ENCYCUCAL TREATS NEEDS OF MISSIONS Supplement to the Denver Catholic Register N a t i o n a l N a t i o n a l PONTIFF ASKS UTHOIICS S e c t i o n THE S e c t i o n TO ASSIST FELLOW MAN REGISTER (Name Registered in the U. S. Patent Office)

MIMtCR OF AUDIT tUNKAU OF CISCULATIONS Ay Migr. J*m*i I. T v c tk TU* Paper Is CotuMcM wltb NCWC WasbInftoB Nrss tMdqusrtsrt br Its Own Lssssd W lru U u Its tiwo John Leads Us to the Messias ,—Counsels for entrusting ^ a te r SperUI Ssrrtcs. RsIlfMus News Ssrvtcs, Mission Ssrvleos. Rsllflous Nsws Photos and NCWC Plcturo Sorvke responsibility to native Bishops and clergy in the Thursday, December 3, 1959 missions, for training native priests, and, for the first time in an encyclical, an appeal “to all those lay Catholics, wherever they might be, to come LAITY CHALLENGED TO SERVE forward in the professions and in public life to consider seriously the possibility of helping their brothers" are stressed in the fourth encyclical of Love in Action Vital John XXIII’s Pontificate. Fntitled Princept Paxtomm For priests to be able to pen­ (The Prince of Sbepberda) and etrate the cultured classes, Pope dated Nov. 29, the document Jota instructed Bishops to pro­ mark! the 40th anniveraary of f i t “centers of culture In which For Aiding Missions 3 another great encyclical on the foreign missionaries and native miasions, Pope Benedict XV's priests may be able to put to Chicago. — Too many Ameri­ More than 400 persons st- for colleges to develop leaders Mortmum Jliud. which gave in­ advantage their intellectual pre­ cans “are not aware of the tended the two-day conference for the lay apostolate. “It is not sistence on the need for re­ paration to the benefit of the crises of our time. What is co-sporjored by Loyola Univer­ one course or program,” she cruiting and formation of na­ society in which they live.” needed is not an ineffectual feel­ sity and the Catholic Action said, “that forms the apostolate, tive clergy. Addressing himself to the ing that something must be Federations of Chicago. The but the whole sum of courses, Addressed to the Bishops and faithful, the Pontiff said that drnie, but a positive step Into rally stressed the need for teach­ teachers, and integrated train­ faithful of the entire Catholic the Church must be active "with suffering, love in action. Lore ers, joumalistf, doctors, archi­ ing that contribute something world, Pope John’s encyclical its whole organic structure, and in action ii a barih thing, but tects, and tradesmen to work in vital to the working of the continues the theme of Pope not therefore only with the Hier this is what we are called to mission areas of the world. apostolate." Benedict's document. The set­ areby and its various orders, but give.” ting and force of the new en­ also with the laity.” Dangers OuHined No Spirihiol Isolation Elizabeth Reid, former lay cyclical's directives are found in Dr. Paul Mundy of Loyola missionary journalist in Houg Dangers besetting mission • t, the fact that “ many mission ter­ Christianity Brings Chonges University, conference chair­ Kong, sounded this challenge at work, she continued, are the ritories are undergoing a phase He cautioned against the error man, condemned “religioua the first national conference of arms race, the disarmament of social, political, and economic that reckons the spread of isolationism” among (Catholic lay miasion work. “ Only four p r o b l e m , the international evolution that has important Christianity in numbers of con­ Americans u “no less excusable, per cent of the miuion help, growth of Communism, and the consequences for their future.” versions and Baptisms, and said no leas fatal than political isola­ she noted, 'comes from the U.S., upsurge of extreme nationalism. 4 Parti in Encyclical it should be figured according tionism.” He asserted that lay­ although 75 per cent of the Sister Mary John of Regis There are four parts to the to the change that “ newly ac­ men “must be challenged to ful­ money is given by Americans.” College, Weston, Mass., called encyclical. The first two are quired Chfistlanity brings about fill their personal'duty to serve dedicated to local Hierarchies in a man's practical life.” the world's people, especially in and clergy, and the last two to In calling for generogity from Latin America, Asia, and the laity in mission territories. the whole Church in support of Cardinal Defied Commies, Africa.” Taking into account the en­ the missions, the Roly Father Cardinal-designate Albert G. cyclicals of Pius XI and Pius also stated it is important for Meyer presided at the convoca­ XII on the missions, Pope John the faithful in these lands to be Nazis; May Become tion. Highlighting the confer­ explains that "enough can never educated to the practice of sup­ Vatican City.—The late Car Cardinal Schuster also was ence was the prmntation of an plying their own material needs be done to bring about the ful credited with a major role in honorary doctor of science de­ Referring to the catechists, he dinal l l d e f o n s o Schuster, fillment of the wish of the the defeat of the Communiata gree to Dr. Thomas A. Dooley, called them “the right arm of O.S.B., who defied Fascist, Divine Redeemer that all the during the Italian general elec lay mission doctor in Laos and the workers of the Lord." lambs may be part of one single Nazi, and Communist tyranny, tions o f 1948. co-founder of MEDICO, by Fa­ flodc under the guidance of one “The ‘g o o d f i g h t ’ for the ther James F. McGuire. SJ., Bom in Rome, the son of a single Shepherd.” faith," the Pope continued, “is president of Loyola. [NCWC Papal Swiss Guard, Cardinal He recalls the observation of fought not only in one’s consci­ W ire] Pius XII that, whereas ecclesias­ ence or in the- intimacy of the Schuster entered a Benedictine tical life once flowed from its home, but also in the public life monastery at the age of 11 and ancient European sources, today in all it forms. In -the held of was professed in the order at 5,000 Churches Due “many regions in other contin­ public activity the laity of mis 19. Ordained in 1904. he held ents have long since passed the siOD countries have tbeir moat various high offices, and be­ To Extension Society THE PRECURSOR SEHDS HIS DISCIPLES TO JESUS missionary phase of their ec direct activity. came an authority on art, the­ clesiastical organization and give ology, and Church music and IT WAS THE PURPOSE of John the however, as with many of the Jews, may not “In particular in the field oi Chicago.— More than 5,000 spiritual and material g o ^ fo history. Baptist to' prepare the way for Jesus. have thought that Jesus measured up to their the problems of the organization mission churches have been the Church, whereas before they of the school, or organized social When be w u imprisoned by the civil authori­ ideas of what the Messias should be, for they Cordinol in 1929 built with the aid of the Cath­ only received them.” assistance, or work, or poLtical ties. be sent two of his disciples to Jesus to expected a great temporal ruler. Father Schuster was elected Reviewing the progress made life, the presence of native Cath olic Church Extension Society ask: “Art Itiou He who is to come (l.e.. the Jesus answered by citing the miracles He was Abbot of the Basilica of St. in mission lands since the pub­ olic experts wilt have the most in the past 50 years. Archbishop Messias), or do we look for another?” ((Gospel working— "The blind see. the deaf bear, the Paul Outside the Walls in lication of Maximum lUud, the happy and beneficial influence William O’Brien told the so­ for the Second Sunday of Advent, Matt. 11, 2-10). dead rise, the pmr have the Gospel preached Rome in 1916, and remained Pontiff notes that "a rapid so long as they base their inten It is the best opinion that John himself to them.” Such miracles fulfilled Messianic there until bis elevation as ciety’s board of directors. glance at the statistics for the tions on Christian principles." never wavered in his knowledge that Jesus phophecy of Isaias xxxv. 5 sq; xli. 1. We too territories entrusted to the Archbishop of Milan in 1929. The prelate, president of the was the true Messias. Some of his disciples. must follow John to the Messias. Sacred Congregation for the Precious Graces In the same year he was cre­ group since 1925, revealed that Propagation of the Faith, not in­ To the m em bers of the ated a Cardinal by Plus XI. contributions to the society to­ LATJIV AMERICAN BISHOPS TELL CATHOLICS cluding those at present sub­ Church of Silence, (he Pontiff He died in 1954 at the age of taled $1,975,109 for the fiscal jected to persecution, reveals urged them “to persevere in 72. The beatlficatioD cause of year ending Sept. 30, an in­ that the first Bishop of Asian their holy fight. For the Lord, the Milan Archbishop is the crease of S264.068 over the pre­ vious year. The Archbishop's re­ PROMOTE SOCIAL JUSTICE origin was consecrated in 1923, always merciful in His inscrut­ second one involving a Cardi­ port said much of the society's and that first Apostolic Vicars able designs, will not leave them Cardinal Schuster nal submitted to the Congrega­ Fomeque. Colombia. — The ored few, the Hierarchy said the face of those who have tried tion. The first is that of Cardi­ success "is undoubtedly due to of African origin were named without help of the most prec­ is a candidate for . Latin American Bishops' Council that “the Church is aware of, to exploit persons who are eco­ ious graces. With the persecu­ nal Rafael Merry del Val, Span- dedicated laymen serving in in 1939. His cause was officially intro­ (CELAM) told Catholics they understands, and blesses these nomically weak, and has sup­ ted there ii.. in the epmmunion iah-bom Vatican Secretary of key positions, side by side with must strive to end the huge eco­ just aspirations. ported a just distribution of Grovrth in Native Clergy of prayer and sufferings, the duced before the Sacred Con­ State under St. Pius X. the clergy." nomic and social differences in “ It knows that ultimate hap­ wealth in accordance with the “By 1059 there could be coun­ whole Church of God, sure in gregation o f Rites. dictates and requirements of Latin America. piness Is not of this world. ted 68 Bishops of Asian origin the expectation of victory." The prelate condemned Nazi These differences, the Bishops But it has always taught and Christian social doctrines.',’ and 25 of African origin. The In conclusion the Pope ex­ and Fascist “ terror” against pa Awakening to Destiny said in a statement released does not stop stressing that "In view of these hopes for native clergy has increased pressed gratitude*to “all who triotic Italians imprisoned dur after,.’thelr annual meeting, are each man must possess suffi­ a better economy, Communism." from 1,919 members in 1918 to dedicate themselves to the cause Ing the German occupation. at the root of the grave prob­ cient material means if he is warned the Bishops, “claims it 5,553 in 1957 in Asia, from 90 of the propagation o f the faith, Only his popularity with the lems that afflict the various to live with dignity a life that Aim of Catholic School is building a new civilization in members to 1.811 in the same to the missionaries of the reg­ people saved him from arrest countries. will enable him to fulfill God's a systematic and rational form period of time in Africa.” ular and diocesan clergy, to the by German military authorities. Worcester, Mass. — To make Catfaollne could be inspired in Pointing to rising hopes from laws capably. and presents itself as the sole Addressing bitnself to the students fully realize that they a real and not merely an emo­ women religious, to lay miasion- During the war, be ordered, technical and scientific advances “ For this reason, the Church promoter of social welfare. "Episcopate and clergy of the are not m e re ly n a tu ra l but tional way by this ideal of aries, to all the Bishops, clergy despite a Nazi ban, that a de­ for a social order in which pros­ has unfailingly defended the new (mission) churches,” the also supernatural creatures so Catholic education, the face of “ It makes use of tha poverty and faithful of the dioceses of cree of perity is not restricted to a fav­ rights of the human person in Holy Father asked them “ to that they would act always as U. S. society would change. and social injustice that exist the world who contribute with against Italians who betrayed men with a supernatural des­ among vast numbers of Latin pray and act so that their priest­ prayers and offerings to the their fellow countrymen to the Cardinal Richard Cushing of tiny is the primary aim of Cath­ America's people to d ra r them hood may become fruitful, and spiritual and material needs of Nazi occupation forces be read Boston voiced these opinions in olic education. to its cause." that they assume the task of the missions.” [NCWC Radio from all pulpits In his Arch­ an acceptance speech after being Cardinal Meyer to Take speaking often in catechetical awarded an h on orti/ degree by and Wire] diocese of Milan. And if the 40,000.000 U. S. Study, Practice instructions and in their preach­ Assumption College here. Doctrine of phurch ing of the dignity, beauty, and AMERICAN NUNS TO ATTEND ROME RITES The Cardinal cited as addi­ necessity of the priestly state." 1st Jet Flight to Rome Reminding the ‘faithful that tional aims of Catholic higher The.i the Pontiff turned his they must reject Communism, education: To develop the full Chicago. — Cardinal-designate Cardinal-designate Muen^h's attention to the training of the the statement urged those "who MOTHER SETON'S CAUSE GAINS range of all students’ capacities, Albert G. Meyer and his party three sisters, who will attend local clergy, which, "having supernatural as well as natural; have responsibilities of a social Emmitsburg, Md__ Six Amer­ the Pontiff will read the decree m R om e. will take the first interconti­ the rites, are Mrs. Frank H er origin, disposition, and mental­ Superiors of five other communl* To train tbeir intellecta by character” to make a profound ican superiors of communities of approval. nental jet flight ever scheduled rick, Mrs. Dorothy Ott, and Miss ity, and aapiratioiis in common ties who will attend a r t M o th e r the study of divine revelation, by a commercial airline from Teresa Muench. all of Milwau­ study of the doctrine of the of the Sisten of Charity of St. When the Investigation o f her M uy ind her aaalatant, 8Ut«r Lor- with its co-nationals, is suited c t u , H o u D t St. VlsccBl. Nav York; as well as o f human science and Church and put it into practice Vincent de Paul have been in­ virtues is concluded and aq of­ Chicago to attend the Rome Con­ kee. His brothers are to instilling the faith in their Motbar EUee Marla aod har aa- the arts; to train their wills in with courage, urgency, and deci­ vited to Rome when Mother ficial of the Congregation of •liU nl, Slstar Joanna Marta. Con­ sistory Dec. 14 at which be will Muench, Neenah. Wis.. and hearts, because, better than any­ sion. Elizabeth Ann Seton. foundress Rites has said that no ob­ vent SUUoD. NJ.i Mother Stella the service and love of God in be raised to the rank of a (^* Frank H lench. Elm Grove, Wis. one else, it knows the ways of Marie. Halifax, NA.; Motbar Mary obedience alike to the law of na­ Only the full realization of in 1809 of the U. S. sisterhood, stacle to its successful conclu­ Omar, ClndnnaUi Holher Gaudla, dinal. Cardinal Spellman of New persuasion." ture and to the higher law of is expected to be declared Ven­ sion is foreseen. Mother Seton's Greantburg, Pi.; and Sifter Calb- Leaving Dec. 10 by Trans York had announced earlier that (he Church's social doctrine, arlne, Provincial Superior of tht grace; to love and serve their erable. The general assembly beatification cause will enter Waatem Province, Nonaaady, Mo., World Airlines, the prelate will he would attehd the Consistory said the Bishops, can solve Latin 4 RecommendoHons neighbors as fellow creatures of may be held Dec. IS. its second phase— the authenti­ wlib ber lacreUry, Slater Margaret be accompanied by Archbishops at which eight prelates will re­ America's problems. Catholics In the training of native pri­ M a ry. cation and approval of two (rod and biothers in Christ: William D. O'Brien and Bernard ceive the Red Hat. America’s were asked to give a "human ests, be made four recommen­ This declaration as Venerable Father John P. UcGowto, C.M., miracles. vice poitulator of Mother Seton’i . J. Shell and Bishop Raymond three other Cardinals have said and Christian form and content” dations: It .-ihould take into ac­ is the first of three steps neces­ sifter iMbel Toohey, Provincial caiua and a member of the Vin­ P Hilllnger. Auxiliaries of Chi­ they will be unable to attend. to the social and economic count the environments of dif­ sary to sainthood. Pope John Superior of the Eaatem Province centian Fatheri' Provincial Council, Pope Ofcoys Italy's cago. The reluming date is XXIII will preside at the as­ of (he Slften of Charity, and Slater alto wUl attend the ceramonlaa In (NCWC Wire] changes taking place. ferent regions: it should foster Rome. [NCWC W lr^ sembly. which will pass judg­ Hilda Gloaaon, preaideni of Su Jo- Dec. 20. “We cannot forget," the state initiative of activity so that na­ leph'a College, will ropraaent the Four Other Causes 1st DWve-fn Church Others to attend from the ment asserted, "that two-tbirds tive priests might quickly arrive ment on the cause. If it passes, Emmltaburg communlly at the ritei World Press Meet Bellubo. Italy. — Italy's first Provmce of Illinois are Bishops of the world’s population and of at assuming their own duties; Studied at Vatican Vatican City. — Four other drive-in church is being built in Albert R. Zuroweste, Belleville; Paris. — “The Catholic Press, Latin America suffers from un­ local values and t r a d i t i o n s causes considered by the prep­ the Dolomite Mountains with tbe William A. O’Connor, Spring- a Link Between Nations” will derdevelopment and hunger should be adapted to the prao aratory assembly of the Sacr^ blessing of Pope John XXIII. field; Loras T. Lane. Rockford; be one topic at the sixth con­ This situation constitutes a seri­ tice of faith; and the native Congregation of Rites included Dedicated to Our Lady of the and John B. Franz. Peoria. Chi­ gress of the International Union ous sin and the greatest danger clergy should be trained suf­ the causes of Bl. Highway, the church on a major cago clergy to attend are Mon­ of the Catholic Press in San­ of our times.” [NCWC Redio ficiently well to penetrate the signors Edward M. Burke, Chan­ Brother Benildo and Bl. Teresa road running through Carar- tander. Spain. July 610. I960. and W ire) y cultured classes. cellor, and John M. Kelly, editor de Jesus Jomet y (bars and the zano will be circular and walled of the New World, archdiocesan beatification causes of Marcel- with transparent glass. With its weekly. lino da Capradosso and Sister projecting roof and 150-foot con­ Going from Wisconsin will be LISTENING IN Jeanne Marie de Jesus. ical tower, it will have the shape Archbishop William E. Cousins. Brother Benildo of the InsU o f I witch’s hat. f will Milwaukee; Auxiliary Bishop tute of Brothers of the Chris­ shelter 1,500 can. occupants of Roman R. Atkielski, Milwaukee: tian Schools was beatified April which will follow services and Auxiliary Bishop John B. Christmas Is the Feast of Love 4. 1948. A native of Thuret. through the church's glass walls. Grellinger. Green Bay. The nearness of the feast of Christmas brings for to pray was orore, and the word adoration France, he taught in several o l Members of Cardinal-desig­ to mind that, though part of the public has often arose from the Latin word ad (to or toward) the community's scbooli and Helicopter to Take died id Sangues in 1862. nate Meyer’s family to attend in­ shown no more than a mere commercial or a and orore. to pray. Ike From Vatieon clude a sister. Sister Mary sentimental spirit in celebration of this festival, Adoration in the Christian sense means that Blessed Teresa, bom in Ay- tona, Spain, in 1843. had to Washington. — Vfhite House Therese, Marian College. Fon there is a large proportion who realize kind of honor which can be given to God alone. du Lac. Wis.; and two brothers that it is a feast intended to express leave two religious communi- Press Secretary James C. Hag- and their wives. Mr. and Mrs. ties because of ill health. Sbolerty announced that President the love of God for man and the in­ Worship as Given Edmund P. Meyer. Wauwatosa, tense adoration that man should give founded tbe Institute of the Lit­ Eisenhower will leave the Vati­ MOTHER SETON'S 'LAST LETTER' can by helicopter after his audi­ Wis.; and Mr. and Mrs. Norbert to God. To Less Thon God tle Sisters of the Abandoned J. Meyer. Elm Grove, Wis. Although in the strict sense we...... adore...... or MOTHER MARY OMER. Mother (Seneral of the Aged in 1874. ence with John XXIIt Dec. 6. worship only God. if we intend this to be Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, views an original manu- Marcellino da Capradosso. It was denied by the press Delegation From Throuring o Kiss Diocese to Attend meant as giving supreme honor because of su-i script letter of Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton, th ou ^ t to be the bom in 1873 in Casteldilama, secretary that the President's Auxiliary Bishop Leo F. Dwor- To'ward God preme domination and infinite perfection and last she wrote before her death in 1821. Italy, entererd the Order of helicopter will take off from St. schak of Fargo. N. Dak., will Adoration has always been paid to his divin­ majesty, neverlheles.* worship in a certain sense’ The letter is one of many possessions of the Sisters of Friars Minor Capuchin as a Peter's Square. Instead, he as­ lead a delegation from the dio­ ities by man. at by the pagans of ancient days, or is also paid to the servants of God because of'Charity at (heir mother-house. Other items include the large Brother. serted. “The plan is for the cese to the Consistory at which to the true God by the , then by the'their gifts from Him. crucifix from the rosary that Mother Seton wore as a religious Sister Jeanne Marie, born in President to take off from some Cardinal-designate Aloisius J. Jews and then by the later Christian world. The .at . St.. . _Joseph's ...... College, Emmitsburg Md.. and a small rosary .Moucron. Belgium, in 1861. en­ place back's of tbe Vatican Muench. Bishop of Fargo and pagans used to have the habit of wafting a kiss- The worship of hyperdulia is paid to the that also belonged to her Carefully mounted in enduring albums tered the Congregation of (be grounds—at i a place mutually Apostolic to Germany, to the idols of tbeir favorite gods. The word]Blessed . She is not a goddess and is en- are approximately 400 letters of Mother Seton. but some of them Angelic Sisten of St. Paul.— agreeable m Vatican officials will become a Cardinal. adore came from this practice. The Latin term] (Turn to Page 3— Column 3) are phoiostata of (he onginals or typed copies. [NCWC Radio and Wire] and to our pilot.”

