Clarification Questions from 2nd Consultation Webinars

1. I was quite impressed with quality of the presentation yesterday. I look forward to seeing the updated presentation pack when it is ratified by the Council and made available to the Epping residents. The artist impressions are impressive but it gives a false impression of reality. I would like see a scaled 3D model of the plans.

Thank you for taking the time to watch the presentation, we are pleased you enjoyed it. The planning application will have scalable drawings that you will be able to view.

2. Our concern is that, even though we are not losing the net number of parking spaces in Epping town centre, the new facilities will mean a significantly higher number of cars will be coming to the area. Which still means parking will be a major issue given we are not getting more spaces to accommodate.

My home is on Chapel Rd, directly behind St John’s Rd. Given the parking situation, we expect a greater volume of cars will be attempting to park on the residential streets surrounding the new facilities.

Can you please confirm that resident parking permit times will be extended to account for this. Parking is very difficult on our street already, especially in evenings and at weekends. Permit times are currently 8.30-5.30, Monday-Friday but will need to be extended further into the evening and also at weekends to ensure residents are still able to park.

Whilst not within our direct control, the applicant will review resident permit times with the Local Planning Authority and EFDC to address these concerns.

3. Something which was not covered on the Webinair on Tuesday was Epping High Street. My husband and I attended the recent exhibition in St Johns Church and we were concerned about the projections for the actual High Street: Will there still be parking along the High Street. The pavements appeared wider but how can that happen. We were told that the High Street would be decluttered with the implication was that shop fronts would change. We like the character of the High Street as it is and would not like that to change. We do not want to see uniformity in all the buildings.

At the request of the Local Planning Authority, a Public Realm Strategy accompanied the first consultation concept ideas for wider public realm works. The feedback has been provided to the Local Planning Authority. The priority for public realm improvements for Qualis is firstly within the sites themselves and secondly to address the public realm that is in the public highway in the immediate vicinity of the sites. Therefore, the public realm improvements that Qualis can deliver is within a narrow area linked to the sites and any wider improvements is something the Local Planning Authority will take forward with the input from a wider set of stakeholders. Statement of Community Engagement

4. 1) In relation to the statement that the multi-storey car park will replace the town centre car parking spaces from the two existing car parks. This does not take into account the car parking spaces that will be lost from the existing sports centre. And as there will be a swimming pool, that will attract even more car parking. So the amount of car parking needs to increase. No net loss relates to town centre parking on Cottis Lane and Bakers Lane only. The Local Planning Authority advise on planning policy for new developments.

2) Also whilst the multi storey car park is being built, could the old junior school site be used as a temporary car park. Whilst the multi storey car park is being built there will be temporary car parking available at the Conder site (155 spaces) and the old junior school will also be considered.

3) Great news that the existing sports facilities will be kept, in the new sports centre. As the sports centre will be used by children, then is it possible a drop off zone could be created? For parents to drop off their children safely, without having to park in the multi storey car park and cross the road. Even better if there was parking on the Bakers Lane site- in an undercroft like at Chelmsford? We have listened to feedback from the public at the first consultation and the sports facilities was a key theme so we are pleased that this is now included. There is a drop off layby shown on the drawing. If we did undercroft parking this would be full basement parkng and would be cost prohibited.

5. Regarding the Swimming Pool Spectator viewing galley along the length of the 25m pool. On Monday 3rd Nov this question was asked & replied (time 1.00.12 ) "Yes an Upper level galley would be provided". However, by chance I looked at the reply given two days later 5th Nov which appears to contradict this with (quote) " we have no statutory requirement to provide it" and may now be an issue with the height of the building impacting on residents.? As you are aware this issue was number one negative feedback from parents and grandparents when Waltham pool was opened. ?? Apologies for the lack of clarity on this message. The design team are providing this, subject to planning.

6. Is the viewing gallery for swimming pool full length? Yes, it is full length. 7. How do the studio sizes in the sports centre compare to the studio sizes in and ". I asked the question on Tuesday at 54.18. I'm concerned as there are real problems with the existing studio in Epping due to it's size. I really hope we are going to get a room the same size as they have in Waltham Abbey. We are providing 2 x studios at 130sqm and a cycle/spin studio at 120sqm. We are working with specialist architects to advise on sizes for these spaces. Apologies that we cannot confirm the sizes in comparison to the other centres, these are closed at present so we are unable to get access to measure.

