T he Courier-G azett

VOI.iMK 19. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER IS 1894 f- ntured »■ Second Claas 41 all Matte*.

is Gilbert D. I’arshley, 91 years of age, and as I PERSONAL POINTS, Education & Employment LOCAL LACONICS. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest active a man as thcrc is in Dexter today. All I his bodily and mental faculties are preserved 1 Casual References to People More or Less Wei Mailers Trivial and important Dished Up In intact and he keeps fully abreast thc times. 1 Known in this Immediate Vicinity, Abbreviated Form for Home Use. He Visits Some of the Pretty lie is a relative <;f Rev. J. H . Parshlcy of Misi G. Louise A*yers is in New York ami this city and expects to visit heretiis fall. will pass the winter there, studying millinery Probate court is in session today. Bal Portions of Maine. designing------Rev. John E. Cummings, a re­ The Claremont House is to be lilted up for “ Looks natural!” said a Rockland man in turned missionary and a Colby graduate of the stcarn heat. the office of the Exchange, pointing to a class of ’84, was in this city Monday V>f last COMMERCIAL Dexter and Some of Its Attractive Envi­ Work on the Beech street extension was Powi case of cigars in which thc popular “E. W.” week cn route for Bangor. He had been in ronments—Tales of Trontlng That concluded last week. About 20,000 casks of manufactured in Rockland, occupied a con­ attendance on the Lincoln Association meet­ Read Like Romance— A Day on Big rock have been blown out and a sewer laid Absolutely pu r spicuous place. Indian Pond and a View of St. Albans ings in Tenant's Harbor------Rcv. Chester through the ledge. -Tales anti Local History. Savage, who has been visiting his parents, OUTLOOK. THE BUILDER? If. A. Blethen, jeweler, is one of the promi­ Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Savage, this city, returned In the window of Sullivan Brothers store nent business men of Dexter. Mr. Blethen to North Stonington, Conn., Tuesday.------arc two handsome Hubbard squashes weigh­ Bath must be a dry town, there are so many Two New Cottages for Bay Point— At. Roopons September 4th. OUNDABOUT re­ from 1856 to i860 worked with Simeon Frank B. Bass will soon move his family to ing shout 25 pounds each, raised by James fires there. House and Other Building Notes. Sullivan at his Ash Point farm. cently made a sojourn Blood of Rockland, who then did business Brunswick where Mr. Bass has an excellent A thorough nnd practical course or study In Two Arctic expeditions have returned. in Dexter and found corner of Sea street and Main, where the position. II. C. Day & Co. arc repairing a boiler for The Bay Point Hotel Co. has sold two' They found lots of ice hut didn’t cut any. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND, many things of inter­ Thorndike Hotel office now is. Mr. Blethen J. Frank Bickmorc of Denver, Colo., who the works of the Bodwell Granite Co. at near the h-!<*1 t ' J. Richards-.n of Elmii est in and about that has very pleasant recollections of Rockland Jonesboro and are getting out apparatus for P rnm rlne, ynimu |>«n|>ln ip I iim tlio lr ow n llvlni?. is visiting his old home in Tenant’s Harbor, China has bought half of Chili’s navy and N. Y., and Dr. L. D. Shepherd of Boston IinliYi'ltiiil instruct ion: imJltlons fo r pupils; experi­ busy town. Dexter is and some of its older citizens. the new Shaw and Tibbetts quarry. enced teachers. Our record of has been making a sojourn in Camden the thc Gardiner Journal suggests that some Mr. Richardson has contracted with the W. a place of some 3000 5 4 YEARS AND 29,000 PUPILS past week. Mr. Bickmorc will remain east A Rockland man who owns an orange with capital keep a good navy to let. IF Glover Co. for a $5000 house resembling inhabitants, the chief O. A. Kalloch, formerly of this city, father during thc month of September------Patrick grove in Florida was pleased last week to the Crockett cottage, but somewhat larger. Speaks for itself. 1'rnspectat freo by mall or at of C. M. Kalloch of the Rockland Trust Co., source of employment being a number of Moran arrived home Wednesday from a trip learn that an electric railroad was being built The 28th national convention of thc Grand It will contain eleven rooms besides bath­ was at one time clerk of thc Exchange Hotel mills which have been steadily in operation to Shenandoah City, Penn., where he visited along past his property thereby adding sever­ Army was held in Pittsburg, Ba., last week, room, and work will begin at once. E . F . ami resided in Dexter with his family. Many COMERS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, all through the past months of business de­ relatives. Rev. Preston A. Smith has been al thousands of dollars to its value. and had a nost enjoyable session. There was Glover is the architect. Dr. Shepherd will Dexter people remember them. Dr. W. V. build as soon as his plans are completed. 666 W ashington St., cor. Beach, pression. Thc products of these mills have a obliged by ill health to give up his position as Some time ago E. J. Clifton added to Tin: a large attendance. Danse m of this city was horn in,Dexter, his The W. IL Glover Co. commenced last week national reputation. pastor of the Hartland, M. E. Church, and is C.-G’s collection a piece of wood and a nail BOSTON, MASS. father, Rev. L. L. Hanscom, being pastor of ou a two-and-a-half story house at Ash Point taking an enforced vacation. from the old Bebington church, Cheshire,Eng. I he World’s Food Fair will be held at the Methodist church at the time. for A. II. Hurd. Alden Hayden is boss------Dexter is very prettily situated in a lively II. (.'.Day returned Wednesday from a Last week he received a picture of the old Mechanic’s Building,Boston,Oct. 1 to Oct. 27, region.and the residents as they pass to and fro business trip to Boston. The W. S. Richardson house at Tenants H ar­ The Eastern Gazette is Dexter’s newspaper, church and cemetery. A tree grows in the under the auspices of thc Boston Retail Grocer’s from home to shop and from shop to home Prof. A. T. Crockett and wife are guests in bor is closed in and the chimneys are built and a most interesting, enterprising and church steeple. Association. There will he many novel and have an opportunity to appreciate the ups and Bangor of Mr. and Mrs. II. IL Williams ------The new school-house. Lincoln street, public-spirited journal it is. Bunker & War The residents of Purchase street are com­ interesting exhibits. T l downs of life. They will he absent several weeks and will will be completed in February------An ex­ l i e s © ren, editors and proprietors, are smart men, plaining of the unsafe condition of its sidewalk, take in Moosehead the while------Henry Bird Steamers of the Boston & Bangor line leave* tension is being made by E. II. Lawry to the alive to the needs of their section, and the which 13 more holy than righteous. School The town has a beautiful cemetery prettily and John T. Berry, 2d, have returned to Rockland and Boston daily except Sunday house on Masonic street occupied by H . I. generous patronage accorded them is due in is now in session, regiments of children pass located on a high hill overlooking the town. Peekskill Military Academy------William Thc Mt. Desert goes down Tuesdays, Thurs' Hix------The upper story of the nothern great measure to their push and ability. to and fro over the walks, and it would seem The soldier’s monument, a stately and beauti- Glover does not re-enter Peekskill, but has days ami Saturdays and returns Mondays. wall of Granite Block is being rebuilt. that repairs or a new walk are in order.: lul structure, is located in the cemetery, but is Wednesdays and Fridays. The Leonard house on Edwards street is Silver Lake is a beautiful sheet of water, entered the employ of the W. II. Glover Co. soon to be moved to a spot which is being Wilson Block is undergoing slight repairs being rebuit------J. J. Veazie moves into his S M o w is "he T im e several miles long, at the outlet of which the ------Mrs. M. A. Tate of Roxbury has been graded near the public library in thc center of ------“No fishing allowed in this pond” was ( hina isn’t in it with Japan in this fighting new house, ( >range street, this week. lie busy town is located. A steam launch, Capt. visiting friends in this city------Marcus Carroll T o B u y r i o u r the town. This public library is a beautiful and Chas. K. Schenck, who have been spend­ the sign above a puddle in front of Sullivan business, and we suspected it all along. has a very pretty home. ' "S^. Witherell, skims the placid waters at so much seen thc Japs in the circus and they structure of granite, highly ornamented, and ing the Summer in this city, the former as Bros, store the other day. Mischievous boys Sherman, Glover & Co., are building a At cut rate* f.,r not Mu; hut coldhl cash. Mv tw< a skim, and takes sight-seers and camp are very smart, and can do all sorts ol things. hie m s . tiny- have b /. a «|.-thlcl is a gift to the town from Mr. Abbott, one of assistant rector at the Episcopal church, have did it------Sleeper Bros, are making a big $1400 house off Cedar street for a Mr. Clark, Waldheim, a beautiful little cottage city at The Chinese had better stick to the laundry lot) I Flour tt’i-s sold li m onth. My prominent mill owners of the place. returned home------Miss Helene Emery has metal gutter to ruin thc whole length of and have the Clarence Thomas house in the ambition 1 to i m outh. My the head of the lake. Cook’s Island, near business. ►tore Is to l <• p i.i • addition has returned to Wheaton Seminary, Newton,Mass. Crockett Block,in the rear. same locality ready to plaster. They are also already been built blng business. Waldheim, with its dance hall, bowling There are many stirring business men in Frank Kennedy ami family have returned to A stranger had a narrow escape from ser finishing up a new house at Seal Harbor for «• to h.- moved alley, etc., is a favorite resort of the populace. There are whist players who believe that •tlin it tint follow ing « ut the town, a large number of beautiful homes 1 all River------II. De F. Smith, principal of ious injury at Tillson wharf, Wednesday. He Mr. Meservey and one at the head of Rail­ T he lake and its environments are very at­ memory was invented about the time that the >ffen and well equipped business houses. 'The the Lincoln Street Grammar school,spent the fell off the side of the wharf near thc Collins road wharf, this city, for William Daly. tractive. rules for hyper-modern leads were framed. vacation just closed at his home in Gardiner establishment. Luckily the big lobster car II. It G M •ifniiiccnt 1’ionr, gunuine...... $4.25 t >w:Ws savings institution and national bank About a century ago there was an Alderman STILL CLIMBING. Genuine White Fro-t Flour...... *.00 are in the same building, on the second floor Prof. Harry Landes of Worcester, the was several feet from the wharf, so that the S to rrr's lt.-.t Flour ...... 8 75 Roundabout with friend/ drove over to of London, and his name was Sawbridge- new principal of the High School, and wife, man splashed harmlessly into the water instead I’i.i f a- . ' B I-1 ...... 4.75 separated by a partition. It was in thc vault Big Indian Bond one day for some fishing When the last card of a deal was about to be The Chicago Herald of Sept. 11 contains Finest Wiut r Wheat, patent mmlo ...... 4.15 have quarters at Claremont Hotel for the of breaking his neck on thc car------Garden the followi ng regarding a well known Thom­ Ft. Louis Roller...... '{ 5o between the two banks that Mr. Barron, Big Indian Pond is a somewhat stumpy sort played, says Miss Laetitia-Matilda Hawkins, (All these Flours are watranted.) present------Miss Grace Crockett, who has thieves are now busy and people with gardens cashier of the savings bank, was murdered, a of a place with the pretty village of St. Sawbridge remarked—and can you not see aston young m an: lb pounds Good Klee...... $1.00 been a guest at Mrs. R. C. 11 all’s, left last should let loose thc dog. “E. J. Henry has been appointed western Finest Gold Eh pliant <'In a. <• < cant flavor 5"c crime for which Stain and Cromwell are Albans cosily nestling at its. head. The fish­ his facial expression of provoking superiority— Finest Formosa < lolotig Tea, no preH nt...... 35u week for Charlestown. freight agent of the Lehigh Valley Road, vice serving life sentences in Thomaston prison. ing was not of the best, but a few perch and The city committee on streets had a hear­ “It is singular that the four fives should come A Fine L t of Small P« > l e a n s ...... 65c per pi ck Chas. L. T horndike of Chelsea, Mass., is That Fancy Molasses still holds on at 32c per guilt n Roundabout went into thc vault and the cir­ pickerel, a number of hornpout, a big eel, ing on the acceptance of Ulmer street by the together.” On playing the round, it appeared W. S. Spiers, resigned. Mr. Ilenry stains Fairbanks* Best Lard, 10 Ib pall...... 9(ic the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sullivan the western agency of the Lehigh Valley^BBf* 5 lbs. Best t ilifornla Kai-ins...... 26c cumstances of the terrible tragedy were ex­ several sun fish, etc., were caught. Dinner city Wednesday. None of the abuttors ap­ indeed that every one of the party held a Best Cream Tartar, any kind ...... 28c per lb. plained by one of the bank officials. Among was eaten in the boat, the meal being en­ Misses Katherine and Bessie Lawry peared to object, and the street will be con­ lines. The appointment was effected yester» Best Let-dinm Citron ...... 20c per Ib. five.—Boston Journal. Best Waslnd Currants...... 3 lbs. for 25c the officers of the bank the belief is still cur­ livened by anecdotes from one of the party, are at Springs----- C. A. Coombs, structed. This is an urgent case. The Stan­ day.” B«st New G iro n s ...... 35c per peck the well known railroad man, has been dard Oil Co. plant is located thereon and is Best lliu n s...... 14c per Ib. rent that Barron committed suicide, hut to an who told about a successful fisherman of his Best Kio Colfee...... 25c per 1 It. outsider who visits the scene of the tragedy acquaintance who bit in two the worms he the guest the past week of Major Geo. greatly bothered by lack of ingress and egress. Comptroller Eckles says: “ I think that Best N utm egs...... 2'-e pui.q Ib., 75c. per lb. and hears the story told the suicide theory used for bait, until he caught a perch when W. Kimball----- Miss Helen York has returned It will not necessarily prove an expensive job the country i§ entering upon a decided era Oe-Iu fa-t, wear.- full of 1'amiins. Call and seems wildly extravagant. Mrs. Barron and he bit off a portion of the nape and used that. from a visit to Ellsworth----- Miss Ada Pur- and should be done as soon as possible. business prosperity. The advices we her son Wilson, who have lived in Dexter ington and daughter Ada have returned to received from the various banks in C. Z. TVTTX.E, ever since the occurrence, have recently moved A queer story is told regarding the funeral their home in Brooklyn. THE STEAMBOATS. the United Stales confirm this view, and if to ( )runo, where the son has just entered of a well known citizen up that way. There Mrs. John May returned last week from anything more were needed to prove it, the 306 Main Street, It is rumored that thc Boston & Bangor Maine State College. Mrs. Barron is a most were two funerals the same day, and conse­ her trip to Boston------Miss Netia Kimball fact alone that none of the banks are reducing SPEAK BLOCK. NK III PARK STREET Co. will build a new boat next season a dupli­ estimable lady, and the son a young man of quently two graves. The undertaker got has been visiting in Union, the guest of Miss their circulation would seem to show that they The best Smoking t cate of the City of Bangor, and will then only paw high attainments and lofty character. rattled with the magnitude’of his undertaking Bachelder------Miss Mary Donohue of Boston expect an increase in the volume of business, run two boats. The idea will be to have I Oh Loving Bride, and g*-t the graves mixed, putting No. 1 into has been visiting Mrs. Chas. Kirk------Miss otherwise they would cut down their circula­ ‘ Tobacco on earth is ( No. 2*s grave. Lucie Winslow is visiting friends in Lowell each boat run to Bangor and return at once, tion in order to escape taxation as much as In and about Dexter are many lakes where > the bTo Be Content, and vicinity, after which she goes to Ports­ leaving Rockland in the morning,for example, possible. The country is like a very sick man, fish of all kinds do congregate, while the A well known figure to ,those who travel mouth, N. IL, for the season------Mrs. for Bangor, arriving back here the same even­ and will recover slowly, but the convalescence Insist Upon “ Magnificent’ nearness to Moosehead tempts many a Dexter over the Dexter railroad branch is that of Jonathan Howard and daughter Nina of ing, en route for Boston. will be none the less sure and certain.” The Fairest Flour that ever Blossomed disciple of Walton away from home. It was Conductor Owensjwho has been on the road on the Family Table or Gladdened Jacksonville are visiting Mrs. Lucy Colson, Roundabout’s goodffotunc to meet one of the ever since it was opened. It is said that The boat agent at Hampden has a trained the Heart ol Hungry Alan. Shaw Avenue------John T. Roberts of Aroos­ I'he forest fires in Michigan, Wisconsin and best* known fishermen and hunters in that some one made an application for a position dog who helps pull in the lines. On the took has been visiting at Roscoe Staples’, Minnesota have appalled the country by their ‘Tin Sailor’i Happy the Cook section, and so he returns home stored full of on the branch and that Mr. Tucker said that arrival of the boat he is always on the watch, Spring street. fierceness, extent, and destruction of life and information. A fishing party at Moosehead, “Owens owns that road; you’ll have to see and takes hold of the lines when they are Whose Pantry Contains Mrs. C. J. Jones and Miss Helen Jones property. We of the east probably have but ! not many weeks ago, went out at nine a. m., him.” Mr. Owens is 71 years old, but is an thrown,seldom one. It is being adver. Xy have been guests the past week of Mrs. Lucy a feeble comprehension of the ferocity of a and returned before dinner with 414 pounds able railroad official just the same. E. Metcalf, Camden street------Mrs. J. E. forest tire, but the record of a week has en­ ' of trout. There were nine in the party. The Bluehill & Ellsworth steamers entered ; tised by the -pis Doherty and Miss Martha Pratt went to New lightened all too fully. Villages wiped out in THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. on the fall arrangement Friday. The Catherine York last week------Mrs. George C. French almost no time, trains of cars surrounded and ' of tin sailors in theT is to make three trips a week, leaving Rock­ 'I'he sportsmen up Moosehead way are Books Have Been Bough! and Will Soon Arrive— and children have returned to their home in almost destroyed, human beings by the score land Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and , plugs. Save twelve* ' looking for great sport the coming season. Work on Iho Rooms Progressing. Minneapolis------Mr. and Mrs. C. Vey Hol­ hemmed in and burned beyond recognition, Twenty-three deer were seen recently in one Ellsworth Monday,’ Wednesday ami Friday, 'tin sailors and get a< The public library rooms in Spofford Block man have returned from a week’s Moosehead are facts which make a picture horrible and day near Russell Lake, and from all portion connecting with the Boston steamers. arc rapidly approaching completion. They trip----- Miss Kittie Nixon has returned from almost beyond belief. And heroes have been ; pound free. All the i ■ of that region come reports of great numbers her Portland visit------Miss Lilia Moulton of made in the midst of it all, heroes who faced have been calsomined and papered and will Steamer Frank Jones now leaves Rockland j of deer. Stockton Springs has been the guest the past , , , , , , , . , . . . . death for others with an abandon worthy of ’ stores have it. John ■ look fine. Some 1500 books have been bought . , <• , ,1 Wednesdaysednesdays and Saturdays Sat and arrives Mon J THE BEST FLOUR ON EARTH. and will soon be here. Additions to this week of Mrs. R. II. Burpee------Capt. Henry I 7 7 the worshipped Spartans of ancient story. ' Dexter at one time had a terrible scare. lays and Thursdays. 