





REG. NO 140705036




MEDAN 2018





Dr. T. Thyrhaya Zein, M.A Liza Amalia, S.S., M.A NIP. 19630109 198803 2 001 NIP. 19840626 201704 2 001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Department of English.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D. NIP. 195409161980032003 NIP. 19750209 2008121002

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on October 8th, 2018.

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S. NIP. 19600805 198703 1 001

Board of Examiners

Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D.

Dr. T. Thyrhaya Zein, M.A.

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S












Date : September 28th, 2018














Signed :

Date : September 28th, 2018


First of all, I would like thanks to the Almighty God, Jesus Christ for the guidance and blessing to accomplish this thesis as one of the requirements for graduating from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara Medan can be finished timely. Here I would also like to express my gratitude, love, appreciation, honors and thanks to:

1. My parents Renghat Hutabarat and Neli Sihotang, my brothers Dio Very

Hutabarat, Rafael Hutabarat, Andreas Pasagi Hutabarat and to big family of

Hutabarat‟s family and Sihotang‟s family who always pray, encourage, and

support me during the academic years.

2. My supervisor, Dr. T. Thyrhaya Zein, M.A and my co-supervisor, Liza

Amalia Putri, S.S., M.A for their willingness to spend their valuable time in

supervising me during the improvement of my thesis, as well as to Dr. Budi

Agustono, M.S, the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of

Sumatera Utara, and Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph., the Head of

Department of English and Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D, the Secretary

of Department of English, for their advice and encouragement during my

study in this faculty and also to Mr. Sukirno for his help in the administration

procedure and requirements.

3. My best friend Anes Ringo and Hendi apri with all big family of Sofian 8

lodging house for all their support and their kindness with all the greatest

time that already spent. My special friends Amelia L Damanik S.IKom for

her adviced, support, pray and kindness.

iii UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4. Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat Nusantara and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan for the

Scholarship and all the experience that‟s very valuable. My family

Paguyuban KSE USU, HRD Division for trust me and give the real meanings

of family in paguyuban which is unforgetable. Also for all my friends from

Ambassador BPJS TK batch 4 and Paguyuban KSE Nusantara.

5. My best friends the IMAGE Squad (Nini, Ayna, Agnes, Cristine, Wigun) and

RB Squad ( my dearest “Itok” Gaby, Enda, Nurul A, Sri R, Debby, Yanti,

Syahra) also my basketball teams (FIB team and ACM Family)

6. AIESEC, Mahidana Waste Alert 1.0 team ( kak Elisa, Julyana, Anggie,

Liona, Fariz, Okta) for the voluntering experience and the kindness that teach

me many things.

7. Last but not the least is to all of my friends in Department of English who

always stand by me and to my class English Literature A 2014.

May God always bless you all.

The Researcher

Reinardo Hutabarat


The thesis entitled “A Semiotic Analysis on Basketball Team Logos of National Basketball Association 2016-2017” is a study about the meaning of signs in Basketball team logos. This research supported by semiotic theory proposed by Roland Barthes collaborated with semiotic triadic theory proposed by Charles Sanders Pierce. The objectives of this research are to identify semiotics meaning that used in national basketball association (NBA) team logos and to describe how the meaning of the logos represent the identity of each team in the national basketball association (NBA) league 2016-2017. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research are verbal and visual signs of team logos. The sources of data are 16 NBA teams‟ logos that join Playoffs games 2016- 2017 and supported by the article from their official website. Those 16 teams are Cavaliers, Washington Wizards, Boston Celtics, Chicago Bulls, OKC Thunder, Portland Trail Blazzers, Atlanta Hawk, GSW, Houston Rockets, LA Clippers, Memphis Grizzlies, Pacers, San Antonio Spurs, Toronto Raptors, Utah Jazz and Bucks. In analysing the verbal and visual sign the researcher used Barthes Theory and in analysing the relationship of triadic aspect to find the identity of the team the researcher used Pierce Theory. The researcher found there are 31 verbal signs and 44 visual signs used by the 16 team logos in this research. The meaning found in team logos were represented by denotative and connotative. The denotative meanings represented the real meanings that as they are seen directly in the team logos. The connotative meaning represented the hidden meanings such as identity of the city, spirit of the team, strength, form of defense and attack, hope, energetic, mature, teamwork, respect and appreciates. The Myth sign also presented in some of the logos such as Indian myth, Irish folklore or myth, old myth, Egyptian myth and also old American beliefs. The researcher also found the relationship of triadic aspects of sign that are representament, object and intepretant in connected the meaning of logo and the identity of the team. The researcher found that mostly the identity of the team was also the identity of their city. The team used the identity of their city as their motivation and their proud to play for their city. The findings of this research can be seen as most of the team logos actually used their city identities as their identity. It almost 70% signs in the logos use to represent their city. The other finding is represented by the myth sign that used 9.3% in the logo. It means that some logo of the team use the myth as the sign for their logo even basketball is the nowdays sport.

Keywords : NBA Teams’ Logo, Verbal Sign, Visual Sign, Denotative Meaning, Connotative Meaning, Myth Meaning, Representament, Object, Intepretant, Identity.


Skripsi ini berjudul “A Semiotic Analysis on Basketball Team Logos of National Basketball Association 2016-2017” merupakan penelitian tentang makna dari tanda- tanda dalam logo tim basket. Penelitian ini didukung oleh teori semiotik yang dikemukakan oleh Roland Barthes berkolaborasi dengan teori semiotik triadic yang dikemukakan oleh Charles Sanders Pierce. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi makna semiotik yang digunakan di logo tim basket national basketball association (NBA) dan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana makna dari logo tersebut menggambarkan identitas setiap tim di national basketball association (NBA) league 2016-2017. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian adalah tanda–tanda dalam logo tim. Sumber data adalah 16 logo tim NBA yang mengikuti babak Playoffs 2016-2017 dan didukung oleh artikel dari website resmi mereka. 16 tim tersebut adalah , Washington Wizards, Boston Celtics, Chicago Bulls, OKC Thunder, Portland Trail Blazzers, Atlanta Hawk, GSW, Houston Rockets, LA Clippers, Memphis Grizzlies, Indiana Pacers, San Antonio Spurs, Toronto Raptors, Utah Jazz and Milwaukee Bucks. Didalam menganalisis tanda verbal dan tanda visual peneliti menggunakan teori yand dikemukakan oleh Barthes dan didalam menganalisis triadic aspek dari makna untuk menemukan identitas tim peneliti menggunakan Pierce teori. Peneliti menemukan 31 tanda-tanda verbal and 44 tanda-tanda visual yang digunakan oleh 16 logo tersebut. Makna yang ditemukan pada logo ditunjukkan oleh makna denotatif dan konotatif. Makna denotatif menunjukkan makna sebenarnya yang sebagaimana mereka dapat dilihat secara langsung didalam logo tim. Makna konotatif menunjukkan makna tersembunyi seperti ciri khas kota, spirit tim, kekuatan, bentuk pertahanan dan penyerangan, harapan, energik, kedewasaan, kerjasama , tanda penghormatan dan apresiasi. Makna mitos juga digunakan oleh beberapa logo seperti Indian mitos, cerita rakyat atau mitos orang Irlandia, mitos inggris kuno, mitos mesir dan juga kepercayaan penduduk Amerika dahulukala. Peneliti juga menemukan hubungan dari ketiga aspects penting dari tanda-tanda tersebut yaitu representamen, object and intepretant didalam menghubungkan makna dari setiap logo dengan identitas dari tim tersebut. Peneliti menemukan bahwa kebanyakan identitas dari setiap tim juga merupakan identitas dari kota tim itu sendiri. Setiap tim menggunakan identitas dari kota mereka sebagai motivasi dan kebanggaan mereka untuk bermain bagi kota mereka. Penemuan dalam penelitian ini dapat dilihat bahwa hampir semua logo tim sebenarnya menggunakan identitas dari kota mereka sebagai identitas mereka. Hampir 70% tanda didalam logo tim digunakan untuk menunjukkan identitas dari kota mereka. Hal yang ditemukan lainnya ditunjukkan oleh tanda mitos yang digunakan 9.3% dibeberapa logo. Hal ini berarti beberapa logo tim menggunakan makna mitos sebagai tanda dalam logo mereka walaupun bola basket adalah olahraga yang moderen.

Kata Kunci : Logo Tim NBA, Tanda-Tanda Verbal, Tanda-Tanda Visual, Makna Denotatif, Makna Konotatif, Makna Mitos, Representament, Object, Intepretant, Identitas.



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1 Background of The Study ...... 1 1.2 Problems of The Study ...... 6 1.3 Objective of The Study ...... 6 1.4 Scope of The Study ...... 6 1.5 Significance of The Study ...... 7

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 8 2.1 Introduction ...... 8 2.2 Concepts ...... 8 2.2.1 Semiotics ...... 8 2.2.2 Logo ...... 9 2.3 Theories of Semiotics ...... 10 2.3.1 Triadic Semiotics Theory by Charles Sanders Pierce ...... 10 2.3.2 Semiotics Theory by Roland Barthes ...... 15 2.4 Previous Studies ...... 16 2.5 Theoretical Framework ...... 20

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH ...... 22 3.1 Research Design ...... 22 3.2 Data and Source of Data ...... 22 3.3 Data Collection Procedure ...... 23 3.4 Data Analysis ...... 25


CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ...... 28 4.1 Data Analysis ...... 28 4.1.1 Semiotic Meanings on “Atlanta Hawk” Team logo ...... 29 4.1.2 Semiotic Meanings on “Boston Celtics” team Logo ...... 34 4.1.3 Semiotic Meanings on “Cleveland Cavaliers” Team logo ...... 40 4.1.4 Semiotic Meanings on “Chicago Bulls” Team Logo ...... 46 4.1.5 Semiotic Meanings on “Golden State Warriors” Team Logo ...... 52 4.1.6 Semiotic Meanings on “Houston Rockets” Team Logo ...... 58 4.1.7 Semiotic Meanings on “Los Angeles Clippers” Team Logo ...... 63 4.1.8 Semiotic Meanings on “Memphis Grizzlies” Team Logo ...... 68 4.1.9 Semiotic Meanings on “Milwaukee Bucks” Team Logo ...... 71 4.1.10 Semiotic Meanings on “Oklahoma City Thunder” Team Logo . 71 4.1.11 Semiotic Meanings on “Indiana Pacers” Team Logo ...... 71 4.1.12 Semiotic Meanings on “San Antonio Spurs” Team logo ...... 71 4.1.13 Semiotic Meanings on “Toronto Raptors” Team Logo ...... 71 4.1.14 Semiotic Meanings on “Portland Trail Blazers” Team Logo ..... 71 4.1.15 Semiotic Meanings on “Utah Jazz” Team logo ...... 71 4.1.16 Semiotic Meanings on “Washington Wizards” Team logo ...... 71 4.2 Analysis Result ...... 71 4.3 Findings ...... 71

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...... 71 5.1 Conclusion ...... 71 5.2 Suggestion ...... 71


Appendix 1: Basketball Team Logo of Atlanta Hawk

Appendix 2: Basketball Team Logo of Boston Celtics

Appendix 3: Basketball Team Logo of Cleveland Cavaliers

Appendix 4: Basketball Team Logo of Chicago Bulls

Appendix 5: Basketball Team Logo of Golden State Warriors

Appendix 6: Basketball Team Logo of Houston Rockets

Appendix 7: Basketball Team Logo of Los Angeles Clippers

viii UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Appendix 8: Basketball Team Logo of Memphis Grizzlies

