www.YoYoBrain.com - Accelerators for Memory and Learning Questions for Ruby Gems

Category: Basics - (21 questions) How do you check the version of gems on gem --version system Ruby: How do you update gems version gem update --system Ruby: How do you install a particular gem gem install rails (such as rails) How do you search the gem repository gem list -r name directly for gem with a name How do you uninstall a particular version of a gem uninstall name -v#.# gem What type of file would you need to install a .gem file gem directly If you install a gem directly and it needs post postinstall.rb installation code to be run, what is the typical file name 2 ways to make the gem code available in a require xxxx - uses the latest version ruby program require_gem 'xxxx', = x.x.x - to specify the gem version Ruby: How can you find out which version of gem list --remote name the gems are available from remote repository What is a .gem file essentially archives like tar or zip files with metadata describing contents Ruby: What must be created to make your custom gem specification, called own gem gemspecplaced in gemspec.rb and uses object GEM::Specification Ruby: How do you create your own .gem file gem build gemspec.rb RubyGem: code for package is placed within lib ____ directory RubyGem: convention for primary file lib/gem_name.rb RubyGem: file where you define what's in gem_name.gempspec gem, who made it, and version RubyGem: how to build / install from source gem build gem_name.gemspecgem install files ./gemname.gem RubyGem: how to push a created gem to gem push gem_name-0.0.0.gem RubyGems.org RubyGems: how to detect a gem on gem list -r gem_name RubyGems.org RubyGems: convention for adding modules / make a directory inside lib with same name classes to gem as gemlib/gem_name/ .. more files RubyGems: how to add an executable to put in bin directory and add it to project gemspecs.executables << 'name' RubyGem: find path where gem is installed gem which gem_name Category: Useful Gems - (19 questions) Gem for accessing databases ActiveRecord Gem for basic text to HTML converstion BlueCloth Purpose of ruby gem micro-framework for setting up Web applications Gem with code to make command line cmdparse parsing easier Purpose of erubis ruby gem implementation of eRuby markup language that allows embedding of Ruby into HTML Gem for parsing RSS or Atom feeds feedtools Purpose of fxruby gem creating gui's on different platforms Purpose of hpricot ruby gem provides fast Ruby HTML parser Purpose of ruby gem "markup as ruby" library that allows you to output html using Ruby style code Gem for parsing CSV text fastercsv Gem for secure file transfer net-sftp Gem for accessing server through ssh net-ssh Ruby: Gem for writing pdf's pdf-writer Purpose of ruby gem runt makes it easy to calculate recurring dates, like every 3rd Tuesday Gem that gives interface to memcached memcache-client Ruby gem for running performance tests on rwbstands for Ruby Web Bench Web applications Ruby: Gem for managing zip archive files rubyzip Ruby: Gem for speeding up function calls by memoize remember past calculations Gem that provides basic parsing of XML files -simple