democracy with Iran and . It also organises consultations on human rights and democracy with Russia. Parallel to that, the EU holds different Subcommittees on human rights and democratisation issues with third countries.

The dialogues with Iran and China were evaluated by the Council on 17 November 2004. In the course of 2005, and in light of these evaluations, the Council reviewed the framework of its dialogue with Iran.

- On 23 November 2004 the Subcommittee held a meeting with the Dutch presidency discussing the results of the human rights dialogues with Iran and China.

- On 25 April 2005, the committee received the report of the chairperson of the Delegation of the European Parliament for relations with Iran Angelika Beer and the Delegation's mission to Iran from 15 to 18 April 2005.

- On 16 June 2005 day the Subcommittee held an exchange of views with the Luxembourg presidency regarding the EU's human rights dialogue with China.

- A report on an EU-China human rights seminar which had taken place on 20-21 June 2005 in Beijing was subsequently given to the Enlarged Bureau of the Subcommittee on 29 June 2005 by a member of the Human Rights Unit who attended this meeting.

Parallel to that, the Subcommittee has continuously pleaded for the creation of sub- committees on human rights in particular in agreements with neighbouring countries.

Generally speaking, the Subcommittee has always voiced its desire to achieve a full participation of MEPs to the different dialogues on human rights. Moreover, it has pleaded for the creation of a mechanism which would allow all its members to be consulted prior to these meetings and debriefed afterward. We did not however receive any satisfactory proposals from the Council concerning any of these requests.

Annual report:

The European Parliament adopts each year a report on human rights and democracy in the world. In 2004, the rapporteur was Mr. Simon Coveney. The Subcommittee was the main platform for discussions related to this report, though it was adopted by the foreign affairs committee before it was sent to the plenary session.


DV/ 583150EN.doc - On 23 November 2004 the Subcommittee held the first general exchange of views with Mr. Coveney for the Annual report on human rights in the world 2004 and the European Union policy on the matter.

- On 31 January 2005 the Subcommittee held an exchange of views on the draft of this report Annual Report with its rapporteur Mr. Simon Coveney. After numerous amendments were tabled, the Subcommittee on 17 March 2005 held an extensive exchange of views regarding those amendments submitted.

Mr. Richard Howitt, Vice President of the Subcommittee, has been appointed for the 2005 report (to be voted in 2006).

Generally speaking, the EP report needs to be reformed. Both the structure and content of the report need to be reviewed so as to transform this report into a genuine tool aiming at evaluating the implementation of EU instruments in the field of human rights and democracy. A first exchange of views on this matter was held at the Subcommittee level with the coordinators of the different political groups. During this meeting, the human rights unit distributed to the members an analysis of the reports voted during the last ten years and made suggestions for such reform.

The Council also adopts an annual report on human rights and democracy. The British Presidency is in charge of the 2005 report. The report was published in October 2005. An exchange of views was therefore organised with the British Presidency and the members of the Subcommittee on 3 October 2005.

In order to stress the importance the EP gives to the Council report and to strengthen the link between the Council and the EP reports, a request was made to allow the Council to present its document to Parliament during a plenary session.

Making the Commission and Council accountable:

Beside analysing and assessing the EU policy in the human rights and democracy field, the Subcommittee’s role is also to make the Commission and Council accountable.

The Subcommittee has therefore seen to it that a constant dialogue be established with the Commission and the Council. The Commission was represented during all our meetings by the human rights unit of the External relations DG (B1).

At the Council level, Mr. Michael Matthiessen, the Personal Representative on Human Rights of the High Representative for the CFSP, has been present at numerous occasions and remained actively involved in the work of the subcommittee throughout the year. The Presidency of the working group on Human Rights and Democracy of the Council (COHOM) were also invited on specific occasions. The Chair of the Subcommittee attended a meeting in COHOM in December 2004.

Specific meetings with COHOM:

- On 27 January 2005 the Subcommittee held an exchange of views with the Luxembourg presidency on its programme in the field of human rights.

- On 16 June 2005 the Subcommittee held an exchange of views with the Luxembourg presidency and the upcoming British Council presidency. The aim of this meeting was to asses the achievements of the Luxemburg Presidency in the human rights and democracy field as well as to present the British Presidency’s priorities.


DV/ 583150EN.doc The discussion ranged from the EU positions taken at the Geneva meeting of the 61st UNHCR to general views of the reform of human rights policies in the as well as EU's human rights dialogues with different countries. In this context the Subcommittee discussed with the two speakers the situation in Russia, Uzbekistan and Iran.