Appendix 9: Basketball Team Logo of Milwaukee Bucks

Appendix 10: Basketball Team Logo of Oklahoma City Thunder

Appendix 11: Basketball Team Logo of Indiana Pacers

Appendix 12: Basketball Team Logo of San Antonio Spurs

Appendix 13: Basketball Team Logo of Toronto Raptors

Appendix 14: Basketball Team Logo of Portland Trail Blazzers

Appendix 15: Basketball Team Logo of Utah Jazz

Appendix 16: Basketball Team Logo of Washington Wizards


Table 4.1 Denotative meanings of verbal and visual sign in “Atlanta Hawk” logo...... 29 Table 4.2 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Atlanta Hawk” Logo...... 32 Table 4.3 Denotative meanings of verbal and visual sign in “Boston Celtics” logo...... 34 Table 4.4 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Boston Celtics” Logo...... 38 Table 4.5 Denotative meanings of verbal and visual sign in “Cleveland Cavaliers” logo...... 41 Table 4.6 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Cleveland Cavaliers” Logo...... 44 Table 4.7 Denotative meanings of verbal and visual sign in “Chicago Bulls” logo...... 47 Table 4.8 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Chicago Bulls” Logo...... 50 Table 4.9 Denotative meanings of verbal and visual sign in “Golden State Warriors” logo...... 53 Table 4.10 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Golden State Warriors” Logo...... 56 Table 4.11 Denotative meanings of verbal and visual sign in “Houston Rockets” logo...... 59 Table 4.12 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Houston Rockets” Logo...... 61 Table 4.13 Denotative meanings of verbal and visual sign in “Los Angeles Clippers” logo...... 63


Table 4.14 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “LA Clippers” Logo...... 66 Table 4.15 Denotative meanings of verbal and visual sign in “Memphis Grizzlies” logo...... 69 Table 4.16 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Memphis Grizzlies” Logo...... 72 Table 4.17 Denotative meanings of verbal and visual sign in “Milwaukee Bucks” logo...... 75 Table 4.18 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Milwaukee Bucks” Logo...... 78 Table 4.19 Denotative meanings of verbal and visual sign in “OKC” logo...... 81 Table 4.20 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “OKC” Logo...... 84 Table 4.21 Denotative meanings of verbal and visual sign in “Indiana Pacers” logo...... 87 Table 4.22 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Indiana Pacers” Logo...... 92 Table 4.23 Denotative meanings of verbal and visual sign in “San Antonio Spurs” logo...... 94 Table 4.24 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “San Antonio Spurs” Logo...... 95 Table 4.25 Denotative meanings of verbal and visual sign in “Toronto Raptors” logo...... 97 Table 4.26 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Toronto Raptors” Logo...... 100 Table 4.27 Denotative meanings of verbal and visual sign in “Portland Trail Blazzers” logo...... 102

xi UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Table 4.28 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Portland Trail Blazzers” Logo...... 106 Table4.29 Denotative meanings of verbal and visual sign in “Utah Jazz” logo...... 108 Table 4.30 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Utah Jazz” Logo...... 111 Table 4.31 Denotative meanings of verbal and visual sign in “Washington Wizards” logo...... 114 Table 4.32 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Washington Wizards” Logo...... 116 Table 4.33 Representative of verbal and visual signs in 16 NBA teams‟ logo based on Barthes‟ theory...... 120 Table 4.34 Representative of verbal and visual signs in 16 NBA teams‟ logo based on Pierce‟s theory...... 123 Table 4.35 Dominantly used of data verbal and visual signs in 16 NBA teams‟ logos...... 125 Table 4.36 Representation of semiotic meaning and identity of team logos of NBA playoffs 2016-2017...... 127


Figure 1.1 The Logo of Boston celtics...... 3

Figure 2.1 Pierce Traid of Semiotics...... 15

Figure 2.2 Theoritical Framework...... 21

Figure 3.1 Component of Data Analysis: Interactive Model

Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2014 :33)...... 25

Figure 4.1 Atlanta Hawk Logo...... 29

Figure 4.2 Boston Celtics Logo...... 34

Figure 4.3 Cleveland Cavaliers Logo...... 40

Figure 4.4 Chicago Bulls Logo...... 46

Figure 4.5 Golden State Warriors Logo...... 52

Figure 4.6 Houston Rockets Logo...... 58

Figure 4.7 LA Clippers Logo...... 63

Figure 4.8 Memphis Grizzlies Logo...... 68

Figure 4.9 Milwaukee Bucks Logo...... 74

Figure 4.10 OKC Logo...... 80

Figure 4.11 Indiana Pacers Logo...... 86

Figure 4.12 San Antonio Spurs Logo...... 92

xiii UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Figure 4.13 Toronto Raptors Logo...... 96

Figure 4.14 Portland Trail Blazzers Logo...... 102

Figure 4.15 Utah Jazz Logo...... 108

Figure 4.16 Washington Wizards Logo...... 113

Figure 4.17 Representative Percentage of signs in 16 NBA team logos...... 121


Arg Argument

C Connotative

D Denotative

Dc Dicisign

I Intepretant

Ic Icon

In Index

L Legisign

M Myth

O Object

Q Qualisign

R Representament

Rh Rheme

S Sinsign

Sy Symbol



1.1 Background of The Study

Logo is one of the important things that every teams in National Basketball

Association league should have as their attributes beside their basketball costumes and the court or the arena of their teams. Logo contains some sign that are trying to lead the identity of a team. NBA teams have their own logos that can determine the identity of each team in NBA league. The logos can also be seen as the factor of how the team can be known better mot just by their fans but also the society.

National Basketball Association (NBA) as a leader of world professional basketball leagues, facilitates all professional basketball teams in the of

America by exploring their proficiency in basketball by challenging other teams.

Most of basketball lovers would like to know more about their favorite teams, the information about the team such as their logo and the management, the latest news about players or teams, league statistics and live streaming for those who are far away from the match location, and recapitulation of matches that the basketball lovers missed.

People tend to check information about players and teams, and also game schedule. Moreover, people nowadays are using smartphone to notifying them about score updates of a match. Besides the game and their favorite‟s player, most of basketball lovers generally know their favorite clubs from their logos. However, they

1 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA only know it as a thing which represents each group. The researcher is interested to do this research because mostly basketball lovers especially in Indonesia know their favorite NBA teams by their logos but literary they do not know about the real meaning of the logos and how the meaning of the logos can represent the identity of that team. It became important and urgent since every logo has sign that can help the fans to know the team better by knowing and understanding that information. Due to this reason, the researcher is interested in conducting research about the meaning of logos used by NBA teams.

The researcher focused on the NBA league 2016-2017 because this is the newest league that already done, and also in the 2016, the USA national basketball team won the gold medal in Games of the XXXIth Olympiad 2016 Rio de Janeiro,

Brazil. The USA team which consist from the best NBA player that play for the different teams. They win the gold with a record of 8-0 with 25 games winning streak and the all time record of 138-5 in Olympic play.

Logos are kind of image or picture and can be categorized as signs. (Chandler

2007: 17) states that “Signs take the form of words, images, sounds, odors, flavors, acts, or objects. But such things have no intrinsic meaning and become sign only when we invest them with meaning.” It means that symbol that have meaning can categorized as a sign that trying to inform some information related to the events happened as the background desain of that symbol. To know the objective of using the symbol and its relation with the events happened on the logo, the use of semiotics theory is necessary, because semiotics is the science which studies the life of sign system (Guiraud, 1978: 2). The concept of semiotics is used to figure out the relation of non-language sign in the logos


Figure 1.1 The Logo of Boston Celtics

The non language sign in the logo above can be seen from Boston Celtics logo Boston Celtics is one of the famous team in NBA league. This logo contains some signs that deliver the meaning of the logos related to the identity of that team.

The sign gives some explanation such as the world-famous figure (Leprechaun

Lucky) which has his left eye winking at you, his left hand resting on his shillelagh, his right index finger is pointing straight upward with a brown basketball sitting atop, his left foot crossed over and to the side of the right foot. He possesses a big smile

(with a pipe projecting from the right corner of his mouth) and he is dressed in black buckle shoes, black pants, a gold front-button vest with a matching bow tie (with green three-leaf clovers displayed prominently in view on both), a long-sleeved white shirt and all topped off with a black derby hat with the same matching three- leaf clovers.

This logo has two main signs that trying to inform the identity of the team.

The Leprechaun Lucky is a fomous figure from traditional Irish city in the United

States. It have a gesture of smoking a cigar that means he or it understood that victory is guaranteed. Celtics also means that because Boston city is mostly lived by

Irishman. Many Irish also believe they are ancestor of the ancient druid people called the Celts. That two main object, the Leprechaun figure and the word of Boston

3 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Celtics already tell some information about the identity of the team. The Leprechaun

Object as a lucky object that tell Boston Celtics hopefully will get the victory. The word of Boston Celtics trying to inform the identity of people in that team or the city of the team.

The logos are containing some signs. Those signs give some hidden informations that can be analyzed by using some theories which support the construction of the discourse. “A sign…(in the form a representament) is something which stands to somebody for something in some respect or capacity. It addresses somebody that creates in the mind of that person an equivalent sign, or perhaps a more developed sign. That sign which it creates I call interpretant of the first sign.

The sign stands for something, its object…(Chandler, 2002:33). To know the objective of using the symbol and its relation with the events happened on the logo, the use of semiotics theory is necessary, because semiotics is the science which studies the life of sign system (Guiraud, 1978: 2). The concept of semiotics is used to figure out the relation of non-language sign in the logos which support the construction of the discourse.

In this research the theory of triadic model of Semiotics by Charles Sanders

Pierce (1931) and semiotics theory by Roland Barthes (1967) were used to analyse the logos. Peirce‟s has formulated his own model of the sign, of „semiotic‟, that have three essential elements of sign, they are: representament, interpretant, and object.

The representament is the form which the sign takes. Chandler states that “An interpretant is not an interpreter but rather the sense made of the sign and an object is to which the sign refers.” The researcher used the triadic theory to analyze the meanings of each sign and how it represent the identity of each team in the NBA

4 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA league playoff 2016-2017 through the relationship of the triadic aspects of sign by

Pierce. The researcher used this theory because the theory focused on the relationship of three aspects of sign. Every sign in the logo contain some meaning that can relate to the information about the identity of the team. The theory have a powerful reason to use in this research

According to Barthes' theory, every ideological sign is either a denotative sign system or a connotative sign system. A denotative sign, which is a strictly descriptive system, is the result of the signifier image and the signified concept combining. In other words the apple is the signifier and healthy is the signified. A connotative sign is one that has lost its historical meaning. This could be due to a number of things including: changes in culture or terminology, an event, or even just evolution. The researcher focuses to analyze the sign in the NBA basketball team‟s logo. The research focused to find the semiotics meaning that used in NBA team‟s logo whether it contain denotative meaning or connotative meaning. The researcher used the theory because the theory focused to separate the meaning of each sign whether it use denotative meaning that can be seen directly as we see the logo or it use connotative meaning which is need to be analyzed and understand the hidden meaning of the sign in the logo. The connotative meaning also relates to the myth that maybe containing in the logo. This theory helped the first theory to find the identity of the team through the meaning of the logo.

Some of researchers have done research about logos. One of them is Ismail

(2013) . “A Semiotics Analysis of Barclays Premier League Club‟s Logos”. He focused on analyzed the logos based on pierce theory and Saussure theory which is different from this research that have taken basketball logos as an object of research

5 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA and focused on Pierce theory and Barthes theory. Since there are no research using basketball logo as an object and the different focused that make this research urgent and important. Due to this reason and based on the theories, the researcher is interested in conducting research about the meaning of logos used by National

Basketball Association teams.

1.2 Problems of The Study

1. What semiotics meanings are used in national basketball association team‟s

logo 2016-2017?

2. How do the meanings of the team logos represent the identity of each team in

the national basketball association league 2016-2017?

