0149100017 . . . A'l "''T1lt +-'1"'1'£ ;r+c1blf ABBA MATT_fiiAS I . CAll,\.?~ Allaor lll\ll•f"tt~i;?~;~ft he-t AAilli.AltilfDi . ... Patriarch of , Archbishop ofAxum, E_chegue of the See of St:Tekle Haimanot mbt;Q.1. ifOD")Ol +hi\ v~~PJcr+

Rec;u CLT I CIH I ITA Mc~\S\4;1-ff 3 ~q ( ~ot 8 Le ~ 28-A~ Ref. No. · ~ \\ \J:LI- v\~ cuo Federal,Demo~ratic Republic Eth.,.· 1¥"'~ L..._ .. _.. ·-·· ·_·q_.P_.1._... _... _.·· -·· ·-···-· · -··· ~ Date ~inistry o~ Culture. and.TQ"urism =:-::::~----~--.... ~ , Au~hority of Research & Conservation of ..;+at 'PCtM ~ ~.., Cultural Heritages ~~ · 11U: ~ . 'R. nhfl+ +"):.. . • " ·: m~vtb jijq~ ., ~.'te ~t- ILt , l .. - Re: Registration ·of Celebr~tion of Timket ·by UNESCO -~------~-.-J · It is . known that ·most of the tangible and in~allgible 'cultural, natural and historical heritages registered by United Nation Educational SCientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) b~lon :g to Ethi~pi~~ OrthodoxTewahedo Church · In· the same-ray we presented a question to th·e Authority concerning the registration of celei,Jration 9! Tiinket, which is one of the church's hlstorical and spirltuai heritages to be registered · as· one of the :intangible hei"itage by UNESCO. The Authority · gave due consideration a~d requested us to . present evidences to UNESCO, whi~h describe the · celebration·of Timket, sue~ as diffe~ent p~otos, video and written documents also petitions whi·~h t:omprise 300 signatures with· written document about historical development of celebration of Timket in Engiish and "Amharic. '')., . . . . Based on .this, w~ have ~ttached 2 pages writte!l. ·document in English and Amharic describiiig the historical ~on tent of the celebration of Tihtk~t to~ether with· signature of p.etitions.

Office of the Holy Synod Patriarchate He'ad Office Addis Ababa

Fax:- 251-111-552211 E-mail: [email protected] Celebration of Timket Holiday in Ethiopia Ethiopian Church started to celebrate this ancient holiday of Timket () based on .the teaching of the Apostles, her scholars and Canon, expressing it in her ow, language. lt began to be celebrated since the reign of Ethiopian Emperor Gebre Meskel around 6th Century A.D as national holiday, on fields and at river banks. Then St. Lalibela who constructed holy places, churches and unified state with priesthood (state and church) in 1140, proclaimed that this holiday should not be celebrated in scattered or decentralized way but all churches in the surrounding area should join together to go to the place of Timket () water and spend the night celebrating the holiday. Accordingly, in 1426 Emperor Zerayacob after looking at the program of the celebration prepared by· the scholars gave further instruction that the replica of the Arc of the . . Covenant should march to the river on the Eve of Timket) on Tir 10 ( 19) but not to return Qn the same day and should walk on foot blessing the country. Based on the decision of the scholars of the church and the kings, the faithful on the eve of Timket (Epiphany) called 'Keter~· go to the chosen river side jointly clear the area where replica of the Arc of the Covenant rests and collect water to make a dike to create water for Baptism. Then they accompany the replica of the Arc of the covenant to the J prepared place singing, applauding and dancing (religious movement). From that time till ~oday Timket (Epiphany) is celebrated in this manner jointly on Tii' 10-11 (Jan. 19-20). Present day celebration of Timket Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church being the oldest Apostolic and historical church with organizational structure consisting of SO dioceses in all corners of Ethiopia with thousands of priests, deaco,ns and parish churches has the biggest share (in membership) in the countries population as compared to other religious institutions. This structure and membershipreaches internationally almost to all other parts of the world·giving all kinds of the serviCes of the church including the celebration of Timket (Epiphany1 which makes it internationally famous. The origin of the colourful celebration of Timket {Epiph,any) emanates from the origin of Christianity in Ethiopia which goes back to the 1st Century A.D as mentioned in Acts of ' . the Apostles (chap.8:26-40) when the spirit of God instructed Apostle ·Philip, one of the 72 pupils and of the seven deacons, to go to Gaza and meet the Ethiopian Eunuch who was consequently bapti:zed by Philip. This way Christianity was introduced to Ethiopia, th~t is, through the Eunuch. H~rice it is believed that Christianity was accepted by the people around AAum and the surroundh'ig area, in Northern Ethiopia until the coming of who later became the first bishop of Ethiopia. Then Christianity became the official and state reiigion of Ethiopia and its expansion continued. As it is known and believed, humankind is born in flesh from his mother and father and from God he shall be born in Spirit through baptism. ..,.-· ~~- ·· · ~11.'!.\~ Re~"u CLJ I CI H . ITH '1=H .• .." ' 'iN-. . "'"i:·:A· '! • . 'l .~ . ....,.~.. . ·: ..?"' \ ~- · --- ~ ...•~ • ,.,...,.~ ~;-)"' . 1 Le~~~~~;3J ~ ..;!~ '' > Ne ...... J/0.7: ...... ·· '""'~· d..., / ,/"' The literal meaning of the word Tirnket (Epiphany) is to be washed by water, to submerge, dipped, to be soaked and to sink in water and this basically signifies being cleanse~. Also in order to be a Christian and live in it one has to be born again by baptism. The celebration of Timket {Epiphany) goes beyond its religious meaning by contributing to the growth of human culture, Art, fine Art, togetherness, mutual respect, tourist attraction and image creation etc.

Timket {Epiphany) is celebrated allover Ethiopia accordi~g to the faith and dogrna of the church and to·the tradition, language and geographical location or situation. In Ethiopia major centers of celebration of Timket {Epiphany) are:- • .. in Addis Ababa - Jan Meda in Gondar - t~e swimming pool of Emperor Fasil in - Myshum in Debre Roha St. Lalibela Vohanes (Johanes) Amba Getergie Bahre Timket, (pool of Timket) with great f$stivity The Legacies of Timket CEpiphanyl Celebration of Timket {Epiphany) by being together and by all people regardless of ethnic, language, nation, nationality differences. The holiday creates occasion for showing and learning different customs, culture, national costume, hand craft, Ethiopian poems, rhythm, music etc. Continuation of the celebration by the youth without distortion of faith, dignity and tradition. The growth of the holiday to be more and more glorious and bright from time to time without never being blurred or vague. Its attraction for international and local tourists. -. Being model or example for long walk (in mass) that results to physical strength, which also is example of prevalence of peace. Summary The celebration of Timket (Epiphany) Holiday which is related to the introduction of Christianity to Ethiopia and that began to be celebrated as official holiday since the reign of Emperor Gebre Meskel in the 6th Century have been celebrated by the church for the last 1500 years around Timket water (pool of Timket). In order to maintain the historical, cultural and religious value of Timket and pass it for the next generation, we genuinely request the recognition and registration of Timket (~piphany) by UNESCO among the intangible heritages of the world keeping its basic and historical significance, keep it for human generation and historiCal record.

