0149100017 . A'l "''T1lt +-'1"'1'£ ;r+c1blf ABBA MATT_fiiAS I . CAll,\.?~ Allaor lll\ll•f"tt~i;?~;~ft he-t AAilli.AltilfDi . ... Patriarch of Ethiopia, Archbishop ofAxum, E_chegue of the See of St:Tekle Haimanot mbt;Q.1. ifOD")Ol +hi\ v~~PJcr+ Rec;u CLT I CIH I ITA Mc~\S\4;1-ff 3 ~q ( ~ot 8 Le ~ 28-A~ Ref. No. · ~ \\ \J:LI- v\~ cuo Federal,Demo~ratic Republic Eth.,.· 1¥"'~ L..._ .. _.. ·-·· ·_·q_.P_.1._... _... _.·· -·· ·-···-· · -··· ~ Date ~inistry o~ Culture. and.TQ"urism =:-::::~----~--.... ~ , Au~hority of Research & Conservation of ..;+at 'PCtM ~ ~.., Cultural Heritages ~~ · 11U: ~ Addis Ababa. 'R. nhfl+ +"):.. • " ·: m~vtb jijq~ ., ~.'te ~t- ILt , l .. - Re: Registration ·of Celebr~tion of Timket ·by UNESCO -~-------------~-.-J · It is . known that ·most of the tangible and in~allgible 'cultural, natural and historical heritages registered by United Nation Educational SCientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) b~lon :g to Ethi~pi~~ OrthodoxTewahedo Church · In· the same-ray we presented a question to th·e Authority concerning the registration of celei,Jration 9! Tiinket, which is one of the church's hlstorical and spirltuai heritages to be registered · as· one of the :intangible hei"itage by UNESCO. The Authority · gave due consideration a~d requested us to . present evidences to UNESCO, whi~h describe the · celebration·of Timket, sue~ as diffe~ent p~otos, video and written documents also petitions whi·~h t:omprise 300 signatures with· written document about historical development of celebration of Timket in Engiish and "Amharic. '')., . Based on .this, w~ have ~ttached 2 pages writte!l. ·document in English and Amharic describiiig the historical ~on tent of the celebration of Tihtk~t to~ether with· signature of p.etitions. Office of the Holy Synod Patriarchate He'ad Office Addis Ababa Fax:- 251-111-552211 E-mail: [email protected] Celebration of Timket <Epiphany> Holiday in Ethiopia Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church started to celebrate this ancient holiday of Timket (Epiphany) based on .the teaching of the Apostles, her scholars and Canon, expressing it in her ow, language. lt began to be celebrated since the reign of Ethiopian Emperor Gebre Meskel around 6th Century A.D as national holiday, on fields and at river banks. Then St. Lalibela who constructed holy places, churches and unified state with priesthood (state and church) in 1140, proclaimed that this holiday should not be celebrated in scattered or decentralized way but all churches in the surrounding area should join together to go to the place of Timket (baptism) water and spend the night celebrating the holiday. Accordingly, in 1426 Emperor Zerayacob after looking at the program of the celebration prepared by· the scholars gave further instruction that the replica of the Arc of the . Covenant should march to the river on the Eve of Timket) on Tir 10 (January 19) but not to return Qn the same day and should walk on foot blessing the country. Based on the decision of the scholars of the church and the kings, the faithful on the eve of Timket (Epiphany) called 'Keter~· go to the chosen river side jointly clear the area where replica of the Arc of the Covenant rests and collect water to make a dike to create water for Baptism. Then they accompany the replica of the Arc of the covenant to the J prepared place singing, applauding and dancing (religious movement). From that time till ~oday Timket (Epiphany) is celebrated in this manner jointly on Tii' 10-11 (Jan. 19-20). Present day celebration of Timket <Epiphany> Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church being the oldest Apostolic and historical church with organizational structure consisting of SO dioceses in all corners of Ethiopia with thousands of priests, deaco,ns and parish churches has the biggest share (in membership) in the countries population as compared to other religious institutions. This structure and membershipreaches internationally almost to all other parts of the world·giving all kinds of the serviCes of the church including the celebration of Timket (Epiphany1 which makes it internationally famous. The origin of the colourful celebration of Timket {Epiph,any) emanates from the origin of Christianity in Ethiopia which goes back to the 1st Century A.D as mentioned in Acts of ' . the Apostles (chap.8:26-40) when the spirit of God instructed Apostle ·Philip, one of the 72 pupils and of the seven deacons, to go to Gaza and meet the Ethiopian Eunuch who was consequently bapti:zed by Philip. This way Christianity was introduced to Ethiopia, th~t is, through the Eunuch. H~rice it is believed that Christianity was accepted by the people around AAum and the surroundh'ig area, in Northern Ethiopia until the coming of Frumentius who later became the first bishop of Ethiopia. Then Christianity became the official and state reiigion of Ethiopia and its expansion continued. As it is known and believed, humankind is born in flesh from his mother and father and from God he shall be born in Spirit through baptism. ..,.