HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION within Glasgow City December 2018 Pictured : Glasgow Recovery Communities Team, who won the Scottish Health Award’s Healthier Lifestyle Award in November. From left to right: Joe Fitzpatrick, MSP, Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing; Irene Leatham, North West Recovery Community; Ashleigh Barrett, North East Recovery Community; Thomas Cunningham, South Community Recovery Network; Carole Meakin, Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Recovery Service, Glasgow City HSCP; Mark Ravenscroft, North East Recovery Community; Claire Muirhead, South Community Recovery Network; Eddie Kearney, North West Recovery Community. Welcome In this Issue: Welcome to the December 2018 Newsletter. This month we recognise and celebrate the Chief Officer’s Message achievements of staff at various awards. We also look at the consultation on the Awards for Staff Partnership’s draft Strategic Plan 2018-2022, help for homeless people, carers and our work as a Corporate Parent. Strategic Plan For all the news remember to look at the Partnership’s website and follow us on Twitter Corporate Parenting @GCHSCP. @GCHSCP 1 Contents: Chief Officer’s Message Welcome to the December 2018 edition Give us Your Views on Health and Social Care Services Consulting on our draft Strategic Plan Recent Strategic Plan Consultation Events Consultation events on our draft Strategic Plan 2019-2022 Awards for Staff Success at NHSGGC Chairman’s Awards Success at Scottish Health Awards Well done to our staff UK Innovation in Public
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