2 1\ll "''Tfil +-'IOIJ'e :r-rc.rch ABBA MATTHIAS I Ch{l it:J') ~~4-l- Hl\.-l-f"ttf: Patriarch of Ethiopia, Archbishop of Axum, tt+ ~~ll Hllttll9D: Echegue of the See of St. Tekle Haimanot ali)Q~ &IP'tOl Thl\ '/~11'7'i-l-

I Re~u CLT I CIH I ITH _,(J#.tu-)_:s2.q !2JJ_jj] Ref.N. 1 Le 1-3 AVR. 2018 I .,., 2 ~ ~ ~ J o cu- No ...... 0.-1&...... Date nctuA'I i:t119" Olf.'l.ili:C 1\:,.cil 'I''IT'i 1'0.4' fli\J»AfiJ1 hJlil hnct

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• 251-111-550577 Fax:- 251-111-552211 E-mail: [email protected] 251-111-565747,251-111-551013 181 1283 tt-'tll ttOfl Addis Ababa [email protected] www. eotc.patriarch.org {,,·)·?·P.·,f' /"'f>l'·f'.nll ·t·crv,e. fl,·f·nCII·I:.f''i ttr1CII·i'·llc; hchcPcY:I. 71·i·~. V·9" hao9"U(r'i fH· 0 '/L:hn· :/·9"tJC·1·c; •/•L:·c,· aoi)JL·I· n~t). 9(}* Y9"·i·'Jb\fiHD·(j f'9n;J,h·flLOJ· ,e.v 'ivi;J~ce Ytf'1 Y'P9u•t•·i· fl0A fllt'L 'J/aoii•I•A Hao'1 ao'i"IP.hi· fl530 t~.9". flV'IC {,•/•lJ': >'.L:Ci nor],,v,c; flmTII ,v,c uutJflC ·t:auL:: fl•t·nl,e9u nv~.'J-'i h'i"J.P-'c; ;JC ttO·I~fl·flC:' YJ'IIOJ· YS;•}c; chc;?b au:t•.\1.11 f'lf'un· :t·P,.{l 1\tt.nt'\ fl1140 ci.9°. nr/,}Jllfl.m· yo•J.'f~· /,·n.r·t· nCII·t:Y~·:,. Y'1~9\l·t·:t. fl0A'i tthllflC fl·I·c; mb\ c),e, tf"} flit 'iJ?.· 1\.(1, a>,\1. q VL '1~9"•1"1: mCJ'.m· no•J .\'.C WUI '1'9"•/"l:'i {l'iPt.Yh·fl<· [,cp~(':· norlm~e>:· Y'1'9"•1"1· llUC'i P'C0·J· lt'iP,J?,ll {,.\';C7:rA:: fl1426 f.. /'11P··J· {,"}, JIC0 J't'.l•Hl hl'l..:ND·'i·t: ·l·JI;;:~··f· Y•t•LflOJ·'i YWiA M1flflC P-'Cci·J· au~i'i'l:l. ;J~n;J·:t. W.\'. OJ'i'll OJC.\'.W· (17,{\'1: 7,'}P,,eaol'l.(l· Y'1"'9n•l"l· cpJt 0 '1 'PC 10 •l•'i h(l0·i· fl'it'\ W.\'. qvL '1~9n•l':l. {,'iPt.wc.~.c; V'1Ci flh ..\l.·f· {,"JC /fn,"IC fluo:ntl h '},v,,qch· .P-'C0·i·'i (IC·t·o/ A:: nn,·l·ncii·I:YS: t\.:J·aJ·'H·c; n'n.P-';J~·i· m·t'l'J, aoi)JL·i· ;hlHl· ntt·t·t· !,t'l:l. fl\J (,i-Jllfl.OJ· l'l.q VL 'J'9''•1•·i· fl·I·aoLmw· WTII OJ· LJ OJ·'i fl tJ·flL·i· fluoh·t·C /{lau'JJ'.·fl/ l\}}q(l,OJ .. '} ft)l;•)'.•·f• ;t•(J•i• f'O'J..f',\?_•Cfl•f·'} (l;J~ ftlt:J:~··I'• ;J·n•f• ch'J·'i flli 0 'J6, fllf ;J~l~ nl1AA;J· t1:CNI m.\1. {-'llUL '1~9°•1•·1: 7,rmrq yqtJL '1'9°•1•:1. fl0A M1'lflC hii.J''i '1.11. ;e>:9nC' t\ V·'i fl9n~·h·flLOJ· V·'L:.;l' fl·l·cimb\ c).(l,tf'i flc),·flL·i· flf'C}ao•l: h'i"'C 10 tll'lh 11 /,'}A.hflC ·f·.(l.L'I::

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To: FDRE Ministry of Culture and Tourism To: FDRE Ministry of Culture and Tourism: Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage

Subject: Request for inscription of Epiphany festival by UNESCO as intangible cultural heritage to be human representative list Epiphany or Timket which is celebrated every year on January 19 in in both rural and unban areas with different events like praying , hymn , songs , dancing, singing , house riding, gena game etc. The religious festival is highly celebrated though out the region especially in Gondar city has potential to be inscribed in UNESCO as intangible cultural heritage and has so many economical, sociocultural, political significances for the people of the region and sustainability of the heritage, if it will have a chance to be property of the world. Having this the people of the region, religious leaders, the government are now asking and forcing us to request their question and need for the Ministry and the Authority and we have understand that the question is raised at the right time, appropriate and urgent. There for, we have send to you our interest and their request to be inscribed by USESCO by attaching their written document about the overview (history, significance, ceremonial process) of Epiphany festival in the region as follows.

With regards Cope// • To Deputy head of culture and tourism bureau • To heritage conservation and tourism development directorate Culture and tourism bureau • To Gondar city administration youth, sport, culture and tourism department

•Go~:l:~ela town administration youth;'sport, culture and tourism office.~' f.-'t·~ ' ~ ·~~::t\ . . ' lt~~;;;;~ ~:·~;-~.. ~~~ ~~~~~ Lahbela ~~ _,-;; ~ ';l ..;; r· --·~---,·-~-----·------~~#

[8J 1616 ttTel + (251} 058 220 11321058 220 1133/ Fax+(251) 058 220 2650 /058 222 1834 Email: amharactb@ mail.com//WWW.tourisrn amhara.com/ facebook-ANRS culture & tourism bureau / •Mll9" t'ltll\•1! t\"'11·/ / Sustainable Tourism a tool for Development/ 1. Meaning of Epiphany

"Timket" is a Ge'ez word meaning "immersion inwater" similar to the Christ in his 30 years old by the hand of John the Baptist in the river Jordan. The word also denotes epiphany which is driven from the Greek word epiphaneia meaning ''appearance".

This festival is celebrated on January 19 every year to commemorate Baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. According to Ethiopian orthodox tewahido church teachers, Baptism of Jesus Christ by St. John is recorded in the third chapter of the Gospel of Mathew as follows. "'I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.' Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him, saying, "I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?" Jesus replied, "Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." Then John consented. As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom. I love; with him I am well pleased." (Mathew 3:13-17)

