Issued^ H j e s w Thursday Saturday he ourier azette T Kntered u Second ClanC Mall Matte, -G Established January, 1846. By The Courler-Oaiette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, August 1, 1939 TH R EE CENTS A COPY Volum e 9 4 ...... Number 9 1. The Courier-Gazette [EDITORIAL] THREL'TIMBS-A-WEEK FERNALD'S NOMINATION “POSSIBLE" FAMOUS ARTISTS' PAINTING BEAUTIFYING A CORNER “The Black Cat” Editor In alphabetical order—Roy Fernald of Winterport. William WM. O FULLER Associate Editor S. Linnell of Portland, Blin Page of Skowhegan. Frederick FRANK A WINSLOW Payne of Augusta, and Sumner Sewall of Bath. That is the To Be Exhibited At Port Clyde Aug. 1-7— The Esso Station To Be Erected On Blake Property present gubernatorial lineup In the Republican camp, always Hubecrlptlom *3 00 ner year payable It. advance: single copies three cents, i with the prospect that Attorney General Franz U. Burkett Hours 10 To 12, and 2 To 5 a Decided Improvement Advertising rates based upon circuit-i tlon and very reasonable of Portland may enter the lists, and that this talk of drafting NEWSPAPER HISTORY former Oov Percival Baxter may take definite form. Fred K. Port Clyde Is the scene this week his illustrations for Kenneth Rob­ Th» Rockland Oarette was estab­ Owen of the Portland Sunday Telegram has had his ear to The tragic death of C. M. Blase building passed into the possession lished In ’84o In 1874 the Courier was of an exhibition of paintings and of Mrs. Blake. established and consolidated with the the ground for a long time but admits that he cannot find out erts “Trending into Maine." which occurred 23 years ago. the Oaeette In 1882 The Free Press was wnat Baxtei would do If brought into the lineup by his prints by local and out of town John McCoy of Chadds Ford, coming September, left with his Next south of this .building was a ee

above all. her Joy in knowing they The Courier-Gazette Their Liberty Brief Four Maine Guides had "kept the faith.’’ true to ideals THRKE-TTMES-A-WEEK SEVENTEEN VEARS OUT of honor and nobility of character. Short Term Men Skip Prison Will Help Entertain Pa- Her audience was profoundly im­ Then answered Peter and said HAS THE VOTERS' 0 . K. trons Of Rockport pressed by Miss Oilman's remarks unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us Farm, Recaptured By Pa­ Re' But Time Counted For Naught At Class Of ’22 significant because of her thorough to be here. Matt. 17: 4 trolman Foley gatta This Week I knowledge of the natures whereof Reunion In Camden she spoke. James Welch. 27. and Edmund Aug. 2-3-4-5 outdoor sports fans ) So vivid were the recollections of Dow. 50. assigned to the State throughout the country will fccus • ■ • ■ i • ■ ■ ■ r t ■ > i ■ ■ 'Bresie," guardian of sports, that Prison Farm at South Warren as their attention on the fourteenth Bonds of friend- still a chaperoned house party even after a lapse of 17 years, he ship a n d lo y a lty 's u c h as 22- enjoyed at Temple was able to review with graphic "trusties'* walked into the woods annual Sportsmen's Show and Re­ /• '/S THIS WEEK'S GAMES soared to a happy Heights Inn. Resolved that such j clarity the individual gridiron plays Saturday afternoon and at 4 30 gatta at Rockport. Every type of Tuesday z e n i t h Thursday j a social function makes for |n those halcyon years when Cam- Thomaston at Camden. Sut*, Fulton reported to Warden watersport will receive its share of night when the Class heightened faithfulness to each den High turned out men worthy Rockport at St. George. Welch that they hid disappeared. attention and four expert Maine <> f 1922, C a m d e n other throughout the years. To the Of their steel, huskies who could Wednesday Lieut. J. E. Marks of the State guides add the Big Woods touch to High School, held its first reunion end that unity based on mutual "take it” and bounce back for more, Rockport at Rockland. Police was notified, and two blood- I this gala event. at the Megunticook Lake cottage ot school pleasures may be inculcated Now. alas, the school boasts no Camden at St. George. | hounds from the St. Oeorge Kennels , Gladys Fernald Young. Long had in current school body, a committee Eleven at all: its glory but a paie Wallace Soule of Costigan. expert F riday were placed on the fugitives' tracks. | this glorious event been hoped for, was appointed consisting of Burt relic of former vigor, its school Thomaston at Rockland. The degs followed them to a point chopper, log roller, and top notch but the spark for actual realization Stevenson and his selected assis-! spirit weak and insipid and the Camden at Rockport. near Sandy Shores and then quit. competitor in the fastest competl- was the return of its farthermost tents. student body lethargic with indif­ • In the event of postponed Warden Welch's force and the State tions will twice daily display his classmate, Robert H. Bean of Ash­ Further gestures of constancy and ference. Twas never thus in games being played will the man- Police worked until nearly midnight ability as an all round river-m an land. Ky . who with Mrs. Bean, was kindliness were evidenced in the ''Bresie's” reign. agers please notify this paper when the discovery of fresh car and woodsman. visiting in Camden for the first pledge to aid each other in any j A tentative date was set for a • • • • tracks led to the belief they had Peter Francis, famous Penobscot ! time since graduation. form of adversity or misfortune, to. reunion next year some night dur- The League Standing been picked up by a pissing auto­ Indian Guide, will be hard to beat A local nucleus of the 30-strong lend a helping hand in fellowship 1 Ing the last two weeks in August, w L. PC. mobile. in any of the contests and his ex­ class galvanized into action and and give class comrades that moral Members of the class who were Rockland ..... 12 4 .750 At 8 o clock S tay Patrolman Ray pert handling of a canoe will be well with a two-day hurry and scurry, lift intangible but invaluable to 1 present were: Robert H. Bean, Mau- Camden ...... 10 6 .625 Fcley nabbed both men near the worth watching. contacted all classmates whose those of yearning heart and m ind.' rice A Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. Harry St. George 9 8 .529 railroad station in Waldoboro and Jasper Haynes, from middle Joe whereabouts was known. The mea- A fund for this purpose which may I Joy 1 Pauline Cole), Fred Hansen, Rockport ...... 9 8 .529 returned them to prison. Mary Lake in the famous West sure of their success was effectively also be used to purchase flowers Harold Hansen. Trygve Heistad. Thomaston ..... 6 9 400 Both convicts were short term Branch country, with his many tokened by the arrival of half the for any deceased member, was Phyllis Littlefield Monroe, Kather­ •Warren ..... 2 13 .133 men, elig.ble to parcle tomorrow. years of experience both as a guide ci^s, wreathed In smiles, and with raised on the spot and amounted ine McDonald, Gladys Fernald Withdrawn. and a woodsman will take plenty of I outstretched hands in hearty to 17. A moment's silence was rev­ Young. Earl Pitcher, Fernald War­ • • • • first places. greeting. With the supplement of erently passed in memory of the ren. Burton Stevenson and Luther Johnny Davidson of Somerville. TALK OF THE TOWN Last but not least comes Leslie I wives, husbands and guests, atten- class' only los$ by death—Margue­ Calderwood. Honorary members and Mass., is spending his vacation at ------Francis, also a Pencbscot Indian, a J dance totalled 21. rite French Alley. guests who attended were: Mrs. Tenant's Harbor. Here's hoping A series of public beano parties canoeman, powerful and skillful. Masculine brawn wielded clam Some slight conception of the Bean. Miss Frances Rankin, Mrs. that he will be seen in a St. George to aid the VF.W drum corps will and one of the aU round hoes in the afternoon to the tune depth of feeling and calibre of Fred Hansen. Willis Monroe. Miss uniform. ■ be held every Saturday night be- 1------tournament------men-...... in —the ------country., ■ , of a bushel of bivalves, those popu- fidelity in these ranks may be Oilman, Mr Brcsnchan and Forrest • • • • [ ginning this week in the Townsend j included in the ' Guides' Hour” iar menu bolsters which, augmented gained from mention that Young. No games in the Twilight League JNo. 2 hall over Fox Lunch. contests are log chopping, sawing, by picnic goodies from the home- Luther Calderwood of Woronoco, since last Friday night, because of „ ». o u , 1 and rolling, canoe tilting, canoe j makers, caused soft sounds—the Mass., motored all night to join his Class 1934 Rockland High School: „ . ... A special kind of help on one of fog and storm. buddies in time; Trygve Heistad will hold its first reunion Aug 15 races- fly castin8 and moose calling, harmony of smacking lips. "Do you the most important of Red Cross • • • • burned up the roads from South at Crescent____ , Beach »Inn,__“Sonny and all Olson will act as master remember?” was the theme song. I activities, namely that having to Clarence Shibles, formerly of of ceremonies and direct the guides j with variations of “You haven't members are urged to be present Paris on three hours' notice; and do with Veterans and their families Camden, accompanied the Belgrade , program. With his intimate knowl- changed a bit.” A store of Jolly Maurice A Bowers who owns a n ! is available through a conference team to Camden Sunday, and was : edge of these men and his experi- ■ memories were revived when Burt 1 investment be made with Miss Constance C. business in Portland, with Miss Beulah Russell of War greeted by many friends. He um­ ence in conducting a show of this Stevenson passed around a collec- Snow or Miss Ruth F Ward. Trans­ dropped everything and rushed post Service. American National Red pired the games played by the Bel­ type the audience will not only see tion of school pictures of the long portation will be in charge of haste Telegrams expresing best Cross, Washington, which will be grade High School, which twice ■ a performance second to none, but ’ ago showing athletic teams, drama wishes and regret of absence were j held Aug 2 a t 7 30 in the Chamber '■ Charles E. Havener took Camden High into camp, and 1 will understand exactly what is tak- j tic casts and orchestra musicians , received from Stephen L. Gushee of of Commerce, under the direction of which incidentally has not lost a Ills features are a bit dim in ‘he picture, but nobody will have to be Visitation Day will be observed ing place. in all of which activities ^ r s were New York and Luclle R Hall, salu- , the Knox County Chapter. Workers game in two years told twice that this is Bert Winslow. Knox County's register of deeds The ------prominent. At this point flash light j tatorian of Gloucester. Mass To and committee members from all affair* cf his office are administrred in a manner entirely to the liking of next Sunday at the Universalist its patrons. Church In South Hope. Dr. Guy- Class 1906. Rockland High School pictures of the dining ensemble were 1 the latter who was especially ac- the branches are expected at that Again In Trouble Robbins of Lawrence. Mass., will will gather Thursday night at 6 taken by Willis Monroe, tive and popular a "round robin” ; time. o'clock, at the Farm Bureau hall j Cheer and songs resounded as letter of friendly sentiment was1 I Aug. 7, 1937. arrested by Police tenced to two years on one charge, conduct the service at 10.30 a. m. on Dodges Mountain for its annual the group expanded in jubilant composed. Arrested Department in Easton. Penn , un- and an additional year to be served D S. T. Picnic lunch will be Colored Woman reunion. Sports and sightseeing spirits expressive of their elation One of the major delights of the j der name of Theresa Bailey, for at expiration of that sentence. served after the meeting. Take Here Last March dishes will be in order, followed by a lob- ' at being reunited after 17 years of gathering was the presence of two NOW IS THE TIME! shoplifting The quartet will be remembered Three Years ster dinner to be served by some of varying fortunes. Yet hilarity was members of the faculty at that time WATER PIPES RENEWED Nov. 1. 1937, arrested by New as having the appearance of a Glimpses of the New York the class members. A program, in-1 far from being the keynote; rather, j—Miss Aldine C Gilman, class ad­ AND WIRED OUT York Police Department under "tough bunch.” NEW SEWERS LAID Several months ago considerable World s Fair will be afforded the eluding games and music, will be I was it balanced with a levening de- visor and teacher of English name of Leona Daniels. ALSO CLEANED WHEN excitement was caused in this city Rockland Lions tomorrow when presented and the committee in gree of serious thought which came throughout the four years, and PLUGGED when Sheriff Ludwick arrested four March 31. 1939 arrested by Sheriff Edgar Blackman of Cohoes. N Y , Past King Lion Wibur Scnter gives1 charge plans for the biggest and to the fore during the business Francis N. Bresnehan. manual SEPTIC TANKS & CESSPOOLS Ludwick under name of Leona his motion picture lecture on that best reunion ever Members with AND CEMENT WORK colored persons charged with steal­ who has been In charge of the Endi­ meeting. An idea, sound and con­ training teacher and athletic coach ing goods from a Camden store. Daniels for shoplifting, and paid a subject. Those who remember'Mr j husbands and wives and guests, are structive, was the vote to endeavor of championship teams. Miss Gil­ REPAIR CELLAR WALLS cott-Johnson painting job in this All were finger printed, and now fine of $125. Senters fine pictures of the San urged to attend. Transportation to impress upon the*present stu- man expressed a touching tribute S. E. EATON from the Federal Bureau of Inves- . July 14, 1939. arrested by the city, brought greetings to Rockland Francisco Exposition will not miss will be provided, and those planning dents the enduring value of a pre- to her former charges, her words tigation comes the following record , State Police in Raleigh. N. C. under friends from Charles S. Alperin, who j this opportunity to see the New ,to attend will call William Sulli- 1 graduation get-together such as a redolent of sincerity as she told of TEL. 1187-R, ROCKLAND. ME. of one member of the party. !name of Christine Smith and sen­ is now located in Cohoes. York show. van at once. I picnic, educational trip or better her pride in their progress and

FREE! SPEED-O-BYKE SPECIFICATIONS COUPON GIVEN TIRES: United States Rubber Company super-bal­ With Every Purchase loon pneumatic tires. 2.50x12.75. COASTER BRAKE: New Departure (the same as on Some cases with very small purchases the best bicycles). Get your Coupons at all the listed Spccd- CHAIN: Diamond Roller, ’j inch pitch by '» Inch SEE THE isame as on best bicycles). O-Byke Stores. Every Saturday Matinee a IT IS A A FRAME: Regular bieyele tubing (not gas pipe). Speed-O-Byke will be Given Away at the TRUSS RODS: Large -ize. full nickel plated. SPANKY HANDLEBARS: Full adjustable, with forward exten­ Park Theatre. NOT sion. Goose-nerk stem. Highly ehromium plated. AWARD DATES S S PEDALS: Full ball bearing, solid rubber bicycle M acFARLAND pedals. July 8, 15, 22, 29, Aug. 5, 12, 19 and 26 SOLD IN SADDLE: Troxel best juvenile suspension spring One Speed-O-Byke given away eaeh date. Tear saddle and nickel plated springs. Tool bag at­ your tieket in half, keep half and deposit other half FILM tached. in Theatre Lobby box. Participants ran be present at STORES K K EXTKAS: Complete with rear platform carrier, stand, either theatre to be eligible. Actual drawing at the tool hag and wrenches as shown in illustration. Park. WEIGHT: Only 29 pounds I less than the weight of the average No. 3 velocipede).

PERRY’S MARKETS F WHERE THRIFTY HOUSEWIVES MEET 51 PARK ST. ROCKLAND 428 MAIN ST. 0 0 "EVERYTHING TO EAT" FREE DELIVERY E'our tickets w ith erery SI purchase or every SI paid on account R R C £ 0 0 U U P p 0 0 N N S S

This is Fred Goodnow, Jr., 189 Broadw ay, Last Week’s Winner. Save Your Coupons for this week’s Speed-O-Byke Contest— You May Win. GET YOUR COUPONS AT THESE STORES FOR SPEED-O-BYKES DEPOSIT THEM AT STRAND OR PARK THEATRES-FREE BYKE EVERY SATURDAY MATINEE Every-Other-Day Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, August 1, 1939 Page Three TALK OF THE TOWN The Waldo’s Exhibit ing the Pilot" andi one of the most exciting and magnificent large folio Post Office Picnic Through The Mists ship prints—“The Wreck ot the S. Anson Glidden’s Last Run Theatre Will Display Fa­ S. San Francisco,” depicting the Some Of the Things Seen (A saga of braves and squaws at mous Lithographs This clipper ships Antarctic and Three At Public Landing Sun­ Bells rescuing the passengers and Camden Hills Parkl. W eek crew. Also in the exhibition, for (By Dogge O. Reeler) day Afternoon display only, is one of the finest Through winding ways In forest green Aug. 2 (8 p, m l Thomaston—•'There The display of a highly selective Wc trailed the fairy aisle Pea soup fog shed its unwelcome 1 and Back”, travel talk by Miss Rita impressions of an extremely rare To where the whirling smoke was seen I C Smith and Miss Margaret G Ruggles group of rare old prints at- the And brave to squaw did snil'e. mantle over Rockland harbor Sun- at Congregational vestry large folio—"Across the Continent i Aug 2 Port Clyde— Baptist Circle Waldo Theatre in Waldoboro ter­ The Westward Course bf the Empire We gathered there at eaveR ol old clay afternoon, putting the kibosh fair at Library. On ocean's surging shore Aug 2—Annual picnic of Shakespeare minates after Friday of this week. Makes Its Way." A roar of fire blazing told on any attempt to have a yacht 8oclety at Crescent Beach Inn. Of lobsters, clams and more. Aug 2—Founders' Day at Lincoln Lithographs by N Currier and Cur­ There are over 60 rare and fine race. Home In Newcastle rier & Ives have, because of their small folio prints, principally Mis- The rolling mist on heaving sea Aug. 2-5 —Rockport— Regatta-Sports­ Could not suppress the Joy Spectators saw a number of boats men's Show beauty and their value as docu­ sislppi scenes, clipper prints, steam­ Of us who swarm like buzzing bee Aug 3—Reunion of Claes of '.906. To what was there. Oh boy! maneuvering in the mist, and the Rockland High School, at Bennet Hll mentary records of early Ameri­ ships and marine disaster, and sev­ Aug 6—South Hope—yisltatlon Day cana, to say nothing of their in­ eral early water colors of ships. In The fire roared, the coffee boiled speed boat occupied by Guy Ler- at Universalist Church. And poor dogs, how they died! Aug 6 Rockport -Concert by Curtis creasing rarity, been highly desired addition a number of the finest Their bellies burst, their tails uncoiled mond and family of Thomaston. String Quartet at Capt. Eells' Boat Dear things, for ut they fried. Barn by print collectors and those inter­ small folio Railroad prints are to be Through the mists also could be Aug 7—Reunion Class of 1912 Rock­ ested in history or in enhancing the seen, including “The Night Express The brown rocks bright In fire glow seen dimly the form of the tanker land High School at Rockledge Inn, Were warm to heart and eye Spruce Head wall spaces of their homes. —The Start" in perfect condition, While ocean surge on shore below which had been waiting several days Aug 8--Reunion of class 1910 Rock­ Now crooned Its lullaby. outside of Matinicus Rock for an land High School, at Green Gables In Circa 1930 Currier & Ives prints “The Express Train," Currier At Camden reached fabulous values and many Ives and “The Express Train" N But crunching laws, to minstrel song opportunity to go on the Trial Aug. 9 Martinsville— Ladles Circle Were cold and hard as nails fair at Grange hall brought fabulous prices at auctions Currier. Also a beautiful print They only looked for. Oh so long! Course. Aug 9 Owls Head— Church Fair at "American Railroad Scene—Snow- To Donald's dips and balls A flurry cf excitement was caused Library building. and print galleries. However, while Aug 10 Warren —Congregational prints, like most other luxuries, ! bound." With buzzard’s claw and vulture's beak when Capt. Bobbie Hills. Capt. Lu­ Ladles' circle midsummer fair. We fell upon It all. cien Oreen, Jr.. Capt. Merton Has­ Aug 10—Reanlon Class of 1901 Rock­ have fallen In value due to the de­ , The public is welcome to attend But Dave had plied her to the peak land High School, at Rockledge Inn, whether it is their intention to buy To meet that greedy call. kell and Capt. Clinton Fickett came Spruce Head pression, many of them have main­ Aug 13- Annual field day of Waldo tained a high price level because of or merely view the collection. There Jake's long gut with clams was ashore in the pumpkin seed, Green's County and Game Association in crammed Folly, and came near being capsized Swanville their increasing scarcity every year. After Friday many of the prints And Mart did follow through Aug IS Class 1934, Rockand High Clipper ship prints and Railroad will be available for inspection at The circling gulls cried — "I’ll be at the Public Landing. All four of School, reunion at Crescent Beach Inn damned Aug IS—Annual field day of East­ prints, always desirable, have re­ the residence of C. T. Cooney Jr., in If wc can trim that erewt” the skippers got a ducking as they ern Star Chapters of this district at Waldoboro—adv.* scrambled onto the float. Penobscot View Grange hall. Glen tained much of their value. Some faces new were there perchance Cove. Anson M. Gliddrn of the New County road pulled his frtight train into the Maine Central depot Saturday, The collection on display in the While others were not by. Porpoises are causing mischief in Aug. 18—Reunion Class of 1907. R patted the throttle alTertionately and stepped down out of the eab to Jcin the long list of retired railroad men. No Millie’s peal or Avis prance Waldo Theatre lounge mornings Editor Fuller has received from local waters, driving the mackerel H S. having attained hLs 65th birthday. With him on his last run was Joseph Hamlin igight) who formerly did To cheer both ear and eye. Aug. 16-17 - Thomaston — American Interlacken. Switzerland, greetings inshore and the herring into deep Legion Fair the braking on Glidden's train, and who retired two years ago, after beginning his service as a water boy on from 10 until 12.30 and at other That round and rosy trencherman Aug. 17—Reunion (25th) Class 1914 the old K. A I,. E. H. Hall, an engineer, who retired last September, h id also intended to make this last run, times (when not conflicting with from President and Mrs. Everett C. The king of big-pot fame water. RH8. at Rockledge Inn. Oh! Where was he with his big pan? Aug 18—State Field Day of Knox but was unable to fill the date. shows) is predominately marine and Herrick as of July 21. Pretty good No clams could fill the same So far as known only two mack­ Academy of Arts and Sciences at Knox "Anse" Gliddrn has given the railroad corporation long and faithful service. At every station along the includes some extremely rare and time in the long Journey. The erel were caught In the harbor Sun­ Arboretum line his genial smile will be sincerely missed. The bou quet of flowers he received is typiral of the bouquets We filled our selves. Don fed the gulls Aug 18 —Warren - Annual m id-sum ­ beautiful prints, the great majority card bore these pleasant words; Till arm and wing fell down day and those were hooked toy that mer concert at Baptist Church tendered figuratively by all who know him. And then we breathed the Joy that Aug 20 Waldoboro Annual service in fine condition and al guaran­ “You are In a good country— a good lulls smiling waterfront expert Lawrence at German Lutheran Church. teed as to authenticity. spot and good hands." The heart without a frown. Hamlin about 1000 feet off the Pub­ Aug 20--Rockport-Concert by Cur­ The new tanker Neosho finally The whereabouts of the Negro Principal Joseph E. Blaisdell, who tis String Quartet at Capt. Eells' Boat Included are: “The Sperm Whale With all the razz and Joking play. lic Landing. Barn. made Its way through the fog yes­ is spending the summer in Sidney, There falls the spell ot mellow scene; missing from an Owl's Head institu­ —In A Flurry'' and “The Whale The Pine Tree State Shows began Aug 22—Rockport—School of Instruc­ terday and is having its trial on was a visitor in the city yesterday. The timeless peace that holds Its sway tion. O E S tion has not been learned. Sidney —Laying On,” a desirable a week's stand on Park street yes­ Where brooding forests lean Representative Clyde H. Smith of Aug 23—Owls Head -G range fair the Rockland course today. Walsh believes he saw the man terday. Late last night City Mar­ Aug 25—South Thomaston Grange pair which has brought as high as And then, at last, we leave It all— Maine has been informed by the and Church fair walking near the Cement plant on Percy Dinsmore of the Central $425 at auction; N. Currier "The shal Fish received complaints that The woods, the ocean old; War Department engineers that a Aug. 28—Red Jacket Day. James Scavey found himself be­ The Joy that's gone, again will call Aug 28 12 p. m l—Crockett Block— the afternoon of July 19. Fire Station is having his annual American Whaler" and “The Whale a number of persons had been vic­ To scenes that never mould. public hearing will be held at 10.30 Educational Club unveiling ceremonies fore Judge Dwinal on a charge of vacation, Capt. Gray havihg re­ timized by so-called "skin” games. for original Red Jacket bronze tablet. ■ Fishery—Attacking a Right Whale." To Helstad's art. we tribute pay. a. m. Aug. 17 at Revere Hall Lsle intoxication yesterday forenoon and Mr. Fish went to the scene at once, turned to duty. This latter small folio lithograph For him. a vote Is due Au Haut, on the proposal to improve escaped easily his 69-day sentence FACTORY STARTS CP From those who trail his magic way REUNIONS brought a huge price at auction. caused a restitution of the lost Through scenes so lair to view the channel between Isle Au H aut Aug 3—Ingraham family at Penob­ was suspended and he was placed Boy Scouts, and other boys inter­ money, and closed the game. Among scot View Grange hall. Glen Cove; 59th The campaign which began one Also included are a group of hand­ The braves and squaws, members and Kimball Island, daJled thfll on parole for one year. Being the victims was a New Hampshire annual. year ago this m onth for the erec­ ested, are asked to assemble tomor­ some large folio clipper prints; “The and guests of the Rockland Post thoroughfare. Aug 6—Crockett family at Ralph placed under $1000 bonds to keep couple which had lost its honey­ Crockett cottage. Ash Point tion of a new factory on Camden row morning at the home of J. A. Dreadnaught Off Sandy Hook.” Office Wigwam who attended the Aug 9—Shibles family at Northport the peace was another matter. Jameson. North Main street, from moon fund of $42. The newlyweds Orange hall. street began to bear fruit this “Dreadnauught Off Tuskar Light,” council feast were: H. C. Chatto. were made very happy when the Aug 9—Descendants of Ebenezer Hall morning when Van Baalen. Heil- which point they will be assigned to “Clipper Ship Sovereign of the Mr. and Mrs. Earl J Alden. Mr at Penobscot View Grange hall. Glen BORN various territories for the extermi­ money was restored. SUPPER-CONCERT Cove; 34th annual brun & Co. began operations on Seas," "Outward Bound—Discharg­ and Mrs. D 8 Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Aug 19—Qtlchrest family at home of Merrill—At Rockand. July 29. to Mr nation of ragweed. Mrs Mary Henry. Beechwood St. and Mrs Carroll Merrill a son. a small scale. The payroll will J. W. Thurston. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Friday Night, Aug. 4 Thomaston Bmler—At Rockland July 31. to Mr be increased as rapidly as the U. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Aug. 16—Calderwooa family at resi­ and Mrs Wiliam W Butler, a daughter Coast Guard boat 155 under com­ Grange Hall, Cushing dence of Mr and Mrs. John T Burgess. Quinn—At Vlnalhaven. July 27. to conditions will permit. DANCING Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Waldoboro. Mr and Mrs Jam es Quinn, a son mand of Bosn's mate 1st Class Pease, Mr and Mrs. Prank Gregory. Concert by H. WELLINGTON Aug 30—Whitmore family with Mrs. Clinord Stgvard. Maud Arey and Mrs Lena Allen at Philon of Rockland, made an emer­ Every Wed. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Graves. Mr. and Smith of Nrw York and his pupils Barn Eyrie. Hulls Cove gency run through yesterday’s dense including a group of songs by MARRIED A chimney fire in the Chaples AT Mrs. D. L. Karl, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mr. Smith; also THE HENSHAW fog to York Island, returning with Averill. Richard Perry. Winfield The Rockland City Band will Wells-Hastings—At Rockland July 30 house, lak e avenue, was extin­ QI ARTF.T of Providence, and by Rev C. A Marstaller Edgar F W ells James Conley of Camden who was Glen Cove Chatto. Edmund Sarusom, Prank RAND SMITH, a dramatic reader give another concert a t the Public and Eleanor F Hastings, both of R ock­ guished without loss this morning I land seriously ill with pneumonia. He Music By Tibbetts. Millard Hart, Miss Ruth from Boston. Landing Thursday night at 7.30. by Engine 2. was taken to Camden Community Danny Patt and his Orchestra Marston, Miss Ethel RacklilT. Mr. Note theae art tils: DIED Hospital. and Mrs. Roland O Rackliff. and H. WELLINGTON SMITH Danford Adams and William Spaulding—At Waldoboro. July 29 > Misss Florence Corthell won over DOOR PRIZE HENSHAW QUARTET Hattie 8 Rogers Spaulding, aged 85 Earl C Dow in the Rockport Car Charles Halford. RAND SMITH Brown 'have resumed their duties years. 6 months. 19 day- Prayer a t , All local boat owners who can Keen Cool with the nrw gravesides In Warner N H . Pine, nival ticket contest, having sold Tickets for Supper 35c. with the Central Maine Mr. Adams take passengers out to the S. S Red i Ventilialing Fan Grove cemetery Tuesday at 2 o clock 1369 and Dow. 1127. This entitles Sunday arrivals for the staff of l or Concert 35c. spent his vacation at Bar Harbor. Burns—At Rockland July 30. W illiam Jacket on Red Jacket Day should! Van Baalen Hcilbrun Ac Co. were A Burns of Union, aged 44 years, 3 Miss Corthell to a five-day trip to Danny Patt and Orchestra will be For Supper and Concert 60c. months. 13 davs. Funrrnl Tuesday at get in touch with Thomas Sweeney * Miss Eva Santoro. Miss Rose Lef- < hildren under 12 years, 15c. 2 o'clock from reatdence In Union the World's Fair. at Martinsville Grange hall Every Anonymous communications can­ Burial In Lakeview cemetery. at their early convenience. It will Friday Night. kowitz. Miss Angelina Villorni and Benefit Norton Cemetery not be accepted at this office. One be a real public service and maybe The Coast Guard Patrol Boat 155 Murray Goldberg. relating to a Bar Harbor marriage, CARD OF THANKS a chance to pick up some change picked up the rudderless Gloucester. received yesterday, is withheld for It Is with deepest appreciation that in addition. Mr. Sweeney may be we thank neighbors, friends and D r Mass., dragger Linta in dense fog S tra w s ta k e a tum ble that reason. Ralph Earle for many acts of kind­ reached by phone at 543-R. ness during our bereavement Also off Mount Desert Rock Sunday and for the beautiful flowers and turned the helpless Fred Goodnow Jr., won the who furnished cars Sports Editor “Beany'' Stover of Mrs. James Calder, and daughter over to the Cutter Travis, a larger and prices follow suit Speed-o-Byke Saturday at Park Carolyn. Mrs Mamie Gray Mr and the Bath Times has this to say Mrs Earle Calder Mr and Mrs. Francis Coast Guard craft, for tow to this Theatre. He is the youngest win­ about a forthcoming boxing match Conway and Corydon Oray. • port. The Linta. commanded by ner thus far in the series and looks Vlnalhaven in Augusta: "Leon Lagace. Augusta Capt. Gaetano Scota, and carrying very serious over the responsibility boxing promoter, was a Bath visitor Now Half Off. CARD OF THANKS A Stone Fireplace For You a crew of seven, lost her rudder as may be seen on page 2. Wednesday bringing with him the Wt wish to I hank our mini • Saturday, and although in no im­ friends and neighbors for the many personal check of a prominent kindnesses shown us, and for the beau­ mediate danger. Coast Guardsmen The straw season is over for us Nearly 100 applicants took the tiful flowers se n t in our recent be Rockland business man, drawn in said, asked for the tow to prevent auto drivers' examination yesterday. roafWMM the sum of $50 and to be posted as but you've got three months yet. Winfield Havener. Mr and Mrs Jessie spoilage of her 25.000 pounds of In charge of this busy scene were Havener. Mr and Mrs Dennis Munk a forfeit for Butch Wooster. Lime Mr and Mrs Chester Sprague. Mr and fresh f^h. Capt. Burtis Fowler, Sergeant Levi Mrs Charlie Sprague City heavyweight, guaranteeing Here they go . . . down the alley T Flint, James Adams. Oeorg" Butch's appearance in the Capital Extensive improvements and re at reduced prices . . . just half of Dyer. Ray Foley and H. G. Roper AN APPRECIATION City Thilrsday night. Aug. 17, to My personal thanks are extended to conditioning will be made shortly! with Miss Ellen Cunningham of meet Lou Cooper, this city, in a what they were in cost . . . but the many friends and customers who at Community Park WMayor Veaziel ,0.round tomtoms Augusta as clerk. have done business with me during the all of what they always were in 23 years that the store of the Great and hLs Community Park board, T Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. has been Field for the Maine heavyweight located In this town under my manage H. Chisholm, C. C. Wotton and J.j style. More Talk of the Town on Page 2. ment The relations between the store . title. The check was left with Nick and the public have been most pleasant ! M Richardson can carry through Mihalos. manager of Cooper. The and I deeply regret that In line with present plans. The bleachers will Now's the time to use your head iCs present policy the Company will Cooper camp, alleging it had already no longer have a store In this town be repaired and strengthened, avoid­ been given '.he run-around by . .. nicely. Earl F Woodcock ing possibility of injury, as their WALDO THEATRE I Thomaston. July 29, 1939. Wooster on too many occasions, de­ 90*91 present condition is bad. New wire manded the posting of the forfei­ MAINE'S LITTLE RADIO CITY will be provided in all places where TEL. WALDOBORO 100 Beano, G A.R. hall Friday evening ture before completing negotiations $3.00 Straws it is now gone and the first base Aug. 4. sponsored by Anderson Aux- for the fight. The Rockland busi­ line fence and seats will be rebuilt. For the rest of the summer, j iliary.—adv. ness man who posted the $50 for now $1.50 there will be matinees every Thp outfield sections will receive Wooster is not the lad's manager weekday at 2.31), Sundays at 3. badly needed resurfacing and fill but Is one of Butch's rabid barkers, $2.50 Straws in some places. It Ls considered I Evenings at 7 and 9. Chicken Barbecue of which he has many. After view­ important that the heavy cyclone ing the check and noting the signa­ now $1.25 TODAY (TUESDAYl ONLY 25c and 35c fence be straightened and the gates ture, the writer Ls satisfied that made ready to lock, thus keeping the boys mean business." “GOODBYE HEALD’S SPA cars out of the park nights when $2.00 Straw* MR. CHIPS” WEST ROCKPORT, ME. I much vandalLsm Ls committed. 92*93 now $1.00 WEDNESDAY ONLY. AUG. 2 Home team and visitors benches will be rebuilt and the hazardous “THE LADY remnants of the concrete dugouts VANISHES” removed. All thLs is sadly needed 1548 Panamas Reduced with BLUEBERRY FARM and fondly hoped for. Margaret Lockwood. Paul Lucas, Dame May W'hitty FO R SALE E m p lo y m e n t $5.00, now $3.50 Michael Red Grave i For particulars see Public beano at 111 Pleasant St. ’/•.I * • **' ’• DR. N. A. FOGG, Rm k lan d Wednesday night at 7 30. Door $4.00, now $2.50 THURS.-FRL, AUG. 2-3 or EINAR HEINO, Rockville prize and specials. Adm. 15c.—adv. E ea u ests IRENE DUNNE 8 6 -1 0 4 91-lt ■ ♦ '".j-;*.*. FRED MaeMURRAY TWIT ««■■•* * !

Because of the high character “INVITATION TO ' !,i' ' ' Z'M v . ’I | of their preparation, Burdett GREGORY’S HAPPINESS” graduates occupy important TO THOSE WHO WANT executive and secretarial Coming: “It's a Wonderful positions in business. Place.. World," “Grade Allen Murder ment service is rendered at ’ You Can Get the Materials for a Hand some Granite Fireplace Like the above Case,” "Second Fiddle." “Wuth- AUTOMATIC HEAT I graduation, whenever needed erlng Heights," “Prison Without thereafter, and always We have the Best Automatic Stokers for Both Hard and Soft Coal without chargp. At Amazingly Depending on the Bars." f t FOR ANTHRACITE Seven specialized courses Low Figures $ 5 t o $ 1 0 Size. Quarry Delivery. “THE ELECTRIC FURNACE MAN” of college grade. Previous commercial training not II FOR BITUMINOUS needed for entrance. Tell us Paving Blocks and Heavy Granite Hearth. “THE ANCHOR KOLSTOKER” aim,it your career ambitions —by mail or in a personal Five Dollars for Materials for Small One— Others Up. There ire no higher rated stokers at any price. Phone us and visit. We shall be glad to our Representative Will Call and Make Estimates suggest a program best suited These are Handsome Permanent Ovens. BURPEE’S FOR EFFICIENT, ECONOMICAL for you. Why not mark your property with Initialed Granite Marker Posts? Write for new MORTICIANS AUTOMATIC HEAT—USE “COAL” illustrated cat/ilo/t Ambulance Service 156 Stuart St., Boston Lynn Branch: 74 Mt. Vernon St. • Ambulance Service RUSSELL ROCKLAND FUEL CO. FUNERAL HOME John Meehan & Son TELS. 390 A N D 781-1 CLEVELAND L. SLEEPER. Prop. 9 CLAREMONT ST. TEL. 66? CLARK ISLAND, ME. TEL. ROCKLAND 21-13 361-365 MAIN ST. ROCKLAND TELEPHONE 72, ROCKLAND, ME. BURDETT ROCKLAND, ME. 98-tf 119-tf CO L'u G E Page Four Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, August 1, 1939 Every-Otber-Dav

SOUTH CHINA erary was a motor trip to Holly­ STONINGTON wood. WARREN Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Webb WALDOBORO Mr. and Mrs. Ardelle Bumps and Political Honors Guests at Fairmont Lodge. Craw- , Courier-Gazette Cross-Word Puzzle ft ft ft ft ford Lake are Mrs. Josephine Richmond. Va., Mrs William ft ft ft ft daughter Joyce of China were re­ AIJ^NA L. STARRETT Slaudeman and Miss Josqphine " enzel of Hartford. Conn., and MRS LOUISE M B L III cent dinner guests of the Herbert Esancys. Correspondent Perrv of the Belleaire Estates, Mrs. Harmon of Winter Har- 1 I •4 5 b 7 6 9 10 Correspondent Clearwater. Fla., and Mis. Milton bor ttere reeent guest£ of Mr and Caroline Hussey and Knowlton ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Rossing of Glenolden, Penna. | Reuben Cousins. Hussey recently accompanied Mr. Tel. 49 II 12 13 w TeL n and Mrs Forrest Hussey of Winslow Paul Dillaway of Everett, Mass , is Mrs Robert Stoddard and son spending the summer with his par- Robert who have been visiting her on a trip to Pemaquid. Fishing and Victor Taylor of Everett. Mass., is 15 Ifo 17 Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Gross, daugh­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dilla- parents Mr and Mrs. Harry Colby rowing were enjoyed. spending a month at Hillcrest SW ter, Marjorie and son Elroy of Bath, wav have returned to Boston. 15 2o 21 I t Mr. and Mrs. Emil Randall of Homestead Farm. l& N Y„ are visiting relatives and • • • • Mrs. John Simpson and Mrs. Ida Belgrade and Providence were re­ Mrs Pauline Oerwig of North friends in town. Testing Camp for Guides Cripps and son Donald were recent 14 25 cent callers at Camp Abenakis. also Hills. Pa., and Miss Mary Oelzman IS The Susannah Wesley Society The third annual Junior Maine guests of Mrs. Lydia H. Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hussey, and of Philadelphia arrive today to be will meet Thursday afternoon with , , , u , , Ouide Testing CamP is located this Annie Judkins is home from 2b Z7 son Forrest and Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ gues.s o . . an • r- ’ „ week, in the Charles Starrett field Mountalnville. where she has been Mrs. Mary Wade. ert Hussey. man at Honeymoon Lodge, Craw I in Pleasantville, and in the Virgil visiting her sister Mrs. Edward Mr. and Mrs John H. Miller en­ Mr and Mrs Frederick Hussey M So il 51 ford Lake Payson pasture. It was through Parker. tertained at a weenie roast Friday and children were guests recently lie ary Marr, guard at the State Ch.,)f Warden j^,., Bradbury of Mr and Mrg BarU>r q{ w night at their summer home at of Mrs Hussey s brother, Harry Mc- So S5 Prison, is having a fortnight s vaca- Whitefield. and game wardens. Wil- Dai,bury. Conn » are occupying the Medomak in honor of the birthday Ked in Albion. Hhe children re- Uon Ham Davis of East Union and Ed- homestead at oceanvllle. ^7 of Mrs Ralph Morse. Others pres­ mained for a few days' visit. 3b 9 0 Mt The Baptist Women s Mission win P erso n of Waldoboro, that this viola Conley passed {he weekend ’ ent were Mr Morse. Mr and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Frederick Poulliot, C.ial: will meet Wednesday after- place was chosen as an ideal spot w;lh hef (,randniother Mrs John | Stacy Castner and Mrs. Ella Mar­ Jr., and sons Norbert. Milton and m 1 u4 45 Mb noon at the Montgomery rooms for for the camp Twelve boys arrived Knowlton returnlng Sunday to ' shall. Ronald of North Vassalboro dined ' w work. Picnic supper will be served Sunday from Camp Winona of Den- in(j Miss Arvilla Winchenbach has re- Sunday W)th Mr. and Mrs. Herbert U7 1 50 following which the members will mark. Birch Walk Camp of East sumed her duties in Dr. Francis Ksancj-. o th e r recent company at attend the midweek prayer meeting. Waterford, and Camp Tamarack of Mrs Jessie Pra>' and daughter | Redlon's office after a visit at the Esancy's included Mr and Mrs. Wil- 51 si 53 54 Of interest to this section was the The quarterly business meeting will Orr s Island. The tests for the boys Worlds Fair in New York. I nam c . Wellman. Mr and Mrs. to Boston. word received recently Iron, Hel­ take place immediately after the began Monday conducted by Pierson Elmer Achorn has employment at Charles C. Ohilds and daughter 5b sinki. Finland, that Jussi Kaati- mid-week service. 1 Curtis, senior counselor of Camp Mrs. Vera Eaton was home from 55 Eugley's . : Muriel; Mr and Mrs. Albert Esancy, ) Rockand for the weekend. Preparations are going rapidly Mrs Ralph Robbins of South Hope; kainen. brother of .Mrs. Altti Lehto Edwin Green and William Baxter Wabunaki of Sebago. assisted by K of this town and of Mrs. Joseph An­ of Mansfield. Mass, on a 700 mile i L. Ferguson, registered Maine guide j Mr. and Mrs Cecil Pert and forward for the observance of the ^rs. Harriet Metcalf of Oberlin, bicycle trip which took them into and trip man at Camp Makaria of [ children Donokl and Dorothy are HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL (Cent.) VERTICAL (Con,.) annual festival sponsored by the Kansas, and daughter, Mrs Edith derson of Owl's Head, has been re- 1-C om m and 44-Cog-wheel 10-Girl'a name Woman's Club for local charities £ ) p 7 o f C ^ W u f b . ' KAnsu. Mrs *>*rted for the second term of three Vermont. New Hampshire and Nobleboro. I guests of Mrs. Lyman Stinson, 6-T op ie 46- By 12- To no extent and the Lincoln Home Because of Mavnanl Brown of Appleton and thr Fin,,i' h ’’'•‘Hiament. by northwestern Maine, returned Sat- These tests cover a wfce field in | Mr and Mrs Ernest Nason and 11-Aehlng 47- High mountain 13- Verdant 49-Stupid peraon 19-Myaelf Mrs. Howard Carter, who have been ,4-Reaia, authority the uncertainty of weather condl- her aunts Mrs Ernest Light of ‘hr So.ulM -liem .Kr,, party. Mr. urday after being guest a few days wood craft and camping, and in- 15-Evening (Poet.) 40-Australian bird 21-Thin atrip of wood tions the customary lawn party will Camden and Mrs Alice Sanford of •U a‘,ki‘"“‘n •» in chief of the al the home of Mr and Mrs. Ches- elude the building of fires under all visiting relatives liere, have re­ ,6-June-bug 5,-More uncommon 25-Anger not be held and the festival will take Liberty; Mrs Lloyd Fitzgerald and w >llie They were supper guesU condhions. making oph^ltere. cook- turned to (Saugus 17- Basao (abbr.) '3-C uddled ’^-Superlative suffix oj lavala, an alderman of Sortavala. Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs ing and menus, canoe management 18- Preflx. Backward 55- Move a with a steady, 27-Speck place in the High School gymnasi- ; children Arlene and Carleton 19- Apportlon jogging pace 29- At tractive cf and one of the directors of a radio and control, loading, portaging e tc , um Aug 17. Many new features Augusta road. Forest Hussey William Rogers. S O U T H H O PE 20- Plural suffix 56- Hlgh Turkish 30- Before will be Introduced and a large pat- Winslow and Robert Hussey cj program, the radio in that country Guest- Friday at the home of Miss use of the axe, first aid use of the 22-Nickel (abbr.) officials 31- Dispatched 35- Wind Instrument ronage is anticipated. Waterville controlled by the government, the Mabe) Crawford were Mrs Nellie ma|) and compass, fly casting—op- Mrs W. B Fish of Rockland re- 2S-Mountalna in South, people paying a tax K>r permit to tional—encampment. written tests cently passed a few days at her I Am erica VERTICAL 36- Begin George Kuhn of Hartford, Conn., Among those from here attending M Benner of Glen Cove, and Mrs. 37- Entrancea farm here with Mi and Mrs. W W 24-S llp is visiting his mother, Mrs Bessie the business meeting of the Maine |l!,,en He ptans a visit to this coun­ A. B Higgs and daughter of, ,n fire relations, campsites, trip 26-Terminate 1- Muaical drama 38- Cup (Fr.) A. Kuhn. Home Crafts Guild In Saco were try in a few years, and is a friend of Chicago i equipment, baits, fishing and hunt- , Lermond who are caretakers. 28- Metrie land-measure 2- A bird 39- Comparative suffix Hugo Makinen. formerly of R o c k ­ 29- Tormentora 3- Expire 40- More gentle Mrs Owen Luke was a recent Mr and Mrs W J. Thompson Mrs. Mrs Nellie Orbeton of North ’ ing laws ° f Maine' first aid kit' trip Mrs W lth Kin« of Mount Vernoa 4- Half an em 41- Ornamental buttons land, who also is a Finnish news­ Warren was recent guest in Union! Sa? ty in handling fir* *uest th* *<*k Mrs «. 32- Fur-bearlng animal Rockland visitor. i Hattie Stuart. Mrs. Luella Jones, 33- Crude metal 5- Travels on horse 45-A compass point paperman. and who made a visit to Mrs. Helen Marple was dinner Mr and Mrs. Harry Austin, Mrs. of Mrs J D Thurston. Miss Mabie A Hart 34- Small child back (abbr.) Rockland this spring. map of Maine, and in conclusion, 4S-Argument in favor of guest Sunday of Mrs. Annie Vannah Ralph Esancy, Mrs Frank Nary, Crawford who went with Mrs Orbe­ Miss Clara Fisk and nieces Misses 36-W a«,e 6- Cornera 7- Pronoun 50-High priest (Bible) in Nobleboro. j Mrs. Eva Buzzell. Mrs. Florence, i essay on State of Maine. Louise and Myrtle Fisk of Dam­ 38-Canvaa shelter! ton visited Mrs Iva 42- A week day (abbr.) S-R ecede 52-Ar.d (Latin) Stanley Herrick Jr., of Waban. Evans Mrs Mary Farrington. Mrs 1 SOUTH THOMASTON The written tests will be given on ariscotta were callers on relatives Mrs. Lillian Prouty of Union spent J TOUgh tabjes arranged under a fly 43- Prepoaition 9-W ander 54-Trade mark (abbr.) Mass., is visiting his grandparents, pred Earle, son George Smith and i Joseph Norton of Brighten, who recently. Friday at the home of Mrs A. T. Mr and Mrs W F. B Feyler. guests from Massachusetts , spent the past week with his family tent Awards will be made bv Gov- Mrs R. E Robbins, daughters (Answer To Previous Puzzle, Norwood. Miss Anne Ashworth returned Friends of Donald Young were ( here, returned Friday to Massa- ernor Barrows, and the tests are Misses Esther and Charlotte Rob- ROBINSON FAMILY Mrs Thomas Douglas-, of Port- given under the direction of a State bins and Mrs Edith Ralph motoied Saturday from a week's visit in St. shocked to hear of his recent death ; chusetts The Robinson reunion was held Johnsbury. Vt. by electrocution He was employed Mr and Mrs. George Brown of land' and Mlss Tony Sampson of committee of officials, of which Ar- t0 Port Knox recently • ' err n'xx«*zx miotc ------X-__—» »_-1 1 Mr and Mrs. Elliott Btenger re in a tarring crew at Washburn. Everett. Mass., visited Wednesday at Fryeburg were recent guets of Mr [ chie Grover, member of the Inland Mrs. A. J. Metcalf and daughter Sunday at the home of Mrs Levan- turned Monday to Philadelphia Funeral services were held Thurs- W P Sleeper's. and Mrs. Willis Vinal in Cushing, I Fish and Game Department is Mrs Edith Ralph have returned to der Newtoert in North Waldoboro. passing a week as guests of Mr and daj- at the home of his father-in- Mr and Mrs. Clarenre Jackson of Mlss ^ °ra R“b:nson of Thomas- chairman. Sponsors are the Maine Kansas after a visit with relatives. The skies cleared sufficiently for the Mrs Thomas Stenger at Martins law. Arvide Bumps He is survived Malden. M ass. while on an extended ton " as ra -er Sunday at the home Camp Directors Association and the j xjrs John Dunbar and children picnic dinner to be enjoyed on the Point. ; by his wife. Vivian and daughter, tour of New York, Vermont. New ° ' Hannah Spear Maine Development Commission. have returned to Boston after sev- lawn beneath the large maple trees. Mrs. Stanley Lenfest returned Louise, his mother and several Hampshire and Maine arrived re- Otho Th0*’’Ps°R_Thompson of Medford. The boys having completed their cra; weeks stay at C. L Dunbar's The day was spent in social pleas- home Friday from Memorial Hos- brothers and sisters. cently for a few days' visit with his Mass- joined Mrs Thompson at the tests by noon Wednesday will break Services will be held at the Uni- ures, to which the large family of pital, Damariscotta where she has ------m t her. Mrs. Hattie Jackson and Richmond homestead for the week- camp and members of girls' camps versalist Church Sunday at 10 30 brothers and sisters look forward been a patient. NORTHPORT h s sister, Mrs Flora Baum ertd j throughout the State, with five al- jby Rev. C. Guy Robbins of Law- ' yearly. One brother, Dewey Robin- ■Miss Shirley Burns has returned ____ Word has been received of the Dr A H St. Clair Chase of New- ready enrolled will move in for their rence, Mass., and Camden It is to son. was unable to be present, owing to the Maine General Ho«pital in Mr and Mrs Alan M. Winsor of death In Valhalla, N Y of Ralph ton CentTe- arrived Saturday tests Wednesday afternoon Tests be visitation day and it is desired to business duties in Portland. An- Portland to finish her course in the Weston M ass. spent the past week Clark, son of Mrs Jennie Clark and t0 ^r’n ^ rs at ,hpir s',m- for the girls will be given by Mac- j that a large audience of old friends other member of the happy family School of Nursing. lat Mrs. Winsor's former home here, the late Fri d Clark of this pla'-e. mer home for a months vacation Donald Murphy trip man of Camp and acquaintances be present, also unable to be present was the Miss Harriet Hahn is ill j Winona of Denmark assisted by Basket-lunch will be held after grandfather. Thomas Watt, M. who The Woman's Missionary Society guests of her parents Mr and Mis Mrs Clark and Mr and M:- Arthur will meet Aug 4 with Mrs. C Seymour Chapman. 