1.3 Objective of The Study

1. To identify semiotics meaning that used in national basketball association

teams logo 2016-2017

2. To describe how the meanings of the team logos represent the identity of each

team in the national basketball association league 2016-2017

1.4 Scope of The Study

The research is focused to analyze and classify the semiotics meaning of the

National Basketball Association Teams logos used by 16 teams in the playoff NBA leagues 2016-2017 by applies Barthes‟s theory to dismantle the meaning (denotative meaning, connotative meaning and myth) and to find how Team‟s logos represent the identity of the teams in the playoff NBA leagues based on Charles Peirce Triadic

6 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Theory. The researcher focused on 16 teams that finally can reach the playoff level.

The researcher also focused in 2016-2017 as the significance year because these year was the big year when the USA team that consist by NBA players can win the

Olympic tournament without any lose in every game. They become glorious in this year.

1.5 Significance of The Study

1 Theoretical

This research hopefully can give worthy contribution in semiotics study especially the development of semiotics theory in analyzing sports logo, or other logos. So, the result of this research can give more explanation about semiotics analysis, especially the benefit of use two theories to analyze the identity of the team through the sign in their logo.

2 Practical

The research about logo conducted to give an explanation about each logo that is used by the NBA teams so people can understand what the meaning of the logos of NBA. By this research, the logo of NBA teams can be socialized to society, the fans of each team and for journalistic for their research, article or news. The research hopefully can give an understanding about the hidden meaning in sport team‟s logo. The research also can be used for further semiotics research in different object or logos.



2.1 Introduction

This chapter contains of concept of semiotics research and logos used in this research. This chapter also mentions two important theories that support this research. The first theory is formulated by Charles Sanders Pierce and the second theory is constructed by Roland Barthes. The other contain of this chapter are some related previous studies which are have contribution in order to conduct this research.

The last content in this chapter is the theoretical framework. The theoretical framework introduces and describes the theory that explains why the research problem under studiy exists. A theoritical Framework consists of concepts and together with their definitions and reference to relevant studies, existing theory that is used for the research and that relate to the broader areas of knowledge being considered.

2.2 Concepts

2.2.1 Semiotics

Semiotics is one of literary approaches used to analyze certain stories or text, which uses symbols or signs. Semiotics is the study of sign. Signs take the form of words, images, sounds, odors, flavors, acts or objects, but such things have no intrinsic meaning and become signs only when we invest them with meaning.

'Nothing is a sign unless it is interpreted as a sign', declares Peirce (Peirce, 1931).

8 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Semiotics involves the study not only of what we refer to as a sign, but anything which stand for something else. In semiotics sense, signs take the form of words, images, sounds, gestures, and objects. Semiotics is concerned with meaning making and representation in many forms. Writing in 1964, Barthes declared that 'semiology aims to take in any system of signs, whatever their substance and limits; images, gestures, musical sounds, objects, and the complex associations of all of these, which form the content of ritual, convention or public entertainment: these constitute, if not languages, at least systems of signification' (Barthes, 1967 ).

A science that studies the life of signs within society is conceivable; it would be a part of social psychology and consequently of general psychology; I shall call it semiology (from Greek semeion „sign‟). Semiology would show what constitutes signs, what laws govern them. Since the science does not yet exist, no one can say what it would be; but it has a right to existence, a place staked out in advance.

Linguistics is only a part of the general science of semiology; the laws discovered by semiology will be applicable to linguistics, and the latter will circumscribe a well- defined area within the mass of anthropological facts (Leeds-Hurwitz, 1993, p. 4).

2.2.2 Logo

Logo is a graphical demonstration of a symbol or trademark that characterizes a profit or non-profit organization. Logo is a computer language that has been located in a variety of classrooms, in a variety of experimental settings, and has been examined and interpreted from the perspective provided by a variety of discursive frames. Logos are typically a combination of shape, color, pictures, and graphic

9 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA design, and may or may not have the destination name attached to it. Logos may contain words (e.g., for a grocery store) or may not contain words (e.g., the current

Nike logo), yet both are meant to convey to the viewer what is sold inside (McGee,

Lomax, & Head, 1988).

Logo is also a sign, and Peirce's construction of iconic, indexical, and symbolic sign functions are used in this article to link Logo to one particular frame, labelled “progressive education” for the purposes of this article. It is argued that an explication of Logo's sign function contributes to the debate about Logo in so much as it allows discussants to either proceed within a common frame of language, presuppositions and constructions, or, if coming from different epistemological directions, allows discussants to challenge the language, presuppositions and constructions of opposing frames.

2.3 Theories of Semiotics

2.3.1 Triadic Semiotics Theory by Charles Sanders Pierce

Charles Sanders Peirce formulated his own model of the sign, of 'semiotic' and of the taxonomies of signs. A sign... [in the form of a representamen] is something which stands to somebody for something in some respect or capacity. It addresses somebody, that is, creates in the mind of that person an equivalent sign, or perhaps a more developed sign. That sign which it creates I call the interpretant of the first sign. The sign stands for something, its object. It stands for that object, not in all respects, but in reference to a sort of idea, which I have sometimes called

10 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA the ground of the representamen'(Peirce, 1931). The interaction between the representamen, the object and the interpretant is referred to by Peirce as

'semiosis'. Within Peirce's model of the sign, the traffic light sign for 'stop' would consist of: a red light facing traffic at an intersection (the representamen); vehicles halting (the object) and the idea that a red light indicates that vehicles must stop (the interpretant).

 Representamen: the form which the sign takes (not necessarily material);

The representamen in Peirce‟s theory is the form the sign takes, which

is not necessarily a material or concrete object. Peirce was interested in the

signifying element of a sign and emphasized that not all the elements of a

sign are necessary or carry the same weight in its interpretation. Thus, in his

view, it is not the sign as a whole that signifies an object but those elements

most crucial to its functioning as a signifier.

o A Qualisign is a quality which is a Sign. It cannot actually act as a

sign until it is embodied; but the embodiment has nothing to do with

its character as a sign.

o A Sinsign (where the syllable sin is taken as meaning “ being only

once,” as in single, simple, Latin semel, etc.) is an actual existent thing

or event which is a sign. It can only be so through its qualities; so that

it involves a qualisign, or rather, several qualisigns. But these

qualisigns are of a peculiar kind and only form a sign through being

actually embodied.

o A Legisign is a law that is a Sign. This law is usually established by

men. Every conventional sign is a legisign [but not conversely]. It is

11 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA not a single object, but a general type which, it has been agreed, shall

be significant

For example, a “stop” sign may have a white border but that part of the sign is not crucial to the message “stop here now.” We would be able to interpret the sign if that border were absent or if a black border were used instead. The representamen is similar in meaning to Saussure‟s idea of signifier.

 Interpretant: not an interpreter but rather the sense made of the sign;

A critical point in Peirce‟s theory is that the meaning of a sign is

created by the interpretation it stimulates in those using it. He reiterates this

in his comment that “a sign … addresses somebody, that is, creates in the

mind of that person an equivalent sign, or perhaps a more developed sign.”

o A Rheme is a Sign which, for its Interpretant, is a Sign of qualitative

Possibility, that is, is understood as representing such and such a kind

of possible Object. Any Rheme, perhaps, will afford some

information; but it is not interpreted as doing so.

o A Dicent Sign is a Sign, which, for its Interpretant, is a Sign of actual

existence. It cannot, therefore, be an Icon, which affords no ground

for an interpretation of it as referring to actual existence. A Dicisign

necessarily involves, as a part of it, a Rheme, to describe the fact

which it is interpreted as indicating. But this is a peculiar kind of

12 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Rheme; and while it is essential to the Dicisign, it by no means

constitutes it.

o An Argument is a Sign which, for its Interpretant, is a Sign of law. Or

we may say that a Rheme is a sign which is understood to represent its

object in its characters merely; that a Dicisign is a sign which is

understood to represent its object in respect to actual existence; and

that an Argument is a Sign which is understood to represent its Object

in its character as Sign. Since these definitions touch upon points at

this time much in dispute, a word may be added in defence of them. A

question often put is: What is the essence of a judgment? A judgment

is the mental act by which the judger seeks to impress upon himself

the truth of a proposition.

An interpretant is the sense we make out of the sign, similar in meaning to

Saussure‟s „signified‟ except that it is a sign in the mind of the interpreter. The element of interpretation in Peirce‟s theories also emphasized his claims that semiosis is a process, whereas Saussure‟s emphasis was always on structure.

 Object: to which the sign refers.

An “object” is the referent to which the sign refers to also known as

the “sign vehicle.” It is important to understand that this does not have to be a

material object. As with the sign or representamen, not every feature of the

object is relevant to signification. Only specific elements of an object enable

a sign to signify it.

13 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA o An Icon is a sign which refers to the Object that it denotes merely by

virtue of characters of its own, and which it possesses, just the same,

whether any such Object actually exists or not. It is true that unless

there really is such an Object, the Icon does not act as a sign; but this

has nothing to do with its character as a sign. Anything whatever, be it

quality, existent individual, or law, is an Icon of anything, in so far as

it is like that thing and used as a sign of it. o An Index is a sign which refers to the Object that it denotes by virtue

of being really affected by that Object. It cannot, therefore, be a

Qualisign, because qualities are whatever they are independently of

anything else. In so far as the Index is affected by the Object, it

necessarily has some Quality in common with the Object, and it is in

respect to these that it refers to the Object. It does, therefore, involve a

sort of Icon, although an Icon of a peculiar kind; and it is not the mere

resemblance of its Object, even in these respects which makes it a

sign, but it is the actual modification of it by the Object. o A Symbol is a sign which refers to the Object that it denotes by virtue

of a law, usually an association of general ideas, which operates to

cause the Symbol to be interpreted as referring to that Object. It is

thus itself a general type or law, that is, is a Legisign. As such it acts

through a Replica. Not only is it general itself, but the Object to which

it refers is of a general nature. Now that which is general has its being

in the instances which it will determine.

14 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA For Peirce, the relationship between the object of a sign and the sign that represents it is one of determination, it is the object, entity, or socially agreed concept that determines its sign and its successful signification; the idea being that the object imposes definite constraints that a sign must adhere to if it is to represent that object and form the correct interpretation in our minds.

Figure 2.1 Pierce Traid of Semiotics

2.3.2 Semiotics Theory by Roland Barthes

Semiotics, or Semiology as it is often referred to, is concerned with anything that can stand for something else. It is the study of sign processes, meaning what signs signify and how, what signs are communicating, as well as how meaning is constructed and understood. According to Barthes' theory, every ideological sign is either a Denotative sign system or a Connotative sign system. A Denotative sign, which is a strictly descriptive system, is the result of the signifier image and the signified concept combining. In other words the apple is the signifier and healthy is the signified. A Connotative sign is one that has lost its historical meaning. This could be due to a number of things including: changes in culture or terminology, an event, or even just evolution. It is important to note that Barthes description of a sign as the correlation between the signifier and the signified came directly from the

Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure.

15 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The best way to describe the difference between the signifier and signified may be to refer to Barthes' essay „The World of Wrestling' which was published in his 1957 book Mythologies. In this essay he describes the image portrayed by the wrestlers and the resulting portrayal by the fans resulting from the wrestlers' image.