2. Celebration of Epiphany

The annual Timket celebration is held across Amhara region in both rural and urban areas on every Tir 11 E.C (January 19 G.C) with processions of priests carrying replicas of the Ark of Covenant, locally known as ''s, escorted by thousands of believers. The day is observed in commemoration of Christ's baptism in the Jordan River. Timket is not only one of the major feasts of the Ethiopian church but it is also a public holiday when offices and schools across the country are closed. is the greatest colorful festival.of Orthodox Christians in Ethiopia. Before the day of epiphany followers of Ethiopian orthodox tewahido church prepare, clean and decorate church areas, roads , circles , baths, pools etc with Ethiopian flags, arts, grass, to make the festival very attractive and interesting with their interest and responsibility. Tent prepare every year for Tobots and spiritual services during the night time. The celebration of Timket/ epiphany starts on the eve of the main festival. Following the traditions, the are taken from churches and move to rivers and pools early afternoon on the eve of Timket. Priest including deacons dress highly decorated clothes and hold cross with their hands. Other peoples also decorated with different ornaments and clothes. The eve is known as 'Ketera' and taken from the Amharic word 'ketere' meaning to make a dam; it is usual to make a dam in some places where there is no enough river water for the celebration of Timket or making a reservoir for the celebration'. Each Tabot is carried overhead by a high priest to the nearby body of water accompanied by thousands of church members chanting hymns. The celebration is also augmented by spiritual dancing (known as shibsheba), drum beating; horn blowing, prayer stick waving and sistra rattling. The movement of Tobots from churches to nearby water bodies is to commemorate the movement of Jesus from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. The Tabots and the people spend the night there, an activity that helps in performing the timket ceremony, usually done early in the morning the time Jesus Christ was baptized. The ceremony extends throughout the night and the next day early in the morning the Timket celebration start. The ceremony begins with the pre-sun rise rituals which include the Kidane (Morning Prayer) and the Kidasie (the divine clergy). These rituals are followed by the blessing and sp:dnkling of the blessed water on the assembled congregation in commemoration of Christ's baptism.

At about 10 or llam, each tabot begins the journey back to its respective church. This involves an even more colorful ceremony with ·a variety of traditional and religious songs. The priests wear astonishing brocade ceremonial clothes and carry decorated umbrellas, while chanting to the accomplishment of drums and the rhythmic clink of the sistrum and other instruments. The is recited near the pools early in the morning. The water is then blessed and sprinkled towards the assembled congregation, some of whom immerse themselves in the water, symbolically renewing their baptismal vows. After the baptism, the Tabots of each church, except St. Michael's church, start their way back to their respective churches. The elders march solemnly, accompanied by singing, leaping priests and young men, the beating of staffs and prayer sticks. The next day, 20 Jan, is the feast of Michael the Archangel, Ethiopia's most popular saint. And it is only on this morning that the Tabot of St. Michael' s is returned to his church, also accompanied by the singing and dancing of priests and locals with their colorful dress. Thus ends the three-day celebration, a unique ceremony of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, which evolved in' Telative isolation from the rest of the world. The celebration of epiphany is a religious festival, many ethnic groups in Ethiopia celebrate it in line with their including diplomats, ambassadors , tourists, religious leaders. The festival of Epiphany or Timket is colorfully celebrated all over Amhara region especially in all Administrative Zones and cities such as Gondar, Bahirdar, Debra Markos, Lalibela, Woldaya, Dessie, Dabere Tabor and Debra Brehan, Finote Selam , Erijibara, Kemissie, Sekota. This festival is celebrated for two or three days in all kebeles and woredas of Amhara region whiCh have Christian members. In Gondar, the bathing palace of Fasiledas is still dedicated to this colorful ceremony. It is still filled with water each year by a canal from the River Keha for the colorful Timket celebration.

3. The Origin of Epiphany (Timket )Festival in Ethiopia As land of God, Ethiopia has been following the teachings of the apostles and started celebrating epiphany at the national level in 530 AD during the reign of Emperor Gebre Meskel. In 1140 AD, king and priest Lalibela made an amendment to the existing tradition of the Epiphany celebration by which he made a decree that urged all arks of covenant (Tabots) to be carried to a river or pool together to bless the waters.

In 1426 AD, following a proposal from scholars, ,Emperor Zer'a Ya'ekob declared that the Tabots be taken to nearby pools on the eve (January 18) and stay the night there blessing the nation. In 1486 AD, Emperor Naod also made an order that the Tabots be escorted by the faithful in colorful processions. Following those traditions, the Tabots are taken to rivers and pools early afternoon on the eve of Timket. In 17th century King Fasiledes built very interesting Timkete-Bahir or bath in Gondar city to celebrate Epiphany in amazing way and the path is still serving to celebrate Epiphany festival in wonderful and amazing way.

4. Some Significances of celebration of Epiphany

First off all, the epiphany ceremony is important for physiological satisfaction of the religious followers because during the festival Tabots move to the rivers or pools or baths with singing spiritual songs, dancing; praying and people decorated by cultural clothes and ornaments.

The young men and women deliberately participate in the Timket festival with the intention to find a partner, and if possible a life partner. The Timket crowd is aware that the festival provides an excellent opportunity to find a boy friend and/ or a girlfriend, or Timket or Epiphany festival has importance for young adults to choose would be loves. but those who come to exploit such ,'an opportunity cannot afford to be bystanders; as a matter of course, they must articulate their wishes in the form of dances in front of all that have gathered and if possible cast lemon fruits at each other to demonstrate love and affection

Epiphany is colorful festival of Amhara region. Participants of epiphany ceremony or festival especially priests, Sundays school students, boys and girls decorate by different color dressing and ornament. Therefore, Epiphany Festival has some important social, cultural and economic significance to the . To celebrate the festival there is movement of people from place to place. The occasion is also used to facilitate the flow of information, new ide'as and knowledge to and from urban centers and also for marriage engagement. Epiphany is also an important occasion for the to promote their . social and spiritual life through reconciliation whereby peace, respect and co-operation prevail. Within three days of the ceremony friends and relatives visiting each other and exchanging gifts, giving and receiving blessings, feasting, singing and dancing. Hence, it strengthens social ties and is an exiting moment for every one. It is important for to maintain mutual understanding, peace and security of the nation and nationalities. The festival is also useful for job creation of nation in cultural dressing because the it needs

different cultural dresses. There is a proverb which says «(\'f'~cf>t Yt\ln

Epiphany is an important occasion whereby members of communities discuss on development issues and make plan to construct or renovate roads, schools, health clinic, drilling water wells and conduct environmental protection works and cover all the expenses needed. In general, the festival has a vital importance in promoting sustainable development. Because people are making living and benefit out of it and it provides them a sense of identity and continuity since it is a dynamic living culture.

Timket festival, thus, is not simply a religious holiday as pointed out above. It is very much a construction and reaffirmation of phenomena, relationship, love, and a resolution to exploit and meaningfully utilize what the Ethiopian social milieu provides and permits.Traditionally, Timket was known' as an important occasion for young adults to choose the would-be lovers. 5. Participants and Roles of Epiphany festival ceremony

To celebrate Epiphany festival all groups of Ethiopian orthodox tewahido people and ethnic groups participate (Bishops, priests, ·deacons, elders, women, men, young boys and girls, children, Sunday schools student etc.), some extent other religious followers and tourists.

All of them participate to celebrate the holy day festival wonderfully from the eve day up to the last day. They have their own roles and participation such praying (priests), blessing (Bishops), dancing (elders men and women, young boys and girls), singing ( Sunday schools students and deacons). The youngsters participate to maintain the glory of the Tabots by cleaning roads and lining up grasses and other materials in front of tabots. The adults have coordinating role in the ceremony.

In general all participants.do everything on the days of the festival as much as possible for wonderful ceremony by group dancing and ·music, by singing , by cleaning and decorating passing roads and timeket bahir, by praying and serving the people, by coordinating, by giving drinks for the tired people etc.

6. The Importance of inscribing Epiphany in UNESCO

The inscribing of Epiphany festival by UNESCO in the human representative list has the following importance's.

