Drivers, Take Care
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Tuesday, June 23, 2020 Serving Elkhart County and parts of Noble, LaGrange & Marshall Counties Know Your Neighbor .............. 2➤ Speak Outs . 3 Good Neighbor............4 Vol. 48 No. 11 Goshen (574) 534-2591 134 S. Main, Goshen, Indiana 46526 Drivers, take care: Indiana’s new distracted driving law 12:$1212³-DQLFH<HD]HORI*RVKHQGHPRQVWUDWHVZKDWZLOOEHLOOHJDOXQGHU,QGLDQD·VQHZ'LVWUDFWHG'ULYLQJ/DZZKLFKWDNHVHIIHFW-XO\3KRWRE\5D\%DORJK %\5$<%$/2*+ takes effect July 1. 6WDII:ULWHU The law, encapsulated in Indiana Code 9-21-8-59, provides: According to the state of Indiana’s web- • No one may type, transmit or read a site,, drivers can experience text message or electronic mail message three types of distractions: on any handheld telecommunications de- • Cognitive, which takes one’s mind off vice while operating a moving motor ve- the road hicle. • Visual, which takes one’s eyes off the • Exceptions are using hands-free or road voice operated technology or using the de- • Manual, which takes one’s hands off vice to call 911 to report an actual immedi- the wheel ate emergency. Operating a handheld cellphone while The Indiana Distracted Driving Law is '$1*(5675$,*+7$+($'³&RPPXQLFDWLQJRQDFHOOSKRQHZKLOHGULYLQJFDQEOLQG driving enhances the likelihood — and considered a primary law, allowing a law GULYHUVWRSRWHQWLDOKD]DUGVGLUHFWO\LQIURQWRIWKHP3KRWRE\6KXWWHUVWRFN gruesome consequences — of all three dis- enforcement officer to pull over a driver tractions. and issue a citation merely upon witness- is about safety,” he said. their surroundings, keeping the roadways Distracted driving increases the risk of ing a violation of the law. No other reason “We are working on some additional infor- safer.” a crash more than threefold and causes is necessary. mation to put out in advance on Facebook, This week all county law enforcement about 10,000 automotive accidents in The officer may not confiscate the de- Instagram and Twitter what the law is and agencies will receive an annual law and Indiana each year. It is 2 1/2 times more vice, retain it as evidence or extract or what changes were made. Law enforcement court case update generated from the state common than drunk driving accidents download information without a search is encouraged to make contact with motor- and distributed by the county prosecutor. and is the leading killer of teenagers in warrant or probable cause to believe the ists and inform them of the specifics of the “That is where we get our policies and pro- America. device was used in the commission of a law. Once we have the final details, officers cedures,” said Snider. “It will take a while Each time a driver looks at a handheld crime. and staff can answer questions, because after the law is implemented before we de- cellphone, he or she does so for an aver- Violations are punishable by a $500 people often call in.” cide how to enforce it.” age of 4 1/2 seconds. At 55 mph, that is the fine, but ticketed drivers will not receive For more information, call (574) 891-2300 Snider said the police department’s office equivalent of putting on a blindfold and points on their license before July 1, 2021. or visit or can answer questions about enforcement, driving the length of a football field. Capt. Michael Culp, public information but legal questions will be referred to the Texting while driving has been illegal officer for the Elkhart County Sheriff’s Administrative Lt. Travis Snider, public prosecutor’s office. in Indiana since 2011, and the Indiana Office, offered the law enforcement per- information officer for the Elkhart Police For more information, call (574) 295-7070 state legislature has further addressed spective on public education. “The sher- Department, issued a statement from Chief or visit the tragic phenomenon by passing the iff’s office really wants to educate those in Chris Snyder. “The law will obligate drivers The county prosecutor’s number is (574) Indiana Distracted Driving Law, which Elkhart County and those visiting that it to pay better attention to the roadway and 296-1888. 