1 llird Company are the ; ? Demand It of your Grocer. number will be constantly made. A kind Pearsons and family have returned from J Accept no imitation or bubstitute. One of its cemeteries was frequented^ liy a friend has donated Jh e ^library a number of Crescent Beach where they have been spend­ ’ Wholesalers very active ghost, which was seen dodging Steamer Rockland came ofi the Bangor The farmers of the west are feeding wheat books of Emerson and Carlisle. Other friends ing the summer at Cottage Lookout----- E. K. 5 Cobb, Wight & Co., agents. in and out among the grave-stones accom­ route Saturday and will be put in readiness to cattle because it is cheaper and more plenti­ to - a}! a- of the library will be doing a very pretty thing Gould wife and A. Pressey have returned panied by a weird, mysterious light. Occas­ for the winter’s business. The Rockland is a ful than other fodder. This fact signifies Even broken IniirniinlKlit lninmk in following this thoughtful example. from their outing at^Iathorn’s Point, Cushing good as new. ionally doleful groans would be heard. Tene­ very convenient boat and everything aboard much to the farmers of the east. It is dis­ Could they be luended I he library is to be free with no charge for ------Mrs. E. B. Miller ip visiting her old home with 1‘agv «* . ments in the vicinity of the cemetery were is run in lirst class shape. couraging fur the eastern farmer to attempt to books, 'fakers will be obliged to furnish re in Columbia Falls------Alva1, B, Clark was in abandoned and panic reigned. At last a few raise wheat and expect to make money under Every other ferences. T he library will be open Monday, Cottage City last week to attend the funeral o f bold spirits investigated, and found a poor old The past season Knox County has had such conditions. There are other products Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, and his father------Miss Henrietta Royer who has man with a lantern, mumbling to himself and some of the finest baseball that has been for which the farmers of the east can find BREAKAGE Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. been a guest at A. D. Bird’s returned to her hunting fora halter which he had left there played in the country, but the only paper out­ markets close at hand and the wise course is about the house has a sure remedy The trustees have been very fortunate in home in Germantown, Pa., last week. some weeks before. He worked day time side the local publications that has had enter­ to accept the situation and act accordingly, securing Miss Nancy I. Burbank for librarian. Mrs. Fred L. Kent of Ellsworth has been without any heating or bother. and came out there nights to hunt for his prise enough to report them has been the instead of persisting in old methods which Year before last Miss Burbank attended the the guest of Mrs. S. Lord. is a liq u id g l v , a l­ lost property. Boston Globe. were all right some time ago, but which do Le P a g e ’s School of Library Economy in Amherst, C. Frank Jones and bride, nee, Ermina ways ready to apply with a brush not meet the conditions of the present day. Mass., and since that time has been making Greenlaw, arrived here Tuesday evening, and that is one great advantage; another Dexter is a very fortunate in having a lirst- YE HOSTELRIES. Milk, butter, eggs, Jruit, poultry, vegetables, The S a lt a close study of library work ami is well are guests for the present of Mr. and Mrs. Ga­ class hotel, the Exchange, (). E. BlaclSlcn etc., are apt to pay the eastern farmer better is th a t Le P a g e ’s is a sure sticker equipped for the position. She has visited var­ len E. Hix, Grange street. They will go to proprietor and landlord. The Exchange is a The Season at Bay Point and Its Success— About than thc grain staple. and a slow dryer, giving you time to ious libraries and studied their systems. housekeeping in the Aaron Howes residence, That’s A ll Salt modern house. He took charge of the Ex­ The Bangor House and Its Personnel maid*edges carefully. The trustees of the library and the librarian Knox street. A host of friends warmly wel­ Is thu holt every one should use. The im ­ change iu 1891, buying out Asa Spooner. He Grand Master Workman Sovereign ex­ purities in the other kinds uuelee«,o/ The United S tates uses Le Page's (ilue are under great obligations to l’rof. George T. come them to the circle of Rockland’s mar­ The Bay Point Hotel dosed the season, course, but dangerous also. The lime, made an entire change in the lirst door, re­ presses himself very plainly on the subject of especially, Is thu cause of much kkluey in th e Government at^ena/s, the National Mn- Little of Bowdoin College for assistance of ried couples. Wednesday morning, and the last guest de­ novated the second, equipped the house with strikes as follows: stum, and the Patent Office ; — you ought t at the first alx-lighv and ucu-ahaurbunt bux. TAS Shaw : s : ; : College visiting in this city. step into the Bangor House, Bangor, and see T he whole force from the genial, stirring, Hospital. Since that time 260 operations opportunity. The fuel that salt b cheap Is no rvaaoa i-'orlland. Me,, aenHo any address. R. A. Crie and wife are away on a carriage j so many familiar faces. There are H. C. and why you should not havu pure salt W x. LH-^'V. - PRIN£1PAL hard-working proprietor down are painstak­ have been performed. Good record for oue “Another thing, all strikes are illegal, and ▲sk for Diamond Crystal, give it a fair drive across eouuiry.------J. E. Rhodes 2nd, Harry Chapman, Louis Karpenstein, Edward trial. Write us for Anther particulars. ing and courteous, and a sojourn iu the house year! all strikers are criminals. We cannot hope FARM FOR SALE. T. Raymond Pierce and Ralph Wiggin left Biggius, Frank Richardson and J. M . Small Our Dairy Halt is the stauilard of ex- is in every way pleasant ami profitable. Mr. Samuel Grinnell, who has been at the hos­ to accomplish much by strikes. It is from CuJluucv, and no butler uoakur ahuuld Thu farm known u» thu Guilford Ft. Clair farm, Saturday for Brunswick where Mr. Rhodes to be found there,and it seems just like Rock- Lu Wllhoul IL AddruM •ituuivd In Went Itoukporl, <>o thu hit. Pleasant Blackdeu is president of the Maine Hotel As­ pital for some months,where he hail one of bis study and education and the wise use of the road about ouu and oou-hulf mlh-a from thu P. O. enters upon his second year and the other laud. And its fine service you get there, too 0IAM0NU CRYSTAL SALT CO.. ut South Hope. £uid farm uonUina 7U ucruo well sociation and is popular with every body. He legs amputated as the result of a runaway acci­ two become Freshmen. Rhodes and Pierce power that is placed in their ^hands through SCI , Mith. a i sided into Ullage, woodland and pasturage, three Uvlng springs iu posture, well of never fulling signs his name “O(wing) E(vejy) B(ody).” dent,left Monday of last week for his home in will room together at No. 39 Winthrop Hall, The fight between Corbett and Jackson has the ballot that working ineu must hope for wuiur uear uouau. Will hu sold ut u bargalu. • Clarinda, Iowa. Before leaving he presented been declared “ofi.” No one knew that it relief from the conditions of which thcyjjustly Turin* easy. Apply ou thu piuuiiaua of 1£. (J. bred Glover and S. G. Andros left for Bruns­ FT. CL A lii, Bo. Ilopu, Maluu. IV A well kuown figure in the town of Dexter he hospital a 1 arge cluck. wick yesterday. was “ou.” complain.” A. Leach and Miss Lena R. Hodgkins, two entertained friends Friday evening at her of our young people. Mr. Leach is employed home on Pleasant street. Refreshments and in the cloak department of W. O. Hewett’s music----- Miss Susie Roosen gave a party at The autumn session of the Grand Lodge o [ FULLER X, COBB. store, and Miss Hodgkins is a teacher in her home on Atlantic street Saturday after- Good Templars of Maine will be held Oct. 3- the public schools. T he C. G. congratu- noon. There were very pretty decorations John Ankerstreana was in the city a few lfttes- and about 20 guests enjoyed the affair. Dain" 4 at Madison in Somerset county, and as days recently. John is the intelligent Swede Mrs. E. A. Burpee, Misses Lucy and M attia ty refreshments were served------The Sten- there arc many very flourishing lodges in that section it promises to be large and of much who formerly worked across the way at the Farwell of this city and Henry Farwell and ographers’ Club met with Miss Cassie Cush- importance. Arrangements have been made Lindsey House but who has been spending Miss Nellie Farwell arc on a trip to New man, Washington street, Friday evening. for half fare to members of the order on the the Summer at Bar Harbor working in the York via the White Mountains and Niagara This is the only social club in the city which railroads and greatly reduced rates at the F interests of Hotel Sherman. lie is now in — Mrs. J. Weston Hall and family have re- is short handed------Mr. and Mrs. A. W. hotels. Besides the private business of the ft Bangor where he will remain this winter------turned from a sea voyage in the schooner Evie Gregory were very pleasantly surprised at f order there will he several public niee.'.nga> Mrs. Vesta MacAllistcr, who has been the B. Hall to Norfolk------R. E. Nunnernaker of their home on Cedar street Friday night. The and the G. I., will he duly received and wel­ wounded mid guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. MacAllistcr, Ohio h n been visiting his friend Joseph C. guests came in costume and brought their own comed by the town authorities, the clergy, the Broadway, has returned to her home in Chel­ Flint. orchestra. Refreshments were served. The District Lodge, and the local Lodge. The sea.------Misses 1 . ie and Annie Grcenhalgh Miss Louise St. Clair has returned to her occasion was Mr. and Mrs. Gregory’s wed- TO Bit FOUND IN eat deal of interest in plan of having a headquarters tent, at the THIS DEPARTM’T. are visiting in Lewiston and Auburn. hoine in Calais------Joseph Robbins and wife ding anr 'versftfy. ’ |Tding a resume of the State Fair at Lewiston again this year proved Miss Blanche Lord who has been visiting of Fort Fairfield have returned to their home. ------ftinuation of the Aurora a g.eat success. Members front fifty different 8PECIAL NOTICE!! in this city several weeks returned to her home They made the journey by carriage------Mrs. TRAVELING AT NINETY-NINE. r various other important Lodges in the State registered during the in Toledo, ( on the Pullman last night. She Josie Baker of Boston is at F. IL T. Young's Hygienea fair, a large amount of temperance literature was accompanied as far as Boston by May ------Miss Susie Lambert has returned from a Dr. R. IL Baynes celebrated his 99th birth­ was distributed and the grand officers ar­ Austin whose guest she has been------Miss two weeks visit to her home in Machias------day Saturday but not in this city. Last week s arrived in St. John ranged for pushing the work of the order Martha B.May has entered the Normal School Rev. R. W. Jenkyn is at East Corinth seri­ Dr. Bayne’s niece, Mrs. Stevens, arrived here , reporting a season of at Farmington------Mrs. Charles West and from Florida and insisted that her aged uncle during the autumn. For any particulars write U nderw ear! ously ill with chills, fever and rheumatism. les, and very few results- the grand secretary at Belfast. Miss Anna West have returned to their home His vacation has expired but Rev. L. D. should spend his declining days at her south­ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ..Kain North this winter so in Somerville after a short visit at W. T. ern home and the good old doctor left on the « irrr.IEJTEA ” UNDERWEAR con­ next spring for another push Evans of Camden will supply the pulpit for Cobb’3------Miss Hattie Abbott of Waterville another Sunday. It is earnestly hoped that train Wednesday noon. Before leaving he tains all tho iilediclnnl or Snnitarjr told a friend that he should probably come 'The Grand Chapter of the Order of Eastern Qualities found in other makes, and at a is a guest of City Marshal Crockett’s, Rankin the next news from Mr. Jenkyn will be of a NEW and HEALTHFUL. North again some day, but though we earnest­ Star was held in Hallowell Thursday, and two much lower I’rlco. ns a singular coincidence that the night street----- A. L. Richardson and family and more encouraging nature------Letter Carriers ly hope not, the probability is that many of us of the very most important offices came to 1-A. t the post office was robbed at Port Clyde Miss Karl have returned from a two weeks Hanrahan and Chatto resumed their routes lua. Kria-wk e w I jiktoei o t - have looked upon the old gentleman fur the Rockland, Mrs. R. H. Burnham being elected Rat a small strange craft lay in the harbor visit at Mount Desert. this morning. The substitutes are now hav­ last time. His departure removes from Grand Matron and R. H. Burnham elected and that the next morning she was non est, Mrs. Maria Merrill and son Albert of San ing their vacation. Rockland its oldest ciffzen and one who will Grand Patron. Golden Rod Chapter of this ' and that a small strange craft, doubtless the Francisco are visiting Mrs. M IL Nash----- Mrs. Hannah D. Perry is visiting in Salem, LADIES’ AND GENTS’ UNDERWEAR! be sincerely missed. city was represented by ten members, as fol­ same one, lay at Matinicus the night before Mrs. W. A Field who has been the guest of Mass------A. I I. Sturtevant of J Bath, formerly FROM THE LUZERNE KNITTING MILLS. low’s: Mrs. W. S. lush, Mrs. E. F. Hellier, Mr. Young’s store was burglarized and that Mrs. N. A. Farwell, Summer street, has re­ with J. H. Wiggin, is spending the week in The Mountain View House, Camden, F. ,O. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Rollins, Mr. and Mrs. R, SEE CUTS BELOW. she had disappeared in the morning. turned to Boston. The Sunday Globe con this city. He is accompanied by his brother Martin proprietor, will remain open till Oc­ II. Burnham, Mrs. Jennie R. Stewart, Mrs. tained a tine full length picture of Chief Jus Charles of Augusta who remains until Thurs­ tober and will furnish dinners at reduced C. Eales, Miss Blanche Ingraham and Miss Saturday was an important day in the his­ tice Field who also has been spending the day------Mrs. Frank Macomber of Corinna is rates. Large parties should notify in ad­ Ella Day. They report a pleasant and profit­ tory of American politics, for on that day, Summer in Rockland------Miss Cloie M. Tib visiting her aunt, Mrs. S. Lord, Park street, betts has returned from a visit to Boston----- vance. able gathering. W. C. P. Breckinridge of the Ashland district) Mr. Macomber was in the city over Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson of Bangor are guests Kentucky, a candidate for nomination to con­ ------Col. Oliver N. Blackington of Augusta is at Geo. W. Smith’s, corner of Summer and gress, was defeated by Wra. C. Owens. We in the city on a week’s \isit. Incidentally he 1 SoctcJ Lincoln streets------E. A. Burpee and family hope that the last act has now been played in attends the Grand Army reunion today. have returned from Cooper’s Beach, where the disgraceful drama in which Congressman (' -■ -i .EhriSif -V \ . M I® they have been spending the Summer. Breckenridge and Madeline Pollard played SUMMER SOUNDS. leading parts. E. R. True, who is employed in the Treas­ ------T? giroiulra ury Department at Washington, accompanied r:cv. CU.-.-A fff, An Almost Unending Round of Picnios, Parties T i T Q f f i l V * by his wife, is the guest of his mother, Mrs. and Other Soolai Dissipations. HOUSE OF THE G000 SHEPHERD- Eliza A. True, Pleasant street------Harry B. GtUSi'fw, Farwell and Miss Nellie Farwell left yesterday Rockland, Sept. 17, 1S94. en route for their home in New Orleans. Gale’s Orchestra played for a private hop at It is with great pleasure that we acknowledge Charles B. Farwell remains some weeks Crescent Beach, Tuesday evening, also at such generous and acceptable dona’ions for South Thomaston Wednesday evening. use PAIN-KILLER. By its timely use serious results arc prevented ’ the first week of the new regime at the Iloute longer------Miss Loie Keene visited in Noble- when neglect of supposed trifling ailments or accidents may cause long , of the Good Shepherd as the following: boro last week------Frank Rouse is clerking The Sunshine ’Club enjoyed a moonlight uttering and expensive doctors’ bills. Two baskets pears, Mrs. Bromley; two with J. L. Breck------Mrs. J. P. Ruggles, nee drive to Warren, Tuesday evening, giving J A lady, w ritin g to the “ New England F a rm e r ” of August I, ’87, after baskets pears, Jas. Wight; basket of apples, Mary A. Brown, of Boston, was the guest of Frank Dow (one of the members) a surprise 5 giving good a lvic? as to the care of children says : “ Perry Davis’ Pain- ' B. B. Ingraham; cucumbers and basket of 2 Kill'iller is ' worth . the . price . . of your life . . . . in some cases—much more than pears, Mrs. Hopkins; one hundred cars of Carrie B. Pillsbury, 165 Broadway, last week. party. The evening was pleasantly spent in rjj doct corn, John Andrews, Rockport; two bags games, music, etc. The jolly party took its doctor for the diseases people, and especially children , su.'.' r from in hot Mrs. Ruggles has been visiting her cousins at $5O wentweather. It cures Cholera Morbus, Cramps, Colic and Diarrhoea jm m e- apples, Mial Mossman, Union; two baskets North Haven for six or seven weeks, and is departure at an early hour in the morning, all pears, Mrs. A. J. Bird; corn, Mrs. Sanborn; A diately.” Many a young life might be saved if every mother would basket apples, Mrs. Ilicks; barrel of vegeta­ now en route for her home. voting it a very fine time. Wednesday even­ bles and apples, Ephraim Post; barrel of George Crocker has entered the employ of ing the club met with Charles Manning. Light flour, K. C. Rankin; basket of apples, Mrs. the electric light company----- Mr. Russell refreshments were served and fruit punch. Elisha Rogers; doughnuts and two pounds Twas a very pleasant time. Quaker oates, Rockland friends. and family close their Bay Point cottage, and The children are enjoying the plentiful fruit returned to their home in Brookline, Mass. Mrs. W. T. Cobb entertained Tuesday af and fresh vegetables, and are looking better ------Mrs. M. A. Burpee is in Boston in atten­ ternoon at which Mrs. Charles West of Somer­ for them. In such a house, nothing comes dance upon her sister, Mrs. Hosmer, who is ville was the guest of honor and Mrs. J. F. amiss, everything is made use of and is most Semi for book on Summer Complaints mailed free to any address. thankfully received. dangerously ill with typhoid fever------Miss Fogler, Mrs. Chas. II. Berry and S. II. Webb Remember—Only Pain-Killer kills pain. Bottles now contain double the We would* be grateful to any friends who Carrie Sherer has returned from a visit of Wednesday afternoon Mrs. I. K. Kim­ quantity, at same price. send us old linen, old cotton and old several weeks in Boston------J. E. Ilanly, ball gave a whist party at her home on Mid­ PERRY DAVIS 4 SON, Solo Proprietors, PROVIDENCE, R. I. •Trnnel, of which great quantities are used, so esq., of Boston arrived in this city Saturday dle street. Mrs. C. II. Berry, Mrs. A. C. Gay that vve can hardly have too much. The many friends of the former house night and will be in attendance upon the pre­ and Mrs. John T. Berry were the most suc­ mother will be glad to know of her safe arrij sent term of court------Mrs. A. S. Littlefield is cessful players------The Eglaion Club met yal at her home, and that she is already re­ visiting in Lewiston. Wednesday evening with Miss Mary Norton, lieved from the very serious cold which she 1 Beech street. It was the first meeting of the was suffering from when she left Rockland. Mrs. G. Howe Wiggin has returned from a Again we thank all our kind friends, trust­ visit up river------A. A. Rowe and Miss Katie season------A large party of ladies and gentle- ing they will not weary in well-doing, but, by Rowe of Hoboken, N. J., are guests at R. II. from this city enjoyed a picnic at Ballard their continued generosity to these lambs of Burnham’s, Liinerock street------Mr. and Mrs. Park, Wednesday------The Crescent Beach His flock, may merit the Good Shepherd’s private dances given by Frank T. Pearsons “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the E. J. Ward well and Louis Ward well who You Must Wear Pants' closed with the hop of last Tuesday night. GENTS’COLLARS least of these, my brethren, ye have done it spent the summer at Bay Point returned to unto me.” Cambridge yesterday------E. C. Davis has re­ They have been a decided success------Mrs. 10 Different Styles, S. L. Shelton, House Mother. turned from his two weeks gunning trip. Mrs, A. C. Gay gave a whist party Thursday even* Davis is also at home from Augusta where she ing. Mrs. F. E. Hitchcock, Miss Stella has been visiting------Mrs. Stephen Chase and Cunningham Mrs. A. J.’ Crockett and MrsJ 10c, 3 fo r 25c daughter have been visiting in Portland- E. O. Hcald were the prize winners----- Mrs. Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Moody left yesterday for Annie Burkmar entertained at drive whist School their southern trip. Mrs. Moody will remain Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. E. O. Heald and Then why not wear F u l l e r in North Carolina through the winter and M Mrs. John Haines being victorious. The the best? those Moody about a fortnight. Mrs. Moody has guests were tendered dinner and supper at the Thorndike----- Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Purington not fully recovered from her severe illness at m ad e by . THE TEACHERS has taken Carrie Arnold’s place, the latter began Sorrento and this trip is expected to be of gave a musicale Thursday evening in honor of taking the mixed school at Blackington’s great benefit. their guests Mrs. Wm. Purington and daugh-1 Talented Instructors Who Preside Over Thomas­ Corner, Miss Eva Wooster takes Miss Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy have returned ter Ada Louise----- Mrs. G. M. Brainerd’s 1 ton and Rockland Sohools. Mitchell’s place in the Grace Street primary to their home in Cambridge, Mass. Sunday school class of the First Baptist Church school, Miss Mabel Hodgkins assists Miss Sent. 17. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Coombs of Bath have bad an enjoyable picnic at Oakland, Friday. ' Thomaston’s Fall term uf schools opened Sweet, Orr & Co., Thorndike in the Summer Street primary. been guests at Major George W. Kimball’s, novel but perfect method of roasting 7 3 yesterday with the following teachers; High The other teachers remain as stated several Maple street, the past week. Mr. Coombs is corn is by means of the red hot fire at the | School, Percy Bartlett principal, Miss Mary We have a large assort­ weeks ago in T he C.-G. well known here as a former superintendent base of lime kilns. Two parties, one at the 1 S2, $2.50, $3. E. Bickmure assistant; Grammar, Charles A. m ent of serviceable of the Knox & Lincoln Railroad. Eight Doherty kiln and another at one of the Crock­ Benner master, A. L. Copeland and Addie NORTH*HAVEN. years ago—and it hardly seems that long— ett kilns, tried the scheme Saturday night and ( Morse assistants; Main Street Intermediate, he resigned that position to accept a simi­ had a most delightful roast. Both parties1 Eliza L. Crawford; Bailey Intermediate, John'Mullin and wife have gone to Fair- WAY ABOVE ALL OTHER FLOUR All Wool, Helena B. Hanley; Eastern Meadow, Mrs. lar one on the Iloosac Tunnel & Western were easily convinced that kiln tenders have Brown & Jossclyn, State Agents, Portland. field to visit Seth Mullin------Benj. Carver has Railroad. He remained in th*s capacity four no snap. A. A. Vose; Beechwoods, Jennie McDonald; returned to Boston, where he is at work----- School Shoes years when he went to Baltimore where h Misses Ada and Alice Perry gave an im­ Warranted not to Rip, Mill River, Annie Gonia; Gleason Street W. O. Waterman and O. B. Kent were in now holds the responsible position of General promptu door step party at their home on Primary, Mary Lees; Bailey Primary, Vinnie Rockland last week------Charles Turner has Manager of the Baltimore A* Annapolis Main street,Friday night------Madeline, daugh­ Dow; Wadsworth Street Primary, Martha gone to Portland to visit his sister Miss Lena A W R E T C H E D AR'a Union Made. and are sellling them Railroad. Some men are bound to rise and ter of Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Bird, gave a birth- Crawford; Oyster River, Maud Lermond. Turner------Hiram Stone is aMvork for Frank Mr. Coombs is one of them. lay party at her home on Middle street, A dd of Bulk Tacked Tea Mr. Bartlett, the new High School princi­ Beverage----- Mrs. Hiram Carver is in Cam­ E. H. Witham, of Boston is in the city for Thursday afternoon. The young folks had jnon i’hingf. pal, is a native of Ellsworth and a graduate of den visiting relatives----- Mrs. Elisha Cal- CHEAP FOR CASH a short vacatiou------Mrs. Joseph Crecnhalgh games, a treat and a nice time generally. ilrinkir^Xmil his name is le­ Bowdoin, class of ’93, being a classmate of derwood has returned to her home in South is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles Ballard, Miss Bird is four years old------Mrs. A. D* gion ^