• To maintain the sustainability ofthe intangible heritage • To attract more international tourists and to increase economical value of the festival • To promote the heritage for the people of world

• To construct and develop the image 9£ tht: . ~ountry as well as the Amhara region • To develop awareness of the people of Ethiopian to preserve the heritage • To develop the socio cultural value of the intangible heritage among Ethiopian people • To create job for younger's. ha flt\ltt\fl}'} ~ h-'tll hflfl

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r8! 1616 V Tel + (251) 058 220 1132/058 220 1133/ Fax+(251) 058 220 2650 /058 222 1834 Email: [email protected] website http://WWW.amharatours.org.etl ~,::::::::..!:!:~- ~ ~~t.v·~~,~ If~ •.,~·/', tf/.1."' ~... , ",.'\, ,+, f'l "'l ~A...... '',) ~ /' --~ 1:-\ t~ ~} r i, ~'· :;1 ~,.··A \ j Q '> \~$~~~(;!)!

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I 29' .. 30

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31 .. I . 32

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' 47


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r~r~:,~ oqA ilhit(Jc - iJ~~.nta nolD· Al!"f' mlJi·-. r.f'? ..e~otr · Qtill~ ..~Cll 1fC11c-· (Representative Lfsf of -. Intangible -Culturc:U Heritag·e>of -Humanity)' ~ll1' . .()'}l)SJU - - ~ - ~- ~ - ~Cll.,:f A''lJtnnH11l ~~ : h-ft\J'~ · r,-,11~-r(}~({ h~flo:fc; . r:} .eD?'i·~~ ·. +!J:"?·l~ . r.f·mhA r) >~ '?t\llP:f )n;·}'?P.,1~ y~lo~r} :. 04! ' ·ao£.1{ riOIJ11111. ' . . ' . ·· rT· r~:t oqA. .· TJ'1: n~4:f1- ; ·t.,•)7i'r1~c;. . lll\SJU111ll~. . . n-rom1. -· ·_, ~IP~·t-... _. . .:,;c(l. . OJta.e · fOIJ _e~(l{l ~Cll tf'i .(l{!i;{lta . h1·ctunH11l /-»'r?"~;J-:f11 . HkCOIJ:f1 · A11A~l\ 1 : :·, · We, representatives of the various communities, groups, individuals, religious ·leaders, elders )l~reby • .· ...... ·. •. ; confirmed with our Signature ·our free, prior a:n,d infonned·cohsent for the inscription of the Tintket' < Fe~tiva:l (EthiopianEpiphany}onthe RepresentativeOList ofthe Illtangible Cultu;al Heritage 9{Hu~anity .

.. ur'lli_Z''f ~z:q ·- 1 ,., J'-.1 • • (Soc1al status) . 1 (Rellg1on) (signature)

51 52 I


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61 62

63 64 £:.! 65 j~ li ,, 66 t/ a t./ 67 f I ' ' 68 1 { I' I

'--,: * f1'~++ fi'A IIOOJ- A;t:~ miJ.e f"7 ,.e.-'S oil ·. '"~ ,+t;: :tCflij~ A1-'l~H1-fl ili\in.mr~ ~ . ~~ .

f~9"+7w nq·A ilhQ(JC (J~~ilta · (1()(1}« : A]i.."f lDti_e ftry_f.~(H) : QU~«f ~Cll 11C11q (Represent~tive · List of Intangible · GulturaJ Heritage. of Humanity) (J)«fiT nttor i'\4~~ · ~Cfl.,"r '. h'JJ.t0Dn1,n. h~ · h+nf~ .r,.,11z-ro11 n~A~:ft; · · ;r:}_eD?t;7w · 1~*D?:r r+lDhA'J /?non"f ·ao'J :DJ PT · J'Plilm·i r- ~?"+·r · nqA · r.e0D11111 Tfck · n&.~t1--1 +.,ltn.,:,.t; iit\?"il1Q£& n+om'> n1! · ODG·~ . oo.~G .--1-­ ~c~ . - lDtj_f. f~_e~(t(l :,;c{llflj . fi~~(IJ'l h'JJtODH11l P9"9"'i:J:-.-:f.11 O~COrJ:f'J .. h11A~t\1 . :: ·... W e,:representatives. of the :yarious.communities; ·. groups, individu,als, ~eligious leaders; elders hereby .~ <;gnfirmed with.our .Signature·our free; prior and :iriformedcons.ent· for the inscription of the Timket .; · festiyai(Ethiopiari Epiphany) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Herit(;lge .ofHumanity. . : ·



73 74 75 76 ?? 77 . . ? . '7 r> 78 ~-~-. ~-:.. '?~ 79

80 fp?Dcp:,-. tll}A i'thQHC · Hl?-~llta ·tlfi£& A"fi."f wtJ'.e r~.e~nll QU'l'e 4-cll 11C11C ~ {Representative · Ust · of Intangible ·• Cultural Heritage of ·. Humanity) .aJ.fiT :tll}f\r i'tcp~ 4-c()'!"r .· h1-Jtootl11l · h - ~ hi'AY~ r~"llL+n1l~ h~ll~:Y.S' . · -f.~'_e · o?t;:,, · +*OIJ:,' r.f.whA1. · · ~l\nll".f · oo1'1 ~:,-• J'cpLtl~1 fT?"~:,, tll}A , r.e~n111"ll 1'.rct ·O&.lll'"> +'l'll7i'!:,-.c; ill\9"111Q~ . tl+nirl1 Hcl! : unLn- onUJl·1' .:Pc~ wtJ.e rG~J.e~nil :Pcil tfli Ol!~ilf'l h 1Jtood111 ~~r'lf".fi1 tlfuc"''l-1 . h 11A~tl1 . :: · w~, . representativ'es'of the various: communities; groups, individuals; religious: leaders, elders hereby confirmed with Our Signature· our free, prior and·informed conse~t for the inscription of the Timket .· .. Festival(Ethiopiart.Epiphany) on theReptese11tative - ~istofthe IntangibleCultural'Herit~ge ofHt1manity: .·.


81 tJ(J 82 (j) 83


85 :j 86 I i ·i 87 j 88


90 ·. f'I'SJD+T . ti'JA fl(lo,i- A;('f 6JIJ.f.' f"7 .e-'li'lll 'Jt\9"' · tj+t;: ~Cil~.-,.. A'l-\oDH111 flflootnf~

f1'?'!~:,. . Cl«} A ilhllHC . H~~flta_ :. ()(ItD-. A'Ji..~ wi]..e roy,.e.~(lfl - , ·Q_ut\~ ~Cll 11C11C (Repre~entative List. of Intangible Cultural Hedtage of H~manity) ·· lD"fl'F- llt.}t\r it~l;~ ~ell'!·:,.. .. h 'J.t;.uon11l "~ ·· . h+t\J)~ - r~11L~(I1) :)ltj:flo:flj" . f~..e.oy~:,-- +!J:ny·)-- r+whA'J '?'t\(lfl:f OD"}'? PT . f~Lri~1 f1'?D4J:,c. '(lt}A . r..erm111·fl 1' f

• ~ 'P-C (No) · (sign~ture)










100 (JJ

'· . . . . f''1'?D4,,r fll}A .ilhllnc, 11~~,..~ , ,(1llro· A))::f . l1Jil~ _ rtry,e~ola .· qutlce · ~cla 11CliC (Represe.ritativ·e· • List o{, Intangible ·· Cultural ·Heritage ·of Humanity) ·arla'l' ,. fl~t\~ itPlf: ~Cla'l-l- h1Jtootf~11l : J\~ . h+t\Yf.. r~11L+ll11 · hlf:tl":f~ r~ ,etry~-l- ,-t-*try:,-- · r+mhA1 - "?ttll(l:f · oo~"?P::,-- .r~~ ·nOJ.1 - · f'l'?DP:,.. (]l}A f ,eoo11111 '1'!4( flt..ta:f'J 1·'11)7i.,-l-lf' lat\?D111llOJ- C1-tllm' . C14! ooL·n ~wl:,-­ ~C~ riJI],e ftRJ ,e~(U) ~Cl) tfl; (1~~1)~ h'J.ftooH11l P?D?D'I:t":f'J"} C1LCtry'f"}· .. h'J1A~· l\J . : :. We, representativ.es,ofthe various·'cornmunities;groups, individuals, religious, leaders, elders hereby confirmed with our ,_Signature our' free, prior and informed ~consent-for the inscription·of the Tin1ket · · Festival.(EthiopianEpiphany)on the _Representative·List·ofthe Intangible Cl.lltu~al Heritage ofHum~n.iti.

