CURRICULUM VITAE (December 2016)


Department of University of Colorado Boulder Ketchum 268, 327 UCB Boulder, CO 80309-0327

Email: [email protected]

EMPLOYMENT Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Sociology, , Ann Arbor, September 2017 –

Assistant to Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Sociology, University of Colorado Boulder, August 2008 - present

Faculty Associate, Women and Gender Studies Department, University of Colorado Boulder, October 2011 – present

Faculty Associate (Population Program, Health and Society Program), Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado Boulder, May 2009 - present

EDUCATION Ph.D , USA. Sociology August 2008

M.A. University of Chicago, USA. Sociology December 2003

B.A. University of Durham, UK. Psychology & Sociology July 2000 First Class Joint Honors

FELLOWSHIPS, AWARDS AND HONORS 2016 Distinguished Scholarly Book Award (Best Book of the Year), American Sociological Association 2015-2016 Hutchins Fellowship, W. E. B. Du Bois Research Institute, Hutchins Center for African & African American Research, 2015 Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Book Award, Sex and Gender Section, American Sociological Association. 2015 Finalist (Honorable Mention), Bethwell A. Ogot Prize for Best Book on East African Studies, African Studies Association 2013-2014 Gamm Teaching Fellow 2013 Faculty Mentor of the Year, Department of Sociology, CU-Boulder (Awarded by CU-Boulder Sociology Department Graduate Students)


2009 Winner of the Richard Saller Dissertation Prize The Richard Saller Dissertation Prize is given to the graduate whose dissertation is the most distinguished piece of scholarship across the Social Science Division of the University of Chicago in a given year. 2007-2008 Henderson Dissertation Fellowship 2007-2008 Robert E. Park Lectureship 2005-2006 Population Reference Bureau Policy Communication Fellowship 2002 United Nations Population Division Outreach Program Fellowship 2001-2004 University of Chicago Graduate Student Fellowship


EXTERNAL: HIV after 40 in Rural South Africa: Aging in the Context of an HIV/AIDS Epidemic Principal Investigator . National Institute on Aging, NIH. R01 AG049634. $1,307,144. 09/30/2016 – 03/31/2021

INTERNAL: Understanding HIV Risk Factors among African American Youth. Principal Investigator . University of Colorado Boulder, Council on Research and Creative Works (CRCW) Junior Faculty Development Award. ($5000) 2009-2016

HIV after 40 in Rural South Africa. Principal Investigator . University of Colorado Boulder, Innovative Seed Grant. ($45,500) 2012-2013

Understanding the Role of Transitions to Adulthood in Shaping HIV Risk among African Americans. Principal Investigator . University of Colorado Population Center Developmental Grant ($3000). 2009 - 2011

RESEARCH AND TEACHING SPECIALIZATIONS Sociology of Health Specialization: Health Disparities, HIV/AIDS Sociology of Gender Specialization: Romantic Relationships, Education, Inequality The Life Course Specialization: Adolescence, Transition to Adulthood, Aging Demography Specialization: Trends, Mixed Methods



Mojola, Sanyu A. 2014. Love, Money and HIV: Becoming a Modern African Woman in the Age of AIDS . University of California Press

Awards: 2016 ASA Distinguished Scholarly Book Award; ASA Sex and Gender Section: 2015 Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Book Award; Finalist, 2015, Bethwell A. Ogot Prize for Best Book on East African Studies, African Studies Association


Reviews: American Journal of Sociology, Gender and Society; Contemporary Sociology; Center for Medical Humanities- UK; International Feminist Journal of Politics; Revue Afrique Contemporaine; Ufahamu: Journal of African Studies

Interviews: BBC Channel 4 - Thinking Allowed:

Author Meets Critics: Southern Sociological Society 2015; American Sociological Association 2017 (forthcoming)

PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES (Student Coauthors Italicized)

Sennott, Christie and Sanyu A. Mojola – “Behaving Well”: The Transition to Respectable Womanhood in Rural South Africa. Culture, Health and Sexuality. Forthcoming.