- THE REGISTER Scottish Cardinal Served Ph il l ip s Dock Area Poor MILK OF MAGNESIA London. — Cardinal-designate priest to do so for 421 years William Heard, a lawyer-priest since Cardinal Beaton of who but for hia conversion at St. Andrews was assassinated by the age of 26 might have become order of Henry VIII. an English high court judge, is His appointment gives Bri­ well remembered by his old pa­ tain two Cardinals for the fifst rishioners in the Bermondsey time in a quarter of a century, District for bis many acts of since the death of the Benedic­ kindness, his regular visits to tine Cardinal Gasquet, one-time the sick, the poor, the lonely, prior of Downside, the order's and the practical spiritual ana big English abbey and public legal help he gave them. school. After the newly ordained Both the Scots Cardinab who Scotsman served there from lived in the 19lh century were 1921 to 1927 be left to work born and died abroad. One was for 32 years with the Sacred Henry, Duke of York, brother ot RBguIar or Flavored Roman Rota, the Church high Bonnie Prince Charlie who court in Rome. As a young law­ claimed the British crown and yer studying in London—an ap­ died in exile after his unsuc­ prenticeship which helped him' cessful Scottish rising of 1745. Thfs Year later to bwom e dean of the When Prince Charles died, sup­ Rota— he had spent his spare porters of the Stewarts ac­ Give the time in Bermondsey helping claimed Cardinal York, King the pastor run a boys’ club in Henry IX. He died in Italy in Treasured the tenements of the dock area. 1807. PIUS XII MEMORIAL LIBRARY DEDICATED Each year he spent his vacation Lifetime The other prince of the President Eisenhower, in a congratuR^toty with the boys at their seaside ABBOT ANSELM M. ALBAREDA, Church, Cardinal Charles Ers- Gift From the dedicated labors message to the Very Rev. Paul C. Rcinert, SJ., camp. O.S.B., Prefect of the Vatican Library in kine, died in Paris in 1811, after university president, said the new library pro­ Rome, blesses the Vatican Film Library in the When Heard re* spending most of his life as an o f devoted tnen vides “a splendid addition to the university Pius X n Memorial Library at St. Louis Univer­ ceives the Red Hat next month administrator at the Vatican. He sity, St. Louis. Assisting at the ceremony, which and community.” he will be the first Scots-bom com e the greit wines of was never ordained a priest. fariinel^iellinanjs took in the dedication of the entire library, "The traditional freedoms of America,” he place As a convert, Monsignor are Father Edward R. Vollmar, S.J., (left), as­ said, "nourished by the freedom to learn, will PRAYBR ROOK Heard has two British prede­ sistant director of St. Louis University Libraries, be advanced by this new center whose dtors are A N D M I S S A L t h e c e s s o rs in the Sacred College, and F a t h e r Lowrie J- Daly. S.J., director of li­ open to sc*-ol»rs everywhere.” Church to Forego Cardinal Newman and Cardinal braries, who is credited with proposing the plan Archbishop R itter observed that the library, FOR HEW SFlimiH STHENSTI M a n n in g , Archbishop of West­ to microfilm Vatican Library documents for the although a project of the com m unity is ‘ no less i tribute on the part of the community to the Lobby Action in minster, who died in 1892 AHOmUEINIHFINITEABUNIimtE Memorial Library. memory of a great Pope." [NCWC Radio and Wire] C D iris tia n Fourteen Archbishops and Bishops, more than You willifind in thii 225 priests, and official representatives of 210 Archbishop Vagnozzi said Pope Pius XII School Bus Issue apparently wanted only one memorial in his SHRINE AIDE gem of devotion and colleges and universities, including 19 presi­ Portlanii, Me.— Bishop Daniel honor, the Pius XII Memorial Library. spirituality the very dents, were in attendance. J. Feeney said that he hopes Built on the St. Louis University campus, the Morton J. May of St. Louis, chairman Of the prayers which the that the Legialature will act said, prayers for Brothers $4,250,000 structure houses more than 11,000.000 board of May Department Stores, was made a favorably on Maine’s school bus the daily need as well microRIm pages of handwritten manuscripts Knight of the Order of Pope St. Sylvester by issue, but that the Church will of Califoraia u for special occasions, from the Vatican Library and the university's John XXIIl for his assistance in building the not lobby and w ilt continue to prayers which will ba own collection of nearly 600,n«cK«. C«lit meet in special session in Jan- who also celebrated a Solemn Pontifical Mass. and Dr. Nathan M. Pusey, president of Harvard uapt to consider legalizing tax A CHOICI OF FINS tlN BIN O t AT The sermon was given by 'Archbishop Joseph University, who addressed the universi^'s paid school bus tranaportation S9.S0.S4.7S.S*.S»-$10.0O4ia,S0 E. Ritter of St. Louis. Founders' Day program following the dedication. fridel iditiea la WfclU L»*tk«nSIS of all children, regardless of the II ytvr heel Sesldwi raiiffH nppir BRITISH TO BE TOLD OF WORK TO AID NATIONS • school attended. /OF, writt Tor w e t W ixe/F ri ifltr. The Maine Council of Churches [ProtestaiitI, how ever, an Tht ED«fJiililOTOOLECO.Jiic. Most Reverend Fulton i. Skeen CATHOLIC ROLE PUBLICIZED nounced that it will back the FUSIISHRS H PAaK F lA C t, NSW YORK T, N . T. By Mlehitl Dtrrick non-dcnominational Coimcil fori made of this opportunity. A efforts of the POAU, who op In days of prosperity. Bishops ora primarily ad­ London.— Britishers will get W.ar on Want. • team of Catholic specialista, pro- pose bus legislation. The couo- a vivid impression of the work cil’s president said that the ministrators; in doys of adversity, their role is princi­ The Catholic exhibit is fessionals in the arts of pub­ '->» ShuiIIuI pktvn of !•- done by the for planned by the Sword of the licity who are giving their a«T- Protestant Church group still at*'®"''*. pally that oF shepherd. In doyi of relotive peace the and among underprivileged peo­ believes that “such support [of Our iNty of CMsto- Spirit organization, headed by Ices voluntarily, has been en­ c)dy, a FOUND 4U 3rd A «., Tcty, H.T. lectures and discussions ar­ priest of the Chicago Archdio­ isMt w6Rrf«rfvf Mrnt.. equolity of all peoples. Because the Church, in accord­ With the largest single share Alkir vt ti. shm h«r with F«r WONDERFUL FOR in the exhibition, the Sword of ranged for the senior pupils of cese, is the director of the fm littoltufG ksr *rrK« ance with reason ond the Gospel, insisted on educating tt: the Spirit is taking care that secondary schools by the Coun Stigmotic Impresses shrine. cil for Education in World Citi­ Father Murphy, a native of St. Germaine Guild the blacks ond ollowing them to enter ony Church they NERVOUS STOMACH the best possible use will be W i Winehestor Drive ^ ^01. ilapli RAom (upHt ttoiiirhl zenship, an offshoot of the Dorchester, Mass.,* was with the Pitfsburgh 20, P«. pleased, the government withdrew ail support from reli­ hekhtnt. tnd bnvlDMi alter sfiU Italian Premier Segni ar* flftce bj SenoEi Stasuuh. In that LIAISON FOR United Nations. 10th Mountain Division, Ski gious schools. The Protestants turned over their schools ft$f be wiM intf IM ALLIMIN Gvlle T^lm The theme for 1959-1960 is San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy. Troops, U.S. Army, for three •iLh Ihelr teur*«v rrIM- H i tedom Ihp CONGRESS to the State; the Church appealed tor sacrifice. n«ir«>»rra iroalufi ef A M trli. end >t- "Peace and Population." Some­ — “One has the impression of years in World Wnr II. He Uxpi tN Miwrular rtnp l|iat •lenarh speaking lo a person of great roirawp ind rzll. i2i txpfti |ai (mm thing like 1.000 boys and girls served in Italy with the U.S. ich aitd intraUm lod dlnlaW ifi |ac ^ in ; « from the senior grades of more spiritual strength and at the 5th Army and the British 8th _ Little Though there ore only 150,000 Cotholics in South l iiie n a vote nf irll*bem f and lo tbe than 60 leading Catholic secon­ same time to a person of ex EQjlrt; Hi fraaiDllr fvllrfr* tfif iR lin t af Army. Rosarg Afneo, they denied themselves to defend education for rulliMN tr dUtanilM alter Brail. dary schools have taken part in treme simplicity," Italian Pre­ Following the war be attended ' IN HONAf oil. More than that, the crisis now mode manifest the TRIAL PACKAGE FREE 10 regional preparatory courses. mier Antonio Segni commented St. Anselm’s College, Manches­ lU P O m O nHAl R M M Y Lay specialists-have been sent after a visit with the stigmatic ter, N.H., and St. ’s cross planted deep in the Catholic souls. One teacher with .VLLIUIN hu broMthi Nv t o b StMurta rellrr u HK|>I< >( <11 MH. Alt >Mf dninut fet by the Sword of the Spirit to Padre Pio. University, St. B on a v en tu re, thto tapon ... IrUh Mrs ,\U.1MIN nr •m i tnr (tim ul Irx in il put- A nsAtu «r Um PHgtml CHIUSTIAN eleven children ogreed to live on $51 o month to assure lecture at all regional prepara­ The Premier first visited the N.Y. DAYS HO&ARY ... Ec«Uube

i .-t-./'W-v-. J. - TH E REGISTER

MKagging Fact Disproves LISTENING IN I Y A H . Backache Meansa Malthas' Theory (Continued From Poge Onej f lU U PIN-WORMS 2 tirely a creature; and it is ridiculous for some AND NOT KNOW IT! * GoodNight’sSleep Kent, 0 ___Thomas Haltbus' Mother's Love FldeatlBS, Boa-stefeiBC asS a tnw old theory that the population enemies of the Church to try to pretend that the a m tlD Z ra etal ite k * r * o fto a taS- m ob I• teJ* U M tlafB* I oT PiD>W onu... s*^ IV MM* Md M auu « * oa vitk worship paid to her is in any sense on a par At Best in Mory *T*r gr*r1faa, iMddet%*J ap**t* or d*r rises geometrically while food — . m il* * U ia t B td ie a l a z M ite M r t* W*M ilntB. A*d tetk* who supplies increase only arith­ with that paid to her Divine Son or to the Holy A normal woman alwayi h u an Intense love I larMii 9 0 * out ei tear, U ra * M r - «*t iM Mak Bwlirir mMm Trinity. The worship given to her, however, is for her baby and in the case of Mary this love ^ lou cxaalnad. Xotir* ftmhiat aD4 W adte bTiM tea...v)th O U m t- metically is disproved by fact, above that given to the saints, who likewUe re­ a*T bt rlcUm* aad sot Im nr IL Um i i i i i I i i i H i I m Um . Father Anthony Zimmerman, w u sublimely spiritualized, for she had always, T o z « t H d a t P ln -W o ra a , tfcaa* If yoi M alfeahl* ud von oat W ceive some form of worship. Well-informed from the first instant of her being, contained paaU n u t eot oalr b* klBad, but ■M iaflfc*** dU m font, Dou'o ?tU* at- S.V.D., declares. people do not use the term adoration for the type kUlad I k U w la rz * m teaU B * w b a r* tea M k te iM r M o nlltviae artioa. bi “For every step upward taken the fullness of supernatural grace, none of which r a tr tir* asd m ultialr. Tbit'a ex- Ibtej oBoulaa offoot to cam bladder int* by world population, food pro­ of worship given to Mary or the saints or ^e she ever lost. She w u not the equal, however, ttlir W bat Jaraa'a P -W toblata t o tettea, aad b r tb<^ M id dlurttl* aettoa . . . aad b a r* '* bo w tk a r do i t : thram t Ik* Udaan—Uadlaa to iaonaa* duction is taking two steps, and angels, but we really adore Jesus Christ, who is in holiness to her Son, Jesus Christ, for He u thaiBteaOadlkaUM laaatlddaeT toba*. both Gud and Man but who is adored iii all of Flraf—a adaaUfla coaUBZ ear- ■a KO M rias baakaeb* aaba* yarn faal industrial production fo u r God is essentially holy, and the Incarnation de­ I rle * th a teU ata lo to th a bow rla ba- daaaiid oat, atetrabit, vlih natlaa* His being, including His human nature, because manded the utmost hoiineu is Him u man. He fora tkar dlaaolr*. Tkae- JaraaTf steps,’’ the population expert re­ aiodara. nadleallr-aparoraa la* aU M w ateWk d n 'l vale, try Seaa’i He is truly God, the Second Person of the Trin­ ra *. M IS* MM* k*M r raUad ■aUote ported. And. the priest contends w u not only conceived without original sin but p a d J a s t to a t r lc b t to w o r k - k iU t bar* aaiarad h r ana M rtara. dak fcr only about one-third of the cur­ ity. Adoration of God goes to the Three Persons could not possibly have been tainted in any Pia*Wonaa qaicldTajid aaallz. a a v . la n d a e o a o B j ala* aa d aaa* aw a a r. of God. Don't tok* chaaoaa with tbla e * l H aas’* n u toda y I rent population increase is due way with sin during His life. Jesus, being made danf area*, klzhla coDtarlog* COD- to higher birth rate. Two-thirds physically and actually the Son of Man through diUoD. A t tha Snt alca at P i* . W onu. aak rour drozzlnt lor is caused by people living long­ This is why we give absolute adoration to the the Incarnation, is and always w u the Son of ganalna Jiya^aP-W VenaBiw... er. God. In His Divinity He Is God and always wu ENCYCLOPEDIA EDITORS tha (m a ll, aiaj>>to-take ta h la ti par- HERNIA Baby whom Mary brought forth from her womb feetad hr faaiou Dr, D. JazB* A If 16.400,000,0000 acres o f the on the first Christmas night That night in a and always must be God the Son, the Second Bob. aiNcialiata ia w oot niaadlte THcabi FREE fTM TRUSS SUVEIY THE NEWLY NAMED EDITORS of the new Catho­ SarOTarlMzaai^ world that could be made pro­ certain sense was actually the birthday of God, Person of the Trinity. It w u this same God who lic Encyclopedia, to be prepared by the Catholic Uni­ N*v thara li a naw medirn Noa-Suigkal ductive were cultivated as effi- as the eternal Second Person of the Trinity came was bora of Mary tn huimm nature on the first iraaiMM that ii dttlintd ta pinnananilr Christmu night. versity of America, Washington, D.C., in conjunction with Mc­ correct niptwt. Tbate Mon-Su'akal trail- dently as the Netherlands culti­ forth in time then as man, though the Incarna­ I JAYNE S ^ I Graw-Hill Publishing Company of New York, confer at the uni­ manta ara le cartein, that i litiHma Car- vates its land, these acres would tion had been a fact since the first instant of the lif iu la tf Atturanct b givin. Writ* tadiv versity as the editorial board of the new project is announced. W o r m s * far aur NEW FIEE boob, that givai facta support 28,000,000,000 persons conception of Jesus at Mary’s consent at the The positive sanctity of Christ was brought Left to right are Monsignor William J. McDonald, rector that may uva m paInKil and axoanalva on an excellent diet, a population Annunciation. about by twofold grace, the grace of union avrgary, and lalh hew nen-aerglcally you of the university, who was named editor-in-chief; Monsignor may again work, liea, play, and lev* and nine times that of to^y. If the that results from the Hypostatic Union itself, Not that God began to exist on Christmas John H. Harrin^on of St. Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers, N.Y.. anger lifa In tha mannar you dailra. Thai* acreage were tilled as Japan’s and sanctifying grace, which is a created and W o rry of i i no abligaHon. night or w u added to, but it is a fact that this managing editor; and Dr. Martin R. P. McGuire of the faculty of h iM a r Madkal Ctloic, »ig|. H-IIM farm land, it would support S5,- supernatural quality by which we are made par­ iK iW a r Ipriaga, Ida, little Baby was bom of Mary, coming tluougb the Catholic University, named secretary of the editorial com­ 000,000,000 penons. takers of the Divine Nature, Those of us who FALSE TEETH her body without the usual parturition and being mittee. The 15-volume edition will replace the Catholic Encyclo­ are in the state of grace have this sanctifying Slipping or Irritoting? found suddenly in her arms, the eternal Son pedia first published 52 years ago. The encyclopedia will be grace, but Christ, of course, had it in much D o n 't b * am barraaaed hr lo o a * la la e of God. The human nature of the Second Person kept up to date by a program of continuing revision of the greater degree than we could. As man Christ teetk ailppuiz. dropfusz or wobblmz Won't you help us o f the Trinity was bora, and He Is true God, main work and by the publication of annual yearbooks. A new when you eat. m it or laugh. Juat hu the grace of union; in other words, the aprUikla a Uttla PASTEBTH on Tour true man. Catholic Dictionary will also be published in connection with the Hypostatic Union rendered His soul holy and platea- Tbla plaaaaat powdtr zlvea a main project. ramarkabla icoae of added comfort please? pleasing to God. SL Augustine writes that “the and aacurltT by boldlnz platea more flftnly- No gtimmy. zooey, patty taata Capable ei Suiiering Son of Man w u sanctified in the beginning of or feellbz- It'a alkdlne (non-acldl. Father George is toking core of I His conception when the Word w u made flesh, Gat PAS'TEErH at any druz c o u n te r. over three hundred of us poor In-! A n d Death as the Word and the human nature were made Birth Control Program dion boys ond girls, and he needs | The Body of Christ was passible (capable of one Person.” your help— even if you con send • suffering) and mortal He suffered hunger, Shrinks Hemorrhoids him only o few pennies, Please ' thirst, fatigue, and the usual torments o f in­ Christ is Man according to body and soul, Nonsense, Truman Says pray for us, too. fancy and later life, and particularly the cruel both of which were created; but He is God and, Toledo, 0. — Ex-President tion in a birth control campaign Without Surgery torments of His Passion, when He was crucified Our Addrttt la: II. Jostph'i Indian School, being the Second Person of the Trinity, hu Harry S. Truman, speaking of in this country. He said he was Chamborlain, South Dakota. and died. “Christ also has suffered for you, "forever existed and will continue to exist un­ warnings about a so-called “ pop­ not acquainted with the situa­ Stops Itch—Relieves Pain To holp you tako car* oE your ilitt* Indian chlldron at SI. Jaaaph'i, leaving yon an example that you may follow in changeably but perfectly throughout all eter­ ulation explosion,” said: “ I don't tion in other countries and For the firat Ume Kleoce hai onciptad find |______...... - His steps." He did this suffering 1) to satisfy nity,” believe in that hooey.” He added therefore could not comment re­ found a new healing lubatance with NAMS ...... for our sins, as without the grace which He the aatonlahlnz ablUtr to thrlnk ADDKESS...... that he opposes the use of fed- garding them.