102 103 .·

104 105 106 107 108 109

110 f'P~"I:.1~ O~A ilhllOC (}f.~tlfl (l(lm~ A]i."f ro}].e f'DrJ .e~otl QUi\~ ~Ctl 1fC1fC (Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) m~ tiT (ll}l\~ i\4:.~ ~Ctl~1-- .'h 1JtnnU1·0 'h ~. h-t-l\J'f. f'*t1ll.-t-o·O htt:flo:fc; f;}_etryc;>1-- -t-!l:DrJ~1-- f-t-rohA 1 '1l\O(l"f uo'J'1Ph1~ J'4:.Lflar'} f'P~~1-- Ol}A r _euo11111 T J'ck (1&..1} 1--1 -t-~'l·li~1·CJ tll\~1f1llar (1.-f'Oln1 Ocf! nnLjf nnwL1-­ ~Cfl. w}].e f'DrJ _e.~(lfl :,:.ctt lfc;' Of.~tlfl 'h 1JtnnH111 ~~?""~ ;r"f11 OkCDrJ:f-..1 'h 11A~l\ 1 :: We, representatives of the various communities, groups, individuals, religious leaders, elders hereby confirmed with our Signature our free, prior and informed consent for the inscription of the Timket Festival (Ethiopian Epiphany) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. . I (JJ 1 . (Religion) (District) (signature)






~ ?>)

119 i 120 7f 1"} fT~.:~-1~ (lf}A ilh'lllC ll{!.~{lfl (l(lar A)1.."f mt},e flffJ ,e.~(l{l llU~Cf ~Cfl 1fC11C (Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) arflT llt}t\~ i\4:.~ . ~Cfl'rl· h 'J-'t~H111 h t; h·rt\.f'{!. r~11L+(l1l h~flo1,c; f;} ,ecryc;-"1' +1:inJ1' r~'(J)hA "} '1t\(l(l1' uo"}'1 P·1~ .f'4:>L(lar"} fTr4:>1' (lf}A r ,euo111·fl T .r.:t (l~l}"f"} +'llt.li'l·rCJ flt\~111llar O+(lm"} 04! uoL~ UDIP/.·1~ ~CO- (J)t},e flffJ ,e.~(l{l ~Cfl lfc;-' ll~~{lfl h "}.ftuoH1·ll P~?"'l;t-"f"}'} llkClffJ"f"} h 11A~t\ '} :: We, representatives of the various communities, groups, individuals, religious leaders, elders hereby confirmed with our Signature our free, prior and informed consent for the inscription of the Timket Festival (Ethiopian Epiphany) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.



129 ?7 130 P1'9"4:~:'f, (If} A ilhllflC fl~t;flfl floor A"f."f wiJ.e rD? .e.~ofl llU'\Cf ~Cfl 11C11C (Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) arfl1' flf}/\9" J\4:~~ ~Cfl~·1' h 1-'tfRll1111 h ~ h..-t-1\S~ r~11L"i'0"0 h~t\0 "fc; r;} .e£I?£j'l' ..-t-*0?·1' r..-rwhA "} "71\0(l"f uo"}

lD . (Sex) (Age) (Social status) (Religion) (District) (signature) fTV"£~1~ flf}t\ ilhllflC n~~fll"l (}(lm4 t\li":f. w"J,e fDIJ ,e.~(lfl llU~lf ~Cfl 11C11C (Representative

List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) m4 flT (}l}ftVO i\4>~ ~Cfl'/1~ h 'JJtunH111 h ~ h·i~ft.f~ f111L~C'l1l h~l\"":f-.'1 f;}~OIJc;1~ ~*GtJ·1~ f~wht\ "} '1ftfl(l":f. un'J'1~,1~ .f4>L(}£&"} r T vo 4> ,1~ nf} &\ r ~ un 11111 T y4: n~ lt ":f. 1 ,_,, 'llt ·li 'I~ c; fltt vo 111ll£& n~(l m 'J n4! un LJf un w L :,~ ~CO. w"J~ fDIJ ~.~(l{l ~Cfl lfCj (}~~fll"l h 'JJtunH111 ~9"9"'1 :J'"f"}"} fl&.COIJ"f"} h 11&\~lt "} :: We, representatives of the various communities, groups, individuals, religious leaders, elders hereby confirmed with our Signature our free, prior and informed consent for the inscription of the Timket Festival (Ethiopian Epiphany) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

(JJ . (District) (signature)

141 "


143 144 145

147 148 149

150 r'l'~4:.."f~ Of} A ilhCIOe o~~llti Oc't~ Ali"f wl-f.e ray .e.~oll ClUi\~ ~ell 1ie11e (Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) . ~llT (ll}fl~ i\4:.~ ~ell'J."f~ "'JJtnnH1·0 "9 hi"flfi! r~·OLi'o-o h~t\""fc; r;},eay~"-1~ i'*ay.1~ ri'whA 'J '1fl(l(l'f on"}DJp."f~ f4~L0~1 rT~4~1~ (lqA r ,enn1i1-(l T f4: (l~l}'f"} i"'llt7i'l·rc;' llfl~1i1Clro4 (li'(lm"} 04! unLJf onwL."f~ :,.eo. wl-t.e ray ,e.~(lll :,.ell lf~ Oi!~llti "1JtuoH1-o P~~'l;r'f'J'J Ot.cay'f"} "'J1A~fl 'J :: We, representatives of the various communities, groups, individuals, religious leaders, elders hereby confirmed with our Signature our free, prior and informed consent for the inscription of the Timket Festival (Ethiopian Epiphany) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

(I) (Religion) (District) (signature)

i r -1~54~+-~~~--~~~-----+, ~c\-+~~ 4-~ - > ;, ;1 ~~~155 ~. I .):> ?>

1I 156 h57 7 77 I I) 158 159

160 1-

fTSJU~T (Jf}A Ot'te& A7i.":f- rolJ,.e. ftr? ,.e.~(lll ~l\~ q~~ :,ell'I~ h 1JlooH11l flt\oomf~

fT9""4hl· nqA }lhllnc nr..~llJ-1 (l(lt& A~"f w}].e r~ _e.~(lll llU~«e ~ell 1fC1fC (Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) arllT (}'3t\~ ]lcJ~lf: ~Cll'i:,' h 1JtDDH11l h ~ h-t-t\.flf.. f~1l~-f"(l·(l h~h.,"fCJ f;}_e~~·l' -t-*~·1' f.-f'WhA "} "J(\{l(l"f ou"}"Jp:,' J14=-~0t&1 fT~cJ~:,, nqA r .eDD1f1·0 T .r«~: n~'l"f1 "''i'l7i'i:,'c; llt\9""11'1llt& n..,,(lm1 n4! on~~ onw~"l' ~c(t. w}].e rtr?.e-~(lll ~ell tf~ nr..~llP h1-'touH'1-fl P~r'l:t-"f11 n&-.ctr?:f1 h1'1A~t\1 :: We, representatives of the various communities, groups, individuals, religious leaders, elders hereby confirmed with our Signature our free, prior and informed consent for the inscription of the Timket Festival (Ethiopian Epiphany) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