As Barthes (1957) states: As soon as the adversaries are in the ring, the public is overwhelmed with the obviousness of the roles. Myth is a third order of signification, a form that provides understanding derived from, but beyond denotation and connotation. The veracity of meaning is embodied in the framework of communication. For example, "pictures, to be sure, are more imperative than writing, they impose meaning at one stroke, without analyzing or diluting it" (Barthes 1972:


2.4 Previous Studies

In writing this research, the researcher uses some references from various sources such as text books, e-book, thesis, journals, and internet to support the researcher‟s research. Based on the tittle of writer‟s research about A Semiotic

Analysis on Basketball Team Logos of National Basketball Association 2016-2017, below some relevant thesis and journal has been collected to supply relevant information to the topic:

Ismail (2013) conducted his thesis by using the Barclays Premier League club‟s logos as the data which are taken from the Football club official website. The theories used are the Pierce theory and Saussure theory. Pierce emphasized his theory on the representamen, interpretant, and object. Then, Saussure emphasized his theory in analyzing sign using the signifier and signified criteria. The type of the research is

16 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA qualitative interpretative type. The several steps are done to analyze the data. In analyzing to describe how the Barclays Premier League club‟s logos lead to the identity of the event they represent. The contribution of the research is the used of two theories in order to analyze the semiotics meaning in logo. Ismail used two theories to find the hidden meaning in the logo and relate it to the identity of the team. The different is while Ismail use the Saussure as the first theory, this research used Barthes Theory for the research because in Saussure theory there is no explanation about myth.

Setiawan (2011) chooses the best top five clubs logo in the final table of

Indonesia Super League 2009-2010 as the data for semiotic analysis. Moreover, the writer applies Barthes‟s theory to dismantle the meaning (denotative meaning, connotative meaning and myth). Based on the result of the discussion, the writer concludes that those logos bring numerous signs. Those signs are represented by its visual expressions (images, words, colors, and shapes). Indonesia football club logos are not only designed to give an identity of the club, but also show that the logos have a relationship with the game of the club in a match. The contribution of this research to help the researcher in order to divide signs in the logo into verbal and visual since Setiawan research just focused in visual sign only. The different is while

Setiawan research used just one theory to support the research, this research used two theories to support the researcher.

17 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Nagri (2012) semiotic research used the Google logos as the data which are taken from the Google doodle official website. The theories used are the Pierce theory and Saussure theory. Pierce emphasized his theory on the representamen, interpretant and object. Then, Saussure emphasized his theory in analyzing sign using the signifier and signified criteria. The type of the research is qualitative interpretative type. The several steps are done to analyze the data. In analyzing the way Google search engine logos lead to the identity of the event they represent, the steps are: analyzing the representamen, analyzing the interpretant, and analyzing the object. In analyzing meaning, the steps are: analyzing signifier and analyzing the signified. This research shows that (1) the events that Google logos represent are: cultural, historical, personal, technological and literature symbol, and (2) the meanings are: referring to cultural, religion, science and entertainment that exist in society. The contribution of this research is to find how the triadic relationship by

Pierce can used in the research in order to relate the meaning of the logo to other aspects such as culture, history or myth. Nagri research is still not complete since in

Saussure theory there are no explanation about myth and culture aspects more like in

Barthes theory. The different is Nagri research used not sports logo and also use

Saussure theory while this research use Barthes theory

Putri (2018) choose the political cartoon from 5 different title of post e-paper; pdi-p presidential nomination enigma, mega-jokowi relation (2014), keeping up the momentum (2014), is optimism warranted for „new leadership‟economics policies? (2014), Jokowi, human rights and the US (2015), perppu‟s slippery slope (2017). As research object in linguistic study. Each poster has its own meaning which is related to each other. Therefore, the purpose of this

18 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA research is to find semiotic sign and how the semiotic sign are realized. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The data show the criticism the regulation in era

Jokowi-JK cabinet team work. The data is analyzed by using the theory of Charles

Sanders Pierce (1860) triadic semiosis. The contribution of this research is to represent that picture or icon have an idea that can be seen as a criticism, opinion, or suggestion. The researcher had seen that Putri research help this research to find the relation between the opinion of the fans and the interpretation of the team in their logo. The different is Putri research used political cartoon as the object that means this research focus in aspects of politics and the idea was relates to the politic instrument while this research use sports team logo as the object that‟s why this research focus on sport aspects and the idea related to sports, game, and league.

Damayanti (2013) in her article focused in figure out the relationship between color and font meaning the logo of beauty clinic. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis. Referring to that theory of logo element, the writer identified logo of beauty clinic based on the color theory and through the typography theory about font meaning as the part of the element in forming logo. This research found the indication firstly, the use of color in some of beauty clinics logo indicates that the color choice is not based on the meaning of the basic color itself. The contribution of this Journal is to help to know how the content of logo is not just made by pictures but also by color and font but the journal use other theory in order to relate the font and the color in the logo. Damayanti research represent that color and font can represent the other meaning instead the meaning of the basic color itself The different is this journal focused in relationship between color and font and use logo of beauty clinic as the object while this research focus on how the meaning of the

19 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA logo can classified and relate to identity of NBA teams as the object and it also focused in other things such as figure, icon, etc.

2.5 Theoretical Framework

Maxwell (2012) states that a Theory gives researchers a framework for making sense of their observations by providing an overarching structure to their studies. Through use of a theoretical framework, data that might initially seem unimportant or unrelated may be identified, explained, or related to other data in meaningful ways. This research focused in study of logo based on semiotics theory.

The logo that used as the primary data is the National Basketball Association Teams

Logo. The logo contains some signs that can be performed by figure, words, or colors. The sign that contained in each team logos must have a semiotic meaning and that sign also lead to the identity of the team based on the logo. This two important things are the main problem of this research.

The semiotic meaning are analysed use Barthes theory that focused to categorized that meaning in three parts; denotation, connotation, and myth. The logo identity is analyse by Pierce theory that focused to the triadic system to find the relation of sign by the representament, intepretant, and the object. The semiotic meaning that is perceived by using Barthes theory are going to answering the first question problem of the research as the finding. The logo identity that finally found by apply Pierce theory are the finding to answer the second question problem of this research. The frameword basically can be seen from the figure below;


National Basketball Association Teams Logo


Semiotic Meaning Logo Identity

Barthes Theory Pierce Theory

Myth Denotation Connotation Represent intepretent object

Meaning Identity

Representation of semiotic meaning and identity of NBA team logos

Figure 2.2 Theoritical Framework



3.1 Research Design

This research use qualitative approach, especially qualitative descriptive and interpretative. Qualitative research is a type of social science research that collects and works with non-numerical data and that seeks to interpret meaning from the data that help the writer understand social life through the study of targeted populations or places (Ashley Crossman, 2018). It is the suitable method for analyzing this research.

According to Sugiyono (2015:14), qualitative research method or interpretative method is a method which results more concerning with interpretation of data which found in the field. Descriptive Qualitative method is used for giving description the meaning of the NBA basketball team‟s logos. Interpretive qualitative method is used for interpreted the logos that lead to the identity of the team. The method that used in this research was applied in determining data source, data collection, and data analysis.

3.2 Data and Source of Data

The data in the research is visual and verbal text that contained the logos that participate in playoffs NBA League 2016-2017. This research uses the library research applied by collecting some theories and information about semiotic, logos, and NBA basketball team‟s logos from books, thesis, journals, texts and other sources which support the research.

22 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The data source of this research is the logo of NBA teams and the data are visual and verbal text such as symbol, pattern, colors, and article, which were taken from each NBA team‟s official website that participates in play-off NBA League

2016-2017. The source of data are 16 logos from 16 different teams that officially reperesent different states in United States of America and Canada. The 16 teams are

Cleveland Cavaliers, Washington Wizards, Boston Celtics, Chicago Bulls, OKC

Thunder, Portland Trail Blazzers, Atlanta Hawk, GSW, Houston Rockets, LA

Clippers, Memphis Grizzlies, Indiana Pacers, San Antonio Spurs, Toronto Raptors,

Utah Jazz and Milwaukee Bucks

This 16 logos have characteristics such as symbol, color, name of the team and patterns. This 16 teams also choose because their struggle in reaching the NBA play-off round 2016-2017.

The reason choosing them is because the researcher wants to classify the meaning of each team logo based on Barthes theory and how the meaning of their logos can represent the identity of the team based on pierce theory. There is a conclusion chapter because that is very important and as summary of the thesis. The researcher write it briefly and congest based on the material choice to strengthen the reason in the research.

3.3 Data Collection Procedure

There are six types of methods in collecting data which are test, questionnaire, observation, interview, upgraded scale, and documentation method.

23 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The data collecting method applied in this research is observation and documentation method.

1. Observation

In approaching qualitative research plan, the observation data

collection illustrated a systematic data collection methods and examined

people in natural settings environment situations (Creswell, 2013). In

collecting data the researcher observe the text and the logos based on the

article from the official NBA teams website. The researcher chooses only 16

teams that join the Play-0ff NBA leagues 2016-2017. Each teams have one

logos that represent the identity of the team and each logo have some

elements of sign such as figure, words and colors.

2. Documentation

Sugiyono (2008: 240) stated that documentation can be written and

picture by someone that can be used to obtain information. In conducting

documentation method, the researcher can provide magazines, books,

documents such as article. The function of documentation method is to make

credible the result of observation.

Documentations are the collection data such as the documents related

to NBA team that join the play-off NBA League 2016-2017, picture file of

each team logo, and article related to the NBA teams that usually helped to

relate the team logo to their identity.


Data analyzed by using several steps according to Miles‟s theory, Huberman and Saldana (2014) theory of analyzing data with three steps; data condensation, data display and conclusion drawing or verification.

Figure 3.1 Component of Data Analysis: Interactive Model Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2014:33)

 Data Condensation

Data condensation refers to the selection process (selecting), focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming data. Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2014:

10) “Data condensation refers to the process of selecting data, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data that appear in written-up field notes or transcriptions.” The data is taken only from official article of each NBA teams that participate in play-off NBA league 2016-2017. There are 16 teams as the data selecting in play-off NBA league 2016-2017. Then the researcher focusing the data that contain sign, that sign classified according to Barthes theory and then after find the meaning of every sign in that logo, the researcher analyze how the meaning or the logos can represent the identity of the team.


The researcher select the data based on 16 NBA teams logo that join

the playoff NBA league 2016-2017

o Focusing

The research focus on verbal and visual sign in sixteen NBA League

teams logos that participate the play-off NBA league 2016-2017.

o Simplifying

The researcher simplified the data by separating the verbal sign and

the visual sign, make it into several numbers and Then analyse the

data based on Barthes and Pierce theories

o Abstracting

The data had been analyzed using Barthes theory and Pierce‟s theory.

The data of visual and verbal sign analyzed and described the relation

between the meaning of the logo and the identity of the team.

o Transforming

After the data have been transformed into separated of figures and

texts, they would merged in some different table to become the part of

analysis and the findings.

 Data Display

The second major flow of analysis activity is data display. A display is an organized, compressed assembly of information that allows conclusion drawing and action. The most frequent form of display for qualitative data is an extended text.

26 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Using only extended text; a researcher may find it easy to jump, to hasty, partial, unfounded conclusion.

Data diplay means organizing assembly of information that allows conclusion drawing. Usually in a form of table or diagram to make the data looks more organized and easier to observe so it helps conclusions drawing. In this study, the researcher use table as model of analysis.

 Conclusion drawing or verification

The third stream of analysis activity is conclusion drawing and verification

.Conclusion is the goal to answer the questions as completely the previous studies and verification is as brief as a fleeting to develop notion about this research more explicit. The research concludes the data according to the formulation of the problem that has been put forward. The data that have been described in general are summarized. It means, in this step the researcher gives the clear information of the result and then draws the conclusion or verification the result.



4.1 Data Analysis

In this chapter, the researcher elaborates in detail the result of the analysis about semiotics meaning in sixteen NBA basketball team‟s logo. In analyzing the data, the researcher used Barthes‟s and Pierce‟s semiotics theories. Barthes‟s theory is used to identify the semiotic meaning in verbal and visual signs in that logo.

Denotative and Connotative meaning are the elements of semiotic meaning that analyze in the logo. In connotative meaning the researcher also analyze and find the support of the elements of Myth.

