16 Archaeological Priority Areas in Croydon Logical Priority Areas In

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16 Archaeological Priority Areas in Croydon Logical Priority Areas In ArchaeoArchaeologicallogical Priority Areas in Croydon A total of 30 Archaeological Priority Areas are recommended for Croydon of which eight are Tier 1 APAs, 21 are Tier 2 APAs and one is a Tier 3 APA. The revised APAs would cover approximately 37% of the borough, increasing from 24% previously. A number of former Archaeological Priority Areas are not included in the new list of APAs. This is because following appraisal it was decided that they did not fulfil the selection criteria and have therefore been omitted from the revised list. Tier 1 APAs Size (HA) 1.1 Croham Hurst Round Barrow 0.66 1.2 Riddlesdown Road 6.37 1.3 Farthing Down 85.92 1.4 Lion Green Road 3.55 1.5 Park Lane Anglo-Saxon Cemetery 1.31 1.6 Russell Hill 24.66 1.7 Elmers End 3.97 1.8 RAF Kenley 78.95 ToToTotalTo tal = 205.39 Tier 2 APAs 2.1 Addington and Addington Park 162.19 2.2 Central Croydon 90.25 2.3 Old Coulsdon 14.84 2.4 Sanderstead 37.13 2.5 Watendone 9.09 2.6 Ampere Way 126.69 2.7 Waddon 65.93 2.8 Mere Bank 61.83 2.9 Addington Hills 104.36 2.10 Croham Hurst 82.36 2.11 Pampisford Road 31.49 2.12 Pollards Hill 4.03 2.13 Deepfield Way 1.95 2.14 Hook Hill 14.99 2.15 Cane Hill 79.27 16 2.16 Ashburton Park 8.54 2.17 Haling Grove 3.97 2.18 Norwood Grove 9.99 2.19 London to Brighton Roman Road 335.35 2.20 London to Lewes Roman Road 37.54 2.21 Croydon 19 th Century Cemeteries 14.35 Total = 1296.14 Tier 3 APAs 3.1 Croydon Downs 1672.15 Total = 1672.15 Total area of all Archaeological PrPriiiiorityority Areas in Croydon = 3173.68 17 527000 528000 529000 530000 531000 532000 533000 534000 535000 536000 537000 538000 539000 540000 541000 542000 543000 544000 545000 Croydon Lewisham Greenwich Bexley Wandsworth Southwark Archaeological Priority Areas Lewisham 1.1 Croham Hurst Round Barrow Lambeth 171000 2.18 1.2 Riddlesdown Road 171000 ± 1.3 Farthing Down 1.4 Lion Green Road 170000 170000 1.5 Park Lane Anglo-Saxon Cemetery Merton 2.12 1.6 Russell Hill 169000 169000 1.7 Elmers End Tier 1 1.8 RAF Kenley Archaeological 1.7 Pottery Sites 2.19 RiversPriority Area 168000 2.21 2.1 Addington and Addington Park 168000 2.2 Central Croydon 2.6 Modern Boroughs 2.16 2.3 Old Coulsdon Tier 2 167000 167000 2.4 Sanderstead Archaeological 2.5 Watendone Priority Area 166000 166000 2.21 2.6 Ampere Way 2.2 2.7 Waddon 2.7 1.5 Bromley Tier 3 2.8 Mere Bank Archaeological 165000 165000 2.19 2.21 2.9 Addington Hills Priority Area 2.8 2.9 2.1 2.10 Croham Hurst 2.17 2.11 Pampisford Road 164000 164000 Sutton Croydon 2.12 Pollards Hill 2.11 1.1 2.10 2.13 Deepfield Way 163000 163000 2.14 2.14 Hook Hill 2.15 Cane Hill 2.20 1.6 2.16 Ashburton Park 162000 162000 2.4 2.17 Haling Grove Scale (at A4): 1:85,000 2.19 2.18 Norwood Grove 3.1 This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission 2.19 London to Brighton Roman Road of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's 161000 161000 Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction 1.2 2.20 London to Lewes Roman Road infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil 2.21 Croydon 19th Century Cemeteries proceedings. Historic England. 100019088. © Historic England. Historic 2.13 OS Mapping: © and database right Crown Copyright and Landmark 2.5 Information Group Ltd (all rights reserved) Licence numbers 000394 and 160000 160000 1.4 TP0024. 3.1 Croydon Downs 2.15 Notes: Any Listed Building information shown on this map extract is provided solely to indicate the location of the listed building(s) and does not 159000 159000 attempt to indicate the curtilage or the full extent of the listing(s). Any 2.3 archaeological priority area(s) shown on this map extract are those used by the Historic England archaeological advisors and there may be minor differences when compared to the relevant borough UDP or LDF. 1.8 158000 158000 3.1 3.1 1.3 157000 157000 1 Waterhouse Square, 138-142 Holborn, London EC1N 2ST 156000 Tel: 020 7973 3000 Fax: 020 7973 3001 www.HistoricEngland.org.uk 527000 528000 529000 530000 531000 532000 533000 534000 535000 536000 537000 538000 539000 540000 541000 542000 543000 544000 545000 525000 526000 527000 528000 529000 530000 531000 532000 533000 534000 535000 536000 537000 538000 539000 540000 541000 542000 543000 Croydon APAs and Southwark Greenwich Former Croydon APZs Wandsworth Lewisham Lambeth 171000 171000 ± 170000 170000 Merton 169000 169000 PotteryCroydon Sites APA Rivers 168000 168000 Former Croydon APZ Modern Boroughs 167000 167000 Bromley 166000 166000 165000 165000 Sutton 164000 164000 Croydon 163000 163000 162000 162000 Scale (at A4): 1:85,000 This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's 161000 161000 Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Historic England. 