— [N(?WC Wire] hemorrhoids and to relieve pain— HTY ...... - ZONK.,... STATl- won for us we could never enter eternal life; eral funds to promote artificial without aurzery. In case after c i m . while zenUy rellevinz pain, actual 2) to give be^r proof that He had assumed Tremendous M ira cles birth control in underdeveloped reduction ishrinkaze) took place. perfect hum ^ nature; and 3) to give us a per- countries. Host amarlnz of all—results were Through Ineornofion Hierarchy Created BO ihorouzh that aurfeten made as- feet exam ple^ patience. Referring to the people of un­ There are so many mysteries tied up in the tonlahlnz aUtementa like “Ptlei Theologians u y that the physique of Christ derdeveloped countries, the for­ have ceased to be a problem!" O S A G E IS AMERICA Doctrine of the IncarnaUon that, in many re­ The Mere! la new beallnz aub- reached utmost p^ection. He assumed a per mer President declared: “We’ll In Belgian Congo, spects, we run into depths that we cannot fully stance (Blo-Dyneig)—dtacoverv of a feet, entire, and well-ordered human body be­ find a way to feed them and world-famous research InatUute. With his world-wide experience the bishop has probably probe. Christ came on earth for the purpose of cause this was suitable to the work that He had make good citizens of them.” This substance Is now available In changed his seminary slogan to “OSAGE IS THE WORLD.” redeeming us and this fact showed the infinite Ruanda-Urundi come to do. More probably. He assumed a manly Part of the answer, he noted, aupporitorp or otnlmem form caUad He realized that every vlUage it power of God’s love for Hit human creatures. As PrcperaClon HS- At all druz coun­ beauty of bo^y. Some Fathers of the Church will come from peaceful uses of Vatican City. — The Belgian ter*—money bark fuarantee. “ GOD'S VILLAGE” simply because God, Jesus h u infinite knowledge, and as man taught that this was not true but it is r e a lis t nuclear energy. Congo and adjoining Ruanda- PEOPLE Uve there. GOD’S PEOPLE He acquired knowledge by experience, infor today that they misinterpreted the meaning of He gave bis views at the na Urundi have been given a local mation, and reasoning. In DOT refngee villages are pltifnlly a text: “There u no heoutv in Him, no come- tional convention of Young Hierarchy by an order of Pope 19 dependent on the PONTIFICAL linpn" (Isaias). These words foretold the Christ As the Scripture makes plain, being a true Democrat Clubs. John X X in that elevates the Does BLADDER ^ I ** MISSION FOR PALESTINE for food of the Passion, not His normal appearance. man as well u true God, H4 had ^ is experimen U.S. Sen. Hubert Humphrey existing 37 apostolic vicariates tal knowledge, but He likewise bad what theo­ o f Minnesota said be is “defi ^ Christmas Day and EVERY DAY. A His beauty must be conceived of as truly into eight archdioceses with 29 IRRITATION logians called infused knowledge, similar to that nitely" opposed to the use of TEN-DOLLAR OFFERING TO MON msKUline and not feminine and, as His body suffragan-dioceses. MAKE YOU NERVOUS1 which the prophets of old received, though in a public funds for promoting birth SIGNOR RYAN will bay a REFU was formed directly by the action of the Holy The order, given on the same much greater degree then they. This means control information b^ause N'ZW TOkC— S pailil: T hiiiki ta na*. irlea. Spirit, it must, the theologian Tanquerey says, day the Pope issued bis encycli­ uhe k h g n lirr fw auliU N . l)i*gi*Bd> t f a n GEE FOOD PACKAGE. MONSIG- that u man He bad knowledge of a superior birth control violates basic re­ aad voaMB at* awipt letllai aU. ttnd. have exhibited a perfection worthy of such a cal on the missions, recognizes im u b li and i npaatd b n i Italna ilaiu aad TkHifyFtiiiriMjsitniil NOR will immediately send yoa a kind infused directly into Him by God. He did ligious beliefs of many Ameri­ Divine Craftsman. the fact that there are more aanjiat teoat "Bladda TI»lmeB"—CeOlte I’p finkOriaulCiKii LOVELY HOLY LAND ROSARY. not have to study for it; it w u in Him. cans. The use of private funds, .SkhB ar Sad WHUoi. daa la taemoa SIdiar Catholics in the Congo than any « Sltddrr IrrUaUata. abldt tflm nauil la The Jews had a great deal given to them he contended, would be a differ­ As a Babe, though He imposed an infant's other African country by giving •NtnCtiT Saetette. Bradute and Hwnaimt. in the Old Testament about what Christ was ent matter. ta aadi rawt Nr* laarowd Cwlai naadlr a m silence on Himself, and in the eyes of the it the largest number of dio­ w ick, calMna rtlw te coebaUea M u i i k SISTER PRIMA and SISTER MAGNA will have an added to be like, but a far greater revelation wu Gov. G. Mennen Williams of | m la add ertar; aad bj itlailBi, amltwlc neighbors He was simply a good little boy, the ceses of any African territory. Incentive to live up to their names—THE FIRST SISTER and made in the actual coming of Our Lord; hence sala lakcr. Safa Iw rrw« ud atiL OK Cyrui account of what He said when found after HU kGchlgan asserted there is no al WaolaL reel betlei (an. THE GREAT SISTER — with the love- Catholic theology today is a much richer body The newly erected Church parents had lost Him in the Temple shows need for government partidpa starved children in India if you will send of learning than wu possible under the Old provinces of the Congo remain flashes of HU Divine knowledge. $150 a year for the two-year novitiate Law. under the jurisdiction of the Patronria of Su//erer* from o f each Sister— THIS WEEK we will just One of the best proofs we have for the fact Sees Restriction Sacred Congregation for the PUT IT ON THE LINE — ZACHAHIAS of His intense learning and wisdom U that He Propagation o f the Faith, the NERVOUS and JOSEPH WILL BE WELL ON Emphasizes God's Love showed the utmost knowledge at all times in HU Church's central administrative and MENTAL THEIR WAY to the priesthood if you can For U s, O urs lor Him public life. His answer to Mary and Joseph at Of Migration as organ for the missions. DISORDERS... mail the first check or money order to­ the time when He w u found in the Temple, “Do ward a six-year pledge of the $600 each But the Church in the Congo Many Novanaa cele­ One beautiful fact of the Catholic celebration you not know that I must be about My Facer’s b ra te d th ro u z h o u t th a of them needs for hu seminary course. and Ruanda-Urundi, a UN trust of Cbristmu is the emphasis it puts on the business?” indicates the overwhelming impuUe 'Unjust, Immoral' year In the (Iret territory administered by Bel­ church In Am erica love of God for man and on man’s love for of mind and heart toward HU salvation of man dedicated In her Cleveland, 0. — Migration is gium, will now exercise greater God. kind that this little Boy possessed. honor, Bez her help CHRISTMAS SHOPPING "an inherent right" and to re­ autonomy. and Intarceaalon. Nothing in all history, in all the wealth of For IsformatloB about strict it unreasonably is “ unjust The Belgian Congo occupies the Leazue of St. Let our zealous missionaries do your Christmas story or song that hu come from human intel­ It U a good idea for us to think of these and immoral.” Auxiliary Bishop about 905,000 square miles in Dymphna, Noven* shopping. We have an attractive GIFT CARD with lects, has even approached the Idea involved in things at Christmastime with special empha BookUta, Statues and John J. Krol of Cleveland de­ the heartland of Central Africa M edals. PRESSED FLOWERS from BETHLEHEM. Have a having the very God of heaven make Himself a sU on love of God for man; and of the Mats offered. Give an ENROLLMENT: Individoal $1; clared at a dinner in his honor and has a population of more W H i* to; belov^ and loving little Baby lying in the magnificent, supernatural love shown for us by Family $5 — a gift that lasts all year; or Perpetoal: sponsored by the American than 13,000,000 including more manger or being held as a sweet infant in the Christ and Mary, in whom created, supernatural Nalional Shrine of Individoal $20—How about one for the NEW BABY? (Committee on Italian Migration than 4,000.000 Catholics. St. Dymphna arms of Mary or St. Joseph. love found its highest exemplification. Mary was — Family $100— Or a Dollar-a-Month Clab Member- and its local chapter. Ruanda-U r u n d i. bordering MASSILLON, OHIO ■hip. Or a Stringless Gift Or one of the following; not Divine and wu but a creature, but she The Bishop was given the Lake Tanganyika, is less than There are many magnificent features in the is the absolutely perfect created person. ChrUt M au Kit . . ..$100 ChnUce ...... $40 Vestmenta ...... $50 Italian government's award of 21,000 squrre miles in area. But Altar ...... - 15 Clborlnm ...... 40 Mass B o o k ...... 25 life of Christ, emphasizing the love He had for bad not only the infinite love of the Godhead Commander of the Order of its population of about 4,500,000 Tabernacle ... 25 Monstrance ____ 40 Stations ______25 us and also the love that we should return to within Him, but u man He also bad the super­ Merit for his aid to Italian makes It one of the most thickly Sanct'y Lamp . 15 Pyx ______15 Altar Linens 15 Him. ThU supernatural virtue of love (the the natural virtue of love to the greatest possible refugees and other migrants. populated areas in Africa. It EAR NOISES ological virtue of charity) is on our part not! degree. As God Christ U Divine Love, the Holy Bishop Krol noted that, al­ has a Catholic population of acquired but is an infused grace. The natural Ghost U aUo infinite Love, and the Father also U r e lie v e d ! “I HAVE MADE A WILL" IS A MORE REALISTIC STATE­ though this is a nation of immi­ about 1,600,000.— [NCWC Radio love which we have for one another is a high Love, God U HU own Infinite Perfection, which • ■.tboKaaBda raperted. MENT THAN "I WILL MAKE A WILL.” PROVIDE FOR grants. there has always been and Wire] does not merely adorn Him, but actually Is lUm. Wonderful rslm f from YOUR RELATIVES—AND THE NEAR EAST MISSIONS virtue, too, but it does not reach the spiritual a “ small segment of restriction- jte*rt of luffering from heights of the supernatural virtue of charity. — Monsignor Matthew Smith itsts” who have tried to keep out midaable **z noi*** and poor be*ru>( c«n**d by newcomers. Australian Archbishop CHRISTMAS—AND A NEW BETHLEHEM for the CHILD catarrhal (excaaa fluid Their argument that immigra­ Is Knighted Queen JESUS. The Catholics in HOCHE-AL-OUMARAT in Lebanon mncua) conditknia of tha tion will upset the economy and Canberra, Australia. — Arch­ haadi Ib at'a arfaat tbeae folka (many wUI have a delightful CHRISTMAS SPIRIT when they know K 70)m>OTtad afte r uaiM our tempto that you have sent an offering toward the $3,000 necessary for Ask and Learn create unemployment, he said, bishop James Duhig, 88, of Bris­ lo Palliativa HOME TREAT* the rebnilding of their parish chorcb. has been “ disproved repeatedly.” bane received the accolade of MENTdoriog tha port 22 yean. Thk P. 0 . Judge Juvenal Marchisio of may b* tba anawar to your pnyer. Address Box 1620, Denver, Colo. knighthood from the Governor N tJTH IN G TO W EAR. H«.ere are the New York Domestic Rela­ General Sir William Slim. LITURGICAL NEAR EAST WEEK Now 55 year* old, i wca sponds to the specifications that tice could never have met ap­ SOM E of the aymptoma that may tions Court asserted tbat the Sir James Duhig was honored likaly fo with yoiB eatanhal daaftteaa 5 r o u f f i( u p a Cnlholte and wo* Jesus Himself made for His proval from responsible sodety. ST. BARBARA (Dec. 4), ST. SABBAS annual U .S. immigration quota by Queen Elizabeth as a Knight and ear noiaea: Mueua droppinz in oltooya lo iifh f that Jasiu inatt- Church: One, universal, holy, throat.« t. Uaad faalt atoppedatoppad up byby mu* (Dec. 5) and ST. NICHOLAS (Dec. 6) re­ Inasmuch as even thieves and o f 153,IX)0 is an “insignificant” Commander of the Order of St. or throat wary day. i u le d tha Catholic religion. and apostoUc. With prayer MocuaiaDoaeort mind us that the MOST IMPORTANT murderers enjoy human rights figure. He urged that this coun­ and St. George on her Haai—but don’t nnderatand word*. WORK of the missioners who continue eantly I have been loU that thit (especially the making of the Hear better on dear daya— worae on and have souls to save, they try's laws on migration be past birthday honors list. The the woric o f the great -Eastern Saints is U not to , a n d f have begun to act of faith) and study you bod day*, or with a cold. Ear noiaea could invoke St. Nicholas for changed to correct injustices Archbishop is the only Catho­ tika crKkett,bella,wbi*tla*,clidisa the OFFERING OF MASS. ^ U R OF­ lote faith in the Catholic re­ will soon regain your faith. The their legitim ate interests, es and end the “racial discrimina­ lic prelate in the world with the or aacapinz ttaao orothen. Von, too, FERINGS HELP THESt 'T O k e l p ligion. 1 a m terribly mixed up very fact that you are uneasy may enjoy wonderful idirfif your poor pedally their salvation. Hence tion" inherent in the “national title K.C.M.G., and the second THEIR REFUGEE CHILDREN. A Mass and need to be ilratthiened a u l. is a sign of God's grace stirring bethaz or tar noiieB an cauand by ca* St. Nicholas was properly the origins” concept, which limits Archbishop with a knighthood. tarrhai condltioD* of the baad and In honor of OUR LADY’S IMMACULATE I T lia f thoidd I dof within you. Those to be pitied CONCEPTION (Dec. 8) would be a fine saint of prisoners. Without a migration from Italy and other Archbishop Michael Gonzi of when the treatment ie uaedae needed. are the persons who do not Writ* TODAY for PROOF OF BE­ gift for A BIRTHDAY or for a SICK FRIEND. There can never be s valid change of heart, however, such Southern European countries. Malta is a knight of the British care enough about the truth to LIEF and 30 DAY TRIAL OFFER. reuoD—i.e„ one based on fact invocation could do little good.l(NCWC Wire) Empire. THEai«0C0..[tepL wvtDaveapartU. — for a (^tbolie to leave bU inquire after it. Physically paln-rldden, socially outcut, emotionally dis- faith. For both the Scriptures tranght. spiritnal groping — THESE ARE THE LEPERS. A and profane hUtory prove be­ / read in the “ Chambers’ Bn PBAYER-A-DAY and A DOLLARAMONTH GIFT to the yond a doubt that the Catholic Upers* Pond IS TOUR ANSWER. cyclopedia" that St. Nieholat of Church, and only the Catholic Myra leat invoked in the Middle Church, w u founded by Christ, Ages by murdereri end thievet THANK YOU. FATHER. IT IS A GREAT who U the God-Man, the Savior at their proteefor. Hote it it pot- SATfSFAaiON TO KNOW THAT MY of the world. tible for a taint to aitiit evil- l&12earBstG}is$iot2$j^ Even a simple demonstration d o ertf LIFE INCOME MISSION CONTRACT FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, Preiident of Christ's institution of Ca­ Cuatomarily. devotion to PROVIDES WELL FOR MY FUTURE. Msor. Patar P. TiMhv, H*M Sae'y tholicity, however, would re­ particular saint as the patron of a certain dass developed be­ CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION quire too much space to be MISSION CONTRACT dealt with here. Today there cause o f something associated (AN ANNUITY) 406 Lexington Ave. at 46th St. New York 17, N.Y. U DO reason why anyone in with the saint's life. In the case Sane Alt eommunicallan to; your quandary should the of S t Nicholas, his most famous opportunity to hear the claims m irade was the saving of three THE REGISTER of the Church explained in men who had been unjustly con­ dear, simple, and satisfactory demned to deatiu Note that the Published every Week by The Catholic Press Society, Inc. . If one U unable to at­ men were unjustly condemned. DEPENDABILITY • SAFETY 934-850 Bannock Street, Denver 1, Colo. Post Office Box 1620 tend regular parish convert-in­ This act was later “dressed Mambar Audit aurtiu of Clrevlatloni struction c U s ^ , be may take up” until it assumed several any o f a number of Catholic forms. In one story, for exam Praaldint.. .. ____..Uoat Rsv. Archbishop U ibio J. Vebr.DJ}., Denver FREEDOM FROM WORRY Edlter.iii.CU*( ..X L Rav. Hatthav Smith, PhJ)., LitLD,, W i . i . n correspondence courses. One pie, Nicholas restored to life Masaslnc Dlroctor ....V ery Rav. Hssr. John B. Cavanash. M.A.. PhJ>. such course U that sponsored three children who had been CxMuuva Editor, Rev. John B. Ebel. U tti)., Hlit.D.; AnoeUte Editora, Llsui H. Riordan, Ph.D.: Rev. Daniel Flaherty. MA.; Paul R. Hallett. by the Knights of Columbus killed by an innkeeper and sub­ CONVENIENCE * ECONOMY UU.D.i Frank M om u. BS.. LL.B-, UU 0. (4422 Lindell Boulevard, St. merged in a tub of brine. Hence Louis, Ho.). Too, often a well- ‘nUrty.feur Arehdteeeaaa and DIoerM* have edlUona of this new*. it is not difficult to see how M per ta ofneltl orfant aa foUowa; Arehdioeeaea of ClnelnnaU. Santa informed Catholic layman can St. Nicholas beesme a favorite GOOD RETURNS re. Kanaa* City In Kanaaa, and Denver: Dioceses of Orand IilanS, answer religious questions sat­ saint with travelers, who in­ isfactorily; and any priu t will voked him against dangers met ——— _, gladly make himself available on their journeys. djwvmc* Adwejekee, avwnuOg Or*«n Bay. Sola*, n Paao. Tha Dloees* of Dodze City usat tha Wleb- for such queries. It is not inconceivable that S«nd m« Infbnnttkm on your Ufa bicomt Mission Contract Ita adltlon, and tb* Ctnclnoatl Archdiocese also publtetief a Dayton There is no difficulty what some members of the criminal e d itio n , ever in answering propaganda REV. FATHER RALPH Namt. .A go. class began to invoke the aid Saeoad-Oaat Poetaze Paid at Denver, Colorado (often put out by vodferous of St. Nicholas in their mi*, S.V.D. CATHOLIC UNIVERSITIES little sects) that the Catholic deeds. This sort of “devotion,” Addrass.. Church was founded at a date of course, is near-sacrilege 316 N. M ICHIGAN >42 o t y - .Jon a. _Stata later than Christ’s time. Only .since it is a perversion of proper CHICAGO 1 the Catholic Church corre­ devotion to the taints; the prac- / TH E REGISTER SAYS MARYKNOLL BISHOP HELD BY REDS State Aid Proposed LATE NEWS BRIEFS For Catholic Schools U.S. MUST BE A 'REGAL GIVER' Paris. — Minister of Educa­ Feeds Destitute Passion Play Plans Maryknoll. N. Y.