Election In over, so pay up your bet WEDDING CHIMES Y. M. C A. POLKS AND THINGS And then take a subscription In T he Co u r ie r - G a z e t t e . Jennie Willis Robinson, daughter of James A very interesting men’s meeting was held The O’Brien-Donovan exhibition had a A temperance rally will be held in the hirst Robinson and wife of Orange, N. J., former­ Sunday afternoon. Rev. F. J. Bicknell gave $200 house. Baptist Church, Thursday evening of next ly of this city, will be married in Orange, an address. The singing was under the ippli McQunrle, a daughter, week. Monaghan— Tenant’* Harbor. St. George. Au Meservey’s Quintet will play at a ball in Sept. 20, to Bertram P. Wiltberger of Phila­ direction of \V. M. Tapley, who also rendered gust 31, to Mr and Mr*. J . H. Monnghnti, a non. Improvements arc being made about the delphia. Miss Jennie left Rockland in the R a w e st —Tenant's Harbor, St George, August Damariscotta Thursday next. a solo very finely------A reception will be 31, to Mr. and Mr*. F. M. Hawley, a sou. residence of Capt. Joshua Bartlett, Ocean fall of 1888 and since that time has been tendered Secretary Cotton and bride at the W ilso n —Long Cove, St. George, A ugust 30, to Work has commenced on the new Rich­ Mr. and M rs. John Wllaon, a non. ardson cottage at Bay Point. street. employed as stenographer, attaining remark­ Cong’l Church, Thursday, and there will he Me r it h e w - Deer Isle, A ugust 29, to Mr. and She was a mother, she knows and she says» able proficiency in both phonographic and addresses by Secretaries Jordan of Bangor Mr*. Thomas Merlthew. n daughter Don't forget the House of the Good Shep­ S h r a d e r —Tenant'* Harbor, St. George, August “Children need dirt as much as plants.” Golt type writing. Mr. Wiltberger is a draughts­ an matter what v>nr ace, and yonr cyca nl_ Garrett Coughlin is home from Matinicus Mr*. Cyrus E Thompson, a son. and pr ■«< rvcl :fpr-'p»’r!v •• •rrcctcd. It f» a wrong id.-a that apccta’ ripening off which girts inches. where he and his bride will reside. a* p.»»«il.)c. Ifthcv axi.t the vi.ion, n-.- thetu. Timm l« no dangc1 where he has built a wharf for the Matinicus formal social will be held in the church G o nia—Waterville, Sent. 11, to Mr. and M print it not magnified. It ahoulil look natural »is«, but plain and did The Ulmer-Berry building, corner of Union George B. Gonia, a son—Itobert Colson. your cyw t«Mcd. Eisbing Co. parlors and light refreshments will be served and Grace streets, has been repaired. One of the pleasant events of last week was by the Ladies Auxiliary. Rev. L. D. Evans Dr. Townsend nperafi s on and treats the EYL The Knox Fish Protective Association has a the marriage of Arthur U. Patterson of Hur­ fiElarriages. Di"- n-' ;. Also examines and FIT S G L A S S E S of cA Various repairs are being made upon the of Camden will address the men’s meeting In Complicated or Compound cases lenses will be meeting at O. E. Blackington’s store to-night ricane to Miss Jennie Hopkins of Vinalhaven, Tibbetts building on Main and Myrtle streets. next Sunday. P h in n e v —Cla r k —New York, September 12. cover each and every DEFECT OF VISION. Don’t’ to discuss important matters. at the home of the latter, High street. The A merry-go-round was located on Park Trinity Church, Broadway, by Rev. Dr. Griffin, letters from those who have been CU RED by having Dr. E. E. Townsend the eye specialist i ceremony took place at 12 o’clock Saturday Flornce C. Phinney, formerly of Thomaston, FITTED and made to ORDER* or by having their eyes’. street last week but has since hied to other THE MEADOWS. Sarah Estelle Clark, of New York. due here Sept. 25th. His headquarters will Rev. W. E. Gaskin officiating, only a few P k t tik o ill—W escott — Portland. September fields. 11, Rev. John PettbigiII of Rockland, and M he at the Thorndike House where he may be friends and relatives being present. The Consultation Free! Mrs. G. S. Fairfield and son are visiting rel­ Fannie B. Wescott of Gorliam. Harry Landes, the new High School prin­ consulted. bride was becomingly attired in a suit of white P atterson—S immons—RocklAnd, Sept, 11. by From Sept. 25 to Oct. 3. cipal, will occupy the Hix house on Middle atives in Union----- Miss Effie L. Blackington, Rev. Mr*. Taylor, Charles S Patterson and Maggie The Ancient ( >rder of Hibernians has leased shribel silk, trimmed with lace and ribbons. A. Simmons, both of Rockland. THORNDIKE HOUSE, Rl having spent several weeks with her parents F iiewcii — Co m k r y —Thomaston, August 29. street. The grooin wore the ^conventional suit of the rooms now occupied by the Central Club at home, has returned to her work in Lowell, Harry W. French and Lizzie B., daughter of Mr. The finishing touches in the shape of grad­ black. A dainty lunch was served, consist­ and Mrn. William Comery. both of Thomaston, and will have them neatly fitted up for their Mass.------Benj. Bisbee has let his farm for five ing arc being added to the Beech street ex­ ing of salads, cold meats, cake, fruit, etc. occupancy. years to Wm. IL Brown and Adelbert Crock­ S t a t e s . tension. The sitting room as well as the other apart­ Capt. Anson Cushman is now doing clerk ett. Mr. Brown will leave the store at the Adjutant Brengle of Portland was present ments of the house were decoiated with an duly at the Thorndike Hotel, having exchangd head of Limcrock street with which he has CnosBY—Rockland, September 9, Eliza J., widow I An Open Letter. at a large and interesting meeting of the artistic profusion of fragrant flowers, and the oi W illiam II. Crosby, aged 66 years. places with John L. Donohue, who serves been connected. Bo w er s—South Thomnston, September 15, Con Salvation Army Wednesday night. nights. entire scene was one that seemed to perfectly tent M. Bowers, aged 76 years, 6 m onths, 17 days. fit the occasion. Mr. Patterson is a young YoUNO—Ilyde Park, Mass., Septem ber 13, Eliza­ Alvah Babbidge, who has been officiating Fred French is to occupy the Tibbett’s FOUR ENCORES. beth A. Young, aged 83 years, 9 months, 22 days. aawaKawraaCTHEsr.'/v'rs’.’TasnawBKaifracnaTJJSBHra® man of honest and upright character respected T olman—Rockland, September IS, Ilauauu Tol as substitute letter carrier for 48 consecutive house on North Main and Gurdy streets, man, aged 88 years. by everybody. He occupies the position of L'lm er—South Cushing, Septem ber 6, Miss days,says that he encountered rains only one is now being painted and otherwise placed in 'The following from the St. John, N. B., purser on steamer Vinalhaven. Mrs. Patter­ Cyrene Ulmer, aged 65 years, 6 months. We wish to announce to the day—the first. readiness. Telegraph would seem to indicate that Miss P e t e r s —Warren, September fl, Surah, widow of son is a very estimable young lady highly the late Wm Peters, aged 71 years. It is far better to buy fruit for your little Maud Ulmer is making a great h’t with the Be n n er —W aldoboro, Septem ber 7, Isabel M., Under the direction of the Board of Health honored by a large circle of friends. On the public that we now have the choicest ones than to oblige them to. steal it. They Knickerbocker: widow of Lewis K. Benner, aged 59 years, the sewer is being extended from Granite street arrival of the Vinalhaven the bridal couple months. v..'!! have it, their stomachs ask for it, require 'The production of DeKoven and Smith’s MagOon— Waldoboro, Septem ber 9, Edw ard E to Middle along the course of the brook left for Swan’s Island, amidst showers of rice comic opera, The Knickerbockers, by the Magoon, aged 34 years. lin e of Dress Goods and Trimmings shown it, and are never satisfied without it. This step is much needed. M< Kusic—Owl's Head, September 6, Marian E. and old shoes. They will remain there for Robin Hood company in the Opera House, A., son of Alonzo and Josepncne McKnsic, aged - last evening, was largely attended. The This is a busy day at the Court House — The church circle season opens at the the present. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson were months. i n the c ity. Supreme Court, Probate Court and the opera is a satire in New York’s Four Hun­ G rose — Rockpm t, Septem ber 10, Thom aa B. Methodist to-morrow. If there is anything the recipients of many presents. Among dred. The solos and choruses *were very Grose. Powers homicide inquest in session. Legal F r en ch —Drowned in Vineyard Haven sound, which will supply the place of summer festsvi these were a caster, t.vo cake baskets, one- pretty and were well rendered. Miss Maud September 10,Capt. Minot E. French of Lincolnville Our buyers have spent a week in talent ought to thrive on that combination. ties, it is the church circle. half dozen fruit knives, one-half dozen nut Ulmer’s solo in the last act was encored four Beach, master of schooner Dora M. French, aged 56 times and was undoubtedly the best of the The Ingraham’s Hill Band is erecting a llARE—Ash Point, South Thomaston, Beptembox the New York and Boston M arkets, se­ The Mountain View House, Camden, F. O. picks, one-half dozen knives and forks, syrup evening. The company will go from here to concert stand on the bluff near the Rockland 10, Katie A., daughter of Dennis and Katherine Martin proprietor, will remain open till Octo­ pitcher, gold lined spoon-holder, oyster ladle, Bangor. Hare, aged 19 years, 6 months, 6 days, 'l’he and South Thomaston line and will dedicate soup ladle, berry spoon, two dessert spoons, mains were taken to Thomaston for burial. lecting N ovelties in Drsss Goods, ber and will furnish dinners at reduced rates. Gott—Rockland, September in, Frank IL, son of the structure in due and accepted form next Large parties should notify in advance. silver atomizer, cracker jar with silver cover Attention is called to advertisement of David J. atid Lydia .1. Got', aged 20 years, 1 month, week. 15 dnys. The remains were taken to West Rock The Fourth Maine Regiment and Second and handle, glass salad dish, glass water set, Gray’s Portland Business College to be found port lor burial. S ilks, Velvets and Cloaks. They were There are ten prisoners in the county jail, silver and'glass fruit dish, two sugar spoons, in another column. This college received the Crosby—Rockland, Septem ber 9, E liza J., widow Maine Battery Association is holding its of William II Crosby, aged 55 years. seven bound over and three chain gang butter knife, one-half dozen tomato cashes, first premium for Business and Penmanship at S m ith —Ash Point, South Thomnston, September fortunate in securing some Big Bargains annual reunon today. The “vets” were en 7, Ralph Fred, son of William F. and Imogene workers. The latter have been assisting in route for Crescent Beach when we went to cucumber dish, banquet lamp, ""It and pep­ the Eastern Maine State Fair and is a live and Smith, aged 6 months. the building of the chimneys on the Court per shake, souvenir cup, saucer and plate, progressive schc ’ Send for their illustrated A nd rew s—Warren, September 3, Otia Andrews, which you w ill see advertised this press. aged 74 years, s months. House. toilet cushion, 2 linen doilies, lace shams, catologue. O’B r ie n — W arren, A ugust 3u, William I.. No other paper in Eastern Maine is so < F’Brien, aged 59 years, 1 month, 25 days. The large chimneys in place and the roof towels and tablecloths. Cora Hopkins, sister P u n . brook—Islesboro, September -, Mrs. Lydia week. You are invited to call and ex­ widely and carefully read as T h e C.-G. If of the bride, was bride-maid ami Charles — For Over Fiity Years Jane l’hlll rook, aged 79 years, 3 mouths, 21 days. slated, our new school building begins to you want to put your announcement where Grindle was best man. Congratulations! Mbs. W inslow’s Soothing Syrup has been present a finished appearance. School pupils amine our new stock. the people will see it, Mr. Advertiser, get used for over fifty years by millions of Uae **Oood Sanaarltnn" Einlm ect ought to be able to study v.vice as well in mothers fori their children while teething, space in this paper. A quiet wedding was solemnized Wednes­ that house. with perfect success. It soothes tho child, Said George \V. Cochran, Saturday :“Things day noon in Trinity Church, Broadway, New softens the gums, allays all pain, cures No trouble to show goods. Alderman St. Clair and Councihnen Rose wind colic, and is the best remedy for have greatly changed since the time when York, the contracting parties being Horace Diarrhoa. It will relieve tho poor little and Austin met Wednesday afternoon and there was 110 Elm street, and we hail to let the Coleman Phinney and Sarah Estelle Clark. sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists In R espectfully, voted to report favorably upon the accept­ every part of the world. Twenty-five cents PARLOR STOVE FOR SALE bars down and cut across the field to get to The bride is a bright, cultured young lady, a bottle. Be sure and ask for “Mrs Wins­ A nice Parlor Stove, good ns new, and will be SIMONTON BROS. ance of the Beech street extension, Hill street the Methodist Church.” greatly endeareef to her friends in religious, low’s Soothing Syrup,” and take no other sold cheap If applied for quick. Apply nt and Ulmer street. kind. \ 37 21 SUM M ER S T R E E T . C. P. Graves, the organ man, was in town social ami musical circles. The groom is a O. E. Hahn and crew have given the Central Saturday, en route for his home in Portland* smart young New York business man, a Feather Bed and Pillows. Club building its final coat of paint and a very He is just from Aroostook where the farmers graduate of Bowdoin College and now a BUSINESS LOCALS. attractive appearance. The interior work, in­ member of the firm of F. N. Pitcher & Co., VO It SAI.E. are selling potatoes to the starch factories at FARWELL OPERA HOUSE. cluding the plumbing by Arthur Shea,is about less than 20 cents a bushel. commission merchants, 120 Eighth avenue, ended and the club will occupy its new quar­ New York city. The wedding was private O. I. BLACK, MHii»Ker. The properly owners concerned in adjus‘:ng Domestic and Vienna Bread fresh and sweet ters within a few weeks. account of several deaths in the immediate the Lermond Cove line have appointed a com­ every day. Hot rolls made from best materials LOST. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, ESipfeym enr Wm. H. Brown and A. E. Crockett have family of the bride. Miss Annie Clark, sis­ for tea. Cake and pastry of best quality. A small Overcoat with Capo attachment, belong- mittee to look into the matter and report later. to a four-year old boy. Coat light In color and ter of the bride, acted as bride-maid, ami SEPT. 20, 21 & 22. leased the Larrand farm at the Meadows and This committee consists of C. E. Littlefield, Brown Bread and Beans Saturday and Sunday. fastened In front with silver buckle, supposed to Roo(LA/1 P(o^/AE-R{IAL(OLLE-GE-. will carry on the management of fine Warren R. Phinney, brother of the groom, Flint Bros., Bakers, 278 Main St. . have been lost Saturday, Sept. 8, between Rankin tb’S O. IT. Tripp and E. C. Knight. and Hummer streets. Finder properly rewarded piece of proper./. Mr. Brown’s store at the as best man. The happy couple left on the upon leaving same at 81 SUMMER ST. 37 37 MATINEE SATURDAY. A live school for the training of young men and The cooking lectures, delivered in Harmony Uncle Tom’s Cabin in one of those popular women. Individual instruction hi Commercial and head of Liinerock street will probably be Fall river boat for the White Mountains, The Brillhmt YounB Actor English Studies, Shorthand, Typewriting, Actual Hall by Miss Eda Chapman of New York, 10c. editions. Call and get one; or we will REWARD OFFERED. Business Practice, etc. Twice tho attention for transferred to other hands. and arrived thence in Thomaston host even­ mail it to you for 5 two cent stumps. Huston’s less than half the expense of attending similar closed yesterday. They have been well Lost bet weon Pleasant Beach und Thomaston a ing for a short sojourn with Mr. Phinney’s Nkwb Stand, 317 Main St., Rockland, Me, chatelaine bag containing two handkerchief* and a schools in large cities. Room* large und elegantly An attache of one of the telegraph offices attended and of inestimable value and benefit package of electric car tickets. The finder will be equipped with all the modern facilities. B n a ln ea a in the city recently borrowed a friend’s parents, T. F. Phinney and wife. Men Miipplled with competent Aaalstanta to the ladies who availed themselves of the Thos. E. Shea free of charge. Open Sept, to July. For cata­ Ice Cold Soda with real fruit flavors, also TO N : 37 -3S wheel and went over to the trotting park to logue and specimen of penmanship, audresa opportunity. Ottawa Root Beer—Delicious, Refreshing, Supported by Ili* Excellent Compunv of break a record. The record remains intact Amusements and Announcements. BOARDERS WANTED. Actors, Singers, Dancers and Comedians, There are a number of candidates for the Drawn from our new Siberian Arctic Soda Presenting His Brilliant Repertoire but the ambitious rider did break the wheel place in private family, good room, good position on the State Railroad Commission Fountain, also ilot Chocolate and Ham table, reasonable rates. Apply 96 PARK 8T. 37 THURSDAY KVKNIRG, and now there is a coldness between the two Nearly 400 seats have been sold for Robin The place to.. made vacant by the death of Col. A. W. Sandwiches constantly on hand, C. M. MONTE CRISTO I n p o sttnies of that building. Hood on the 27th. L Q b U H A V E Wildes of Skowhegan. Parker Spofford of Tibbetts. DRESSMAKING! FRIDAY KVKNING, The Knox Farmers Exchange Co. held The new Central Club has a meeting for Bucksport is one of the candidates, and is MISS ANNIE PISTON having resumed work THE CORSICAN BROTHERS business this ’Tuesday evening at 7:30. A The Domestic Bread made by C. E. Rising will be pleased to see all her custom ers ut her THEM its last meeting Friday afternoon and voted to warmly endorsed by many citizens in this full attendance is desired. the baker is a genuine new thing, and very rooms 16 Ocean St r e e t . SATURDAY MATIMKE ratify the action of the directors in selling section. C urtains! CLEANED out their plant on Liinerock street to A. II. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U’ delicious. The following label appears on TAXES—NO TICE. Especially for Ladles and Children George Ames, foreman at the Crockett every loaf—buy no other: And Done npleqnal to new 1* )at 11 Newbert. The creditors v. ill be paid at the will beheld in the Y. M. C. A. parlors Fri­ office open for the collection of tuxes lor the RIP VAN WINKLE. quart/, suffered a fall of 30 feet Friday after­ C. E. Itlshig*s year* 18S9, 1890, 1891 und 1692, every day from 9 rate of 33' , cents on the dollar. Mr. New­ day afternoon, at 2:30 o’clock. Officers will New Domeslio Broad. l o l l a. m. Wednesday and Saturday evening* HATURDAY KVK.NINO, EPHaPERRY’S D Y E H O U S E noon into the bottom of the quarry. The Best in the W orld. bert w ill conduct the store under the name be chosen for the coming year. from 7 to 8:30 p. ra. THE SNARES OFNEW YORK accident was caused by the breaking of a rope None Genuine Without this Label 37 W. 11. SMITH, Collector. of Knox Farmers Exchange. Cakes und pastry of same quality constantly which held him in place while some repairs This week, Thursday, Thos. E. Shea and Popular Prices 25 and 35c. on hand. C. E. Rising, 260 South-end. Last Thursday the family of Mr. Isaac T. were being made. I le is very badly cut and bis excellent company begin an engagement F o r Sale. A nd a Few Choice Seat* at 60e. Hall assembled on the beach at Glen Cove for three nights at the opera house. 'The pro­ 'l’he Equity of Redemption in the Joseph E. bruised, but the injuries are fortunately not “ If you want to smoke a clean Havana filled Clough property,situate on the road from Rockland Matinee Prices 15, 25 and 35c: for a family picr:c and day’s ouiing. There ductions will he of sterling merit, well staged to Rockport, consisting of house, barn and Xf .aero serious. cigar, ask lor the E. W. Mild to cL Sold of latnl. For particular* upply to Children 15c to Any Performance were twenty-four present and several who and finely portrayed, for Mr. Shea has an en­ E. B. MacALLISTKR, Assignee. The Rockland Wheel Club will have win­ everswhere. 11. M. B. 5 cents. wished they could be there were unable to viable reputation all through the eastern coun­ ter quarters in Farnsworth Block on Main make connection. At an early hour some of try for thoroughness. Some changes have That famous candy,the most delicious in the street, third story. ,They will use twu rooms, the youuger members went over ami laid the been made in the company but many of the market, manufactured by Wurren Phinney of CROCKETT which are to be finished into cozy and com­ foundation for a clam bake and corn roast familiar faces will be seen. We wish Mr. Thomaston, is ou sale at L. E. Cobb's, Main fortable apartments. The club now' has a FARWELL OPERA HORSE,' which was successfully launched and eaten. Shea the fullest amount of patronage from the street. Kindergarten! considerable membership with a comfortable G. L. BLADE, Manager. AND There were four generations present anti not lovers of the drama for he always pays one Go to 404 and get one of thoso Duplex Miss K J. Bromley of New York, u graduate sum in the treasury to back it up. ' Another from Prof. Felix Adler’s School, will re-open her one of the party was willing to be called old hundred cents on the dollar for value received Tronser Stretchers. Only 81- No more bags Kindergarten and Primary < lass for young children season will see the Rockland Wheel Club in the knees. Buy one and keep your panta­ Sept. 17, at 17 Maple Si. There will be a Training either. Altogether it was a most pleasant at the box office and none go away dissatisfied. Cluss for Teacher* For term* und partkulars one of the city’s prominent organizations. loons free from wrinkles. A . T. Blackington Thursday, Sept. 27, gathering. Remember the date Sept. 20, 21, 22. Tickets apply from 9 to 12 u. m. 35*39 A Co., 404. Barnabee, Karl and MacDonald’s L O V E JO Y The levee and ball given by the Rockland At Merrill Hall on Sunday Mrs. M. C. now on sale. Smith gave a sound and logical address on the 8pring arrangements, something new for all, tire department last Tuesday night netted The magnitude of Barnabee, Karl and EDUCATE “ Vicarious Atonement,” showing its origin anotioa sales every Saturday from 4 to 9, of ROBIN HOOD OPERA CO., ♦ • • about $100 wh'ch goes for the benefit of Edw. MacDonald’s Robin Hood company (which watches, chains, rings, tools, working men’s and history, and how the idea is now received Pruaeatinu for the lirat time in Rockland DvKoven Summer Goods, Ladd of the Hook A. Ladder who was recent­ will appear in Rockland Sept. 27) will be paints, furnishings, etc. Fifty cents on the by the most eminent thinkers. Meeting again and Smith’s opuru succei*. ly injured while on duty. The W. O. Mas­ recognized at once by all well-informed dollar saved. Clothing, watches, tools and W ra p p e rs , next Sunday at 2 p. in. with additional assist­ G R A Y ’S b u s Y e s 8 C O L L E G E ter’s and Eureka Hose Companies of Thom- theatre goers. The company contains 50 furniture bought and sold. If you wish to C o rsets. ance. Joseph D. Stiles of Massachusetts, the S c h o o l of S h o r t h a n d a«o y p e w r i t i n g . astou joined in the procession which preced­ artists, and carries its own orchestra to give sell furniture or clothing send a card and I T G loves, most noted test medium in this country, is ex­ Send for free Lluttrut- .1 Cutalogu> Robin Hood! ed the ball, and helped to make the affair the full effect to the instrumental score, and the wdl call. Money to loan on personal property. L. A. C r a y A son, P o r t la n d . Mt. pected in Rockland the last two Sundays in Max Antm, 90 Sea Street, Rockland Infants’ Furnishings, success it was. Meservey’s band and quintet company’s own scenery is used entirely, a TENEMENTS TO LET. Tho Ferris Waist. October. Company of Sixty Artists, furnished music for the parade and dance, fnll carload of this paraphernalia being trans­ Desirable tenement corner Park und Uulou St*., The order contained 17 numbers each, Mrs. El’za J. Crosby, daughter of David A. ported and in every case placed upon the hot und cold water, gas, furnace, etc. Also tene­ Grand Chorus and Orchestra. ment In Spear Block. Both well situated for Drvss- ♦ ♦ ♦ every one of which was thoroughly enjoyed and Eliza Thomas, died at her home in this stage. That this will be the finest stage per­ ‘ ■ or Pny' ...... * 1 * " “ “ Tickets $1 to all parts of the House. Latest Styles in Ladies' Hos by the large number of couples on the floor. PEAK. city^ Sept. 9, aged 55 years. 