17270 the London Gazette, 15Th October 1992
17270 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 15TH OCTOBER 1992 pursuance of the ASO Trunk Road (Blythe Bridge to compulsorily the land and rights described in the Schedule hereto for Queensway and Connecting Roads) (Side Roads) (No. 3) Order the purposes of: 1992. (a) the construction of the main new road and the slip roads at Copies of the Order as made by the Secretary of State and of the Coulsdon in the London Borough of Croydon in pursuance of plan referred to therein, together with copies of the above-mentioned the A23 Trunk Road (Coulsdon Inner Relief Road, Trunk Trunk Road Order and Side Roads Order (both with their Road and Slip Roads) Order 19 ; accompanying plans), have been deposited and may be seen at all (b) the construction and improvement of highways and the reasonable hours from ISth October 1992 to 26th November 1992, provision of new means of access to premises at Coulsdon in the at PDC, Room S3/01, Department of Transport, 2 Marsham Street, London Borough of Croydon in pursuance of the A23 Trunk London SW1F 2EB, and at the offices of the Director, West Road (Coulsdon Inner Relief Road, Side Roads) Order 19 ; Midlands Construction Programme Division, 5 Broadway, Broad (c) the improvement of the trunk road at Coulsdon aforesaid; Street, Birmingham BIS 1BL; of Staffordshire County Council, (d) use by the Secretary of State in connection with such Highways House, Riverway, Stafford ST16 3TJ; and of Stoke-on- construction and improvement of highways and the execution Trent City Council, Town Hall, Glebe Street, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 of other works mentioned above; and 1HH; and at Fenton Public Library, Baker Street, Stoke-on-Trent (e) the mitigation of adverse effects which the existence or use of ST4 3AF; Longton Public Library, Sutherland Institute, Lightwood certain of the highways proposed to be constructed or improved Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 4HY; and Meir Public Library, Sandon by him will have on their surroundings.
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