Pierce‟s theory used to find some meaning that cannot explained by Barthes‟s theory, in order to complete the analysis of all elements in the logo and to find the identity of the teams from their logos. Sign, object and intepretant were the elements that analyze to find how the sign delivered the meanings. The representament is divided into qualisign, sinsign and legisign. The object is divided into icon, index, and symbol. The intepretant is divided into rhyme, dicent, and argument.

28 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4.1.1 Semiotic Meanings on “Atlanta Hawk” Team logo

Below is the main logo of Atlanta Hawk basketball team.

“atlanta” “Hawks words ” word

Figure pac hawk

Red & white colors

Figure 4.1 Atlanta Hawk logo An Analysis of “Atlanta Hawk” Team Logo based on Barthes theory

In analyzing the data of Atlanta hawk logo (figure 4.1), the researcher used

Roland Barthes semiotics theory to find the semiotics meaning in the logo. The analysis focuses on the denotative and connotative meanings with support of myth.

The data is verbal and visual sign in the logo. The numbers in the figure 4.1 are in line with the numbers in the table 4.1

1. Denotative Meanings Table 4.1 Denotative meanings of verbal and visual sign in “Atlanta Hawk” logo

NO Sign Denotative meaning verbal visual 1 Figure of „Pac-Hawk‟ figure of iconic Pac-man and a hawk

2 Atlanta city of the team

3 Hawk nickname of the team 4 Red and white colors the colors of the logo

29 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA In Denotative meanings the researcher found 4 signs. The first visual sign represents the iconic figure of a Hawk bird and a figure of Pac-man. The second and the third verbal sign represent originally nickname of the team and the city of the team while the fourth visual sign is the colors that used in the logo.

2. Connotative Meanings

1. Figure of „Pac-Hawk‟

There is a unique figure in the logo. Figure of „Pac-Hawk‟ is a figure the iconic cartoon of Pac-man and a figure of a hawk. More people would see the figure is represents a hawk bird but actually the fans are likely to see the figure as a Pac- man figure.

2. Atlanta

The researcher found that the logo mentions the name of the team that is

Atlanta. Atlanta, city, capital (1868) of Georgia, U.S., and seat (1853) of Fulton county (but also partly in DeKalb county). Atlanta is home to professional franchises for four major team sports: the Atlanta Braves of Major League Baseball, the Atlanta

Hawks of the National Basketball Association, the Atlanta Falcons of the National

Football League, and Atlanta United FC of Major League Soccer. The Atlanta

Hawks are a professional basketball team based in Atlanta. The Hawks compete in the National Basketball Association (NBA) as a member team of the league‟s

Eastern Conference Southeast Division. The team plays its home games at



The team use Hawk as the nickname of the team. Actually the nickname of the team was Black Hawks as it represents to the Sauk Indian Chief Black Hawk.

Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak, or Black Sparrow Hawk, was born about 1767 at

Saukenuk. This principal Sauk city was located along the Rock River, a few miles from its mouth. Black Hawk was born into the Thunder clan. The Black Hawk War of 1832 was the last Indian war fought east of the Mississippi River. The Indians' defeat spelled the end of 200 years of armed resistance to European-American encroachment on Indian lands. When the team moved to Milwaukee in 1951, the nickname was shortened to Hawks. The franchise retained the shortened moniker for subsequent moves to St. Louis and finally Atlanta in 1968. Besides determine the integrity and the greatness of chief Black Hawk, the symbol of Hawk also represent the Tri-City Blackhawk‟s that means a region of three cities. It is about three small settlements on the border of Illinois and Iowa. An Analysis of Atlanta Hawk Team Logo based on Pierce Theory

After analyzing the semiotics meaning in the team logo based on Barthes theory, the researcher then analyse the meaning of the logo based on Pierce theory to identify the identity of the team. The analysis focused on the relationship between representament to the object and the intepretant.

31 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Table 4.2 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Atlanta Hawk” logo


1 figure of iconic cartoon Figure of „Pac- The figure of hawk is known Pac-man and a sharp hawk‟ as symbol by the fans as iconic Pac- beak hawk of the team man. It is related in what perspective the fans see the logo. 2 The word of Atlanta that The word of The Atlanta is the city represent the city of the Atlanta at the top capital in Georgia states, team of the logo USA. This city actually is the third city of the team after they moved from Milwaukee in 1951 and St. Louis 1955. They called as The Tri-City Blackhawk‟s. The team plays its home games at Philips Arena. 3 The word of Hawks as The word of The nickname of the team the nickname of the team Hawks next to represents the honor of the “ATLANTA” team to the Sauk Indian Chief Black Hawk who brought his tribe to the warpath in the middle of the 19th century. Hawk also come from Black Hawk and become Hawk after they moved to Milwaukee 4 The color of the logo White and red The team use the red and color white color as the basic color of the logo and also in their uniforms.

The representament that found by the researcher: The qualisign in this sign are white and red color in all of visual and verbal sign. The logo use red color mostly for the logo. The Sinsign in this sign is expression the figure of hawk that‟s look more predatory and also the expression the figure of Pac-man. The researcher not

32 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA found legisign in this logo but actually the logo can be categorize as the legisign because already known as the logo of Atlanta Hawk team.

The object that researcher found: the icon that found is the predatory head of a hawk and the iconic figure of Pac-man. The icons supported to express the identity information of the team. The index found in this sign is verbal text that represent to the city name and the nickname of the team. There is no symbol that found in this logo.

The interpretation of this logo used the idea of dicisign and argument because the data was found from the article of the team. The team try to deliver their identity through their logo clearly by using their article or official website. It means that the intepretant not use the idea of rheme.

Semiosis process, the logo represents the identity of the team based on the figure of hawk and Pac-man. The researcher found the relationship of the semiotic element by Pierce theory focused on the identity of the city. The identity of the team can be seen as how the team represent all the sign in the logo that related to the city.

As we know the city can called as Tri-City Blackhawk‟s and thats become the identity of the team.

33 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4.1.2 Semiotic Meanings on “Boston Celtics” team Logo

Below is the main logo of Boston Celtics basketball team.

“Ceitics” word Cartoon figure “Boston” word3 Shmarock 2 clover

gGreen color r

Figure 4.2 Boston Celtics logo An Analysis of “Boston Celtics” Team Logo based on Barthes theory

In analyzing the data of Boston Celtics logo (figure 4.2), the researcher used

Roland Barthes semiotics theory to find the semiotics meaning in the logo. The

analysis focuses on the denotative and connotative meanings with support of myth.

The data is verbal and visual sign in the logo. The numbers in the figure 4.2 are in

line with the numbers in the table 4.2

1. Denotative Meanings Table 4.3 Denotative meanings of verbal and visual sign in “Boston Celtics” logo

NO Sign Denotative meaning verbal visual 1 Cartoon figure figure of a Leprechaun Lucky 2 Shamrock clover clover like plant with three lobed leaves 3 Boston city of the team 4 Celtics Nickname of the team 5 Green colors Main color of the logo

34 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The denotative meaning that found in this logo used to represent the cartoon figure of Leprechaun Lucky with it style. There also a figure of a three lobed leaves clover. The nickname and the city name of the team also with most of green colors in the logo.

2. Connotative Meanings

1. Cartoon figure

The researcher found an iconic cartoon figure that represent the traditional

Irish people believe. Cartoon figure in the logo is the figure of Leprechaun Lucky.

Leprechaun is a type of fairy of the Aos Sí in Irish folklore. They are usually depicted as little bearded men, wearing a coat and hat, who partake in mischief.

Leprechaun Lucky, depicted on the sign, represents the traditional Irish city in the

United States. That is how Americans imagined the Irish in the 50‟s. The character is shown in a bowler hat, with a rough oak cane and a pipe. It is said that the tube in the mouth of the leprechaun is not only a tribute to the legends. The brother parodied

Auer Bach, who had a crowning gesture of smoking a cigar when he understood that victory is guaranteed.

2. Shamrock clover

There is also a figure of Shamrock clover or can be seen as a clover of plant with three-lobed leaves that used as the national emblem of Ireland. Shamrock is a state symbol of the Irish. With the help of this plant, Saint Patrick explained what the

Trinity is. It is considered to be a symbol of prosperity, and it‟s hard not to believe this fact, because “Boston” is the most titled club in the NBA. The team has 17 championships.


The word of Boston represent the city of the team. Boston, city, capital of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, and seat of Suffolk country, in the northeastern

United States. Boston has teams in the four major North American professional sports leagues plus Major League Soccer. The TD Garden, formerly called the Fleet

Center and built to replace the old, since-demolished Boston Garden, is adjoined to

North Station and is the home of two major league teams: the Boston Bruins of the

National Hockey League and the Boston Celtics of the National Basketball

Association. The Boston Celtics are an American professional basketball team based in Boston, Massachusetts. The Celtics compete in the National Basketball

Association (NBA) as a member club of the league‟s Eastern Conference Atlantic

Division. Founded in 1946 and one of eight NBA teams (out of 23 total teams) to survive the league‟s first decade, the team is owned by Boston Basketball Partners


4. Celtics

The team use Celtics as their nickname. The name was chosen because

“Boston is full of Irishman,” according to team owner Walter Brown. But it was the other considered names that deserve highlighting: Whirlwinds, Olympians and

Unicorns, among them. The name Celtics refers to Boston‟s Irish American population, many Irish believe they are ancestors of the ancient druid people called the Celts. The ancient Celts were various population groups living in several parts of

Europe north of the Mediterranean region from the Late Bronze Age onwards. Celtic warriors were known for their long hair and imposing physique. They are depicted in

36 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Greek art with their distinctive long shields (wooden panels covered in decorated hide) and long swords.

5. Green color

Originally the logo use green colors in most part of the logo. Green is the traditional color of Ireland, which goes back to the Gaelic tradition. It symbolizes life and growth in heraldry. Heraldry is the system by which coats of arms and other armorial bearings are devised, described, and regulated. The color represents the identity of the tribes. An Analysis of “Boston Celtics” Team Logo based on Pierce Theory

After analyzing the semiotics meaning in the team logo based on Barthes theory, the researcher then analyse the meaning of the logo based on Pierce theory to identify the identity of the team. The analysis focused on the relationship between representament to the object and the intepretant.

37 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Table 4.4 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Boston Celtics” logo


1 The cartoon figure of The character is The figure represent the city Leprechaun fairy as shown in a bowler as the traditional Irish city and symbol of lucky from hat, with a rough also the figure that known as Irish people oak cane and a doing a smoking cigar is pipe. Green shirt represent that he know the and shamrock victory is guaranteed. clover 2 Green Shamrock clover Green shamrock The shamrock clover actually as the symbol of Irish clover at the hat is clover like plant with three- city at the Leprechaun and the tie and the lobed leaves. This symbol outfit waistcoat of the historically was the symbol of Leprechaun figure the Irish city. The symbol represents the Trinity of Christian as said by Saint Patrick, a famous bishop from Ireland. This symbol also can be seen as the symbol of Prosperity, which believed as the reason why the team has 17 championships. 3 Boston word as the A word of Boston Boston is the city in state of represent of the city of in the left of the Massachusetts, and seat of the team logo with white Suffolk county, in the wordmark northeastern United States. The team play in the TD garden arena for home match. Boston city also the city with so many Irishman lives in there. 4 Celtics word from word A word of Celtic Celtics is the nickname of the of “Celts” represents in the right of the team that related to the the nickname of the logo with white Boston‟s Irish American team. wordmark population. Irish people in the city believe they are ancestors of the ancient druid people called the Celts as their origin history. The imposing physique of Celts people hope to be the symbol of power of the team

38 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA NO SIGN OBJECT INTEPRETANT 5 Green color as the main Green color of the Green color also interprets the color beside white that logo as the main identity of the city as the represent the identity of color besides traditional color of Ireland, the city white color for the which goes back to the Gaelic wordmark. tradition. It symbolizes life and growth In heraldry. The team once again trying to inform the identity of the city and the tribe in their logo.