'The funeral formance ever seen in Rockland goes without Plenty of good seats can bo obtained now. ♦ • ♦ II. G. Bird chief engineer of the department was attended by Rev. U. W. Bradlee. 'There saying. The sale of seats has been very UPHOLSTERINC was floor director, the aids being the follow­ were quantities of flowers and very beautiful. large but there are plenty left, application for JONA. CROCKETT, AND PAPER HANCINC. CROCKETT & L0VEJ1 ing members of the department: J. A. Karl. The remains were interred in the Achorn which should be made early to Manager Orders Solicited Chulrs caned, solus repaired and everything of T. S. McIntosh, Prank H. Crockett, cemeteiy. The life of deceased was one of Black at the opera house any day in the week. the klud neatly and strongly done, prompt und at 421 MAIN STREET. for . . . very low rules. Alsu papering and paper hanging E. A. Walsh, D. A. Eriend, George the most exemplary character. She was Miss Linnie B. Treadwell of Portland, the done In the bust m anner. Call or send postal to $1OO REWARD! Foot of Limerock. McLaughlin and James Donohue. Refresh­ always cheerful and cordial, pleasing in her well-known teacher of physical culture and j PLUMBING N(). 63 CRESCENT ST., City. 33 The above reward will bo paid by the City of ments were sold during the evci'ing. manners with all. The community sym­ Rockland, for the detection and conviction or the elocution, will give an exhibition in harmonic T IN a n d . . BROOD MARE FOR SALE. peisou 01 - peisoiis concerned In telling th” k eb. 7.___ 6 K. M. P ILLJSBURY « OO. Remaining in Rocklaud P. O. for the week tures of the Chautauqua Union Assemblies DESKS FOR SALE. Ou and after September 17, the Hteawer both at Fryeburg and Northport. Among the to be o f the Best W orkm anship. FREEDOM NOTICE. OLD COINS BOUCHT? ending September 15, 1894. TWO FLAT TOP DESKS, fluirhvd In Anlluuo I have this day given freedom to my minor son, many who highly recommend Miss Treadwell Oak. rt, Jonathan fcjtClair, M is* Lou class in our city. An admission fee of 15 FOR S A L E . B icycles ! GUIs for gruer«J housework, uuroee i '1'lekets for sale on board for all points ea«t und Porter, Jos. T. Btarrett, Mrs. Adda cents for adults and 10 cents for children will HOUSES. WAGONS and HARNESSES foi sale 1 have u flue lot oi second baud machines that 1 nursery can obtain first-class plaoes by i west. Baggage checked through. Fidler, Flank Mailiu Staples, Mr», Clara E. at P. WALSH’S, oppoelU Knox Tiottlng Park. W e haw secured the service* of Mr. L. D . Crook, wiiisell wry cheap. F. L- 811 AW , tbe Iuteiilgence offioe uf MRS. R. C M 0. A. CROCKETT, Manugei. Btewart, William Thornton, Mis. Mary be charged. W*3T I Kara, and Oitfau Tuoef. Send lu your order. 18 33 Rockville, Me. 37 7 Grove Suw.1, I’lIK ROC1WAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,1894

i, 1SS5; demitted Jan. 6, 1892. CITY CHAT. LIME IS DULL THE SLAVE'S STORY, O. M. Lamson, born in Rockland Mar. 6» It la About i H int In HISTORY OF JURORS 1S35; wheelwright and dealer in wheelwright The little town of Dexter will soon dedi- The lime business is, ve’ry dull with little * Deacon, J. Warden, S. Warden, master three stock; was in the Common Council in 1867 That wlM old slave, .Esop, tells how th • jaws cate a fine public library building, the gift of prospect of iis being any better for some time and 1868; admitted to Aurora Jan. 2, 1867. and the arms refused to supply and grind food for Introducing Former and Present > yc’”-sc7 'a? ' ,®s" “• er«-•” ^7 a generous citizen. The putting up of tern- Rockland June it now selling in New York for stomach which, they said was a lazy thing, living 1/ u r» . . With one brief interruption. He was made Theodore S. Brown, horn in Waldoboto porary quarters for Rockland’s library mustn't So cents a b.n-el, live off f»r cash. Only on its neighbors. Gf course the rebellions mem­ Knox County Citizens. an honorary member March 2, 1887, by vote Oct. 6, 1833; sail maker; was in the U. S cause the citizens to forget that some $10,000 a'»»ut one quo *r of the kilns in the city are bers suffered and grew weak. As what we call I of the lodge. Mr. Robinson has resided in Navy in 1864 and 1S65 as sail-maker’s mate; has already l.-ecn pledged for p library build- afne. T he market is full and it is too late to science did not exist in .Esoy’s day, it isn’t likely Some More l.lsts of Officers Elected mid Rockland since 18C9. He is a member of King admitted to Aurora Sept. 18, 1861, from King that even he understood the full force of this fable. ing for Rockland, and that the movement in j expect to do much. A'e understand today the supreme Importance Reports of Finnncinl Standing— Solomon Chapter. R. A. M., Claremont Solomon lodge of Waldoboro; was S. I Jeaccn that direction mustn’t he allowed to die out of Treating the stnmnch wi ll, for the consequences rionsant Incident In Lodge Life—Ap­ Commander)’, K T., Golden Rod Chapter, in 18O4. an 1 demitted Nov. 9, 1886. How's Youi . Z,fd. of Indigestion extend from the brain to the toes preciation of Faithful Services R en­ O. E. S., Ko "x Lodge, I. O. O. F., Anderson Ahi .n I’. Tolman, horn in Rockland Oct. Because of bad dlve-ibm, there are so -many dered—Various Nasons. Camp, S. of V.,and R.»< kland Council, United 19, 1844; farmer; admitted June 2, 1869, is I- kland may not expect to have a public skinny, pale, blood It*- men iv d w uncu In Hie building approchirg Bangor’s in izc andc-st, Friends. life m em b er. 1 Do- < , * e feci poorly ; 1 • e time, suflcr world. Nothing will faten nod sLtengthen them but it is none the less true th.it the city needs from i o k of cnergy, ami ' meral “no-ac- unless they can find a food that will pass from Hiram Hatch, h rn in Chinn, Me., June 16, S. <’. S p ald in g , born in Rockland Feb, 8, VII. couni Ik *less cr ct vat ion? ■« • needs r tonic. the stomach into the blood without digestion, a public building of s. me s. r'. A building ■ f 1813; trader by occupation; died Sept. 29, 1843; followed the sea and is now mining in Somn ir (Continued from Issue of Aug. 21.] n? dest pretentions could be built without e\ l.mg wr -ng with I • Mood. Run for .ORECON, raskoluls such a pre digested food. 1888. He was admitted to Aurora Mar. 8, Bay, Kootenay Lake, B. C.; admitted to a fl«x ’ »! Nota all. my i a ir. Get her a •'It gives me great pleasure,” says Dr. <». W. At the annual meeting, Jan. 7, 1S85, the traordinary expense, and contain a store or WASHINGTON, 1S54. Mi. Hatch was the father of Mrs. Aurora Oct. 2, 1S67, made a life member hottl • f P. P. ’. [I’rickl' \s b , P ke Root IDAHO, a n d aS Babc. ek, of Ch< , Mas-., “to speak in the , following officers were elected, fan. 21 they or two the rental of which would help ma­ ami T • a-sium , ’1 •• very he*.’ VVomoi'< Rcg- Western Points, highest terms of y delightful prepnmtlDit, P««- I were in, tai|ed by w R> G Estcg( Gfan(, C. A. Haskell. Sept. 24, 1873. terially to pay the interest on the money ex­ ulator curl T extan*. It rea; i •» th e (SIGNS, kola. I have lately prescribed It for one of my David M. Mitchell, horn in Montville Sept. • diver A. Wiggin, born in Rockland Mar. 8» soun •• <*f iroul quick!;. .'.il l he- Master of Maine, assisted by Br. C. A- pended. The money now expended annually , etly a"-’ iciflo, and Northwostern Line. lady patients, anti 1 am greatly surprised at Its S, 1S16; admitted Del. 14, 1S46; has held the 1S35; stable keeper, afterwards fancy goods fo re) *U kb**- . UT t t i 'r i ’• . i other JUTE. LOWEST RATET. wonderful power as a flesh producer. The young Southard as chaplain and W. A. Barker as for rent for city rooms would pay the interest WotT.J .. m*’ »• ,-jtcd folder «nd detailed lnformattmi offices from Senior Deacon to Master, and is and millinery dealer; admitted Mar. 6, 1867; 1 less »h» H i d f le that .IER, Manager. l-l ( lrtru St.. t In lady has been out of health ami losing flesh. She marshal. L. S. Robinson, M.; J. Fred Hall 011 quite a respectable sum of money. Rock­ brought P. P. P. i • her n • 1 ». am r. n-1. Our the oldest Mason made in Aurora now living. died in Rockland Aug. 19, 1880. began taking I’m-kola ns directed. Her weight was S. W.; Enoch Davies, J. W; E. P. Rollins, land is in no condition now to erect a city best physicians indorse and recommend it, and 103 pounds. She has taken four bottles and now He was worthy Master in 1S49-51 -53. Mr. Capt. Bernard* Ulmer, bom in Rockland no well conducted household where pure Sec.; Leander Weeks, Treas.; Rev. C. A. building, but the need is becoming more and weighs 109 pounds and is looking much Improved Mitchell is a carpenter, has figured promin­ Sept. 12, 1S09; followed the sea; admitted to blood and its concomitant happiness is appre­ 'Central Railroad, She says she feels like a new creature. This change Southard, chaplain; E. B. Bragg, Marshal; more urgent and within a few years such a ently in Rockland politics, has been in both Aurora Oct. 2, 1856; died in Rockland May ciated, should he without it. For sale by re­ has been brought about by I’nskola.” A. II. Cobb, S. D.j John II. Murray, J. D ,; building must be erected, so that there is no putable medicine dealers everywhere. Effect July I, 1894. boards of the City Council and was deputy 21, 1S80, aged 70 years, 8 months and 21 Another physician’s testimony: F. A. Peterson, S. S.; John M. Tole, J. S.; harm in discussing it. Bleeping Onrs between Rockland and sheriff of Lincoln County before Knox county days. Mr. Randall Pope, the retired druggist of Boston. OSWB00, N. Y., May 21, 1894. John T. Lothrop, Tyler. The Orpheus Club Madison, Fla., says [Dec. 3, 1889] he regards Gentlemen:—The bottle of Pusknln received was incorporated. He now resides on Hur­ J. Wheaton Sayward,born in Thomaston Oct. ing-er Trains leave R ockland hr week ago to-dny mid I immediately commenced the played. P. I’. P. [Prickley Ash, Poke Root and Potas­ 1: ricane with his son, J. A. Mitchell. Bangor’s elegant city building cost $130,000 use of P. in connection with Poland w ater. 1 a Oct. 7, a letter of thanks was received from 1, 1815; was carpenter and afterwards mas­ sium] as the best alterative on ti e market, n. for Hath, Brunswick, Lewiston, Augusta, feeling very much better and have Increased 1 Clarence C. Cross, born in North Sears- all finished, $100,000 of that sum coming and that he has seen more beneficial results r'atervlilc, Bangor, 8t. John, Portland anil Bos­ pounds. During the eight days use of Paskoln t Mrs. Jellerson, widow of the late brother ter mariner. He was admitted to ton, arriving In Boston a t 4 :30 p.m. Parlor car eructions of gas, In fact, seeming perfect digestion mont, Me., Oct. 30, 1848; until 13 years ago from the Hersey fund. It is a credit to the from the use of it than any other blood med­ James Jellerson who died at Green's Land­ Aug. 11, 1852, and is an honorary member. icine. Ton this train fot Bosk n If this condition continues, 1 shall be n devoteo of was shoemaker now insurance agent; has city, to the architect and builders, and an r:30 p. in, f>r Hath, Brunswick, Lewis tom Water- Pas kola nl will prescrili indicated I ing on board of his vessel, the remains being He now resides in Victoria, B. C. He took , Portland and Boston, arriving In Boston at m y pat le served this city as councilman,and his ward as his Royal Arch degrees in Glasgow, Scotland everlasting monument to the push, pluck and Exhausted vitality, nervousness, lost man­ 9:30 p. m. Sincerely yours, E. M. MAN WAKEN, M. D taken to Portland for interment by the hood, weakness caused by overtaxation of the warden and ballot clerk; served as private in perseverance of ex-Mayor Beal. The cily re­ 9 .*00 p. in., Express, every night, Sundays Included, I’nsk'da may be obtained of any reptital lodge. in Caledonian Lodge. He was demitted from system will he cured by ihe powerful P. P. P. for Bath, Brunswick, Lewiston, Angusta, Water, the army from Feb. 25, 1864, to May 25, ceives from the building 51500 annually for ville, Bangor and Bar Harbor, Portland and Bos­ druggist and a pamphlet fully descriptive will be The financial statement for the year was as Claremont Commander)’ to San Bernard Com which gives health and strength to the wreck ton, arriving In Boston at 6:«s»a. in. mniled upon application to 1S65. He was admitted to Aurora Mar. 7, mandery in Victoria, Dec. 5, 1S85. rents, besides the rentals from the hall. The of the system. The 0:00 p. m. train from Rockland has Pullman The Pre-Digested Food Co., 30 Kendo St., New follows: Balance in hands of treasurer Sleeping Cars attached, running through every 1S94. city pays a certain rate of interest on the $417.34, 16 shares Rockland Bank stock Elisha II. Keene, horn in Appleton Nov night, Sundays Included, to Portland and Boston Major John Spear, charter member, horn in money from the Hersey fund, the funds thus and connecting at Brunswick with train for $2240; Limcrock Bank stock $300; total, I7» 1845; joined the lodge in LaGrange, Me., When Ponce-dc-Leon sought to find Lewiston and Bangor. For Sale by C. H. MOOR y i,n- of the best physi­ Harbor, North East Harbor. Bar Harbor and are worse, Jor eating in Galveston, Tex. cians in this country for ye.o<, an i is .. r< eu- Sorrento, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays charter member of the lodge. lat presenpti n. It .• e< inpost’d of tie: !-est April 14 occurred the official visit o f I I. L. nt about 5 :30 a rn , or upon arrival of steam er from lard-cook- le d food, John Emery, charter member, born in At the annual meeting of tht- Masonic tonics kn<*wn, con.bb ed w.'h the bes' tonics When Baby v Boston. Shepherd, D. D. G. Master. A large num known, combine*! with the best blood purifi­ RETURNING lf, how - ever, South Thomaston about 17SS; admitted to Mutual Relief Association the question of When she wa ..ib -k<; cr! I fo r ( . toria. From Boston, daily, except Sunday, at 5:00 p, her of visiting brothers were present, two Orient Lodge July 31, 1821; master mariner. ers, acting direct!;, on Ihc mucous surfaces. "Trora Bangor, touching at Hampden. Wlnt- rport, t h e i r ( (fo o d is doing away with the graded assessment and Tile perfect combination of two ingredients is W hen she bee ».'.Iiss, .sho clunzj to Castoria. Bucksport, Searsport, Belfast and Cuinden, ut candidates received degrees and a banquet John Gregory, charter member, horn in admitting all Master Masons injgood standing what produces such wonderful results in cur­ When eUo had Children, she gave them Castoria. ^11 ;U0 a. in., daily, exo un.i *> . p r e p a r e ^ 'w ith the was served. i Sorrento at 8 .no a. rn., Bur H arbor nt 10:00 h e a lt h - ^ Camden, (Glen Cove) June 21, 1769; farmer who arc in apparently good health without a ing Catarrh. Semi for testimonials, free. ^ful new . m. Mondny, Wednesday and Friday, touching u The financial statement for the year showed by occupation; raised in Amity Lodge, Cam­ strict medical examination was considered. F. J. ( HENEY A: CO., Props., Tole 1 , O. nter edla jingM. a b lA $480.92 in cash, and bank stock to the FRED I.OTllIB)I . Agent, Rockland. veget, shortening, den, Apl. 7, 1S06; died Oct. 2, 186S. The matter being new and involving a change Sold by Druggists, price 75c. CALVIN’ A I S T J N .'o u i ’l’s u p t. Bosijston. amount of^Szyoo. Nineteen meetings were W M .II. HILL, Ptt-s &Uen’l Man., Boston.Bos Oliver Amsbury, charter member, horn in of by-laws was referred to E. P. Rollins, J. F. held for the “year, 7 initiated, 7 passed, 6 Pawtucket, R. I., Dec. 16, 1785; raised in Gregory and James Adams. 'They will report raised,"5 demitted, 3 deceased, 2 affiliated, 1 Orient;; Lodge Oct. iS, 1824. Capt. Ains- at an adjourned meeting to he held the reinstated. A • pJrtlnud, Mt. Dos. rt A laehlas S. H Co. instead of lard, they can eat free- bury removed with his father ami family to first Friday evening in October at Masonic ly of the best food without danger At thejannual meeting Jan. 5, 1S87 the NorthjHaven about 1S00. He afterwards re I lall. As this is a matter of considerable Str. FRANK JONES following officers were elected and publicly moved to Thomaston, and was employed as a importance to every member of the Associa­ Commencing Sept 8, 189 1. the Steamer to the digestive organs. You can Frank .Jones will leave Kockland, weather installed Jan. 19 by R. W. Herbert L. Shep­ machinist, lie was employed for some years tion there will probably he a large attend­ For the Baby permitting: easily verify this by a fair trial herd, D. D. G. M., assisted by Rev. Br. J. in making and superintending the machinery ance. A tncnl possessing all the nutritious; At 0 a. m. on Wednesdays and Pnturdays, for of Cottolene. Islesboro, Castine, Deer Isle, Sedgwick (Blue- Riley Bowler as cheplain and Br. W. A. in the Thomaston cotton mill. He returned X properties of mother's milk without any < hill) Brooklli-, Southwest Harbor, Northeast Made only by Merriam of St.^ Paul’s Lodge, Rockport, as to No. Haven in 1815 and came to Rockland At the special communication of Aurora of the farinaceous and injurious matter o p Harbor, Bar Harbor, MUlbrldge. Jonesport which artificial food is usually composed, i Machlasport, arriving at Machlasport about The Marshal: Frank C. Flint, M.; Enoch a few years after where he took up his resi­ Lodge, No. 50, F. and A. M., last week the p. m. N.ILFairbank Returning will leave Machlasport, weather per­ Davies, S. W.; J. Fred Hall, J. W.; Leander dence and became captain of vessels running Entered Apprentice degree was conferred on mitting, on Mondays and Thursdays at 4 a. m , Company, W eeks,'Treas.; L. S. Robinson, Sec.; Rev. out of this port. He died in Rockland Dec. two candidates and the Fellow craft degree via sam e lanAuigs, arriving in Rockland at 6:00 Mellin’s Food p. m., coiniM ng with train leaving for Boston CHICAGO, J. Riley Bowler, Chap.; F. A. Peterson, 23, >832- on three candidates. is by far the best for hand-fed infants; ! at 9 :00 p . m . " 224 Stato S t fj S. D.; E. E. Rankin, J. D.; James B. Higgins, Nathaniel Copeland, charter member, born - invaluable in cholera-infantum aud tccth-f P aybon T u ck er. V. P. & Gen’l Manager. Boston, ing. It promotes a healthy growth, a f F .E . Bo oxhby. G. P. & T. A. Jr., S. S.j W. F. Manson, J. S.; C. F. in Warren, joiner by occupation originally, The interest among the Knights Templar W . S . E aton, Gen. Freight Agent. Portland, full development, and a vigorous consti- ( Me. Meservey, Tyler. The officers of King Solo­ afterwards a clergyman,was admitted to Amity in regard to attending the triennial conclave tution. A perfect nutrient for Invalids, j ' • T Yinalhaven & Rockland Steamboat Co. mon R. A. Chapter were also installed at this Lodge June 28, 1825. lie died in Albion, in Boston in August, 1895, still continue?, Convalescents and the Aged. time. Me. and all indications point to the conclusion __ Our Book for the instruction of mothers, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT! March 2 Bros. James Crockett and John John Robins, born in Cornwall, Eng., Apl. that Claremont Commandery of this city will •*1 « The Care and Feeding of Infants,’’ A ' will be mailed to any tuldrcMi upon request. TW O TRIPS D AILY Tolman, the only original charter members 24, 1S45; admitted to Tyrian Lodge, Glouces­ he represented with full ranks in the parade The New Steamer living, were made honorary members. ter, Mass., in April 1S73 and to Aurora Mar. on that occasion. DOLIBER-GOODALE CO., Boston, Mass. GOV. BODWELL! The number of meetings held for the year 3, 1S75. He was foreman of granite quarry. OAPT. WM. R. CREED, was 21, initiated 3, passed 5, raised 5, rejected Silas A. Harlow, born iixSouth Thomaston, Will leave VlnalhavLn for Rockland every week SPEEDY CYCLING. day, at 7 :00 a. m. add 2 p. m . 1, deceased 3, affiliated 1. Dec. 2, 184S; seaman ami master mariner; Returning, leave Kobklnnd, Tillson's Wharf, admitted Apr. 1, 1874, made a life member “ ‘ in n nd 4:0C p. m ., touching BRIEF BIOGRAPHIES. A Rockland Bo; Makes Good Time from Coston fo ncla trip both ways, May 26, 1875. lie enlisted Dec. 31, 1864, in m. boat, the above service Justus E. Sherman,{born in Belmont, Me., Rockland—Knox and Lincoln’s Gig Hills. _ at Vlnalhaven or three and one- (Jet. I, 1S2S; admitted to Aurora Lodge, the United States Coast Guards, and was dis­ Pimples, Bietclies at Hurricane Islanu. May 9, 1855, was J. Deacon, 1856-1863, S. charged July 7, 1865. YV. S. W HITE, General Manager. Fred IL, son of Robert Speed of this city, Deacon 1857-58-59-60; ^painter originally by Othello M. Doty, born in Montville, July arrived here Friday afternoon on his wheel and Old Sores 18, 1858; house carpenter by occupation, now PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT occupation, now a scribe; was register of from Boston, and reported at T h e C.-G. office V1NALHAVENSTEAMBOAT CO deeds for Knox County from Jan. I, 187S, to in Hudson, Mass.; admitted to Aurora July at 2.45 p. ra. lie left Boston at 6 a. m., AND POTASSIUM SUMMER ARRANCEMENT. Catarrh, fcaiaria Jan 1, 1890; was'also democratic member of Thursday, reached Salem a little after seven, IN EFFECT JUNE FIRST, 1K04. Rockland’s Board of Registration for two where he breakfasted, reached Newburyport at M a ke s and Kidney Troubles years. A CURI0US_CALCELAT10N. 9.05, Portsmouth, N. IL, at 12 for dinner, Str. VHMALHAVEN A. Chandler Tibbetts, born in Windsor* On abovo date, wind and weather permitting, will York, Me., at one, Saco at 4.15, Brunswick at Are entirely rciMOt eu »»y SNP.I*. leave Swan’s Island every week day at 6 a. in., Me., Dec. 12, 1817, sail-maker by occupation; Marvelous Cures —Prickly Ash. Poku B n t and Potas- G reen’s Lauding at 7 :10 a. m , Viuulnaven at >:30 Around the W orld 206 Times. 945 P* m«» a ‘lay’s ride of 150 miles. He biuni, the greatest blood purifier on a. m.t arrive at Rockland about 9:45 a. in. raised in Aurora £Apl. 14, 1S47; was. J- stopped at the Tontine, Brunswick, all night e a rth . Returning will leave Rockland ut 2 p. in., Vinal- An eminent physician has made a curious Steward in 1S50 and secretary in 1852. Mr. mathematical calculation in giving the in Blood Poison Ab e r d e e n . O.. July 21,1891. haven at 3 :30 p. m., Green’s Lauding at 6 p. left there at 7. 