- On 3 October the Subcommittee held an exchange of views with the British Presidency on the EU report on human rights and democracy in the world.

Specific questions to Commission:

In time for its second meeting on 22 September 2004 the Subcommittee had installed a new procedure permitting individual Members to ask questions to the Commission on specific human rights issues which had to be tabled by members five days before the meeting in order to give the Commission sufficient time to respond. The Commission then gave oral answers in the Subcommittee to the MEPs who had posed the question. This was to become a regular feature of Subcommittee work.

- The first questions asked related to Japan, the EIDHR 2004 in the Mediterranean countries, the elections in Tunisia, and the new guidelines on torture as well as a question on the trafficking in children.

- On 23 November 2004 the Subcommittee again posed questions to the Commission which dealt with anti-personnel mines, trafficking of human organs and Turkey.

- On 31 January 2005 the members posed questions to the Commission regarding Cuba, Iraq and human rights violations in Iran.

- On 17 March 2005 the members posed a number of questions to the Commission regarding Angola, violence against women in Latin America, Colombia and the Cartagena conference, discrimination of European citizens in Turkey, Mexico, Iran, the war on terrorism and Islamophobia and the situation of the Finno-Ugric Mari people of Russia.

- On 16 June 2005 the members posed questions to the Commission regarding Kashmere, the discrimination of European citizens in Turkey, the situation in Sahara as well as the situation of "Doctors without Borders" in Sudan.

II. Setting-up a constant dialogue with international institutions on human rights issues so as to ensure coherence between EU instruments and international instruments:

Member States of the EU are involved in several international bodies dealing with human rights and democracy issues, among which the UN and the Council of Europe. It is therefore of most importance that the EU policy be coherent with the international instruments adopted at these levels.

Thus, the Subcommittee insists on having a constant dialogue with the representatives of these two institutions, so as to ensure the coherence of its approach.

- On 23 November 2004 it held a meeting with the Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights Mr. Alvaro Gil-Robles on the main issues of human rights in the area covered by the Council of Europe and in particular, on Bulgaria and Romania.


DV/ 583150EN.doc - On 23 November 2004 the Subcommittee held an exchange of views on the policy to be implemented at the 61st session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. In this context the Subcommittee also moved to an exchange of views on the resolution on the European Union's priorities and recommendations for the 61st session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.

- Following the appointment of Mr. Michael Matthiessen as the Personal Representative on Human Rights of the High Representative for the CFSP, Mr. Javier Solana, in its meeting on the 31 March 2005 the Subcommittee held an exchange of views with him on his role within the institutional framework of the EU and on the 61st session of the UN Commission on Human Rights in Geneva.

- In April 2005, Subcommittee Members travelled to Geneva as an ad hoc delegation to the UN human rights commission. Earlier, the EP adopted a resolution, prepared by the Subcommittee, on its priorities for the 61st session of the UNHRC.

- On 25 April 2005 the Subcommittee held a meeting on the question of enforced disappearances with a number Mr. Bernard Kessedjian, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of France at the UN in Geneva and Chairperson-Rapporteur of the Working Group on a draft legally binding normative instrument for the protection of all persons from enforced disappearance.

- On 28 April 2005 the Subcommittee held an exchange of views with the High Commissioner of the United Nations for human rights, Ms. Louise Arbour, and discussed with her human rights policy in the world as well as the results of the 61st session of the UNHCR in Geneva. The members also had an exchange of views with the High Commissioner on the reform process of the UN, and more particularly of the UNHRC.

- On 11 July 2005 the Subcommittee held an exchange of views with Ms. Hina Jilani, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General regarding human rights defenders.

III. Providing a platform to analyse human rights issues related to specific subjects and/or regions; using such platform to provide an input on human rights and democracy aspects to reports submitted to the foreign affairs committee, including on agreements with third countries:

The Subcommittee aims at analysing and evaluating the human rights and democracy situation, as well as the EU policy, in third countries with which it has established political and/or commercial agreements.

2005 being the year of the Mediterranean, the tenth anniversary of the Barcelona Process and the year of the first plenary session of the Euro Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly, the Subcommittee has dedicated a large part of its work to the evaluation of the situation in the Mediterranean countries. Nevertheless, many other regions/countries were treated by the Subcommittee during its first year of activities.

