FCN April11 Finalb
Formby Civic News The Formby Civic Society Newsletter Registered Charity no 516789 April 2011 Listed Cottage in Peril by Desmond Brennan Inside this issue: Listed Cottage 2 in Peril. Planning 3 Matters. Managing 4 Woodland. Dr Sumner & 3 the Lifeboat. Wildlife Notes. 8 History Group 10 Eccle’s Cottage , Southport Road, 1968; photo M. Sibley. Report. 11 The cottage at 1 Southport Road, known “Outbuildings and Croft”. Reg Yorke Art Group Re- until modern times as Eccles Cottage or suspects the Paradise Lane buildings port. Eccles Farm, is located on the north side were a good deal older than the sole sur- Ravenmeols 12 of the road at its junction with Paradise vivor of this group of buildings. James Heritage Trail. Lane. It dates from the first half of the Eccles paid 7d Tithe to the Rector for his 18th century and is a Grade 2 Listed house and 4d for the “outbuildings”. Formby-by-the 12 Building. The 1968 photograph of the -Sea. After several years of neglect, today building shows at that time it was in rea- Chairman’s 15 finds the building in a parlous state, es- sonable condition, although, even then, Notes the unevenness of the roof indicates that pecially the single story with attic part of all was not well with its timbers. The New Notelets. 15 detail from the 1845 Tithe map (see next page) shows that, in its early days, the cottage was surrounded by an extensive NEW NOTELETS patchwork of fields - very different from today. We know from the information (See page 16) accompanying the map that, at that time, the property was owned by Mary Form- Now available from by and occupied by James Eccles, who Select, Derbyshires, also “occupied” the somewhat longer Ray Derricott or neighbouring cottage further along Para- Tony Bonney dise Lane which he used as Listed Cottage in Peril After several years of neglect, today the building which is believed to be cantly impaired as a result of the tional circumstances may harm to or older than the 2-storey eastern end.
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