FOREWORD I Take This Opportunity to Thank the Following Development
FOREWORD I take this opportunity to thank the following development officials and scientists who have involved in preparation revision and finanalization of C-Dap documents. First and foremost, I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to Shri Vikas Deshmukh, Commissioner of Agriculture, Shri. K. V. Deshmukh Director Agriculture (E &T), Shri. Mahavir Jangate, Divisional Joint Director, t Thane, and all the officers of Extension Department of Commissionerate of Agriculture, who has guided and helped us a lot for preparing these C-Dap. I am thankful to Shri. Dilip Shinde, C.E.O Zilla Parishad and all the head of the department from line department ,Scientist, ARS Palghar, K.V. K., Kosbad, Pricipal, Rameti-Khopoli to their valuable suggestion and remarks. The entire district level officials, Farmers of selected village and whole team of C-Dap Palghar extended their co-operation and help in preparation of this document. Among the team members and departmental officers. Shri Prakash Pawar, ShriSatish Borhade, Shri. Vasant Chaudhari, Shri Anand Kambale, Shri. Pravin Chaudhari, . have contributed in big way in Collection, analysis and interpretation of data and Successful Completion of this “C-Dap Document “ I also thank shri . R. G. Patil, Project Director ATMA Palghar. without his sincere efforts complementation of this document is not possible. Finally I would like to thank all those who worked/guided/helped in C-Dap Finalization. Collector, Palghar and Chairman C-Dap INDEX SR PARTICULARS PAGE .NO. 01 FOREWORD 02 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 03 CHAPTER- I INTRODUCTION 04 CHAPTER- II GENERAL INFORMATION OF DISTRICT 05 CHAPTER- III VISION AND STRATEGY 06 CHAPTER- IV METHODLOGY AND PROCESS 07 CHAPTER- V SWOT ANALYSISI OF PALGHAR DISTRICT 08 CHAPTER- VI DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE SECTOR.
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