Mojola, Sanyu A ., Jill Williams, Nicole Angotti and F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé. 2015. HIV after 40 in Rural South Africa: A Life Course Approach to HIV Vulnerability among Middle Aged and Older Adults. Social Science and Medicine 143(October 2015): 204–212 Profiled on UNAIDS website :

Okigbo, Chinelo , Caroline W. Kabiru, Joyce N. Mumah, Sanyu A. Mojola , and Donatien Beguy. 2015. Influence of Parental Factors on Adolescents’ Transition to First Sex among Urban Poor Adolescents Living in Nairobi Slums, Kenya. Reproductive Health 12 (2015): 73 doi: 10.1186/s12978-015-0069-9

Mojola, Sanyu A. 2015. Material Girls and Material Love: Consuming Femininity and the Contradictions of Post-Girl Power among Kenyan Schoolgirls. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies. Special Issue: Post-Girl Power: Globalized, Mediated Femininities 29(2):218- 229

Kabiru, Caroline, Patricia Elung’ata, Sanyu A. Mojola and Donatien Beguy. 2014. Adverse Life Events and Delinquent Behavior among Kenyan Adolescents: The Protective Role of Self-Esteem, Religiosity and Parental Monitoring. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 8(24):1-11

Mojola, Sanyu A. 2014. Providing Women, Kept Men: Doing Masculinity in the Wake of the African HIV/AIDS Pandemic. Signs 39(2): 341-363 Reprinted in: Zinn, Maxine Baca, Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo, Michael Messner and Amy.M.Denissen 2015.Gender Through the Prism of Difference. 5 th edition. Pp 299- 310. Oxford University Press.

Kabiru, Caroline W., Sanyu A.Mojola , Donatien Beguy, and Chinelo Okigbo . 2013. Growing Up at the “Margins”: Concerns, Aspirations and Expectations of Young People Living in Nairobi’s Slums. Journal of Research on Adolescence Special Issue: Adolescents in the Majority World. 23(1): 81–94


Mojola, Sanyu A. and Bethany Everett . 2012. STD and HIV Risk Factors among U.S. Young Adults: Variations by Gender, Race, Ethnicity and Sexual Orientation. Perspectives in Sexual and Reproductive Health 44(2): 125-133

Mojola, Sanyu A. 2011. Multiple Transitions and HIV Risk among Orphaned Kenyan School Girls. Studies in Family Planning 42(1):29-40

Mojola, Sanyu A. 2011. Fishing in Dangerous Waters: Ecology, Gender and Economy in HIV Risk. Social Science and Medicine 72(2): 149-156

Parish, William L., Edward O. Laumann and Sanyu A.Mojola . 2007. Sexual Behavior in China: Trends and Comparisons. Population and Development Review 33(4):729-756

BOOK REVIEWS Esacove, Anne. 2016 . Modernizing Sexuality: US HIV Prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. American Journal of Sociology . Forthcoming July 2017 123(1)

Dworkin, Shari L. 2015. Men at Risk: Masculinity, Heterosexuality, and HIV Prevention . New York, NY: New York University Press. Gender and Society . Forthcoming.

WORK IN PROGRESS (Student Coauthors Italicized)


Mojola, Sanyu A . - The Social Production of an HIV Epidemic: The Case of Washington D.C. ( Revised and Resubmitted )

Angotti, Nicole, Sanyu A. Mojola , Enid Schatz, Jill Williams, F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé - ‘Taking Care of Yourself’ in the Age of AIDS: Older Rural South Africans’ Strategies for Surviving an HIV Epidemic (Revise and Resubmit )

Houle, Brian, Sanyu A. Mojola, Nicole Angotti, Enid Schatz, F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Samuel Clark, Jill Williams, Chodziwadziwa Kabudula, Stephen Tollman, Kathleen Kahn and Jane Menken - Sexual Behavior and HIV Risk across the Life Course in rural South Africa: Trends and Comparisons (Initial Review )


BOOK: Mojola, Sanyu A – Race, Health and Inequality: Producing an HIV Epidemic in the Shadow of the Capitol.

ARTICLES: (drafts available) Mojola, Sanyu A, Nicole Angotti, Enid Schatz and Brian Houle - Navigating Aging, Sexuality and HIV/AIDS in a rural South African community: Applying an Age- Period- Cohort Lens to Qualitative Life History Interviews.