- On 22 September 2004 the Subcommittee held an exchange of views on the Voyvodina/Serbia regarding the question of projection of minorities within the state of Serbia.

- On 25 October 2004 the Subcommittee held a hearing on human rights in Turkey in the presence of the Commission.


DV/ 583150EN.doc This meeting received views of the following experts on human rights in Turkey: Reyhan Yalcindağ from the Turkish Human Rights Association, Tuncer Bakirhan from DEHAP, Jonathan Sugden from Human Rights Watch, Jan Kleijssen from the Parliamentary Assembly of the CoE and Hirant Dink, a journalist.

- On 27 January 2005 the Subcommittee also held an exchange of views on a resolution regarding the treatment of women and children in Cambodia and received the testimony of Pierre Legros and Aarti Kapoor, from the Association AFESIP (Association en faveur des femmes dans les situations précaires) as well as an analysis of the Commission.

- On 27 January 2005 the Subcommittee held a hearing on the human rights dimension within the EU neighbourhood policy, with a special focus on Morocco and Moldovia.

The speakers were as follows: the responsible rapporteur in the Foreign Affairs Committee, Mr. Armin Laschet, a representative of the Commission, Mr. Ruttger Wissels, as well as with a number of experts in the field. These were Mrs. Natalie Tocci, Mr. Driss El Yazami, the country monitor of the foreign affairs committee for Moldova, Mr. Paleckis, Mr. Arcadie Barbarosie, the country monitor of the foreign affairs committee for Morocco, Mr. Kasoulides, Mrs. Rachida Tahri and Mr. Matjaz Gruden as representative of the Council of Europe.

- On 17 March 2005 the Subcommittee held an exchange of views with the rapporteur of the Foreign Affairs Committee on the relationship between "the European Union and Iraq - a framework for engagement" which was Mr. Dimitrakopoulos.

- On 17 March 2005 the Subcommittee held a hearing on the topic of the protection and the status of journalists in conflict zones, receiving the testimony of representatives of the International Red Cross, the International Federation of Journalists and the International News Safety Institute.

- On the 31 March 2005 the Subcommittee held an exchange of views on the opinion to be delivered by the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Subcommittee with the help of its rapporteur Mrs. Emma Nicholson on the promotion and protection of fundamental rights by setting up an EU fundamental rights agency.

- On 31 March 2005 the Subcommittee held a public hearing on the human rights situation in Syria which was introduced by a statement by Véronique DE KEYSER, Rapporteur of the EU - Syria association agreement which heard a number of experts:

Mr. EL-KAREH, Sociologist and political scientist, Mr. Akhtam NAISSE, President of the Committees for the Defence of Democratic Freedoms and Human Rights in Syria (CDF), Mr. Neil SAMMONDS from Amnesty International, Mr. Wahid AL-ASMA representing the Solida movement from Lebanon. The main thrust of the discussion and the outcome of the hearing were fed by the rapporteur into the procedure regarding the Parliament's assent to the conclusion of an association agreement with Syria.

- On 25 April 2005 the Subcommittee held an exchange of views on human rights in the countries of Central Asia and discussed the EP Election observation mission in Kyrgyzstan.

- On 25 April 2005 the Subcommittee held a hearing and exchange of views on the question of enforced disappearances in the Mediterranean region, and more particularly in Algeria.


DV/ 583150EN.doc This exchange of views took place with Mr. Farouk Ksentini, President of the Algerian National Consultative Commission of Human Rights, Mr. Driss El Yasami, Secretary General of the FIDH and member of the Moroccan Equity and Reconciliation Commission and Ms. Nasera Dutour spokeswoman of the "collectif des familles de disparus en Algérie". Ms. Gabriele Juen, representing Amnesty International, and Mr. Yuss, an algerian witness, made a global presentation of the situation in Algeria.

- On 28 April 2005 the Subcommittee held an exchange of views on the human rights situation in Cuba in the light of recent discussions in the Council of Ministers on the policy towards Cuba.

- On 23 June 2005 the Subcommittee on Human Rights together with the Committee on Foreign Affairs held a public hearing on the freedom of expression and the development of Parliamentary democracy in the Euro-Mediterranean Region.