CD G..,., (District) (signature)

167 168 169

170 7\clo-o-- CO ·ct1v ~ ;,-t£1'1 I c("/J ~/Id~

~ ·. •,-

r ,fr?P~·"F :fll}A - h~Q(lC Of.~lltl _ flo~ ·A]i.·:;,. _()Jll.f' .. •· rLI?~·~f'lil · (;lu_ ~lf! - ~Cll · ilc11t (Repre.sentative List · of Intangible Cultural Heritage- of Humanity) ~lltr · H4l\~ il~lf: . ~Cll~ . ~"f A1-'tnntl11l ·A~· - ·· h.rl\ff. - r,.,11L+n11 ·- h~l\~~'1 < r~ ~LI?li.·"f . ~ +*a?·~ .. . r~lQh :A ~f :· ~t\oCl:Y.. :_-ooi"?F:,' !4-t.o.or'1- ..- f1'?D~·l~ · -nqA r~aiJ1f111 tr f4: · --O~l):f'J .rf-'ll)"li'l·l.. c; lll\?':'111it~ O·rnln1 .04! UlJ/.n UlJW/.·1·:

~C(t._ ())_ ~]~ •riffJ ~~ -oil · ~e -ll trc; ·.-' nv.~lltt A1JtOIJWJ11 .,PJ?Dr'l~:"f-11. _ Okc~¥1 Ai1A:~l\1 _ -:: · - <: We~ :representatives, ofthe various communities, groups, individuals~ religious leaders; elders b~reby · confirmed with our' ~ignatu~e our:free;· prior and informed consent fdt the inscription ·of the_Tiinket · · · Festival (Ethiopian Epiphany) on t~e ~epresentat~ve Lisfofthe Intangible CulturalHef,itage.·ofHumanity. · i ·•· .'f'{. .. ' .. /» . (No).


' 174 I ! 175

176 177

·. . '\ . _. ·J - ·. , . '

.. ,fTr.crt- (II}A ilhttnc (l~~{)fl (}(}~ · A"!-1., roil.e, , r~.e-~oli HU'llf ~eh 1J_c;1fc -{Representative . List 6t Intangible .Culturai ·.. Heritage of . Hurn~nity} ~fiT {lflASJU · }tcp~ · ::,cfl'rr ~-/}JtunH11l ..h~ h"'t\.f{! f111G+ll11 _· h~t\o:f£f' - ~ r~f,OIJ~;l, . 1'!1:0?:,' r~mhA1 ·- ~t\f'l{l:f do1~ ~~ .f1Jl.OtJP1 -- fT?'-'cp:t·. (}I} A r.eunlf1"fl T .f-t . (}~I) :f"} ..-r'11)7i'l~lJ {)(\SJDll10lD" (1..-t(lm"} n«t UDG~ UD(JJ/.·l~ ::,c~ .roil.e r~ ·.e,'~oll :,ell trcr- n~~lll'l h1-'tnnH111 - ru~~'17":f11 fli.c~- :f1 · -"~1A~ - ti1 :: We,:representativ:esof the. various communities,,groups,: indi~iduals, religious leaders, elders ~ hen.~by confirmed-with our Signature our fre~, prior and informed consent·forthe inscription -bftheTirilket -. .. . . ,. . . ' .. - - . ,, Festival (~th~bpianEpiph(lny) . ontheRepresentative.Listofthe Intangible C~ltl!rafHeritage of Humanity: ..

181 182 _·.

183 184 185 186 187 188 189

190 .·. :. ' ..... :_ . :._ ·.· . .

. :f1'9"«f»:,-. . li'JIA : Otaro- .A~~ . tDIJ..e .rtr?;.e;~(lfl -·· 'Jft9" ~ · . ,+fi: ·· :tCfl~:,-. . ~_1JlooH11\ '· fal\. imtrtf~ ·. .- . :.. . ., . .-· . . ··

f1'~~~- ·- n~A ·. ilhllnc- n~~llh : noro ~ A"/l."f al'1.e- rcry .e~oll --:- Hull~ :,.ell 11l;~1c - (Represent(itive .. , List , of Intangible ·cultural ··. Heritage of · Hurrianity} t&i'i1'. · nqt\~ .-J\.:1,~ :,cfl· ~ ·,l· h J•'tol,if1~n - Xl1 ·. h,-.f\.r~. · f1,0c+011 -~- - h~l\~:fc; r~.eD?c.o·} ·-.· +!t:DY·f- 'f-tmhA 1> DJl\'Ofl:f ·~-J ·DJ P,~r . _r.:~t.naJ<.1 f'1'~4,:'t- (lf}A r.(?,uo'tf11l .. 1' Jl.:f! . ll~l) :f,'} -t.,l)7i'rl'lf _ ill\~1l1ql& (1,-.(lm '} . 04! ~l,j{ -· t!uwt.4 ~ rotl.e · ·:,ell -tfC: h 1-'tuoH1.11 _· · · h :-: · :,c~ r~,e.~o() - n~~llh~ P'~r~~"fJJ o~ctirJ"f1 11A~l\1 ~. - .. . - ...... We,·representativesofthe .. various .communities, groups,-oindividuals,· religious -leaders, •elders ,fiereby· confirmed with our =signature 'our·free; prior ·ana:·informed -consent for the inscriptiori, ofthe'Timket -: F e~tival (Ethiopi~uiEpiphany) on th~ Representative Li.stof th~ I~t~hgibl~ Culturai Herit

193 7 ,. J I 194 195 196 197 198 . 199

200 I )

,, ' .. \ ·· .... .:. ,, {, I , __..,_

--"'- f~J'~~:,_-.__. (]'}A ilhll(]C (]~~{}p (](lar Ali"f. wi-J.e f«? .e~(l{} llU'\«e ~C{} 11C11C (Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) ar{}IJ' (]'}t\~ il~~ ~C{}'rr h 1JtooH111 h ~ h'i't\J'~ r,-,11~-t-(111 h~/\o";fc; r~ .e«?liT -t-!i:OIJT r-rwhA 1 ""}(\(l(l"f. no"}""} PT .r~~(]ar'} f~J'~~:,~ (J'}A r .eoo11111 I]' .f'1: (J~I)":f-.1 -t-'i'l7i'iT'I {}(\~111llar (1-f-(lm"} (J4! OD~~ ODIP~T ~C(l. wi-J.e f«? _e~(l{} ~C{} tftj (]~~{}p h 1JtooH111 P~~'I:l'":f-.1'1 (]a{,C~":f-.1 h '11A~t\ 1 :: We, representatives of the various communities, groups, individuals, religious leaders, elders hereby confirmed with our Signature our free, prior and informed consent for the inscription of the Timket Festival (Ethiopian Epiphany) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

(JJ • I ·(Religion) (District)

201 202

203 204 205 206 207 208 ·· ~t

fT?".P-l- Cll}A ilhllOC (lf.~fltt (l(l(J}« A]!.."f w'l.e flnJ _e.~(l{l llU~lf! ~Cfl 11C11C (Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) (D«{l£f' (ll}t\9" il.P~ ~c{lr,:}-- h 'JJtnnH11l h ~ h'i't\ff. f~1lL'f'011 h~/\o".fc; f;}.eUtJli·l· --1'!/:inJ-l- fi'OJhAV}