The representament that found in this logo are qualisign and sinsign. The qualisign in this sign are white and green color all of visual and verbal sign. The green color use mostly in logo because represent Irish people. Sinsign in this sign is expression the figure with the eye wrinkling and look like smoking cigar that represents winning is guaranteed for the team.

The object that researcher found are the icon, index and symbol. The icon that found is the leprechaun as the traditional icon of Irish people. The icons supported to express the identity information of the team. The index found in this sign is verbal text that represent to the city name and the nickname of the team. The symbol also find in shape of clover that represent the trinity of Cristian.

The interpretation of this logo used the idea of dicisign and argument because the data was found from the article of the team. The team tries to deliver their identity through their logo clearly by using their article or official wbsite. It means that the intepretant not use the idea of rheme.

The signs in the logo pictured the identity of the team. The team city is also called as the Irish city since there‟s a lot of Irish people live there. The logo tries to represent the identity of Irish people by using the figure of lucky from Irish myth.

39 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The logo also tells the identity of the origin Irish people that also called as Celt. The

symbol of trinity Cristian also found in the logo since it informs that the traditional

Irish people mostly are Cristian.

4.1.3 Semiotic Meanings on “Cleveland Cavaliers” Team logo

Below is the main logo of Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team.

“cleveland” word 5 Red & gold 6 colors

Sharp edges1 “cavaliers” word


Sword 2

Figure 4.3 Cleveland Cavaliers logo An Analysis of “Cleveland Cavaliers” Logo based on Barthes theory

In analyzing the data of Cleveland Cavaliers logo (figure 4.3), the researcher

used Roland Barthes semiotics theory to find the semiotics meaning in the logo. The

analysis focuses on the denotative and connotative meanings with support of myth.

The data is verbal and visual sign in the logo. The numbers in the figure 4.3 are in

line with the numbers in the table 4.3

40 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1. Denotative Meanings Table 4.5 Denotative meaning of verbal and visual sign in “Cleveland Cavalier” logo

NO Sign Denotative meaning verbal visual 1 The sharp edges the edges of the Cleveland Cavaliers typeface 2 Sword the equipment of cavaliers or soldiers, weapon Or arms 3 The shield part of the sword to protect hand 4 Cavaliers Nickname of the team 5 Cleveland name of the city of the team

6 Red wine and gold colors The main colors of the logo

The denotative meanings that used in the logo represent the visual signs with the symbol of sword, shield, and the sharp edges of the typeface that figured of the cavaliers‟ man. The team also put the nickname and the city name of the team as the verbal sign in the logo with red and gold symbolizes colors also as the visual signs .

2. Connotative Meanings

1. The sharp edges typeface

Typeface is a set of one or more fonts each composed of glyphs, each of which represents an individual letter, number, or other symbol. The typefaces that use in this logo also represent some other symbol. The edges of the Cleveland

Cavaliers typeface are looking sharp represented the motion of sword that‟s look aggressive. The motion of the sword related to the motion of the hand. The sword can move very fast, accurate and aggressive if the hand can handle the sword. This motion relate to team to support them to move more aggressive and fast in order to attack or defend at the game.


Sword is kind of bladed weapon intended for slashing or thrusting that is longer than a knife or dagger. The sword is a weapon that used to fight the enemy or the defend ourselves. The figure of sword is trying to inform the spirit of the defender to protect the land. The sword also symbol of honor and authority. For the team, they defend the land to keep play and win the game for their land or their

Cleveland city. They got the spirit from their fans and their city.

3. The shield

The shield is part of the sword. The sword that have a part of shield usually use for the cavaliers. This shield indicates of defends. The shield makes to protected someone or something from danger or anything. The shield in this logo also represent the commitment of the team to play hard to defend their land from lose.

4. Cavaliers

The cavaliers are the special army forces or horseman that use sword for fighting and defending. Cavaliers represent a group of daring fearless men, whose life pact was never surrender, no matter what the odds. The term Cavalier was first used by Roundheads as a term of abuse for the wealthier Royalist supporters of King

Charles I and his son Charles II of England during the English Civil War, the Interregnum, and the Restoration (1642 – c. 1679). The cavalier as the nickname of this team was taken as the symbol of the man who is not afraid to fight to defend their land or to protect their kingdom. The spirit of the cavaliers becomes the spirit of the player. They are strong just like a cavalier.

42 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 5. Red wine and gold

Red wine and gold are the basic color of the Logo. The colors of the logo are represented of the culture in the Cleveland. They usually bring red wine and gold before they are going to war and also at the first time this city team join the NBA, they bring red wine and gold too as the symbol of good luck. This is a traditional belief. Red is the symbol of courage and gold is the symbol of glory and faith. This lucky symbol can bring win for the team.

6. Cleveland

Cleveland is the name of the team city. Cleveland is a major city in the U.S. state of , and the county seat of Cuyahoga County. The Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team was organized by and admitted to the National

Basketball Assn. in 1970, along with the Buffalo Braves and the Portland Trail

Blazers. With the league expansion, the Eastern and Western conferences were subdivided into 2 divisions with the Cavs part of the Central Division of the Eastern

Conference. They played their home games at the CLEVELAND ARENA until

1974, when they moved to the Coliseum, built by Mileti in Richfield. An Analysis of “Cleveland Cavaliers” Team Logo based on Pierce


After analyzing the semiotics meaning in the team logo based on Barthes theory, the researcher then analyse the meaning of the logo based on Pierce theory to identify the identity of the team. The analysis focused on the relationship between representament to the object and the intepretant.

43 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Table 4.6 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Cleveland Cavaliers” logo


1 Sharp edges that use as The edges of the The team trying to give the the wordmark shapes wordmark that use identity of the team that called that represent the as symbol of as cavaliers by using the motion of sword sword motion of sword to represent the move of the players while they play in the competitions 2 Figure of Sword as the Figure of gold The cavaliers sword represent symbol of the cavaliers Sword at the as their armory in order to sword as the spirit to be middle of the logo. defend or to protect them self. a defender The team use the figure as the symbol of “defend the land”, this quote become a magic spirits for the player to win the game and defend their land and city from lose. 3 The shield as part of the The shield as the Commitment to defend the sword to protect the part of the sword land and the most faithful and hand while fighting. with a gold color passionate Cavaliers fans are the spirit that is again represent the biggest motivation of the team to win every game with an attractive game. In order to “defend the land”. 4 Cavaliers word that Cavaliers word in The cavalier‟s names actually represent the nickname the middle of the use as the represent the of the team logo with the sharp wealthier Royalist supporters edges and white of King Charles I and his color son Charles II of England during the English Civil War. The name also used by the team to represent the identity of the once more as the defender or protector to defend their land and their city.

44 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA SIGN OBJECT INTEPRETANT 5 Cleveland word that Cleveland word at The Cleveland city is a major represent the city of the the right top of the city in the U.S. state of Ohio, team logo with white and the county color seat of Cuyahoga County. The city become the home for the Cavaliers team since 1970 when they join the NBA and now they play their home match at the Quicken Loans Arena 6 Red Wine and gold Wine and gold Actually both of the colors are color that represent the color as the color the definition for good luck as color of the team for the basketball it represent the Wine and the and the sword in Gold that bring by the player the logo. at the first time this club was founded

The representament that found by the researcher are qualisign, sinsign and legisign. The qualisign in this sign are white, red wine and gold color all of visual and verbal sign. Red wine that look more dark than gold color have covered almost all the logo. The sinsign that found are the figure of sword and shield and the legisign is the basketball figure.

The object that researcher found are index and symbol. The index found in this sign is verbal text that represent to the city name and the nickname of the team.

The symbol of sword and shield represent the identity of Cavaliers man as a knight that protect their land and their city, but also use the symbol of basketball to remain the team as the basketball professional team.

The interpretation of this logo used the idea of dicisign and argument because the data was found from the article of the team.

The signs in the logo trying to inform the identity of the team and their motivation to win the league. The sign that contain in the logo represent the identity

45 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA of Cavaliers man. The figure of sword, shield, and the motion of sword are the

identity of Cavaliers man as the defender of protector of an important person such as

king‟s royalty. This identity used by the team as their spirit to play hard in order to

defend their land their city from lose. The spirit of cavalier‟s man as a brave and

agile knight also used by the players, so they can play harder in order to keep the win

for their love city and fans. The team also used the legend or myth of red wine and

gold that bring lucky for their people.

4.1.4 Semiotic Meanings on “Chicago Bulls” Team Logo

Below is the main logo of “Chicago Bulls” basketball team;

“chicago” 3 word “bulls” word

Horn & Crimson2 Red, black &5 blood white colors Face1 of red bull

Figure 4.4 Chicago Bulls logo An Analysis of “Chicago Bulls” Team Logo based on Barthes Theory

In analyzing the data of Chicago Bulls team logo (figure 4.4), the researcher

used Roland Barthes semiotics theory to find the semiotics meaning in the logo. The

analysis focuses on the denotative and connotative meanings with support of myth.

The data is verbal and visual sign in the logo. The numbers in the figure 4.4 are in

line with the numbers in the table 4.4

46 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1. Denotative Meanings

Table 4.7 Denotative meaning of verbal and visual sign in “Chicago Bulls” logo

NO Sign Denotative meaning verbal visual 1 The face of red bull the figure of a fierce, angry, red bull 2 The horn crimson blood a pair of horn with a red blood at the end of it 3 Chicago city of the team 4 Bulls Nickname of the team 5 Red white and black Main colors of the logo colors

The denotative meanings that used in the logo trying to represent the figure of

red angry bull with blood in its horn to make it look scarier as the visual signs. The

nickname of the team and the name of the city also put in the logo as the verbal signs

with red, black and white as the basic colors of the logo and also as the visual signs


2. Connotative meanings

1. The face of red bull

There is a figure of angry bull in the logo. A bull is a mature male who has

never been castrated and is capable of breeding, which is their primary use in a cattle

operation. Bulls can be aggressive and are capable of causing injury to any animals

or humans they view as a threat. The face of red bull depicts the face of a fierce and

angry. The facial expression of the red bull is meant to both attract fans and

intimidate opponents. It creates the intensity and determination inspired by the

Chicago Bulls logo. Therefore, the purpose was to either excite fans that their team

will win or get their opponents nervous at the idea of facing them.

47 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2. The horn with crimson blood

The bull also represent two big horns with crimson blood at the edge of it.

Horns are composed of a bony core covered with a sheath of keratin. Horns are often

used by males in fights and displays during the breeding season. These fights often

include clashes that determine body strength. The bull‟s horns in the logo remain

stained with crimson blood, meant to show the determination and raw power of the

team. It means that the team is ready to fight to prove their strong and their


3. Chicago

The team was played for the Chicago city until now. City of Chicago, on

Lake Michigan in Illinois, is one of the largest cities in the United States. The

Chicago Bulls are the third NBA franchise in Chicago, after the Packers–Zephyrs

(now the Washington Wizards) and the Stags (1946–50); the city of Chicago also has

had two NBL franchises: The Chicago American Gears and the Chicago

Bruis/Studebaker Flyers. The Bulls' founder, Dick Klein, was the Bulls' only owner

to ever play professional basketball (for the Chicago American Gears).

4. Bulls

The team used the BULL word as their nickname just like the figure of the

logo. Bull‟s logo is meant more for the fans than for the opponents. It is supposed to

show that despite their determination and brutality, the team will still fight and win

fairly. The name denoted strength and power, and it tied in to the city‟s meatpacking

tradition and the Chicago Amphitheater‟s (first home court of the Bulls) proximity to

the famed Chicago Stockyards. Dick Klein wanted a name that evoked Chicago's

traditional meat packing industry and the Chicago Stadium's proximity to the Union

48 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Stock Yards. Klein considered names like Matadors or Toreadors, but dismissed

them, saying, "If you think about it, no team with as many as three syllables in its

nickname has ever had much success except for the Montreal Canadians."