This hearing was opened by the President of the European Parliament Mr. Josep Borrell Fontelles, introduced by the chairperson of the Subcommittee Mrs. Hélène Flautre and saw contributions by Mr. Oscar Fernandez Taranco of the UNDP, Mr. Moktar Jalaji from Tunisia, Mr. Driss Lachguar from Morocco, Mr. Wael Nawara from Egypt, Mr. Zyad Abu Zyad from Palestine and Ms. Saida Berrezegh from Algeria. The exchange of views on the issue was introduced by the Parliament's rapporteur Mr. Armin Laschet and saw contributions by Mr. Michael Leigh and Mrs. Danièle Smadja from the Commission and by Mr. Elmar Brock, the chairman of the committee on foreign affairs.

- On 11 July 2005 the Subcommittee held a hearing concerning the "Barcelona process after 10 years" which was introduced by Mrs. Anneli Jäättenmäki, the Parliament's rapporteur on "The Barcelona process revisited". The aim of this hearing was to focus on two of the main challenges the Barcelona Process was to face in the future, namely, the fight against terror, while respecting human rights and the cooperation regarding migration and asylum issues.

The hearing received contributions from Mr. Khaled Fouad Allam, sociologist, Mrs. Sandrine Grenier, Coordinator of the Euro-Mediterranean Network for Human rights of the EU institutions, Mr. Gijs de Vries, the EU co-ordinator for the fight against terrorism as well as Ms. Gabriele Juen from Amnesty International.

- On 12 September 2005 the subcommittee held a public hearing on Cambodia, and Vietnam.

During this hearing, members heard contributions from Ms. Vanida Thepsouvanh, the President, Lao Movement for Human Rights, Paris, Ms. Ruhi Hamid, a Journalist of the BBC, Mr. Sam Rainsy, a Cambodian opposition party leader, Dr. Kek Galabru, the President of the Cambodian League for the Protection and Defence of Human Rights, Mr. Vo Van Ai, President of the Vietnam Committee on Human Rights, FIDH Vice-President, President of Forum Democracy Asia, Mr. Thich Tri Luc (aka Pham Van Tuong), a former Vietnamese Buddhist monk now in political asylum in Sweden and Mr. Marc Tarabella, the Vice-chairman of the Delegation for relations with the countries of Southeast Asia.


DV/ 583150EN.doc Specific inputs to foreign affairs' reports:

- Turkey report: regarding the Foreign Affairs Committee report on Turkey developed in October/December 2004, the members of the bureau of the Subcommittee had submitted an amendment to the report which was subsequently adopted by the Committee and by Plenary.

- Neighbourhood Policy: regarding the Foreign Affairs Committee report on the EU's Neighbourhood Policy, on which the Subcommittee had organised a hearing on 27 January 2005 the Subcommittee enlarged bureau members submitted four amendments, highlighting the importance of human rights policy in the EU Neighbourhood Policy context. The report awaits adoption in the Foreign Affairs Committee.

- The Barcelona process revisited: regarding the Foreign Affairs Committee report on "the Barcelona Process revisited" the Subcommittee enlarged bureau members submitted three amendments following up the results of its hearing on 11 July 2005. Two of these amendments were adopted and one was finally withdrawn during the vote procedure in the Foreign Affairs Committee.

IV. Preparing initiative reports on specific human rights instruments:

The Subcommittee has the possibility of launching a maximum of two initiative reports per year. During its first year of activities, the Subcommittee launched a first report on the human rights clauses in the EU's agreement with third countries, for which Mr. Vittorio Agnoletto is the rapporteur.

- Agnoletto report: On 5 September 2005 the subcommittee held an exchange of views on a working document by Mr. Vittorio Agnoletto. In this context the subcommittee was presented with a study on this issue by Lorand Bartels who is an expert in this field.

A second report should be launched, early 2006, on the structural, political and/or specific dialogues on human rights and democracy issues with third countries.

External studies commissioned by the Subcommittee:

Parallel to that, the Subcommittee has the possibility of commissioning external studies on specific issues relating to human rights and democracy promotion. Such studies are meant to support the Subcommittee's work and provide it with elements to better prepare its hearings.

During its first year of activities, the Subcommittee commissioned external studies on the following subjects:

- The financial instruments available to the EU for its human rights activities in third countries and in particular the EIDHR;

- Legal and political analysis of the contents and consequences of the human rights clause in the EU's existing and proposed agreements with third countries;


DV/ 583150EN.doc A further study is about to be commissioned on the impact of the resolutions of the European Parliament and other activities in the field of human rights.

V. Mainstreaming human rights issues throughout the different bodies (committees and delegations) of the European Parliament:

The Subcommittee also has as a role to play in mainstreaming the EU policy concerning human rights and democracy promotion through the different bodies of the European Parliament, inter alia through the EP delegations.

