St. Theresa’s Parish Shrine of the Little Flower 2559 Kingston Road, Scarborough Ontario M1M 1M1 Phone: (416) 261-7498 Fax: (416) 261-2901 Email:
[email protected] Website: Pastor: Rev. Fr. Bienvenido P. Ebcas Deacon: Rev. Mr. Peter Lovrick Secretary: Maria Ciela Sarmiento Confessions Mass Intentions By Appointment Only for the Week Baptisms Monday, April 26 (Private Mass) Every Fourth Sunday of the month Carmen Tiongson (Maylu Tiongson) Preparation Class – By appointment only Tuesday, April 27 (Livestreamed) Weddings 7:00 pm Healing for Camillus John Pulle Couples planning to be married should contact (Mary Tisseverasinghe) the priest one year in advance. Wednesday, April 28 (Private Mass) A marriage preparation course is mandatory. For the People Parish Schools Thursday, April 29 (Private Mass) St. Theresa’s Shrine School – (416) 393-5248 Saint Catherine of Siena St. John Henry Newman Catholic School (416) 393-5519 Brigida Salas (Lysle Kintanar) TCDSB – (416) 222-8282 ext. 5314 Friday, April 30 (Livestreamed) Saint Marie of the Incarnation Archdiocese of Toronto 7:00 pm Pedrine Fernandes (Yvonne Dsousa) (416) 934-0606 ● Dolores Mayo (Ivy de los Reyes) Parish Outreach Saturday, May 1 (Livestreamed) Society of Saint Vincent de Paul 10:00 am Feast of Saint Joseph (416) 261-7498 ext. 4 Thanksgiving to Padre Pio by Mildred Halder Sunday, May 2 (Livestreamed) Let Us Pray for Our Sick Fifth Sunday of Easter Sophy McDonald, Bobby Melchers, Gail 10:00 am Birthday Blessings for Virginia Lagamon MacEachern, Jolanta Mirkowski-Paszel, Rene Romero, Special Intentions for Paul John & Patricia Jane Frias Eigo, , Emerson Villarante, Delio Pellicione, Kintanar Madeleine Franco, Pat Savella, Elizabeth Callaghan, PUBLIC MASSES ARE CANCELLED UNTIL James Halder, Phyllis Randolph, Karen Pinder, Jean & FURTHER NOTICE.