30 a. m., Friday, reached Bath Messrs. L ippm ax Bros., Savannah. arrive Swan’s Island. 7 p. in. Tibbetts died in Rockland Feb. 1, 1S90. workings of the human heart in mileage. at 8.30, and Rockland, as we have stated, at Oa. : I>J’AK Sins — I I ought a bottle of ’ Connections: At Rockland with 1 .36 p. m. train Alfred | Keene, born in Waldoboro Aug. i.p He shows that in a lifetime of 84 years yourP. P. P. ut Hi.-» .s, . .:.gH.Ark..and . of M. C. It IL, urrivlng at Portland 5:20 p. m. and 2.45. The journey from Bath to Rockland R h e u m a tis m it has done mo uioreg>< 4 than tfireo Boston 9 ^0p. in. same day. At Swan’s Island 828; admitted Feb. 28, 1855, demitted Oct. the blood as it passes through the heart is months’ treatmenlat the H i springs. ‘ With Steamer Electa for Black Island. thrown a distance of 5,150,880 miles, which, was the most trying portion of the trip, he hond three hoi ties <’. o. B. . 3, 1S66. Mr. Keene was a rigger, stevedore liespectfully yo K. It. Tickets sold at reduced rales to Portland in a continuous stream, would reach around cause of the many hills and rough condition JAS . NEWTON, L and Boston finm a'! I.unlin ... and ship broker,[but is now a fruit grower in and Scrofula Aberdeen, Ur* ,vu County, O. Round 1'rip Tickets, between Rockland and the world 206 limes! of many of the roads. The actual riding time National City,}Cala. IItServed the city of Keeping in view this constant strain on P. P. P. purifies the blood, builds up C'apt. J . I>. J o h n s t o n . k from Boston’to Rockland was 20 hours, the the weak and dobllitutud, gives Jit'.;. '. AtWOod. '■ , T i ■ • ■ I. A G reat H it. Rockland as councilman, and in the Rebel­ the heart, and taking into consideration the atrongih to weakened nerves, expels To all rh'.m it rnui/ ecucerii: I h e re ­ Bd; D. 11- Gulden, Agent, Vlnalhaviu; Jos. abuse it receives from over-exertion, alco­ best time yet. dine ;ses,g iv in g th e p a tie n t h ealth and by testify to the wonderful properties _aton, Agent, Green’s Landingi I. W. Stinson, lion was lieutenant of Co. A., 5th Regiment ’------*------*vliero sickness, gl< ~ of I-. P. P. 1 1 crupit u i-1.: the skin. I Agent, Swan's Is land. holic and otiier stimulants, is it any wonder Mr. Speed rode a wheel of his own manu­ cufiere l for several > e n, malaria, m alaria, dyspepsia,d y sp ep .i and 8, 1847;(admitted to Aurora Jan. 5, 1881, fact can be readily understood that one in in all blood uni skin ill .-as. TON. Mr. Speed is an electrician and the past Havanuah, Ga. DWAYNE’S was S. Deacon in 1882 and J. Warden in 1883. four bus a weak heart, also the importance of 7^57 blotches, pimples, old chronic ill treating that organ as soon as its affected con­ season did some extra line’ work for two big tetter, scaldeaid head,bead, bolls, eryhj H kln C un< < r Cured. OINTMENT! He was cooper, 'now mechanic; enlisted crema we may say, v ithou. I '.•-•.yS/withcot say InUrnsl P f i t ___ dition is in the slightest degree manifested. yachts oue’of them being the Formosa. He ontradictlou.thut P. P. P. is Terttmtiny Jt om the Ji :yur 0 /^t^u im T ex. I < - « . . • . medians, carei Ut- 5 March 17, 1865, in the 19th Maine Regiment, Reader, if you have any reason whatever cmids, itch, sll" has been a member the past year of the firm 1' 1 • Tcruptious co tht and was discharged May 18, 1865. for believing your heart io be atie< ted, you u u 11 ca hKUdl, LUM, ke., tatviug T o b a c c o should attend to it at once. Do nut lied of Ketchum & Speed, 185 Franklin street, wo —! in • trb-.j your P. _ _> skin clear, whits sad health/ lames Crockett, charter member, born in Ladies whos s) stem s a re *. 1 . turn disease of f lie skin, usually Btld by druegiete. or seal by laall for 50 ct*. Aldrct. Do. tate. Many persons who die suddi nly of this but in August sold out to his partner. lie is O t .r u - •watss a Philadelphia, Pa. As* jssr feuupei fw u. Ro-klan 1 M arJ 19, 1803; initiated in Amity lue to menstrual Irregularities, ri .L . ig, and lou.,-1 r’i .*ae iu iiu i, ii, cannot be excelled disorder have never suspected ii j esence. now in business for himself at 146 Franklin e n eeuliaii . j.-p <<1 ov tie v,< n- piritiea lha blood and remove a all ir­ Lodge, Camden,’ Apl. io, 1823. He was the Joseph Boody, Pierpont, N. Y.. writes: “ Three street. He will visit in this city about a dt-rrul tonic and blood eiounsiug pr. p- ritation from tho seat «*t the diaeaso yvur»ugo I begun to have ditlu ulty in i o tbi' 2. erti sof P. P. 1* Prickly A»h, P -uo a n d p re v e n ts any :,br« ndlng ut th e lirsl Senior Steward, and was S. D. in 1845 Hoot and potassium. Mor**". 1 have t.iki i five* said I bRIONOFlELD, MO. , AV.g. 1 Itll. 1 v. Ill e fie e t a cu re. H h . ulno redioved could not llvaaweek. 1 began Hi Miles • k i k H. Q. GUROV & C( years, 7 mouths and'25 days. -1 Cit from indlg* ’ cud btomueh fo r New Heart Cure ; the rind bottle gr« ..ily rci.- .ed I WINNING ITS WAY. y o u r troublus. DEALER H IK— John,. Lindsey, charter member, born in nn . autl. although 7G years of u : tin; beverai ' knon edge. 1 wusafleetv 1 wLhhi. rt CAPT. Ii -tiles I took altogether so Immensely benefited duease. p leu risy so I rb« i m ail >r Attorney ut Law. Rockland, Mar. 20, 1793; admitted to Orient mo that 1 am a new naan. I eueermily recom­ Many people visit the Snow store, foot of 35 years. wu» trvuied by tlu- v< y fi >.fc 1 smoke or chew. mend this remedy.’’ phyUelai.s sna spent hundrer 1 1 *1- C O A L------Lodge, Thomaston, Sept. 12, 1825. He was “ While Mifl'eriog from a severe attack of heart Pleasant street, tujsee the great Miller safety Iur». tro d every known remedy with­ m on Blood Dlseoses toiiei Free. O f all sixes, out finding r» l!-f. II :.. ? « ! |y lul a master mariner and was lost at sea in di-eii '.-, and expecting to die. p' ysi'i.ins h . . - chain shackle,’which is attracting so much one bottle of your 1’. P. P., and cm ALL DUVGGJfcTa bBLL IT. "’lorded m» no relief, I was induced t (...) i- cheerfully my It d* *> me in ro USE MIS i BEECHER’S August,11830. it i»r. Miles’New Heart Cure. Evcryd I I attention. James Miller, the inventor, is in good than any thing 1 liuvu ever lukeri. • ------WOOD c tig h t up. and i t aeeuis a»- t>. h : 1 I can r BROWN ANU BIAUK. • >t remedy they contain, if i could - .. t i .. m Gs mitted and joined Rockland Lodge in the i n er te rm s.” —S. A. Bull, Frsn» shackles onJiaml, tuo sizes— 1 1-8 made contain* on tfulpbur or l*a1 v in Hartford, Conn. The tensile test of the I »■ medicines, all of which f**. 1 h- 1 I 18, 1825; joined Aurora Jan. 24, 7. “ud ’ shacklejis 65,000 pounds to the square inch. No. 1 Camden St,, Rockland ** G. W . THOM I ’M >\ . i u«ing Dr. Miles* Ns»v Heart Ci. • , . Rockland, Me was at one time senior warden; iu the Au urderjof 5-8 size was shipped to North S pring Gurry Comb ! City Council, and was first iiei bnant ami l Haven the other day. captain in the;army; died in R< laud Oct. j I 'This shackle is coming into general use, Clock Spring Blade. 8uft is e Broah. Fib every Curve. The Only Perfect Courb. Deed by O. S. Aruiy end by Barnum and C h ild re n C ry fo r C h ild re n Cry for SI per bottle, six bottles S and the captains who have tried them use j 16, 1871. . I p siiirely con tai ua n» ither opiates n* 1 dungs; u 'ore|juugU Circuata, end Lcndiog Ucuaeuren of tha World. P itc h e r’s C a s to ria . P itc h e r’s C a s to ria . orenzo S. Robinson was bor, in Jersey 1 (Xrugs. Free book at druggiAU, or by mail. them exclusively. r Ask your Dealer for It, Samclc mailed post p aid 2S cents. ------fefUUU------U'ttlU I A,s w a ------THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER IS 1894,


Everybody smiled at the Deacon’s donkey. Gossip About Pionios and Parlies. Personals And Beautiful Results Surely The Workings of the New la . — Some Things CZONI High School has clcscd on account of and a Few Local Happenings. F o llo w . Thai Would Mend Matters Corrojt figures. scarlet fever. A prisoner named McLain was discharged Sch. Annie L. Green discharged grain for There Is One Thing You Want Badly "S h o u ld A uld A cq u a in ta n ce Be Following it the couipklu vote of Knox from the prison, Wednesday. Chas. Noyes last week. and Must Have. Forgot” and So Forth County for Governor r i compared uith the ^ D y er CK They'giggled when Fiddler walked the rail Fine group pictures have been taken of a vote in 1892: and took a bath in the boook. portion of the “wax ftgger” participants, Even If You Have Given Up Possessing It This II. C. Day & Co. of Rockland are fitting up Tim Vlwih Again (lap llanils—Aew W i j I i G uaiacol Odd Fellows Block is receiving a coat of Will Give You Hope. P. D. I r., Lab Member Voted in "In , Clalnix Re­ Appleton. paint at the hands of the Tolman Paint Co. the Thomaston Herald office with a boiler and 127 127 85 It is ns easy to explain a cold ns to 1 Luinnen, 226 IS J 16 9.1 Everylxwly laughed at the hoys and girls engine. Neuralgia and nervousness are fearfully j lationship on Ihe “ Half” llnsix - T h e 1 Cttflblng, W entworths Honor Hope Willi Their Friehdflhtp, catch one. The skin, exposed to a sud­ whenThey paid their 15 cents for green wood. Ship Isaac Reed, Capt. Fred D. Waldo, left pre valent. There is no more painful disease I lope, Social I’reurnee. Ilurrlennr den change-in temperature, ceases to We all roared at the crowd of sports that Taltal Sept. 10 for Hampton Roads, with ni­ lhan neuralgia. It indicates a diseased state Mntinlci - throw off waste matter, and double duty hunted for the prize light Wednesday night trate. of nerves and blood ami the most terrible suf- 1 N orth II .,<■ Korkin I'D 3--i 14 lift Carver’s market was opened Thursday Isn’t it about time for that annual shoot! fering is often present. I HE Vinal family met Itoci t. is imposed upon the lungs. Hence, in­ J on Stahl’s Hill at El- evening. It is a trim little place and the pro H. II. Williams is away, and the other gun­ Most everybody is nervous, and this is Ht. '■ ... flammation of the bronchial tubes and 145 11. 1 31 prietor is esteemed by all who know him. ners now have some show. more dangerous than most people think, for, ridge Burton's, Sept. ..a on. 17ft 1S1 169 26S ft 4S A iiJ a s in g le apj!. frequently consumption. A medicine to 131 116 4 62 C U R A , \ Capt. Hamilton and wife were visiting rela­ II. L. T hompson and family are visiting in as in the case of the well-known S. W. Ander­ 6, where two parallel IDS 194 11 44 cure consumption must help not only tives in this place last week------Miss Carrie son, Esq., of Warren, Mass., it is very liable tables, beneath an ex­ in t re li Winthrop, Mr. Thompson’s old Tiome------Z12 72 2 163 ar.J sleep, and poili the lungs but the stomach, because good Pendleton of Boston is in town to attend the Miss Ethel Gillchrest has been visiting in to lead to nervous prostration and paralysis, if tensive tent, decorated with hunting, awaited appetite and good digestion are required weddi.ng °f hcr cou’,n’ Mi” Janc H'-Pkin»- Brockton, Mass. not cured. He writes as follows about his a goodly number of relatives and invited Ward 5 in last week’s election, as usual, e c o n . m ieal, ard p e r n \ . .. ' ------Mrs. Sutton returned to New York Mon- Mrs. Dr. Charles T. Chase of Sharon, Mass., wonderful recovery: friends, who satisfied their appetite that had had the most attractive quarters. Janitor the most distressing’ to fortify the system. Slocum^s Ozon- I (lay nftcr 9pending „,c summer months here. has been the guest of hcr brother, John “Some time ago I was afflicted with ner been sharpened by climbing the hill that Lurvey of the Purchase street school-house, b u r n in g , b le e d i n er, s c a ly ,', skin and scalp diseases,* ized Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, with, ----- Miss Carrie Graffam left for Boston Mon- Ruggles, Main street. She left Saturday for vousness and neuralgia. T he pains I suffered overlooks so much beautiful landscape. neatly fixed up the rooms and flung out the sicians, hospitals, and all’- Guaiacol, is a great flesh-maker. | day of last week. her home in Massachusetts. were frightful. They commenced in my legs The officers of last year were re-elected for school-house banners, while cut dowers from I The Good Templars gave an entertain Some of our Thomastonians assisted at a and arms and then went to my head and face, the ensuing year, with the addition of a com­ the Mather Greenery brightened the election Send for Book on Ozone, mailed free. C uticura Remt, ment in Granite Cutters Hall, Monday eve­ ministrel entertainment in Port Clyde, Tues­ f inally I had a paralytic shock on my right mittee to confer with the Burton Association, tables. Prepared by T. A. Slocum Co., New York. ning of last week. Ice creayand cake were day evening. We learn that Alf. Sampson side which laid me up completely. for the purpose of making a canvas tent for The various pluralities in the county, ac­ Exert a peculiar, purifying al | served after the program. A very pleasant played a prominent part. “ 1 continued suffering the most terrible the two reunions. This committee is Isaac cording to the corrected returns, are as fol­ on the kin, and through it u} evening was passed by those present.—G. C, One T homaston Democrat got some little agony from neuralgia and was nearly dead Libby, Elbridge Burton and Rufus Copeland. lows: Cleaves, 1225; Dingley, 1232; Walls, the blood. In the treatment' The Kind of ’ I.add and son Walter of Thomaston were in satisfaction out of Monday’s election. He with pain. I took everything that I ever The Vinal tree has branched out and be­ 1190; Miller, 1284; Jones, 1217; Bowden, distressing hum >rs they are speed* I town last week—John Jones has moved to heard of but got no better. I consulted four come interwoven into that of numerous 1209; Prescott, 957; Ulmer, 717; Campbell, m e d i c i n e says: “ It’ll be a hard stint for the Republi­ permanent, and economical, and ini ’ Lynn, Mass.—Win. Hopkins and mother are cans to come up to in 1896.” doctors but they did me no good. They said families, among whom the Copeland, Fogler, 1209. their action are pure, sweet, gentle, The Knpreaentntlve*. you need is the visiting in Belfast—Alvin Brown has returned Capt. W. M. Masters chaperoned a party of there was nothing but morphine pills that Newbert, Burton, Benner and Pitcher and effective. Mothers and chil­ to New London where he is to work on a would help me. families were represented, als ? the Dunbar, T homaston —T 8 Slnuer, It, 174; Thom as old reliable tonic and fifty at Crescent Beach, Wednesday evening. Russell, D.. 167; Montgomery 102. Matinici s — dren are their warmest friends. farm— Mrs. W. Carver and father are visiting “ I took them for nearly a year ami was no Condon, (Jeycr, Morse and other families too Singer l»i, Russell 3, Montgomery 4. Slnger’w p lu­ blood-purifier, Supper was followed by a dance. It was a rality Ir 30. Mr. dinger is the first Republican • relatives in Belfast—Dr. Bushnell and son better but began to get even worse. I heard complicated to analyze or systematize. elected in the Thomaston class since Charles E. Sold throughout the world. Potter D rug and very quiet time, of course, with Capt. Masters Chbm. Corn-., Sole Props., Boston. 4^* “AU Romeo were here on business recently. of a skillful doctor in Worcester, Mass., and An invited guest, I. J. Burton, was voted Randlett was elected in 1M11. in charge. St . GEoitOB.-Conanl R, 103, Geyer D. 229; about Baby's Skin, Scalp, and H air,’’ mailed free. I The Knox & Lincoln Veteran Association Ship J. II. Thomas, Capt. W. J. Lermond, i9 went there to see him. lie said he could cure into the union as an honorary member, lie KniENDsniP.— Conant R, 62. Geyer D, 6S; W hitney 4. C ushing.—Conant R, 69, Geyer, D, If tired, nchlug, nervous moth­ , will hold its annual reunion in Rockland, inc in one week. 1 staid there three days and has a half sister whose mother was a half 2S, W hitney P P, 1. Geyer’s majority is 100. in Philadelphia, loading til for Japan. She e rs knew the comfort, strength, and Wednesday, Sept. 19. All soldiers, sailors, then went home. Vinal, two of his half uncles married Vinals, Camden - Miller (R ) 252. Montgomery (D ) 20S, gets 18 cents, a little improvement over what Swan (P. P.) 69; RocKi’oiiT—.Mili. r (It.) 241. vitality in C u tic u r a FI aster*, they SARSAPARILLA 1 members of Relief Corps, Sons of Veterans “ The day after I got home I was taken his step-mother was half Vinal, his step- .M -:i _■-mery I».) 160, Bwau (P. P ) 20. Miller’s would never be without them. In has been paid. Capt. Lermond is at his plurality is 135. grandfather, who was his guardian, with two every way the sweetest and best. i t ' etc., are invited to be present. A free dinner home in Thomaston. worse than ever I had been before and my W ashington—Law (R.) 134, Lincoln (ft ) 51, will l»e given at Oakland with speaking in the suffering was more than I could endure. wives, half of whom were Vinal; he had ten Richard* P. P ) 37; Hope—Law (R.) 92, Lincoln c a n h a v e A well known Thomaston citizen recently (ft.) 12, Richards (P.P.) s. Appleto n .—Law (R.) evening by Gen. Davis Tillson anti others. put a button on a refrigerator to keep the foster brothers and sisters who were half 15, Lincoln (I)) 60, Richards ( P .P .) 44. Law ’s no substitute. Misses Margaret Jordan and Ida Singer of Vinal, besides numerous second, third and plurality I- INS. door closed. He did a nice job, prepared Soctii T homaston.—Crockett (It 11S, Thonns Cures others, fourth cousins, who are of the Vinal lineage. (Ip 61, Boman ( I T / 24; H urricane—Crockett 1 Thomaston were here Tuesday----- Harland the button and screwed it on with infinite W. S. SHOREY Still like Gcehale, the Mingo chief, these runs (R ) in, Thom as 'l i j I, llnwruan (I’P) 5; Vinal- j Sumner of Thomaston was in town last week pains and then found that he had put the f t ™ haven—Crockett (It) 211, Thotnu* (D) 76, Roman not a single drop of the Vinal blood in his PP 178. N orth Haven — Crockett (H) 64, w ill cure you ------R. Mahoney and George Roberts have button on the door. Thom as (Ir) 37, Homan (PP) 11. V inalhaxen — ook been at the Monroe Fair----- Capt. W. J. Lcr- veins. < K.ck. it (R .) 214, Thom as (ft) 76, Boman (P. P.) Mrs. Ralph Patterson and Miss Carrie 17>. < rockett’s jilurality is 218. mong, wife and daughter of Thomaston were After a social time and sumptuous repast WALKER ft PUV! O’.. Counce delightfully entertained seventeen Un io n — To I man (R) 152, Vaughan (ft) 69, liM DER, in town recently. the company voted to adjourn to the Vinal Pendleton (P P ) 61. W a iikkn— Tolman Gt) 2l<», lady friends at six o’clock tea, Thursday---- Vaughan (ft; 194, Pendleton (P P.) 43. Toim an’a B Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. j cottage, in Cushing, there to hold the next plurality is 100. BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURE! SYNDICATE BUILDING, ROCKLAND. ROCKPORT. The Cooking Club made an excursion to Cj_M.W a i.rek : Berry’s Point, Thursday. Tuesday evening reunion the second Wednesday of September, Front St., Bath, Maine. 1895. Voters still find it difficult to understand REUEL ROBINSON, E. N. Barter has closed his ice-cream room the club was entertained by Miss Martha the new method. In this city more than ioo ■fcirBvery De*ori*>1.75 to 52, cupy seats set apart lor members, nor will A. F. Crockett Co., E. II. Coehrun. J . It. Baker. C. C. Cross. FRENCH&E WWELLED CALF ling September 8, 1894. although some of the poorer sorts have sold members occupy seats with the visitors, dur­ Of Serious Fire, Life & Accident Insurances » 4 .f3>-’ FlNECALf&KM.5AI!!ll Genu’ Ll.t. 1, Cu|^l. -Juouph ing rehearsal. 5 3 .5 0 p o t ICE, a soles. as low at 75 cents. The Californias have Abbott, Paul W. The Oldest Insurance Agency iu Maine. Allen, O. B. Under the new laws it will be necessary to 4oso.»£ WORKINGMENo 'l’onvy. Joim Illn esses —DiALaaa i«— 406 MAIN STREET, - ROCKLAND. arrived here in better condition because of Ankumlrvui J . d . iLnunl K. (2) elect a new board of officers, and the follow­ EXTRA FINE. ’’ better packing. Bunmaii. H airy I.. WulcOtl, Juuia* t 2 . ’l?>s B0Yi5CH0!ltSH!:ES. K m er.ou, E. B. Wood*, John ing committee was appointed to report a list Nice Damson plums have been retailing Hunt, Elden WulU, Albert G. Sanford’s Qinger • L A D I E S - liow uid, Goo. U. Lttdle.’ EM. to be acted on at the next session : George E. RICE, BIRD «4 BARNEY, ^4 <160 >2 .0 . ^ from teams the past week al 5i a peck. 'Fhe Uulme«, Cant. W. T A Ittiiif, Mr*. J. J. Torrey, -Mrs. Ada Keeue and Mrs. Ambrose 'B e s TD °NG01-4 crop will be short. ' Ib z lm u. d. .1. Atuu». M U -Jeni.k- Is W o rth COM. Insurance Agents, ■ SEND FOnt CATALOGUE i Hall, Hon. W. T. Aver, Mr». Wild* 1. Mills. 1 Jewetl, H J- W-L’D o UCl a s , Bi ui.ui.l, \U«* Nclllu K. BYNDICATB BUILDING, - BUCBLANU I Jaallu, John J r . Its Weight BROCKTON, MASS. ROCKLAND MARINE. U. U ta.tow , Mi.« NvlUu Kiml gImm« tr< ng un« M. P. AN URGENT CASE. You cun (.uve mniii y by purebuhiug . L» Broken, Store, Y-gg, ricau (Jootpuiiii* ure repreNcuied by ut. Douuluta feline*. t Sch. M. Luella W ■d, C«pt. E. C. Spauld- ' I)..-. . Ml** Nettle Tvlepliouti couiiucUou. 22 Because, wc iu v IL - larg »t inuuuf.iciurcTs ol Il .ward, MUr Nina In Gold ing, is in Baltimore bartered to Savannah ' Mnun e, Willie G. Ho ion. Mi*. I). M. , A prominent citizen says that his wile has luil Franklin dMl, Joluoun, UlfeM Minnie the value by stamping the n.iinr and |. <• on with coal— Sch. M. A. Achorn, Ac hoi n, is i siMriaejVuapi.TluM been trying to gel a date for a tea party, but Uxe bottom, which protc. 1$ yon agai:. hi, h Johlnion. Mr*. Anie M. Coat lining among Its ingredients the pur- MYRTLE HOUSE, prices ami Ihc iniJdR : iau profit*. Gurahoea due here fn i Portland where she discharged * JJ"' , ... D.O-, M. K. there have Ixxn so many card parties that e*t ui nu-'liciual French brandy and thu beot equal em.lc.nj work in fctyle, ca»y filling and Muj lebacg, O»pt. 1 Marlin, Mm*. of iinitoltod gmuer, It to va*iiy superwr to M yrtle Street, Rockland wealing qualities. Wc have (I: n: shd ev sy- coal from New York------Sch. Fannie W hit­ Pttlne, Ml** Eliu there is some thought of petitioning the leg- the cheap, uorthko*, and of leu dangerous A. ’P. CROCKETT & CO. it. B. u n o itH , - I’roprlc-tor. where atlo.ver pri - s lor the value given than more, Campbell is n the way from Pruvi- 1 B -ark, Mm. M1D« isLture to have >an-lay abolished so as to gingers urged at> *uh*titute8. -ny oilier:.- Take uo ;iy. It >uux Hauudvi*, Mr* Jo tie a -1. i-.t .- Nl'i u;.'/ • ,:.d look a ROOMS TO LET BY OAY OR WEEK fe dwulcr cannot t apply you. wc can. tXgd by deuce to Newport News to load coal fur ’ J , MdlUIUW Whitmore, Mi»* JoUe everjwhere. 7«IM. cowMd wUtt ull buatt/ind (ru4i«i; fart lit. C. S. STAPLES, - North Haven Sandy Point, &^e. BudUi, Walter il. Box 1144 aud the like. D f i u D a ta & Culm. Colt , Bostou. North End, Ujokland, Ma THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1894.