In order to achieve this objective, the Subcommittee has systematically insured that the Chairpersons of the different delegations dealing with the countries analysed in the Subcommittee be invited to our meetings, along with the different rapporteurs in charge working on these countries.

- Meeting with the CDC: On 6 July 2005, Hélène Flautre, Chairperson of the Subcommittee, met with the members of the Conference of Delegation's Chairs. The aim of this meeting was to present the Chairs of EP delegations with examples of best practices for the implementation of the EU policy in human rights and democracy promotion, and more specifically of the EU guidelines for human rights.

Following this meeting, it was agreed that a best practices' guide be proposed to the members on how to implement and follow-up the EU policy concerning human rights and democracy promotion during their visits to third countries. The drafting of this guide is in process.

- Meeting with DEVE: On 12 July 2005, Hélène Flautre was invited for an exchange of views with the members of the Development committee. Indeed, every month, the Development committee dedicates a one hour slot specifically to human rights and democracy issues in developing countries. It is therefore useful to have a better coordination between the two organs.

Following this meeting, it was agreed that two joint hearings per year could be organised and that a greater cooperation on some themes (for example ICC, Children in armed conflict, Corporate Social Responsibility) could be foreseen.

VI. Organising and preparing the Sakharov prize award procedure:

Since 1988, in the spirit of Andrei Sakharov, the European Parliament has awarded the annual Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought in order to honour individuals or organisations for their efforts on behalf of human rights and fundamental freedoms and against oppression and injustice. It therefore makes sense that the Subcommittee be responsible for organising and preparing this prize.

- In its meeting on 22 September 2004 different MEPs and political groups presented and discussed their nominations for the Sakharov prize for freedom of thought 2004.

Nominees were: Mme Ingrid BETANCOURT; the organisation "Reporters without Borders" and all the journalists who lost their lives on duty; Enzo BALDONI, Rachel CORRIE and Leonid ROSHOL; Natalya ESTEMIROVA; Alexander YESSENIN-VOLPIN; Angelica Edna


DV/ 583150EN.doc CALO LIVNE and Samar SAHHAR; the Belarussian Association of Journalists; Vaclav HAVEL; Sergey KOVALEV; Ibrahim Hussain ZAKI; Zubr-Belarussian Youth Movement.

After long discussions in the Subcommittee, the Foreign Affairs Committee and plenary, the Parliament finally nominated the Belarussian Association of journalists to receive the 2004 Sakharov prize for freedom of thought. - On 13 October 2004 in a special joint meeting with the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee, the Subcommittee paid tribute and held an exchange of views with Ms. Leyla Zana, Sakharov prize laureate of 1995.

As a follow-up to this event, the members of the Subcommittee participating to the delegation to Turkey have met Mrs. Zana, during their mission which took place from 5 October to 8 October 2005.

- In its meeting on 12 September 2005 different MEPs and political groups presented and discussed their nominations for the Sakharov prize for freedom of thought 2004. Nominees were: Hauwa IBRAHIM, Reporters Without Borders, Mukhtar MAI, Gunars ASTRA (posthumously), "Ladies in white", Ibrahim Adam MUDAWI, Daniel BARENBOÏM and the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, Aminatou HAIDAR.

Furthermore two joint candidatures were proposed: Yang ZILI, on behalf of the cyber- dissidents in China, Mojtaba SAMINEBAD, on behalf of the cyber-dissidents in Iran and Zouhair YAHYAOUI (posthumously) on behalf of the cyber-dissidents in Tunisia. The second joint candidature was Alexander YESSENIN-VOLPIN and Sergei KOVALEV.

Following the vote witch took place in the Foreign Affaires Committee on 26 September 2005, Reporters Without Borders, Ladies in white and Hauwa Ibrahim were short-listed for the nomination of the prize.

Generally speaking, the nomination procedure of the Sakharov prize should be reformed. The status of the Prize as well as the criteria for the nomination of candidates should also be reviewed. Discussions on the reform should take place in the near future within the Subcommittee.

VII. Delegations by the Subcommittee:

The Subcommittee has the possibility of organising delegation missions for a maximum of 13 members per year. Such possibility allows us to organise two delegations to specific countries. Parallel to that, members of the Subcommittee were able to participate in ad hoc delegations.

