Research Article iMedPub Journals 2019 Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy Vol. 4 No. 1: 7 The Foot Angiosomes as Integrated Level of Alexandrescu VA1* Pottier M1, Lower Limb Arterial Perfusion: Amendments Balthazar S2 and Azdad K3 for Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia 1Department of Vascular and Thoracic Presentations Surgery, Princess Paola Hospital, Marche- en-Famenne, Belgium 2Department of Anesthesiology, Princess Paola Hospital, Marche-en-Famenne, Belgium Abstract 3Department of Radiology, Princess Paola Introduction: The angiosome concept was initially pioneered by Taylor and Palmer in the Hospital, Marche-en-Famenne, Belgium plastic reconstructive surgery field. The authors described a reproducible model of arterial and venous distribution in humans that follows specific three-dimensional (3D) networks *Corresponding author: Vlad Adrian of tissue. The angiosome model yet represents a specific level among other staged and Alexandrescu graduated levels of harmonious arterial irrigation in the lower extremity. Specific CLTI pathologies enhance characteristic arterial branches affectation, including the angiosomal source arteries. Evaluating main atherosclerotic lesions at peculiar Levels of arterial division
[email protected] may afford useful clinical information. Department of Vascular and Thoracic Method: The present study proposes a description of six levels of degressive arterial division Surgery, Princess Paola Hospital, Marche- and collateral distribution in the inferior limb, including the angiosomal stage. Following en-Famenne, Belgium succeeding perioperative 2D angiographic observations over an eight-year period, these levels (I to VI) were analyzed (including the angiosomal Level III) and summarized in attached tables. The medical files of 323 limb-threatening ischemic foot wounds (Rutherford 4-6) in 295 patients (71% men) were retrospectively reviewed.