Do Marco Polo Argali Ovis Ammon Polii Persist in Pakistan?
Do Marco Polo argali Ovis ammon polii persist in Pakistan? H USSAIN A LI,MUHAMMAD Y OUNUS,JAFFAR U D D IN R ICHARD B ISCHOF and M UHAMMAD A LI N AWAZ Abstract The distribution range of the Near Threatened Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan; Heptner et al., ; Schaller, Marco Polo argali, or Marco Polo sheep, Ovis ammon , ; Petocz et al., ; Schaller et al., ; polii is restricted to the Pamir Mountains, spanning Fedosenko, ; Habib, ; Schaller & Kang, ). Afghanistan, Tajikistan, China and Pakistan. Until the Throughout its range it is restricted to sparsely vegetated early s the Marco Polo argali was abundant in northern high-altitude environments (,–, m) with harsh cli- areas of Pakistan, particularly in the Khunjerab and matic conditions (Schaller et al., ; Roberts, ). Misgar Valleys around the Pamir Knot, bordering China, In Pakistan, the Marco Polo argali was reported historic- Afghanistan and Tajikistan. In Pakistan the subspecies ally from only three sites in the extreme north-west of Hunza now occurs only in one small watershed, in Khunjerab District in Gilgit-Baltistan (Schaller, ;Hessetal.,; National Park, bordering China, which it visits sporadically Roberts, ); retrospective studies have shown that these during summer. We used map-based questionnaire surveys, valleys were once home to sizeable populations. Roberts double-observer surveys and camera trapping in a search for () quoted the Mir of Hunza’s estimate of , Marco Marco Polo argali in the Pakistani Pamirs. We observed a Polo argali in Khunjerab National Park. Clark ()reported herd of individuals in Karachanai Nallah, in Khunjerab the sighting of male Marco Polo argali by an American National Park, in .
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