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[email protected] Phone# 1-800-334-8736 A STRATEGY FOR TAKING POPULAR CULTURE CAPTIVE TO COMMUNICATE THE GOSPEL AT ST. STEPHEN’S UNITED CHURCH A MINISTRY FOCUS PAPER PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY FULLER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE DOCTOR OF MINISTRY BY J. SCOTT BOUGHNER JULY 2008 A Strategy for Taking Popular Culture Captive to Communicate The Gospel at St. Stephen’s United Church J. Scott Boughner Doctor of Ministry 2008 School of Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary It is the goal of this project to create increased awareness in the members of St. Stephen’s United Church, Oshawa, Ontario of the link between Gospel and culture. This link is presented in a Canadian mainline Protestant theology and Postmodern, suburban context. Evangelism and mission are placed within this context as a means to the continuing revelation of God’s narrative in the world as the congregation translates the truth of the Gospel from the beliefs, values and behaviours of popular culture. Part One will describe the context of St. Stephen’s United Church in Oshawa, Ontario and the problem of outreach in the church. The examination of the link between gospel and culture in Chapter 1 will address this problem of outreach in the Post- Christendom, postmodern context of St.