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''/ Y. ·. •" >·' ·, . ·.', .··. .· February 17. 1998 I 21 Shvat 5758 The Off1c1al Undergraduate Newspaper of Yeshiva College www.yucommentator com Volume LX/1 No 6 SECOND CONFERENCE ON FEMINISM AND ORTHODOXY Over 2,000 People in Attendance BY NOAH STREIT AND h DANIEL EHRENREICH roles for wqmen in t e syna Judaic Studies; Rabbih Shlomo gogue, tand in particular rabbinic Riskint received bot undergrad th ordina ion; issues concerningh ua e andh rabbinic degree at YU, th women's public devotion, suc and t e controversial Rabbi h On February 15 and 16 , t e Second International as prayerh megillah; groups and recitation Irving Greenbergt studied and Conference on Feminism and of t e and hissues kiddush of pri later taught a YU. Orthodoxy graced the facilities vatezimun. devotion, suc as h h Other prominenth lecturers at of Manhattan's Grand Hyatt and Additionally, t e con the conference w o received Hotel on Park Avenue. The con ference addressed personal t eir ordination from YU were, ference, hailed as "historic," issues such as domestic violence, Rabbi Adam Mintz, Rabbi of the aimed at "expanding religious infertility adoption, and con Lincoln Square Synagogue, life for women not in a revolu cerns of single women in the Rabbi Emmanuel Rackman, tionary way but through educa Orthodox community. Chancellor of Bar hIlan tion and the study of the possi Just as the conference attract University, Rabbi Charles S eer, bilities within Jewish law," ed a diverse group of attendees, Jewish Chaplain at Columbia explained the planners. · the speakers were a diverse University, and Rabbi Avi Weiss, Over 2,000 people attended group as well. Featured lectur Rabbi of the Hebrew Institute of the conference, twice the number ers spanned the spectrums ofh Riverdale and longtime in attendence at last year's inau Orthodoxy and Judaism, wit Assistant Professor of Jewish Observatory Pur3itofY gural conference. The demo Reform and Conservative female Studies at SternCollege. graphics were quite surprising, rabbis, together with "U ltra In contrast, there were few Orthodox" women and rabbis female lecturers who hold grad Dr.Cwi llith noted,however, that as the conference drew both men certain operations, such as rotating and women of all ages and from addressing the crowd. uate degrees from YU or under Many of the participating rab graduate degrees from Stern Thisyear, looking up at theheav thedome, couldonly bedone on the different nations. There were bis were educated at Yeshiva College. enswas supposedto takeon a new rooftop, severely -limiting student .• high school, college, and gradu University, both at an under meaning at Yeshiva College. control. In additionto this,Cwillich ate students, business women Another notable theme char graduate and graduate level. acter Unfortunately, the astronomical explained that a w� . and men, executives, mothers . h sunoun<;iing · and retirees. Rabbi Saul Berman, Director of izing t e conference was a · observatory that was. ,slated for the roofof Belfetwoultl necessitate placementatop BelferHall by thefall theconstruction of a suitable plat Among the many topicsagunot dis Edah, is an Associate Professor clear • demarcation between of last year has been held up by formon which to restthe dome. As cussed were solutions for of Jewish Philosophy at ·stem Halachic and social issues in numerous logistical and �cial of yet, no plan forsuch construction -women whose husbandsget; refuse College and previously served as apprQaching continuedthe issue on page of 5 problems. has beendevised. to give them a expanding the Chair of the Department of Lastyear, the estateof the late Mr. Contributing to these problems Abbosh, an avid amateur facing theobservatory, are financial YU .Denies Red Sarachek Bids astronomer, appropriated fundsfor concerns that arise from the legal Yeshiva University to purchase a constraintsattached to thedonation. telescope and dome. The $25,(XX) The Abbosh estate insists that the to Conservative High Schools donation was set aside by Mr. donated fundswere only to be used BY ADAM MOSES h Abbosh's estate specifically for the for �e purchaseof telescopeequip one dominated by non-Jewis Montreal with a handfulof _purchase of a telescope and any ment. This means that the money parochial schools. Orthodox students,pemaps was invited to acrompanying ·.equipment needed. canonly be usedto fund any neces The Yeshiva University Red Meryl Wiener, Chairman of the Red Sarachek To hurnament lastt An advanced digitally