Schatz, Enid, Brian Houle, Sanyu A. Mojola , Nicole Angotti, Jill Williams - How to “live a good life”: Aging and HIV testing in rural South Africa

Pike, Isabel , Sanyu A. Mojola , and Caroline W Kabiru – The Meaning of Marriage for low- income young people in Nairobi, Kenya



COURSES SOCY/WMST 1016 Sex, Gender and Society 1 SOCY 3042 Sociology of HIV/AIDS SOCY 4131-001 Cross Cultural Perspectives on Romantic Relationships SOCY 4131-005 Reconceiving Africa (Gamm Interdisciplinary Award Course)

STUDENTS BA Honors Thesis Chair Rachel Ptaszek 2008 – 2009; Tara Dakin 2010 – 2011; Courtney McShane 2011 - 2012

BA Honors Thesis Outside or Secondary Committee Member Daniel Schiffman (Economics, 2009); Nisha Shah (Ethnic Studies, 2011-2); Emily Clary (History, 2012); Nina Zabolotnaya (Economics, 2012); Whit Garley (Political Science, 2013); Erica Rozbusch (Psychology, 2014); Andrés Gonzáles (Sociology, 2014); Alex Dudley (African Studies, 2014 – 2015); Meghan Hughes (History, 2014 – 2015)

Sociology Honors Program Director and Honors Council Representative 2014 - 2015 Claire Cohen; Cali Greska; Hilary Johnson; Alexis Schwartz; Wisam Alshaibi; Shayna Hamburg

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Students Rosemary Rast (2011-2012); Sara Watkins (2011-2012)

Undergraduate Research Assistants (Students funded for research) Jacob Arellano (2013); Karly Steffens (2013); Graham Geppert (2013)


COURSES SOCY 7171 Sociology of HIV/AIDS SOCY 7171 Gender and Health SOCY 5181, 7171 Logics of Qualitative Inquiry

STUDENTS Dissertation Chair Danielle Denardo (Co-chair - 2012 – present); Emily Bacon (Steiner) (NSF GRF Faculty Advisor and Chair - 2012- Feb 2016; Co-chair/advisor – Feb –May 2016)


Pre-Dissertation Primary Adviser Marley Olson ( 2015 – present); Andrea Tilstra (2014 – 2015); Catherine Bowman (2011 – 2013); Rachel Peterson (2012 -2013); Vanessa Roberts (2012 – 2013); Jamie Vickery (2012 – 2013); First Year Graduate Student Advisor (12 students: Aug - Oct 2012; 4 students Nov - May 2013)

Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member (Sociology) Current: Amanda Barrientez (Tyler) (2015 – present); Stephanie Bonnes (2015 – present);

Completed: John Reid-Hresko (2008 – 2012); Elizabeth Morningstar (2010 – 2013); Christie Sennott (2009 – 2013); Nitika Sharma (2011 – 2014); Tracy Deyell (2011 – 2015); Tracy Kirkland (2013 – 2015); Laurie Hawkins (2013 – 2015); Tamara Williams (2014 – 2015);

Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member (Other Departments) Jennifer Malkowski (Communications, 2010 – 2014); Ully Putri (Journalism, 2011 – 2015); Jennifer Felder (Psychology, 2013 – 2014); Jiyoon Ryu (Media, Communication, Information, 2015 – present)

Doctoral Dissertation External Examiner Audrey V. Banyini, Faculty of Health Sciences, Univ. of Witswatersrand, South Africa- 2012

Specialty Comprehensive Exam Committee Member Elizabeth Morningstar (2009 – 2010); Nitika Sharma ( 2011 – 2012); Tracy Deyell (2011); Tamara Williams (2011); Laurie James-Hawkins (2010 – 2012); Danielle Denardo (2012 - 2014); Kathryn Nowotny (2013); Amanda Tyler (2015); Stephanie Bonnes (2015); George Williams (2015); Adriana Nunez (2015 – 2016); Bethany Rigles (2016 -present ); Juhee Woo (2015 - present ); Miriam Peterson (2016 - present )

Masters Degree Committee Member Courtney Holden (Journalism 2011); George Williams (Sociology 2015)

Research Project Mentor (Ph.D students funded for research) Bethany Everett (2010-2012); Danielle Denardo (2011, 2014); Emily Steiner ( 2014); Marley Olson ( 2016); Allison Scott Pruitt (2016)


Undergraduate: American University (skype), University of Minnesota (in-person), Northern Illinois (in-person), Harvard University (in-person), Boston University (in-person)

Graduate: Northern Illinois (in-person), SUNY-Albany (skype)




Forthcoming: University of Texas, Austin, The Gender of Ethnography and the Ethnography of Gender Conference, April 3, 2017 Invited Panelist

University of Arizona, Sociology Department Brown Bag Series, March 31, 2017 Invited Presentation : Race, Health and Inequality

Purdue University, Young Women’s Health Symposium, February 24, 2017 Invited Presentation: Revisiting Fundamental Cause Theory: The Case of the African HIV/AIDS Pandemic.