2 — the PAPER — Tuesday, June 23, 2020 Rite Choice Foods ™ The right food at the right price KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOR Senior Citizens Discount Every Tuesday Receive 5% Off (Excluding Tobacco & Alcohol) PRICES GOOD JUNE 25-JULY 1, 2020 %(6748$/,7< LOCALLY OWNED SINCE 1991 BY GARY MILLER ,7(06)25 YOU NEVER KNOW THE DISCOUNTS DAVE HAS IN STORE…CHECK OUT %(6735,&(6 HIS LIMITED ITEMS IN STORE FOR DEEPER DISCOUNTS THAN ADVERTISED NO GUARANTEE ON ITEMS LISTED IN THE AD AT THIS TIME DUE TO COVID-19 Area couple do WE APOLOGIZE FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE THIS MAY CAUSE ~ ALL ITEMS ARE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST ~ 'LVFRXQW 'DYH« CHECK OUT OUR NEW LOWER PRICES ON WATER SOFTENER SALTS WKH'HDOHU)LQGHUK 101 LB. CHUBS 81% LEAN WHILE $ 99 SUPPLIES GROUNDG BEEF LAST! 1 LB. woodworking together ESSENTIAL EVERYDAY ¢ %\/$85,(/(&+/,71(5 LIKE AND FOLLOW US ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE SOUR CREAM 16 OZ. 99 6WDII:ULWHU MEAT “I got involved in woodwork- SUGARDALE ¢ EASY CARVE $ 79 ing by accident,” stated Lynn HOT DOGS 1 LB.99 HAMS 1 LB. Pletcher, Elkhart. “My husband ROYAL $ 49 APPLEWOOD BACON 12 OZ. 2 Roger was out in his woodwork- ASSORTED BONE-IN $ 89 ing shop one evening when his PORK CHOPS 1 LB. father came to visit us. He told BONE-IN ¢ me to learn woodworking skills CHICKEN THIGHS WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! 69LB. from Roger and encouraged me FRICK’S ¢ to take more interest in wood- BUTTS & SHANK HAMS 99LB. working. I took his advice and $ 39 became a woodworker myself. CHICKEN DRUMSTICKS 1 LB. Roger and I are both members of JOHNSONVILLE RAW ASSORTED VARIEITES $ 99 the International Wood Collec- BRATS 19 OZ. 2 tor’s Society.” ARMOUR $ 99 The IWCS began in 1947. Its BEEF FRANKS 5 LBS. - EQUALS $1.60 LB. 7 members are people from all over JOHNSONVILLE - GARLIC ONLY $ 69 the world who love woodworking, SUMMER SAUSAGE 12 OZ. 1 sharing ideas and particular tal- BOB EVANS FROZEN $ 99 ents. “Many of the members are SAUSAGE ROLLS 1 LB. 1 carvers, wood turners, collectors produce 67$1',1*72*(7+(5 ² 5RJHU OHIW DQG /\QQ 3OHWFKHU (ONKDUW and dendrologists,” Lynn added. ZHUHDWWHQGLQJDQDQQXDOPHHWLQJRIWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO:RRG&ROOHFWRU·V RED & GREEN SEEDLESS $ 49 Roger has made their kitchen 6RFLHW\ LQ )ORULGD7KH 3OHWFKHUV KDYH KRVWHG WKH ,:&6 FRQYHQWLRQ LQ GRAPES 1 LB. chairs, wall clocks and an en- DQGSODQQLQJDFWLYLWLHVLQWKH0LGGOHEXU\6KLSVKHZDQDDUHD SWEET & JUICY $ 29 tertainment center. They both 3KRWRSURYLGHG SOUTHERN PEACHES 1 LB. do woodcraft projects and make 2/$ 00 Lynn added, “One of the high- I shot two of them in my back STRAWBERRIES 1 LB. 5 picture frames. Lynn does intar- sia patterns, putting together lights of that year was eating yard. My specialty is taking two ROMAINE LEMONS $ 99 ¢ cut-out pieces of wood in fancy dinner in an authentic Amish or three cubes of the top loin, HEARTS 3 PK. 1 & LIMES 49EA. designs, much like putting a dining room that seats 100 flouring and browning the meat VIDALIA ¢ $ 19 puzzle together. She also makes people.” in a skillet and then baking it a ONIONS 89 LB. CELERY 1 EA. wall mountings and displays. Roger has a long history in couple hours in cream of mush- GREEN GIANT $ 49 woodworking. “It started when room soup.” IDAHO POTATOES 5 LB. BAG The Pletchers turn pens, mak- 2 my son Terry was doing wood- Lynn was a beautician at GROCERY ing some of them out of corn cobs and deer antlers. “I once turned working projects for the 4-H fair. Hubbard Hill. She retired in IAMS LARGE BREED HEALTHY WEIGHT $ 99 a pen out of bleacher board from Two of his projects made it to February 2014. Now she enjoys DOG FOOD 15.1 LB. 4 my old alma mater Concord High state fair.” cooking, canning, flower garden- ESSENTIAL EVERYDAY $ 19 School,” Lynn added. Lynn was the leader of the ing and woodworking. GRANULATED SUGAR 4 LB. 2 In 2017 the Pletchers hosted Junior Farm Homebuilders Club Roger was a sales and service ORVILLE REDENBACHER $ 49 at the time. “The club was com- representative to the RV and mo- MICROWAVE POPCORN 6 PACK 2 the IWCS convention at the Farmstead Inn in Shipshewana. prised of 25 children, who did not bile home industry. He retired in MILLER LITE & COORS LIGHT $ 99 live on a farm. Our son Terry was May 2014. He’s now a trustee of 12 OZ. 24 PACK - WHAT MOST STORES CHARGE FOR 18 PACK “We had 95 people present,” 15 part of my group.” the Great Lakes Region Interna- ESSENTIAL EVERYDAY NO SALT ADDED OR REGULAR Roger explained. “They were ¢ The Pletchers both had their CANNED MUSHROOMS 4 OZ. 49 from 17 states and two provinces own motorcycles. “I won mine Car and bike ESSENTIAL EVERYDAY of Canada.” $ 69 through a drawing at the 4-H KETCHUP TWIN PACK 80 OZ. 2 The attendees enjoyed Amish Fair motorcycle races. I received cruise-in at The ESSENTIAL EVERYDAY country so well, they asked the ¢ a 90cc Kawasaki. Roger’s was MUSTARD 24 OZ. 79 Pletchers to host again in 2019. Barns at Nappanee much older. His cycle was a Sears ESSENTIAL EVERYDAY COMPARE “We enlarged upon the activities TO RITZ $ 49 Come out and enjoy the Friday ROUND SNACK CRACKERS 13.7 OZ. 1 that year,” Roger continued. “We Roebuck Allstate.” night car and bike cruise-in at The ALL had crafter’s classes, woodwork- “After learning how to shift in $ 49 Barns at Nappanee, home of Amish JUICY JUICE 64 OZ.