(J). (District) (signature) ' ,,

fT~~.-.~ lll}A ilhllllC ll~~{IJ'l Cl (liD" A"fi.."f OJ'l.e fOIJ _e.~(l{l llU't«£ ~ell 11C11C (Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) iD" fiT lll}l\~ il~tt: ~Cfi'IT h 1JtuoH111 h ~ h..-t'l\.f~ f'~11L..-f"011 h~h""flf f;} .eOIJliT ..-t-*OIJ.-,-- f..-f"OJhA 1 '?l\(l{l"f uo1"J /»T .f~LlllD"1 fT~~.-.-- (ll}A r .euo1f111 T .r~ (l~lt"f1 ..-f"'llt7i'l..,--cr {ll\~111lllD" (l..-f"(lm1 ll4! uoL~ UDWLT ~eft. OJ'l.e fOIJ .e~ (l{l ~C{I lftj (J~~{lJ'l h 1.ftuoH111 F~~'l 7"f11 ll~COIJ"f1 h 11A~l\ 1 :: We, representatives of the various communities, groups, individuals, r~ligious leaders, elders hereby confirmed with our Signature our free, prior and informed consent for the inscription of the Timket Festival (Ethiopian Epiphany) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

(Sex) (Age) (Social status) (signature)

221 222 fTr~-} flqA ilhllfiC fl~~()i"J fl(lllt' A"Jf.."f (l)i]_e fUIJ .e~ (}() llU~

(l) · . . (District) (signature)

231 232

233 234 235 236 237 238 239

(.() 0/ fLf'r~:r flf}A ilhllOe n~~llfl no~ Ali."f. wlJ..e fOIJ .,e.~(lll llU'llf ~ell 11e11e (Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) orllT (ll}t\r il~lf: ~ell't:r fi 1JtuoH11l fi ~ h-1-t\.f'~ f~11l.i'011 hlf:l\.""f.~ f;} .,e01Jli1' -f'*OIJ:r f-f'whA 1 OJt\(l{l:f uo'}OJ r1-- .ecrt.Cl~1 f1'r~1' (lf}A r .,euo1f111 1' .f'4! (l~l}"f-1 -1-'tltn't:r~ llt\r111ll~ (l-T(lm1 04! uot,j{ UDLJJl.1' ~e~ wlJ..e fOIJ .,e.')(lll ~ell trt; n~~llfl fi 1Jtuo.H111 rrr't:l'"f-11 OkeOIJ"f-1 fi 11A~t\ "} :: We, representatives of the various communities, groups, individuals, religious leaders, dders hereby confirmed with our Signature our free, prior and informed consent for the inscription of the Timket Festival (Ethiopian Epiphany) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage ofHumanity.

lD (District) (signature)

2Jfl 242

243 244 245 eJ.D 246 QP 247 rJlj 248 249

250 fTr~."f- (]'}A Jlh'lOC O~i;()J"l Oot& A"fi"f mlJ.e rD? .e~ (l() 'lUtllf! ~C() 11C11C (Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) t&()T (]'}t\r J\~tt: ~C()'I:,' h 1JtooH111 h '1 h1't\f~ f-111~1'011 htt:flo"fc; f;} ,.etr'/Li."f- 1'*D?:,' f1'lDhA 1 ~(\(l(l"f oo'}crJ F-r f~l.(]t&'} fTr~."f- (]'}A f ,.eoo11111 T !4: (]~l)"f'} 1''1lt7i'l."f-CJ ()t\r111'1t& 01'(lm1 (]~ oof.n oowf.."f­ ~C~ mlJ.e fD? ,.e~(l() ~C() lfLi (]~i;()J"l h 1JtooH111 Frr'l:t'":f-11 OkCD?":f-1 h 11A~t\ 1 :: We, representatives of the various communities, groups, individuals, religious leaders, elders hereby confirmed with our Signature our free, prior and informed consent for the inscription of the Timket Festival (Ethiopian Epiphany) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

(J) (Sex) (Age) ·(District) (signature)

251 252

253 254 255 256 257 258 259 •,

rT9"~1-- (If} A ilhllfle (J~~llfl (J(l~ A"f."f lD}jf, rD? .e~oll lJU~Cf :,ell 11e11e (Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) ~llT (Jf}t\?u il~~ :,ell~,-,, h 1JtooH11l h ~ h--l't\.f~ r,.,1l~i'011 h~no"fc; r;} f,D?li1-- 1"*0?1-- ri'lDhA 1 ..Jt\(l(l":j- on'}~ F1-- .f~l.(J~'} rTr~1-- (Jf}A r f,OD11111 T.f-1: (Jt..l):f•} -T~l)·li~1--c; llt\9"111(}~ (J-T(lm'} not oo~Jf ODW/.1-­ :,c;o. (J)}].e rD? ..e~oll :,ell trli n~~{)fl h 1.ftooH11l F?"r~:r":f-11 n~cD?":f-1 i\ 11A~t\ 1 :: We, representatives of the various communities, groups, individuals, religious leaders, elders hereby confirmed with our Signature our free, prior and informed consent for the inscription of the Timket Festival (Ethiopian Epiphany) on the Representative List ofthe Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. r~J'~~r fll~A ilhClnc n~'l.{)J-1 noar Ali.."f rotJ,e rll'J,e~(l{) Clthft'f :,.c{) 11C11C (Representative List of intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) ar{)IJ' Ot}ll~ il~~ :,.c{)~~, h'}-'tooH?fl h~ h1'1lf~ r'"ffll1'o·n n~tr"f r?f.ll'Jc:'r -tLOlD·1 r'l'~r Ht}A r,eoo111r0 IJ'.f'

{)fl~111Clar n-rllmi net ool~ oowlr :,.c~ rotJ,e rll'J,e~(l{) lfc:' n~'l.{)tJ hi.«tooH?

We, representatives of the various Communities, groups, individuals, religious leaders, elders, hereby confirmed with our free, Prior and informed consent for the inscription of the Ticket Festival( Ethiopian Epiphany) on the Representative List of the intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.






7/ f'l'?"cf>r fll~ A o(lro- AJ!.":f rol'J g. fillJ .e~flil ll fl?" ll.,.tJ.: :,cil"lr h 'J.ctoo H'Hl ilfloom f:,

f'l'?"1~ fl£}A ilhflflC m~ 'l.iltJ fl(lar AJ!.":f rot"J.e fillJ .e~l'lil fltfii'\Cf :,ell 11C11C (Representative List of intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) m-il'l' WU\9" ilcf>tJ.: :,cil"lr h1~.ooH?fl h~ hTflY~ f"'fll.TI'l-fl trtJ.:f\o":f f;).eOlJc:'r Tc.I:OlJr fTmhA 1 "/flfl().":f oo'}"J ~1~ Yl.flm-1 f'l'?"cf>r flllA f .eoo11?fl '1' Y

We, representatives of the various Communities, groups, individuals, religious leaders, elders, hereby confirmed with our free, Prior and informed consent for the inscription of the Ticket Festival( Ethiopian Epiphany) on the Representative List of the intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.