—Because of Red China, is believed at pres­ has been theirs from the days tion Andre Boulloche drafted a Oberammergau, Germany. — New York. — Monsignor Jo­ the generosity bestowed on it ent to be seriously ill in a hos­ of the pioneer." bill providing state aid to It is possible special perform­ seph Cacella, 77. director of (he by God. "America must always pital in Shanghai. He was ar­ God. he said, was “ always the France's financially hard- ances of the Oberammergau St. Anthony Welfare Center, be a nation that is a regal rested by the Communists in Chief Actor in the drama of pressed Catholic schools. The noted the 50th anniversary of Passion Play are being planned giver.” said Maryknoll Bishop 1958. American development.” bill will be introduced in the his ordination by offering a for visitors who wit! be in Mu­ James E. Walsh in an article in National Assembly before the Mass of Thanksgiving. After nich for the International Eu­ When the energy of America God set a bountiful stage for the November Maryknoll mag­ end of the year. the Jubilee Mass. Monsignor charistic Congress. Speculation is harnessed and put to work, he his people. Bishop Walsh azine. ■ Boulloche is said to favor a Cacella served breakfast to about such performances stems said in his article, it results in pointed out. and “He gathered- “ That is why,” he said, "God system of “conventions” be­ scores of destitute men who from an announcement that ad­ miracles. "The avalanche of them from every corner of the calls on us to share His material tween the government and the have been forming lines at his vance ticket sales to the 1960 food that is now staying the hun­ eartli to walk their little day blessings all over this globe of private schools. This is believed mission center door for 22 spectacle have been stopped ger of the world is a major upon it. Every means He em­ ours. That is why He invites us to mean that the government years. •until further arrangements are phenomenon.” ployed was good, but the melt­ would appoint and pay teachers made. to giv^ our flesh and blood to The Bishop went on to say ing pot was to be the central Helps Flood Victims carry His spiritual blessings (hat “the impact of our coun­ experiment. It succeeded. It in the free schools, as the Cath­ Vatican City.—The Pontifical Millions of Leaflets around the world. Freely you try's democratir institutions, called forth mutual charity; fos­ olic institutions are called. It Barre. Mass. — New presses Relief Organization has sent have recqived. freely give." economic opportunities, high tered bigness. In spite of every would also reserve the right to food, clothing, and blankets to that will print millions of leaf­ Bishop Walsh, the last Cath­ standard of living, love of lib­ natural difficulty and human inspect scholastic standards victims in flood devastated lets in 40 languages to promote olic American missionary in erty. and respect for human meanness it battered its way to while leaving the schools en­ areas in Southern Italy and the aims of the Family Commun­ dignity has made itself felt brotherhood. The people and tirely free in the matter of re­ Sicily. Technical staffs and re­ ion Crusade were inspected at English Translation as a breatb of new hope in the nation grew and waxed ligious instruction. habilitation workers of the re­ cornerstone-laying rites for the AT SHRINE DEDICATION Of German Devotion every tar corner of the world.” great through generosity ” Catholic leaders have voiced lief unit also were sent to help organization's new publications LEAVING the National Shrine of the Immaculate Philadelphia. — The central Bishop Walsh’s article was uneasiness about the bill, chiefly the victims. At least 10 persons building. Ble.ssed Sacrament Fa­ America, he declared, is ' “ a Conception in Washington after the dedication cere­ part of Father Ludvik Nemec’s sweet land of bountiful re­ sent out of China just before his on the grounds of sections of are dead, and 5,000 are home­ ther Henry Bernard, in charge monies, are left to right, the Chief Justice of the United States newest book. T h e Great and arrest and imprisonment. the government commission’s re­ less as a result of the floods. of the publications office, sources, as the merest glance Supreme Court. Earl Warren; Secretary of Labor James P. Mit­ Little One o f Prague, is the port to which they have taken Property damage may reach blessed the cornerstone. The from any speeding train window A native of Cumberland, Md.. chell, and Associate Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. TTiey were author's trans­ will disclose, and one needs no exception. $150,0004X10. building is a memorial to the he has been under virtual house among the more than 4.000 who saw the vast church formally lation from sentimental attachment to every arre.st in China since 1953. One Legion Unit Sponsor crusade's founder. Dr. Richard open its massive doors to the millions of pilgrims who are ex­ Old German Rendich. rock and rill in order to see of the first Maryknoll mission- 145 Foreign Students Marceline, Mo. — The seven pected to visit it in the years to come. of Eramerichs God’s generous hand in the roll­ ers to go to China in 1918, he members of the Legion of Mary Coadjutor of Havana Notre Dame. Ind.—Of the 145 Pragerisches ing plains of Iowa and blossom­ was consecrated in 1927. He was foreign students from 36 coun­ unit in St. Bonaventure’s Par­ Vatican City. — Auxiliary G ross Und ing orchards of California." Superior General of Maryknoll tries enrolled at the University ish volunteered to be sponsors Bishop Evelio Diaz y Cia of Ha­ Klein. . God, the Bishop asserted, gave from 1936 to 1946. He returned of Notre Dame 12 are adher­ at the Baptism of Mrs. Barbara vana was named Coadjutor Pope John Says Church This collec'l Americans “ resourcefulness” as to China in 1948, a year before ents of Oriental religions, in- Harris and her three daughters, Archbishop of the archdiocese tion of the ear-:: their "most notable character­ Ihe Reds took control of the eluding nine Hindus, two Mus- the first Baptism of Negroes in by John XXIII, Before being liest stones istic—a national birthright that country. [NCWC Wire] [lims. and' one Buddhist. the parish. named to the Havana Archdio­ Needs Strong, Sane Men :onnected with Basilica Ceremonies cese. of which he^ is Apostolic the Infant of this ardor does not fear set- Father NtfTiK Rome. — Cardinals Domenico Administrator, Archbishop Diaz Vatican City.—The Church Prague ap- needs strong, sane men capable backs, but distinguishes himself Tardini and Carlo (^nfalonieri was Bishop of Plnar Dei Rio. pears in its entirety for the first ■j of fighting selfbhness and of re­ in dbcipline and in order." r !l took possession of two famous Cardinal Manuel Arteaga y time in the English language. sisting the attractions of the Roman Basilicas that they Betancourt heads the archdio­ Pope John spoke of "the sub­ The book is being published by world, John XXIII told 1,000 will serve as archpriests. -The cese. lime beauty of the priestly vo­ the Peter Reilly Company of Italian seminarians. Such men. rites took place for Cardinal cation," and said that many Philadelphia. 165,000 in Schools he said, are characterized by Tardini in St. Peter’s Basilica priests derived strength of ac Dalat, Vietnam.—There are 1,- sincerity and impartiality. and for Cardinal Confalonieri tion from the hearts of Jesus 000 Catholic scboob with an en­ The three special virtues re­ Goans in India Elect in St. Mary Major in separate and Mary. He also pointed to rollment of 165,000 pupils re; quired of all candidates for the Priest Head of Council ceremonies. the example of the Cure d’Ars ported in South Vietnam. The priesthood, (be Holy Father and of many others who, he said, Bombay, India.—Father H. 0. lOO-Year-Old Priest total includes 70 secondary said, are purity of heart, (hough not subjects of official Mascarenhas was unanimously Bonnes, France.—Father Jean schools. In Saigon, the capital, strength of character, and ardor proclamations, are still worthy elected by a group of Goans to Antoine Privat recently noted there are 27 of these attended of charity. of praise. head an organization that seeks by 13,000 boys and 8,200 girb. Of purity of heart, the Pope an end to Portuguese rule over his 100th birthday here where He lauded the parish priest he has spent all of his 75 years Many kindergarten classes main, said, “Live with this virtue. Ex­ Goa. who baptized him. gave him his as a priest Recalling that his fa tain^ in communities are not ercise it in love and in your On accepting his election by included in the report. study — study theological, pas­ First Communion, and indicated the central council of the Goan tber lived to be 93, Father Prl the best way to live. vat attributed the family's lon­ Get Papal Honors toral, and ascetic.” political convention. Father gevity to the fact that “we don't Newark, N.J. — Monsignor “The ardor of charity.” he de­ He then exhorted the sem­ Mascarenhas said that he would go in for drinking bouts.” An John J. Kiley, executive direc­ clared, “is the crowning perfec­ inarians to prepare themselves strive to “understand the Portu tion of each of our actions and worthily for the priestly life so guese people and their point of other reason, he said, is that tor of the A d v o c a t e of the New­ view.” He said the organization "we drink goat's milk and spring ark Archdiocese and the Pater­ we need it in the performance as to be able to mould new gen­ erations for the Church MUi- harbors no hatred or anger to water.” son Diocese, was named a Dom­ of our day-to-day duties. The seminarian who is inspired by tant. [NCWC Radio and Wire] ward “any people.” Bus Proposal Fails estic Prelate, and the paper's managing editor, Floyd Ander­ St. Paul.—Support failed to HEADQUARTERS ESTABLISHED IH 1919 materialize for the proposal of son. was named a Knight of St. Gregory. a Minnesota state legislator, Rep. Peter S. Popovich, that a Belmont Abbot Elected state commission study the fiHjnont, N. Car. — Benedic­ 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF NCWC issue of school bus transporta­ tine Father Walter A. Coggin Washington, — The National west, the NCWC national head­ cil more understood, the Holy NUN'S FUNERAL IN RED CHINA tion for parochial and private was chosen the third Abbot of 'Catholic Welfare Conference, quarters was established, and See requested that the term school students. The proposal the Belmont Abbey to succeed which Dec. 10 will note the 40th PauUst Father John Burke was council be changed to confer­ THIS UNUSUAL PICTURE from Com - cisean Sister Joseph, and Carmelite Sister Marie supposedly would have brought the late Abbot Vincent Taylor, anniversary of the establishment elected the executive secretary. ence because “council” in canon munist-dominated Chungking, Szechuan!*’*“'- on a full-scale public hearing as O.S.B. Upon confirmation by of its headquarters here, traces Father Burke. Monsignor John law implies Icgislatii'e power. Province, China, depicts the funeral of Sister;. " T ‘he to whether state money could the Holy See Father Coggin its history back to a pledge A. Ryan, Monsignor Edward In 1923, therefore, the National _ . . „ . „ , (background, and support themselves by making be used to help finance buses will become Abbot of the mon­ made by Cardinal Gibbons to Pace, Sulpician Father John Catholic Welfare Council be­ Dominica, a Iranciscan nun. The women dresseddolls, They have no chaplain and the only time for non-public school students. astic community and Abbot- President Woodrow Wilson in Fenelon, Justin McGrath, and came the National Catholic Wel­ in coolie garb. are. left to right, Carmelite Sis-jthey will wear their religious garb again is at $2,500,000 School Ordinary of Belmont Abbey 1917 that the Chief Executive Miss Agnes Regan formed the fare Conference. [NCWC Wire] ter Juniana, Franciscan Sister Dolorosa, Fran- their funeral. Pittsburgh.—The new $2,500,- Nullius, comprising Gaston could count on the loyalty and first nucleus of the staff and 000 Canevin High School of this County. cc-operation of Catholics to do provided the technique and diocese was blessed and dedi Shut-Ins' Holy Hour their part in winning World prestige needed to give the MOVIES CLASSIFIED cated by Bishop John J. Wright. War 1. NCWC the recognition that German Religious Unity (Clif •*< >«rt. ZobKiStS (aly in iuut jA/hAwAm, JtnAS. iDurntii. Newark, NJ.—Shut-ins in this would facilitate its work. ««ch mnnthi. tits S«glns Al 17. Lonely HiArls, Look It has accommodations for 2.200 The National Catholic War Follffwir>9 IS A l i | l nf moving A n g tr. archdiocese were asked to make In 1922, the Bishops clarified students. Father Leo G. Henry a Holy Hour at home Dec. 13, Council was then organized, by re»»w*g And clAssilled by rtii NAiionAl Magician, Man Insidi. Man Who Under- two points; The NCWC is a vol­ CsunC’ l al Iht Legion of Otttney. Hood Women, Man Who Could C htit Tteath, is headmaster. which the Church put thousands Talks Show Great Fervor CIa» A-Sttlitn l-Unobi«titnAklA ftr Legion of Decency Sunday, by Mating Came, Minot Has Two Faces, Mis­ of persons and millions of dol­ untary organization, depending GontrAl FttrifiAge. tress. Anniversary of Fire the Archdiocesan Office of Com­ Fargo, N. Dak.—Although, the mrst outstanding event of Aties leysi JAmos, AoKhe Tofrirory, Af- lars into caring for the welfare for membership and support on Naked Maia. Never Steal Anything Small, Chicago. — Cardinal-designate munications and Entertainment the free choice of each Bishop; representatives of non-Catholic the 20th century.” lAok of fhe PuHit' Peogle. fforth by NonhwAsr, for the cause of decency in mo­ of the men of the armed forces. BAfMt ZlAmt, Sa UIa of Iho CwAi S«a . Odds Against Tomotiow, On iba leacn. Albert G. Meyer offered a Pon­ and the NCWC possesses no ec­ churches will be admitted to In his column, the Cardinal- Sen Hui. BiKk Orcfiid, Slood AAd SIttI, Big Operation Dames, OperWIon Pattieoat. tifical Requiem Mass in Our tion pictures and print. The The American Bishops be­ the coming ecumenical council designate also pointed out that CIrcui. Big FiAhorinAn, BuebinAn I)i0« Pararroop Command, Pillow Tafk. Posias- came convinced that, if co-oper­ clesiastical jurisdiction or com­ A goin. lo n (French). Lady of the Angels' Church on shut-in service will coincide pulsory authority. only as observers, the “confer­ of the 2 0 ecumenical councils CArngbcICi Kingdom, Coit a Long Sbodow, Rerrufkable Mr. Pennypacket, Rebel Set, the first anniversary of the fire with a Holy Hour to be held in ative efforts could accomplish ences that have been held for held by the Church, the first Co u h k M a h . Cole Voimgci. Ri Murder, Roots ol Heaven, Rouge al Noir so much in war lime, they could To make the nature of the DAKiy d ’Gill And the Little People, Den- (U.S. Prints). Sacred Heart Cathedral under many years between Catholic gerpvs Elite, Diery of Anne tienk. that swept through the parish National Catholic Welfare Coun- eight were held in the East and Sapphire, Seventh Seal, South Pk i II c, school Dec. 1. 1958, claiming the auspices of the communica­ do much more in peace time. and Protestant theologians, pas­ the remaining 12 in the West. Edge of Ett'OiIy, EKepe From Red Rock. Speed Craiy, Strange Ceic of Or. Manning, The National CaUtolic . War EK071 We>t. Sound end the Fury, the Uves of 95 persons—three tions office. tors, and professors wiD con­ "This was quite natural," he Fee* oF File, FBI S'pr^ Fire Penniei. For Tank C om nandoe, TTiese Thousand H ills . nuns and 92 children. Council was. then, a kind of Bishop's Idea Creotes tinue their work with greater explained, "because (he Church the Firii tiinc. From Kell la Texec. They Came lo Cordura, That kmd of Women, One-Man Apostolate Ghoii o( ina Chine Sea, Giant Fram the This Earth li Mine, This Hepoy Feeling, proving ground for the National fervor than heretofore," Card­ got its start in (he East and Untnawn, Gill af Love, Caod Day for a Heads Benedictines Richmond Hill, N.Y.—Leon­ Three Men m a Baal. Tuna Wiihovf Piiy, Catholic Welfare Council. Greot Interest in Italy inal-designate Aloisius J. (here developed its school of Hengina, Green Uemiarvi, Touch of Larceny, Too Much, Too Soon. Detroit. — Abbot Leo Cornel- ard J. Demchak b the originator Benedict XV provided an ad­ Novara. Italy. — Catholic au­ Herrdle With Care, Here Racket, Will Unwed Mothtr, li, O.S.B., Abbot General of the Mucnch. Bishop of Fargo and theology." Triveii Hercules. High Flighr, Horse Soldiers. Web of Evidence. Wild Is the Wind, Wild of a one-man apostolate to "keep ditional stimulus for the organ­ thorities are reported to be fol­ Hound Dog Man. Siratvberries (Swedish;. Witches of Salem, Apostolic Nuneio to Germany, He concluded his column by I W as MoMy’s Double, Inrisibli InvAdars, Sylvestrine Benedictines, will Chrbt in Chrbtmas." He has dis­ ization when, in 1919, he recom­ lowing with great interest the Wonderful Country, declared in his column in the urging his faithful to offer their J‘ll Give My Life, Isle of Lost Woman. If Ytsrerday's Enemy, Young khiledefphlans. have jurisdiction over 300 tributed 1 0 , 0 0 0 prayer cards Heppened to l«ne. mended that the U. Bishops beginnings of a “workers' mis­ diocesan Catiiolic Action N e w s . Class I —Ob(Ktlaneblf ie Perl. priests and brothers in Italy, prayers, Masses, and Commu­ loe DAkotA, John Pa u I Jones. with that message throughout join him in working for the sion” recently established in this King of the Wild StAllions. Baal Genaraftan. talavid Infidel, BiKk "In Germany.” he reported, nions for the success of the Patch, Blue Angel, Bonma Parker Story, Ceylon, Australia, Canada, and the U. S, I as i Angry MAn. libel. Light m the For- cause of peace and social justice. diocese by Bishop Gilla Vin­ Barn RKkiess, Biiae and fha Btasl. Brih the United StatesT-Membcrs in “ the Una Saneca Movement has council a.id that "peace will esi. im ie SevAga. Lovrdn And its Mira- On Sept. 24. 1919. the Bishops, cenzo Gremigni. cles. Is Much Too Beautiful, Bucket af Blood. Indicts Theater Mgr. engaged in its work with re- reign again in a united Chris- Confessions of Felix Krult, Cry Tough. this country are found in the Mark of the Hewk, Masters of the Congo at their first annual meeting, The aims of the mission are Oaddy-0. Dragslng Rial. Cleveland. — A Cuyahoga newed ardor. Inspired by thejiendom" Jurvgie. Mirecfe of the Hiils, Mouse That Archdiocese of Detroit and the Farevrell la Antts, Female Animal. Five resolved that an organization be “ to ’ maintain in the Catholic SOAred, My Uncli, Myslerians. County grand jury indicted aims and ideals of the move------Gores to Hell, Flesh and rhe Spur, Forbid- Diocese of Paterson. formed of the Hierarchy to be faith workers who. because of Defer, old Men end the See, Oregon Trail. Nico Jacobetlis, manager of the ment small groups meet in dif­ piivAie's Affair, Pilhei Pencheli, Pork den Fmil, frankenstcin's Daughter, TO BUILD Girl in The BiMni\ Guts' Town, God's Byzantine Clergy known as the National Catholic their work, find themselves in ferent parts of Germany for the Chop Hill, Power Among Men. Heights Art Theater in subur­ Ride Lonrsome. LiHii Acre, Guns, Girls, and Gangsrars; UNIVERSITY Great St. Louis Bank Robbery. Pittsburgh. Pa.