ROCKPORT. this time and during the Autumn. Gentle­ WARREN. APPLETON. men who arc well acquainted with the Fred Sylvester, E. A. Perry and Fred attractions of the coast of Maine claim that ’•A rtpnlsr Cleveland slide’’ Gould & Hanley sell the large size package T hey -aid In ninety tw o; r ’s3 y r u f t Heald went on a fishing trip last week. Camden is sure to become a most popular of Pearline for 10 cents. Well, eight nnd thirty thousand To the For a Cleave(s) land slide will do. A party of ladies took the electrics Thurs­ resort. Nature has given her a rare combi day to Glen Cove and enjoyed themselves nation of seashore, mountains and lakes in Rev. H. E. Thayer baptized one candi­ Lynn Sprowl is canvarsing the town for with a basket picnic. close proximity with an exhilarating climate date Sunday. nursery stock. Mothers Our lime manufacturers ate strongly favor­ —combinations so attractive and in a locality Atwood Spear’s house at Sheepsk’n Corner J. L. Gushce has bought a horse of Mr. Bar rows of Union. ing coal instead of wood as being more so accessible cannot long be hidden under is up and boarded. bushel. Men of means and Summer resort economical in producing lime. Georges Rivers mills shut down Saturday Geo. Butler was taken to the Insane Who have to care for their knowledge and experience have looked over Thursday Fred Norwood Post and Relief for a week in order to make repairs. Hospital Friday. Children and see that they the grounds and are convinced that Camden are all well dressed and at Corps had a corn roast at the residence The Wellman reunion, at the Head of the offers to capitalists superior and safe oppor­ A meeting was held Saturday evening in this present time when tomach D. P. Andrews, at the foot of Mount Pleasant Central Hall to institute a lodge of Rebek­ Lake, Hope, occurs the 19th inst. tunities to invest in real estate and with the they nre about to enter the Capt. George McIntire took a party continued influx of Summer visitors and the ahs. Mrs. Sarah Eceman of Middletown, Conn., Fall Term of School they was at the Wentworth reunion. IMASTON. I lime, is employed in Cliftondale at the build hunters to the islands last week. C. building of new cottages—investing in Cam A number of our people attended the must have a New and ing trade, .and is doing well. McIntire, W. A. Merriam and C. S. Jones den ,Summer pro p er/ at present bottom Christian Endeavor meetings in Union last The apple crop will absorb most of the Nobby Suit which I have vs will be found on were in the part/. week. barrels made in this vicinity this fall. Smelts are being caught at the Creek. prices can neither be unsafe nor unprofitable. and at a price that will Mrs. C. E. Paul has returned home from The road machine was operated last week please you, with Waists, » ~ f * Some of our people took dinner at Crescent Officer T. E. Dyer of kCamden is a candi Miss Blanche Holt died on Thursday last grape? retailed Saturday for „ , „ . 1 ' an extended visit in Ellsworth and other after years of painful suffering. Her remains on the road leading from Gushee’s Corner to Blouses &Shirts to match. Beach Sunday. date for deputy on the staff of W. N. Ulmer ra basket. towns in the eastern part of the state— -Dr, of Rockland, sheriff elect. were taken to Marlboro for interment. Searsmont to the great improvement of travel. Mrs. C. \V. Stimpson is recovering from F; Elder < »g'.er pleached in ' ashing F. Norwood was at Bangor last week. Misses Wetherbee, Grace and Jennie New­ Mr. and Mrs. Jackson of Chelsea, Mass., Call In and look nt ray stock. I severe sickness. am nlways pleased to show my jo W aldoboro, Sunday. Clarence McIntire’s yacht is at Camden UNION. comb, Mrs. Abbie Newbert and Mrs. Sadie are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Some of our people picnic at Ash Point goods. . . . . (erald is now located in the Stimp- He expects to have her hauled up there soon Richmond of the Ivy Chapter, Order of the Jackson----- Mrs. Silas Daggett and son of today------C. H. Washburn arrived this morn­ fck, in the old Goudy store. for the W it ter. The Nokomis will be kept Come to the fair, September 25, 26 and 27 Eastern Star, attended the Grand Chapter Cailbou, Aroostook, are visiting at Artist ing from a trip to Boston. in the water until the latter part of next Jre are several typhoid fever cases in Harvest feast at the Grange next Wednes­ meeting at Hallowell, last week. Pease’s------Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Robbins of It is learned from a reliable source that as month. r—one on Wadsworth street, one at the day evening. C. S. Smith has returned from Bay Point Fort Fairfield, who have been visiting friends Alfred M urray the Salvation Army meetings on the Hill were adows and one or two others. A gong has been placed in the corridor at Methodist circle will meet with Mrs. Eras- and has resumed his laundry work. lie has in Knox county, returned to their home the not conducted by some of those taking part as last of the week------Mr. and Mrs. Jewell of T j T T H E BARGAIN CLOTHIER. Will Donovan has returned from a trip to the Eastside school-house—a very much tu3 Ware, Thursday. purchased an engine and contemplates putting they should have been that the meeting house Hampden, who have been calling on their Boston. Mr. Donovan is learning the ’"le- needed arrangement, as it makes a uniform Herbert Messer has had a fine job of grad in a steam laundry at his home. will be closed to future meetings of that kind. numerous friends in the county, returned graph business, and is rapidly progressing. call for the five schools to their respective ing done around his house. Mr. and Mrs. George Burgess and daughter SIGN BIG SHIRT. THs Tuesday evening Revs. Sewall Browne soon after the Robbins reunion------Mr. and rooms. Caddie left last week to visit their son iu 446 Main St., - Rockland, Me. Mrs. Dr. Chase of Sharon, Mass., has been and Herbert E. Thayer will speak in the Election day passed quietly and decidedly. Mrs. Wm. Wentworth of Waldo visited Mr. The pavements on Central street Albany, N. Y., plso their daughter Helen, who visiting her brother, John Ruggles. She re­ auditorium of the Baptist Church, subject: A host of friends congratulate our popular and Mrs. T. A. Gusbee Thursday------Mr. and swept clean last week, and now we look townsman, S. W. Jones, upon his election as is expected this week on her return from turned home the latter part • .f last week. “The Toronto Convention.” All are earnestly Mrs. Chas. Tanner, of Montville, Gsited Mr. respectable about town, until you get to that Europe. HAND OF DEATH. A reading club of ladies meets with Mrs. county commissioner. Mrs. T. A. Gushee Friday------Cyrus Condon invited to be present. Seats free. No col­ mud hole at the end of the bridge and then— Charles Creighton, Saturday evenings. The Grangers held their annual field day at lection. keep sweet, it will freeze up by and by. Miss Effie Wetherbee, Mrs. George Newbert, of Vinalhaven is visiting at Willard Sherman’s. Macauley’s English History is being attacked. Demise of Well Known Rockport Lady— Promi­ Qu'te a number of the Creek hoys made the trotting park, Thursday, Sept. 13. The Mrs. Sadie Richmond and Misses Grace and W est Ajti.eton.—The farmers have begun Miss Sadie Higgins is visiting her parents in day was perfect am! a large number from ad­ nent Citizen Passes Over the Line. Charles McDonald, son of Daniel McDon­ plans to go to Round Pond Sunday on the Jennie Newcomb attended the Grand Chapter, harvesting------Beans turn out finely, but B ston------Mrs. Frank Donnell ot Waltham, Mrs. Sarah I?., wife of I’. J. Carleton of ald, has entered T. B. Brown’s drug store, steamer Silver Star of Rockland, but as the joining towns were present. The exercises ( )rder of Eastern Star, at Hallowell last week, potatoes in some parts turn out small, with Mass., who has been spending the Summer Rockport, whose death was announced last lie is a bright young man and is taking hold weather looked unfavorable Sunday morning were rather disappointing as there had been Mrs. Newbert being appointed one of the but few rotton ones------There has been con­ at the Rollins cottage, returned home last no arrangement made for music for the occa­ week, will he missed by a large circle of of the business very handily. the steamer did not come round from Rock­ grand officers. siderable second crop of grass cut------Apples week------Arthur Page of Fitchburg, Mass., sion and the State Lecturer and other talent friends, not only in Rockport, but in many A. B. Wyllie has just completed a sanitary land to Fort wharf, where she was to take her Mr. ami Mrs. John Holt have gone to not very plenty, but very good------Quite a is stopping for a few days with J. H. Hanley. that were expected to be present were unable other places. She was horn in November, plumbing job in Stirapson Block. He has passengers aboard. Marlboro, Mass., to inter their daughter number went to Monroe fair------The ladies ------Mrs. Wm. Ilopkins of Boston, who has to attend. 1826, in the town oi Westbrook, Cumberland also been at work in Rockland, fitting up a Blanche in the family lot. She passed away of So. Montville held a sewing circle Fri­ Qv’te a freak of nature may be seen at S r- been visiting friends here, expects to return Mrs. Louise Baldwin Powers, who h county, Maine, but spent her early life in the bath room for B. U. Adams, Berkley street. Inursday after several years of confinement day, the 14th, to make quilts and bedding for rett Brothers store in a potato which was home this week. lately returned from a two years sojourn in city of Portland. When young, she received to her bed. The family has the sympathy of Clarence Cram who was burned out last week. There will be a young people’s rally at the dug recently by a resident at the Creek. In e Glen Cove.—Wm. A. Babcock returned Europe, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs excellent musical education, and was a many friends in its affliction. Mr. Cram and wife are held in very high Baptist < 'hurch this Tuesday evening. Rev. potatoe is of medium size and at its center is to Glen Cove, the iSth init., after a week S. G. Hills------Mrs. Lillie Alden spent the teacher of music in several towns in Maine, H. E. Thayer of Warren, Kiv. Sewall Browne an iron ring and on each side the po*'to esteem by the people in So. Montville and absence, accompanied by a friend, A. F. Per./, Sabbath with her father at Cooper’s Mills By invitation of King Solomon Lodge, this is the second hard blow they have had to Camden being one of them, where she became of Tenant's Harbor and others will be pres­ bulges out so that it w ill be necessary to cut also of Boston, and they are now camping out Mrs. M. J. Hemenvvay has been spending a F. & A. M, of Waldoboro, 26 members of bear. The first was the loss by drowning of acquainted with Mr. Carleton, to whom she ent. the potato in order to get the iron ring off. at the old place. They made a two days few days at Rockport with her friend, Nettie St. George Lodge of Warren visited that their only child. was married May 30, 1851. Her married life Morrison & Aderton, the bakers, are devel­ T. B. Brown contemplates digging a cyclone trip to Castine, in their canoe, last week, and F. Lynch, who is very sick------Herbert Shep lodge Friday evening to witness the confer­ was of the iiappiest, and she was a devoted oping a fine business here. They say that cel’ar. Last Wednesday afternoon a small report an enjoyable time------E. C. Moffitt anti ard of So. Framingham, Mass., is here on ring of the third degree upon two clergy­ HOPE. wife and mother. She was the mother of last week was the best since they opened but energetic whirlwind swept down on the son Caleb, who have been at E. E. Rhodes visit to his mother, Statira Shepard, who is in men All speak highly of the pleasant even­ four sons, three of whom are now living— They are putting out nice goods and deserve yard back of his drug store, picked up his for some weeks, returned home to Readtieid, ’ poor health----- R. W. Bartlett and wife ing passed. Miss M inr;e Barrett is teaching school in Capt. Frank P. J. Carleton of New York to succeed. doghouse, a budding 6>j feet, lilted it over a the first of last week------Mrs. Nancy D. Vinal have been on a visit to Appleton— —Mrs Searsmont. Joseph Hall Carleton of Portland, and Ralph South Warren—Mr. Willis Gould, wife four-foot fence and deposited it in the field of Yinalhaven is the guest of Mrs. S. I Sarah Alden is stopping at her son’s, Dr. J. J Westbrook Carleton who is a member of the Rev. Clayton Boothby and wife are ex and son Henry, and Mrs. Edgar Start of Cam­ Eight ladies visited Mrs. Mary Bartlett last Lufkin------( >rrcn Moore of Boston was in Alden’s------Charles Morrill of .Augusta made well known firm of Carleton, Norwood & Co. pected home this week from their sojourn ii on the other side, snapping two thick copper den visited at W. L. Jordan’s last week----- Saturday to celebrate her birthday. town last week------Edwin J. Kalloch has re­ a Hying visit here last week to Mrs. Mor.ill’s The second son, Ilemy Babb Carleton, died Saco, Windham and other places, and ser wires during the exhibition. There seemed Mr. Wilton Spear is making an addition to Will Bartlett went to Monroe to the Fair turned from a Csit at Warren, his old home old home----- Miss Netia Kimball of Rock­ in September, 18S2, soon after graduating vices will be resumed in the Cong’l church, to be no wind anywhere else. his buildings----- A. IE Jordan was in tow.i with Donald, who can speak for himself. Conductors F. T. Heal of Camden and land is the guest of Miss Lillian Bachelder. from the Divinity School in Philadelphia, next Sunday. Capt. Harris Stackpole spent a few days Saturday on business----- John Bradford left R. IE Packard of Rockland, with Motorneers ------Miss Newbert of Waldoboro has been A good company was at the ball given by I he daughter, Mrs. A. W. Thayer, resides in Capt. Stackpole drives as fine a family horse last week at Stone’s Point------Gen. Ladd of Thursday to join schooner Susie Plummer------F. E. Sylvester uf Rockport and E. A. Perry spending a week with Mrs. Arder:s Sherman Rockland parties in True’s Hall, Thursday Augusta, Maine. as can be found in tb's vicinity, and the cap­ Green’s Island spent Sunday v ith his fair ly. Mrs. IE Vinal, who has been visiting friends night. of this place, hired a Rockport sloop and — E. A. Bosworth, who has been Gsi ‘.ng at tain knowsAvhen he gets a good horse,too, as ------(). G. Dinsmore of Vinalhaven was in in Thomaston, has returned home. Mrs. Carleton was a lady of attractive went on a three days fishing cruise to A. M. Wingate’s, returned to his home in Five carriage loads attended the Went­ he has owifled some fine horse tlesh since he town Saturday------Mrs. Julia M. Carter of manners, possessing a cultivated mind. She Matinicus. On their return, Saturday, with Providence, R. I., Friday------Mr. and Mrs. R Charles B. Watts and w ife have gone on a worth reunion from here, the writer being retired..from sea. Bangor is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. always took an active interest in the public quite a large catch, they remembered their Anson Crie of Rockland and Mr. and Mrs. R trip to Moosehead and vicinity------We are among the number. Starrett------William Gilley ha^ returned from schools, and in whatever would elevate and Quite a delegation of Thomaston ladies has co-workers on the electric, and some others, W. Bartlett were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. glad to hear of the recovery of Miss Weston. a business trip to New York----- Frank Wait Rev. Mr. Kenyon will preach in New ’mprove the young; she assisted in the organ­ attended the lectures on cooking given in with one or two of the finny tribe for dinner. Lamson of Appleton recently------Miss Cora Miss Myra Kalloch is visiting friends in comb lias returned to Boston. Haven, Ct., the i6tb, and then will return to ization of the Rockport Book Club, and was Rockland by Miss Eda Chapman. All have They had a very pleasant trip it is said----- Luce is one of the excursionists to the Wb’te Portland, and will go to Massachusetts before Rev. F. C. Haddock of the Maine Con College Hill to his studies. a member of the book committee from the been delighted therewith and say they gained Mrs. Joseph Curtis of Winterport visited her Mountains------Mrs. Ames of Appleton is visit­ her return------Mrs. J. E. Pond is visiting at fcrence preached in the Methodist Church, About forty persons were at Mrs. Henry beginning. Years ago she was a leader in all valuable information. sister, Mrs. E. J. Coll'ns, last week------J. S. ing her mother, Mrs. L. T. Andrews----- Mrs I. P. Starrett’s------Mr. and Mrs. Kimball of Sunday. He is considered one of the Guding’s to witness the opening of a night­ musical gatherings and her influence did E. *S. Vose of Cushing, well known here, is Foster, esq., the new supervisor of schools, Cora Burns and l’ttle daughter Alice are in Farmington, N. IE, are visiting their daugh­ smartest preachers in the state. It is hoped blooming cereus, one evening last week. much to promote a general knowledge of a candidate for deputy sheriff on the staff of visited Glen Cove school, lately------Mrs. Louis Boston------John Miller, who works in Bath, ter, Mrs. Benj. D ot/------Mrs. Lizzie Colson of music in the village and this interest con­ that he may be secured to supply the Thomas School did not begin as expected, as it Sheriff-elect Ufmer. Mr. Vose is a stalwart C. Atwood, of Eastport, has been the guest of was here election day------Geo. Thurston and Cliftondale has been calling on friends here. tinued to the close of her life. She was a ton church for the remainder of the confer­ was feared there was some illegality about it, Republican, a capable, intelligent man and Mrs. ('. A. Jacobs------A new lining has been wife of Mass, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. N. E Mrs. Lucy Weaver and Miss Scott of conscientious Christian and a member of the ence year. Mr. Haddock at one l me was and Mr. Luce was written to for information. would make a most efficient deputy. put in the furnace under the boiler at the Thurston. Camden visited at A. M. Watts’ last week. Episcopal church, and during her last illness, located in Brunswick, and had as co-laborers We have not heard the result. Rev. Charles Pope, at one time pastor of power house----- Rev. J. IE Parshley, pastor of Mrs. Susan Stetson of Damariscotta is vis­ when she realized that the end was near, she there a Rev. Mr. Fisher and Rev. C. M. WASHINGTON. Among those we met at the Wentworth the Thomaston Cong’l church, was in town the Rockland First Baptist Church, conducted iting her native place and stopping with met it with the calmness of a steadfast Christian Herung. North Washington.—Edward G. Turner reunion was a Mrs. Wentworth of Waldo last week. He is now located in Kenne­ service at Glen Cove school-house last Sab­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mathews at North War­ faith. She was passionately fond of flowers W. O. Masters and Charles Copeland con­ bath. On the 23d inst. Dr. L. F. Bachelder of .Appleton has opened a grocery store at whom we had not seen for over five decades. bunkport. Mr. Pope’s interest in musical re n ------Will Lermond, who lias just returned and it was therefore fitting that when she was template a gunning trip down Machias way John Gratton’s corner. H e also runs a store She was formerly Miss Thankful PNlbrick of matters is well remembered by Thomaston of Rockland v. ill have charge of the mee mg from an eighteen months voyage at sea, is laid away to her final rest on a pleasant Sep­ ------Mrs. T. F. Phinney arrived Friday from in Eishtown, zXppleton. Mr. Turner ran th;s place. people. ------Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crabtree and chil­ visiting his aunt, Mrs. George Kalloch, for a tember afternoon, that she should lie sur­ New York where she has been visiting her store here once before some years ago. It An addition is being made to the old por­ dren and Mrs. Ida Keene of South Hope few days------Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nesbit are Mrs. Jarvis and family have left for their rounded by their sweetness and beauty. sons, Horace and Warren. Horace and bride looks natural to see him here again----- Joseph tion of the Knox House for the purpose of visited at E. A. Peny’s the first of the week at the home of G. L, Burgess during his ab­ home in Brooklyn, stopping a few days in arrived yesterday for a sojourn in town----- H. Jones of Liberty is stopping for a short Thomas B. Grose, esq., who passed away enlarging the office, wb’le the premises in the ------Miss Helen Ingraham of Rockport was se n c e ------William Jackson of Marlboro, Rockland------S. L. Bills has gone to Unity Edward Pierce and wife of New York, who time at his mother’s, Mrs. Lydia Jones, who in Rockport Monday, Sept, to, was born in rear of the buildings are being graded and at Granville Upham’s lately------Mis. Nancy Mass., is visiting his mother------George and Searsport on a business trip------Mrs. have been spending a few days at York is on the sick list------Minot Eenfest is still Camden, Feby. 14, 1813. He was married beautified. Landlord Masters proposes to D. Wall called on friends here last week----- i-bert drove through the country to .Augus­ Annie Haskell of Rockland is visiting her Beach, are in town------Capt. W. J. Lermond pairing his house. He •< his own carpenter about 1836 to Orinda, daughter of Capt. ive fine quarters. Miss Jennie Packard, with her Sunday School ta, visiting his brother, Rev. Elmer Newbert. father, B. H. Carlton. and son John left Sunday night for Philadel­ class from Rockland and a number of others, Peter Eenfest is bossing the erection of East week two men were in the ­ Andrew Dailey of Rockport, whom he sur­ Running Vhas not been very prolific Mrs. George Newbert is passing a few days phia to join ship J. B. Thomas. picnicked near Artemus Young's the other large building foi Yinal Turner of East hood selling the right to make phosphate and vived a little more than a year. One son was ■Its latejp Charles Creighton went out there and will return with her husband------Letters have been received from Capt. II. day. Other parties were also here last week ’alermo------H. E. Cunningham has shot c.vo called at Mr. W ight’s, where a brother of horn of this union, who died in infancy. Mr. nay and got one bird, mostly woodcock, Rev. J. E. De Mott is passing his vacation in H. Williams, dated July I, at Point Clearance, on picnics. This is getting to be quite a re­ foxes this fall ahead of his hound. We un­ Herbert Emery, »he jail-breaker, lives. One Grose was possessed of a strong intellectual sportsmen think, however, that birds Philadelphia at the G. A. R. encampment stating that they would sail July 4 for Point sort for picnickers, along the shore of the derstand Mr. Cunningham wants to sell him. of them thought in George he recogn:zed mind and many noble qualities, ami was will be found plenty, later in the season. and other places. Barrow. They hadn’t reached the whaling Cove many fine places being found, as well as Here is a chance for someone to get one of Herbert and no doubt straightway thought of formerly a man of prominence in the town, They are in the underbush now and hard to latitude then. Capt. Wil’ ams reported, how­ at Gregory’s O ak .----- Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester the finest hounds in the state-----Janies Jones There is always room enough for one the reward, so hastened to Camden for Hep. county and state. He was a staunch Demo­ get at. ever, that he had had some good shooting in Parshley have relumed to Dorchester, Mass., and wife of Razorville visited at Chas. Cun- more,” is an adage which seems to be verified Sheriff Duffy, and in a short 'line was back crat all his life and always loyal to the Demo­ Mrs. J. D. Ronimus has returned to her which ducks, seals and foxes had suffered. after visiling at A. C. Young's. ngham’s one day last week----- Ernest by the institution of another secret society in with his horse in a reeking sweat. The man cratic party. He was for many years (before, home, 64 Huntington Ave., Boston. During He leaves Oct. 10 for ’Fusco and thence Bowler of Palermo Center was in town Sun­ Warren. 'Phis time it is a Lodge of Daughters (not the sheriff) went into Mr. Wright' during and after the late war) in government her sojourn in town, with her accustomed day------Miss .Annie Slater of South Washing­ of Rebekah, and will be known as No. 51 employ, in lighthouse work on the Maine home. He is now acting as sailing master of CAMDEN house and violently [took George by the arm generosity, she has favored our people many the whaling steamer, but next year will take ton was in town Wednesday----- Leslie Cun­ 'he preliminary meeting was held Saturday dragging h»m out of doors, and said to Sheriff coast and along the southern coast also, at the times with her rare musical attainments. May command of a whaling steamer himself. ningham of Jefferson was in town on business evening and was attended by about 40 peti Duffy : “ Here is your man,” hut when Mr. time that that business was under the leader­ her annual visits to her old home be many, Chas. Tillson is the owner of a hen which N. B. Milliken of Washington, D. C., is vis­ last week------F. W. Cunningham went to ticners. The following board of officers was Duffy saw him he said “ this 1 not the man ship of the late Gen. Pleasanton of Conecti- is the wish of countless friends. likes to drive out fur her health in the even­ iting old friends in Camden------Thomas B, Washington Mills Thursday to photograph selected, to be confirmed on the night of 'I hen the fertilizer man slunk away feeling cut. He was for some years in the hardware Last week Thomaston experienced a lish ing. f »ne evening last week Mr. Tillson har­ Wood of Boston is visiting Camden, the home the schools there. He also photographed the institution: Past Grand, Mrs. G. W. Brown; rather crestfallen. business in partnership with Joseph II. Bow­ famine, there being no fresh fish in the nessed one of his horses into his grocery and of his childhood, and finds very few associates Eight school Friday------Chas. Withain of Noble Grand, Mrs. E. A. Hayes; Vice Grand, ers under the firm name of Grose, Buwers A; market barring a few hake early in the week. drove up town an-1 as he was standing talk­ of his youthful sports, lie says great changes Jefferson, formerly of this place, was in town Mrs. E. J. Cook; Secretary, Mrs. A. A- S T. GEORGE. Fuller. Thomaston’s market, in the hands of Stephen ing with a gentleman in front of the Corner have taken place “since you and 1 were young,’ visiting friends one day last week----- Quite Moody; Treasurer, Mrs. E. E. Jameson. The He served the county several terms as in both citizens and fapiiliar buildings, which a number from this place attended the quar­ other officers to be appointed are the chap­ high sheriff and also several terms as deputy Chase, Jr., and John Stetson, continues to his attention was called to an object under W iley’s Gorsel.—The Wellington family, sheriff, being faithful in all departments of his grow in popularity. It is kept as neat as wax* his wagon. As he stepped nearer the vehicle were consumed in the fire of 1S92------Mrs. terly meeting at Razorville----- Lor a number lain, warden,conductor, supporters and guards. who have been sojourning here the past sum­ and nothing but first-class stock is sold. he saw one of his hens rooming on one of the Hiram Carver of Pulpit Harbor has been vis­ of years our town man Edward Cunningham Miriam Rebekah Lodge of Rockland has mer, left for their home in Lexington last work and doing whatever he was called upon David Colson and wife, formerly of Thom­ perches of his wagon, and she seemed as con­ iting Mr. and Mrs. Reuel Kent, High street has had spells of insanity,and fur the last year been invited to exemplify the work of the week------Mrs. Edward Watts left for New to do. His later years were passed in much aston but now of Cliftondale, Mass., have tented as if she was at home. The hen‘had ------John Wadsworth and C. T. Swan started his spells have been quite bad. East week degree. The ceremonies will be conducted York last week, where she will join her hus­ suffering. One sister, Mrs. Sarah Prince of been \isiting at Elizabeth McIntire’s. They rode the whole distance and would probably for Lake CUy Saturday night, armed with he was very violent, threatening the ’ fe of his in Glover Hall at an early date. The new band for a voyage to New Zealand------Sch. Camden, survives him. His funeral occurred at Ds late residence Wednesday afternoon, moved to Cliftondale several years ago. Mr. have enjoyed the ride home all right, but Mr. guns, traps, fishing tackle and a lunch basket wife and children. They had to leave home odge starts with 67 chaiter members rand Ella F. Crowell, after having been tide-nipped Colson has been very prosperous, and is now Tillson thought as long as he had the hen he ------Business is brisk in St. Clair & Schwartz and are stopping with Mrs. Cunningham’s fair prospects. for several days at Eagle Quarry, was floated September 12th, conducted by Rev. H. B. steam mills, Knight’s wharf------Notwithstand­ mother, Mrs. Hannah Evans. The affair was Woods. The remains were interred in the a successful builder. He has three bouses to would be sure to have her when he reached Pleasantville—The fall term of school Friday and sailed for New York with paving. ing hard times and dull business, Camden reported to the town officers, and Thursday family lot in Amesbury Hill cemetery. construct on his return, and will build a com­ home so she was placed under the seat. commenced Tuesday of last week with Mr. ----Melvin Kinney drives a fish cart anil will seems to be holding her own, no failures, no L. A. Law and Dr. Pierpoint called on Mr. fortable residence near Melrose Highlands. McDonald of Gray for teacher. There are deal in fresh and corned fish------John Creigh­ Mrs. Elizabeth Young died in Hyde Park, dishonesty, little sickness, and a more desir­ Cunningham and heard his story. Friday Robert Colson, who also lived here at one some 55 scholars in attendance, and the ton and son were iu town Thursday cal1'ng on Mass., Wednesday, aged nearly 83 years. HURRICANE able place to live is hard to find. he was taken to Washington Mills and ex­ supervisor thinks it will be best to have an relatives------The total eclipse of the moon The remains were brought to the home of The annual fish hunt began early yesterday amined by Drs. Pierpoint and Smith. He as&flant teacher and arrangements are being Friday night was obscured by clouds and her son, Chas. A. Young, Grace street, where Mr. and Mrs. E. Duran have returned to morning and closed last night with a tine ban­ will undoubtedly be sent to the asylum at made to that effect------E. O. Russell has re­ many were disappointed in not viewing it. the funeral was held Saturday, Rev. J. H. Concord, K. II.------Mrs. George Milne spent quet at the Lake City |un. Capt. Pearson’s Augusta. Mrs. Cunningham has our sym­ SCHOOL . . . turned home from his trip among the islands Martinsville.