5. Red, white and black

These are the three main colors in the logo. Red the color of fire and blood,

red means energy, strength, danger, determination, passion, and power. Those are

precisely the sentiments the Chicago Bulls logo means to inspire.

Next, we have the black used for the bull‟s contours. Often associated with

power, mystery, and elegance, it‟s intended to intimidate.

Last, but certainly not least, white is usually meant to suggest light,

innocence, and purity. Considered to be the color of perfection and success, the white

in the Chicago An Analysis of “Chicago Bulls” Team Logo based on Pierce Theory

After analyzing the semiotics meaning in the team logo based on Barthes

theory, the researcher then analyse the meaning of the logo based on Pierce theory to

identify the identity of the team. The analysis focused on the relationship between

representament to the object and the intepretant.

49 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Table 4.8 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Chicago Bulls” logo


1 The expression of a red Figure of a bull The symbol of red angry bulls bull head represent head with angry actually attracts the fans by fierce and angry face and white showing that the team is strong horns and strong, powerful and not the intensity of the afraid of anything in front of eyes them. The symbol also trying to intimidate the opponents so they can be nervous before the games started. 2 The two strong horn Two strong white The horn is the important the with a crimson blood horn with stained thing for male bulls as clashes that represent the strong of blood on the that determine body strength bull edge that used to attract female at breeding season and also for fighting. The horn with a crimson blood trying show the determination and raw power of the team once more to scare the opponents. 3 Chicago word that Chicago word in Chicago is a big city in both represent the city of the white wordmark at the state of Illinois and the team the top of the logo Midwestern United States. as the city of the This city becomes the home team of the Chicago bulls since they join the NBA on January 16, 1966 and they plays home match in United Center stadium. 4 Bulls word that Bulls word in Bulls nickname related to the represent the nickname white wordmark at city‟s meatpacking tradition of the team the top of the logo and the Chicago below the word “ Amphitheater‟s proximity to Chicago” as the the famed Chicago nickname of the Stockyards. The nickname team explain figure of bull in the logo as determination strength and brutality, the team will still fight and win fairly.

50 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA SIGN OBJECT INTEPRETANT 5 Red, white and black Red color as the Each color have a meaning for represent the color of main color with the team such like red that is the logo black color and inspire the logo and make white color in the clear the power symbol and horn and the determination wordmark Black as it‟s intended to intimidate the opponents White as the perfection of the team and hope for the success of the team.

The reperesentament that found by the researcher are qualisign and sinsign.

The qualisign in this sign are red, black and white colors in all of visual and verbal sign. Sinsign in this sign is the expression of the bulls figure that show anger and powerful to intimidate the opponents.

The object that researcher found are index and symbol. The index found in this sign is verbal text that represent to the city name and the nickname of the team.

The symbol also find in shape bull‟s head as the symbol of determination, power and intimidation.

The interpretation of this logo used the idea of dicisign and argument because the data was found from the article of the team. The interpretation of this logo used the idea of dicisign and argument because the data was found from the article of the team.

The identity of the team clearly can be seen through every signs in the logo.

The logo contains a big figure of bull‟s head. The logo represents the identity of the city and also the team. The logo is made to be a definition of fear for the opponents.

The anger of the bull face tries to intimidate the opponents. The logo makes the players and the team looks scary and powerful for other team. When the logo is

51 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA success to intimidate the opponent so they become got nervous then the winning is

guaranteed for the team. The logo related to the identity of the city since it also

represents the meatpacking tradition of the city.

4.1.5 Semiotic Meanings on “Golden State Warriors” Team Logo

Below is the main logo of “Golden State Warriors” basketball team;

“golden state”2 word

Blue and golden yellow4 A 1silhouette colors of a golden bridge

“warriors” word 3

Figure 4.5 Golden State Warriors logo An Analysis of “Golden State Warriors” Team Logo based on Barthes


In analyzing the data of Golden State Warriors team logo (figure 4.5), the

researcher used Roland Barthes semiotics theory to find the semiotics meaning in the

logo. The analysis focuses on the denotative and connotative meanings with support

of myth. The data is verbal and visual sign in the logo. The numbers in the figure 4.5

are in line with the numbers in the table 4.5

52 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1. Denotative Meanings

Table 4.9 Denotative meaning of verbal and visual sign in “Golden State Wariorrs” logo

NO Sign Denotative meaning verbal visual 1 A silhouette of a golden a structure of carrying a road or bridge canal across the river

2 Golden state name the state or the city of the team

3 Warriors Nickname of the team 4 Blue and golden yellow Main colors of the logo colors

The researcher found 4 denotative meanings in the logo. The main denotative meaning can be seen in the figure of the Bay Bridge as the iconic bridge and the visual sign. The nickname of the team and the golden state represent the cities of the team as the verbal signs. Blue and yellow colors are the main colors of the logo that also as the visual signs.

2. Connotative meaning

1. A silhouette of a golden bridge

At the logo the researcher found a silhouette of a bridge. A silhouette of the yet to be completed Eastern Span of the Bay Bridge is the focal point of the design and a direct spin-off of “The City” logo, one of the most popular emblems in the history of Warriors. Bay Bridge, in full San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge, complex crossing that spans San Francisco Bay from the city of San Francisco to Oakland via

Yerba Buena Island. One of the preeminent engineering feats of the 20th century, it was built during the 1930s under the direction of C.H. Purcell. The silhouette shows

53 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA the salutes of the team‟s Bay Area past and links to the exciting prospects of the organization‟s future.

2. Golden state

The golden state actually the symbol of the link of two state between the

Warriors‟ original Bay Area home in San Francisco, where the team arrived from

Philadelphia 48 years ago, and its current home in Oakland, where the team is headquartered downtown and has played home games at Oracle Arena (formerly the

Oakland Coliseum Arena) for the last 39 seasons. The Golden State Warriors are an

American professional basketball team based in Oakland, California. The Warriors compete in the National Basketball Association (NBA) as a member club of the league‟s Western Conference Pacific Division. The team was established in 1946 as the Philadelphia Warriors based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a founding member of the Basketball Association of America (BAA). In 1962, the franchise relocated to the San Francisco Bay Area and was renamed the San Francisco Warriors. In 1971, the team changed its geographic moniker to Golden State, California‟s state nickname. Since 1972, the team‟s home court has been the Oracle Arena in Oakland.

3. Warriors

The team use Warrior as the nickname of the team. The nick name of the team was represented the historical connection with the Delaware Indians who inhabited the Philadelphia area before British Colonist displaced them. The team nickname traveled to San Francisco and to Golden State.

The Delaware Indians (Lenni Lenape) were named by the Europeans because of their close proximity to the Delaware River which was named after Lord De La

Warr, Governor of Jamestown. The Delaware language belonged to the Algonquian family of Indian dialects. Early tribes were organized as language groups rather than

54 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA individual tribes. In Lenni Lanape society families followed the woman‟s line of descent. The team used the name as they remember the struggle of the Indian warriors to defend their land from selling because the Delaware Indians believed that land belonged to everyone and therefore could not be sold. It was conflict over land ownership that ultimately triggered a brutal battle for survival on the American frontier that would continue unabated into the beginning of the 20th Century.

4. Blue and golden yellow

The main colors of the team are Warriors Royal Blue and California Golden

Yellow. These two colors have been the most prevalent in the team‟s Bay Area uniform history, appearing as the dominant scheme in four of the last five decades since the team‟s arrival on the West Coast in 1962. Royal blue is associated with superiority. And like all blues, it can symbolize reliability and trustworthiness. It can also be calming and harmonious because it is reminiscent of the sea and the sky. The colors represent the warrior‟s team superiority and their calm in order to win the game. Shades of golden yellow carry the promise of a positive future. The golden yellow represent the greatest of bay bridge and also the symbol of link of hope for the best exciting prospects of the organization‟s future. An Analysis of “Golden State Warriors” Team Logo based on Pierce Theory After analyzing the semiotics meaning in the team logo based on Barthes theory, the researcher then analyse the meaning of the logo based on Pierce theory to identify the identity of the team. The analysis focused on the relationship between representament to the object and the intepretant.

55 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Table 4.10 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Golden State Warriors” logo


1 A silhouette of Golden A silhouette of part The bay golden bridge at the bay bridge as the iconic of golden bridge symbol was the iconic symbol of the team and emblem of the city that is the city famous in USA. The team chooses the bay bridge as the symbol to remain the fans that the bridge is link of two states between the Warriors‟ original Bay Area home in San Francisco, where the team arrived from Philadelphia 48 years ago, and its current home in Oakland. 2 Golden state represent The words of The team was moved to San the name both of the Golden State Francisco from Philadelphia team city that is San represent the city in 1962 and the team changed Francisco city and of the team at the its geographic moniker to Oakland city which is top of the logo Golden State, California‟s link by the golden bay with blue state nickname in 1971. Since bridge wordmark 1972, the team‟s home court has been the Oracle Arena in Oakland. The bridge represent as the link both of the cities. 3 Word of Warriors A word of The warrior name related to represent the nickname Warriors in the the first city of the team that is of the team bottom of the logo in Philadelphia. The name has with blue the historical connection with wordmark the Delaware Indians who inhabited the Philadelphia area before British Colonist displaced them. The Warriors named suggest the team and the player as the real warrior with their skill that engaged in struggle and hard work to win the game


4 Blue and golden colors Blue color as the Royal blue represents the as the main color of the basic color with warrior‟s team superiority and logo represent the team the golden color in their calm in order to win the and the city the bridge game. silhouette and the The golden yellow represents wordmarks the greatest of bay bridge and also the symbol of link of hope for the best exciting prospects of the team organization‟s future.

The reperesentament that found by the researcher are qualisign and sinsign.

The qualisign in this sign are blue and gold colors in all of visual and verbal sign.

Sinsign in this sign are figure of the bridge as the links of two cities.

The object that researcher found are icon and index. The icon that found is the Bay-bridge represent as one of an iconic bridge in USA. The icons supported to express the information about the cities of the team. The index found in this sign is verbal text that represent to the city name and the nickname of the team. The interpretation of this logo used the idea of dicisign and argument because the data was found from the article of the team.

The identity of the team can be seen clearly in how the triadic aspects of sign in their logo that represent their iconic city and the hope of the team. The used of bay-bridge as the figure and logo of the team represent the identity of the city. The icon of bay-bridge is the connected between two important cities as the identity of the team. The team used the logo as their honor to their city. The team and the official are trying to express that their town are the spirit for them to win the league.

57 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The city and the fans which more likely called Dubs Nation determine the big

support of the city to the team.

4.1.6 Semiotic Meanings on “Houston Rockets” Team Logo

Below is the main logo of “Houston Rockets” basketball team;

Figure “h” and “houston” word2 1 “R” in the hoop


4 Red color

Figure 4.6 Houston Rockets logo An Analysis of “Houston Rockets” Team Logo based on Barthes theory

In analyzing the data of Houston Rockets team logo (figure 4.6), the

researcher used Roland Barthes semiotics theory to find the semiotics meaning in the

logo. The analysis focuses on the denotative and connotative meanings with support

of myth. The data is verbal and visual sign in the logo. The numbers in the figure 4.6

are in line with the numbers in the table 4.6

58 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1. Denotative Meanings

Table 4.11 Denotative meaning of verbal and visual sign in “Houston Rockets” logo

NO Sign Denotative meaning verbal visual 1 Figure “h” and “R” in the figures of “h” and “R” shows a hoop rocket taking off 2 Houston city of the team 3 Rockets Nickname of the team 4 Red color Main color of the logo

The researcher found the denotative that used in this logo represent the figure of rocket almost in all of the sign in the logo. The “H” and “R” figures of rockets that taking off as the visual signs. The nickname and the city name of the team as the verbal signs. All of the logo was represent in red color also categorize as visual sign.