100019088. © Historic England. Historic OS Mapping: © and database right Crown Copyright and Landmark Information Group Ltd (all rights reserved) Licence numbers 000394 and 160000 160000 TP0024. Notes: Any Listed Building information shown on this map extract is provided solely to indicate the location of the listed building(s) and does not attempt to indicate the curtilage or the full extent of the listing(s). Any 159000 159000 archaeological priority area(s) shown on this map extract are those used by the Historic England archaeological advisors and there may be minor differences when compared to the relevant borough UDP or LDF. 158000 158000 157000 157000 1 Waterhouse Square, 138-142 Holborn, London EC1N 2ST 156000 Tel: 020 7973 3000 Fax: 020 7973 3001 www.HistoricEngland.org.uk 525000 526000 527000 528000 529000 530000 531000 532000 533000 534000 535000 536000 537000 538000 539000 540000 541000 542000 543000 527000 528000 529000 530000 531000 532000 533000 534000 535000 536000 537000 538000 539000 540000 541000 542000 543000 544000 545000 Croydon Tier 1 Lewisham Greenwich Bexley Wandsworth Southwark Archaeological Priority Areas Lewisham 1.1 Croham Hurst Round Barrow Lambeth 171000 1.2 Riddlesdown Road 171000 ± 1.3 Farthing Down 1.4 Lion Green Road 170000 170000 1.5 Park Lane Anglo-Saxon Cemetery Merton 1.6 Russell Hill 169000 169000 1.7 Elmers End Tier 1 1.7 1.8 RAF Kenley PotteryArchaeological Sites RiversPriority Area 168000 168000 Modern Boroughs 167000 167000 166000 166000 1.5 Bromley 165000 165000 164000 164000 Sutton 1.1 Croydon 163000 163000 1.6 162000 162000 Scale (at A4): 1:85,000 1.2 This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's 161000 161000 Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Historic England. 100019088. © Historic England. Historic OS Mapping: © and database right Crown Copyright and Landmark Information Group Ltd (all rights reserved) Licence numbers 000394 and 160000 160000 1.4 TP0024. Notes: Any Listed Building information shown on this map extract is provided solely to indicate the location of the listed building(s) and does not 159000 159000 1.8 attempt to indicate the curtilage or the full extent of the listing(s). Any 1.3 archaeological priority area(s) shown on this map extract are those used by the Historic England archaeological advisors and there may be minor differences when compared to the relevant borough UDP or LDF. 158000 158000 157000 157000 1 Waterhouse Square, 138-142 Holborn, London EC1N 2ST 156000 Tel: 020 7973 3000 Fax: 020 7973 3001 www.HistoricEngland.org.uk 527000 528000 529000 530000 531000 532000 533000 534000 535000 536000 537000 538000 539000 540000 541000 542000 543000 544000 545000 AAArArrreeeeaaaa dddedeeescscscscrrrriiiiptptptptiiiiononononssss aaanannndddd mmmamaaapppp eeexexxxttttrrrraaaaccccttttssss fffofooorrrr TTTiTiiieeeerrrr 111 AAArArrrcccchahahahaeeeeoooollllooooggggicicicicaaaallll PPPrPrrriiiioooorrrriiiittttyyyy AAArArrreaeaeaeassss Croydon APA 1.1: Croham Hurst Round Barrow page 23 Croydon APA 1.2: Riddlesdown Road page 27 Croydon APA 1.3: Farthing Down page 31 Croydon APA 1.4: Lion Green Road page 37 Croydon APA 1.5: Park Lane Anglo-Saxon Cemetery page 41 Croydon APA 1.6: Russell Hill page 45 Croydon APA 1.7: Elmers End page 49 Croydon APA 1.8: RAF Kenley page 53 21 534000 Croydon APA 1.1 ± Croham Hurst Round Barrow Croham Hurst PotteryRound Sites Barrow APA Rivers Modern Boroughs Tier 1 Archaeological Priority Area Tier 2 Archaeological Priority Area Croydon Tier 3 Archaeological Priority Area Scale (at A4): 1:3,000 This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Historic England. 100019088. © Historic England. Historic OS Mapping: © and database right Crown Copyright and Landmark Information Group Ltd (all rights reserved) Licence numbers 000394 and TP0024. Notes: Any Listed Building information shown on this map extract is provided solely to indicate the location of the listed building(s) and does not attempt to indicate the curtilage or the full extent of the listing(s). Any archaeological priority area(s) shown on this map extract are those used by the Historic England archaeological advisors and there may be minor differences when compared to the relevant borough UDP or LDF.
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