—Morrill Barter returned Parshley officiating. The interment was at Friday in Rockland------Mrs. Maddocks ac­ side won. The counting committee consisted pathy. ----- G. N. Mank commences work this week St. George. Deceased was a prominent companied by her niece spent Friday at Mrs. of E. G. Currier and C. W. Currier, the in­ borne from sea last week------Thomas Barter BEGINS SOON. building a bridge at the kilns----- Saturday member of the Baptist church at Thomaston Mitchell’s----- Miss Isa Cogan went to the spection committee Capt. E. E. Boynton and SOUTH THOMASTON is on the road again with his meat cart------afternoon the members of the Sunday School J. W. Hupper is home for a few days. He is and a very estimable old lady. For the past city Saturday to attend school----- E. C. Capt. J. W. Pearson, while Williston Grinnell, Georges River—Miss Jessie M. Clarke is Get your Boys and Girls ready. had a* picnic at the school-house. There on the road for Elias Thomas & Co., of Port­ ten years she has made her home with her Andrews of Thoiuaston was on the Island Joshua Adams and Isaac Coombs were jud­ stopping with her sister, Mrs. F. W. Covel, were 62 present. Supper was served at 5 land, and is very successful as a grocery sales­ daughter Mrs. U. P. llorne at Hyde Park. HOW? Thursday----- Miss Lizzie Thumbs visited ges. Rockland—Mrs. Kanscll Coburn and family o’clock, after which all returned home, hav­ man------The Ladies Sewing Circle met The other surviving child is Gorham B. Young / Will Tell You: friends iu Rockland Saturday------Arthur U. visited at Chas. Johnson’s, Wheeler Bay, last I he rush of Summer visitors to Camden ing had a very pleasant time------Arthur Par­ with Mrs. Helen Marshall last week aud en­ of Warren. Both were present at the burial. We have just received u very large atodc I'at ter son and Miss Jennie Hopkins were week----- Mrs. Lewis Barter and little daugh­ gk of Boys'and Youths’ Clothing and they married Saturday noon at .the residence of has ceased for the season. The hotels and ker is in the pla^e looking up old acquain­ joyed a very pleasant afternoon------Chas. S. Robert F. S»cetland of Waldoboro,a bro tber, / tell us we have the best -lockund sum I lest ter of Tenant’s Harbor have been visiting at boarding houses have been well patronized tances------Mrs. Irene Russell has gone to Jones is on Hupper’s Island where bis wife is and Mrs. L. J. Henderson of Tenant’s H ar­ prices to be found. Also Men's Light the bride’s mother, Mrs. J. E. Hopkins. Mrs. John Kirkpatrick’s the past week. Weight Overcoat* and Suite. Big Hock . . . 1 r and more than the usual number of strangers Rockland for a few weeks------Harvey Boggs very low. She has been sick some three bor, a sister, also survive- of Bchvul fihoe» Ju»t received Bring the 1 he relatives and friends of the faiui.y w C. L. Sleeper of Boston has been visit ing Boys and Girls in and present and many nice presents were received. have visited our beautiful summer resort, has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. M. B. months. •bow you. some ot them on prospecting visits in search here. Mauk------Mrs. Susan Stetson of Damaris­ Content M. Bowers, one of the most highly Mr. and Mrs. Patterson have the best wishes Tapley’s ‘Bread Winner” outwears all esteemed ladies residing in South Thomaston of attractive pieces of land on which to Owl’s H f w ,—Rev. J. H. Parshley will cotta is visiting at F. K. Matthews’------B. F. of their many friends here for their future other shoes. erect Summer cottages. Although no sales preach at the chapel, next Sunday at 2:30 r. Walker and Henry Davis are working for died Saturday, aged 76 years. Mrs. Bowers happiness. early life was spent in Lowell but for 40 years Levi : Seavey’s, have been reported this season, yet there is M. The right baud of fellowship will be- Elias Davis in the cooper shop. The Mountain View House, Camden, F. O or more has kept house in South Thomaston GROCERIES CHEAP. an of feelings that desirable resort given to new members, and the Lord’s supper Martin proprietor, will remain open till Octo­ for her brother. She was a prominent mem­ TRADE CENTER. For turprlulugly low bargains in fine grocerk*s sites on the hillsides and seashores of Camden will be obseived. Also the class in Christian Gould & iianly sell the large size package give M. J. IlAltliJS, Martinsville, Bi. George, a ber and will furnish dinners at reduced rates. ber of the Baptist church and beloved by a Watts Block, ■ - Thomaston. call. Good goods for little money. 31 can never be bought at so low a figure as at Culture course will be organized of Pearline for to cents. Large parties should notify in advance. wide circle of acquaintances. \ THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 1894. We're After You! BO3TON LETTER. OISCUSSEO TEMPERANCE. MARINE MATTBRS Our Weekly News Notes From New City Pastors Address Mass Meeting— Go:d S'zed The Movements of Vessels, charters. England’s Great Metropolis. Having just returned from the Audience Hears Interesting Remarks. Notes and the L ik e . Boston, Sf.it . 17, 1S94, New York and Boston Mar­ The first f vbat ts fondly hoped will be a I Schs. Florida, S tru t. i t Providence; M. E. Wotton, who for the past eight successful series of temperance mas, meetings Louisa Francis, Thorn i, f,r Portland, kets, we are prepared to offer months has been covering Maine, New Hamp­ was held at the Methodist Church Thursday from F. Cobh & Co.; > ir< ,■ .n, i andage, from shire and Vermont in the interests of Gross y o u . . . . night. The attendance numbered somewhere C. Doherty for B ost'i:. I', nniond, Nicker- & Strausse of this city, has left the employ of about 500 people, which was very good eon- son, from Perry Br- - f„r York, sailed PA’ that concern to enter that of Voss & Stern of sidcring that the crusade is just opening and , Tuesday. New York, importers of laces and veilings. that there were other previous attractions' Sch. I.ena V ,te, f F. C : b A-( for Mr. Wolten’s territory will include the whole upon the evening which it was held. New York, !?■ •d W. '-esday. Warrantee SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS of New England. Gen Davis Tillson was the presiding officer Schs. E. \r c.-.’wiitt, Davis, from .Almon o o Bn Novelty Dress Goods, ♦ of the occasiun and the Citizen's League in Bird; Bertha I ver, I >yer, from C. F. Miss Georgiana Norris, daughter of Geo. casting about for a gentleman to fill this William-;, Cha rite d: Willie, Howard, from Our New Silks, Velvets, Cloaks W. Norris, and Mr. William S. Atwell, both office couldn’t have made a Letter choice. F. Col a . C , sailed Thursday for New TO THE WEARE}. of Charlestown, were married Thursday even­ His sentiments on the liquor question are well York. and Fur Capes. : : *♦* ing at the home of the bride’s father, 12 known. He is one of the better class of Sch. Eliza S. I’otter, .Allen, was at the for two month’s School street. The bridesmaid was Miss citizens who want to see the illegal sale of North Railway Thursday for general over­ Su6| • uder B atton till qLSO WEffE /\BLE JO SECURE Vinie Wall, and Guy Sheriff was best man. liquor suppressed. Upon taking the chair he hauling. Pattern Dresses! After a short wedding tour, Mr. and Mrs. At­ made a brief address on the subject of pro- Schs. Billotfr, Beal, from F. Cobb ev Co. and will pay TEN CENT^ well will reside at 12 School street, Charles­ hibitory enforcement, which address Helen, Batchelder, from K. C. Rankin A Co., at the Waist-Band town. viewed past attempts in ti at direction. Gen­ for New York, sailed Saturday. FIE’PY CENTS; if thevl o o eral Tillson believes that the law can be .Arrived Tuesday: Schs. James L. Maloy, Seat or elsewhere we will1, Are selling very fast. INCOMPARABLE BARGAINS Mrs. Caroline Howe, wife of Elias Howe, enforced if public sentiment will say so, and Bernet; Catalina, Roberts; Pemaquid, DOLLAR. died at her home in Watertown, Thursday, he believes that it is the duty of each citizen Wheeler, Boston. We shall receive to. aged 71 years. Mrs. Howe was born in Un­ to assume a portion of the responsibility rather Arrived Wednesday: Schs. Peerless, Best Pant Ever Mai In Domestics, such as ion, Me., and was well known by her work in than criticise the action of his neighbors. Thompson; Red Jacket, Arey, Boston; Thos. morrow morning an­ the cauce of temperance. A husband, two Underwear, Hosiery, Tab­ Rev. Kate S. Taylor, pastor of the Advent Hix, Thorndike, Portland; Atlanta, Cole, Try a Pair and You will buy not sons and a daughter survive her. other new lot of them. church, was the next speaker. Mrs. Taylor is Portsmouth. ling, Napkins, Pillow o o a member of the Woman’s Christian Temper >ch. Hattie A. Marsh, Whitman, arrived Cases, Sheetings, Blan­ W. E. Gammons, salesman for the Boston ance Union and her activity in this cause Thursday from Philadelphia, via Lynn, and Dry Goods Co., who has been ill at the Thorn­ started the ball a-rolling in the present is loading stone at State Point for Philadel­ G. E, Siackingto kets, Umbrellas, Towels, dike Hotel in Rockland for some time past, ar­ crusade. She saw the great need of sup­ phia. rived here on the boat Thursday, and was pressing the sale of liquor, which was being Sch. Robert A. Snow, Pillsbury, arrived 435 MAIN STREET. Curtains of all kinds, taken to the Emergency Hospital. conducted here so freely and immediately I hursday from Baltimore, via Saco. Threads, Soaps, Bureau o o began to look into matters. As a result of her Sch. Bessie E. Creighton sailed from Port Capt. Hollis Harrington, of the schooner investigation she signed numerous search Aug. 29th for Washington, D. C. The POWERS DEATH. W e have opened this week 20 Scarfs. : : : : Cora Dunn of Thomaston, who has been in warrants which were placed in the hands of vessel is in command of Capt. Liedke. town the past week, sailed for Bath Saturday the proper officers for enforcement. In a Sch. William II. -Allison, Kenniston, sailed Evident’/ Murdered Aboard Fishing Schooner Fred pieces new All Wool where his vessel will take in a cargo of ice. great many cases seizures were made 13th from Richmond, Va., for Boston. Sch. & Elmer— The Inquest. under her direction and evidence which will E. G. Willard arrived at Richmond same Goods to sell for 39 cts. Eben Creighton of the Tremont Temple be placed before the Grand Jury this week date. Walter Powers of Newfoundland, aged Util Eray l b ! Eub is a Mont; Sara! Church leaves this week for Providence where a yard. These goods has steadily accumulated. Her address was Sch. Fannie Whitmore, Campbell, sailed 45 years, came to his death in a drunken he will resume his studies at Brown's Univer­ an able and earnest effort and at its close she 12th from Providence for Newport News. brawl last Tuesday night somewhere about to sity. was presented a bouquet of flowers. Sch. Flora Pressey, Grey, arrived in Jack­ o’clock. The affair occurred aboard the fish­ are new style and the o o “The Necessity lor the Rockland League" sonville 13th from New York. ing schooner Fred A: Elmer of Boston which J. II. Manley was in town the latter part of prettiest goods ever of­ was Rev. Thomas Stratton’s subject, lie Sch. Pearl, loaded with grain, is ashore on arrived at Tillson’s wharf Tuesday with a fare At 29c at 59c the week, carrying a widespread smile caused A pair,Ladies’ Heavy Per vd.Bleached Tab­ Per doz., 3-4 Napkins urged that rumsellers’ greed had neceisitated the rocks in Bluehill harbor. The vessel of lish for the C. E. Weeks Co. by the big Republican plurality of Monday’s fered for this low price. Cotton Hose, \ Who did the deed anil the exact manner Ladies' Fleeced Un- ling, now patterns, extra quality, 50 doz- election. some concerted action on the part ol the citi­ struck while going into the harbor and is ranted Fast Black; 04 In. wide; worth in the lot; worth defwear; worth 40o. o o zens and that the League was organized for heeled over, with the tide Bowing in and out in which it was done is unknown. That is worth 25c. 87 l-2o, 81.50. something that Coroner D. F. Mills of Cam­ A. A. Fales of the firm of A. N. Swallow a the purpose of upholding the law, creating a as it ebbs and flows. She will probably be Co., City Square, Charlestown, who has been more healthful public sentiment and backing a total loss. den and the coroner’s jury are trying to find a t 5 c visiting his old home in Cushing, returned up the proper officers in the discharge of their Sch. Robert Dority, Low, is at Sargentville out. The authorities arrested the entire crew last week. duties. The League purposes to drive rum loaded with stone lor New York. Sho- is at and since then a sailor known as John the At 19c o o out of the community and is going into the anchor; the crew discharged and the captain Dutchman who is thought to have complicity A pair, 10-4 full size Gen. J. P. Cilley has been in town the past fight honest and open. sick. in the matter. Per yard, Colored Each, Pillow Cases Per yd., Unbleached Blankets, gray and week, called here by the illness of J. P. Rev. C. W. Bradlee’s subject was “The Re­ Bark Henry Norwell, Cushman, towed here The body was taken to the Burpee under­ Our assortment of Outings; worth 7c all wade; worth 30c. Sheeting; worth fie. white; worth 75c. Cilley, Jr. lation of the Sheriff an 1 County Attorney to Thursday from Chatham, where she met with taking rooms where Dr3. Judkins and Esta- o o the Prohibitory Law.” The citizens have an accident. She has coal to the Limerock brook held an autopsy. They found no Persona 1.—John F. Libby of Iianly A created these officers and the League asks of R. R. and will repair after discharging cargo. marks of violence but were of the opinion Black Dress Goods Libby has returned from a three weeks vaca­ the latter that they meet to the letter the obli­ Sch. M. A. Achorn, Achorn, arrived Friday that the deceased came to his death through tion in Maine------John Turner, Jr., of gations they have assumed,which includes des­ from Portland, where 3he discharged coal. concussion of the brain. While preparing Thomaston arrived here last week and will troying the criminal sale of liquor. The sher­ The vessel is at Cobb, Butler & Co.’s yard to the body for burial Undertaker Burpee found W as never so large and Each Umbrellas, Fast Each, Towels with Each, Shade Curtains Nottingham Lace Knotted Fringe; also spend the Winter here, having entered the iff and county attorney in return depend upon be reclassed. some marks upon the temple which appeared Black, and Natural with Dado Border Curtains, good size; Wood Handles;worth large Hack Towel; School of Pharmacy------M. P. Simonton was the League to endorse them in all their at Sch. John S. Beecham. Hatch, arrived Fri­ to have been made by a blow from a boot at so low prices as now worth 30c. worth 02 l-2c. SI. 25. worth 50c. in the city a few days during the week------tempts to enforce the law. In this connection day from Portland. heel. The authorities’ attention was called to W e can please every­ G. W. Carleton of Rockport and E. Frank Gen. Tillson spoke warmly endorsing the new­ The new Camden schooner J. Holmes the matter and search was instantly Knowltonof Camden were visitors to the city ly elected sheriff, Capt. W. X. Ulmer. He Birdsall, with ice from Bangor for Philadel­ the boot which fitted the marks. body with style and our last week------G. M. Brainerd was here early would discharge his duties faithfully and im­ phia, was in the harbor Saturday. developed since is known only to’ At 2c At 25c in the week------Miss Sara Geddes, who has partially. Sch. St. Elmo, Strout, arrived from New Attorney Kalloch who has been g®tberlLng low prices. A box, 3 cakes Dairy been visiting Mrs. W. II. Fiske in Rockland, Rev. J. IL Parshley had a strong practical York Saturday with coal to A. F. Crockett evidence for the grand jury and to the coro® cf A spool, Brook’s Per yd., Plaid Linen Each, Bureau Scarfs, Made or 3 cakes Bay returned Tuesday------F. J. Simonton, S. II. and his jury. The latter is composed of Thread, all colors Crash, 20 in. wide; all colors, with fringe: address upon the “The Status of the Liquor Co. Rum; worth 15c a worth lOq per yard. worth 50c. Webb and Mrs. Grace Austin were among Seller.” Referring to the police of our city he Sch. Jordan L. Mott, Speed, with coal to F. Torrey, foreman; A. A. Beaton, « j erjc. worth 5c. F. C. Hall, E. R. Bowler, W. P. CoJfj. an^ cake. the Rockland people in town last week------said he believed that they would be fearless in A. J. Bird & Co., from New York, arrived Mr. and Henry Rueter returned from Rock­ their enforement of the laws if properly backed Saturday. Chas. R. Frye. They are n iak in g ^ a yery 59 J c land Wednesday------Mrs. W. E. Mayo is up. The responsibility of the enforcement of Sch. John I. Snow arrived in Chester, Pa., thorough examination of the p a rti^ ^ under visiting friends here------Col. C. A. Leighton the liquor laws is divided between the mayor 15th, with logwood from Cape Haytien. arrest and interesting developmt«^5 may At 9c of Thomaston has been spending a few days and city government, the city marshal and Sch. A. Hayford was in the harbor Sun­ expected. The general opinion thafc W e want everybody to visit in this city------Mrs. D. E. Crockett and police, anil it was for the people to endorse or day with coal from New York for Belfast. Powers was murdered but that^Ftjje act wag Per yd, Light & Dark A pair, Blankets, ex Each, a White Shirt, A bottle, Colgate daughter Lottie, who have been visiting in rebuke them. The sheriff and county attor­ Sch. Wide Awake arrived Sunday from unpremeditated. Percales, new styles; tra heavy, 11-4 size! unlaundered, all linen Vaseline; worth 15c. our store and secure worth 12 l-2c. worth 82.50. bosom; worth 02 l-2c. Lynn, leave Tuesday for their home in Balti­ ney should do the same duty for the county. Provincetown, and is loading from C. Doh­ The coroner’s jury is esiw .ctei, rcpott more, Md.------Mrs. N. L. Wall, Miss Grace “ Hotel men who sell rum and druggists who erty for New York. today. Powers' body was e > < UIne(I ye, terday some of the best bar­ Crockett and Miss .Anna Roberts arrived Fri­ do likewise in connection with their profes­ Brig Caroline Gray, Locke, is at Cartha- and another examination " ade. The booi^ sions,” said Mr. Parshley, “are doing a ras MAIL ORDERS FILLLED PROMPTLY. day from a visit in Rockland. Miss Roberts gena discharging salt from Curacao. She which' made the marks Tns temple has been gains ever offered in ! cally and scoundrelly business. The League found and is said to b will be the guest of Miss Crockett a few days, demands their extirpation from Rockland.” I ce'^ar a°d mahogany for Philadel- long to a member of before returning to her home in Burlington, Vt. the crew who was lea D ry G o o d s. A resolution pledging support to the League 1 phia at Camaletes. uspected. S im o n to n B r o s., ------Mrs. J. E. Doherty and Miss Martha Pratt was adopted and another meeting will be held Sch. Victory sailed Sunday for Boston with are spending the week in town------Mrs. A.II, at the First Baptist church Wednesday night SUPREME f ’ OURT SITS. of next week lime ashes from Joseph Abbott. ROCKLAND, m a ia h Jones is visiting friends in this city------Rock­ Fishing schooner Aliena Young of Matini­ The September tert, of Supreme Judicial land people were very numerous abuut town cus, Burgess, was at the South Marine Rail­ during the past week. CAPT. MATTHEWS' OEATH. Court convened thi> »oioming. Following way Saturday. The Young went ashore are the officers: Judge. (Thomas H. I taskeli i once more on so pleasant a spot as that afford- o o Detai Is of His Sudden Sickness at Port o f ' T R'»™d®y «n Seal rock off Green island. I cd by the residence of Mrs. Wentworth. of Portland; clerk of courts, u. Starrett A With this evening’s performance at the Bos­ Spain— Best Of Care Given Him. [ She had on board a day’s take about county attorney, B. K. Kalloch’ From its elevate 1 position a very tine view ton theatre will begin the third week of the ------I Her crew put ashore after she struck. Tug rapher, John A. Hayden of Pwtland; is commanded of the neighboring country. season of “The (.fid Homestead,” which has Sommers N. Smith pulled her off Friday A B A R G A IN . The head-of-the-Lake School Association The following from the Port of Spam chaplain, Rev. C. W. Bradlee; Sheriff^ J. W. The keen air sharpened the appetite of been witnessed by phonomenal audiences, morning and towed her to Rockland. She held its sixth annual reunion at South Hope Gazette of -August 22 gives the correct details Gray; deputy sheriffs, John S. Smalley of every Wentworth present, and it is needless to when the length of the previous runs of the will receive new planking in several places We have about 1 dozen last Tuesday in the little red school-house on of the death of Captain Frank Matthews at Tenant’s Harbor, C. F. Duffy of Camden, E. state that they did full justice to the unlimited play in this city are called to mind. It is a on both sides, part of a new shoe, a new the hill. There was quite a lajge attendance that place from fever, which will be of vital H. Burkett of Union and D. E. White of All Wool Navy Blue Suits good things spread before them. The meet­ quaint, bright, homely,truthful play, and Den­ hawse-pipe and stern post. Minor repairs of teachers and scholars over which gathering interest to the many friends of Captain Vinalhaven; special deputy, John Torrey of ing, at the close of dinner, was called to or­ man Thompson’s Joshua Whitcomb is great will also be necessary about her deck and that we will close out for the president W. J. Robbins of Rockville Matthews and family in this vicinity: Rockland. der by the president, T. J. Gushee, and music in the same respect that “The Old Home­ rigging. gracefully presided. It is with sincere regret we have to record A list of the jurors has already1 appeared in by a choir and an invocation by Mrs. F. W. stead’' is great, in its naturalness. The best the death of Captain F. J. Matthews of the Sch. Pemaquid, Wheeler, sailed Sunday $2.50 t'ach. The former prices Dinner was served after which a program this paper, with the exception of those hail­ Smith followed. form of stage art is to hold the mirror up to American schooner Bessie E. Creighton, for Boston from A. C. Gay Ci Co. of unusual literary and musical merit was car­ which event took place at the San Fernando ing from Cushing. John Miller is the grand were $8 and $10. We have The program included songs, readings and nature, and how eminently successful in do­ Sch. Catalina, Roberts, from A. F. Crock­ ried out. hospital at 1.0 o’clock on Monday night last, juror from that place and Charles F. Hilt the speeches, among those who did the speaking ing this Mr. Thompson is, all who have seen ett Co. for Boston, sailed Sunday. these only in sizes 34 and 36. After an opening song Mrs. Freeman W. from the malignant type of fever now pre­ traverse juror. were T. A. Gushee, Abner Dunton, F. W. his impersonation are fully aware. vailing. The unfortunate stranger, who was Loading.—Schs. John S. Becham, from Smith of Rockland invoked divene blessing. It is never possible to tell what will come, Smith and kis wife, Mrs. M. C. Smith, Philan­ One of the interesting events of the season, 31 years of age, arrived at Port of Spain in A. F. Crockett Co.; James R. Talbot, from up at a term of court or any where near as to Remarks were made by T. A. Gushee, Mrs. his vessel on the qth inst., and after dis­ der Philbrook, T. J. Gushee and others. F. 1/ theatrically, will be the appearance of Champ­ Perry Bros.; Thos. Hix, from Farrand, Spear Smith, Abner Dunton, F. W. Smith, G. W. charging cargo proceeded to La Brea on the the length of a term. Considerable criminal Mansiield, Mrs. Carrie Wentworth, Jesse ion Corbett in “Gentleman Jack,” at the 1 ith to load asphalt. A Co. for New York; Majestic, for Salem, Fish and others. Miss Alice L. Cole read an business will occupy the attention of the grand Wentworth, Admiral Wentworth and Charles Park Theatre, commencing tonight Sept. 11. On Tuesday evening he was visited y from A. F. Crockett Co.; Atlanta, for Ports­ jury and in view of the many bound over original article on school life and its early Captain E. B. Jackson, whose schooner, the Wentworth gave extra assistance in furnishing The play, written by ( . T. Vincent and W. A. mouth, and Red Jacket, for Providence and cases it is reasonable to expect a large num­ reminiscences that elicited applause. It was Fred A. Small, was also at La Bren, and to tine music. Brady, gives all possible scope for the display New York, from F. Cobb 0; Co. ber of indictments. The inqueat may result a fine effort. Mrs. F. W. Smith had a hun­ use the latter’s own words, “a pleasant even­ Officers elect for the ensuing year are as of Mr. Corbett’s abilities, both as an actor and ing was spent by us until 10 o’clock, when I Schs. A. W. Ellis and Jennie Greenbank, in furnishing evidence for a murder indict­ dred line poem prepared especially for this We have about follows: Pres.—T. J. Gushee; V. P.—Lyman athlete. Many of the principal scenes are left him in the best of health.*' from A. C. Gay cc Co.; Mabel Hall, from F. ment. occasion which was highly complimented for Frye, Arthur Wentworth, Nelson Williams; taken from events in his own career. At the The deceased retired to bed and at 3 o’clock Cobb Co.; Robert A. Snow, from A. J. next morning complained of feeling i’l with 12 odd pairs of its excellencies and its adaptation to the time Sec’y—Mrs. Admirral Wentworth; Cora, of training quarters in Loch Arbour the cham­ Bird iX Co., for New York; and R. L. K.nney SOLDIER REUNIONS. and place. F W. Smith read a poem on fever; nothing was at first thought of the case arrangements and entertainment—Mr. and pion gives an exhibits n of his different modes but a night of fever increasing it was decided for Newport and Fall River, from F. Cobb x “ Fraternity.” F. L. Mansfield spoke, and Mrs. Admiral Wentworth; Treasurer—Mar of training and will also show his wonderful to seek medical aid and with that object Co. were in the stream reidy for sea last The reunion of the Fourth Maine Regi­ rendered valuable assistance musically. Mrs. cellus Wentworth; Fin nee Com.- Horace cleverness at punching the hag. In the arena Captain Jackson brought him up to San Fer­ night. ment and Second Maine Battery will be held Blaisdell and Miss Waterman sang, Mrs. B. nando on Thuraday morning and placed him L^CE CUQTWS Wentworth. Voted to meet next year the scene he will give a scientific exhibition of Rih i; h jk i—Arrived 15th sch. Fannie Kim- in Rockland today, Sept. 18. The Knox playing and Miss A. with tambourine. Oscar under the care of Dr. Doyle, resident surgeon second week in September at the home of boxing with Steve O’Donnell. of the hospital. mey, from Salem, to load ice for Portsmouth, .I Lincoln Veteran Association will hold its to close out at Gould assisted with violin. Admiral Wentworth, West Rockport. Commencing tonight “Across the Potomac” Every effort was made, the best and most Va.—Sailed 12th Laura Chester for Boston, annual gathering tomorrow in this city. Resolutions of sympathy for Mrs. I I . A. will again he presented in this city, and as efficient nurses of the institution were placed and 15th, sch. Regalia for Boston, both with Softs of Veterans and members of the half price. in attendacne upon him, but all to no purpose; Hall the secretary and hope for her recovery, last season, at the Grand opera house. Since lime from Carleton, Norwood Co—Sailed 15th Ladles Relief Corps should not forget tl were passed; also vote of thanks to Mrs. C. 11. COUNTY FAIRS. the worst symptoms prevailed and Captain its last appearance here, Messrs. Pitou and Mathews gradually sunk until the end came schs. Chester R. Lawrence and Antelope for tomorrow is the date for the Knox Jones aud others for beautifying the house Any of our customers want­ The 26th annual fair of the North Knox Alfriend, its authors have rewritten and re­ on Monday night. Boston, same date sch. H. F. Kimball for Veteran Association’s annual reunioi and grounds. Mr. Hesse of Union appeared During his last hours four of his brother Society will be held at Union, Sept. 25, 26 vised their work. New special scenery, me­ Fall River, all with lime from the S. E. Ci H. on the scene and capture-1 the whole crowd captains who were afterwards the guests of ing a curtain for one window and 27. T he management has made extra chanical and electrical effects will be shown. L. Shepherd Co.—Sch. Robert Byron from concert at Oakland, campfire at Fad with his lightning camera. Officers were Rev. Dr. K. J. Grant were with him, Captain exertions to make this the finest exhibit in The company is said to be very strong, the E. B. Jackson of the Fred A. Small,Rockland, Amboy discharged a cargo of egg coal for Opera House. Governor Cleaves and st. can find a bargain from this lot. elected as follows: W. J. Robbins president; the society's successful history. Patrons will more prominent roles being in the hands of Me., Capt. S. G. Hupper of the schooner Wil­ Carleton, Norwood Co. last week. will be present at the last named event, while T. A. Gushce and C. H. Junes vice presidents; | liam J. Lermond, Rockland, Me., Captain be well repaid by visiting North Knox next Edgar Foreman, Arthur Sprague, J. H. Mack, T homaston—Sch. Seventy-Six arrived speeches will be made by Department Com­ committee on arrangements C. li. Jones; i Thompson of the brig Sunlight, West Haven, week. » Frank Walcott, Maud Durand, Kate Medin­ Friday in to v of tug Bradley, aud now lies at mander Gilman, Rev. J. H. Parshley, Gen. Sec’y and lreas. Mrs. 11. A. Hall. Voted to i Conn., and Captain Richardson of Brooklyn. ger, Olive Gates ami Julia Weat. Selaf. The funeral took place from the hospital Dunn v EUiott’s wharf—Ship Gen. Knox Davis Tillson and others. Everything is be­ meet next year the second 1 uesday iu Septcm -: Washington fair holds its annual session i yesterday morning and was followed to the atill lies at New Ycrk, and has not yet been | ing dune to make the affair a success. her if pleasaut, if not pleasant, then one week ' 2, 3 and 4, and from what we are able to J Paradise cemetery by Captains Jackson and surveyed. It has not been decided whether or I Dr. Benjamin Williams goes to Northport LECTURE COURSE. Hupper, His Worship W. Spencer Clark, E B. Hastings. learn it will be a big time. esq-, mayor of San lernando, the Hon. W. not she will be repaired— Sch. Nettie Cush­ Thursday where he attends a reunion of the The annual meeting of the Wentworlh fam- j The B. Y. P. U. connected with the First Sloane Robertson,Alexander Riddle and Rev. ing, Gilchrest, lime-laden, from J. O. Cush- ; 26th Maine Regiment. Dr. Williams and ily was held with Mrs. Samuel Wentworth in I The Mountain View House, Camden, F. O. Baptist Church, this city, is planning a lecture K. J. Grant, who read the burial service at ing a; Co. for Boston was ready for sea Sun­ Tilden Thomas are the only two living mem­ 1 Hope, Wednesday. There were about 200 I Martin proprietor, will remain open till Ocfco- course, in which Dr. Lorimer, Dr. McArthur the grave. day—Sch. Wm. Butman, Thorndike, began ! bers ol this regiment in Rockland. The Captain Mathews leaves a wife and child at relatives and family connections present and [ ber and will furnish dinners at reduced rates. and Dr. Whitman will participate, the course his native home in Rockland, to whom we loading lime yesterday from J. O. Cushing oc ' latter is now at the National Home in Togas 316 & 318 MAIN ST. I tfiey expressed unbounded delight at meeting Large parties should notify in advauce. to close with a concert. beg to tender our sincere condolence. Co. for New York. ., . 1 adieu THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, 1 SEPTEMBER IS,'1894.