1 Poster 'Gertrude Clark' of Camden Abbott Spear of Chestnut Hill, Richard Fogg, registered Maine services. Coffee and milk will be is confined by illness to his home in Vaughn Overman at the Baptist Judge and Mrs Hugh D McLellan left at cnce for New Yoik. Mats. Joined Mrs Spear for the guide and trip man from the High- furnished by the association. Belfast. FAMILY parsonage. have as guests at their summer | Lari Hopk.n, mitered Sunday to weekend land Nature Camp of Naples All Visitation Day will be observed Those present were Mr. and Mrs. home here at Little River House Massachusetts accompanied by his Mrs Rosa Burns of Union has camps in the State may enroll for next Sunday at the Universalist Newbert and daughter Phyllis, and REUNIONS Hazel Stahl and her be€n carin8 for Mrs Austin Gam- these tests Church. Dr. Guy Robbins of Law- son Oren Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. MEDOMAK I their daughter and son-in-law Mr. sister. Mr; and Mrs. Warren E Russell and' daughter. Nancy, who returned to mon. who is ill. rence, Mass . will conduct services Merlin Eugley, son Donald. Charles, Dr Arthur Grose of Warren . . „ , ... ■_ at 10 30 Picnic lunch will be Herbert and Carleton Ranquist. Mr Mrs. Ida Collamore has employ- their two children of Lexington Cochituate a ftx spending two week Masefield Poem Salutes Ship ment in Waldoboro. , Mass. here. Mr. and Mrs. Rr'.ph Hopkins Highlands has made a valuable -I submit these lines to you. old ^rved after the meeting, and Mrs. Levi Robinson, daughter Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Osier and Miss Isabelle Ames, has returned returned with Earl Hopktns for two pr*“spnt ,0 Warren Hi«h «hool In ship, in whom I passed some years," Joan, Mr and Mrs. Josiah Jameson, three children passed Sunday in from a trip to the West Coast. weeks' visit. the gift of 50 reference books, which said John Masefield, the poet lau- The sparrow population ln those son Dyson, daughters Vera and Alcy New Harbor. I Mrs. Thelma Wood and Mrs. Mrs Lena S.mmcns went Thurs­ Includes History of the Nations" in reate. when he read a poem to a 0( the United Stotes east of the all of Waldoboro, Mr. and Mrs Clif­ Mrs. Sarah Prior and daughter Marion Butler were in Waterville day to Winthrcp. Mass . w ith Mr. 36 volumes. “History of the World figurehead of Lord Nelson in a 99- Mississippi River has been estimated ford Robinson and children. Atha- War" in six volumes. "History of year-old training ship in the Mersey a{ aboul 16- bjrds leen Woodbury. Olive, Stanley Fos- and Addie McLain visited Monday (recently. and Mrs. Russell McD.r.ald who in England. The poem was part of in Damariscotta I Mr. and Mrs Robert MacFarland have been visiting her recently. the United States" in four volumes, Cowry shells are still used for ter of Warren, Mr. and Mrs George CROCKETT FAMILY a "History of Maine" in the Revolu­ the impressive unveiling ceremony Mrs. Astor Willey was recent and family of Thomaston called Mr and Mrs. Adam Carnes of for the 13-foot figure. currency by the natives in some. Derrah, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Annual reunion of Crockett family guest of her sister. Mrs. Clarence Sunday on Mrs. Alice Sheldon. Albany, N. Y . and the r ton of New­ tionary War. Several other books Robinson and children Kathleen, at Ralph Crockett cottage ln Ash EUgley in Waldoboro. ( Mrs. Kenneth Beach is at Waldo ton, Mass., called Sunday on W P. will be given. STRAND THEATRE Vivian. Leona, Maynard and Rich- Point Sunday. Aug. 6. Coffee Mrs. Helen Payson of Camden County Hospital for an appendix Sleeper and Mr and Mrs. J M B art­ Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Moody and ard all of Portland, Mr and Mrs. will be served. Those attending visited 8unday with her parents, operation. lett. Mr Carnes who once resided son Hiram enroute to Allston. Mass . Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Ansel Wooster and children. Carle- , will take picnic lunch and cups. Mr. and Mrs. M L. Shuman. I Mrs. Catherine Breslin of Water- in the Burding house, left here when from MUbridge. were callers Sunday ton. Milton and Ervin. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer B. Crockett Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carter and , viU« sPent the weekend with her he was 12 years of age. this being his at the home of Mr. and Mrs Charles Flora Post and children, Virginia 90-92 McKellar. Mrs. Freda Collamore were in Loud- parents Mr and Mrs. Fred Mitchell first return trip. GETS SPRING FEVER” and Kenneth of Rockland. Mrs. Ella Lewis was recent guest ville Thursday to attend funeral Mr and Mrs. Melvin Pendexter of ‘Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Strout iliiura SIIIBLES FAMILY in Bath of her niece. Mrs. Harold services for Sherman Oifford Rockland and their daughter Mrs. Gocginsl of W;rcester, Mass., and The 51st reunion of the Bhibles Stanton Albion Poland was guest of rela- Dorothy Horsley of Thomaston Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Scrivens 'M a­ family will be held Aug 9 ln North- A public picnic benefit of Congre- fives In Friendship recently. , were guests Thursday of Mrs. Ph.i- rion Googinsi of Wilton, visited SPECIAL OFFER! port Grange hall. Mr. and Mrs Merton Benner and Dp Watkins, Sunday and Monday with relatives gational Ladies' and Woman's For a Limited Time Only A. H Bohndell, Sec. Club will be held Saturday at Fair­ were visitors Sunday at the home of j Charles E. Mixer formerly of here. 91‘ l t Mrs. Hattie Merrill of Dutch Neck Brooks died Sunday in Belfast from mont Lodge on Crawford Lake, with 500 Sheets 8^x11 Mr. Gugger.heimer and Oecrge Carr Mr. and Mrs. Bert Willey. ' pneumonia. He is survived by his WHITMORE FAMILY WASHINGTON of Clearwater, Fla . as hosts The Mr and Mrs. Thomas Gerreior wife, formerly Miss Ada Waning, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cunning­ Yellow Second The 40th annual Whitmore re­ private drive to the cottage is the of New Bedford, Mass . have arrived one son Inwood. • three daughters. ham are entertaining Harry Farn­ union will be held with Mrs. Maud first turn to the right before reach­ in town for the summer. I Mrs. William Curtis and Misses Isa- ham and Connie Sargent of Wal­ S h eet , Arey and Mrs. Lena Allen at Barn ing the Royal Hall Farm in Pleas­ Mrs. Grace Freeman and son of Delle and Alma and his mother tham, Mass . for a few weeks. Eyrie. Hulls Cove, Wednesday. Aug. antville, and drivers are urged to be A clean smooth sheet, for btisl- Waldoboro were recent guests of Mrs. Irene Forbes of Brooks Fu- John Storer remains critically ill. ■for school—for typewriter. 30. 91‘H cautious on the private road which Mrs. Linwood Castner. neral services were held from the Miss Lurlle Davis has returned is narrow and winding. This com • Mr and Mrs. Chester Carter visi­ First Congregational Church In home after seveial week s stay with GILCHREST FAMILY mittee will have charge: Mrs Sidney O n ly 3 7 c ted Sunday with relatives in Friend­ Brooks. Interment was in East Mrs Gertrude Ludwig. Saint Oeorge, July 31 The Oil- W.vllie. Mrs. E. B. Clark. Mrs Wil­ ship. Knox cemetery. Mrs. Charles Barnes of Wiscasset for 500 sheet package chrest family reunion will be held liam Barrett. Mrs. Robert Walker, Mrs. Blout and two children, Mrs. Mrs. Katie Martin has returned was a business caller in town re­ We Do Not Break Packages Aug. 10 at the home of Mrs. Mary Mrs. Wilder Moore. Mrs. Willis Charles Light and Evelyn Mande­ from a visit in Sullivan cently. Mail Orden Filled—15c Extra Henry. Beechwood street. Thomas­ Vinal, Mrs. Phillip Simmons and ville of Saugus, Mass., are at their Mrs. Harold Drinkwater is seri­ Arial Linscott has employment ton. Please bring dishes. Mrs. Arthur Starrett. Members of cottage for the summer. ously ill at her home here. at the home of Foster Jameson in If stormy it will be held ln the either the Circle or the Club, not The Courier-Gazette Mr. and Mrs. Theodore McLain Miss Barbara Newbert. daughter South Waldoboro for a few days .Orange hall at Saint George. solicited, are asked to furnish ROCKLAND, MAINE and daughter Pauline were Portland ,of Mrs' phi'lip Watkins Is in Port assisting in the removal of a Emma Gllchrest, Sec. sweets. All who attend will take visitors recently land for a two weeks' visit with her building . 91-93 their own dishes and silver. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Genthner and 'aunt' Mrs' Linwood Bussel! SOe Misses Kate Moore and Mildred An additional feature of the en- son of Haverhill, Mass., spent last will then go to New York to visit Bailey with their guests the Misses weekend In town. relatives returning home about the Sweney of New Bedford. Mass en-1 ‘e ^ ^ n t will be speed boat rides Mrs. Astor Willey passed Monday first of September. Joyed the past week at Dixfield in Robert Baker's 1,031 Thcre wiU and Ann Rutherford in VINALHAVEN & ROCKLAND STB. CO. afternoon in Damariscotta. Notch and Lakewood. Skowhegan, j ** amPle Parkin« ground Those Howard Fitch of Monmouth C a n -|without transportation will get in j “Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever” I Eastern Standard Time) Mr and Mrs. William Weatherbee Although many of us assume that touch with the committee. and three children of Old Town are emergency relief works are some ning Co. was guest at Crooker's The Hardy Family takes a fling servativeness and almost losesevery- SW A N ’S ISLAND LINE STEAMER NORTH HAVEN visiting Mrs. L. W. Osier. thing new to governmentss and the Inn the past week. Members of Blue Bonnett Troop at ufe romantic and dramatlc thing he owns in a crooked pro- invention of our present administra­ Mr. and Mrs. W. M Prescott and and ‘heir captain. Mrs. TVask^of Qf motion stunt In the end. how Effective June 20 to September 15, Inclusive Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spofford Read Down tion, the student of history knows Eugene Cunningham accompanied Rockland and members of the For- ever, his good sense prevails and and son of Portland were recent "Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever." he turng ..g0,d brtck„ pay DAILY DAILY guests of W C. Studley that provinpeial government of Mr and Mrs C. S. Farnham Wed- 8pt-me-not O irl Scout Troop, and EXCEPT SUNDAY EXCEPT SUNDAY nesday to New Harbor where they their lieutenant, Mrs. Levere Jones opening Wednesday at Strand djrt Then Andy quarrels with his' SUNDAY ONLY SUNDAY ONLY Miss Barbara Clancy of Camden Prance open€d national workshops A.M.P.M.A.M. were guests of friends. j were entertained Wednesday at the Theatre. All the familiar faces a re1 sweetheart. Polly Benedict, played A.M.PJK.P.M. visited the past week with Mrs. give employment and wages to 4.30 2.15! SD0: Lv. ROCKLAND, Ar. 111.557.00 5.34 M. L. Shuman. hundreds of thousands of French Mr. and Mrs. Grevis Payson of Tibbetts Cottage, at South Pond. back However. Lewis Stone as the by Ann Rutherford, and falls crazily 5.40 3.301 9.101 Lv. NORTH HAVEN, Ar. |1055 6.00|4.35 Mr. and Mrs William Little of ciUzens ln need almost 100 years ag0' Union were recent visitors at the Mrs. Edith Hodgkins of Worces- ! Judge, Mickey Rooney as Andy and m love with a beautiful school 6.50 4.40 10.20 Lv. STONINGTON, Ar. | 9 50 5.00 3.25 ter. Mass., who has been guest o f ! as Marian fall vic- 7.50 [11.30 Ar. SWAN'S ISLAND, Malden, Mass., spent several days The proverbial “black as ebony" home of Mrs. Nellie Lincoln. teacher. To win her esteem, he Lv. | 8.45| |2.15 Head Up recently at Thomas Willey's expression would prove the undoing Mrs. Nina Johnston and daughter Mrs Alice Cook for several days is j tims to a spirit of caprice and it is turns playwright-actor, and despite of a notice In search of an ebonJF Lena are at home from K ittery! visiting relatives in Waldoboro. i up to Fay Holden (Mother Hardy) j his father's advice, even proposes where they have been since June.! Mrs. Robert Andrews and Mrs. j and Sara Haden (Aunt Milly) to to the older girl. Marian decides VINALH AVEN LINE tree if he accepted that statement STEAMER W. S. WHITE TENANTS HARBOR at its face value. The wood of Mrs. Johnston will care for Mrs. j Mina Rlnes on the cruise down the remain the stabilizing members. I to forsake social life for a career Read Down Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barter and prime trees In this group is almost Pitt Calkin on her return from | cast coast, and up the west coastNewcomers to the cast are Helen and in return gets mixed up with Dally . Dally . K Dally h white, no black pith being found Knox Hospital where she was re- j and including a visit to Hawaii,Gilbert, a new discovery who plays the swindling promoters. Except75- Except g - Miss Ruth Barter have been in Bos­ Sat. Sun. Xa Nat. & V: 5 S until thhe very center of the tree is cently operated on for appendicitis, j write they are having a pleasant Andy's latest love, and Terry Kil- In the end. however, the Judge Sun. Sun. c ° ton this week on business. While A.M.A.RLPJM.A.M. struck. Perley Jones has returned from I trip, and that there are 504 passen-burn, who recently scored an out­ has emerged victorious; Andy gets A.M.A.M.P.M. there they attended the Red Sox- 5.00 «8.00 2.15 8.00 Lv. ROCKLAND. Ar. |9.45|11.45|S.3O Massachusetts where he has had gers on the S. S. Duchess of Rich- standing success in "Goodbye, Mr. a rude awakening and realizes that Whlte Sox game at Fenway Park as | 9.051 | I Lv. NORTH HAVEN, I I I guests of "BUT’ McGowan, Ameri­ There is no record in’history that employment the past two months. mond. Jamaica was their first stop Chips." his old love. Polly. Is still the best, 6.15|10.00i3.30’9.15| Ar. VINALHAVEN, Lv. ,8.30 10.30|4.15 can League umpire. Mr. Barter who a blind person left in the care of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jones were after leaving New York harbor. Aug. The adventurous spirit strikes the and Marian decides she is not a Read Up * New York train connection Saturday only. has been umpiring in the Virginia | a well-trained German shepherd guests Sunday of relatives in Apple- 4 they will be sailing into Yakutat Hardys like a cyclone. In this pic­ career-girl. In brief, the Hardy 75-tf League, is home on th e injured list, dog has ever met with an accident, ton. Bay, Alaska. Included in their itin- ture, the Judge loses his usual con- Family returns to normal.—adv, Every-OtEer-Dav Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, August 1, 1939 Page Five

The Pirates Faded Miss Witham’s Will A Weird Craft experimental tests at the Georgia known around the Maine coast, has VINALHAVEN shipyard, and. when the tests are not divulged how the craft is ex­ ' completed, Capt. Gilbert announced pected to carry the huge fuel supply « « « « Made Only Four Runs At Former Gardiner Woman Seventy-Knot Cargo Carry­ he would bring It north for demon­ HENNESSY, AT YOUR SERVICE necessary to whirl its 2.100 horses MRS OSCAR C. LANE Vinalhaven While Chiefs Disposes Of Monhegan ing Craft Built For Capt, strations on Lakes Erie and Michi­ Correspondent Scored 13 gan. The first demonstration On over a 3.00J mile cruise, or what will Island Property Mark Gilbert | the Great Lakes Is scheduled, Capt. keep the craft on an even keel when ' Services at Union Church Sun- The League leading Rockland The wilT of Miss Rose Adelaide People will be found who still Gilbert disclosed, for Cleveland, wintry gales stir the North Atlantic day morning were conducted by Pirates were scalped by the Vinal- where he said he obtained part of to white-capped wrath, or when Pa­ I Witham of Sudbury, who resided for quote the ancient adage about Capt. and Mrs. Thomas Seaver of haven Chiefs Sunday by a 13 to 4 the capital required for building the cific monsoons scoop up tons of several years in Gardiner, Me., filed "nothing new under the sun," recall the Salvation Aimy of Rotkiand. score. J for probate at Middlesex County first vessel, embodying his airplane water and scatter them leagues Special anthems were sung by the The Chiefs still undefeated, really with misgivings the story of the away. i Courthouse in Massachusetts, dis- design. cho r. Mrs. Anna Bolling was solo- went on the war path, getting 18 J posed of an estate estimated at man who many years ago resigned Drawings for the Nassau Clipper, 1st; Mrs. Evelyn Hall, organist » safeties off the combined efforts j 80 000 from the U. S Bureau of Patents which may revolutionize marine Correspondents and contributors of which $20,000 is real because "everything possible had are asked to write on Only One The "Pour A s" met Friday nlglit of LaCrosse and Chisholm. The property. • transportation, were made in Mus­ been invented,” and who believe the side of the paper with Mrs Lora Hardison. ’ homs team Put the «ame on lc« | To Nathaniel C. Barstow of Gar­ kegon last year, Capt. Gilbert ex- -7r.r in the first two innings, collecting versatility of former generations plained. He said he engaged Mr ' Ma:Jorie Ames and Vivian Zer- diner, Miss Witham gives a house . V . . . xt seven luns. was more effective than modern Kibbe because of his record as de- ] bone, have returned to New Bed- „ , ___ and land and contents of the house _ . . , . „ There were many fine plays. Mill- specialization and1 mechanization. signing engineer for Campbell. 1 nl fo:d, Mass., having been guests of , ... on Lincoln avenue in that city. To By burning 25% slower than er came through with a sensationa But this is not true of Capt, Mark Wyant and1 Cannon Foundry com- ! Miss Ames' grandmother, Mrs Ella | ______James S Barstow she bequeaths the average of the 15 other stop on Swanson s scorching L. Gilbert, president of the Gil Boat pany where he was employed sever- J Ames at the Ames Farm, Calder- ‘•Tire Gray House Cottage" at Mon­ grounder and threw him out at company of Holland, Michigan, one- al years previous to setting up his j of the largest-selling brands wood s Neck hegan Island, and to Mrs. Claude first. Karl and Carr also made time resident of Rockland. Maine, own office two years ago. tested— slower than any of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Carver en- Mallory, formerly Elizabeth Barstow I fine running catches of balls which 1 and now of Muskegon, Michigan, At present Kibbe is busy on draw- ! tcrtaned Sunday Mr. and Mts. of Philadelphia. Pa , she bequeaths them—CAMELS give smok­ were labeled for extra base hits. who inspired the design and con­ ings for a larger type of vessel, slmi- Haroid Thayer. Mr and Mrs. Pearl “The Red House" and fishing house ers the equivalent of "Slugger" Lyford who is built on I ...... struction of a new type of cargo lar to the Nassau Clipper, for pos- Caldcrwood, Miss lErdlne Calder- ,, „ at Monhegan Island, the same lines as "Ted Williams , boat, designed to carry huge cargoes sitoel use In regular trans-Atlantic wood. Mrs. Florence Gross, and . . , , ...... The will also provides for a sum banged out four hits, boosting his 1 , ... . sky-hooting across the brine at a passenger and freight service. Capt. Arthur Johnson. A picnic supper average . to o-re375. Woodcock J u who u re- Of. *1000 8 year Until „ 1942 for the 70-knot clip, bringing Europe and Gilbert asserted a leading steel was served. . . education of James 6. Barstow, Jr., placed Wahlman who has a sore , „ , „ , Asia merely a brief trip from Amerl- works and a producer of light struc­ ...... , , at Yale University. Indies of the G AR. will meet ! arm hit one ln the sixth for a i I ca’s shores. tural metal, employed as a substi­ Residue of the estate is to be di­ Friday for nipper at 5.30 The meet- double, which traveled about 340 James L Kibbe. Muskegon engi­ tute for steel, are backing him. vided equally between Robert B. Ing will be at 7 30. feet jn the air, coming within inches neer. designed the first boat of this The model clipper, already ln Witham of Palo Alto, Calif., and Rock and Pirates played Vinal- of clearing the fence. White and class, "The Nassau Clipper," recent­ commission, has seven engines, Anna Witham McKay of South ,ij haven Chiefs Sunday with score Guilford each had three out of ly completed and launched for the seven propellers, for a total of 2100 Portland. Mr Witham and Henry 13 to 4 ln favor of the home team four. Gil Boat Company, from yards at horsepower, gasoline driven. The Heselton of Gardiner are named co- Mrs. Flora Athearns of Goucester Next Sunday the Livermore Falls Brunswick, Georgia. model craft is expected to carry 700 executors of the estate. Mass Is guest of her brother Eu­ Barkers will play the Chiefs. A naval test will soon be held for tons of pay-freight, at the 70-knot gene M Hall. Vinalhaven the recently launched craft. Gilbert speed. The hull draws only a foot Miss Barbara Webster, Lloyd Web­ ab r bh po a e FRIENDSHIP said. of water, light, while the propellers ster Jr., and Robert Littlefield re­ Coombs. If. p ...... 5 1 1 2 0 1 The first Nassau Clipper, 78 feet and shafts extend downward an­ Mrs. Angie Fernald of South turned Sunday to North Weymouth, Lyford, cf ...... 6 4 4 0 0 0 long with a rating claimed to be 65 other two feet. Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mass. White, c ...... 4 2 3 11 1 0 miles an hour, is now undergoing , Thus far, Capt. Gilbert, well- Simmons and son of Malden. Mass, Mr. and Mrs F W Arey who have Guilford. 2b. lb 4 2 3 8 2 0 ;i been guests of Mrs. Lena Davidson Brown, p, 11 ...... 4 1 2 1 2 0 visited friends In town recently. have returned to Cleveland Heights. Erickson. 3b 4 0 0 0 0 1 Capt and Mrs. P W Lawry of Ohio Swanson, rf ...... 5 1 1 0 0 0 South Portland spent Friday at the Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Burns of Wahlman. lb ..... 0 0 0 2 0 1 home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sim­ Boston are visiting his mother Mrs. Woodcock. 2b ..... 2 0 2 1 3 0 mons. W.lliam Burns. Haskell ...... 5 2 2 2 1 0 Harry Burns and Byron Nash are Miss Ruth Scott returned to New­ 38 13 18 27 8 3 employed at the Lobster Pound at FIRST ark. N J.. Monday having visited Rockland Long Island. MPARTIAL laboratory tests of 16 of the largest-selling brands show Miss Sara Bunker over the week­ ab r bh po a e Irvin Simmons who was burned I which one of them gives the most end. Miller, 3b ___ 4 0 1 4 3 0 on the hands by an engine explosion actual smoking per pack. The find­ Mr and Mrs. Ralph Stone of Chisholm, 2b, p 4 0 0 2 3 2 on a lobster smack at the Harbor, L ings were: East Poland, were recent guests of Kari. cf 3 2 1 2 1 0 will return home soon from the Mr and Mrs Poiter Lawry This Thompson, c ...... 