—Bishop Nich­ ban Cleveland Heights, on a Welfare Council and that an ad­ danger of losing it. or at least of discussion of doctrinal and his­ Sad Horse. Sega of Hemp Brawn, Shaggy olas T. Elko announced that two ministrative coidmittee com­ not practicing it. " ^nd to "bring Dog. Steeping Beaviy, Son al Rabin Haae. H. Man, Happy Anniverurv, Headless charge of possessing and ex­ torical questions that have kept lArsen, the Ape Men; Tempest, Tan Days Ghost, High S^ool Coafidanfial, Home Monslgnors were named Domes­ posed of seven members of the back to the fold those who have Catholics and Protestants to Tulare, Third Men an the MMnlein, Before Dark, Horrors of the BiKk Museum, hibiting an obscene film. He House en the Waicrfran’. tic Prelates and five priests Hierarchy be elected by the abandoned their religion or be­ • 3D—, Timoukru, Thirfy.foor firuM of Candy faces a maximum penalty of apart.” Rack, 1,001 Arabian Nights, Thunder Jell, ’ M obster HI. S. Prims). Inside the W illa, were named Papal Chamber­ NCWC, come lax in its observance,” U n a S a n eta Town Lika Alice, Trial at rhe VaiicAn. M Starred Wuh a Kiss. seven years in jail and a ^,000 Two periodicals, Jet AttKk, Juvanile Jungle. lains in the Byzantine Rite Dio­ The plan of the Bishops was The charter of the mission, UnvAnguished, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Up fine on each of the two counts and C o ih o lK O , he said, deal Periscope. Lest Mile, last Paradise, taw [Fienchl. cese of Pittsburgh by Pope if convicted. that thb whole body of the Hier­ which is staffed by both priests with controversial questions and Warrior and the Slava GirT, Wild Heri* le fl Handed Gun, li’l Abner, Lang Haul. rage. Wreck of the Mary Oeare. Mem'Mile Pigalla, Man ol Ihe W ist, Man John XXIIl. archy would comprise the Na­ and laymen, was drafted by the carry articles by Catholic and an the Prowl, Middle ol Ihe Might, Mission 1960 Rhodes Scholar Yellowstone KeDy- Catholics Win Seats tional Catholic Welfare Council Bishop himself. The plan pro­ Protestant writers, performing Cleii A-Stetiae Z-Unabiectianablt far Hobart, Australia.—Sergio Gi- and its purpose would be the vides for "zones of the aposto­ Adalescaats and Adells. Night of Ihe Quarre' Moon. No Sun In Manila. — AH eight seats in a very valuable service in bring­ Venice. udici, University of Tasmania Afligetor People, Arson for Hrrc. the Senate were won by Catho­ defense and welfare of the late'' to each of which a priest ing about reunification. Bal. BiKk Tide, Bern to la Loved. Bui Of lore'and Lust. Nat for Me. Party Gkl, Perfect Furlough, Portrait of student who as president of the Church in the United States. and laymen are assigned. an Unknown Woman. lics in the recent election in the Without such conferences, the Christ in Bronje, City Alter Midnight, Newman Society arranged hav­ Rally 'Round Ihe Fleg, Boys, Rifom Philippines, The new senators The administrative committee newly named . Cardinal as­ Cosmic Monster, Cry From the Siraets, Curse ing Mass bi-weekly at the uni­ would sen-e as the agent of the Killer Joins Church ^ trie Feceiess Men, Curse of Hie Undead. School, Riot in luvenile Prison, Road belong either to the Nationalist serted. reunification would be D ang erous Youth, DemanieM (U .S Racers, Room al rhe Top. Room 43. versity. was selected to. go to Screaming Mum, S-gn of tha Gladiator, or the Liberal Party. None of Bishops deputed to act for cer­ Salisbury. Southern Rhodcsia. a "chimera." Prrnfs], bemons. Devil's , The Devil Oxford as Tasmania’s Rhodes tain specified purposes. —Takaengwa. a 36-year-old ap­ Strikes at Night, Some Came Runnmg, and Sheba. the candidates of the Grand Al­ "They are the first step to­ FKe at Ihe Fugitive, Fire Uorrster, First Soma Like )< Hot, Subway in'the Sky. Surm scholar for 1960. The demands of time and prentice witch doctor executed ASan In to S p K c , Floods o f Fear, F lym g mer PiKe, A liance, new party formed shortly ward removing scandal of dis­ Take a Gianr Step, Tank Battalion, Teen- labor necessitated a staff to for killing his own child, was Fonreines. Four-D Man before the election, was suc­ Index on Archives Use unity among Christians," he Geisna Bov, Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow, Age Wolf Pack. This Angry Aga, Three carry out the many details of i received into the Church two Giant Behemoth, Giganlus. Gun Fight at Murderesses, Tunnel of Love. cessful. Vatican City. — Four or five said. "For they clear the way Valeria, Vatui of Money. activity. hours before his death. He at- Dodgt City, Gunsmoke m Tucson. years will be required to com­ from misconceptions of doc- Hangman. Kell's Sguid, Here Coma the What Price Murder. Where the Hot Wind ‘Illegal’ Instructions In December. 1919, at 1312: tended Mass and received Com- Jars. Hole in the Head. Halidey lor Lovtis. Btowi (The Law), Wind Across the Evar- plete an index of the use the tnne, dbtortions of historical g la d H . Moscow. — Lithuanian Father Massachusetts Avenue. North-lmunion. Hound of the BaskervillK, HouM of the 7 world's scholars have made of events, and In general from bit­ Hawks. Young ond Wild, Young Cwllvtd. Nikolai Gills was sentenced to LK t Tram, From Gun Hilt, Law Is the Law, Clau C-Coadaaiied. nine months imprisonment and the Vatican archives since they ter controversies.” Legend of Tom Dooley, Legion of rhe lady Chatierlty's lover (French), TOblK- were opened by Pope Leo XIII At a meeting in June of 150 Doomed. Lone Texan '■on. This f.lm m its development and s ^ - fined 15 per cent of his income Man or Gun, Man m the Hel. Man Who lion of plot, condones adullerr. As such if for holding religion classes for in 1881. For the past three years German Catholic and Protestant Died Twice, M irKle, Mumrw conslitu'M in unconscionable altK k upon the International Commission journalists at the llthi«n. Sleep, Flesh 1s Weak. Game of love. Garden Ih> chief function will be to en Catholic Daughters of America of Eden, HKoes and Smnars. Husband for Court 262. under the direction . . Ih, Calhollc C h«ch in ^ , 'fjV K 'lL '’’sf'l'.""™ ,' S .'? =“"■ ...... - Anna, Illicit Interlude, lungle Stampede, courage efforts to care for the lu ll a Big, Simelt Girl; liant. Jungle God­ spiritual needs . of migrant of Mrs. Harold A. Symons, dess; Light Across the Street, love is My safety crusader and frequent Piolessmn, Lovers, The; lovers of Verone, workers. Meron, Maid of Pern, Merry Chase, M iller's Named for Cardinal award winner, are campaigning Beauftnil Wile. Miss Julie, Mitsou. Mom to interest Dade County’s metre Ind Dad, Naked N i^t. Hane, Night Heaven New York.—Auxiliary Bishop cil. Archbishop Muench said, ______I Adulteress, AI C*POne, Angry HIIH, An- Fell. Of Love end Bandits, Paris Nights, John J. Maguire broke ground courts in adoption of a plan to I n n Ihw r>s>ifvs>on, Cooi and the C raiy's’** 5mne«s, sne Shouida Seui h o , s ie iie . be completeff by 1961. Another tuted in Miami Beach in July PLAN FOR WORK IN MISSIONS I ______io Mvoino in Formosa lo visit the U.S. and U. S_ Pnnts',, Coum Vgur lless.ngt.^ CranWiS™ n ile s of Summer Night, Slo^ of Bob en's League of Canada is urging ------, , ...... , , ------u ^ - . i Am'Fiyii^rCrTrne'eiirKinuiurwni'______uT .A_____ .I^ ^ . high school in Brockton. Mass., The blood donations are used FATHER EDWARD F, GARESCHE. S.J.. founcier Caili^rpTrisheTirttie countr^ make a naUonal tour (o for welfare cases and to teach Young end near the Cardinal's birthplace. and Superior General of the Sons of Mary. Health of to "adopt” 2 ,0 0 0 physically Coinmumst agenu seeking to ^ o„yy|{taSe«,_____ vioinid, , ...... French l-ne. Whitman, is also named in his traffic safety simultaneously. Girls MKked Daisgei. One Summer of Hep- .... . „ , J , . . , - . -W inn I s ivv- uim uu I.w wiiu iPiness, Lovers. Happy LOverS; Mademoiselle honor. Chaplain-Physician ter, discussing plans to send out the commumlvs first foundation,gees. It is the league s comnbu-;C“ v ^ ..o. 1 w.idcats. Four Skuiis of joni- Gobeite, wor-wn ot Rome, Admiral Visits Pope Brussels, Belgium.—Benedic to the missions with Brother George Hungerman. left. from:(ion to the World Refugee Recently Father Mao '*'as An.toriS,^“ **a^Mu.di Vatican City. — Pope John tine Father Vincent Collin, a Bridgeport. 0.. and. at right. Brother Francisco P. Tanga from Year. Under the plan parishes praised by the Sacred Congre- iheew^^i' and ev« XXIII received Adm. George doctor of medicine, is serving as Naic. Cavite. Philippine Islands. would care for a family now galiojt for^ lhe_^ Propagation ^of ^ 1 u givw. . 0 «r. W. Anderson, commander of chaplain and physician for a Beside providing medical, surgical, and dental senlees. (he;barred from entering Canida the Faith for the line work lnAl.D,e, ^,9^ ©f iov>r^ Mam fnms, wftik not mofirr oMto. the U. S. Sixth Fleet, and his Belgian Antarctic expedition to community also does catechetical work and,nd helps train lhe;because one of the parenU i^'he had done among ibe Chinesei«R;H...... jfjm^^^^^...... p,,... '^?,;Sr 7o * S i ' C n t e " h. . 1. BB.._^___ M,.-^.nla.auwRnAlTC I ______-aA.t.. ^ * wife in private audience. the South Pole. laity to participate in their fruitful apostolate physically infirm. people in the U.S. - r~i- M'j.g-ti, i-.-ji.;- ,'( i.ia Iw-nn .mworitjiion and iiha conclusion THE REGISTER


Huxley's Prophecy Is Foolish A. Words cannot give an adc<|na(c iiica o f the blUi o f heaven, where the good will eon- linually enjoy God, and be in the company o f the angeli and sainlt. David says o f Show God's Great Mercy By P a c l H. Halictt wrote in the first century be­ ated," he dogmatized. "It AS TIRESOME as bis pre­ fore Christ. evolved. So did all the animals heaven: “ They shall be inebriated with the plenty of Thy house, and Thon shall Huxley, grandson of Thom­ and plants that Inhabit it, in­ Theology for the Laity decessor, H. G. Wells, and make them drink o f the torrent o f thy pleasure” (Psalm sxxv, 9 ). as Huxley, the noted apologist cluding our human selves, An indulgence is def'ned as An induigenc“ is the remis­ as full of bigoted fallacies, for Darwin, made the predic­ mind and soul as well as the remission, valid in the sight sion before God of tbe temporal 's ranking atheist, Sir tion at the convocation exer­ brain and body.” of God, of the temporal punish­ punishment due for those sins Julian Huxley, made the cises at Chicago University INDEED? How can some­ ment due for rin, through on ap­ of which the guilt has been for­ headlines again when be fore­ before 2,000 scientists who thing evolve out of nothing? plication of the treasury of the given, either in tbe sacrament cast the doom of all religions bad gathered to commemo­ Evolution offers a secondary Church, made by a lawful su- of Penance or because of an act_ —a kind of prophecy not at rate the lOOtb anniversary of explanation for development; p.rior. of perfect contrition. This is' all new. but traceable at least the publication of The Origin it does not pretend to account An indulgence th?refore does granted by the competent ec­ as far back as the Epicurean of the Species. for origins. The only possible not Involve the forgiveness of clesiastical authority out of the philosopher Lucretius, who “The earth was not cre- explanation for the ultimate guilt, whether past or future, as treasury of the Church to the origin of the universe is cre­ living by way of absolution, to TRENDS OF THOUGHT ation; the only explanation of tbe Protestants falsely allege, but only the remission of some the dead by way of suffrage evolution, which is the devel­ or intercessory prayer. Indul­ opment of organic creatures temporal punishment, li tbe gences are either plenary or into more perfect forms, is whole punishment that remains partial. Partial indulgences re­ Jamaica Jesuit Says God, the designer and end of to be paid is remitted, tbe in­ mit a part of the punishment all creation. If there is no dulgence is said to be plenary; due for sin at any given mo­ God to give a measure and if only a part, it is called par­ Native Leaders Needed ment, the proportion of such basis of values, how can we tial. Therefore when indul­ By C. J. Zicli* part being expressed in terms in Paraguay and Bolivia the determine what is more per­ gences are granted for 40 days "If our Caribbean democracy of time (e-g., 30 days, 7 years). average man earns less in a fect or not? How can anything this does not mean that this is to survive, the ‘sitreading’ of Tbe precise meaning of these year than North Americans have purposeful direction? number of days is abated from economic security and the time periods has never been would pay for a table television As for the human soul, bow purgatory, but only that the a defined; their use is a relic of ‘building’ of native leadership set. In 16 of Latin America’s can it have evolved from mat­ punishment due for sin is re­ are urgent and critical, and can­ the former penitential discipline 20 nations, 44 per cent of all ter or the brute soul? Insects, mitted to tbe same extent as it of the Church out of which tbe not be postponed." said Father deaths occur in children under without knowing what they would have been remitted by granting of indulgences arose Pefer Sullivan, S.J., managing five years old.” do, can do things that the 40 or 100 days of canonicid and in which the time-periods director emeritus of the Ja­ In the U.S., he said, there is cleverest man cannot do; yet penance under tbe order in bad their natural and practical maica, West Indies, Credit one physician for every TIO per­ they do not have the power force in the early centuries of Tile life o f grace upon earth is in real­ Union League and director of sons; in El Salvador, one for of reflecting upon themselves, The greatest joy o f heaven is the Beat!- the Church. Therefore the meas­ significance; but the modem in­ the new Cai'ibbean Training every 10,000. One out of two of saying “I.” This is a spirit­ ity tke beginning o f the life o f glory in fie Vision, the siipernataral sight o f God ure o f remission remains un­ dulgence, though less precise and practical, is no less effec­ Center at the foothills of Ja­ Lptin Americans cannot read or ual power, which is infinite­ heaven. We are never so near heavenly face to face. The BeatiGe Vision com­ known to us, and depends very maica’s Blue Mountains. write. Two out of every three tive. ly distant from the highest happiness, therefore, as when engaged pletely fills with joy those who possess it} much on the fervor with which A t the new center Father Sul­ Latin Americans go to bed hun­ development of animality; it the conditions necessary for Pope Has Power livan and his staff hope to do gry every night. wholeheartedly in prayer or the worship it satisfies completely and sopremely all required a special creation to gaining indulgences are ful- Over Treasury some o f that “spreading” and Although seven persons work bridge that infinite chasm be­ and aerviee o f God. Some o f the saints our desires. “ One day with the Lord if as fUled. “ building.” The center provides full time for their living at the To the Pope, by divine au­ tween the irrational and the were rapt into ecsiacy by their awareness a thonsand years; and a thonsand years There are two kinds of indul­ living-in facilities-for intensive center. Father Sullivan receives thority, is committed the dis­ rational, and it required a spe­ o f the nearness o f God. as one day” (11 Peter Ui, 8 ). gence— a plenary indulgence, training of indigenous West In­ no salary. The government al­ pensation of the whole Treasury cial act of creation to form a which is the remission of the dian leaders. Its theme is study lows him an annual grant of body for a spiritual souL of the Church; inferior authori­ whole debt of temporal punish and attempted solution of the $2,800. Out of this he pays the HUXLEY, LIKE B. G. ties in the Church can grant ment due for sin; and a partial crying socio-economic needs of salaries of the workers and WELLS, has an inveterate Spiritual Reading, Family Prayer, only those indulgences speci­ indulgence, which is the remis­ the Caribbean with heavy pri­ other center expenses, including anti-Catholic bias, and he fied in canon law— Cardinals sion of a part of it only. ority on co-op and Credit Union a car, taxes, insurance, and over­ could not let his Chicago grant 200 days, Archbishops development all upkeep. Private donations speech go by without getting Use of Scripture Recommended An indulgence of 40 days or 100, Bishops No one may The center is knee-deep in an from Canada and U.S. total in a dig against the Church seven years, etc., means a re­ apply Papal indulgences to other economy wherein the annual about $425 a month. Thus, be on its birth control stand. A Theology for the Laity mission of a debt of temporal living persons, but all Papal in­ per capita income for 3,000,000 runs the center, which costs biologist of Huxley’s standing punishment such as a person dulgences may be applied to souls, who inhabit the 10 islands $30,000 a year for effective oper* might at least be expected to Spiritual reading is one of psychic phenomena such as e^ feels and relishes tbs presence would discharge if be did pen­ tbe soub in purgatory unlesa of the West Indies Federation, ation, on a total of $7,900 a year. give perfectly well known the most practical helps toward stasies, in rare cases stigmata, of (Jod and actually seems in ance for 40 days or se''en years, otherwise stat^., is roughly $3 a week. praying as we should. By this etc. Contemplation has its roots according to the ancient canons Even the deficit of about $2^000 statistical and biological facts Boroe manner to be sharing His Indulgences attached to pray­ we mean the reading of books of the Church. "Around us in Latin Amer­ annually does not halt Father on human increase; but in grace and the Infused vir­ divine life. ers are lost by any addition, about Our Lord, the Blessed tues, especially faith and char­ Mysticism is an act o f the ica,” said Father Sullivan, “ there Sullivan's plan of offering the science is not something on Treasury omission, or alteration; those Virgin Mary, the faints, the ity; also in tbe gifts of tbe Holy highest knowledge of (^ , are 183,000,000 other souls who natives in bis area better eco­ which Huxley draws when it attached to objects of devotion practice of virtue, etc. In every Spirit. The divine influence is Of Church crave i better life, but the odds nomic conditions and a better comes to his old pastime of somewhere between faith and (rosaries, etc.) cease only when (Jatholic home there should be clearly felt. tbe beatific vision, coupled with The Church has what is are against them. For example, life. baiting religion and the tbe objects themselves cease to dev^onal books on band for It may bring tbe prayer of the exquisite love of that called its treasury of merits or Church. exist or are sold. "Evolutionary man,” vapor­ tl^ members of the family; quiet, which the soul enjoys accompanies profound knowl­ its treasury