v August 2021 ^ Volume 45, Issue 4
[email protected] 908-233-8533 holytrinitywestfield.org What is a Prayer Rope or Komboskini? o you wear a prayer rope Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on your wrist? Have you seen it worn by some - To Visit United States for St. Nicholas Done else? What is a prayer rope or komboskini (in Russian, vervitsa; in National Shrine Thyranixi Romanian, metanii/metanier)? First, let’s begin by saying what y Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, level of diplomatic and ecclesiastical dignity. The it is not. It is not a piece of jewelry Εὐλογημένος ὁ ἐρχόμενος ἐν official itinerary will be shared in the coming weeks, or an article of fashion. It is not ὀνόματι Κυρίου! (Ψαλμός 117:25) and it will include a visit to the Metropolises of MBlessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! something “cool” to wear around Pittsburgh and Chicago, with a major ecumenical (Psalm 117:25 LXX) event taking place at the University of Notre Dame the wrist. It is, however, a religious With unsurpassed joy, we announce on the Feast in Indiana. article meant to deepen prayer. of the Glorious Twelve, the Apostolic Visit of His The Visit will conclude in New York City, and As the name implies, a prayer All Holiness BARTHOLOMEW, Archbishop will culminate in a dedicatory “Opening of the of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Doors” of the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox rope is used to aid prayer. The Patriarch to the United States, October 23 – No- Church and National Shrine at the World Trade komboskini is a rope usually made of vember 3, 2021.