
http://bhamterminal.com/timetable July 21, 2008 André Natta

Wild Sweet Orange. Courtesy of the band’s Flickr profile.

Wild Sweet Orange‘s new We Have Cause to Be Uneasy is being released within a matter of days, and The Terminal was lucky enough to receive an advance copy. The strange thing is, I think I’ve already heard this before; let me explain.

The first track is an updated version of their much-touted single Ten Dead Dogs. But as I moved on to the newer tracks, my mind started to race.

Everything in the national media reads pretty much the same with frontman Preston Lovinggood being praised for his “slight Southern tinge” and “country influences”. I think I’m not alone when I say that there are plenty of Birmingham bands that have an “alt country/southern” charm that is more expansive and accurate. But for Wild Sweet Orange, this isn’t really a bad thing. It’s VH1 and Grey’s Anatomy-friendly and that’s something the city’s music scene can cling to. Four guys from town on tour with Augustana and being compared to Snow Patrol is certainly attention that’s hard to shy away from. The band signed with Canvasback, the same folks that brought you Orchestra, The Swell Season and Annuals.

The songs on We Have Cause to Be Uneasy seem frighteningly natural for driving music. No matter which one becomes your repeat offender, it’s hard to not be reminded of minus the reverb or Okkervil River. The lyrics are so suburban and dysfunctional, that you’ll instantly understand the comparisons being drawn between WSO and the Saddle Creek style. “Light ” they call it. I’ve even heard “indie folk”. This album has been two years in the works and lucky for Preston & company, it’s got a spark of mass appeal that has been spreading through acoustic indie lover blogs and mainstream outlets alike.

Their album release show will be at Workplay on the 26th, the same night of The Terminal’s benefit show. If you can’t see them that night, check out their MySpace profile to listen to some of their tracks or keep your eye out for footage from their 12:30 p.m. performance on the BMI stage at on August 3.