281 ? 282 ~

7) "5:>

) 33 T> ) ~~SJD~.r nqA hh'ltlC tl~'l.llt- floW' Ali."f mt-t.e ~OJJ.e~oll llihl\'f ~ell 11C11C (Representative

List of intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) lD'll~ oqflSJD h~~ ~Cll.,r h1Jtuot1?1l h~ hi'fl)'~ ~~1lli'01l h~f\o"f ~'P.eOJJC:r i'cJ:O'Jr ~i'mht\ 1 '?fl(l(l"f uo"}'? ~r )'~l0~1 ~~SJD~r oqt\

~ _euo11111 ~)'cl: 06--t"\ "f"} i'.,t"\7i.,TCJ {)flSJD111CllD· tli'Offi"} tlcf! uol~ uoLPlr ~C(t- mq_e ~OIJ _e~(l{)

LfC: tl~'l.llt- fi1.ctuoH11l ~SJDSJD.,:J'"f-11 tl&,COJJ"f1 fi11A~fl"}::

We, representatives of the various Communities, groups, individuals, religious leaders, elders, hereby confirmed with our free, Prior and informed consent for the inscription of the Ticket

Festival( Ethiopian Epiphany) on the Representative List of the intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

~1'C ll~(Name of applicants) OtJ "lfl t-ce Y..l :q Social Status 286

287 ? 7 288

289 0 ..

r1'SJD+.-} flllA flll£D- AJ!..'f m2-J.e rliiJ .e~llil llftSJD ll.,.CJ: ~Cil"l.-} 'h 1JlooH1fl iltaoomr~

r1'SJD:r OllA lth'lOC O~'bilil ooor AJ!.."f rol']_e rOlj.e~oil 'liht'\'e ~Cil 11C11C (Representative List of intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) oril1' WU\SJD lt~ ~Cil"l-'r 'h1JlooH'711 1.-;: h-tftY~ ri1ll-tllfl tr~ft.. "f r;).e,Oifc;:,-. -f'LOor1 r1'SJD4>-'r fill A r .eoo11'7fl 1'.f'1' 06-l'\ 'f-1 -t'lt\ 7i'l-'r'i ilftSJD11'1'lor O-tom1 fief! ooL:&t ootPL-'r ~eo. rol'].e rOlj.e~llil lf'l fl~'bilil 'h1JlooH?fl ~SJDSJD'l:J''f-11 O&.COlj'f1 'h1'7A~ft1::

We, representatives of the various Communities, groups, individuals, religious leaders, elders, hereby confirmed with our free, Prior and informed consent for the inscription of the Ticket Festival( Ethiopian Epiphany) on the Representative List of the intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

~'l'C iiSJD(Name of applicants) ~;:r oY:UIJ. Olj"Jfit-'e ~l:&t Social Status

292 293 --- - - 294



297 ' t''l'~~:,-- fl'JA !I olD" A-p.":f (D~f,_ {~0? .e~oll ~~?o ~J+tt: ~Cil.,·l· "'}'J~ooH111 {l(\unmf~ f1"'~4,;1-. fl'}A i'thllflC OV.~rtt~ nom· All..":i· mlJ.e r(TlJ J~.V,(l{l llU'\~ o/C{l 11C11C (Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) m·{l'l' (]l}l\9u )\cJ~~ ~c{)·,:,. ~·}·(tuuH1-fl i, 1;: h--1--t\.Pf. f,..,·nt.·rO·H h~f\"":f-CJ' f';} ~lTlJIJ:r --r~:D?·1-- f"i'OJhA "} '1t\Ofl1-- ou'}'1 F ..,. .r£1Jt.(lm·'} {-hr~4J·l· (]l}A f ~UU1f1•Cl T .Pcf: Ot-'11·1 ,,,., ....n.,:t--c; flt\~1f1'laJ« 0.-r(un"} (14>. ont.~ antPt.·'~,. :,'Cf)· OJll~ fll? ~·". (l{l ~C{l lfiJ Clf.~{){l }\ "}.';.ouH1·0 PJ~'~., ;J· :f·"}"} 06-ClTlJ":f"."} h 1'1 A~t\ "}: :

We, representatives of the variour communities, groups, individuals, religious leaders, elders hereby confirmed with our Signature ou\· free, prior and infmmed consent for the inscription of the Tirr1kd Festival (Ethiopian Epiphany) on ~he Representative l_,ist of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. i

(-t'1 ~_) -f------J~--"A£:=--f-l"--'---'---"--=t---+----==------t------"" --,...~.-~~ ~.5 ~~ 3 ___..______

I f1'~+:,-- (J'}A flf'lt& A]i.."f OJI}f. fOIJ .e~f'lil 'Jl\ ,~'~~~:- ~. T~ ·~Cll'!:r --~ 1~i.uoWl11 llflunmr:, r•-r9"4:.1~ (ll}A i'thllOC (l~~ilil roll}« A]i..":f~ mite. ray _e.~(l{t llU~~ ~C{t 11C11C (Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heri~age of Humanity) cn·{tt-p (ll}t\9" J\4:~~ :,:,ctt'l:l~ h.'J.ftunWJ·fl i1

ICJ!.~~-r. '"/') ll Z:: 'f J':ZJ;; j (No) (Social status) I hv ~~~P"-1--'- ~S 3lJ. --= ... ==---!--"~"--=-'""'-'o,!--"""1 · 4~~~ s '32} I - ~ 3l1-;;-----t---'--­ ~~~---+_l_L-1-~----1-J~~~~~~ -1--'~~""""" '--t--=6~ I l !

~~~~~-~-~e~~~~~e+! ~~~~ Yr T'E AEE!S fT~~J· (J~A IUitD- A]l.":f 011J.r, fD? .r,~(ll) __ '}t\SJD ~~ .lf: _t_G_il-,T_~J~!'ooH1"fl ilt\oomf:,. fT?"cf":l-. (ll}A k~hClOC (J~~ilil (l(lar A7l1~ wtte f«? .e.•~ f'lll lllJ"iJ; ;?ell 11C11C (Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) orllT (Jl}(\.9'~ ~,ci '> tt: :,.c(l•,:r 7\ '}.:;.uoH'J·fl 7\7,: h --h\ y ~ r ,~ ·H l. -rtHl h tt: t\0 :r-.'1 r;} .e «?er.-} --r ~': U? .~,, r .-,-.. w hA 1 '? t\ on:r-. riD 1 ry F"' ·1,. .r

' (Name of appl k ~r;ts --~; ;5]!_.---ur;<;-yr (Social status) (Religion)

/ ) ·---r.'-1; ---

> rTr~T ()'}A fl(ltD- A"P."f tJJIJ.e,. rO? .e,~(lfl ,/)_~--'~,: ·~Cil'IL~J:I;.onH?11 iu\nntnr~ rT~4J."f-. (}'}A ~,hll(}C (l~~{l{l fiOOJ· A"fi1· wtt.e ray _eP,(l{l llUtl!f ~Cil 11C11C (Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) c~rfl~J' (]l}t\9" net~~ :PCfl'l:l-. ~.·;.ttunWJ·tl ~.t;: h-1--t\Jl~ r~·HL·r(l·(l h~l\.. ":flf' r;} ,eD?lJ·~· ~!·~1:0?:1-. r.rwhA '} '?t\ofl1-- on"}OJ r·:t, _ect~LOm·"i

r rt' 9" 4J :,-. (]'}A f" ,e OlJ 111·H T .r ~ : (] &-.lt "f"} 1--'! t"t "li ·,.·,-.lf' fl t\ 9" 111ll a,. (]...,-. (lln "} (] 4! on L 'If UD l.P I. ..,. ~rCO· wl-J,e f"lnJ,e.V,(l{l ~Cil lf~"i io~~ilfl h"}Jtonti1·H F?"?"'!:J--:f-."}1 fl~Clnf1"."} h"}'lt.\.~t\1 :: i We, representatives of the variou~ communities, groups, individuals, religious leaders, elders hereby confinned with our Signature ouj~ free, prior and inforn1ed consent for the inscription of the Ti1nket Festival (Ethiopian Epiphany) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

- --0 'i'~f it· P.)?:D;·­ - ';'Tf;"Yll1~. ---i

(Social status) (Religion) I

397 ~~+-398 ------~--~--~---- ~=--+----399 ------·l--+---+------~----t------l-