- Geneva (ad hoc): On 3 to 6 April 2005 the subcommittee organised a delegation mission to Geneva in order to participate in the 61st session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. The delegation chairperson Mrs. Flautre submitted a report on this visit to the subcommittee which discussed the work and results of the UNCHR.

- Turkey: From 5 to 8 October 2005, the Subcommittee organised a delegation to Turkey. The mandate of the delegation was given to the Subcommittee by an EP resolution, adopted on 15 December 2004, which specified:


DV/ 583150EN.doc "Calls on the Foreign Affairs Committee and its Subcommittee for Human Rights to follow closely the human rights situation in Turkey (...) especially regarding implementation of the principle of zero tolerance with respect to torture, the return process of displaced people in co-ordination with international agencies, the implementation of the campaign and the law to eradicate violence against women, the issue of protection and promotion of minority rights, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, press freedom and freedom for trade unions;"

- Romania: Also from 5 to 8 October 2005, the Subcommittee organised another delegation to Romania. During their mission, members mainly raised the following issues: minority rights, children rights, Roma people, corruption and the judiciary system.

- Libya (Ad hoc): members of the Subcommittee should also be able to participate to the ad hoc delegation to Libya which will focus on the Libyan policy concerning migration and asylum, and more specifically on the cooperation between this country and the EU in such fields. Here again, the mandate for such delegation was given by an EP resolution, adopted on 14 April 2005. Members from other committees will also participate to this delegation. No date has however been yet fixed for the visit.

Generally speaking, the Subcommittee suffers from the restriction imposed to it, not to travel outside the EU and/or accession countries. Such restriction is even more problematic when one knows that the Subcommittee's mandate is to work on the human rights and democracy situation outside the EU. Solutions must therefore be found to this remedy this contradiction in the future.

VIII. Providing a platform for a permanent dialogue with civil society representatives:

Already in the first meeting after its establishment on 28 July 2004, the Subcommittee held an exchange of views with Dick Oosting from the Amnesty International/EU Office, who represented the Human Rights and Democracy NGO Network and presented two reflection papers on the NGO's priorities for the EU Human Rights Policy and on recommendations to the Subcommittee concerning its own agenda.

- In its meeting of 22 September 2004 the Subcommittee was given information by the NGO platform for democracy and human rights. The topics presented were the priorities of the General Assembly of the United Nations (in particular the fight against terrorism and its relation to human rights, the situation in the occupied Palestine territories, Iraq and Sudan). Another presentation dealt with the human rights dialogues of the European Union regarding China and Iran, as well as the neighbourhood policy of the EU and the question of human rights in Eastern Europe as well as in the Mediterranean partner countries.

- In its meeting on 23 November 2004 the representative of the NGO platform from Human Rights Watch gave a presentation on the humanitarian crisis situation in Sudan and in particular Darfour, which led to an exchange of views on the matter.

- On 31 January 2005 the NGO platform also commented in the Subcommittee on Human Rights meeting on the draft report by Simon Coveney regarding the annual report 2004 on human rights in the world.


DV/ 583150EN.doc - In its meeting of 25 April 2005 the Subcommittee was given information by the NGO platform for democracy and human rights. The topics presented were the views of the NGOs regarding the human rights dialogue with Iran.

- On 16 June 2005 the Subcommittee also heard a presentation by representatives of the European Interuniversity Centre for human rights and democratisation in Venice and the work it is doing.

- In its meeting on 11 July 2005 several NGO gave their positions regarding the situation of torture in the world. The floor was taken by representatives of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, the International Federation of actions of Christians for the abolishment of torture and the World Organisation against Torture.

- On 12 September 2005 the NGO platform gave to the subcommittee a presentation on the rights of the child in view of the publication of a communication of the Commission on this topic.

IX. Conclusions:

As the above enumeration of the different topics and countries discussed demonstrates, since its re-establishment, the Subcommittee has managed to establish a rigorous working routine in order to cover a wide variety of issues.

During its first year the Subcommittee and its members have been remarkably active, despite the substantial restrictions in meeting time imposed by the European Parliament's overall meeting time framework coupled with the time constraints arising from the high speed in which the main committee, the Committee on Foreign Affairs sometimes adopts reports.

Nevertheless, the functioning of the Subcommittee could certainly be improved and many suggestions could probably be made by the members and the civil society representatives as to the best way forward.

Therefore, the aim of the meeting scheduled on 10 October 2005 is to asses the Subcommittee's work during its first year of activities and to initiate an exchange of views with the members and the civil society on how to organise and structure our work for 2006.


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