-· ~~- ·· · ~11.'!.\~ Re~"u CLJ I CI H . ITH '1=H .• .." ' 'iN-. "'"i:·:A· '! • . 'l .~ . ....,.~.. ·: ..?"' \ ~- · --- ~ ...•~ • ,.,...,.~ ~;-)"' . 1 Le~~~~~;3J ~ ..;!~ '' > Ne ....... J/0.7: . .. .... ........ ·· '""'~· d..., / ,/"' The literal meaning of the word Tirnket (Epiphany) is to be washed by water, to submerge, dipped, to be soaked and to sink in water and this basically signifies being cleanse~. Also in order to be a Christian and live in it one has to be born again by baptism. The celebration of Timket {Epiphany) goes beyond its religious meaning by contributing to the growth of human culture, Art, fine Art, togetherness, mutual respect, tourist attraction and image creation etc. Timket {Epiphany) is celebrated allover Ethiopia accordi~g to the faith and dogrna of the church and to·the tradition, language and geographical location or situation. In Ethiopia major centers of celebration of Timket {Epiphany) are:- • .. in Addis Ababa - Jan Meda in Gondar - t~e swimming pool of Emperor Fasil in Axum - Myshum in Debre Roha St. Lalibela Vohanes (Johanes) Amba Getergie Bahre Timket, (pool of Timket) with great f$stivity The Legacies of Timket CEpiphanyl Celebration of Timket {Epiphany) by being together and by all people regardless of ethnic, language, nation, nationality differences. The holiday creates occasion for showing and learning different customs, culture, national costume, hand craft, Ethiopian poems, rhythm, music etc. Continuation of the celebration by the youth without distortion of faith, dignity and tradition. The growth of the holiday to be more and more glorious and bright from time to time without never being blurred or vague. Its attraction for international and local tourists. -. Being model or example for long walk (in mass) that results to physical strength, which also is example of prevalence of peace. Summary The celebration of Timket (Epiphany) Holiday which is related to the introduction of Christianity to Ethiopia and that began to be celebrated as official holiday since the reign of Emperor Gebre Meskel in the 6th Century have been celebrated by the church for the last 1500 years around Timket water (pool of Timket). In order to maintain the historical, cultural and religious value of Timket and pass it for the next generation, we genuinely request the recognition and registration of Timket (~piphany) by UNESCO among the intangible heritages of the world keeping its basic and historical significance, keep it for human generation and historiCal record. 2 1\ll "''Tfil +-'IOIJ'e :r-rc.rch ABBA MATTHIAS I Ch{l it:J') ~~4-l- Hl\.-l-f"ttf: Patriarch of Ethiopia, Archbishop of Axum, tt+ ~~ll Hllttll9D: Echegue of the See of St. Tekle Haimanot ali)Q~ &IP'tOl Thl\ '/~11'7'i-l- I Re~u CLT I CIH I ITH _,(J#.tu-)_:s2.q !2JJ_jj] Ref.N. 1 Le 1-3 AVR. 2018 I .,., 2 ~ ~ ~ J o cu- No ........... 0.-1&................. .. Date nctuA'I i:t119" Olf.'l.ili:C 1\:,.cil 'I''IT'i 1'0.4' fli\J»AfiJ1 hJlil hnct h,r}\"~'.f' (1-f'Clfi~."f~ OD'}<YJt»;f'."f· rl'\,e '}{\ rrrUCr rfiUt\ D'i6ht\ /V.'I.{l'flf fl(\(1)· t\Jtf roi-J,e rhfiC OD1111l hil{lODti?O;f:fro- OCI-J;f' -t~lf'C'illfCJ ;f't}}lf CIUI\lf rOtJ.~oo-c; rDli,e~oo- :,.cfl"f ODI-Jht\ ~,fltJ<19J~ 00.-t hCiltf~ r01J.1~ ODtfCJ:fro· .e:rm:J>t\:: Otl.rr l.1Y: 0.-t· hCiltf~ 1-J'). :,~ OCI-J;t' ;t'ti-JlfCJ lJ f,Dlic:':t'lf :,.c(l"f ODI-Jht\ rlf'9"4'r not\ ilhCIOC Oil. :,~r-~·.e nDll.e~oo- :,.cfl"f (Untangeble Heritage) 1\ Dli {l no111ft Clll~ (!)- a, OD r (l:,. c {l I}' C) r c; 1}'0 :J> Cl llt» t\ ill"} If' .e <f:(JJ· 4'C (l rCII\ !» t\ ill1 OD~» t .e o..P ll?- ~v. A v. :,~ ~ t. :,~ n oo ll m:,~ ll v.., ll'rl r Dli. 4'C n- r If'?" 4'r no A'} r OIJ.1 A a­ t\ V. t\ V. rt:::.Y.: rit~ V.CJ r~ ,n.~ ODl.1{9J"f h "}~ l!-9" ht\V. t\ V. }1}}1\r h300 Oi\,e r ftl r &.CD'~ Y: :J~ /'Ct 7i1/ h 1~tt.:J~ o.mr:,. O'PCJ'Ir?" llV. 'l.{l'fl hOIJ.i\hm· lP'I Y:CJ ~{lt.~ ;JC ill\ OOfl. nODiTIIJ'CJ ;f'ti-J'f th.Y.r lJ·llr 1~ OnD'IC<1CJ Oh'}"?t\ 11~ •.I(}<J: -ttt;J:e:·.Y. h1~.4'Cfl9" -tm.e<J:A:: nlf'.e<~:ro- ODlPt...,· rlf'?".,...,. not\'} ;t-ti-Jlf ,en:,· rOtJ..el'l.e rrfl:,~ 1'1t' ?t'th-~ Oi1Dl~Ci1CJ flh1"?t\ 11~ h1~.u·r r-ttt;J:e:ro- Tt7i1 &.CD'~ Oti.U roo7it1 Y.fi~O.
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