George Washington University, D.C., Institute for African Studies, February 16, 2017 Invited Lecture : Navigating Aging, Sexuality and HIV/AIDS in a rural South African community

Completed: Columbia University, New York, Population Research Center, December 8, 2016 Invited Colloquium Presentation : Race, Health and Inequality

University of Georgia, Athens, Sociology Department, December 2, 2016 Invited Colloquium Presentation : Race, Health and Inequality

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Department of Sociology, November 9, 2016 Invited Seminar Presentation : Love, Money and HIV

Cornell University, Population Center and Center for Inequality, October 21, 2016 Invited Colloquium Presentation : Race, Health and Inequality

Harvard University, African Studies Workshop, October 17, 2016 Invited Paper : Navigating Aging, Sexuality and HIV/AIDS in a rural South African community

University of Colorado Boulder, Honors Program Distinguished Lecture Series, October 13, 2016 - Invited Lecture : Love, Money and HIV

University of Oregon, African Studies Program and Gender in Africa and African Diaspora Group, May 12-13, 2016 - Invited Lecture : Love, Money and HIV

University of Massachusetts, Boston, Department of Sociology, April 4, 2016 Invited Colloquium Presentation : Race, Health and Inequality

Brown University, Department of Sociology, March 7-8, 2016 Invited Colloquium Presentation : Race, Health and Inequality

MIT/Harvard, Economic Sociology Seminar, March 2, 2016 Invited Seminar Presentation : Love, Money and HIV


Yale University, Symposium on the Politics of Gender and Sexuality in Africa, Feb 26-27, 2016 Invited Symposium Presentation : Re-inscribing Patriarchy? Reflections on Gender and Sexuality in the Time of AIDS

Harvard University, Hutchins Center Colloquium, February 3, 2016 Invited Colloquium Presentation : Race, Health and Inequality

St Paul’s University, Limuru, Kenya, January 14, 2016 Invited Public Lecture: Love, Money and HIV

Great Lakes University, Kisumu, Kenya, January 11, 2016 Invited Public Research Seminar : Love, Money and HIV

American University, Washington D.C., Center on Health, Risk and Society, Nov 11, 2015 Invited Seminar Presentation : Race, Health and Inequality

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, MN, November 2-3, 2015 Invited Seminar Presentation (Population Center) and Guest Class : Love, Money and HIV

Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, October 19-20 2015 Invited Public Lecture and Guest Classes : Love, Money and HIV

University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO, Population, Education & Health Seminar Series, September 17, 2015 Invited Seminar Presentation: Love, Money and HIV

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Sociology Department, February 19, 2015 Invited Colloquium Presentation : Love, Money and HIV

University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, February 11, 2015 Invited Presentation : HIV after 40 in Rural South Africa

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, STRIVE Research Consortium, Learning Lab webinar, April 23, 2014 Invited Web Presentation: Situating Transactional Sex: Comparisons, History and Theory ( theory-sanyu-mojola )

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, STRIVE Research Consortium meeting, January 23-24, 2014, London, United Kingdom Invited Presentation and Funded Trip: Transactional Sex and HIV/AIDS

International AIDS Society, International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA), December 7-11, 2013, Cape Town, South Africa. Panel: What Kind of Problem is a Pill? Social Science Responds to the ART Scale-Up in Africa


Invited Paper and Funded Trip: Incorporating Gender and Life Course Perspectives into the ART Scale-Up in Africa

American Sociological Association, August 11-13, 2013 New York, NY Invited Paper: The Production and Maintenance of Racial Health Inequality in the U.S.: The Case of the Washington D.C. HIV Epidemic

Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 6, 2012 Invited Presentation: Consuming Women: Becoming Modern in the Age of AIDS

University of Colorado, Denver, November 4, 2011 Health and Behavioral Sciences Colloquium Invited Presentation: The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Washington D.C.