4 2 2 2 3 0 Damariscotta Hospital. NATIONAL CAMELS were found to contain If this officer blew his whistle and you stopped to see what it was all MORE TOBACCO BY WEIGHT ] is the first meeting of Mr Lawry LaCrosse, p. lb Mrs Sidney Carter was a Rock­ 1 about, you could rest assured of courteous treatment, for that's Parker than the average for the 15 other of and Mr Stone in 44 years. Schweim, lb. 2b land visitor Wednesday. Hennessy's way. Mrs Howard MacFarland and p W.bach, c. ss the largest-selling brands. Betty Coker of Belmont, Mass.. Drinkwater, rf Rev. and Mrs. Guy Vannah and CAMELS BURNED SLOWER coe Simmons. Mrs Van Deman; ice home in Brunswick were visitors passed the weekend with Mr. and carr. If family who are In Camden to at­ THAN ANY OTHER BRAND tend campmeeting, will return in cream. Gertrude Oliver, Lavinia Sunday at L N. and A. H. Moody's. I 2 Mrs. C. E. Young at Crockett's ‘W bach, STORES TESTED - 25% SLOWER THAN ten days. Whitney, Lillian Burns: cake. Hat- Herbert Gould of Camden called River 7 24 14 THE AVERAGE TIME OF THE 15 Mrs. J. R. Simmons visited Friday tie Wotton; coffee. Lizzie Thomp- recently at Leslie Wentworth's, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bernhardt • Bat for Drinkwater, 9th. Cfte/cd M id-S ununesi OTHER OF THF. LARGEST-SELL­ in Rockland. son and Carrie MacFarland: fancy Mrs. Bertha Wentworth was of Malden, Mass., are at Shore Two-base hit, Brown, Woodcock ING BRANDS! By burning 25% Mr. and Mrs George Oliver, Mr. table, Nellie Davis: kitchen help, happily surprised Sunday when Acres. Stolen base. Thompson. Guilford 2. slower, on the average, Camels give and Mrs. Gilbert Whitman and Jane Murphy, Bertha Jameson, Eva several of her children gathered at Ralph Litten and daughter Bev­ Coombs. Lyford 3. Double play. smokers the equivalent of 5 EXTRA daughter Phyllis of South Ashburn- Russell, Carrie Lawry. Net pro- her home to celebrate her birthday erly of Plainfield. N. J., were re­ White to Guilford. Struck out by SMOKES PER PACK! ham and Miss Helen Davis of Meth­ ceeds were $75 The Ladies Aid as well as that of her daughter. Mrs. cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Brown 6. by Coombs 3, LaCrosse 2, In the same tests, CAMELS HELD uen, Mass., are occupying K E. also held a flower and refreshment Vera Libby of Lincolnville. Mrs Hall. Chisholm 1. Hit by pitcher. Brown FOOD SALE THEIR ASH FAR LONGER i Thompson’s cottage for a week. sale recently from which flowers Wentworth was the recipient of 3 Mrs Susan Van Meter, Mrs. Eliza­ and Woodcock Scorer. L. L. Mer- than the average time for all the Mr and Mrs. Arthur MacFarland netted $50 and ice cream, $19 La- many loveiy gifts. A bountiful pic- beth Morse and Maxey Kirkpatrick rfthew Umpires. Anderson, S ROCKLAND. ROCKPORT AND CAMDEN STORES other brands. of Fort Worth. Tex . are visiting Mr have entered upon housekeeping in vinia Whitney and Geneva Thomp- nit lunch was served. Guests pres- Glover. ent were: Mrs Louise Eugley and Yes, Camel’s fine, slow-burning, and Mrs. Angus Hennigar. the Nancy Rogers house son were the committee. sons. Francis Wentworth and Mil­ more expensive tobaccos Jo m ake a Elliott Anderson of Rockport. The marriage of Ella M. Williams, CUSHING lard of Lincolnville: Mr. and Mrs difference. Delicate taste... fragrant Mass., is guest of Mr. and Mrs. oldest daughter of Janie Williams, APPLETON RIDGE Miss Lillian Payson and Miss Vir- to Woodrow J. Verge of Thomaston, Horace Tarr and children, Evelyn, aroma...smoking pleasure at its best, Clarence Hall. MAYONNAISE and more of ill The quality cigarette t0 ’ glnla Woodbury of Auburn, have son of Capt Enos Verge, was solem­ Mrs. Alfred Standish and daugh- Muriel, Marjorie, Myrtle and Merle Elliot Hall has returned every smoker can afford. Springfield. N J. been in town the past week call- nized July 22 at the Methodist par­ ter Barbara of South Waldoboro, of Whitefield: Richard Wentworth FINAST - MAKES YOUR SALADS TASTE BETTER I ing on friends. sonage, Rev. H Warder Van Deman Ernest Cole of Somerville and Rufus of Camden: Mr. and Mrs. Roger Two Years Old The rain and fog of Friday did officiating Daisy Simmons was Steele of Breemen. Long Island were Libby and daughter Lucille of Lin- 8 oz Ernest Macintosh Gilchrist. son not dampen the spirits of the mem- maid of honor, and William Hysler recent visitors at Mrs. Eleanor Pit- colnville. JAR o a r oT r of Mr and Mrs. Andrew Gilchrist, bers of the Ladies' Aid when they j pest man. Following the ceremony man's. 12c 19c 37e celebrated his second birthday Fri- went to Friendship, and were en- Mrs. Van Deman served refresh­ Mr and Mrs. Joseph Pushaw of PORT CLYDE day at his home on Lane's Island tertained at the home of Rev. and ments. No'/i South Hope were callers Sunday LIGHT MEAT by entertaining at a lawn party: Mrs. H W. Van Deman. A picnic Dr and Mrs Marjey and daugh­ evening at Roland Edgecomb's. The Baptist Sewing Circle will T U N A FISH TINS 25c Anne Webster. Judy Clayter, Timo- [ dinner was enjoyed at noon es- ter of New York are tenants for a Mrs. Martha Campbell and grand­ hold its summer sale Wednesday af­ SLICED OR m FINAST PEACHES HALVES X & 27< thy Lane, age four years, whose pecially the salads served by the few weeks at F L. Young's. son. Collins were callers Monday at ternoon. birthday fell on this date; Clar- J hostess Mr. and Mrs. Bert Benner and Ernest Maddocks'. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Broadfoent RICHMOND M ence Conway, Edward Dyer, Jackyj Norton Cemetery Corporation met PEACHES SLICED OR HALVES X ftEs 25c daughter Edna of Belfast were Mrs. Madeline Ripley of Hope; and son. Winston, of New York are Tupper, John R. Arey, Peter Wil- Thursday night and elected as offi- weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. RICHMOND « Mrs. Mary Ness of this town; Mr. at the Broadbent cottage for a few & 29c l.ams. Bruce Arey. John Ames, cers: Moderator. B S. Geyer: presi- TOMATOES RED RIPE 4 Percy Wlncapaw. and Mrs. Jenness Keller and son of weeks. Biley Martin. Ira Peterson. Ernest dent, W. A Maloney; vice presi- Mrs. Adelaide Dobbs and son Lincolnville Beach visited Thurs­ Mrs. Cathryn Marsh of Waltham, PREPARED M Gilchrist and Douglas Stone of dent. J. J. Pales; clerk. Cora E. FINAST MUSTARD 25 12c John of White Plains. N Y , are day at Mr. and Mrs. W. M New- Mass., and son, Robert, called Sat- North Haven and James Arey of Fogerty; secretary and treasurer, visiting Mr and Mrs Otto Rodamer bert's Mr. and Mrs, Newbert urday on Mrs. Elden Davis on their GEISHA OR CHATKA nt n J Dallas. Texas j Mina A Woodcock; executive com- j y. p w Auxiliary will hold a CRAB M E A T ’ * 23c | The little folks were accompanied mittee, Dorothy Lindahl. Flora cake anti je€ cream sale Thurdsav passed last weekend with Mrs. way to visit Mrs. N. H. Gardner ln Elizabeth Stanley and Sergeant and Martinsville. FINAST STUFFED OLIVES by their mothers and enjoyed Maloney, B. S. Geyer and Annie afternoon and night on the Jessit Mrs J. H. Pennington In Bangor. The Advent Christian Church playing with toys and balloons. The Rivers. It was voted to paint the studley lawn. ( Hattie E Hatch ol Abington. Mass will hold its summer sale, Aug ID SHREDDED WHEAT 2 PKGS 23c host received many beautiful gifts, fence of the cemetery ; Mrs Genieva Mrs. David Laverdore and daugh- w overnight guest Mondav ol Mrs Miss Annie Ginn of Rhode Island WHITE SPRAY PKG 5 C among them a baseball, auto- Thompson and Fannie Crute were ant| who were.jjuests of Mr. Elizabeth Newbert is guest of Mrs. Ada Brennan. CORN FLAKES I graphed by Phil Brown, pitcher of appointed special committee to and Mrs Ajile Rusfcu for two Mrs Perry Mrs AddieTheodore Davis and daughter PURE VERMONT 7>4oi I Vinalhaven High School team (the solicit funds for this purpose. weeks have returned to Marlboro. Hawkes Albert iDavis and their_ Sylvia called Sunday on Mr. and MAPLE SYRUP CO-OP. BRAND JAR 21c i ball Is the last one used when this! A supper will be served at the Mass guest Leon Peabody of Medford. Mrs. Forrest Davis. PURE MIRABEL team played Camden*. This gift Grange hall Friday, followed by a Mr. and Mrs. James Arden, son M ass. were recent callers at Lizz.e Mr. and Mrs Russell Porter of APPLE JELLY 2 jars 23c Is highly prized as little "Mae" is concert by H. Wellington Smith and j ames and Mr and Mrs. Edward McCorrisson's and Abner Grant's. Pasadena, Calif., have returned much interested in baseball; he other artists at his studio at Stone's Webb of New York city who have Mr. and Mrs. Roland Edgecomb after a few days visit here, SLICED BACON, even imitates Phil in pitching a Point. been occupying the E. J. Beckett and daughter Jennie were guests ■ ------bail. ! " ------■-— ;------cottage on Bradford's , Point, re- gunday of Mrs. Erma Roboins ln UNION PASTRY FLOUR, 24’i I B. Lunch Included a birthday cake were gay caps, which gave a festive turned1 home Friday. I Ghent. ------BAG T made by "Mac's" grandmother, Mrs. air, to the party. The young faces Miss Leola Rodamer is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Olsen and An ice cream sale, auspices of the 24 S LB. CAMEL Clyde Macintosh, also ice cream, beneath the grotesque caps made a BREAD FLOUR, FINAST her aunt. Mrs C Bruttlng in As- Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Bailey en- Methodist Ladies Aid will be held on BAG CIGARETTE OR I assorted cake and cookies. Favors scene long to be remembered. toria. L. I., and is attending the route from Bar Harbor to their the Common tonight at 7 o'clock. TALL Worlds Fair. RED SALMON, 2 CANS COSTUER TOBACCOS The play "Mary Did" presented AT THE PARK THURSDAY ONLY PENNY FOR PENNY YOUR for the benefit of the Methodist PINK SALMON, can choir netted $26 Largely respon­ Try a Tall, Cool Glass of 18 OZ. BEST CIGARETTE B U Y ! sible for Its success were Llewellyn GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, TIN Oliver and cast. LilliauBurns Doro­ PEANUT BUTTER, 2 LB. thy Snowdeal, Mrs. Roscoe 8 m- JAR Qeimuie Cay raved mons, Oeneva Simmons, Francis FINAST A 1 LB. Burns, Doris Prior, Elizabeth Win- SPAGHETTI, nNAST “ TINS STATIONERY chenpaw. Howard Beals, Luther Raspberry and Straw- 1 LB. P R F Q F P V F Q Raspberry an At The Lowest Prices In Hisloryl Wotton and Albert Morton. I !\.C O E I\ V EvJ, berry—Mirabel JAR Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parker of 12 OZ. Visiting Cards Newton Highlands and Mrs. Black HORMEL SPICED HAM, TIN 100 paneled cards, choice of 4 SAUDI sires and 30 styles of engraving, and son William of Nashua, N. H.. 1$ OZ. PLATE INCLUDED, only — I1.S5 who are summering Hi Southport, SPAM, TIN were guests Wednesday of Mr. and OHIO ' LGE. Wedding Announcements Hans Fischer at the iViompson cot­ MATCHES, BLUE TIP ’ BOXES or Invitations K-2 On white or Ivory stock—wed­ tage. MILLBROOK LGE. BOTS ding or plate finish. Inside and Mr. and .Mrs Ivan Anderson and TONICS, ALL FLAVORS 4 outside envelopes, and PLATE IN­ son Robert of Rockville, Centre, L CLUDED ______J8.S5 I., recently visited Mr. and Mrs. SEAPLANE SERVICE MEL-O Social Stationery Robert Moore. RIPE Special styles for men and women. flfercy Rowe and son F are $ 2 .5 0 Bananas 25c A choice of lovely colors, mono­ Jurned to Bridge- F.LBERTAS grams and styles of engraving, ^^er passing three LEAVE DAILY—STANDARD TIME PLATE INCLUDED...... $2.25. $3.95 and up. LEAVE—ROCKLAND, *8 00 A.M. 2.05 P.M 5.15 P.M. Peaches VINALHAVEN, 8.15 A.M. 2.20 P.M. 5.30 P.M. NATIVE Business Stationery NORTH HAVEN, 8.25 A.M, 2.30 P.M 5.40 F M. l( EUERU 500 business cards or Hammermll! * Except Sunday when this trip leaves at 9.05 Lettuce Bond letterheads, PLATE IN­ RED CLUDED, o n ly ______$7-95 A IR W A Y S, INC. RIPE NEXT TO PUBLIC LANDING Tomatoes TEL. ROCKLAND 338 ROCKLAND, MAINE The Courier-Gazette 80-tf

I P ag e Fouf Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, August 1, 1939 Every-Otber-Pav

SOUTH CHINA erary was a motor trip to Holly STONINGTON WARREN wood. WALDOBORO Mr. and Mrs. Ardelle Bumps and Guests at Fairmont Lodge. Craw­ Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Webb1 daughter Joyce of China were re­ ft ft ft ft ford Lake are Mrs. Josephine' of Richmond. V a, Mrs William Slaudeman and Miss Josqphine Wenzel of Hartford, Conn., and MRS LOUISE MTLLRR cent dinner guests of the Herbert A1J1NA L. STARRETT Esancys. Correspondent Perry of the Belleaire Estates, Mrs J. C Harmon of Winter Har­ 1 I J 4 5 b 7 9 id Correspondent bor were recent guests of Mr. and Caroline Hussey and Knowlton ft ft ft ft Clearwater, Fla., and Mrs. Milton « ft ft ft Mrs. Reuben Cousins. Hussey recently accompanied Mr. Tel. 49 Rossing of Glenolden, Penna. II 12 13 w TeL 27 Mrs. Robert Stoddard and son and Mrs Forrest Hussey of Winslow- Paul Dillaway of Everett, Mass, is spending the summer with his par- Robert who have been visiting her on a trip to Pemaquid. Fishing and Victor Taylor of Everett, Mass., is 15 lb 17 Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Gross, daugh­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F Dilla- parents Mr and Mrs. Harry Colby rowing were enjoyed. spending a month at Hillcrest ter, Marjorie and son Elroy of Bath, way , have returned to Boston. Jo It l i Mr. and Mrs. Emil Randall of Homestead Farm l& n 19 N Y„ are visiting relatives and • • • • Mrs. John Simpson and Mrs. Ida Belgrade and Providence were re­ Mrs Pauline Oerwig of North friends in town. Testing Camp for G uides Cr.pps and son Donald were recent 14 25 cent callers at Camp Abenakis. also Hills, Pa and Miss Mary Oelzman IS The Susannah Wesley Society The third annual Junior Maine guests of Mrs. Lydia H. Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hussey, and of Philadelphia arrive today to be will meet Thursday afternoon with Guide Testing Camp is located this Annie Judkins is home from i7 son Forrest and Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ guests of Mr. and Mrs Frank Oetz- 2b 16 Mrs. Mary Wade. week, in the Charles Starrett field Mountainville, where she has been ert Hussey. man at Honeymoon Lodge, Craw­ Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller en- in Pleasantville, and in the Virgil visiting her sister Mrs. Edward 41 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hussey ford Lake X9 5o 5i tertained at a weenie roast Friday and children were guests recently | Payson pasture. It was through Parker. Henry- Marr, guard at the Stale chief Warden Fjlrl BradbUry of Mr anh An’ of Mansfield. Mass . on a 700 mile I L. Ferguson, registered Maine guide HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL (Cent.) VERTICAL (Cont.) annual festival sponsored by the ' Kansas and daughter. Mrs Edith derson °f 8 HeaA has been re- bicycle trip which took them into j and trip man at Camp Makaria of children Donokl and Dorothy are i 1-Command 44-Cog-wheel 10-Girl's name Woman s Club for local charities I Rflph of Cedar Bluffs Kansas. Mrs f°r *>»p m-coikI lerm «< n' r’’p Vermont. New Hampshire and Nobleboro. guests of Mrs. Lyman Stinson. 6-Topic 46- By 12- To no extent and the Lincoln Home. Because of Maynard Brown of Appleton and >Klrs •« thr Finnish Parliament, by northwestern Maine, returned Sat- | These tests cover a wffie field in Mr .and Mrs. Ernest Nason and1 11-Aching 47- High mountain 13- Verdant 14- Resist authority 49-Stupid person 19-M yself the uncertainty of weather condi- | ber aunts, Mrs. Ernest Light of lhr ^^M-laUst-Democrat party. Mr. urday after being guest: a few days wood craft and camping, and in- Mrs. Howard Carter, who have been 15- Evening (Poet.) 40-Australian bird 21-Thin strip of wood tions the customary lawn party will Camden and Mrs Alice Sanford of Raat.kainen is editor in chief of the at the home of Mr and Mrs Ches- j elude the building of fires under all visiting relatives here, have re­ 16- June-bug 51-More uncommon ?5-Anger not be held and the festival will take Liberty; Mrs Lloyd Fitzgerald and "‘‘" ’W - "" i„ Sor- ter Wyllie. They were supper guests conditions, making of shelters, cook- lumed to ilaugui 17- Basso (abbr.) C3-Cuddled ?8-Superlative suffix tavala, an alderman of Sortavala, Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs ing and menus, canoe management 18- Prefix. Backw ard 55- Moves with a steady, 27-Speek Arlene and Carleton of 19- Apportion jogging pace 29- Attractlvs and one of the directors of a radio William Rogers. I and control, loading, portaging etc.. um Aug. 17. Many new features road, Forest Hussey of SO U T H H O PE 20- Plural suffix 56- High Turkish 30- Before will be introduced and a large pat­ Winslow and Robert HussevHussey of the radio in that country Guests p , . ^ , at the home 0, Miss use of the axe. first aid use of the 22- Nickel (abbr.) officials 31- Dispatched ronage is anticipated. Waterville controlled by the government, the Mabe, Crawford were. Mrs Nellie and wmpass, fly casting-op- Mrs. W. B Fish of Rockland re-1 23- Mountalna In South 35-Wind instrument 35-Begln George Kuhn of Hartford, Conn., Among those from here attending pc” plr a Ux ,Or 10 M Benner of Olen Cove, and Mrs tional-encanipment. written tests cently passed a few days at her Am erica VERTICAL farm here with Mr and Mrs. W W ! 24- Sllp 37- Entrsncss is visiting his mother, Mrs Bessie the business meeting of the Maine listen. He plans a visit to this coun- B Higgs and daughter of *n ^*re regulations, campsites, trip 26-Terminate 1- Musical drama 38- Cup (Fr.) A. Kuhn. | Home Crafts Guild In Saco were try in a few years, and is a friend of Chicago i equipment,- baits, fishing and hunt- Lermond who are caretakers. 28- Metrie land-measure 2- A bird 39- Comparatlve suffix Mrs Owen Luke was a recent j Mr and Mrs W J. Thompson. Mrs. Hugo Makinen, formerly of Risk- ys u . „„ .. i ing laws of Maine, first aid k t, trip Mrs. Edith King of Mount Vernon j 29- Tormentora 3- Expire 40- More gentle Mrs Nellie Orbeton of North , , . . 41- Ornamental buttons land, who also is a Finnish news­ mapping, safety in handling fire was guest the past week of Mrs. H. 32- Fur-bearing animal I 4-Half an em Rockland visitor. | Hattie Stuart. Mrs. Luella Jones, Warren was recent guest in Union 33- Crude metal 5- Travels on horse 45-A compass point paperman. and who made a visit to arms, parts of a canoe, emergencies, Mrs. Helen Marple was dinner Mr and Mrs. Harry Austin. Mrs. of Mrs. J. D Thurston. Miss Mabie A Hart. 34- Small child back (abbr.) Rockland this spring. map of Maine, and in conclusion, 48-Argument In favor of guest Sunday of Mrs. Annie Vannah Ralph Esancy, Mrs. Frank Nary, Crawford who went with Mrs Orbe­ Miss Clara Fisk and nieces Misses 36-W aite 6- Corners 7- Pronoun SO-High priest (Bible) in Nobleboro. Mrs. Eva Buzzell. Mrs. Florence j essay on State of Maine. Louise and Myrtle Fisk of Dam­ 38-Canvas shelters ton visited Mrs Iva 42- A week day (abbr.) 8- Rscede 52-Ar.d (Latin) Stanley Herrick Jr., of Waban. Evans. Mrs. Mary Farrington. Mrs The written tests will be given on SOUTH THOMASTON Mrs Lillian Prouty of Union spent ariscotta were callers on relatives 43- Prepoaition 9- W ander 54-Trade mark (abbr.) Mass., is visiting his grandparents, Fred Earle, son George Smith and j Joseph Norton of Brighten, who rough tables arranged under a fly- recently. Friday at the home of Mrs A. T. Mr and Mrs W. F. B Feyler. guests from Massachusetts | spent the past week with his family tent Awards will be made by Gov­ Mrs. R. E. Robbins, daughters (Answer To Previous Puzzle» Norwood. ernor Barrows, and the tests are ROBINSON FAMILY Miss Anne Ashworth returned Friends of Donald Young were here, returned Friday to Massa- Misses Esther and Charlotte Rob­ p !e?!r Saturday from a week's visit in St. shocked to hear of his recent death < chusetts. Mrs Thomas Douglass of Port- | given under the direction of a State bins and Mrs Edith Ralph motored The Robinson reunion was held Johnsbury, Vt. by electrocution. He was employed Mr and Mrs. George Brown of ^nd. and Miss Tony Sampson o. committee of officials, of which Ar- to Fort Knox recently. Mr and Mrs. Elliott Stenger re­ in a tarring crew at Washburn Everett. Mass., visited Wednesday at Pr>,bur8 were recent guets of Mr chie Grover, member of the Inland Mrs, A. J. Metcalf and daughter Sunday at the home of Mrs. Levan- turned Monday to Philadelphia Funeral services were held Thurs- W P Sleeper's. and Mrs wwls v,nal *n Cushing. Fish and Game Department is Mrs Edith Ralph have returned to der Newbert in North Waldoboro. passing a week as guests of Mr and day at the home of his father-in- Mr and Mrs. Clarence Jackson of Miss ®°ra Rcbinson of Thomas- chairman. Sponsors are the Maine Kansas after a visit with relatives. The skies cleared sufficiently for the Mrs. Thomas Stenger at Martins I law. Arvide Bumps. He is survived Malden. Mass., while on an extended ,on was caller Sunday at the home Camp Directors Association and the Mrs. John Dunbar and children picnic dinner to be enjoyed on the Point. by his wife, Vivian and daughter, , tour of New York. Vermont. New of Mrs. Hannah Spear. j Maine Development Commission. have returned to Boston after sev- lawn beneath the large maple trees. Mrs. Stanley Lenfest returned Louise, his mother and several Hampshire and Maine, arrived re- Otho Thompson of Medford. The boys having completed their ?ra; weeks stay at C. L Dunbar's. > The day was spent in social pleas­ home Friday from Memorial Hos­ brothers and sisters. cently for a few days' visit with his Mass., joined Mrs Thompson at the tests by noon Wednesday will break services will be held at the Uni- ures, to which the large family of pital. Damariscotta where she has mither. Mrs Hattie Jackson and Richmond homestead for the week- camp and members of girls' camps versallst Church Sunday at 10 30 brothers and sisters look forward efla throughout the State, with five al- by Rev. C. Ouy Robbins of Law- been a patient. NORTHPORT his sister, Mrs. Flora Baum. yearly One brother, Dewey Robin­ Miss Shirley Bums has returned Word has been received of the Dr A H St Clair Chase of New- ready enrolled will move in for their renee, Mass., and Camden It is to son, was unable to be present, owing to the Maine General Ho^yital in Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Winsor of death in Valhalla, N Y of Ralph ton c<,ntre- M ass. arrived Saturday tests Wednesday afternoon. Tests be visitation day and it is desired to business duties in Portland. An­ Portland to finish her course in the Weston. Mass., spent the past week Clark, son cf Mrs Jennie Clark and to join Mrs -base at their sum- for the girls will be given by Mac- that a large audience of old friends other member of the happy family School of Nursing. at Mrs Winsor's former home here, the late Frrd Clark of this p'.a'e. mer home for a months vacation Donald Murphy trip man of Camp and acquaintances be present. also unable to be present was the The Woman's Missionary Society guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs Mrs Clark and Mr and Mis. Arthur Mb.s Harriet Hahn is ill. Winona of Denmark assisted by Basket-lunch will be held after grandfather. Thomas Watt, M, who will meet Aug 4 with Mrs. C Seymour Chapman. | Poster of Camden Abbott Spear of Chestnut Hill, R.chard Fogg, registered Maine service*. Coflee and milk will be is confined by illness to his home in Ma4s joined Mrs Spear for the guide and trip man from the High- furnished by the association Vaughn Overman at the Baptist Judge and Mrs Hugh D McLellan left at cr.ce for New York Belfast FAMILY parsonage. have as guests at their summer | Lari Hopk.ns mitored Sunday to weekend. land Nature Camp of Naples All Visitation Day will be observed Those present were Mr. and Mrs. ------j home here at Little River House Massachusetts accompanied by his Mrs. Rosa Burns of Union has camps in the State may enroll for next Sunday at the Universalist Newbert and daughter Phyllis, and REUNIONS MEDOMAK I their daughter and son-in-law Mr : sister. Mrs. Hazel Stahl and her carta« for Mrs. Austin Gam- these tests. Church. Dr. Guy Robbins of Law- son Oren Robinson. Mr and Mrs. and Mrs. Warren E Russell a n d ! daughter. Nancy, who returned to mon. who is ill ------! rence. Mass . will conduct services Merlin Eugley, son Donald, Charles, Dr Arthur Grose of Warren o . at 10 30 Picnic lunch will be Herbert and Carleton Ranquist, Mr Mrs. Ida Collamore has employ- their two children of Lexington ■ Cochituate aftrv spending two weeks Masefield Poem Salutes Ship m ent in Waldoboro Mass. here. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hopkins Highlands has made a valuable ”I submit these lines to you. old served after the meeting, and Mrs. Levi Robinson, daughter present to Warren High school in Mr. and Mrs. L. W Osier and Miss Isabelle Ames, has returned returned Earl Hopkins for two ship, in whom I passed some years,” ------Joan. Mr and Mrs. Josiah Jameson, three children passed Sunday in from a trip to the West Coast. weeks' visit. the gift of 50 reference books, which said John Masefield, the poet lau- The sparrow population in those son Dyson, daughters Vera and Alcy New Harbor. J Mrs. Thelma Wood and Mrs. Mrs Lena Simmons went Thurs­ includes History of the Nations" in reate, when he read a poem to a of tbe United Stotes east of the all of Waldoboro, Mr and Mrs Clif­ Mrs. Sarah Prior and daughter Marion Butler were in Waterville day to Winthrcp. Ma - . with Mr. 36 volumes. "History of the World figurehead of Lord Nelson in a 99- Mississippi River has been estimated ford Robinson and children, Atha- year^ld training ship in the Mersey . gt aboul 16- birds and Addie McLain visited Monday recently. and Mrs. Russeil McD.nald who War" in six volumes. "History of leen Woodbury, Olive. Stanley Fos­ in England. The poem was part of in Damariscotta Mr. and Mrs Robert MacFarland have been visiting her recently. the United States" in four volumes, Cowry shells are still used for ter of Warren, Mr. and Mrs George CROCKETT FAMILY a "History of Maine" in the Revolu­ the impressive unveiling ceremony Mrs. Astor Willey was recent and family of Thomaston called Mr and Mrs. Adam Carnes of for the 13-foot figure. currency by the natives in some. Derrah, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Annual reunion of Crockett family guest of her sister, Mrs. Clarence Sunday on Mrs. Alice Sheldon. Albany, N. Y.. and the.r son of New­ tionary War. Several other books Robinson and children Kathleen. at Ralph Crockett cottage in Ash Eugley in Waldoboro. Mrs. Kenneth Beach is at Waldo ton, Mass., called Sunday on W. P. will be given. STRAND THEATRE Vivian, Leona, Maynard and Rich­ Point Sunday. Aug. 6. Coffee Mrs. Helen Payson of Camden 1 County Hospital for an appendix Sleeper and Mr and Mrs J. M Bart­ Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Moody and ard all of Portland, Mr and Mrs. will be served. Those attending visited 8unday with her parents, I operation. lett. Mr Carnes who once resided son Hiram enroute to Allston. Mass . Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Ansel Wooster and children, Carle­ will take picnic lunch and cups. Mr. and Mrs. M L. Shuman. I Mrs Catherine Breslin of Water- in the Burding house, left here when from Milbridge. were callers Sunday ton, Milton and Ervin, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer B. Crockett Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carter and ' ville spent the weekend with her he was 12 years of age. this being his at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flora Post and children, Virginia 90-92 Mrs. Freda Collamore were in Loud- parents Mr and Mrs. Fred Mitchell first return trip. McKeUar. ANDY HARDY GETS SPRING FEVER’ and Kenneth of Rockland. ville Thursday to attend funeral Mr and Mrs. Melvin Pendexter of ’Mr and Mrs. Arthur Strout (Laura Mrs. Ella Lewks was recent guest SIIIBLES FAMILY in Bath of her niece. Mrs. Harold services for Sherman Gifford Rockland and their daughter Mrs. Oocginsi of Wcrcester, Mass., and The 51st reunion of the Bhibles Stanton Albion Poland was guest of rela- Dorothy Horsley of Thomaston Mr and Mrs. Clifton Scrlvens 'M a­ ' family will be held Aug 9 in North- A public picnic benefit of Congre- tives in Friendship recently. ;were Buests Thursday of Mrs. Phil- rion Googinsi of Wilton, visited SPECIAL OFFER! j port Grange hall. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Benner and Dp Watkins, Sunday and Monday with relatives &ational D3'11'8' Clrcle and Woman's For a Limited Time Only A H Bohndell, Sec. Club will be held Saturday at Fair­ were visitors Sunday at the home of j Charles E. Mixer formerly or here. 81’ lt Mrs. Hattie Merrill of Dutch Neck Brooks died Sunday in Belfast from mont Lodge on Crawford Lake, with 1 500 Sheets 8^x11 Mr Gugger.heimer and Oecrge Can Mr. and Mrs. Bert Willey. pneumonia. He is survived by his WHITMORE FAMILY WASHINGTON of Clearwater. Fla . as hosts. The Mr and Mrs. Thomas Gerreior wife, formerly Miss Ada Waning, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cunning­ Yellow Second The 40th annual Whitmore re­ private drive to the cottage is the of New Bedford, Mass . have arrived one son Leewood,'three daughters, ham are entertaining Harry Farn­ union will be held with Mrs. Maud first turn to the right before reach­ In town for the summer. Mrs. William Curtis and Misses Isa­ ham and Connie Sargent of Wal­ Arey and Mrs. Lena Allen at Barn ing the Royal Hall Farm in Pleas­ S h eet , Mrs. Grace Freeman and son of belle and Alma and his mother tham. M ass. for a few weeks. Eyrie. Hulls Cove, Wednesday, Aug. antville, and drivers are urged to be A clean smooth sheet, for bnsl- Waldoboro were recent guests of Mrs- Iren€ Porbes of Brooks f*11 John Storer remains critically ill. 30. 91*lt cautious on the private road which ■for school—for typewriter. Mrs. Linwood Castner. neral services were held from the Miss Lurlie Davis has returned is narrow and winding. This com­ Mr. and Mrs. Chester Carter visi­ First Congregational Church in home after several week's stay with GILCHREST FAMILY mittee will have charge: Mrs Sidney O n ly 3 7c ted Sunday with relatives in Friend­ Brooks. Interment was in East Mrs Gertrude Ludwig. Saint George, July 31 The Oil- Wyllie. Mrs E. B Clark. Mrs Wil­ ship. Knox cemetery. Mrs. Charles Barnes of Wiscasset for 500 sheet package chrest family reunion will be held liam Barrett, Mrs. Robert Walker, Mrs. Blout and two children, Mrs. Mrs. Katie Martin has returned was a business caller in town re­ Aug. 10 at the home of Mrs. Mfcry Mrs. Wilder Moore. Mrs. Willis We Do Not Break Packages Charles Light and Evelyn Mande­ from a visit in Sullivan. cently. Henry, Beechwood street, Thomas­ Vinal, Mrs. Phillip Simmons and Mail Orders Filled—15c Extra ville of Saugus, Mass., are at their Mrs. Harold Drinkwater is seri­ Arial Linscott has employment ton. Please bring dishes. Mrs. Arthur Starrett. Members of cottage for the summer. ously ill a t her home here. at the home of Faster Jameson in If stormy it will be held in the either the Circle or the Club, not The Courier-Gazette Mr. and Mrs. Theodore McLain Miss Barbara Newbert. daughter South Waldoboro for a few days Grange hall at Saint George. solicited, are asked to furnish ROCKLAND, MAINE and daughter Pauline were Portland of Mrs Phillip Watkins 15 in Port- assisting in the removal of a Emma Gilchrest, Sec. sweets. All who attend will take visitors recently l®nd for a two weeks’ visit with her building . 91-93 their own dishes and silver. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Genthner and aunt' Mrs' Ltawood Busse11 8h€ Misses Kate Moore and Mildred An additional feature of the en­ son of Haverhill, Mass., spent last will then go to New York to visit Bailey with their guests the Misses weekend in town. relatives returning home about the Sweney of New Bedford. Mass., en- tertainment will be speed boat rides first of September. in Robert Baker's boat. There will Mrs. Astor Willey passed Monday joyed the past week at Dixfield Mickey Rooney and Ann Rutherford in VINALHAVEN & ROCKLAND STB. CO. afternoon in Damariscotta. Notch and Lakewood. Skowhegan j ample parking ground. Those “Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever" Mr and Mrs. William Weatherbee Although many of us assume that Howard Fitch of Monmouth Can-! without transportation will get in (Eastern Standard Time I and three children of Old Town are emergency relief works are some­ ning Co. was guest at Crooker's ,ouch wlth the committee. The Hardy Family takes a fling servativeness and almost loses every- SWAN’S ISLAND LINE visiting Mrs. L. W. Osier. thing new to governments and the Inn the past week. ! Mem^rs of Blue Bonnett Troop at life, both romantic and dramatic' thing he owns in a crooked pro- ■ STEAMER NORTH HAVEN invention of our present administra­ Mr. and Mrs. W M Prescott and and their captain. Mrs. Trask, of motion stunt. In the end. how- Effective June 29 to September 15, Inclusive Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spofford in the seventh of the popular series. ’ Read Down tion, the student of history knows Eugene Cunningham accompanied Kockland and members of the Por- ever, his good sense prevails and and son of Portland were recent -Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever." hg turns ..goW brlck„ p jy , DAILY DAILY guests of W C. Studley. that provinpeial government of Mr and Mrs C S. Farnham Wed- get-me-not Oirl Scout Troop, and EXCEPT SUNDAY EXCEPT SUNDAY France opened national workkshops nesday to New Harbor where they their lieutenant, Mrs. Levere Jones opening Wednesday at Strand djrt Then Andy quarrels with his' SUNDAY ONLY SUNDAY ONLY Miss Barbara Clancy of Camden A.M.P.M.A.M. A.M.PJH.P.M. visited the past week with Mrs. to give employment and wages to were guests of friends. ! were entertained Wednesday at the ; Theatre. All the familiar faces are I sweetheart. Polly Benedict, played 4.302.151 8.00! Lv. ROCKLAND, Ar. 11.55 7.00 5.30 M. L. Shuman. hundreds of thousands of French Mr. and Mrs. Grevis Payson of Tibbetts Cottage, at South Pond [back However, Lewis Stone as the ' by Ann Rutherford, and falls crazily 5.40 3.301 9.101 Lv. NORTH HAVEN, Ar. 10.55 6.00,4.35 Mr. and Mrs William Little of citizens in need almost 100 years ago. Union were recent visitors at th e ' Mrs- Edith Hodgkins of Worces- [ Judge. Mickey Rooney as Andy and in love with a beautiful school 6.50 4.4010.20: Lv. STONINGTON, Ar. 9.50 5.00|3.25 7A0| [11.30 Ar. SWAN’S ISLAND, Lv. ' 8.45| |2.1» Malden, Mass., spent several days The proverbial “black as ebony' home of Mrs. Nellie Lincoln. | ter- Mass., who has been guest of Cecilia Parker as Marian fall vic­ teacher. To win her esteem, he Read Up recently at Thomas Willey's expression would prove the undoing Mrs. Nina Johnston and daughter ^ rs Alice Cook for several days is tims to a spirit of caprice and it is turns playwright-actor, and despite Lena are at home from Kittery j visiting relatives in Waldoboro. of a novice in search of an ebony up to Fay Holden (Mother Hardy) [his father’s advice, even proposes VINALHAVEN LINE tree if he accepted that statement where they have been since June.} Mrs- Rcbert Andrews and Mrs. and Sara Haden (Aunt Milly) to to the older girl. Marian decides TENANTSJ4ARBOR STEAMER W. S. WHITE at its face value. The wood of Mrs. Johnston will care for Mrs. Mina Rines on the cruise down the remain the stabilizing members. I to forsake social life for a career Read Down Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barter and prime trees in this group is almost Pitt Calkin on her return from oast coast, and up the west coast Newcomers to the cast are Helen' and in return gets mixed up with Dally , Dally . K Daily and including a visit to Hawaii. I Gilbert, a new discovery who plays the swindling promoters. Except« -Except =- Except J? Miss Ruth Barter have been in Bos­ white, no black pith being found Knox Hospital where she was re­ Sat. Aw g Sun. Sat. A ton this week on business. While until thhe very center of the tree is cently operated on for appendicitis. write they are having a pleasant' Andy's latest love, and Terry Kil- In the end, however, the Judge Sun. Sun. trip, and that there are 504 passen­ burn, who recently scored an out­ has emerged victorious; Andy gets A.M.A.ALPJH.A.M. A.M.A.M.P.M. there they attended the Red Sox- struck. Perley Jones has returned from 5.001*8.0012.15 8.00, Lv. ROCKLAND. Ar. |9.45|11.45|5.30 gers on the S. S. Duchess of Rich­ standing success in "Goodbye, Mr. a rude awakening and realizes that Whlte Sox game at Fenway Park as Massachusetts where he has had | 9.05| | | Lv. NORTH HAVEN, I I I guests of "Bill’’ McGowan, Ameri­ There Is no record ln*history that employment the past two months. mond. Jamaica was their first stop Chips." his old love. Polly, is still the best, 6.15|10.00|3.30!9.15| Ar. VINALHAVEN, Lv. {S.30,10.3014.15 can League umpire. Mr. Barter who a blind person left in the care of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jones were after leaving New York harbor. Aug. The adventurous spirit strikes t)ie and Marian decides she is not a Read Up has been umpiring in the Virginia | a well-trained German shepherd guests Sunday of relatives in Apple- 4 they will be sailing into Yakutat Hardys like a cyclone. In this pic- career-girl. In brief, the Hardy * New York train connection Saturday only. 75-W League, is home on the injured list, j dog has ever met with an accident, ton. Bay, Alaska. Included in their itln- ture, the Judge loses his usual con- Family returns to normal,—adv, Every-Other-Day Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, August 1, 1939 Page Five

The Pirates Faded Miss Witham’s Will A Weird Craft ' experimental tests at the Georgia known around the Maine coast, has VINALHAVEN J shipyard, and, when the tests are not divulged how the craft is ex­ completed. Capt. Gilbert announced pected to carry the huge fuel supply « « « Made Only Four Runs At Former Gardiner Woman Seventy-Knot Cargo Carry­ he would bring it north for demon­ necessary to whirl its 2.100 horses MRS O8CAR C. LANE Vinalhaven While Chiefs Disposes Of Monhegan ing Craft Built For Capt. strations on Lakes Erie and Michi­ over a 3.00j mile cruise, or what will Correspondent Scored 13 gan. The first demonstration 5n Island Property Mark Gilbert the Great Lakes is scheduled. Capt keep the craft on an even keel when wintry gales stir the North Atlantic Services at Union Church Sun­ The League leading Rockland The wilT of Miss Rose Adelaide People will be found who still Gilbert disclosed, for Cleveland, day morning were conducted by Pirates were scalped by the Vinal- where he said he obtained part of to white-capped wrath, or when Pa­ Witham of Sudbury, who resided for quote the ancient adage about the capital required for building the cific monsoons scoop up tons of Capt and Mrs. Thomas Seaver of haven Chiefs Sunday by a 13 to 4 several years in Gardiner, Me., filed “nothing new under the sun,” recall first vessel, embodying his airplane water and scatter them leagues the Salvation Aimy of Rock, a nil score. for probate at Middlesex County with misgivings the story of the design. away. Special anthems were sung by the The Chiefs still undefeated, really Courthouse in Massachusetts, dis­ man who many years ago resigned Drawings for the Nassau Clipper, cho r. Mrs Anna Bolling was solo- went on the war path, getting 18 posed of an estate estimated at from the U. S. Bureau of Patents which may revolutionize marine Correspondents and contributors 1st: Mrs. Evelyn Hall, organist . safeties off the combined efforts 880,000. of which $20,000 is real The "Pour As" met Friday n ig h t! of LaCrosse and Chisholm. The because “everything possible had transportation, were made in Mus­ are asked to write on Only One property. • been invented," and who believe the kegon last year. Capt. Gilbert ex- side of the paper with Mrs Lora Hardison. homs Put the «ame on lce To Nathaniel C. Barstow of Gar­ the flrst two innings, collecting versatility of former generations plained. He said he engaged Mr. Maijorie Ames and Vivian Zer-, diner, Miss Witham gives a house was more effective than modem Kibbe because of his record as de- bone,v .have returned . .. .to New ... Bed-n h seven luns. and land and contents of the house . . „« There were many fine plays. Mill- speclalizatlon and mechanization. signing engineer for Campbell. , fo:d, Mass., having been guests of ’ on Lincoln avenue in that city. To By burning 25% slower than . . . . , ,, v,,- er came through with a sensational But this is not true of Capt. Mark Wyant and, Cannon Foundry com- Miss Ames grandmother. Mrs Ella | ( ______James S Barstow she bequeaths the average off the 15 other stop on Swanson s scorching L. Gilbert, president of the Gil Boat pany where he was employed sever- Ames at the Ames Farm, Calder- "The Gray House Cottage" at Mon­ grounder and threw him out at company of Holland. Michigan, one- al years previous to setting up his of the largest-selling brands wood's Neck hegan Island, and to Mrs. Claude first. Karl and Carr also made time resident of Rockland, Maine, own office two years ago. tested—slower than any of Mallory, formerly Elizabeth Barstow Mr. and M-s. Keith Carver en­ fine running catches of balls which and now of Muskegon. Michigan, At present Kibbe is busy on draw­ of Philadelphia. Pa , she bequeaths them—CAMELS give smok­ tertained Sunday Mr. and Mts. were labeled for extra base hits. who inspired the design and con­ ings for a larger type of vessel, simi­ “The Red House" and fishing house ers the equivalent of Harold Thayer, Mr and Mrs. Pearl "Slugger" Lyford who is built on struction of a new type of cargo lar to the Nassau Clipper, for pos- at Monhegan Island. Calderwood, Miss lErdine Calder- the same lines as "Ted Williams" boat, designed to carry huge cargoes silbel use in regular trans-Atlantic The will also provides for a sum wood. Mrs. Florence Gtoss, and banged out four hits, boosting his sky-hooting across the brine at a passenger and freight service. Capt of $1000 a year until 1942 for the Arthur Johnson. A picnic supper average to 375. Woodcock who re­ 70-knot clip, bringing Europe and Gilbert asserted a leading steel education of James 6. Barstow, Jr., was served placed Wahlman who has a sore Asia merely a brief trip from Ameri­ works and a producer of light struc­ | at Yale University. Ladies of the G AR. will meet arm hit one in the sixth for a i ca’s shores. tural metal, employed as a substi­ Residue of the estate Is to be di­ Friday for supper at 5.30 The meet­ double, which traveled about 3401 James L. Kibbe. Muskegon engi­ tute for steel, are backing him. vided equally between Robert B. ing will be at 7.39. feet in the air, coming within inches neer, designed the first boat of this The model clipper, already in Witham of Palo Alto. Calif., and Rock and Pirates played Vinal- of clearing the fence. White and class, “Tlie Nassau Clipper." recent­ commission, has seven engines, Anna Witham McKay of South haven Chiefs Sunday score Guilford each had three out of ly completed and launched for the seven propellers, for a total of 2100 Portland. Mr Witham and Henry 13 to 4 in favor of the home team four. Gil Boat Company, from yards at horsepower, gasoline driven The Heselton of Gardiner are named co­ Mrs. Flora Athearns of Ooucester Next Sunday the Livermore Falls Brunswick. Georgia. model craft is expected to carry 700 executors of the estate. Mass , is guest of her brother Eu­ Barkers will play the Chiefs. A naval test will soon be held for tons of pay-freight, a t the 70-knot gene M Hall. Vinalhaven the recently launched craft. Gilbert speed. The hull draws only a foot Miss Barbara Webster, Lloyd Web­ ab r bh po a FRIENDSHIP said. of water, light, while the propellers ster Jr„ and Robert Littlefield re­ Coombs. If. p ...... 5 1 1 2 0 The first Nassau Clipper, 78 feet and shafts extend downward an­ Mrs Angie Fernald of South turned Sunday to North Weymouth. Lyford, cf ...... 6 4 4 0 0 long with a rating claimed to toe 65 other two feet. Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mass. White, c ...... 4 2 3 11 1 miles an hour, is now undergoing Thus far, Capt. Gilbert, well- Simmons and son of Malden. Mass . Mr and Mrs F W Arey who have Guilford. 2b. lb 4 2 3 8 2 visited friends in town recently. | been guests of Mrs Lena Davidson Brown, p, If ...... 4 1 2 1 2 have returned to Cleveland Heights. Erickson. 3b ...... 4 0 0 0 0 Capt and Mrs. P W Lawry of Ohio. Swanson, rf ...... 5 1 1 0 0 South Portland spent Friday at the Mr and Mrs Carroll Burns of Wahlman. lb ..... 0 0 0 2 0 home of Mr. and Mrs. J R. Sim­ Boston are visiting his mother Mrs Woodcock. 2b .... 2 0 2 1 3 mons. W iliam Burns. 11., M l ...... 5 2 2 2 1 Harry Burns and Byron Nash are Miss Ruth Scott returned to New­ 39 13 18 27 8 employed at the Lobster Pound at FIRST MPARTIAL laboratory tests of 16 ark. N J. Monday having visited Rockland Long Island. of the largest-selling brands show Miss Sara Bunker over the week­ ab r bh po a I Irvin Simmons who was burned which one of them gives the most end. Miller. 3b ...... 4 on the hands by an engine explosion actual smoking per pack. The find­ Mr and Mrs. Ralph Stone of Chisholm, 2b. p 4 on a lobster smack at the Harbor, ings were: East Poland, were recent guests of Karl, cf ...... 3 will return home soon from the CAMELS were found to contain Mr and Mrs. Porter Lawry This j Thompson, c .... 4 Damariscotta Hospital. NATIONAL If this officer blew bis whistle and you stopped to see what it was all is the first meeting of Mr Lawry j LaCrosse, p. lb 3 1 MORE TOBACCO BY WEIGHT Mrs Sidney Carter was a Rock­ about, you could rest assured of courteous treatment, for that's Parker than the average for the 15 other of and Mr Stone in 44 years. | Schweim, lb. 2b 4 llennes-y's way. land visitor Wednesday. the largest-selling brands. Mrs. Howard MacFarland and p W.bach, c, ss 4 Rev. and Mrs. Ouy Vannah and Betty Coker of Belmont. Mass. {Drinkwater, rf 3 CAMELS BURNED SLOWER family who are in Camden to at­ coe Simmons. Mrs Van Deman; ice home in Brunswick were visitors passed the weekend with Mr and Carr if 3 THAN ANY OTHER BRAND tend campmeeting, will return in cream. Gertrude Oliver, Lavinia Sunday at L. N and A. H. Moody's. | 2 Mrs. C. E. Young at Crockett's ”W bach. 1 STORES TESTED- 2 5 % SLOWER THAN ten days. Whitney, Lillian Burns: cake. Hat- Herb-rt Gould of Camden called River 33 7 24 14 THE AVERAGE TIME OF THE 15 Mrs. J. R. Simmons visited Friday tie Wotton; coffee. Lizzie Thomp- recently at Leslie Wentworth's, I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bernhardt • Bat for Drinkwater, 9th. Cjfieat M itS.Spunm & i OTHER OF THE LARGEST-SELL­ in Rockland. son and Carrie MacFarland; fancy Mrs Bertha Wentworth was of Malden, Mass., are at Shore Two-base hit. Brown. Woodcock. ING BRANDS! By burning 25% Mr. and Mrs George Oliver, Mr. table. Nellie Davis; kitchen help, happily surprised Sunday when Acres. Stolen base. Thompson. Guilford 2. slower, on the average. Camels give and Mrs Gilbert Whitman and Jane Murphy. Bertha Jameson. Eva several of her children gathered at Ralph Litten and daughter Bev­ Coombs. Lyford 3. Double play. smokers the equivalent of 5 EXTRA daughter Phyllis of South Ashburn- Russell, Carrie Lawry. Net pro- her home to celebrate her birthday erly of Plainfield, N J . were re- White to Ouilford. Struck out by SMOKES PER PACK! ham and Miss Helen Davis of Meth­ ceeds were $75 The Ladies Aid as well as that of her daughter. Mrs cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Brown 6 by coombs 3. IuiCrosse 2, In the same tests, CAMELS HELD uen, Mass., are occupying K E. also held a flower and refreshment Vera Libby of Lincolnville. Mrs. Hall. Chisholm 1. Hit by pitcher. Brown FOOD SALE THEIR ASH FAR LONGER sale recently from which flowers Wentworth was the recipient of 3 Mrs Susan Van Meter. Mrs. Eliza-, a|lt) woodcock Scorer. L. L. Mer- Thompson’s cottage for a week. than the average time for all the netted $50 and ice cream. $19 La- many loveiy gifts. A bountiful plc- beth Morse and Maxey Kirkpatrick rithew Mr and Mrs. Arthur MacFarland ROCKLAND. ROCKPORT AND CAMDEN STORES other brands. Umpires, Anderson, S vinia Whitney and Geneva Thomp- nic lunch was served Guests pres- of Fort Worth. Tex are vLsiting Mr Olover have entered upon housekeeping in the Nancy Rogers house son were the committee. ent were: Mrs Louise Eugley and Yes, Camel's fine, slow-burning, and Mrs. Angus Hennigar. more expensive tobaccos Jo make a Elliott Anderson of Rockport.) The marriage of Ella M. Williams, ______sons, Francis Wentworth and Mil­ difference. Delicate taste ... fragrant CUSHING oldest daughter of Janie Williams, lard of Lincolnville; Mr. and Mrs. Mass., is guest of Mr. and Mrs. APPLETON RIDGE aroma...smoking pleasure at its best, Miss Lillian Payson and Miss Vir- to Woodrow J. Verge of Thomaston, ' Horace Tarr and children, Evelyn, , Clarence Hall. MAYONNAISE anJ more of it! The quality cigarette ! ginia Woodbury of Auburn, have son of Capt Enos Verge, was solem­ Mrs. Alfred Standish and daugh- Muriel, Marjorie, Myrtle and Merle Elliot Hall has returned to tvery smoker can afford. been in town the past week call- ter Barbara of South Waldoboro, of Whitefield; Richard Wentworth FINAST - MAKES YOUR SALADS TASTE BETTER • Springfield. N J nized July 22 at the Methodist par­ ing on friends. sonage, Rev H Warder Van Deman Ernest Cole of Somerville and Rufus of Camden; Mr. and Mrs. Roger Two Years Old The rain and fog of Friday did officiating Daisy Simmons was Steele of Breemen. Long Island were Libby and daughter Lucille of Lin- son ‘ not dampen the spirits of the mem r Ernest Macintosh Gilchrist. mald of honor, and William Hysler recent visitors at Mrs. Eleanor Pit- colnville. JAR8 oz 10c JARPT 1|Oc JARqt 5IjFc | of Mr and Mrs. Andrew Gilchrist.1 bers of the Ladles' Aid when they best man Following the ceremony man's. ------IT J f celebrated his second birthday Fri- went to Friendship, and were en- Mrs. Van Deman served refresh- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pushaw of PORT CLYDE f day at his home on Lane's Island tertained at the home of Rev. and ments. NoVi South Hope were callers Sunday LIGHT MEAT r by entertaining at a lawn party:, Mrs. H W. Van Deman. A picnic Dr. and Mrs Marjey and daugh- evening at Roland Edgecomb's. The Baptist Sewing Circle will T U N A FISH 2 TINS 25c f Anne Webster. Judy Clayter. Timo- j dinner was enjoyed at noon es* , ter of New York are tenants for a Mrs. Martha Campbell and grand­ hold its summer sale Wednesday af­ SLICED OR ternoon. FINAST PEACHES HALVES 2 27c [ thy Lane, age four years, whose pecially the salads served by the J few weeks at F. L. Young's. son. Collins were callers Monday at I birthday fell on this date; Clar 1 hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Benner and Ernest Maddocks'. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Broadtoent RICHMOND LGE i PEACHES SLICED OR HALVES 2 TINS 25c lienee Conway. Edward Dyer, Jacky j Norton Cemetery Corporation met daughter Edna of Belfast were Mrs. Madeline Ripley of Hope; and son. Winston, of New York are • Tupper, John R Arey, Peter Wil- i Thursday night and elected as offl- weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. RICHMOND No 3 Mrs. Mary Ness of this town; Mr. at the Broadbent cottage for a few hams, Bruce Arey, John Ames, cers: Moderator. B S Geyer; presi- Percy Wlncapaw. TOMATOES RED RIPE 3 TINS 29c and Mrs Jenness Keller and son of weeks. I Biley Martin. Ira Peterson. Ernest dent, W A Maloney; vice presi-, Mrs. Adelaide Dobbs and I7oz son Lincolnville Beach visited Thurs- Mrs. Cathryn Marsh of Waltham, PREPARED JAR II M Gilchrist and Douglas Stone of J dent. J. J. Pales; clerk. Cora E ' John of white Plains, N FINAST MUSTARD 12c Y., are day Mr and Mrs w j,ew. Mass., and son, Robert, called Sat- I North Haven and James Arey of Fogerty: secretary and treasurer. visiting Mr and Mrs Otto Rodamer Noft best's. Mr. and Mrs. Newbert urday on Mrs. Elden Davis on their CRAB M E A T GEISHA OR CHATKA TIN 23c | Dallas. Texas. Mina A Woodcock; executive com- y. F W. Auxiliary will hold a passed last weekend with Mrs. way to visit Mrs. N. H. Gardner in || The little folks were accompanied mittee, Dorothy Lindahl Flora cake and lce cream Thurdsav nizabeth Stanley and Sergeant and Martinsville FINAST STUFFED OLIVES BOT 19C II by their mothers and enjoyed Maloney, B. 8. Geyer and Annie afternoon and night on the Jessie Mrs J. H. Pennington in Bangor. The Advent Christian Church { playing with toys and balloons. The Rivers. It was voted to paint the studley lawn. Hattie E Hatch ot Abington, Mass will hold its summer sale. Aug ID. SHREDDED WHEAT 2 PKGS 23c host received many beautiful gifts, _ fence of the cemetery; . _ , Mrs _ Oenleva . . Mrs- David Laverdore and daugh- was overnight guest Monday of Mrs. Miss Annie Ginn of Rhode Island among them a baseball, auto- Thompson and Fannie Crute were Ur and who were guests of Mr. Elizabeth Newbert. is guest of Mrs Ada Brennan, CORH FLAKES WHITE SPRAY pKG 5 C graphed by Phil Brown, pitcher of appointed special committee to and Mrs Rusfcn for two Mrs Perry. Mrs Addie Theodore Davis and daughter PURE VERMONT 7^o« Vinalhaven High School team (the so, n . fun or t s purpose. weeks have returned to Marlboro. HaWkes. Albert (Davis and their Sylvia called Sunday on Mr. and MAPLE SYRUP CO-OP. BRAND JAR 21c ball is the last one used when this A supper w il sery at tie Mass. guest Leon Peabody of Medford, Mrs. Forrest Davis. 16 oi team played Camden*. This gift Grange ia I ay. o owe y a j j r and Mrs. James Arden, son Mass. were recent callers at Lizz.e Mr. and Mrs Russell Porter of APPLE JELLY pure m'rabel j JARS 23c is highly prized as little "Mat" is concert by H. Wellington Smith and j ames and Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCorrisson's and Abner Grant's. Pasadena, Calif,, have returned much interested in baseball; he other artists at his studio at Stone's yyetob of New York city who have Mr and Mrs. Roland Edgecomb after a few days visit here, SLICED BACON, lb 2 3c even imitates Phil in pitching a Point. been occupying the E. J. Beckett and daughter Jennie were guests ------ball. — cottage on Bradfords , Point, re- gunday of Mrs. Erma Robbins in 24W IB. Lunch Included a birthday cake were gay caps, which gave a festive turned' home Friday. Ghent UNION PASTRY FLOUR, BAG 5 3c made by "Mac's' grandmother, Mrs air. to the party. The young faces Miss Leola Rodamer is visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Olsen and An ice cream sale, auspices of the 24 'i LB. CAMEL BREAD FLOUR, FINAST 5 7c Clyde Macintosh, also ice cream, beneath the grotesque caps made a her aunt Mrs. C. Bruttlng In As- Mr. and Mrs Adelbcrt Bailey en- Methodist Ladies Aid will be held on BAG W / C/GARETTE OR assorted cake and cookies. Favors scene long to be remembered. toria. L. I., and is attending the route from g ar Harbor to their the Common tonight at 7 o'clock. TALL Worlds Pair. RED SALMON, 2 CANS 3 7c COSTUER TOBACCOS The play “Mary Did” presented AT THE PARK THURSDAY ONLY PENNY FOR PENNY YOUR for the benefit of the Methodist PINK SALMON, can 11c choir netted $26. Largely respon­ 18 OZ. BEST CIGARETTE BUY! sible for its success were Llewellyn GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, TIN 5c Oliver and cast, LillianBurns. Doro­ PEANUT BUTTER, 2 LB. 25c thy Snowdeal, iMrs. Roscoe Sim­ JAR QcnuLne Cnqraved mons, Geneva Simmons, Francis FINAST 1 LB. 2 5c Burns, Doris Prior, Elizabeth Wln- SPAGHETTI, 4 TINS STATIONERY chenpaw. Howard Beals, Luther Raspberry and Straw- I LB. At The Lowest Prices In Hlxtoryl Wotton and Albert Morton. PRESERVES, berry—Mirabel JAR 17c Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parker of 12 OZ. Visiting Cards Newton Highlands and Mrs. Black HORMEL SPICED HAM, TIN 2 5c 100 paneled cards, choice of 4 SAUOA sizes and 30 styles of engravinq, [ and son William of Nashua, N. H., IS OZ. PLATE INCLUDED, only — $1.$S who are summering iji Southport, SPAM, TIN 2 5 c were guests Wednesday of Mr. and IC E D T E A OHIO LGE. Wedding Announcements Hans Fischer at the Thompson cot- MATCHES, BLUE TIP BOXES 17c or Invitations On while or Ivory stock—wed­ , tage. MILLBROOK LGE. BOTS ding or plate finish. Inside and Mr. and Mrs Ivan Anderson and I TONICS, ALL FLAVORS 2 9c outside envelopes, and PLATE IN­ son Robert of Rockville, Centre, L. CLUDED ...... $8.4$ I., recently visited Mr. and Mrs. SEAPLANE SERVICE MEL-O Social Stationery Robert Moore. RIPE LBS. Special styles for men and women. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rowe and son F are $ 2 .5 0 Bananas 5 A choice of lovely colors, mono­ Bradley have returned to Bridge- ELPERTAS grams and styles of engraving, water, Mass, after passing three LEAVE DAILY—STANDARD TIME PLATE INCLUDED...... Peaches 4 ,BS. 25c $2.25, $3.9$ and up. weeks at the H. A. Thompson cot­ LEAVE—ROCKLAND, •8 00 A.M. 2.05 P.M. 5.15 P.M. VINALHAVEN, 8.15 A.M. 2.20 P.M. 5.30 P.M. NATIVE tage Business Stationery NORTH HAVEN, 8.25 A.M. 2.30 P.M. 5.40 P.M. ICEBERG The Methodist Ladies Aid held a Lettuce 2 FOR 13c 500 business cards or Hammermilt • Except Sunday when this trip leaves at 9.05 Bond letterheads, PLATE IN­ bazaar and supper at the vestry RED CLUDED, o n ly ______$745 Friday in connection with its mid- j AIRWAYS, INC. RIPE Pretty, pert Dorothea Kent literally gets Info Peter Hayes' hair and 1 B 8 17c summer sale. Committees w ere:; NEXT TO PUBLIC LANDING Tomatoes 2 figuratively In his heart in “Million Dollar Legs," Paramount's laugh-pro- TEL. ROCKLAND 338 ROCKLAND, MAINE The Courier-Gazette . voking comedy about college life. Hers is the face that launches a boat Supper, Mrs. Van Deman, Mrs. Ros- , 80-tf >1 race, providing one of the many funny situations In thio top-notch film. ad. coe 8iBunons; solicitors, Mrs. Ros- J R Every-Other-Day Page Six Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, August I, 1939 of Bath were weekend guests of M r.' Prank Lombard at South Portland. area and the multi-colored lights Petticoat Vagabond and coffee and a copper kettle, sal­ •? and Mrs. Alexander Donaldson ' Mr. and Mrs. E. C. J. Price of ROCKPORT used between. Pour large flood lies forth to woo the maiden fair. TO LET THOMASTON Sunday was spent at Pemaquid West Roxbury. Mas;., are occupying lights are stationed on the iron Friends accompany the youth to « « « « « bridge and focused on the water Miss Neill James Tells a • 4 « « « « where a picnic was enjoyed by the the Hahn cottage at Hathorne’s the girl's “Kota” (tent-house). In and 20 more are to be placed about UNFURNISHED apartment of three 8HIRI.EY T. WILLIAMS Donaldsons with Mr. and Mrs. Hen­ Point for two weeks. LIDA O. CHAMPNEY Fascinating Story Of the the absence of the girl the youth rooms and bath to let; heated and hot the grounds. When these are water; available Aug. 5; adults only. Correspondent ry Montgomery and Mrs. Levi Jones. Mrs. Lettie Starrett is guest of Correspondent asks the parents: "May I cock my MRS R B MAOUNE. 188 North Main turned on the opening night Wed­ Polar Circle George E. Springer has returned Mr. and Mrs. Earl McCullem at ft ft ft ft coffee here?" At timesc this drink­ St., city.______87-tf ft ft ft ft nesday the waterfront will resemble FURNISHED 4-room apartment to let. to Mansfield. Conn., after two weeks Ocean Point for a few’ days. Tel. 2229 Where is there a person not in­ ing coffee runs into 40 cups a day. Tel. 190 a huge Are. all modern 42 FULTON ST.. Tel 960-R visit with his daughters. Mrs. Han­ Mrs. Donald Hanley and daugh­ trigued with the Aurora Borealis or Christmas at Sotkaniemi with the 90-92 A large crew of voluntary workers THREE-room. unfurnished apart­ nah Haupt of this town and Mrs. ter. Coralie. of Norfolk, V a. are Miss Elizabeth Lane arrived home Lapps in 1937 was a Christmas card Tickets are on sale for "There and are busy day and night on the Northern Lights? For all those who ment with bath to let. near Main S t; Herbert Robishaw of Rockland. visiting friends and relatives in Friday from Washington, D. C., with its many different scenes. In electricity, gas, $4 25 week. TEL. 1159 Back." a unique presentation of town. grounds with last minute prepara­ marvel at the great natural spec­ 90-92 Mr. and Mrs. John deWinter of where she has been employed for their blue and orange clothes there some of the highlights of this won­ Mrs. Joseph Perry of West Som­ tions. erecting booths, stage and tacle a book has been written MODERN furnished room to let Augusta spent the weekend here. several months. was “a bright line of pixies stream­ quiet, central. TEL 1177-J or call at derful America. Wednesday is the floats and concessions are moving 28-30 Masonic St. 91*93 erville, Mass , is guest of Mr. and "Petticoat Vagabond." by Miss Neill ing across the snow." The visitors date and 8 o’clock the hour. The Baptist Pair and supper Miss Winnifred Andrews of Boston in daily. The midway promises to James (Charles Scribner's Sons. , SIX-room house to let, 32 Franklin Mrs. Charles Shorey. were many, but there was always 1 st., excellent condition inquire 34 Tlie lovely bouquets of flowers which was to have been held Aug. 2 i is her sister. Mrs. Everett The Pythian Sisters drill team will be larger and more attractive than $2.75). Just to hold the fine book room on the floor for one more. The £ “ *!*? _st • 480 J _____ 9U2 which decorated the vestry and has been postponed until Aug. 9. Fales for a few weeks. ever with amusements for young FURNISHED and unfurnished apart­ meet at the K. P. hall Wednesday one senses the inhabitants of the woods were full of reindeer. “When later the auditorium at the Baptist Miss Ruth Rowland of New York Miss Gwendolyn Morrill arrived and old. The arrival of a U. S. ments to let. 12 KNOX ST., Tel. 156-W. night at 8 o'clock for rehearsal. country north of the Polar Circle in it was 20 below we didn't have a fire 85-tf Church Wednesday night were from city is guest of Mr. and Mrs War­ from Washingcn, D. C . Sunday, to j destroyer on Wednesday will open Dinner guests of Miss Katherine Scandinavia, which is popularly in the fireplace, but when the tem- TENEMENT at 62 Summer St., avail­ the gardens of Mrs. Grace Peyler, wick Vose for the remainder of the ; spend two’weeks' vacation with her the carnival program and the re­ known to the rest of the world as able Aug 10 Adults only. Tel. 186-R. Aagesen, Miss Ethel Sheldon and perature dropped to 25 we liad a | MRS. N. 8. perry.______81-tf Mrs. Blanche Lermond. Mrs. Leona summer. parents. Mr and Mrs. Lou Morrill. ; mainder of the day will be taken Miss Constance Chilton at Spruce “Lapland." the nomad country, for f i r e ” TENEMENT to let at 121 a James St. Starrett and Mrs. Leila Smalley Mr. and Mrs. John Tillson and Rev. and Mrs H B Pulsifer and up with water sports. At 6 p. m the book is bound in a rich blue, with i C A HAMILTON. 29 Chestnut St . Tel Head last night were Mrs Fred Lapland is an ideal country where . 986-j ______s i tf Mrs Smalley was in charge of the Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pales spent the big street parade will take place Chilton of New York City, Mrs. Lloyd Saucier of Thomaston were pages topped in orange, the Lapland the nomad lives simplv and happily, I three and four room furnished apt. floral decorations. Sunday in Liberty, guests of Mr., supper guests Friday at the home of headed by Gov. Lewis O. Barrows. colors of the Northern Lights...... on Warren St., to let. Inquire 11 Walter Johnson of Evanston, 111., in sympathy with all that is stirring ; james st. 68-tf Mr. and Mrs. John Rattenbury of and Mrs. Walter Ludwig. Mr and Mrs. Forest Stone, Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yattaw. The numerous floats participating With the sunless winters and in the Northern Lights It Is a sym­ New York city are guests of Mr and Miss Alice Collamore arrived yes­ ROOMS to let at 15 Grove St. TEL Josephine Stone. Mrs. Leila Smalley. Lynton Lane of Auburn was re­ will Illustrate various old songs. At nightless summers. Miss James says bol of a great country north of the 579-W MRS FLORA COLLINS 78-tf Mrs. Enoch M. Clark. terday from New York to spend a Mrs. Allyne Peabody and Miss Jes­ cent guest of his parents^ Capt. and 8 o'clock Gov Barrows will be pre­ the seaon to observe the nomad go­ Polar Circle, and 47 illustrations FOUR-room apartment to let. all The Pythian picnic which was to vacation with her mother. modern. Apply at CAMDEN and sie Stewart. Mrs George Lane. sented and a program with many ing about his business in winter. prove it L. R. F. ROCKLAND WATER CO . Tel. 634. 78 tf have been held Monday night has Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Smalley j Mr and Mrs. Everett Ltbby and f« “ ures » u> <*cuPy the remaining To get there, she followed the only been postponed to Thursday night. went to Raymond Sunday and on Tickets fcr the travel talk "There daughter Katherine of Manchester. hours until midnight. Arctic Highway, a dirt road 10 years 1 Mrs. George Davis is visiting at return were accompanied by their and Back" and musical program to N. H . are occupying their camp on old. A Boost For Barter j ♦ I Presque Isle for a few days. son, Benjamin, and Richard W hit­ FOR SALE be given at the Congregational ves­ Amesbury street for the month of In chapter two. after having en­ I Mrs. Edwin King and daughter ney. who spent two weeks at Camp try Wednesday night. Aug. 2, at 8 August. Katherine has Just com­ joyed that excellent Finnish institu­ Tenant’s Harbor Man Was Carol of Bath and Miss Betty King Hinds. They were also accompanied CAMDEN BOYS bicycle good as new for sale. o’clock, are 25 cents each—adv. pleted a month's stay at Camp tion—the “sauna." and having ' Elgin model with chromium rims and of Camden were weekend guests of by Donna R. Smalley daughter of ft ft ft ft dressed in warm clothes—mittens Making Good In Virginia (tool box; $15. Call at THOMPSON'S. Huckins, West Ossipee, N H. ' 16 Willow St 89*91 Mr and Mrs. Linwood Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Smalley of Au­ GILBERT HARMON Mr and Mrs Oeorge Hodgdon and and boots lined with heated straw— League BUICK. 1930 for sale good condition, gusta. who will be their guest for a Correspondents and contributors Miss Prances Hahn left this Mrs. Rose McLaughlin returned Correspondent the author is off to a reindeer price reasonable 38 Oliver S t. or TEL. while. are asked to wTite on Only One Laureldale, Penn. July 28. 767-W 90 92 morning for a trip through the Monday to Peabody. Mass., after ft ft ft ft round-up in Outakoski. Riding be­ White Mountains and to visit Miss Mrs Ellis Young and daughters, side of the paper To the Sports Editor- SMALL three-room house for sale spending the weekend at the home Telephone 713 hind reindeer that go lickety-split with land, garage good water; on back Martha Bishop at Lisbon. Audrey and Joan, have returned While in the Virginia Baseball mad to Friendship Price reasonable. of Mrs. Leslie C. (Dean. Miss Ethel over the ice and snow, she enjoyed EVA STROUT. Warren Rt 2 Box 101-A Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Donaldson from a visit with Mr and Mrs. Read The Courier-Gazette League I had the good fortune to be 91-93 Moody who accompanied them will the aura of romance and adventure. Paul Bickford, who is attending teamed with a fellow northerner, WESTI NOHOUSE electric range for remain at the Dean home for a After a few "pulkka" (sled with summer school a t Bates, was week­ from Tenants Harbor. Earl H. Bar­ Kale. $20 Radiant gasoline heater $8. longer visit. one runner) upsets she arrived in a CHESTER WALLACE Tel 1-34 Warren end guest of His parents, Mr. and ter. May I say here one of the fin- I ______91 93 Miss Charlotte Faye of Quincy. crystal fairyland peopled with col­ Mrs Francis Bickford. estpet mennwn IT havehove everover had the oppor- j cheted FURNITURE plecfs {ot dishes, Mlf aprons, X‘IRS Lucy eld­ Mass., is guest this week of M is s orful fur-clad little folk, wearing Miss Francis Falvey of Beunont, tunity to meet. On and off the ball black io swcctiand st.. city 91*93 Mary Veazle four-wind caps and tunics of bright Mass, passed the weekend with field Mr. Barter was always a per- ' . attractive home for sale; main Mrs Clatlon Smith and son Verne blue, trimmed with orange, yellow * I jl0u#e u rooms. 2 large sun porch Miss Ruth Damery. lect gentleman. He was one of the , rooms. 3 baths; servants' house well of Milibridge are spending the week and green. There she saw a silent Mr. and Mrs. Burt Campion of Iwkct iimnianv t ' furnished. with bath, garage with WVAAf 2? with Mr Smith at the home of Mrs string of five frosted reindeer and bestumpires that I have ever I Chauffeur's roonv; also second house Brockton, Mass . were weekend visi­ worked with, I profited from his wUh *ara«e w,>od roam- work shoP- Herbert Coates. remarked: "I don't know how Santa , i private beach with bath-house, pump tors at Mr. and Mrs. Richard longer experience as umpire and house with ever-flowing well, small Miss Priscilla Tobin of Boston ar­ Claus manages, but the Lapps drive Damery's. nlftvcr He eave manv a fiv„ ___1 greenhouse; another building could be rived Sunday for a few weeks' visit with only one rein." pia>er. He gave man) a fine tip on 1 used for guest house mrs carl r . the details of umpiring I ORAY Pleasant Point______91 *w at the Luce home. Mrs. E R Boody is visiting her The author was seeing real Fin­ Mr Barter B arter waswas. one oof f .hthe e hbest e c FORD 11937) Deluxe sedan for sale Mr. and Mrs Cecil Small and two mother. Mrs. Adria J Babbidge nish rural life with daring inti­ cheap good condition, low mileage. liked umpires in the Virginia arv“ VID JOHNSON Long Cove. 91*93 daughters of Whitinsville, Mass., are Mrs. N. C. Hammond is visiting macy. A visit to Valamo Monastery, League and was slated to be sold FIRST prize team at Union fair pull- visiting his sisters. Mrs. Alice M ar­ Mrs. Fred Gillchrest. Ashing trips, ptarmigan hunting. , . . ” ing contest for sale, good condition. to a higher league before the end of Tel 257-3 m lofman. Rockville ston and Mies Helen Small. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Groves are Christmas in a nomad home—all the season. Early this month he ------^ 2 Mrs. Annie Spear has returned visiting her father, Charles Nash. were hers. from Balhala N. Y , where she was Miss Pauline Gillchrest returned Though market is the gayest time had the misfortune to be hit by a I for sale. Cheap for quick sale TEL line drive, the ball hitting him, 38^~M 91,93 called by the death of her brother- home Sunday after spending a of the year for the Lapps, their rev­ squarely on the shin-bone. ; Boy's bicycle for sale; excellent con- in-law. Ralph Clark. month with her father, Wendall elry simmers down to drinking cof­ ThC I dltton Price $10 TFI 388-M 91*93 Mr and Mrs Howard Carroll and Gillchrest. fee and visiting friends. "When the next night he was out on the field i *2-ty)N truck for sale, good eondl- Mr and Mrs. Loranus P Hatch coffee is properly salted and settled as if nothing had happened. I know tS |Ili:5'jn'‘Tei‘1w.wrO” son Howard returned to Augusta he suffered With it the following few ~ l/flR E 'contents of lovely ' farm Sunday after spending a vacation and son. Richard, of Sheffield. Ala­ with snow" the conversation begins. days. Later in the week at Staun- 1 home for SBl<’ al once: furniture of with her parents. Mr. and Mrs Willis bama. arrived Sunday for a month's How does a young man propose? bedrooms, living rooms kitchen. j>an- ton While on tne bases he slipped on try. porch: also mahogany pineapple Young in Camden and his parents. visit with Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Cal­ A propcsil is called coffee cooking. a wet field. He finished the game - “^ ^ y a?tStx. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carroll. der. and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hatch. "Have you cooked coffee yet?' The but was laid up two days in bed de,k Italian Inlaid mahogany chest. Mrs Stuart Johnston (Margaret An impressive service was held at youth carries small bags of sugar ...... , . ' American empire desk; sacrifice price,. The doctor forbid him to umpire jin Thomaston at Beechwood S t. Rt 1. Mac.Donald> cf New London. Conn . the Seventh Day Adventist Church - 1 l . . . ------: lurfor mthe e rest oiof methe season, season Rurelv burely rEI | for wrlte appointment. Box 97 R F Thomaston D Thomaston 191-3 Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Cor­ last Saturday. Following the service, the poorest kind of support. He a tough break for one who was try- ______89*M nelia MacDonald for a month. four candidates were baptized and was said to be suffering from ap­ ing hard and making good I NEW Pitch"! r°°f he" house 7 x9'. A successful sale was held on the received into the church at Hardy's pendicitis and was recently sick . . _ 8 s w u for sale. ISRAEL SNOW Mechanic Mr. Barter is now on the volun- | s t . city.______90*92 lawn at the Cole residence Friday Beach. Meguntlcook Lake. Elder for two weeks after pitching a 12- tary retired list, I believe How- ELEVEN foot s-pecd boat for Mile and afternoon under auspices of the C. M. Bunker of Rochester, N. H.. inning game. The score: ea at. $ a ▼ a * a ■ . i 16 h. p Johnson outboard motor, only ever the last I heard from him he run 20 hours Arthur dean, cam - Methodist Johnson Society. president of the Northern New Belgrade Panthers was getting around fairly good and Tfl 8715 90 95 EAS Y- TO-PREPARE FOODS • • • • England Conference, had charge of ab bh po a ■}tton lully SANDWICH SPREADS Ready for Carnival the service. The candidates were Tucker, 2b ...... 4 1 was anxious to get in the old game , equipped formic, m a «Mitral loca- JULY 31 - AUG. 5 again. I non on Highwwy No 1 few mllea SALAD FIXIN’S More beautiful than ever! That Mrs. Jennie Hill and son. Remo, of Sheaff. r . . from Rockland Prim reasonable. Ad- I was very fortunate to get a bet- dress GARAGE ’ care of The Courier was the loud acclaim of all who Warren, and Lester York and Sturtevant lb 1 10 REFRESHING BEVERAGES ter Job, umpiring in the Eastern Gazette. 38*91 Every thing lo give you more leisure t.m e out doo n . witnessed Saturday night the turn­ Clairle Hills. Wadllght. c 0 6 ...____- ______. . _ . i ANTIQUE building materials; match- NATION-WIDE ing on of the lights along Rock­ Frank Payson, Harbour Hill, and Childs. 