of satisfactions. Soviets Reveal Vitality izes Huxley in bis usual t( aMve aR, there should be a without, however, being free edge. There is some sort of This consists of the sati8fa^ It being necessary to the of pompous ignorance, “Can­ Bible, and the members of the from every distraction; or it Oriental mysticism found out­ tions of Christ, which exceeded gaining of an indulgence, how­ not escape from responsibil­ family, old and young, should m<>y induce full union, in which side of Christianity, but we the needs of our salvation, to ever small, that one should be Of Religious Belief ity for making decisions by be accustomed to read it regu­ tbe sense of (Sod’s presence is have been speaking of supernat­ which are added the excess of in a state of grace, it is readjly sheltering under the umbrella larly. strong and every distraction is ural mysticism, which is in­ merits and satisfactions of the seen that the vulgar and unin­ By Staff W iitar direct admission of a failure of of divine authority.” It is a beautiful custom conquered. Or it may bring tense supernatural life such as Blessed Mother and the saints. formed notion of an indulgence Indirect evidence of the vital­ the anti-religion campaign. “Fiddlestick-ends,” as Bel­ when all the members of a fam­ trans/omlng union or spiritual could come only by the aid of It is from this treasury that the as a “permission to sin” is ity of religious belief in Russia Time reports that the Soviet wildly false. loc would say: Belief in a Su­ ily assemble at a set time daily nuptials, when the soul strongly extraordinary grace. Pope grants indulgences. is a new magazine. Science and atheists are particularly worried preme Being is not the end, —for example, after the evening An indulgence dees not take Religion, which is of course de­ ifabout the Baptists, who in 1917 it is the ^ginning, ef respon­ meal— to hear a portion of the away sin. Neither does it take voted to an attempt to show the numbered only 100,000 and now sibility. Without God.and His Bible read by tbe father or the away tbe eternal punishment incompatibility of the two. are five times that number. Out- law there is no one to be re­ mother or one of the children. Trinity Is Mystery But Reasonable, due for mortal sins. An indul­ Britain’s B7-year-oid Bertrand of-way sects have had a great sponsible to, and man becomes Pope Leo XIII granted an in­ gence can produce its effects in Russell contributes to the first fascination for Russians, but it a prey of man, dulgence of 300 days to all the soul only after sins are for­ number with this gem; “ Has re­ is highly unlikely that the reli­ AN IRONIC NOTE marked Catholics who spend at least As Shown by Study of Churchmen given and, in the case of mortal ligion made a useful contribu­ gious majority will ever desert the atheist’s address when it 15 minutes in reading Holy sins, only after their eternal Russian Orthodoxy. tion to civilization?” Answer: was preceded by an invoca­ Scripture with the reverence Theology for the Laity punishment is taken away. Many It is interesting to note that “ No, except for helping to es­ tion to Almighty God by the due to the word of God and who are not Catholics wrongly the father of Russian science, The three divine Persons are the Son; and the nature of the tablish the calendar and induc­ Rev. Dr. W . Barnett Blake- after the manner of spiritual sible to comprehend it, or prove understand an indulgence to be perfectly equal to one another, ing the Egyptian priests to pre­ Ivan Lomonosov, whose statue more, Jr., associate dean of reading. Father and the Son is entirely by our syllogisms its necessity. a permission to commit sin, or pare such careful dironology of stands in front of the SO,000- the University Chapel, and because all are one and tbe same the nature of the Holy Ghost But, although above reason, it a pardon for future sin, or a eclipses that in time they could student Moscow university, followed by a benediction by Sign of Cross God. None of tbe three Persons If we find it difficult to be­ is not on that account against guarantee against temptation. predict them.” wrote bis best-known poem in the same dignitary. The con­ Adores Trinity precedes the others in time or lieve the mysteries of religion reason, and, therefore, reason By an indulgence the Church If this is not evidence enough defense of belief in God and in vocation opened with the The sign of the cross, with in power, but all are equally it is because we may form to cannot reject it on the grounds merely wipes out or lessens the of Russell's senility, it might derision of atheists. singing of America with its which we Catholics begin and eternal and all-powerful because ourselves an entirely erroneous that it is impossible. temporal punishment due for be added that he believes he One of the favorite theories ending, "Great God, our King! end our prayers, is not merely they have the same divine na­ idea of these mysteries. If, for Rationalists sins already forgiven. knows exactly the day of his of Russian atheists is that, as Amen.” our profession of faith in tbe ture. instance, the mystery of the the R u ssian living standard Holy Trinity consisted in say­ Not Correct Conditions death—June C 19621 This is the Invocations and devout Holy Trinity and the Redemp­ Tbe three divine Persons, man thousands call a “philos­ rises, the people will forget songs at university functions ing that three distinct natures tion, but is also our petition though really distinct from one But because reason, left to For Indulgences God. are only one nature, or that opher.” are all very hut if non- for the blessing of the three another, are one and the same its own resources, cannot con­ The conditions on which in­ The great Russian poet, Mik­ three distinct persons form only Time rightly regards Science Catholic universities wish to divine Persons on our lives and God because all have one and jecture the existence of this dulgences may be obtained are hail Lermontof (d. 1841), wrote one person, this'dogma would and Religion as important, not preserve the name of God in actions. Hence, we should al­ the same divine nature. Because mystery, or demonstrate it that the person desirous of gain­ his b est-k n ow n poem, The honor they should at least evidently be contrary to reason for itself, but as showing that ways make the sign of tbe cross the three divine Persons have after its existence has become ing them be a member of the Angel, to refute just such a no­ make sure that an atheist, if and in consequence inadmis­ religion is much alive in Russia. reverently. It is disedifying to one and tbe same divine nature, known, must it necessarily be Church; that he should perform tion. M a teria l comforts can be must talk, is given an in­ sible. Reason clearly shows that If atheism were taking over the see this holy sign made so care­ they have tbe same perfections repugnant to its laws? Can rea­ the good, work exactly as pre­ never satisfy the soul. The Rus­ telligent reply from one who one cannot be the same thing as young, such literature would not lessly and so rapidly that one and the same external works are son show that it is inadmissible? scribed; and that he should be, sian soul is not an exception. believes in God and His law. three. be published, since it is an in­ can hardly recognize what it is produced by them. But in or­ This is what the rationatists as­ at least before concluding the intended to be. The Church der that we may better know Not Contrary sert They maintain that the work prescribed, in a state of grace. Whether this last condi­ grants an indulgence of 100 the three divine Persons, cer­ To Our Reason mystery of the Trinity involves days to tbe faithful as often as tain perfections and works are a contradition.. tion is necessary to obtain in­ they make the sign of the cross attributed to each Person—for But this is not by any means An infidel was wont to say dulgences for the dead is un­ JhsL <£HsumJuf fiaqsbcLnt with the prescribed words, and example, omnipotence and the the true conception of tbe mys­ "Believe that one is three, and certain; it can hardly be so in 300 days whenever they make works of omnipotence, such as tery as it has b ^ revealed. If three are one; and you are the case of indulgences appli­ it with holy water. creation, to the Father; wisdom it is above the grasp of reason, a Catholic, because you admit cable only to the dead—e.g. in The Christian Life Calendar, King Edwarl VII. Added to the difficulties of the mission­ There is a special value at­ and the works of wisdom, such it is not contrary to it; it is not that dogma that is the founda­ the case of a Requiem Mass at 1959-1980, by Msgr. Edward V. this happy scene is a colorful ary in explaining truths to a tached to prayer recited in as enlightenment, to the Son; in contradiction with the un­ tion of all others." We grant a privileged altar. In order to Daiely and the Rev. George Kol- description of Christmas activ­ primitive people in one of the common by several persons— love and the works of love, such changeable principles that rea­ that the mystery of the Blessed gain the whole of a plenary in­ anda (Milwaukee, Bruce, $1), is ity. a gala ball, and dinner. Mrs. most difficult of languages, for example, a family, a sodal­ as sanctification, to the Holy son makes known to us. Trinity is tbe pillar that sus­ dulgence it is further necessary one of the best liturgical calen­ Robertson is a clever and witty bint of the South African politi­ ity, a congregation — because Ghost. Religion in reality says that tains all the other dogmas; but to detest and have the purpose dars available. A thouglit accom­ versifier. cal situation, savagery mingled of avoiding so far as possible Our Lord promised His special We cannot fully understand in God three persons are only we deny that tbe Catholic re­ panies each day. with sanctity, countless humor­ even the least venial sin. blessing on prayer of this kind how the three divine Persons, one nature. Unity and trinity ligion ever proposed as an ob­ The two latest presentations ous anecdotes, the infinite vari­ We cannot gain indulgences when He said: “Where two or though really distinct from one are not therefore affirmed un­ ject of our faith such an ab­ of the 20th Century Encyclo­ ety or human nature in Zulu Offered by Golden Press (630 three are gathered together for another, are one and the same der tbe same relation, hut un­ surd statement in regard to it for other living persons, but we pedia of Catholicisn. follow land. Whether one’s purpose is can gain them for the sjuis in Fifth Ave.. New York) are the My sake, there am I in the God because this is a super­ der different relations—unity ($2.95 each): ethnography or just relaxation, What Catholic * purgatory, since the . Church following children's books: midst of them" (Matt, xviii, 20). natural mystery. concerns the nature, whereas this book meets it The Humon Body ($4.95) by Evolution, by Remy Collin, Prayer of Mysticism trinity is affirmed of the per' Teaching Is makes most indulgences ap­ translated by J. Tester, though The three divine Persons are sons. It is true our limited in plicable to them. Mitchell Wilson, is profusely il­ The Catholic teaching is sim written by a scientist, is more Also offered by Bruce is Is Extraordinary really distinct from one another. telligence cannot by itself dis­ lustrated in color. On the whole ply this: There is one divine Ancient Prayers it is an excellent manual of moderate in its treatment than Smile at Your Own Risk, (2.95) Contemplation is a prayer of Although tbe Father, the Son, cover this mysterious truth, nature, and in that divine na­ physiology, chiefly objectionable that of evolutionists like the late by the brilliantly funny Father mystical theology. Mystics have and the Holy Ghost are distinct whose object is the intimate For the Dead ture there are three persons— in what it leaves out The au­ Father Pierre de TaOhard, Joseph T. McGloin, SJ. a spiritual and quasi-experimen- Persons, they are not distinct Prayers for the dead were nature of the Infinite Being; but Unity of Nature, Trinity o f Per­ thor advances the questionable whom incidentally Dr. Collin tal knowledge of God, often ac­ in nature. The nature o f the nothing prevents us from be­ well known among tbe ancient Its funniness, however, should sons. We employ tbe terms one opinion that science may one often criticizes. Although he companied by extraordinary Father is entirely the nature of lieving it on the authentic testi­ Jews, as is shown in tbe foUow- not lead one to suppose that i( and three; but neither does the day create (non-spiritual) life. seems to accept evolution as a ing famous quotation: is not serious. It is in fact a mony of (jod Himself. three contain the negation of The soul or God is not men­ general theory, Dr. Collin points “Then they all blessed the report of Jesuit high school Most Profound the one, nor the one the nega tioned. These of course are not out that no one theory accounts The Old Master Distorter just judgment of the Lord, who spirit, teaching methods, ideals, tion of the three, because tbe directly connected with physiol for all the facts, and some facts Of Teachings had discovered the things that and qualifications that glides one refers to the nature of God, ogy, but physiology is not com­ seem positively in the way. On were hidden. And so betaking along swiftly on a wholesome The mystery of the Blessed the three to the persons tn that pletely understandable without the theolo^cal and philosophi­ undercurrent of l.gbthearted Trinity is, without exception, the themselves to prayers they be­ GOD'S nature. them. The reproductive side of cal level, he also shows the dif­ ironic humor. Not the least en­ most profound and the moat sought Him that the sin which ficulties. As the assertions then relate man is dealt with, but not of­ tertaining feature of this book sublime of those proposed by had been committed might be ESTABLISHED not to tbe same thing consid­ fensively. The Spirit of Worship, by Rev. is its clever drawings. the Christian religion to our forgotten. But the most valiant ered from the same point of The 16-volume Golden Book Caspar Lefebvre, O.S3., trans­ • • * MORAL ORDER frith. Judas exhorted the people to view, they are not contradictory, Encyclopedia ($24.95 until Dec. lated by Lancelot Sheppard, Father Connell Answers Moral We believe that is not a keep themselves from sin, for­ IN CREATION as would be the case should we 23). written and edited by Dr. shows how the Church, under Questions, by the Very Rev. solitary Being; that from all asmuch as they saw before their say that there was but one di­ Bertha Morris Parker, is like­ divine inspiration, ensures the Panels J. Connell, C.SS.R., eternity He begets a Son, the eyes what had happened be­ vine nature, and yet three di­ wise brilliantly and profusely spiritual life of all her members edited by the Rev. Eugene Weit- substantial expression of Him­ cause of tbe sins of those that vine natures; or three divine colored, and contains some good by giving them a part in her zel, C.^V., (Washington 17. self; and that both from the were slain. persons, yet only one divine per­ explanations of scientific facts liturgy. D-C, Catholic University of Father and the Son a Third Per­ “ And making a gathering, be son. fo r the child's mind. After presenting a definition America Press, $3.95). son eternally proceeds, whom sent twelve thousand drachms The Secret of the Unicorn, by of the liturgy. Father Caspar Father Connell is beyond we call tbe Holy Ghost The_ whole argument of ra­ of silver to Jerusalem for sacri­ Herge, ($1.95). a translation devotes the remaining space to doubt the leading expounder of This is our faith. It is set tionalism rests, therefore, upon fice to be offered for the sins of from the French, is one ef the an examination of the liturgical moral theology in America to­ down clearly in the (}ospel: a misconception of our doc­ the dead, thinking well and re­ trine. best comic books I have seen. year, the liturgy and the sacra­ day. He has Ml the requesites “ Going therdore, teach ye all ligiously concerning the resur­ Tintin is a youth who goes ments, the season after Pente­ for this office: A sound conser­ nations, baptizing them in the What we have said about the rection. through all sorts of adventures cost. and the devotion to the vatism, wide knowledge, dis­ name of the Father, and of the mystery of the Holy Trinity ap­ “ (For if be had not hoped in a crime-solving episode. Holy Spirit in the liturgy. The criminating judgm ent a dispas­ Sm, and of tbe Holy Ghost” plies also to the Incarnation of that they that were slain should book is really sacred history as sionate approach, and a won­ I Matt, xxviii, 19); it is pro- the Son of God, and to all the rise again, it would have seemed seen through divine worship. Grondma's CJiristma# Story, derfully lucid style. claimed by the uninterrupted other mysteries. They are all, superfluous and vain to pray by Alice Westcott Robertson The present volume, taken voice of 19 centuries of believ­ it is true, above reason in tbe for the dead.) ers; it is dogmatically defined (N.Y.,-101 Fifth Ave., Pageant Um/undisi; Mtsrioner lo the from Father Connell’s Amencon sense here indicated, but none “And because be considered jby the Church. ' Press, $1.75), is a delightful Zulus, by Father Thomas M. Ecclesiastical Reviem responses, of them is contrary to iL that they who had fallen asleep illustrated account, In verse, of Calkins, O.S.M. (Milwaukee 1, includes questions under 12 Such, then, is this mystery. For reasonable, fair-minded with godliness had great grace the author's grandmother as Bruce. S3.50). heads: The theological virt-its. I further beyond tbe reacb of our men, far from being ar obstacle laid up for them. she recalls the da; when she. Kallber Calkins writes enter­ justice, religion, veracity, tem­ reason than any other. Without to the acknowledgineDt of the “It is therefore a holy and as an apprentice cook in Ena- tainingly about one of the most perance, and the seven sacra [divine revelation, it would have religion which contains them, wholesome thought to pray for iand, prepared a plum puddin;< interesting people in the world. mentt. None of them is hack been impossible to conjecture the existence of these mysteries the dead, that they may be that brought praise from the The reader will find here the at­ neyed, and the responses always lit^ existence; and, even with the forms on the contrary a pre­ loosed from sins” (II Hacha- then Prince of Wales, later mosphere of the Africen veldt, provide light. laid of revelation, it i$ Impot- sumption in its favor. bees xii, 4146).