8. I have raised this concern several times before. As you will see (again) the Qualis and CommonPlace marketing News Items and Emails, and Facebook alerts keep wrongly focusing/inviting 'Epping residents' to comment on the Qualis proposals when in fact its all residents of EFDC that may have a keen interest eg Those residing just down the road in places like , Thornwood, North Weald etc,...... and even EFDC towns slightly further afield. Other examples are the words " We are keen to hear the views of Epping Residents" and 'Epping is your town' were again emphasised during the recent zoom Qualis presentations as if it was only Epping residents who had signed in ? . We have friends who live in Loughton and Debden who use the current Epping Sport Centre and would like to give their views on the new one..Perhaps this something that could be passed back to Qualis and others to bear in mind for further communications ? Thank you for your comment and we will take this onboard for future communications. However, please do be reassured that the marketing information has gone much wider than just Epping and we have received engagement and feedback from a range of geographical locations.

9. I typed a number of questions into the Q&A box and was very concerned that my questions were edited before being read out by Anne Marie (?). This appears to have either made them more palatable to the people hosting the event or to edit out the most important aspect of my questions. We apologise if you feel this was done to make your questions more palatable, with a lot of questions we try to streamline question whilst keeping the sentiment.

What is the point of hosting a webinar and asking for questions when you just edit them to make them fit your agenda, it just makes a complete mockery of the event. All I can conclude is that the event was not to actually listen to the concerns of residents but to tick a box that you have consulted with Epping residents. We are sorry that you feel we edited to fit an agenda, this really isn’t the case. When there are a lot of questions to get through we want to make sure everyone has an opportunity to have their question answered as we really do listen to feedback. I would appreciate your comments as to why you feel it is acceptable to edit residents questions on a public webinar and what you propose you to do to rectify this matter. Questions are sometimes streamlined on live sessions to ensure that we get to all members of the audience. I have now put your questions in full below, I hope this reassures you that we are listening.

Questions below relating to the above question (9)

Does this consultation form part of the Local Plan evidence base? Responded live on Friday 6th - video available to view - response 50:52

What % of the proposed apartment are owner occupied and not PRS? Responded live on Friday 6th - video available to view - response 57.45

What & of the new dwellings are affordable? 40% of residential developments will be affordable in line with Council Policy.

Why is there no allowance for the largest growing sector of the population in the main town centre sites that being the aging population? Surely a Churchill / McCarthy and Stone site would be ideal so close to all facilities ? Responded live on Friday 6th - video available to view - response 1:00.20 Response includes:”there is, we have done lots of research and part of our planning strategy document that will submitted alongside the applications is to look at that mix of house types from 1,2,3 bedroom apartments and houses and look at the age groups and if we compare what’s happening with similar schemes in other towns in and around through and up into the North of there is a considerable volume of people that are downsizing, kids have flown the nest, through to elderly people who want to be in towns and want to be closer to core services. This is not exclusively targetted at the younger generation, it’s not exclusively targetted at senior living, it’s everything. We want to create communities here not spaces that are isolated for a particular age demographic.”

If cycle connections are important then why are they not shown in the plans? Responded live on Friday 6th - video available to view - response 1:01:19

By creating a massive sector of PRS apartments you are just making Epping another soleless commuter town housing people who will have no long term investment in the town why (apart from pure money making for EFDC) do you think this is the best use for new dwelling in the town Responded live on Friday 6th - 1:17:31 Our research working with specilaists in the Build to Rent market shows that these developments nurture community development as part of the professional management of the sites, which creates a vibrant, energetic energy that benefits the community as a whole.

The plans for the developments show beautifully relaid roads has this been agreed by County Council or is it just aspirational? Responded live on Friday 6th - video available to view - response 1:11:10

Please can Qualis publish their evidence that building PRS is the best use of space for Epping excluding just income for EFDC ? Responded live on Friday 6th - video available to view - 1:23:32

10.The architectural images gave no indicaitons of finishes to buildings. Is there to be a predominance of brickwork for housing ? What is the finish to the carpark building? How much exposed concrete will there be for sportshall ? There will be a predominance of brickwork to housing. The car park building is currently being designed with horizontal or vertical timber slats cladding. The sports hall will be predominantly brick. Please note the extent of materials and final material choices have not been finalised on all schemes.

11. So we have some idea of the extent, geographical reach and engagement of this 2nd round of November Consultation Please can you publish how many members of the public actually zoomed into each of your 5 presentations ? (ie please exclude those who are members of Qualis and/or EFDC employed and councillors who logged into these zoom meetings,) Statistics relating to the engagement from the 2nd Consultation will be posted to Commonplace.

12. What exactly is "The Cookery School" and why does it need to be retained? What will happen to Epping Hall when all of this has been built? The Cookery School is a locally listed building and therefore has to be retained. The plans show bringing this back as a community facility for all to enjoy.

13. How high will the flat development be? (referencing Conder site) No taller than the existing Conder building.

Questions submitted up to 9-11-20 via Commonplace