Journal of Marine Animals and Their Ecology Vol 10, No 1, 2018 Copyright © 2008 Oceanographic Environmental Research Society Printed in Canada

Editorial From comic books to science - it might save our world!

I pulled out some old publishing papers, and working with some of the comic books from my species that I read about many decades ago. youth as I wanted to For me comic books were an educational tool. re-live the sense of awe And that tool allowed the broadening of a mind that and excitement I felt saw opportunities and wanted to learn about and when I was in my explore the world. Not only for myself but in giving formative years. I sat others the chance to have the same experiences that I down, started reading them and by the second one I have had. Passing on my knowledge to future had mixed feelings. Mostly disappointment. By the generations so that they might accomplish even way, these comic books were the original format of more. A big concept and a broad aspiration and a lot bright colours and square formatted pages. Comics tougher to bring to fruition. Our group, the where the good guys fought against the bad guys Oceanographic Environmental Research Society who had these grandiose schemes of controlling the (OERS) has provided over a thousand university world usually through some highly scientific means. students several opportunities (university courses, Definitely not like today’s books filled with the research projects, field studies) within marine dark, sombre drawings and lots of hero soul ecology to learn about the searching angst and turmoil. I could see why I was anatomy and physiology drawn to them as a form of escapism and how they of marine mammals, aroused a curiosity about the world around me. internships dealing with They taught me to ask questions and find out more research methodology, about how things functioned. interacting with other I was always drawn scientists, researchers, and towards comic books that had activists at international something to do with the meetings, and ‘in the underwater world- , field’ experiences to Submariner, Sea Devils, understand the ins and Voyage To The Bottom of the outs of field research. It Sea, 20,000 Leagues Under the has taken many years to Sea. Yes, most of what was convince those in charge depicted was not factual (giant the necessity and importance of such courses and starfish, man eating whales, sea experiences. I firmly believe that it is all our serpents, underwater aliens and responsibility to pass on to the upcoming generation gods) yet they did provide the opportunity to make their mark in this world, to hours of endless adventures and explore and asking questions, to speak out against opportunities to question what the lack of reasonable protection for our various was happening in our world’s ecologies. oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers. Yes something as simple as comic books can They were the path that led me make a difference in this world if we don’t limit their to having a career in research influence. The end result is the stimulation of minds and science. Today, I am and how important it is to give opportunities for the making new discoveries, upcoming generations to use this stimulation to save working beside highly educated our stressed planet. The effects of humans on this and stimulating people, planet have created environmental disasters- climate

1 JMATE Vol 10, No 1, 2018 From comic books to science– it might save our world! Printed in Canada

Editorial Cont’d warming, increasing numbers of species going extinct, habitat destruction. Those in charge of protecting our environment turn a blind eye and refuse to see the worsening situation that our planet is experiencing. Comic books might inspire future scientists who just might save our planet from ourselves. And who knows, there might be an undiscovered species of sea serpents lurking around in the vastness of our oceans and seas somewhere!

Michael Belanger Associate Editor, JMATE