< PAGE SIX^SecHon Two Offic*, 938 Bonnock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keyitene 4*4205 Thuridoy, December 3,1959

LOYOLA ANNUNCIATION Holy Family Men Will Hear Judge PARISH PARISH (Holy Fimily Parish, Denver) be made at an Altar and Ro- chairman. The cards are for Denver County Judge David lary Society meeting on Dec. sale in the cry room north of Brofman will be the featured 3. Recitation of the Rosary the church after Sunday Masses. SAVX THU TKAOl AT HOME speaker at the Holy Name So­ in the church at 1 p.m. will At ceremonies this week, in­ XMkv F M ciety-Men's Club meeting on precede the ba sln e» session. stallation of officers and con­ L ITtli aae R«c« LONDON MARKH Monday. Dec. 7. “You and Your At the 7:39 o'clock Mass on ferral o f rank pins for the Roeky'i Pharmacy, Inc. AND GROCERY Will” will be the topic of the Sunday, Dec. 6, Altar and Knights of the Altar, grade OICAI TUNNIU, Frap. udge's address. Rosary members will receive school altar boy group, were r « « r CeMNMileni Qaality Meat# a a j Qtoearia* Since 1991, Judge Brofman Communion in a gronp. held. Officers Installed were Mi­ thm§giM PHONESi HA. >43S», TA. l-aMI MOO WALNUT has served on the county court A wide selection of Chrisbnu chael Byrne, supreme grand Pteemptieee Lieaai bench. A practicing attorney for cards in good taste are still knight; Sam Atencio, vice su­ available from the school PTA, preme grand knight; Thomu according to Mrs. Bernard Car' Rouon, treasurer; and Patrick ■ CURE d^ARS PARISH^ roll, Ch^tmaa card committee Coffey, secretary. 1. ttaa AVE. « DAHUA ST. m SUNDAY MASSES m «d>0 • 7:0 « . 8KI0 - 19:00 • 11:80 ft 7K)0 p.m. Fourth Grade Girl Scouts CONFESSIONS SATURDAY 4K)0 a 7:80 Eav. John N. Haley, Paator Hold Englewood Meet 3050 Dahlia St. EA . 2*1119 (SL Looit’ Parish, Englewood) school, De& 1 at 3 pjn., under The St. Louis Girl Scouts the leadership of Mrs. Mary Wil­ fourth grade Troop 1120 began son and Mrs. Joseph L’Abbe. meeting this week In the scout Mrs. WUUam Vobejda, ex­ BACK-TO-SCHOOL DAT TOLVE LIQUORS room, the basement of the old plorer adviser, accompanied Post 136 Explorer Scouts to the Uaro V. Powers, putor, and parents attending Oahita Shopping Center — 3360 Oohlio EXPLAINING her program for men­ Auto Show Nov. 30 after they tal prayer and meditation for pupils is the recent Back-to-Scbool Day at St. James’. Free Delivery — EA. 2-5977 had attended the Novena serv­ Sister Rose Christine, sixth-grade teacher at St. (See atory on page 1) M ( K II .IJ{ \ JXMCi; MlKl.V Girl Scout ices. James’ School, Denver. Listening is Father Wll- \ t \ n ,riM j c n n v >i.\KV A paper drive is being con­ ducted by Troop 136 under the leadership of Srautmaster John St. James' First Friday, GOOD CLOTHES NEED THELMA KASSON Troops Unite Thomas with the help o f the NOT BE EXPENSIVE ■lAUTY SALON DUCKWALL'S mothers’ auxiUary led by Mrs. lan fdawdi BWd. Denver’a Newest Laurence Karlin. The collection Holy Day Masses Given point will be at the school Sat­ (St. James’ Parish, Denver) boys at this evening of enter­ THE M Slytfaic Suburban Variety Store Judge David Brofman At Christ, King F n w M B l |Taa4fia urday, Dec. 5, at 10:30 a.m. Any Masses on first Friday will be tainment DaUia Sheppiaf Caalev more than 30 yeari, Brofman one having papers to be pick^ at 6, 7, 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. FieOKa Mtaa« M IM (Chrlat the King Parish, THI BIST IN UUOOAQI ENGLISH ...... SSH 4 DaUto EA. a-OOSS also was deputy district attor Denver) up should call Mrs. Karlin at Confessions will be heard dur­ H All IlMli ney and a visiting lecturer at SU. 1-2397 or Mrs. Marion Barth ing these Masses for adults TAILORS The neighborhood Girl Scout several law schools. at SU. 1-3335. only; Confessions on Thursday U k m C . meeting for Parkmont District The meeting Dec. 7 will begin The Arapahoe District Scout are at the regular time: 4 to 6 901 FIFTEENTH STREET Please Patronize was held at Palmer School on at 8:30 p.m. in the tcbool cafe­ Recognition dinner held Dec. 1 o'clock and 7:30 to 9 p.m. SehoU Nov. 24. Since Christ the King Combine Quality and Style Your REGISTER teria. in the Englewood High School The Sacred Heart devotions rtMEn and Palmer Schools will be com­ Advertisers and At the group’s business ses­ Cafeteria w u attended by Scout will be held at 7:30 o'clock. It*. IS7I at Pricea Yea Can Afford MEATS AMO bined in one district, a slate of ISM I'wif. AM «-U » sion, 1960 officers will observe muter John 'Thomu, Explorer Masses on the F e u t of the Im­ Mention officers was presented by the meeting procedure before tak< Advisers William Vobejda and maculate Conception will be at asis PaMa THE REGISTER nominatiDg committee for the ra. y^res ing office In January, New of' Mrs. Vobejda; Mothers' Auxil­ 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11 o ’clock in the We Photograph Anything, Anywhere coming year with representa­ ficera will be Cecil Proctor, iary president Mrs. Laurence morning and at 5:30 and 7:30 tives from both ichools. president; Martin Potter, vice Karlin and Mr. Karlin; and Mr. o'clock in the evening. The following officers were The Mile-High Phoio Co. 'STS. PETER & PAUL'S CHURCH' president; William Vorce, treas­ and Mrs. F. E. Cbaput. Mrs. The St James Men's Club urer; and Joseph Monarch!, aec- elected from Christ the King; Cbaput Is the third vice presi­ will meet Wednesday, Dec. 9, at Cabr FiaUUae —~ Pbete Sapplioi Mrs. David Snyder, neighbor­ Mattea 0:80, 8, 9,10,11 and 12 reta^ . The 1959 officers con­ dent of the Arapahoe District 8 p.m. Elections in the Social 318 SevoBtMBtli KEyitoBo 4*6114 Denver Both Summer and Winter ducting their final meeting are hood organizer; Mrs. Joseph H. Mothers’ Council. Club will follow. Ware, Jr., troop coniultant; Mrs. £«v. Robert Q. McMahon John Conway, president; Rich­ The Bluebirds meet every The annual bake sale spon­ ard Trevithick, treasurer; and Anthony Karpicek, council dele­ Tuesday afternoon in the home sored by the Altar and Rosary 1900 Fierea HArHeen 4-370S William Vorce, secretary. gate; and Mrs. Donald Price, of their leader, Mrs. Kay Colle­ Society will be held Sunday C. L VAN BUSKIRK AGENCY Terry Paezosa, grade school alternate council delegate. ton, immediatriy after school. after the morning Masses. Dona­ 7N Ou a IlKtrli BWf. They are at pruent involved in tions should be brought to the football coach, will Introduce Round Table Planned AH Linee of Ineuraoce making Christmu gifts for their cafeteria either Saturday after­ member! of the team and pre­ A Brownie leaders’ round MAY-DAY CLEAIVERS sent season awards. A refresh­ mothers and in the selling of noon or evening or on Sunday Ph. MA S-71II May and Day MeCloskey table will be held at the Park ment hour will follow the meet­ Stovers Camp Fire Girl Candles. morning. R u . I A ^7^40 epurgis our oten piont” Hill Congregational Church on ing. A group has formed under the The annual football dinner Dec. 9 from 9:30 ajn. to Htpretenting the tuStr Omhn - Fait Nrvki 41 He litr« Cknw Catholic Family Movement plan. for the li^tweights who won Plans for church decora­ 2:30 p.m. The purpose of the 8740 P ifiea H A 4*7464 tion for the Forty Hours’ de­ It meets every first and third the city championship ia to be I Ihek levtk eMtt. FMr a Ftirt'i discussions will be to help with J jU W S lh J U L Tuesday of ead month. Anyone held on Thursday night, Dec. 10 votion and for Christmas and the Brownie building program. final arrangmenti for the interested in joining these dis­ in the D.A.C. Following the din­ Christinas party Dec. 31 will The MUe-Hi District will con cussion groups is invited to call ner the boys will be guests at a duct a book drive to collect either Mr. and Mrs. Peter Colle­ picture show. The football 'St. Vincent de Paul's Porish^ hard-bick books to send over ton or Mr. and Mrs. Harry Flee- SQuad of S t Clara’s Orphanage 8 a UMtVERMTy BLVa 4 L AEIXONA 40 Hours' Rite seas. Each troop will be ex nor. will be guest of the St. James’ = SUNDAY MASSES = pected to contribute 10 books, PRINTING COMPANY which may include flctmn, non­ S d l , S 4 0 , 9 4 0 , 11K)0 ta d 11:16 We now do offut fiction, children's elaaalcs and CoBle«ie«a: Satardm 140 to 1:80 and 740 to 9 p.m. In Littleton to Printing fairy tales, and textbooks. Games Party Scheduled RV. B>T. Maoa. EPONB A. O'Solutak, Paator 1832 Cnrtis—KE 4-1398 2886 K. Ariwma SP. 7-4618 Open December 4 The cookie sale this year will be during Girl Scout week Dec. 6 at St. Patrick's (St Mary’s Parish, Uttleton) March 5-12. There will be i. (St Patrick’s Parish, Denver) made a retreat at El Pomar . . . WHEN YOU OR YOUR GROUP PLANS TO The annual Forty Hours’ De­ bonus on the number of boxes Sunday, Dec. 6, at 7:45 in the in Colorado Springs. Hiey were EARN MONEY votion will begin Friday, Dec. 4, DRIVE-IN-LIQUORS Prelsser's Red&White sold by each troop and tiiis school the monthly games party Jeanne Montoya, Marianne Mon­ and will end on Sunday after­ R e m e m b e rl 1010 U. CeWrede BlvA money may be u s ^ for any will be held. Admission is SO toya, and Gloria Morehouse. noon, Dec. 6. I mt* WIuw U 8:00 - 0:30 - 10:48 -12:00 • 5:30 p.m. to bo rimtmborfd whin you iri refreshments at the evening Gallegos. of the food was donated by the CONFESSIONS SATURDAY 3:30 A 7:80 distributing your pitronigi to sessions. A group of Sodality girls school children. Rt . Ret. Msob. H. V. Camfbbll, Pastob nil difftnnt Mini of butlmw. ALL SAINTS PARISH 4080 Mofitvlew Blvd. FR. 7*1802 1SS» so. MDBRAL BLVD. SUNDAY MASSES St. John's to Hold All-Day Adoration 6:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30, 12:30 A 6:30 PJL -OrUATIM o n own FLANt" ConfttsioDS Saturday 4 to 6 ft 7:30 to 9 Please Patronize (81 John the Erangeltst'i ment meeting room o f the parking lot o f the church to Rev. Ha i u y Scsm itt, Pastox Parish, Denver) Pork K ill Clsonsrs Your REGISTER rectory. load the papers. 2559 SO. FEDERAL WEST 6*2747 A Holy Hour for World 4612 B. 23rd A n . Advertisers and Masses on the first Friday will Religion classes for pupils at­ AHvittm - IwMry torvici be at 6. 7, 8, and 11:28 a.m. Peace is held on the first Mention tending the public junior and Saturday of each month at 40U low HUM There will be all-day adoration senior high schools are held 7:30 pjD. Parishioners are SPEAR’S lURDWARE ■A. MtSS THE REGISTER each Wednesday evening at TED'S LIQUORS of the Blessed Sacrament, clos­ urged to make the sacrifice G & W HARDWARE JUi W. HMVfM Stv., luflmM, U t. ing with Benediction at 5 p.m. 7:30 p.m. in the basement of to attend. A Rosary for world 3524 East Colfax FR 7-3881 the rectory. Power Mowers Rent-al E q u i p m e n t DOMESTIC Confessions will be beard on peace is said each Saturday Thursday from 4 to 5:30 in tbs H ie PTA asks the parishion­ evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Picked Up and Stored SU. 1-3736 IMPORTED afternoon and 7:30 to 9 in the ers to begin saving newspapers chorch. Free for the Winter J. J. Speer Wt will b l hipbV to blip you evening. and magasinet for the next On Dec. 8, Feast of the Im­ Do Your Giristmae with your Mioeticn Convert and information paper drive, which will be held maculate Conception, Masses Shopping Early — FREE DEUVERY — classes are held each Monday on Jan. 10. On that day the will be at 6. 7, 8, 0, and 10:30 Use Our Christmas Please Patronize S. J. LAMBflGCHT. Frep. and Thuriday evening from Freedman truck will be in the a.m. and at 6 p.m. Lay Away Plan Youp REGISTER 7:30 to 8:15 pjn. in the base- Bikes • Sleds • Toys Advertisers and 2102 So. Federal Blvd. Mention VISIT YOUR WE. 5*1701 THE REGISTER 'CATHEDRAL PARISH' TOUR DOCTOR ICMOWS US _____ B. COLFAX 4 LOGAN JT. CATHOLIC LIBRARY = SUNDAY MASSES * / 6:00, 7:00 8:00. 9:00, 1«:90, 11:10, 1S;30 ft 6:10 P.H. < peftottee h prweripNBBS totok All Parishes Welcome . • • CONFESSIONS SATURDAY 3:80 ft 7:80 MeOB. W. J. CAHAVAIt. P aFTM ' 125 VMrt-y 4T i — *rB y ew 4Mur4iice ed loOl PENN. ST. MA. S4)2!» wfety and iecuracy at Park M l Dreg Op«n 2 to 6 P.M. Ca. 5icb roMi lecemortos aad pltos band ig is . eoNen, p i n t , Closed Monday! ond Fridoyt gnal dnedags, Fr** defiw > ^ PEGGY'S tuts Open Sunday 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. CH*ISTMAI D O Y L E ’S ; CANDY CANDY PHARMACY ,414 t. CtHii 6 9 ‘ Free Browsing ’ CM. 441S1 Lb. only Tha Mirtievtor Orugfltt iOXiO 17lh AVE. and GRANT SALES EXPERTS 'Chocolates...... lb. iJ25 up* K6. 44W M M OSLIVIKY Membership Fee $1 Per Year . .. > I, S «nd lb. Isxn $ THE SALE OF CHRISTMAS CARDS, gift wrap­ pings, and toys has been'very successful at St. John the i A ccess to thousands of dollars Evangelist’i P i^ h . Denver, with coffees held in various homes, PBOHi and a display at church every Sunday. Shown above with theii I O f Catholic Literature Christmas articles are Mrs. (Jbarles Lee, PTA president; Mrs. PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED EA. 2-7711 I John J. Hinterreiter and Mrs. Julius Carabello, co^bairmen of i 623 19iii St. Next to Holy Ghost Church ----- FOR AND DEUTBRKD the ways and means committee, who are in charge of this Cm* CBifax sf DBwninc DanvM projecL K Ir« t» n t 44117 Thursday, Decemb«r3,1959 Office, 938 Bonnoek Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Celephone, Keyitene 4^205 S«tlon Two^RAGE SEVEN


Phone KE. 44205 Today To Place Your Classified Ad in the Register — Ask For the Classified Department