University of Colorado, Boulder, October 21, 2010 Women and Gender Studies, Global Studies in Sexuality Series Invited Presentation: Providing Women, Kept Men: Gender, Generation and Social Reproduction in HIV Risk

Eckerd College, St Petersburg, Florida, September 14, 2010 Plight and Promise of Africa Invited Public Lecture: Fishing in Dangerous Waters: Ecology, Gender and Economy in HIV Risk in Africa

Pacific Sociological Association, April 8-10 2010, Oakland, CA Presidential Session on Gender, Sexuality and the Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic Invited Paper : Consuming Women: Becoming Modern in the Age of AIDS

Denver University, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, Global Health Affairs, October 20, 2009 Invited Presentation: Fishing in Dangerous Waters: Ecology, Gender and Economy in HIV Risk


Forthcoming: American Sociological Association, August 12-15, 2017, Montreal, Canada Author: Author Meets Critics: Love, Money and HIV

Population Association of America, April 27-29, 2017, Chicago, IL Paper: Navigating Aging, Sexuality and HIV/AIDS in a rural South African community: Applying an Age-Period-Cohort Lens to Qualitative Life History Interviews (with Nicole Angotti, Enid Schatz and Brian Houle).

Completed: Population Association of America, March 31- April 2, 2016, Washington D.C. Poster: A Theory of the Production of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities in the U.S. (with Emily Steiner)


Poster: Marital Aspirations of low-income, young people in Nairobi, Kenya (with Isabel Pike and Caroline Kabiru) Discussant: HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases

American Sociological Association, August 22-25, 2015, Chicago, IL Critic: Author Meets Critics: Ancestors and Anti-Retrovirals (Author: Claire Decouteau) Discussant : Social Dimensions of AIDS

American Sociological Association, August 16-19, 2014, San Francisco, CA Paper: HIV after 40 in Rural South Africa (with Jill Williams and Nicole Angotti) Paper: The Power of Love: Consuming Women and Providing Men

Population Association of America, May 1-3, 2014, Boston, MA Paper: HIV after 40 in Rural South Africa: Routes of HIV Acquisition and Transmission among Middle Aged and Older Adults (with Jill Williams and Nicole Angotti) Discussant: HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Population Association of America, April 11-13, 2013, New Orleans, LA Poster: The Kenyan HIV Epidemic 2003-2010 (with Danielle Denardo)

American Sociological Association, August 17-20, 2012, Denver, CO Paper: The HIV Epidemic among African Americans in Washington D.C.

American Sociological Association, August 20-23, 2011, Las Vegas, NV Paper: Providing Women, Kept Men: Doing Masculinity in the Wake of the African HIV/AIDS Epidemic Roundtable: Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation and STI Risk among Young U.S. Adults (with Bethany Everett)

Population Association of America, March 31- April 2, 2011, Washington D.C. Poster: Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation and STI Risk among Young U.S. Adults (with Bethany Everett)

Population Association of America, April 15- 17, 2010, Dallas, TX Discussant: Power and Coercion in Sexual Behavior

American Sociological Association, August 14-17, 2010, Atlanta, GA Paper: Exploring the Role of Multiple Transitions in HIV Risk among African School Girl Orphans

American Sociological Association, August 8-11, 2009, San Francisco, CA Paper: Fishing in Dangerous Waters: Ecology, Gender and Economy in HIV Risk

Population Association of America, April 30-May 2, 2009, Detroit, MI Paper: Fishing in Dangerous Waters: Ecology, Gender and Economy in HIV Risk

Population Association of America, April 17-19, 2008, New Orleans, LA Poster: Gender Differences in the Link between HIV Risk and Educational Attainment


American Sociological Association, August 10-14, 2007, New York, NY Paper: Dangerous Transitions: The Pursuit of Education and HIV Risk among Young African Women

Population Association of America, March 29-31, 2007, New York, NY Poster: Can They Afford to Be Safe? School and HIV Risk among Young Women

American Sociological Association, August 13-16, 2005, Philadelphia, PA Paper : Demographic Change in Urban China: Trends in Sexual Behavior (with William Parish and Edward Laumann)

9th Annual Graduate Student Conference in African Studies, Northwestern University, April 3 2004, Evanston, IL Paper: Fertility Rates and Social Change in East Africa


MEMBERSHIPS American Sociological Association Population Association of America Sociologists AIDS Network

EDITORIAL BOARD American Journal of Sociology - Associate Editor: September 2006 - August 2007


