Preliminary Survey of the Geology and Mineral Resources of Curry County, Oregon by G
VOLUMB2 NUMBBR2 OCTOBBR, 1916 THE MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON PaLiiJLed MontLiy By The Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology I I ( --N--j j_.-- A A Sketch Map Showtna Location of Curry County 1 Preliminary Survey of the Geology and Mineral Resources of Curry County, Oregon By G. M. BUTLER and G. J. MITCHELL 136 Pages 41 ruustrationa Entered u -ond olaae matter at Corva.llia, Ore. on Feb. 10, 1Gl4, according to the Act of Auc. 24, 1Gl2. OREGON BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY COMMISSION Onicm or mm Co10<188IoN AND EXHIBIT OREGON BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON Orne• or THB DIBECTOB CORVALLIS, OREGON J AIUIII WITBYCOIIBJD, Governor HIDNllr M. P ABU, Director COMMISSION ABTHUB M. SWARTLEY, Mininc Engineer H. N. LAWBIB, Portland IRA A. WILLIAMS, Geologist W. C. FELLows, Sumpter J. F. REDDY, Medford J. L. WooD, Albany R. M. Bll'l"l''l, Cornuoopia P. L. CAI<PBELL, Eugene W. J . KBBB, Corvallis \. Volume 2 Number 2 October Issue of th e MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON Published by The Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology CONTAINING Preliminary Survey of the Geology and Mineral Resources of Curry County, Oregon By G. M. BUTLER and G. ). MITCHELL 136 Pages 41 Illustrations 1916 ~~ \.__,. J ANNOUNCEMENT The present (October) issue of the Mineral Re sources of Oregon constitutes the second num ber for the year 1916. It treats of the resources of a section of the state concerning which there has been heretofore but little information avail able. Two more issues of this journal will be pub lished in the present year.
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