Christmos Gifts 1A Solaimen or Ladiai REAL ESTATE WANTED MR. ATTORNEY ATTENtToN! Tlie Uf« el Uui« Or- Opportunities Unllmltedl Turn spars For BuWlo nollCM um ihi D»o. pJiin Andy book—Besl Buy Tor time Into cash. Experltnea unnecat- rtl Cithollc Ctiiiitmii prMenIt. SI.M any place aary. Apply at 4874 Steele. 7:M p.m., IF WE LIST IT - WE WILL SELL IT in U.B.A. ado Oaceolt, Denver Iz. Dee. 8. See Hn. Jester or Mr. Befular l«a* Employ the services of a Reliable Broker nle Mrvleo on Wheeler. . NOTICES to sell your property. Mnil Your Lefol lo EDUCATION 13 DENVER CATHOLIC He will make you money, protect your intereat, and Get You Caah - O ^E A L MUSIC s t u d i o s ' REGISTER Now expandint.aeeapUOB now pupils . aula, •lan rti klidwa. 7 H tatha. hia''».L'l''M'Mi-piiMB-riirwraMrrarir(Li[egB[(iuyw-Bii-MimnBw-^ FEMALE HELP WANTED 7 ran S iiiaiil awUy flakkal A •aartatt FORD DEALER wa .Sreratary wanted South aide Pariah. 7235 W. Colfax BE. 34578 Bnokkatplng aaaeRtlal. Good lalarv. LEE KINNIE CO. PHONE ME. 2-0303 Box 187, Tha Raglitar, 938 Bannock. HA. Z-I41I and HA. 4-144Z OPEN EVENINGS TILL I Cook and hnuaekaeper wanted for PTA SERVES DAILY Ilcnvar rectory. Oood lalary. Call OUT WEST AWNINGS THE PTA of St. Mary’s Grade School. Leadville. AC. I-38Z5 during offlea bsun only. > S3—SL Pbllomena'a th e firms listed here de­ serve to be remembered 18 EAST KIOWA STREET provides two volunteers each day to serve the one-half SPARE TIME MONEY 6A t.3TDRy, Ebdrra, brick. 810,780.! LARGE pint of milk sold for a nickel under'the school milk program. OBJlt loan can ba eeeumed. 1144,( when you are distributing, Colorado Springs, Colo. Performing the enjoyable task for ever-hungrv- youngsters TALENT HUNT ' " o. CaU Jim BtemtUer, HA 3: OR SMALL NIEDS your Mtronage to the diP; AtiraeUva unuaual weman to acU are Mrs. Rose Champeau. a former president of the PTA, and peraohaUaad Baauty and Skin Cate LEE A ASPINWAIL SOLVED QUICKLY terent lines of business. *- Mrs. Rose Green, the current president. The Very Rev. James product! Is the home. Commlmton RA 24738 REALTORS RA 34738; ‘ j . D. CRUUt'H plus bonua banaflta. Right woman 'B. Hamblin, pastor, was on hand (he first day to be sure things C. D O’BRIEN Kill train addlUonal repreatntattvei M AY REALTY got started right. under bar. For gualHIcatloni and pcraenal tnlervlcw, eaU TA. 5-OZZ3 SERVICE DIRECTORY R E A L T O R KE. 4-4205 ONE DOLLAR SPECIAL LEGAL NOTICES INSURANCE.LOANS ASH HAULING DRUGGISTS REMODELING To Introdure You to the Register Classified Serlion IN THE COUNTY COURT In and for the City and County VOUR PRESCRIPTHINS of Dtnvar and State of Colorado Millar Treth Barvlea I wlU be filled correctly it 72.> N. Tejon Si. FOR $1.00 YOU GET 20 WORDS OR LESS So. P-1K45 PKkup Bafurday AL. IWASHINUION PARK PHARMACY I Quality Apparel NOTICI OF FINAL liTTLlMINT Ph 8? 74873 KM South Oayierd Reva rnloradn Spring*. Cnln. TO BUY, SELL OR SWAP ESTATE OF CLEMENT LEWIS BUT- SHAFFER'S RUBBISH t IN CULUKAOO SKfUNCS I.ER, alio known aa Clemant L. REMOVAL GUTTERS - J i j SINCE 1872 MM. IN COUroN 1 WORD PER UON Uullar (Deceaaadl. Construction Co. ME. 3.7731 NoUea la hereby given that I have COMMERCIAL AND t Kic-wa and Tajon Straata I (lied my.flnal raport in the County RESIDENTIAL 1306 W. Alameda Court of (ha City and County of REASONABLE RATES (ii-nvar, Colorado, and that any p<^ Gutters Spocta AL. 5S3I0 Remodeling ond Now -'in daalring lo obleel to tha aame Wa •aaclellM la Cellar aad The Hg>yNo Shoot shall Hie written ohJccUon with tha Constrvctlon Please Patronize said court on or before Deeembat BRICK Sfeai Raelaeaiwaal 31, 1988. Cellar! Ctaaaad an! RafaheO M o t a l & K n a i f i n g 6 o , Your REGISTER ] Theodore R. Butler nraplecaa. brick lenalr. pulnUns Ikareaihly Ea»ariaaea! iiacuter EallnulM. BUD NUIAN U l 348M Advertisers and INL-UfU-URAItO JamH J. Oalliriy iftoaa^kla. Cimraalaad HEAIINO RUUFINC 434 MaiHtlC BuJWInB t t f j Ml Mention i SKLb.1 MEIAL Dtnvar Z, Colarada BUILDER t, CARPENTER KEystona 4-43I3 American Roofiof THE REGISTER | Pbaavi ME 3-4eaa Eai laea Publlahed In The Denver CatboUe 926 so NEVADA Rtglattn For any ramodoHne Sheet Metal Co. CMP 11.00 TO IT A.M) .MAIL TO Firtt Publication. Nov. 18. I98B In viaur Ttame f Pole Rornni ^ Lait Publkatlon. Dee. 34, 19BS. — ImWo or out — CH 4-E4as E1J7 Doweing I9i QUALin A MUST! Call Jack Rala Classified Adteriising, The Register. i IN THE COUNTY COURT { Forniturp Shatp a Dr. John A . Ordohl AC. M4ff «L. 5-3831 A lla r 6 o-ai. SU- 1-8011 Box 1620. Denver I, Colo, or Phone It In lo KE 4 4205 i In end for the Oty and Cotraty Member of PratanUUoa Pariah SatisfoctloR Guerontoodl r UPHULblbKINC J OPTOMCTRIST I of Denver and State of Colorado Htmkar af AU Bella FerMI 9 ag-UPHOLETERINC AND 1 ' So. P-17343 Free Estimates L REPAIRINC 4 115 NORtH TiJON STREET MOTICI TO CRBDITOR8 r 911. Cawrt aae Oiapafta* 4 ME. 2-3441 HELP WANTED— Mole or Feitiole E.tTATS OF GLORIA H. GREEN­ Building and Ramodaling f M>4* I* Orkat ] WOOD (Wardi. HEATING COLORADO SPRINGS. COLO. All pertoni having clatma agalnat Reooaallng, baaamanU. tile floorf,! RA. 2-5763 ^ Fuinitura Made lo Order i (Ik above named ecUla are roquired paBallng. Any ilu . UeoittoJ 9J!-33S Wahiairk Av ME 2.*4(>l' 1 and InfUifd. .. lo flie them for aUowanee In the McKahKy 3P. 7-S54Z LiL'-u County Court of Iht City and Trash Hauling Cnuntv of Denver, Colorado, on or Raaemonli, addlliona, cab. work, WE SPECIALIZE ON-SMOEV 'iKfnrt- the ZSih day of May, I960, ilao •nierior deenraling. 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VIEWS BEHIND THE NEWS O f o n R lw a y s One True Pope From the 13lh to the 16lh eenlurr Because o f imperial influence from Great Non-Catholic Thinkers the line o f lurceuion o f the Pontiff* Germany and secular influence from wM difficult la determine for the faith­ France. Kugeniu* was forced to leave In Floi'eon, En- ful o f that day. Bui one true Pope al- Rome and lake exile in Florence. So genius was given Have Opposed Birth Control wayt reigned. One >uch true Pope wai ihai his departure would be safe, the complete protectioo By Paul H. Hallett ideal of chastity Us just de­ and philosopher, wrote in his Eugeniue IV, elected toward the end of Pontiff, dressed as a monk, was given and continued to A boob by a oon-Catbolic, serts. Princtplej! 0 / E thics (II. the iSth century. passage on a river boat up the Tiber. rule the Church Uni­ C. J. van Vliet. which was Auguste Comte, the xiiii. 181): "Sexual relations versal. T o this city first published ih 1939 and founder of Positivism, hoped unfavorable to the rearing of rame the faithful of this year reprinted, presents that “education will make all offspring . . . must tend to­ all walks o f life and some h ig h ly interesting feel the defects of the sexual ward degradation." it was here that the names of grea t thinkers, impulse, and will raise a The father of modem neu­ patronage o f the many of whom were far hope of its entire desuetude.” rology was Baron Richard Pontiff fostered the from b e in g Catholic, who Comte was of course absurd von Krafft-Ebing (1B40- genius o f Michelan­ have opposed birth control in thinking that men can 1902). He wrote in his fa­ gelo, Donatello, Fra or the justification o f sex in^ ,ver outgrow sex, but the im- mous Psychopothia Serualis, Angelico, and Botti­ dulgence on which it is •rtant point is that he rec- iv, 79: "Every expression of celli. founded. :nized that education can the sexual impulse that does and should give training in The book, The Coiled S) not correspond with nature’s pent (Los Angeles, BeVoi^ chastity. purpose of pcopagation must &. Co.), is more ^an half One o f the most remark­ be regarded as perverse ” made up ^ ouotations able authorities from whom Probably the best-known from the wioSIt conceivable van Vliet quotes is Sigmund modem philosopher is Im­ In the ninth year sources, all buttressing the tYeud. I say “remarkable.” manuel Kant (1’724-1804); He o f his exile Engenios author’s thesis that the use because Freud, the author of wrote: “The end of humanity returned to Rome of sex is only for procreation. pansexualism, is perhaps best in respect to sexuality is to with full authority. It is the only contemporary known for his overemphasis preserve the species without 1 ^ His enemies in the book by a non-Catholic I on sex as an explanation of debasing the person” (Lec­ form o f anti- > i have ever read that is loud human behavior. tures OB Ethics,’ 170). Birth were vanquished and in the praise of celibacy and “All the means that have control frustrates-that end. peace was made with asceticism. been resorted to in order to In seeking confirmation for Sigismund o f Cer- Although in his chapter on p r e v e n t conception,” said his thesis from Indian and mnny. Amhassadort "Modern Philosophy" van Freud, “disturb the finer sen­ Chinese and Greek and Ro­ rame from Germany Vliet has to admit that its sibilities of man and woman.” man philosophy, van Vliet but Engenius was materialism has been antago­ (M odem Sexual Mondity and has no difficulty whatever. If forced to receive nistic to sexual idealism, he Modem Nervousness). anything, these philosopher^ them from hi* death­ quotes an impressive number Herbert Spencer, the Eng­ went to the false extreme of bed. of thinkers who give to the lish 19th century sociologist denying that sex was good ih itself. ANNOUNCING . . . Many more great thinkers could be quoted for the ideal of sex u a l continence and jiitaiiiimilBMililBMiiliaiiHniiaiiaaMipi w | REGISTER PILGRIMAGES against birth control, notably our own 'Thomas Jefferson. Kewoes oP My point in referring to them TO IWhof They Are Saying is not that they lend great added weight' to a clearly es­ Ignorance, prejudice, and mis­ The condition of youths to­ tablished natural law but that understandings cause the big- day is difficult because of the Probably the best known martyr * Oberammergau they show that hedonism or between modem as well as the ancient under Elizabeth I was this brilliant Passion Play amoralism, on which the phi­ the d iffe r e n t temptations to which they are scholar, who was reared under the new losophy of birth control main­ t"® faiths. subject," he said. “Suggest we— Protestantism. * Internationa) Eucharis­ ly rests, is not in the line of G*P Co-operation on as well as outright evil publica­ After his reconciliation with the great thought. a personal basis, declared three tions— films, plays, and talks Church he studied at Rhients and after tic Congress, Munich, religious leaders on a Pittsburgh are a constant menace to them. his ordination relnmed to Eufland. Gn-many Dominican Father Thomas D television show, is the surest The wonder is not that many go He was arrested under a law that made Rover, in a “Dialogue Between way lo bridge this gap. astray, but that so many resist it high treason to return to the old re­ * ROME * LOURDES c* -TL_____ St. Thomas and Bishop John J. Wright, Bishop the temptations that their el­ ligion and felony 10 say or hear Mass. St. Thomas g Beatnik” in Austin Pardne of the Protesunt ders invent or employ to se­ After spending some time in dun­ and the pjgw York with Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, duce them. Parents, particularly, geons. Campion was led to execution TOUR ‘A’ — Leave New Beatniks peet H ow ard and Dr. Solomon B. Freehof, should be industrious to safe­ by the foul custom of hanging, draw­ York by ship June 29, rabbi of Rodef Shalom Temple, guard their children, warning by air, July 3. Return Hart, said that because they ing, and qnarlering. exalt feeling over reason, the agreed that no ideological or them in due time of dangers by ship Aug. 23, by air theological differences orevent that confront them. A sane, Aug. 19. (London. Ire­ beatniks do not realize that the working together by mem­ healthy attitude on the part of land, Brussels, Switzer­ one can embrace reality only bers of the three faiths to la n d , Lourdes, Nice, under the discipline of reason. parents,” he said, "must have create a better society. Rome, M u n ich , Salz­ By under-rating reason, the beat­ a beneficial influence on their burg. Oberammergau, nik artists find themselves em­ Bishop Wright said that many growing children. Wiesbaden, C ologn e, bracing evil as well as good. intergroup tensions arise more Amsterdam, Paris). Rather than merely ridicul­ from the “recollections of griev­ ances of deeds and misdeeds” B i e s s e o TOUR ‘C’ — Depart New ing the beatniks’ b ^ rd s and York via air economy TOUR ‘B’ — Almost same slovenly appearance, the Domini­ done in the name o f a belief class July 9. return Aug. than from actual diHerences. as Tour ‘A’ but not in­ can said that Christians ‘ought Current 13. (Fatima, Barcelona, cluding Oberammergau. to be the temples of the Spirit G Dm uno Lourdes. Rome, Flor­ Return to New York by ence, Switzerland, Ober­ air, Aug. 12, by ship, and should draw the quieting Cardinal N orm an Gilroy, ammergau. Munich, Aug. 16. souls of the Beat writers to­ Archbishop of Sydney, appealed Comment Paris.) ward the possession of the true . I to parents to take Spirit of God, which produces every precaution to campion Write for folders ond particulars to THE REGISTER, British Historian Christopher the fruits of peace, patience, ®' protect their chil- Dawson urged that Catholics Travel Department, P.O. Box 1620, Denver, Colo. benignity, longsuffering, and rarents