hen it comes to air-to- air photography, there Wis usually a tale beyond what you can see in the image itself. And while the results often exist far longer than the photographer, the specifics of how they came about – the what, why, where and who – are usually lost or forgotten in the passage of time. One such image that falls into that category shows Aviação Naval Beast Portuguesa (Portuguese Naval Aviation) Curtiss SB2C Helldiver Filipe Silva investigates the forgo- en ‘AS-14’ – this type being known as ‘The Beast’, among other nicknames image of a Portuguese Curtiss Helldiver – flying over downtown Lisbon on over Lisbon’s stunning waterfront April 22, 1955. While the film was developed soon after the flight, the photograph itself only came to light during the late 1990s. Since then, it has appealed to me greatly. Not

82 FlyPast December 2020 LT SERPA GOUVEIA

only does it offer an excellent view – whether that was of the city in which I was born, navigating a frigate or LT CYRNE DE CASTRO LT CARDOSO but the pilot was a good friend submarine or even flying and former classmate of my aeroplanes. Cyrne de Castro father – and a man I have known recalled: “I was surprised by my since childhood – Cdr José Cyrne appointment, as the Aviação Naval de Castro. and Aeronáutica Militar [Army Aviation] were in the process of Fly to serve being merged into what would I recently had the pleasure of become the Força Aérea Portuguesa LT WILTON PEREIRA speaking to Cdr Cyrne de Castro [Portuguese ].” in the run up to his 90th birthday, Once he realised he could not explained: “I later became a !"# A moment in about the photograph, how he avoid the posting, he approached flight instructor and remained with time: The then Lt became a naval aviator and some it with enthusiasm and excelled in the Aviação Naval until 1958, before Cyrne de Castro in the cockpit of of his Helldiver experiences. his new-found role, coming top of transitioning back to the fleet. I ‘AS-14’ as the In today’s world where we his class. Following basic training flew for the last time that year, by four-ship passes focus on specialisation and place on the Tiger Moth, which time I had some 1,700 hours over Lisbon’s importance on a person’s inherent Cyrne de Castro went on to fly in my logbook.” Terreiro do Paço skills and abilities, as well as their the then new North American T-6 Among his Helldiver recollections ALL VIA FILIPE C SILVA personal ambitions, it seems Texan at Base Aérea No 1 (Air Base were two close calls – the first .! /0 Taken at strange that someone could be No 1) located close to the Sintra shortly after taking off from Montijo during ordered to undergo pilot training mountains in western . Montijo, as he remembered: “My summer 1957 by the – whether they wanted to or not. It was there he flew the station’s heart stopped when I looked into author’s uncle, this photograph shows But that is exactly what happened last airworthy Spitfire on its the cockpit and realised the red Helldiver ‘AS-19’ to him in 1953, when aged 23. penultimate flight; the pilot after warning triangles indicating the taxiing past two Shortly after being commissioned him ground-looped and destroyed wings were unlocked were visible. PV-2C Harpoons. as a midshipman in the Armada the machine. Like most carrier-borne types, the This is believed to Portuguesa (), he Qualifying as a second pilot on Helldiver’s mainplanes could be be one of just two colour images of was posted to the Gago Coutinho the Anson, he continued with folded.” Fearing they could unlatch the Helldiver in Naval Aviation Centre (NAC) at the composite squadron equipped any second, Cyrne de Castro hastily Portuguese service Aveiro to begin flying training. with Texans and Curtiss Helldivers turned back towards the base and Although he had never considered at Base Aérea No 6 near Montijo. landed safely – the safeguards joining the aircrew fraternity, With further dual instruction built into the Curtiss design a naval officer at the time was undertaken in the T-6, Cyrne de working perfectly. expected to fulfil his duties in Castro soon progressed on to The second event was equally as whatever way was deemed fit the SB2C. A skilled aviator, he terrifying. Flying through cloud at

December 2020 FlyPast 83 Inside Stories CURTISS HELLDIVER

&'()* A dramatic image of a Curtiss SB2C-5 Helldiver (most likely ‘AS-5’) diving over the Sado River, south of Lisbon, during the early 1950s. Note the type’s perforated, split fl ap dive brakes are deployed