JOURNALS American Journal of Sociology; Demography; Plos One; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences; Journal of Health and Social Behavior; Journal of Urban Health; Culture, Health and Sexuality; Social Science and Medicine; International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health; International Journal of STDs and AIDS; Studies in Family Planning; African Journal of Reproductive Health; Journal of Family Issues; Sexual and Reproductive Health Care; AIDS Care; Africa: Journal of the International African Institute; Journal of Youth Studies; Body and Society; Review of African Political Economy; World Development; Social Problems; Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences; Qualitative Sociology; Human Organization; Journal of Adolescent Health;

ACADEMIC BOOK PRESSES Routledge; University of California Press

FOUNDATIONS National Science Foundation


American Sociological Association, Sex and Gender Section, Elected Council Member, 2016-2019


American Sociological Association, Sex and Gender Distinguished Article Award, 2017 Award Committee Member

American Sociological Association, Sex and Gender Distinguished Book Award Committee, 2016. Award Committee Member

American Sociological Association, August 22-25, 2015, Chicago, IL Session Organizer and Chair : Social Dimensions of AIDS

Population Association of America, April 30-May 2, 2015, San Diego, CA Session Co-Organizer and Chair: HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases

2nd International HIV Social Sciences and Humanities Conference of the Association for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV, 7-10 July 2013, Paris, France Abstract Reviewer

Population Association of America, April 11-13, 2013, New Orleans, LA Chair: Sexual Behavior, Sexual Networks, and STI/HIV

American Sociological Association, Sex and Gender Distinguished Article Award, 2012 Award Committee Member

American Sociological Association, August 14-17, 2010 Atlanta, GA Chair: Race, Class, Gender, and Religion: HIV and AIDS in Comparative U.S. Contexts Population Association of America, April 30-May 2, 2009, Detroit, MI Chair: Gender and HIV Risk in Understudied Populations

Population Association of America, March 30-April 1, 2006, Los Angeles, CA Chair: Recent Developments in the HIV/AIDS Epidemic

Population Association of America, March 31-April 2, 2005, Philadelphia, PA Chair: Marriage and Health: International Perspectives


SOCIOLOGY DEPARTMENT Undergraduate Committee 2008 – 2014; 2016-17 Graduate Student Research Paper Award Committee 2009 Population/Health Student Workshop Co-Coordinator (biweekly) 2011- 2015; 2016-17 First Year Graduate Student Advisor 2012 - 2013 Sociology Forum (biweekly) 2012 - 2013 External Speakers Colloquium Co-Coordinator 2012-2013; 2014-2015 Betsy Moen Award Committee 2014 Graduate Committee 2014 - 2015 Website Redesign Committee 2014 - 2015 Department Honors Program Director and Council Representative 2014 – 2015 Department Merit Review Committee 2016-2017 Third Year Paper Reader 2016-2017


COLLEGE Core Curriculum Review Committee 2014 Women and Gender Studies/International Affairs Search Committee 2014 – 2015

COMMUNITY SERVICE Board of Directors, Boulder County AIDS Project (BCAP) June 2009 - June 2012 Chair, Programs Committee, Boulder County AIDS Project February 2010 - February 2011 Boulder County AIDS Project - World AIDS Day Speech December 1st 2008, 2009 Panel Member, Boulder-Kisumu Sister City HIV/AIDS Panel August 2009



POPULATION RESEARCH CENTER/NATIONAL OPINION RESEARCH CENTER 2004-2008 Research Assistant, National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project (NSHAP), 2008 Project Coordinator, National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project (NSHAP), 2007 Research Assistant to Professors William Parish and Edward Laumann, 2004 – 2007 Research Assistant to Professors Shelley Clark (McGill) and Nancy Luke (Penn State), 2005

ETHIOPIAN MIGRATION PROJECT Research Assistant to Professor Donald Levine, Spring Quarter 2003, Spring Quarter 2007

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY Student Assistant January 2002 – May 2004 Manuscript Review Board 2004-2005, 2006-2007


INTERNSHIPS Tropical Institute of Community Health and Development (TICH) in Africa – Nairobi, Kenya . Under Director – Dr Dan Kaseje. January - June 2001

AIDS Control Program, Anglican Church of Tanzania, Dodoma, Tanzania Under Program Officer – Mrs Neema Peter. October - November 2000

CONFERENCE RAPPORTEUR Global Strategies for HIV Prevention and Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium - Integrated Training for Community Health Care Workers, 2001

Anglican Church of Tanzania – “Living with Hope”: ACT in Response to HIV/AIDS, 2000

CONGRESS SECRETARIAT Universities in Solidarity for Health for the Disadvantaged (UNISOL), Africa, 2001