3b Shore League and since I have con- ing »eu of doors and windows; pine CORN FLAKES 1Y< port's waterfront In preparation for Marion Koehler of Newton Centre. Cochrane ss tacted Harry Rus^ll. Pres, of the , T w ^o n h ’^ T h S league in Mr. Barter s behalf hop- I ton______87-92 the 14th annual Regatta-Sportsmen Mass., are medical patients at Com­ D Lord. If .. ing to have him as my partner for t Johnson sea Horse outboard motors Show A new arrangement has been munity Hospital. James Pc’ter of Pray. If .. . . , . new and used: Old Town boats and carried out this year, the one color Edgartown. M ass, is a surgical pa­ S. Lord, cf .. the remainder of the season. And canoes, a l anderson, next Cam- SILVER NIP GRAPEFRUIT JUICE when I return to the league I hope rten Yacht Club. Camden 88 tf Jc%! t9c lights, amber, outlining the lighted tient. Ladd, p ...... to see my old friend Earl back in DESIRABLE home for sale In War­ Rev and Mrs. Llewellyn Diplock. Fisher, p .... ren Medium Hlze. price, some land, .TALL harness. water, lights, flush. Address F S." G 01 DEM HIP ORANGE JUICE . CANS and son, Llewellyn and daughter. care The Courier-Gazette 85*92 Surely he is a man that the St. Marilyn, who have been guests of 35 7 24 8 REGISTERED "Snipe" clase sloop George area can be truly proud of. for sale. 15'2 x5 f t . raring rail, and ma­ TALL Mr. and Mrs. Charles Diplock, left Camden Shells DOLE'S PINEAPPLE JUICE . J'cxwlf* William D. Collins hogany trim. $195 ROBERT HILLS, BARGAINS Monday for Yonkers. N. Y Rev ab bh po a 119 Summer St city. 67*tf 3206 Earl Street. I N O C R Belyea, lb. cf ...... 5 4 5 0 CULVERT stone for sale, flagging Mr. Diplock will take up his duties and sidewalk material, well covers, there as rector of Christ Church. Dailey, cf, If ...... 5 stone posts, paving block, monumen­ SECOND HAND Baum, ss, lb ...... 5 tal stone, stone fill, anchor and moor- R & R CHKKEN BONELESS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ CAN 43* Rev. Benjamin C. Wentworth is ] Ing stones for boats Call or write Rominick. c ...... 5 i 111 Everybody’s Column JOHN MEEHAN A- SON. Clark Bland. guest of hisYiiecc. Mrs French. He | Tel. Rockland 21-13 78-tf Dionne. 3b ..... 6 1<* * rq 1 D IS H C L O TH I— Large Size Wardrobe. Burnham Small has moved from perience unnecce«sary Call after 6 p 1— Walnut Bookrase. WHEREAS Margaret B Smith of m MISS SPENCER. 17 Suffolk St SANTA CRUZ—ROYAL ANNE Atlantic avenue to the home of Col­ North Haven In the County of Knox city. 91*lt ! MISCELLANEOUS : t—6-Ft. Walnut Settee. lier Hills, Oould street. and State of Maine, by her mortgage BERRY pickers wanted. ROSE HILL QUAKER 3— Pianos, upright. deed dated March 14. 1936 and record­ FARM. Owls Head 91 -U CHERRIES . Nc^M25c Ladies of the GAR. will hold ed In Knox Registry of Deeds In Book 2— Antique Sofa Frames. 247 Page 438. conv ved to Alan L Bird CHRISTMAS Cards Extra money PAINTING, papering of all kinds; their annual sale at Haskell & Cor- selling friends Many photo reproduc­ UNDERWOOD'S ROOT BEER EXTRACT 2 e o n 2 4 c 5— Iron Base Swivel Chairs. of Rockland In C-e county and state plaajgrlng. brick, cement aud rock I— Unfinished Buffet. thell's building, formerly occupied aforesaid, as Receiver of C. E Water- tions. 50 for $1 Personals, Stationery work. A. W . ORAY. 3 Adams st.. 11 other asaortmenta. Experience nn- Rockland 78-tf 1— Soapstone Set Tub. man Co., of salt North Haven, certain C A N S DURKEE—NEW by the A At P Store, Wednesday at parcels of real e tate together with necessary Request samples TERRY DEVILED HAM 2 1 9 c STUDIOS. 224 Westfield. Mass. 91*lt LAWNMOWERS called for. sharpened 2— Porcelain Tables. the buildings the em situated In said and delivered Prompt, dependable 110 o’clock. North Haven ai d bounded aad de­ COCOANUT TOASTED ■ J-PKGG 1>9c 1— Typewriter, (Underwood). service Tel. 791.. CRIE HARDWARE NATION-WIDE Dudley Talbot of Boston is in scribed as follows, to wit:— CO . Rockland 78-tf 2— Sets of Store Shelves. All of the real estate of every name 1—Old Type Copper Boiler. town for a week. and description which I now own or MEN Old at 40! Get Pep. New SARDINES ■ 2 C A N S 1 * REAL ESTATE 1— 22" F u m a e O which I may hereafter own. together Ostrex Tonic Tablets contain raw oys­ with buildings theteon. located In ter Invlgorators and other stimulants 1—3-Pe. Mahogany Parlor Set. Camden 22, Belgrade 3 North Haven In the County of Knox One dose starts new pep. Costa little SM BOT LGE BOT Sunshine 1— Electric Sewing Machine. The Camden Shells unlumbered and State of Maine, and SMALL Farm Fine for summer home Call or write C H MOOR & CO. 91*102 1— Medium Sized Wardrobe. WHEREAS said Aiur L Bird. Receiver 3Va miles from Route 1 In Thomaston, ROCKLAND Sanitary Service depen their heavy artillery at Camden as aforesaid, on the twentieth day of good condition. Pine grove, berries W IN D E X . 1 5 c - 3 5 < 6— Glid ers. . dable hauling of waste and ashes. AR & July 1939 assigned said mortgage to Price reasonable CALL 191-3 Thomas­ THUR ADOLPHSEN. Tel 1399. 91-tf 6—New Metal Refrigerators, at Sunday afternoon and under the Katharine C. Derry of Rockland In ton. or 77 Rockland 90-104 WATCHMAKER — Repairing watches, LIFEBUOY leadership of Belyea who hit safely the county and state aforesaid, in ac­ THE Wallace Spear place. 8 rooms Greatly Reduced Prices. Why cordance with decree of Hon Wm H all modern, on Broadway, city, for sale clocks, antiques all kinds. Call and four times for a total of nine bases, Fisher. Justice of Superior Court, dated Very reasonable Splendid location. deliver. 8 ARTHUR MACOMBER. 23 S O A P SPECIAL ■ 3 BARS 1 9 c not trade your old one for one besides playing a whale of a game July 30, 1938. which assignment was Also, good privilege on Rockand water­ Amesbury St., Rockland. Tel. 958-J. recorded In Knox Registry of Deeds front for sale or to let. Ideal for boat 78-tf o f these? in the outfield. The opposing team in Book 240. Page 193 and shop cannery or storage Plrce very SEXATOL Tablets, for males onlv, WHEREAS the condition of said low -Farm for sale at low price or gland product. Reconstructive tonic, was rather a feeble outfit, and act­ mortgage has been broken. trade for house In Rockland. Farm In Increases metabolism and stlmuates a ed stunned when Camden swung NOW. THFREFORE by reason of the Waldoboro, good buildings, well lo healthy condition. 50c and (1 per bot­ V. F. STUDLEY Jn c. breach of the condition thereof, I. the cated L. A. THURSTON. Tel 1159. tle. WALMSLEY. 373 Main St., Rock- into action. Everybody had sym­ said Katharine C Derry, claim a fbie- city. 90-tf land. 74-tit 2U3 MAIN ST.. ROCKLAND, ME. closure of said mortgage NATIO N-W IDE SERVICE GROCERS pathy for pitcher Ladd, who was KATHARINE C DERRY DESIRABLE and attractive Homes In Ladles—Reliable hair gobds at Rock­ TEL. 1154 competed to quit midway of the Dated at Roekand. Maine. July 21. Thomaston. Prices reasonable. FRANK land Hair Store. 24 Eim St. Mali orders 88TO 1839. D. ELLIOT. Tel. 69. 88, and 125. Thom­ solicited H C RHODES Tel. 51B-J. game after working pluckily with 88-T-94 aston, 82 tf / 78-tt Every-Other-Day Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, August 1, 1939 Page Seven

Dr. and Mrs. William Ellingwood family and guests Miss Marie-Loui3e Held Field Day “Black Narcissus” Michaelsen and Miss Birte Vollm- THE CLASS 0F AUGHT F0UR This And That ond of Denmark were guests ISun- Rockland W. C. T. U. Has In a Class Of Its Own, But day of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Clements Exercises At Ingraham Reminiscent of the Bridge in Winterport. Had a Grand Get-Together At the Home Of ® SO C ? ETY Hill, 52 Present Of San Luis Rey Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Mc- Gladys Jones Heistad The Field Day exercises of the ! "Black Narcissus" by Rumer God- . Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Van Baalen Nellly and family of Brookline, Rcckland W.C.T.U. were held at. den. Published by Little. Brown & have returned from a brief visit in Mass., are guests a t Alvin Hind's, C o. Boston in July of 1939, already Thirty-five years ago 20 "boys and | Dean Tolman of Auburn. Mass.; Mrs. Ingraham Hill chapel Friday A New York. Ash Point, until the last of August is in sixth printing. girls" were graduated from Rockland George B. Davis of Rockland (Eliza- group of 40 gathered for the noon­ This reminiscent and brilliant Mrs. Courtney Foster's sister and . _ . . . ' both Whitman,; David E. Crockett Numbered among the guests at High School and the usual pomp ' By K. S. F. time picnic luncheon which, on ac­ novel is quite in an original class niece, Mrs John O'Brien and P a ­ Crescent Beach Inn over the week­ and circumstance. — surrounding; .. of_ Camden; Luke Davis, Donald H count of the showers, was held In of its own. and yet takes us back tricia of Lynn, Mass., are visiting Fulier and G. Albert Wardwell of end were Alton Hall Blackington such occasions. On Friday, July 28, the chapel, which had been prettily to memories of “The Bridge of San I her at her home at Ash Point. Mr, and bride of Lynn. Mass. 13 of these graduates, together with Out in the Columbia River was decorated with lace curtains, rugs, Luis Rey" and we predict its great- i O'Brien will join them this week. classmates who accompanied them I WlIYt rcl>' Ma s- recently reported a sea monster bouquets and a large. portrait cf !er popularity. The moving beauty Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Stickney of part way through ILgh. and aug-! n° ^ that is really different It was said Frances Willard. j of thcsc chapters will live in the Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hall has! Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Alders. Mr. to have a neck ten feet long and Belmont. Mass, entertained at their mented by husbands and wives anu _ Included in the group were visit- hearts and minds of those wh0 read is weekend guests Mr. and M rs., and Mrs. S. E. Everleth and son . ____ . Brown,; Mrs. Ernest Redman of a head thereon much like a camel, Crawford Lake camp at Sunday other family members, gathered at ' ing delegations from Thomaston and the frcsh and haunting adventures Howard Hanscome and daughter' Sidney and Mrs. B. B. Holt and .. . , . . . „ ~ Danville (Myra Cates,; Mrs. Her- with eyes—mark this—with eyes night supper complimenting Miss the home of Mr. and Mrs H. O. _ , . Tenant's Harbor W C.T.U.S, the of these Sisters of Mercy. 3onya of Portland. | daughter Irene of Waverly, Mass . . . , . . bert Eminons of Methuen, Mass. like hot cross buns. All the descrip­ Marie-Louise Michaelsen and Miss Heistad. Rockpcrt, to celebrate the D A.R. and Educational Club. The locale is in the lonely snow visited several relatives in this city (Annie Colley,; Mrs. Kate Dono- tion is usual in sea monsters or sea .1 Berte Vollmond of Denmark. 35th anniversary of the Class of i .. . Prom the luncheon four boxes topped mountain passes of the Him­ Louis O. Cormier of Rockwood, [Sunday after a vacation of motor- , .... I hue Gould of Union; Mrs. Maude serpents, but these new fashioned 1904. R.HS , in a fitting manner, i were arranged and sent cut to sick alayas, between Tibet and India Moosehead Lake is visiting at the I ing along the coast, _ . . .. . , , . . . , Ingraham Gould of Portland; Mr-, eyes. Could this fellow have been Recent guests at Rockledge Inn Though a thick fog prevailed out- I ’ . . . . „ and shutins. where a palace of questionable re­ home of his brother, F O. Cornier; .. u i . j u Chester Marshall of Port Clyde bilious with all those current spots Mrs. Ada Mills has as guest for include: Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Groes- side, the Heistad home gave no hint , Preceding the program Miss Mar­ pute is offered the Sisters of the 17 Crescent street, They had not , _ . (Margaret Perry'*; Ralph Choa'c, in his eyes? Or is the sea giving up a few weeks. Mrs. Fannie Carlton buk of Schenectady, N. Y.; Mrs. O. of this, as a cheery open fire burnea t B garet Crandon, county president, order of Anglican nuns. This ram- met for 16 years. . ,, . ' Walter C. Ladd, and G. Arthur for the edification of Western tour­ of Wellesley, Mass. L. Downes, Annapolis. Md.; Miss in the big fireplace and flowers and 1 presented for signatures a Woman's bing summer palace came to them, Blackman cf Rockland. ists some new species? The Huntley Hill Auxiliary has Jane Carpenter has arrived at the lights all over the house lent a fes- Peace Petition, originated by the a gift from the Governor, and those Teachers: Miss Anna E. Coughlin • • • • postponed its picnic from Aug. 6 Mrs. Walter Robbins and son Inn to spend the remainder of the tive and hospitable air. When the British W.C.T.U., and being circu­ valiant Sisters play strong parts, of Rockland, and Miss Harriet Lon? The lake above the Hoover Dam to Aug. 20 to be held at President Thad who are summering at Vinal- summer with her parents Prof, and excitement of greeting old school­ lated in the many countries where each in her own way, in vitalizing of Tenant s Hatbor. contains enough water, when full Gladys Hamlins home at Spruce haven. spent the weekend with Mr. Mrs William Carpenter of Prince­ mates had subsided a bit. buffetdin- W.C.T.U. is organized. this cold, bleak mountain fastness Others: H. O. Heistad. R. L. Jones, to cover the entire State of New Head. At the last meeting Lora and Mrs. George Davis, remaining ton, N. J. ner was served, the menu offering Miss Crandon announced tha: into its humane succor for the George B Dav^. Mrs. Evelyn Crock­ York to a depth of one foot, and Boyntcn was appointed American­ Monday to meet Mr. Robbins, who ham. salads, hot rolls, pickles and only $45 was needed to make Knox needy; with continuous kindness ett Hale, Mrs. Luke S. Davis, Mrs. that is a vast amount of water and ization chairman and Elizabeth flew from Wichita, Ka., to Boston Ervin Wooster has returned home olives, cake, cockics, candy, icc County a Gold Star Union for rais­ and loving thought gracing their and came the remaining distance Donald H. Fuller, Mrs. G. A. Ward- should it overflow might start a Cormier their reporter. after spending a week with his aunt cream and coflee. Again the ice / ing its full quota for the Centenary burdens like jewels in a coronet. by train. Mr. Robbins will spend well, A. E. Averill, Miss Harriet flood. Mrs Merlin Eugley of North Wal­ cream was the gift of Miss El’en Fund. Mrs Hope Brewster spoke Men of various natures come into the rest of the summer in the East, Beaton. Mrs. W. A. Hodgkins. Mrs. Mrs. Iva Rollins of Gardiner and doboro. Tolman and delighted the eye as of the gains in membership—only the pages—some forceful and kind­ Ralph Choate. Mrs. Walter C. Ladd, A Whichita, Kansas, beauty shop party of friends were reecnt callers 1 returning home with his family in well as the palate, for the class col­ six more were needed fcr the Rock­ ly, some dissolute, to the Sisters' and Mrs. G. Arthur Blackman. operator has each fingernail in at Mrs. Herbert Hall's. I the fall. Dr. and Mrs. Therou Hatch of ors, cherry, green and white wet e I land quota. undoing. The story hinges about a The place of the 1940 reunion was different shade to provide samples Melrose, Mass . and Belgrade Lakes used, and the figures "1901'' were The program was arranged by young prince who has a fondness Mrs. Catherine Libby has returned Mr. and Mrs. Robert Churchill of who are entertaining two Danish not decided upon, the officers to an­ for her customers. She may start embossed in gold. Mrs. Heistad was Mrs Jeannette Dunton, who pre­ for fascinating rainbow silks and Irom a week's visit in New York, Reading, Mass. were recent visitors boys—Eric Oenkel and lb Vollmond nounce this as the time draws near. a new fad if she isn't careful. Wo assisted in preparing and serving by sented Rev. IW. H. Htughins of the scent of Black Narcissus and Brooklyn and Rockaway Beach She at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ were dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. men's fingernails have stood almost Mrs. Dana Sherer, Mrs. Chester Richmond, Me., song leader at the who came to the Sisters begging also attended the World's Fair. ard Stoddard. While here they William Eilingwccd at Wltham's Miss Margaret Warren of Dedham. everything and they might be easily them for schooling; the resident Marshall, Mrs. Wendell A. Hodgkins Gospel meetings. He gave a devo- were entertained at the St. Clair Lobster Pound Monday night com­ Mass. was overnight visitor at the used as color cards. agent, a man of wit and reasoning, and Miss Tolman, with others lend­ .... tlcnal talk on Temperance and sang Mr an 1 Mrs. John May of Cleve­ cottage at Ash Point. plimenting their house guests. Miss home of the W O. Fullers last night. a solo. A pleasing feature was the and Sister Clodagh, who had never ing a helping hand when needed. It is intended that before long land, Ohio, arrived Sunday and are Michaelsen and Miss Vollmond. Miss Warren was on her way to singing by Master Raymond Pen­ lost the love note of an early ro­ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jameson, have Mr. Hodgkins as president pre­ the small, silver-sanded lsland of at the Vining cottage Crescent Beach Campobello, where she will spend dleton of a solo. "Stranger of Oall- mance In Ireland. The book has returned from a vacation spent at sided at the business meeting, which j Iona, off the western coast of Scot­ Mr. May will remain a week or Opportunity Class meets Thursday the menth of August. lee” with unusual volume and pre­ the delicate perfume of mysterious the Rhoades cottage at Norton was delightfully informal. The land. shall resume its ancient his­ so longer and Mrs. May will spend night at the home of Mrs. Nellie cision. Mrs. Lorna Pendleton ac­ flowers grown in distant lands. Pond. reading of the secretary's report by the balance of the summer here. , Magune, North Main street. Charles E. Bicknell of Manches­ toric uses as a place of Christian companist. Miss Jane Pendleton K. S. F. Miss Tolman was followed by roll study, teaching, and preaching. The ter. N H . and his mother, Mrs. gave a recitation "Marching Orders.” Mr. and Mrs.-Maurice Heilbrun Miss Marcia Farwell, has as call and the presentation of letters Church of Scotland is developing a Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Lowell Frances B Bicknell of this city are Mrs. Leah Harboush of New Miss Winifred Dimick is passing are in New York for a fortnight. guests her cousin Miss Nellie F ar- and greetings from absent members. scheme to train young ministers and (Delia Parsons, and G. Butler Par­ spending a week at their cottage at York who summers ir. Rcckland and this week as guest of Mr and Mrs. well and friend Mrs. Carolyn Elliott These were from Mrs. Vere Havener i wheelers Bay. laymen for work in town parishes sons were in Harrington Sunday. travels extensively with her husband Douglas Ladd at Megunticook Lake. Mrs. Lilian S. Copping has re­ of New Orleans. (Emma Cobb* Morgantown, W. Va.; I _____ and on the new housing estates by On their return they were accom- on lecture tours, gave a most inter­ lumed from a two weeks stay at Mrs. Claus Sandwall tAlzira Went­ Dr. Ralph Sweet of Providence Msr Waldo Adams and daughter panied by Mrs. Nan Parsons who providing them with a three esting travelogue on Palestine, Mrs E. A Vezina and Mrs. Ernest Thayer Hospital in Waterville, worth), West Newton. Mass.; John was a visitor in the city Saturday months' course of instruction on Nancy of Dubuque. Ia., arc visiting with her son Butler will make their speaking of places visited and ex­ Redman of Danville, have been visit­ where she has ben a patient of Dr. Sanscm, Waldoboro; Mrs. Harry enroute to Brooksville to visit his Iona. No more fitting place could Mrs. Adams parents Mr. and Mrs. home at 21 Talbot avenue. plaining the articles exhibited that ing Mrs. Evelyn Gross, coming to Howard F. Fill, eye specialist. Cowie (Florence Haley) Fort Sam son Fred. be chosen for such a purpose. Iona W. T. White, Lake avenue. ------included native garments, hand attend the reunion of 04 class R. Houston Officers' Mess, Fort Sam is a refuge of undisturbed seclusion M"s Fugen • Frost and son Sher- _____ . Mrs Elmer A. Smith of Lynnfield, woven of silk and weol, plates of H. S. Houseon, Texas, whose letter was Mr and Mrs. William Geddes of , t.d Frost spent tne weekend in Mrs. Thomas Condiles (Daisy ! Mass., is spending the week with and idyllic calm, where the sun gilds hammered brass from Damascus, accompanied by family pictures. Flushing. Long Lsland. N Y., are a solitary hill rising out of clear Mr. and Mrs. S. Constantine, left t i'.crmorc FUl* the guests of Mr. Economy, and two sons of Albany, j Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Benner. North at their Crescent Beach cottage. boxes of inlay work and olive wood, Miss Mildred Emerson (Mildred shining sands. It is not more than Saturday for a vacation visit with 'ind Mrs. C v i Stevens. N. Y, are spending three weeks! Main street. beads of amber, mother of pearl and Clark), who has recently opened a Mr and Mrs. John Keene in Saco. with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mr and Mrs-. Charles E. Prince of a few square miles in area, but it is carved woed, rare tiles, a miniature vocal studio at 1142'a Kensington Miss Helen Ko.-pint n is having Economy. Miss Priscilla Lovejoy and Miss Kittery spent the weekend in this a repository of ancient fame. It Is pottery set cf native household Road. Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. Sara the last dwelling-place of many Mr and Mrs. Ariel Coombs, ler annual vacation from F. W. Stella Young are entertaining a city, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold utensils, fine hand made lace and Miss Alice Henderson and Miss B Snyder (Sadie Bridges). 1978 daughter Ruth and son Homer, and Woolworth Co. store. group of young people at the Love­ L. Karl Scottish kings, including Shake­ embroidery. Edith Lincoln of New York return­ Bonsallo Ave., Los Angeles. A tele­ speare's Macbeth; and it was the Mr. and Mrs. M E. Robinson of joy camp a t Crawford Lake Tues­ Mrs. Lorna Pendleton favored Mr and Mrs. Victor LeSan. Mr ing from a vacation spent at Bay- phone message was received from Wynne, were guests Sunday of Mr. day evening with Miss Michaelson Mr and Mrs Alfred G. Wahlberg ground in which the seed of English with a solo. Mrs. Nellie Magune tnd Mrs. John Kurr of Fryeburg, side, were guests Sunday of Mrs and Mrs Frederick Cates. and Miss Vollmond of Denmark as Mrs. Charles O. Smith (Laura Do-v- and son of Roslindale. Mass., and Christianity took root and grew, accompanist. Mrs Clara Emery ind Mr. and Mrs. Earle Starrett G S Wood. ling), 596 Preble street. South Port­ thirteen hundred years ago. honor guests Mr. and Mrs Z. F Brewster of West spoke briefly cn the Frances Wil­ Miss Constance Knickerbocker of )f Thomaston were weekend guests land. expressing regret for her ab­ .... Roxbury. Mass., have been spending lard being celebrated Waterville is the guest of Mr and pf Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Vaflades at Mrs Earle McWilliams was hos­ sence due to hospitalization follow­ A duty dodged is like a debt un Mrs. George Brown of Everett. two weeks vacation at Clark cot­ this year and which will culminate Mrs. Wllbtlr F. Senter at their heir cottage at Crescent Beach. tess Friday night, to T Club mem­ ing a recent automobile accident. paid; it is only deferred, and one Mass., is occupying her cottage at tage at Lucia Beach. Sept. 28. the date of her birth at Lucia Beach cottage. Other recent bers when picnic supper was en­ A delightful letter was also re­ must come back and settle the ac­ Ingraham Hill for a few weeks. Churchville. N. Y., and will be com­ visitors were Mrs. Leon W. Berry Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kidd and son joyed at her Ingraham Hill camp ceived from Mrs Frank W. Padel- Mrs. D. H. Hanley and daughter count,—or else. memorated by the National W. C. and Miss Corinne Berry of Roslin­ Man. Mrs. Anton Rezac and Mrs. Mrs. Veda Brown presented a deco­ ford (Gertrude Illsley), a former Corrallie, of Norfolk. Va.. are with • • • • Mr and Mrs. John Witham of T. U. in convention at Rochester, dale. Mass. lohn Box of Omaha. Neb., and Mrs. rated birthday cake to Mrs. Wesley Bath and Mrs. Otis Witham of teacher, now at her summer home Mr. and Mrs. F A. Tirrell, at their Due to the ingenuity for which talph Kirk of Drain. Ore., are Thurston, whose anniversary was N. Y., and by many other organiza­ Damariscotta, Mass., were guests in Robbinston. A prize was be­ home on Summer street and their the American breed has long been Mrs. Oracc H Fernald of Boston juests of their parents Mr. and observed. tions that owe all or part cf their Sunday at Mrs. Carrie Waltz stowed on David E. Crockett for the Megunticook Lake camp, for the famed, says a contemporary, it is is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H B. Mrs. J. M. Bartlett of South Thom­ origin to this famous woman. class member having the most remainder of the week. possible to make virtually anything Pales. aston. Mr. and Mrs Oscar Emery Mrs. E. M. Churchill, has re­ Mrs. Charles Rose of Tenant's Miss Violet Ryb of Boston Is grandchildren—five. While the na­ out of cotton but money. ,f Bar Harbor and Mr and Mrs. turned to Reading. Mass., after a Harbor, regent of Lady Knox Chap­ visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey ture of the prize is not disclosed • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Alton Marke of Woodbury Bracketl of Houlton weekend visit with Mr. and Mrs. ter, D.AR. gave a fine paper on Lowell, Camden street. here, It is admitted that it was very • Think of it— a cloth is made of Bridgeport, Conn., and Boothbay E. E. Stoddard. "Frances Willard and the D.AR ." Here weekend guests at the Bart­ W ED. THUR. FR1. SAT. milk and in Italy It has become Harbor, were in this city over the similar to the small gifts which made saying she was a cc-founder ana lett home. Mrs. Clarence S. Beverage of Au­ quite popular. Fancy asking some weekend visiting relatives. Miss Adelaide Travers has re­ the late John D Rockefeller famous. charter member of the Chicago gusta formerly of Rockland presi­ natty dresser, "Who's your cow?” turned to Newton Highlands. Mass., Officers were re-elected: Presi- . YOU CAN LAUGH AT DA.R.. and d;d much to promote its dent of the Garden Club Federa­ • • • • Com and Mrs. C. F. Snow have having spent the past week with dent, Wendell A. Hodgkins; vice organization throughout the States. tion of Maine, will preside at the “What is a bookworm. Daddy?" as guests at the Log Cabins, Trea­ OPENS TONIGHT, 8.30 Mrs. Mary Saunders. president. David E. Crockett; secrc- ' “ PUPPY LOVE” NOW There is hardly any movement for first outness meeting of the execu­ ‘‘Well, Billy, my boy, it’s either a sure Point Farm. Mr. and Mrs. Glen tary. Miss Ellen D. Tolman; treas­ uplift of the present time but owes tive board to be held Thursday, . . . but did you worm that would rather eat than L. McKinley (Anna Richardson! SURRY THEATRE Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bonzey and urer. Mrs. George B Davis. scmethlr.g directly or indirectly to at 11 a. m. at the Worster House in at seventeen? read or a person who would rather and Gordon McKinley of Washing­ son Charles of East Boston are va­ After stern business matters had Frances Willard; hers was the ability Hallowell. This will be the first read than eat. I just can't remem­ ton. D. C. Mrs. Sidney P. Snow and cationing at one of the Duncan cot­ been disposed of, the program, also s This time love really finds And? to sec movements that would oe tages at Holiday Beach until after session since the annual meeting in ber." daughter Eleanor of Worcester, conducted along formal lines, was I Hardy...and his tj* • • • • lasting, upholding a principle—tem­ June and the 30 members attending opened by Miss Anra E Coughlin, I MJSs. Miss Frances Snow of Cam­ Labor Day. heart adventures r? perance in the WiC.T.U. patriotic will formulate program plans and A Convention of Women's Clubs bridge. Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. beloved teacher, who wss introduced ideals in the D A:R, honor systems projects for the coming year. are hilarious and has adopted the word, • homemaker" John Richardson and daughter Miss WHEN ALL'S AT PEACE in a happy manner by Mr. Hodgkins. in college government and many Luncheon will be served at 12.30 touching! Don’t to replace the word, "housewife Virginia Richardson of this city. All present stood in tribute to this : • • • • others. The work being carried on Yes, the quietest and most de­ Other newly elected officers assist­ Th" McKinleys will return, to Wash­ teacher who gave so richly and so j miss the fun! A British expert In child study by these two w m en's organizations lightful hours come during the ing at this first executive session ington Thursday via the White generously of her fine mind to her states that no child is born truthful fcr helping the under-privileged ANN REVERE in evensong of the summer twilight, will be Mrs. Clyde B Holmes of Bel­ Mountains. pupils, and a genuine and heart- and that the virtue of truth has to educating for cttizenUi.p. uplifting after the bright golden day has fast. first vice president; Mrs. Blin “ ART AND warmirr ovation was accorded her. be and can be acquired. against subversive influences, would Mite Club members were enter­ paled to that blue-green tinged am­ W Lumsden of Falmouth Foreside, Miss Coughlin, in addition to • • • • alone make Frances Willard wot thy tained at luncheon yesterday by MRS. BOTTLE” ber glow that seems to lure even the second vice president; Mrs. Har­ reminiscing a b't, read several of A new pursuit plane capable of of a high place In national esteem. Mrs. Charles Emery at Rockledge w ith birds and the earth to rest, when riett D. Gray of Dover-Foxeroft, her latest poems, still in manuscript, flying 400 miles an hour is now It was regretted that Mrs. Martiia Inn, Spruce Head Mrs. Harriet KATHERINE EMERY the dense thickness of tree tops suf­ recording secretary; Miss Marjory some cf which bring to mind old nearing completion. Page Adriel Meserve Gould of Gorham, who Belle of Lynchburg, Va., who is JABEZ GRAY, TOM SPEIDEL fuse into dusk, hedging in spaces of Barstow of Oakland, corresponding time legends and tales of local Bird. was to be guest speaker, was net soon returning to the South was SHEPPERD STRUDWICK quietness like a world asleep. Then secretary and Fred H. Gabbi of • • • • scenes. The beauty of the writing able to be present, but the time was guest of honor. After luncheon the will come Into the inverted bowl Portland, treasurer. •'Daddy, what do the three balls in T u rs to Sat. E v en in g * a t H.30 and the charm of delivery by their well filled and enjoyed by the as­ group went to Mrs. Emery's hom» Matinees Wed and Frl. at 2 f t silent but twinkling stars, Jeweled front of a pawnshop mean?" author made a profound impression sembly. There were 52 in attend­ for contract with Mrs. Harry Leon. “ F iv e Miles from Ellsworth eyes of rarest faithfulness, for they ‘•Well, son, mostly two to one you on the Bhiehill Road” upon all the hearers. Another ance. Mrs. Scott F. Kittridge and Mrs. are there even If clouds overshadow Box Offlce Phone: Ellsworth 440 teacher was also present. Miss H a;- don’t get anything back from that Today and Wednesday Ernest Buswell winning honors. Re­ T ic k e ts : J , S3, *1.10. a n d S 55 them, to give us promise of eternity riet Long, cf Tenant's Harbor, anu shop." • • • • WHY NOT ADVERTISE IN freshments were served after the in their unfaltering faithfulness. when called upon for a speech, re­ HUMPHREY BOGART Dr. Dafoe reveals that the little TJ1E COURIER-GAZETTE game. K. 8. F. plied in a delightful manner, ex­ GALE PAGE in Dionnes have never been spanked pressing appreciation and pleasure HARDY Instead, if one of them is naughty, "CAN'T GET AWAY to be included in the 1904 reunions. GETS she is put in a room by herself, while WITH MURDER" Mr. Crcckett presented some ap­ her sisters point their fingers and Your Loveliness propriate Jingles, relating class SPRING say "Ah, ah!” The room contains memories, and the reading of The . WILL DEPEND ON YOUR a chair, a tabic and a book. Dr. Da­ THURSDAY Courier-Gazette report of the Class FEVER foe docs not tell us what the book of 1904 graduation by Miss Tolman PERMANENT SALE AND DISPLAY is; but it must be a persuasive one, “TALLY-HO” was received with enthusiasm—hi­ for the room is never occupied for M ert : umtner more than larious at times. Mr. and Mrs. Hci- | LEWIS MICKEY $25.00 in Cash Prizes more than a few minutes at a time. half way. Get a Gilbert stad sang Scandinavian folk songs. , STONE•ROONEY The idea has international possibili­ Croquignole Wave this Plus On The Screen Graduation phetos. copies of Whims, CECILIA ties, too. But it is a bad thing for week. Glamorous, fetch­ athletic group pictures, friendsnip j QUALITY FURS BETTY GRABLE a country to be put In a corner with ing hair brauty this cool pillows, etc., afforded much amuse- I PARKER > HOLDEN FOR JACKIE COOGAN ‘‘Mein Kampf."— (Topics of the w a y . ment and pleasure. At the dost » in Times, New York Times). FALL AND WINTER rising vote of thanks was accorded NOW PI-AYING • • • • Individual INDIVIDUALIZED to Miss Tolman whose generosity and "SECOND UDDLE” Every year more than 7.000 per­ VERY MODERATELY PRICED thought fcr these class reunions sons are lost by drowning in this W/U/Oft with OIL-WAVE OIL W A V E Your Early Inspection Is Invited have been shown in many ways; also country, but nothing thus far dis­ new and different A Smart styles adapted to DOli'R to Mr. ar.l (Mrs. HeLstaci for their SONJA HEN1E covered seems to help the situation. wave that develops $ 3 Stored Free cf Charge Until Wanted YOU by our experts hospitality. TYRONE POWER • • • • charm and personality. UGS I t ’s r e v ita liz ­ F in g e r Special Orders Solicited Present were: Graduates—Mrs. Noninterventionists—how is that I T ’S A L W A Y S ing to hair $ 5 W a v es 3 5 c l COOL HERE Dana A. Sherer. Rockville (Frances for one of the up-to-date word a n d scalp. A n y S ty le Lucien K. Green & Son Butler; Mrs. E. A. Vezine of Danville mouthfuls? Anyway, they insist Coming Aug. 15th (Bertha Cates); Mrs. Russell Bart­ upon complete neutrality, if you "GOODBYE MR. CHIPS” lett of Rockland (Merle Doei; Miss know what exactly that may mean? FURRIERS • « • • 16 SCHOOL ST. ROCKLAND, ME. Lou Belle Jackson of Rockland; Mrs. StrandShows Mat 2.00. Evg. 6.45.1 8 45 The English Board of Education GILBERTS II. O. Heistad cf Rockport (Gladys Continuous Saturday 2.15 to 10.45 Jones); Mrs. Evelyn Richardson Me- Sunday. Matinee 3 o'clock expends $2,500,000 annually on 375 MAIN STREET ROCKLAND, ME. PHONE 142 Kusick of Rockland; Miss Ellen Iphysical training alone. Page EigKf Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, August 1, 1939 Every-Other-Day of poultrymen, including many “ G od-M ade C ountry” A MAID CALLED MILLS from Maine, to Cleveland, July 28 to Aug. 7. In addition to an educa- > That’s What a Busy Rural At Rockland Breakwater tional program second to none «t Whom You Will Take To Your Heart When She Talks expesitions of this kind, the con­ Doctor Calls The Pin? About Household Matters gress will have an unusual array of, Tree State the astounding amusing, and amaz­ ing. Sample attractions: Hens RKOADCAST BY MARJORIE MILLS Recelpts from the sale of crops Maine, dear old Pine Tree State. frem Chile that lay blue eggs; Jap­ How oft my fond heart yearns. (Monday. Wednesday. Thursday and Friday at 1.30 p. m. over Stations and livestock products In Maine Once again to troll among WNAC. Boston; WTAO. Worcester; WCSH, Portland; WTIC, Hartford; anese chickens with tails 17 feet ■ Thy woods and tangled ferns during the month of May are re­ WICC. Bridgeport; WEAN, Providence; and WLBZ, Bangor). long; carving contests for bride­ In fancy I can hear ported as $2,981,000 compared with The song birds sweet refrain grooms; a talking turkey that gives And Memories of Home Sweet Home $3,476,000 in May 1938 Receipts i Among the iPlnes of Maine Short cuts and answers to ques- , Welch's currant Jelly, add 1 cup of a lecture on nutrition; carrier for the first five months of 1939, The writer of this poem doubt­ tions today along with a few speedy cooking sherry. Beat thoroughly pigeons delivering messages for the however, are somewhat higher than less carried with him the mental 1 food suggestions which we hope will with a fork until smooth and Army; the R:yal Canadian Mount­ wer? reported during the corre­ picture of a place of beauty that he I give you more hours to enjoy this creamy. Add half peach to a scoop ed Police in a musical drill. sponding period last year. • • • • Knew as a child, a rich childhood glorious summer weather. The cal- of ice cream and cover with the • • • • experience that became a part of endar is racing along toward fall Melba Sauce Four of the Judges for the third No major changes in provisions his consciousness as he grew up and we resent every tick of the clock Grape Iced Tea annual dairymen's field day at are included in the general outline , Hi2hm:or Farm of the Maine Agrl- It is quite possible that this that brings the end of summer Three teaspoons Tetley Tea, of the 1940 AAA farm program, an- ; cultural Exper ment Station have early presence of beauty in [ nearer. The old sun dials were cups boiling water, 1 pint Welch's his environment and his response pleasanter, don’t you think? Creep- Grape Juice, 4 tablespoons sugar, nounced last Friday by the Agrlcul- been .selected. They are: Ayrshire!, tural AdJiKtm|ent Administration. to it, influenced his entire life — Mr. and Mrs. Francis B Crown- at cocktails Friday night Mr and and rain, the Lewiston Cercle Can- [ mg shadows so unobtrusive about Juice on two lemons. Professor R’chard C. Foley, of Mas­ The .program does provide, however, so sensitive are we all to the in­ Inshield of Boston are aboard their Mrs B F White, Miss Barbara adien and Samoset ball teams met | registering the passing of pleasant Pour the boiling water on the tea, sachusetts Slate College; Holslelns, for Increased emphasis on soil con­ fluences which play upon us in vacht. Cleopatra's Barge the Second whi,e. Mrs. A. S Carman, and Sunday afternoon on the Samoset hours. I cover closely and allow to stand for Professor M. H Campbell. of the servation. Increased opportunities childhood. p „ Mr and Mrs Henry Farmer grounds, where the hosts triumphed First an irate husband complains five minutes. Then stir it from the University of Verm.nt; Guernseys. which has dropped anchor off The ArrlvaU incluJe Mr and Mrs. for participation by small farmers, Tile poem above quoted comes to by a score of 12 to a his wife won't allow him to keep his bottom and strain. Add sugar, Robert McKenzie, manager of Ar- and for greater responsibility for my mind particularly today, be Samoset Fioat Also in the party is Charles Tighs. New Albany. Ind.; . Annis distinguished himself as favorite odorous cheeses In the ice [ lemon Juice and Welch's Orape gilla Farm. Ipswich. Mass., Milking cause this is one of those days of Miss Bullitt, daughter of Ambassa- Mrs. C. D Norton. New York;_Mr. the outstanding hitter o f the d a y wlll w g0 on record that. [Juice. Chill thoroughly. administration in the hands of far­ Shorthorns and Biown Swiss, Pro­ mer committees. Specific provi­ which Maine has so many, when dor John Bullitt. and Mrs. B F. White. Miss Bar- with four doubles out of five times I _properly wrapped they won’t of Rummage Pickles fessor Howe W. Hall, of the Univer­ sions for the program will be Issued the air is like clear scintillating Mr and Mrs william Collins en- bara White. Boston; Mr and Mrs at bat, but was closely followed by | fend? If husbands with this prob Two quarts green tomatoes, skins sity of Maine. The name of the Miss Priscilla later. crystal, washed out and glistening gt bridge Thursda). night “Walter T. Stern, Watt and Crockett with three out lem will promise to eat up the removed, 1 quart ripe tomatoes, Judge for Jersey entries will be an­ Mr and Mrs. • • • • To breathe it, is to feel Internally Stern New York; of five hits. , ..noiSy" Cbeese by the end of a week skins removed. 6 medium sized nounced later. The show is to be cleansed and refreshed as if a h<)nor of their house *ues“ Mr Jay Oates, Chestnut Hill. Phil.; Though he walked seven men we can promjse won’t advertise Its onions. 3 sweet red peppers, 3 sweet Consumption of dairy products is held Aug. 5. at Monmouth. spiritual bath had been adminis- and Mr. William Williamson of Henry Farmer has Joined Mrs. French pitched his usual good' ssme. [)resenoe wrapped as follows. First green peppers, 1 large ripe cucum- considerable higher than a year tered | Philadelphia Others invited were Farmer for the weekend. ago. In the case of manufactured striking out 13 and ringing In a long wrap it well In waxed paper, en- ber, 3 cups vinegar. 3 cups white GLEN C O V E dairy products, It is the highest on The deep yelow of the sunshine Mrs Andrew McBurney. Mr and Winners at Thursday evening * triple as a highlight of the game close It In a tight-lidded glass Jar; sugar. 1 teaspoon black pepper, 4 record. Mrs. David Crockett of Camden glorifies everything it touches Mrs. Earle Anderson. Miss Frances bridge party were B F. White, Miss Lewiston's best hitting was done place on bottom shelf of refrigera­ teaspoons dry mustard. • • • • was guest Wednesday of Monira Beauty. beauty everywhere If we Pearson Helen Ficks. Mias D L. Chandler, by their star. Grenier tor. This is important since the Chop all the vegetables by run­ would but absorb it. make it a part Mrs. Andrew McBurney gave a Mrs. Henry Lee, Percy Schenck, Farmers considering building a Blodgett. Sunday. Aug 6, the Samoset will aroma can be carried downwards by ning them through a food chopper silo will be interested in two recent of ouiselves and express it in our small cocktail party in honor of Watson H Caldwell, play Bath Destroyers at 3 p. m. at descending cold air. By the end of Let stand overnight, mixing them Mr and Mrs. George Woodward da ly living, how different would Mrs Edith V Poschall and Miss The largest dance of the season bulletins. One is "The Homemade the Samoset grounds. a week you’ll begin to get murmurs together with 4 cup of salt. In the were called Friday to Portland by be the conditions in this world to- Mary Verdenlen. house guests of going about his daily F- Hart and Miss Jane Repogle were • • • • by French 13. by Marcoth 4. by two cans of pea soup, a cup of milk publicity, etc. Administration would ministrations to the ills of man- also prize winners. Same: ct li. Lewiston 8 Giard 4 Umpires, Barrows. Raye and a half pint of cream? Stir the cream in slowly and then add a be under the U S Bureau of Fish- kind, cannot help but be caught Mrs. W. E. Newbert entertained; Despite combined threats of fog Scorer, Andrews. pound of crab meat or lobster meat eries. This would supplement the under its spell as he goes his daily • for that matter. Serve with toasted j mone>' appropriated in the current rounds In the God-made country "FLYING" STAIRCASES English muffins and a green salad . >’e,r whlcb spent for a radio of the Pine Tree State. Fake Lobster Meat Editor of The Courier-Gazette and you'll take a bow on that meal campaign to popularize fish, in Adrian Scolten, M. D. Some Grange Notes planning which Representative Doesn’t Get By With Palm In the exercises at "Montpelier'’ which took you 15 minutes to pre­ pare Brewster of Maine is participating. Beach Firm, Thanks To July 26, as printed in The Courier- TENANT’S HARBOR "General Jacob S. Coxey. who Blackberry Conaerve Miss Virginia White was soloist at ■ Gazette, allusion Is made to the Cong. Oliver led an army of unemployed to One quart or I pound blackber- OWL'S HEAD the church service Sunday morning, Washington during the second ad­ grand staircase as "the beautiful and : ries. I large orange. 1 cup sugar, 1 Mrs William B Baldwin of Long Mrs. Newell Smith accompanying ; The campaign of Representative ministration of Grover Cleveland, unusual Flying Staircase." Probaa- I cup broken nutmeats. Island arrived Friday at Capt. and The new bulletin board on the James C. Oliver against having any­ about 45 years ago. was a conspic­ ly so called because the ascending | Mash the berries, cook them in [ Mrs. Sidney Arey's for three weeks' church lawn made by Deacon Allen thing except real lobster sold as uous figure at the recent conven­ stairs wing their flight upward on i their own Juice until they are tho- visit. Capt. and Mrs. Harold Thurs- Conary Is being admired and ap­ tion of the Workers' Alliance, held either side of the gallery. The [ roughly heated. Slice the oranges ton and son Harold of Swampscott, preciated by all in the community lobster is bearing fruit in the stipu­ in the auditorium of the Depart­ house where I was b:m . long since , very thin, cut in small pieces. Add Mass. are also visitors at the Arey It has been wired for electricity and lation of the Federal Trade Com- ment of Labor at the Nation's Capi­ demolished, had a front hall of siml- with the sugar to the blackberries home. will be Illuminated in the near fu- mission to the Hudgins Company of tal. Coxey's formula for restoring lar design. I wonder if any of the ' Cook until mixture is quite thick. ture I West Palm Beach, Fla., that the prosperity is to suspend all taxes old houses, now standing, have an about 46 minutes. Add the walnut GEORGES RIVER ROAD Miss Marion Hopkins has re­ company must discontinue mislead- for a period of two years; to pay entrance of this style of architecture. meats. Pack while hot in sterilized A church social will be held in turned to Westbrook, having visited ! ing misrepresentations in the sale workers at the mininum rate of $200 E O M . Jars and seal. j Union at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the past three weeks with relatives and distributions of food fish pro­ per month in advance, and to issue Melba Sauce ! w.lllam Anttila Thursday at 7 and friends. ducts. $7,000,000,000 in Treasury notes to Read The Courler-Oazette To one cup of raspberry or o'clock All are welcome! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Waterman The stipulation shows that the | foot the bill Under this arrange- and son of Springfield. Mass., were company advertised sea crayfish ment it would be possible to bal- guests for a caught off the coast of Florida as ance the budget, he says. Coxey is Mrs. Etta Wall. Mrs Edna Willard "Choice Southern Lobsters," and as now past 80 years of age. but he is and Miss Delia Bickmore, their "Fresh Picked Lobster Meat” and as still hale and hearty. headquarters being at Mrs. Wall's "Lob Meat," and that this product home was then offered to the public as Senator James M Mead of New Mr and Mrs. Joseph Meservey "Fresh Fancy Lobster Meat." ; York has sponsored a bill to abolish and daughter of Providence and The Federal Trade Commission a«e for civ“ a n d n o w a Frank Pellet of New York are at said that the term "lobster" has P10^ He declares u u outrageous their summer home on the "nook" i been associated in the mind of the to deny employment to men In road. World’s Fair Electric Range eating public, with the genus hom- middle life and feels that Uncle Mr. and Mrs. Albert W Smith arus, the true American lobster Sam should set a good example by and daughter. Miss Arlene of W est: Regularly 1169.50 found only along the Atlantic coast [abolishing the age limits. Somerville. M ass, arrived 8unday • • • • from North Carolina to Labrador. SPECIAL AT to spend a few weeks with her The Senate committee on inter­ The company has agreed to stop mother, Mrs. Emma M. Torrey. state and foreign commerce has representing its crayfish in a man­ favorably reported the Schwartz *qq.5o ner which would induce retailers to Wool Products Labeling bill. Fav­ offer it to the public as lobster meat orable action on the companion bill and to stop using the word “lobster" introduced by Congressman Martin either alone or with other words so of Colorado, is expected on the as to imply that any food fish is lob­ part of the House committee in the ster of the genus homarus when this near future. With Imports of BUDGET PLAN: Only 15 Down; $3.10 Monthly is not the fact. European rags running 1.500 per­ includei carrying charge. Representative Oliver introduced cent higher than last year, owing THE range manufacturers have caught the fever in the House, in his first term, a bill I t0 a percent cut In duty In the ALLOWANCE which would forbid using the word ! British trade agreement, the pro- — a WORLD’S FAIR Special. They have taken lobster In connection with any ex- ponents of the Schwartz-Martin this standard stock model, regularly advertised at cept genus homarus. He didn't g e t, hin have a strong argument In $169.50 — for only $99.50. Features — much encouragement from the : their favor. Under present condl- • PORCELAIN ENAMEL t o r W h i i * O ld I r o n Bureau of , but he has in -| tions. the shoddy manufacturers of o AUTOMATIC From Maine to California it’s RECEPTACLE I o W e ir d troduced it again this session and [ the united States, after reclaiming the finest range buy ever offered. keeps plugging away at it. {the wool contained in these import- • AUTOMATIC OVEN You must see it to really appre­ SIGNALITE He has, however, brought to the , rags can gen it to the consuming ciate it! • ECONOMY COOKER in if Aiitoiimlii’ Iron attention of the Federal Trade public as an undisclosed substitute • HIGH OVEN 3 5 0 /? / M o n t h l y misrepresentations are decreasing . - CtbbifeWormi f t tn\ o f thu Stores and the departments are on the to Star BmIm CARROLL CUT RATI look-out for them. 71-104