!"#$ &'()* 7,000ft, an already worried Cyrne – just five miles to the east – was José Cyrne de de Castro had become spatially tasked with providing a flypast, Castro poses with a disorientated and inadvertently as Cyrne de Castro recalled: “The Tiger Moth during fl ying training at rolled inverted. He recalled: “I brief was for four Helldivers to fly the Gago Coutinho quickly made a difficult and overhead as the Brazilian president Naval Aviation confused recovery that ended came ashore. With Lt Cardoso in the Centre in 1953. By with us just a few feet above some lead, Lt Wilton Pereira was selected coincidence, he treetops. My back seater had not to fly in the number two position believes this image was taken by the realised there was a problem and on his right with a photographer author’s father was thrilled with the experience in the back, and Lt Serpa Gouveia – he thought it was intentional!” on his left as the number three. I &'()* The author, Apparently, Cyrne de Castro was was chosen as the number four to Filipe C Silva (right), as white as a sheet for several hours complete the diamond formation.” interviews Cdr José Cyrne de Castro after landing. The plan called for the Helldivers – note the essential to take off at ten second intervals reading material on Picture perfect to allow for the prop wash from the table! In honour of Brazilian President the in front to dissipate. João Café Filho’s visit to Lisbon on Cyrne de Castro remembered: “We April 22, 1955 a sizeable military took off to the north and Cardoso parade was organised at the turned left to head west out to sea. Terreiro do Paço (Black Horse Forming up immediately, we flew the mouth of the River Tagus, about Square). Arriving over the sea, the towards our initial reference point, six miles to the west of Lisbon. Helldiver squadron at Montijo which was the Bugio Lighthouse at I had a good view of the other aircraft as we ran in towards the square at about 1,500ft.” Coinciding Portuguese with President Filho’s arrival, the Helldivers skies of Lisbon were filled with the chorus of four Wright Cyclone Post-war, the Curtiss S2B Helldiver found favour with the French, Italian, Hellenic and Portuguese navies, as well as the . With 24 SB2C-5s delivered to the Armada Portuguesa during the early 1950s, in accordance with NATO’s Mutual Assistance Pact, the type was initially expected to be operated in the anti-submarine role. However, while some effort was initially made to forward the type in this tasking, Portugal used them primarily to provide aircrew training before transitioning to other types. The aircraft were painted in overall Gloss Sea Blue, with a red and green rudder and Cruz de Portugal (Cross of Portugal) without the white on the upper left and lower right wings. The Helldivers were initially based at the NAC at Aveiro, but in 1954 were relocated to Montijo following the amalgamation of the Aviação Naval and Aeronáutica Militar. The Portuguese examples – which were equipped with a radio altimeter, an AN/APS-4 air-to-surface radar and had the tailhook fixed in place – were often nicknamed the ‘Big-Tailed Beast’, ‘Two-Cee’, ‘Son-of-a-Bitch 2nd Class’ or simply ‘Beast’.

84 FlyPast December 2020 radial engines as the machines the best. So, the question arises… not an everyday occurrence. In fact, roared overhead. As they did, the what happened to the others? it was frowned upon. I recall one photographer (whose name has They may be unwittingly hidden occasion smuggling a camera into been lost in the mists of time) in the somewhere at Montijo or an HQ the cockpit of my single-seat FIAT back of Lt Pereira’s aircraft waited building. They could have been G.91 – an action that would have for the right moment and took the taken as keepsakes by someone earned me at least a dressing down, photograph in question. Cyrne who like them, or even recognised or a severe reprimand if a senior de Castro continued: “We made their historical provenance, and are officer had found out. However, by one pass and, with a slight turn to now collecting dust in the darkness doing so I was able to obtain some of a loft or basement waiting to be images that have become genuine found again. rarities (see FlyPast June 2019). %$'( Helldiver ‘AS-8’ It is also possible they were simply As it stands, this is the only awaits its next sortie from Montijo – the thrown away – 65 years ago, the known image to exist from within same base from which sensitivity of photographic film was the formation over Lisbon on April Cdr Cyrne de Castro low and unless the photographer 22, 1955. Although more than 65 fl ew the type

had an incredibly steady hand, and years old, it has made it to the 21st !"#$ A three-ship of the air was smooth, the exposures century and now endures in digital Helldivers (‘AS-19’ is at could easily have been blurred or format. While discussing photos, the top and ‘A-2’ in the centre, beyond out of focus. I asked Cdr Cyrne de Castro if he ‘AS-23’) over the The ease with which we can had any more of himself with his Alentejo plains capture any given moment today, mounts. He recalled: “There is southeast of Lisbon starboard, landed back at Montijo. makes us often forget just what was just one of me with a Tiger Moth, sometime in 1955 The entire flight was over in less needed to take a photograph back which was taken in 1953 – except !$%"& A pair of than 45 minutes.” then. It was unusual for individuals for official images, it was deemed Helldivers (left) It is most likely that the to own cameras as they were unlucky to have photographs taken share the fl ightline photographer took more images expensive – as was the film and before flying!” FP with three Lockheed during the flight – all of which were subsequent development. With that The author thanks Sid Green PV-2C Harpoons at certainly developed at the time. in mind, it is understandable that and A C Silva for their help with Base Aérea No 1, near Sintra, in 1955 However, this shot was selected as taking unofficial photographs was this feature

December 2020 FlyPast 85