team with Burrill and Powers as battery. at first base than when that position was ever The other games are of such recent date that covered by another player. He was not a they will be easily recalled. heavy hitter but had a good single average. Of the 13 players who participated in five or O’Connell made tbfc team an excellent Call and see us, . more of the Rockland games Emery leads the player in his eight games at second and if you are in w a n t. ♦ ♦♦ TnY *** A Season Which was Financially list on the number played, he having taken short. He handles a ball remarkably neatly and Artistically a Success. part in the entire 28. Emery came to be one and is a good batter. of Flour, and of the Rocklands in a manner •somewhat out Wilbur played stx games with the team this see what we have. Climax Flour, of the usual. He came to this city from season and gave us the benefit of his excel­ The Beginning of the Games—That Cherrvlield early in the Spring and with his lent capabilities. He is a pretty sure hitter to offer. Fonrtli of July Contest and Its Insults °" 'y $4.50 per Bbl. characteristic modesty nobody knew that he and as active as they make ’em on an infield —Ollier Teams Bun up Against the could play ball until one day he was secured position. Loral Aggregation-The Men Them Just Received to play left field for the V. M. C. A. team Crockett acted as spare man in the five Guaranteed Better V anilla selves Who Old the Good Work—Vital which played a few games in the early season. a Car of the Best . L em on Statistics. games that he played and did some pitching. In Than Magnificent. . , O ra n g e He put up a remarkable game and was the last two games he did some excellen Also Am Selling . . . Rose, etc. brought in on third base at the instance of the batting and played a perfect field. The Don’t for by the fact NOTIIER such base- V. M. C. A. captain. He also proved a suc­ management will do well to keep an eye on avors are just as ball season as Rock cess in this position and was one of the first him for another season. land has witnessed players signed by the regular nine. He The players who took part in less than Lfree from poison- Bought when the . Buy 24 pounds Granu­ khers, are true to the past summer has played his 2S games at third base, an five games were as follows : Robbins 4, Ilyler 1 ■fom the fin e s t fru its , never been recorded acknowledged hard position and played a 3, Hilton, Cottrel1, Dilworth, Darby, Kalloch* | Lowest Prices . lated Sugar. Me, and of the great- in the local annals of very good game. He was at bat more than Mains 3, Wakefield, County, Gerrish and D. were reached, which . Pianos! attainable. The house- the Nation’s game. any other player and made two of the 19 Ward well. we can offer at . 3 p o u n d s b o s tM o c h a ies th e m once w ill n e v e r Under the influence of a hustling manager home runs. His percentage of strike outs is As to the management we feel that too Until you have seen us and got our ie cheap substitutes. and competent board of directors one result smaller than any other man on the team. much in praise could not be said. Managers 4 WofiDEf^uLLy lowest prices. : : : : and Java Coffee. was accomplished which the wisest baseball McLoon is next in the number of games J. II. McGrath, IL M. Brown and II. I.. sage never predicted—the season was made a played and without wishing to dcscriminate, Simonton have proven themselves Low piqu^E. ! We guarantee to furnish any 2 pounds Best 6 0 financial success. Baseball lovers—and there w’c must say that he was the star of the team the right men rightly placed. Mr. make on the market as low as c e n t T e a . are plenty of them in Rockland—know good He played nearly all of his games in center- McGrath as chairman of the board of S. G. Prescott Go. ball playing when they see it, and the home field where he rarely dropped a fly ball and managers has been active in securing games any one in the business, and in

Tillson’s W harf. S 3 f o r A n . ' PKA#. J f l .v team had not played many games when its where his catches were such as to excite the and better than that he got teams here which ability to win was successfully demonstrated admiration of everybody. His greatest catch gave with the Rocklands an exhibition of addition to this w ill furnish Stool in the eyes of the public, and purse strings was in the Salem game when the manager of CHAS. T. SPEAR, ball playing for which the public is truly and Cover, pay freights, assume were freely drawn. the Salem team rushed across the diamond to grateful. The treasurer and board of directors SIX HOT ROUNDS. Store 295 and 297 Main St. ROCKLAND, ME. f e d The season opened with a marvelous suc­ congratulate him. He has shown himself a did their duty faithfully. risk of transportation and keep cession of victories from the moment that the remarkably faithful player, and at the 'risk of Following is the complete list of games Skillful Sparring at Ihe Rink-Dick O'Brien and in tune for one year. Rocklands won their first game from the his average tried for everything. His batting p^yed here this summer with the scores: Joe Donoran Meet for Ihe Fourth Time- J i l Camden picked nine. The Lewiston Blues average is very good and he made three of HATTING AVERAGE. Joseph M. Donovan of this city and Dick bit the dust after a hot ten inning contest, the the home runs, lie easily leads the team on Gaines played A.B. ILK pr.ct O’Brien of Lewiston had a six-round contest Boston College team dropped two games in stolen bases. 2 .396 in the Spring street rink, Thursday evening, succession, the Murphy Balsams with our own Simonton played 24 games and a variety Maine Music Co. which was witnessed by large crowd. Charles Grandpa Morse in the box went to the earth, of positions, mostly catcher, second base and Cheltraof Bath was referee, and Will Hub­ and people awoke to their senses realizing first base. Ife hail an immense number of W ilbur, McLoon, 119 32 .'13 bard of Bath and Stephen Kavanagh ’ that we r/zrZ have a nine when the crack Free­ chances and came out of the fray with a high­ DcIIaactb, Morse, 15 70 time-keepers. O’Brien was seconded by ports were downed. The fun, however, did ly respectable fielding average. He played Emery, 28 143 F arm ers, Jack Stott of Lewiston and Donovan by Am 2, 07 not stop here for Auburn was the seventh second base rather better than in the other Glover, 19 02 Crockett, 6 24 brose Connors, Phil Jason, Tony Perry and Laborers, positions although his showing at first is very l’rlnce, 15 M team to acknowledge Rockland’s supremacy, William Daly. T e a m s te rs , and an eighth successive victory was won good, lie is one of the hardest working men FIELDING . Can find no better shoe than the The fight was for six rounds, and if both from the Lisbon Falls. the diamond and always has been. For 8t’k out. St’ln bases. McManus, 23 20 men were on their feet at the close of the sixth S Bread W inner. Eight straight games was a thing unusual the first time in four years he fails to head the De Ilaseth, 5 4 it was to be declared a draw. Friends and It Is strong, reliable, honest, and mantifacturcd for any team and so very much so in Rock­ batting average, lacking however only four Mors-, 11 10 r,AA*iA/‘ expressly to give ALL O U T -W O R K ­ Casey, H) 9 admirers of the Lewiston man fully expressed land that people began to drop in from all points of so doing. He played in the same McLoon, 17 26 ERS the Rest Service for the Least M oney. their opinion before the fight that Donovan . Made for Men a id front soft, pliable stock; sections just to see “what the boys really could number of games as McManus and made ex­ O’Connell, 2 6 in two styles, scantier Balmoral and Congress* l’rlnce, 7 10 would not stand up before Hennessey’s victor with and without lap s k-. do.” The ticket seller’s duties increased de­ actly the same number of home runs, five. Simonton. 11 12 Crockett, 3 1 three rounds, but facts did not bear out these AMOS P. TAPLEY & CO., lightfully and one can almost hear the echoing He leads McManus on singles and two base Wilbur, 2 0 BOSTON. MASS. opinions. it is Like jingle of coin now by listening at the box hits, in fact he leads the total batting average. 2 Q ;ry I he right was an aggressive one on the F. A. Peterson, office. The game with the Freeports was the Mr. McManus took part in 24 games and best advertisement the management could made the team a valuable man from the out­ part of O’Brien, the third an 1 fourth being especially disastrous to Donovan, but in the Agent, Rankin Block, Koeklunil. possibly have had. The visitors had the repu­ set. Catchers seldom lead the fielding average tation of being a mighty smart team, one but that’s what’s the matter with Mr. McMan­ fifth and sixth the Rockland hoy improved which had beaten* Rockland the previous us. We doubt if lie has any equal in the wonderfully. In the sixth especially he pushed year and which came down here with the State as an amateur catcher, his backstop and the fight and used his wicked left wirh telling effect, the Lewiston boy playing weak and tention of repeating its performance this throwing being on the A I principle. He Lisbon Falls, 14 •• 13 Ten Behold the Beauty ! Bangor (League), 0 “ 18 Nine tired and giving evidences of lack of wind*. o co season. Then again it was the occasion of has a happy, faculty of digging balls out of Portland Athletics, 9“ 0 Eicht WHAT? At th e end of the contest Donovan, although If you want the the big Fourth of July celebration and when the ground and no matter which side of the South Portland, 8 “ 10 Nine Camden, 22 “ 3 “ he .had suffered severe punishment about the W hy exchanging your BEST HOUSE PAINT the crowd began to pour in the gate the smile baiter balls were thrown Mac stayed with Biddeford, 0" -I “ Freeport, 10 “ 2 “ head, was in better condition than bis oppon­ In the market get the on the directors’ laces was something pleasant them. He was particularly adept at throwing •• 12 «• 4 « to see. About 2000 people saw that game, and more than one base ruuner died through Salem, 0 “ 2 “ ent, who felt the effects of Donovan’s body paper cover Novels that and while a goodly number either crawled his swift, accurate throws. As a batter he blows. Donovan showed up splendidly and you have read and QfrBBER PAIN7 the fence or came in from other illegitimate speedily became a favorite with the audieuce Camden, Boston man who saw Wolcott thrash A m esbury, O’Brien states it as his opinion that in four of the Manufacturers’ Agent sources, enough was realized to put the team and hand and hand with Simonton was al­ Poland Springs, thrown away, with us squarely on its feet. As the result of that ways making timely home runs. McManus Salem, more rounds Donovan would have thrashed at ROCKLAND, his opponent. Djnovan’s ability to stand game the grounds were paid for in advance ought to be in the New England League by an­ Poland Springs, at the rate of two for South Portland, punishment, his bull-dog tenacity and never- H. H. CRiE & CO.. and a nice little surplus was left in the treas­ other year. Biddeford, Poland Springs, failing pluck makes him a dangerous man in DEALERS IN ury. The Freeports played three games here Jason made the team another surprisingly one. : : : a long contest. this season and Rockland—ungenerously,per­ good player. He was in 23 games and had All kinds of Paintsand Hardware T he right was a fair one, both men evident­ 21 si ; haps—took ’em all. So much for that team. the most of that time the worst position on SPORT AND PASTIME. ly intending to put up a square deal, the \ The advent of the Lewiston Blues marked the Broadway diamond, short stop. Rock­ Huston’s News Stand, ouly ungentlemanly feature being O’Brien’s the turning point of the season, suggesting as land never yet had an) body who could play a And now the football season is on, and the it did the advantage of Rockland’s having particularly good game in this position and cheap talk in the ring. He’s a good man, 817 MAIN STREET. devotees of this exciting game should not but “polly talk too much.” hired battery. Casey as a pitcher and Mc­ all who make the attempt do so at the sacri­ wait until the ground is frozen before starting First Qualify, Before the appearance of O’Brien and Manus as a catcher were immediately signed fice of their records and limbs. Jason took the ball a-rolling. There are good players Donovan, Phil Jason and Ambrose Connors G re e n , by the local management. Of these two play­ wonderful strides in batting as the season pro­ here and many who are interested in th gave a clever sparring exhibition. Then ers more anon. gressed and stands fourth in that respect. sport. Give her a “touch-down.” 7LO3II Jason and John Nash did some lively and With those eight straight games I He stole many bases and with a little more skillful work that mightily pleased the crowd. MAO WOOD credit Rockland tackled the Bangors. Not headwork would make one of the best base- To Manager John IL McGrath and Sec­ 1 hey make a pretty sparring pair. .j A VOICE FROM THE’ PULPIT. that their ambitions had led them into fancy­ runners on the team. H e’made seven two- retary C. M. Harrington our people are in Both Donovan and O’Brien weighed about P e r C o r d , ing that they might win, but rather because baggers. debted for a splendidly managed baseball sea­ 155 pounds each, neither being down to train­ WHAT THE MINISTER HIMSELF $5 the management saw a good stroke of policy Casey played in 19 games in the most of son. They have done well. D e liv e re d . DOWfl. ing form. Both are in the same class, raid- SAYS REGARDING HIS WON­ in putting on a league team, and especially which be occupied the box. Casey is a good dleweights. This is their fourth encounter DERFUL CASE. one in which Gray was fast winning average pitcher with fine speed and good FOR MONTREAL ANO QUEBEC. I hey met lirst in Lewiston, three years "ago, additional fame. As far as getting curves. He possesses what most pitchers lack where ()’Brien won in twelve rounds. Dono­ audience was concerned this was a wise move and that is the power of endurance, for he can Col. W. A. Kimball, the well-known Maine Read Every Word of His Remarkable van had no training at the time, but gave but Rockland played much poorer ball than pitch a much better game at the latter part Central excursion agent, is organizing a gi­ Statem ent. It is Gospel T ru th. ^fruji Ja/sl5for$l. O’Brien a hot fight. Some two years ago it had been doing and the defeat was a pro­ than in the opening innings. A great major­ gantic excursion to Montreal and Quebec, they met in Thomaston where O’Brien was V e r y N ic e nounced one. It was thought better from opening on Sept. 20. It is nee Hess to say REV. JO HN P E T T IN G IL L , ity of the season he was the only left handed awarded the fight, although Donovan’s friends ’ that out to confine attention to amateur batter on the team and has the honor of lead­ that it will be a successful one in every partic­ Pastor Freewill Baptist Church, Rock- claim that he was badly used in the decisions, All Other Goods in Proportion, teams any of which the home team had ing the Rocklands in single batting average. ular. Mr. Kimball is known as a hustler, and land, Maine, says: Some months after that they sparred four PRESSED HAY license to . And this is no small glory when you consider the Maine Central never fails to show its tap­ For years I was troubled with most rounds in the rink in this city, but no decision Q Portland Athletics fell an easy victim ambwith that batting was Rockland’s stronghold this preciation of his business abilities. As far alarming ami |»ainful symptoms of dys­ was given. O’Brien beat Hennessey in Bos- pepsia, indigestion, heartburn, headache, their courage again way in the air they sus­ season. back as 1S72 he boomed Bar Harbor,running ami sleeplessness. During tlie.se m any R. FREDCRIE& CO. son in April last and was recently beaten by tained a second fall at the hands of the South Glover also played in 19 games, nearly all excursions there from all over the United years 01 illness I consulted the best «>f $15.50perT<”’' 27 Joe Wolcott colored, in 21 rounds,being com­ authorities on rim diseases of the digestive At The Brook. Portlands. Both teams played poor ball it in left field. He batted very well at times States and Canada. Of a genial nature, al­ pletely knocked out. organs, sp -il s , of great renown pro­ this game hut the writer is thoroughly eon and lias the excellent average of .206. , Er­ ways obliging, be makes friends, and, better nouncing my c..s • hopeless, some asserting ------AT ------1 that my stomach was infested with can­ vinted that the visitors upon the occasion of rors cut big ice in the outfield and the, aver- still, holds them. He has the confidence of cers. 1 have tried count Jess numbers of THE HORSE. that trip had a stronger team than Rockland age for this season fails to tell of the many his patrons, and ill persons intending to take so railed medicines that were recom­ presented against them that day. South mended to me or otherwise brought to my brilliant plays which he made. He was the in this pleasant trip may feel assured that notice. Like a, drowning man catching SPEARS, t . C. Knight has sold the valuable family Portland appeared in Rockland later in the youngest member of the team. their comfort will be his first consideration. at a straw I would buy hotties after bottles 5 P ark S ti’eet. season and the home team made laughing For further particulars see posters, or address mare Nancy to Miss Luce of Union. of Sarsaparilla au’77» have tried, and consider it my solemn County of Knox, to wit: All her Interest in and BEST, Patented Apt Ub,’83. ul its great beauty. The exposed metal parts duty to tell what I have told in the fore­ title to uli and uuy real estate of which her father. also come in for bis share of attention at a ing Average, was another good player. The Now fa the ilino to get them. We have going, so that others like myself suffering Bumuei Pillsbury, lute of Rockland, died seized are of gold. »A piano to be shipped to Thom­ und possessed, meaning thereby to convey uli the later stage of the game. Poland Springs score book shows that he made only six errors both Mason und Lightning; also Extra from dyspepsia or kindred diseases of the real estate ami interests in real estate that she hod Rubbers. t 4 | | asville, Ga., to a brother of James Miller, the digestive organs may be cured by this inherited from the ofoiesaid Samuel Pillsbury, and Makes SWEETEST, W",T‘S1’ Bread! played the first of a series of three games out of 103 chances, and these errors being wonderful medicine. plumber, was also to b« seen here.—Portland whereus the conditions of sold mult gage has boon here next, and was a winner not only of that bunched in a few games led to the impression This statement is made of my own free broken, now therefore, by leusou of too breach of [ MOST, JUST RECEIVED a lot of Jelly Advertiser. game but of the series, carrying oil two of the Tum blers, large and small size. will and without any solicitation from tlie tho conditions thereof, i claim a foreclosure of of those who only saw those games that be company owning and manufacturing this said mortgage. three games played. Jf there was any ama­ J. II. If. UEWETT, Administrator. as an uncertain player. Figures do not lie, Governor Stone of Mississippi is a strong Sarsaparilla. Insistlon Getting This Brand teur team in the State with a license to beat Septem ber 11, 1894 , 80 38 however, and the writer is going to assert it states-nghts man, hut he is.now under arrest KEV. JOHN PETTINGILL. Rockland it was that same Poland Spring his candid opinion that the crowd gener­ Copeland’s Bazaar for issuing stale bills resembling Uucle gain’s Children Cry for aggregation. They bad a remarkably strong ally felt more confidence with He Haseth Bed Seal Sarsapariifa is sold by all JOHN BIRD CO., W io M e iili. 398 MAIN ST. bank notes. druggists. It always cures. Pitcher’s Castoria.