controlled saryconstruction for the installation Sarachek Memorial Tournament, the Board of Trustees of Solomon year. He asserted, owever, tha refractor telescope was purchased, of the telescope. In compliance with widely considered to be the pre Schechter High School ofh New Bialik was for his purposes distin along with a dome to house the the estate's guidelines, a telescope eminent Jewish high school bas York, feels that her sc ool's guishable from Solomont Schechterh equipment. was ptudlasedwith the whole of the ketball tourney in - North_ exclusion from the Red Sarachek in that the adminish ration of t e Over the summer, YC Physics Abbosh endowment. This left, no America, is to be held at the Max tournamentis una�ptable. ''If you Canadian sc ool expressed ant Professors Cwillich and Kaplan fundsfor other furtherexpenses of installa Stern Athletic Center this March... are not inviting us because we are a "interest in sending students o assembled the telescope. and tested tion and has delayed tele The tournament, which is con Conservative school, then that is YU and having its students thedi gitalcontrols, readying the tele scope operation. Until sufficient ducted under the aegis of the shameful...Who are you hurting by exposed to an Orthodox environ ment." scope for its expected installation. fundingis. available forthe construc Office. of Admissions, will fea doing this? A ninth graderwho has Not so Solomon Schechter, according to Kranzler, They intended, along with Dean tioncomplicatio ns, theworking tele ture seventeen secondary school to give up his basketball career h becausehe goesto a Jewishschool." who noted that t e Conservative Adler,to have thetelescope up and scopewill remainwithout a home. squads from diverse geographic YU Director of Admissions, school did not ideologically runningby the Fall Semester, with Acrordingto Cwillich,the techni locales in heated competition for Michael Kranzler, emphatically align itself with YU. hopes of offering an introductory cal work to get the telescopein oper the. trophy which effectively con denied that the decision not to A solitary Bialik student is Astronomy class utilizing the tele ation has been. completed, but the fers Jewish national highschool championship status on the vic invite Solomon Schechter was Commentatorcurrently enrolled at YU. A scope for Jab sections. TheCo llege last remainingstep of proper instal h interview revealed poses torious team. Despite expres directly relevant to that sc ools h h prominently featured these inten lation a barrier preventingthe t at his decision to attend t e sions of interest on the part of denominational orientation. tions in a pamphlet of upcoming implementation of Astronomy as University was not influenced local Solomon Schechter high "We invite the schools that tradi h h attractionsat YU. a course in the YC curriculum. by is high sc ool's participation schools,YU declinedto extend these tionally express interest in send Thesehopes slowly dissipated as With hopes of possible joint ven in the Red Sarachek Tournament.h h Conservative Jewish institutions it becameapparent that the installa tures with other observatories in ing us-their students." Kranzler Wiener observed t at t e invitationsto thecompe tition. explained that the objective of tion of thetelescope on the roof of the area, the observatory project Conservative movement'sh deci This development comes in the BelferHall poseddaunting engineer stands as an exciting possible the tournament is to recruit high sion to pursue day sc ool educa safety wake of the clamor generated over school students for eventual tion more vigorously was ing problems; Becauseof con addition to currentYC courseoffer · a recent decision by the ''Yeshiva University attendance. Since intended to result in the creation cerns, it would not be pos.sible for ings. Cwillich and other faculty h League," a loose association of cen Solomon Schechter has not sent, of more Solomon Sc echter highh students to have direct access to involved in the project remain·, Belfer's roof where the dome and trist Orthodox high schools in the nor in Kranzler's estimation, schools. She wondered w y confident that a solution wiJl "the Orthodox, who came up telescope would be situated. This metropolitan New York Oty area encouraged many of its students h wit the idea for day school edu problem was meant to be solved arise and additional funding thatcoordinates joint athletic compe to enroll in YU, the school is "not will become available. Until tition, to rejectSolomon Schechter's