2. Connotative meanings

1. Figure “h” and “R” in the hoop

The researcher found two letters in the figure of rocket. The "R" in the hoop is a rocket taking off. There's also a hidden "H" formed by the hoop and "R." The

"H" is below the "R", forming with the flames at the base of the "R" and the ring.

The left shaft of the "R" takes the shape of a rocket. The distinctive letters with many sharp angles (reminding a rocket) were custom drawn specifically for the logo. The

“R” state for Rockets while “H” state for Houston.

2. Houston

The team was located in Houston city. Houston is the most populous city in the U.S. state of Texas and the fourth most populous city in the United States. San

59 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Diego was known for being a “city in motion” and a hub for space-age industries during the time the Rockets were established, which earned the team their name and logo. Liquid-fueled Atlas rockets were also being manufactured in San Diego. When the team moved to Houston in 1971, it made perfectly good sense to keep the name, as Houston was home to a NASA space center. The team plays their home games at the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas.

3. Rockets

Based of the figure the team also use word of Rockets as their nickname. A rocket is a cylindrical projectile that can be propelled to a great height or distance by the combustion of its contents, used typically as a firework or signal. The rocket in this logo represents the identity of the city the region, or the state that is related to location of NASA‟s Johnson Space Center located in Clutch City. NASA is The

National Aeronautics and Space Administration that is an independent agency of the executive branch of the Federal government of the United States responsible for the civilian space program, as well as aeronautics and aerospace research. An Analysis of “Houston Rockets” Team Logo based on Pierce Theory

After analyzing the semiotics meaning in the team logo based on Barthes theory, the researcher then analyse the meaning of the logo based on Pierce theory to identify the identity of the team. The analysis focused on the relationship between representament to the object and the intepretant.

60 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Table 4.12 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Houston Rockets” logo


1 Figure of letter “h” Figure “h” and “R” The figure of „h‟ that is hidden inside the letter” letters in the hoop Houston and „R‟ for rockets words in the hoop with with red color with red color that is shaped red color represent the like a rocket that taking off rocket that taking off trying to inform that rocket and outpace are related to the city and the team identity. The logo basically idea is a Rocket. 2 Houston word A word of Houston is the most populous represent the name of “Houston” with a city in the U.S. state of Texas. the city of the team houston with red The team actually was moved color in the left of from their originally city in the logo San Diego to Houston in 1971. The team was now plays home match in Toyota Center in Houston, Texas. It is true since Houston was home to a NASA space center. 3 Rockets word as the A word of The rockets name also represent of the “Rockets” with a represent the first city of the nickname of the team red color in the team that is San Diego “city right of the logo of motion” since Liquid- fueled Atlas rockets were also being manufactured in San Diego but the name keep use after they move because the Houston also home to a NASA space center. The nickname also basically represent the identity of the city of the team 4 The crimson red as the The crimson red as The red color related to the basic color for the logo the color of whole rockets since rocket has a and the color of the things in the logo great burning fire and it can rockets determine the team and the players as they plays like rocket, moving fast and accurately

61 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The reperesentament that found by the researcher are qualisign and sinsign.

The qualisign in this sign is the main red color in all of visual and verbal sign that is dominant. Sinsign in this sign is the figure of the rockets.

The object that researcher found are index and symbol. The index found in this sign is verbal text that represent to the city name and the nickname of the team.

The symbol of rocket is the main idea of the logo that represents the identity of the city and the team. The interpretation of this logo used the idea of dicisign and argument because the data was found from the article of the team.

The identity of the team can be seen in how the team represent rocket as the main idea of their logo. The logo actually contains figure of rockets as sign in every object in the logo. The team and the official really want to represents the Rocket as their identity. The rockets represent the Houston city that also known as home for

NASA space center. Rocket is one iconic vehicle that represent the out space journey and exploration. The Rocket symbol also means fast and integrity in order to reach the out space with unimagined things out there. This reason also make the Rockets figure become something meaningful for the team not just as the identity of the city but also as the spirit for the players to reach the unimagined things to be the championship.

62 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4.1.7 Semiotic Meanings on “Los Angeles Clippers” Team Logo

Below is the main logo of “Los Angeles Clippers” basketball team;

LAC monogram

The curved Red, white, lines black and blue4 colors “clippers” word

Figure 4.7 Los Angeles Clippers logo An Analysis of “La Clippers” Team Logo based on Barthes theory

In analyzing the data of La Clippers team logo (figure 4.7), the researcher used Roland Barthes semiotics theory to find the semiotics meaning in the logo. The analysis focuses on the denotative and connotative meanings with support of myth.

The data is verbal and visual sign in the logo. The numbers in the figure 4.7 are in line with the numbers in the table 4.7

1. Denotative meanings

Table 4.13 Denotative meaning of verbal and visual sign in “LA Clippers” logo

NO Sign Denotative meaning verbal visual 1 The curved lines a form of lines 2 Clippers nickname of the team 3 LAC monogram a motif of two or more letters / initials 4 Red, white, black and Main colors of the logo blue colors

63 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The researcher found the denotative meanings that used in the logo trying to inform such like the curved line as the ocean horizon as the visual sign with the

Clippers ship as the nickname of the team categorize as the verbal sign. There also the LAC monogram represents the city of the team with Red, white, black, and blue colors as the main colors of the logo also categorize as the visual signs.

2. Connotative Meanings

1. The curved line

There are some line in two colors in the logo. The curved line is the form of the line at above and below the bold CLIPPERS wordmark that represent the horizon of the sea as it looks like when you are standing on a Clipper ship. It called as nautical roots. It is adding dimension and energy.

2. Clippers

The researcher found that word of clipper is represent a ship. A clipper is the type of a popular ship. Clipper ship is a classic sailing ship of the 19th century, renowned for its beauty, grace, and speed. Apparently starting from the small, swift coastal packet known as the Baltimore clipper, the true clipper evolved first in

American and later in British yards. In its ultimate form it was a long, slim, graceful vessel with projecting bow and radically streamlined hull, carrying an exceptionally large spread of sail on three tall masts. The team uses the name Clippers in order to honor the San Diego‟s harbor and historic sailing ships.

3. LAC Monogram

There is a monogram, in which a blue “C” “embraces” the lettering “LA”.

According to the team, the “LA” represents a basketball court that signifying LA

64 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA basketball, while the “C” symbolizes the team‟s love for their great city San Diego even they have been moved to Los Angeles. San Diego had been home to the

Conquistadors/Sails of the ABA during the 1970s. Donald Sterling bought the

Clippers during the 1981-82 seasons and relocated them to his native Los Angeles in

1984. He lost all respect in San Diego but kept the Clippers name. The monogram is placed over a white basketball outlined in black.

4. Red, white, black and blue color

These legacy colors are the elements main color that is a tribute to the clippers faithful. The black color lends the modern edge. The red color indicates controlled power, determined ambition and dignified action and is often favored by the wealthy. The color of blue is represents determination and ambition to achieve great things, a sense of purpose in striving for goals. This color also represents the loyalty of the team to remember the city of San Diego. The sky blue also influenced by Southern California‟s casual beach culture, of which both San Diego and Los

Angeles are famous for, then and now. The white color is represents of the purity and the faith. White represents the positive as well as the negative aspects of all colors. It contains an equal balance of all the colors of the spectrum. These colors become the balance color for the three other color that make the logo elegant. An Analysis of “LA Clippers” Team Logo based on Pierce Theory

After analyzing the semiotics meaning in the team logo based on Barthes theory, the researcher then analyse the meaning of the logo based on Pierce theory to

65 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA identify the identity of the team. The analysis focused on the relationship between representament to the object and the intepretant.

Table 4.14 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “La Clippers” logo


1 The curved line The shape of line The curved line is design to represent as the horizon with red and blue look like nautical roots that of the sea color in the top makes the „Clippers‟ word like and below of word a real Clipper ship that is “Clippers” sailing in the ocean. 2 Clippers word Clippers word The nickname of the team was represent the nickname with a black color taken from the name of classic of the team that taken in the middle of sailing ship of the 19th from the name of a ship the logo under the century. Its beauty, grace, and “Clippers ship” monogram of LAC speed hopefully can be the identity of the team to be the champion in the competitions. The name also use to honor their originally city especially the San Diego Harbor and the historic sailing ships as the icon and the identity of San Diego city. 3 LAC monogram that Monogram that The monogram is the consist of the “LA” consist of „LA’ represent to both of cities of represents a basketball with red color the team. It represent to their court that signifying inside of „C’ with honor city that is San Diego in LA basketball, while blue color at the 1978 as the home for the the “C” symbolizes the top of the logo Conquistadors/Sails of the great city San Diego ABA during the 1970s related to the Clippers ship and also for their second city Los Angeles after they move in 1984. Today they play in Staples Center Arena for home match in Los Angeles.

66 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA SIGN OBJECT INTEPRETANT 4 Red, white, black and Red, white, black The colors of the logo also blue as the colors of the and blue as the called as the legacy elements logo that represent to colors of the logo of the team that is tribute as the clippers faithful. from shapes, the clippers faithful. For the monogram and team, each color have the wordmarks meaning such like The red color indicates controlled power, the blue color as the honor of the San Diego city, the black color that lends to the modern edge and the white color as the balanced color for three others colors. These colors hopefully can determine the identity of the team and become their strongest suggest for their faithful to the team and the city.

The reperesentament that found by the researcher is the qualisign. The qualisign in this sign are white, blue, black and red color in visual and verbal sign.

The object that researcher found are index and symbol. The index found in this sign is verbal text that represent to the city name and the nickname of the team.

The symbol also find in shape of clover that represent the trinity of Cristian. The logo actually use symbol of curved line as the horizon of the sea and also the monogram as symbol of basketball court. The interpretation of this logo used the idea of dicisign and argument because the data was found from the article of the team

The identity that mention by the logo actually more represent the old city of the team that is San Diego city. The iconic figure of traditional Clippers ship is the main idea in this logo. The Clippers ship is one of historical sailing ships. It is related to the identity of the first city of the team that is San Diego. San Diego harbor relates

67 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA to the historical stories of sailing ships. The Clippers ship with its beauty, grace, and

speed hopefully also become the spirit of the team for win the league. The logo also

presents the symbol of LA as the basketball court to represent that now the team play

for Los Angles city.

4.1.8 Semiotic Meanings on “Memphis Grizzlies” Team Logo

Below is the main logo of “Memphis Grizzlies” basketball team;

A head of a1 blue bear Blue & gold4 colors

“memphis”2 word

“grizzlies” 3word

Figure 4.8 Memphis Grizzlies logo An Analysis of “Memphis Grizzles” Logo based on Barthes theory

In analyzing the data of Memphis Grizzlies team logo (figure 4.8), the

researcher used Roland Barthes semiotics theory to find the semiotics meaning in the

logo. The analysis focuses on the denotative and connotative meanings with support

of myth. The data is verbal and visual sign in the logo. The numbers in the figure 4.8

are in line with the numbers in the table 4.8

68 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1. Denotative Meanings

Table 4.15 Denotative meaning of verbal and visual sign in “Memphis Grizzlies” logo

NO Sign Denotative meaning verbal visual 1 A head of a blue bear figure of a grizzlies bear 2 Memphis city of the team 3 Grizzlies Nickname of the team 4 Blue color and gold Main colors of the logo colors

The researcher found the denotative meanings that used in the logo represent the identity of the team. The symbol of Grizzlies Bear that looks focused that is famous in the country categorize as the visual sign. The nickname of the team and the city name of the team also can be seen in the logo as the verbal signs. The blue colors that covered almost all of the logo that relates to the identity of the city also categorize as the visual signs.

2. Connotative Meanings

1. A head of blue bear

There are a figure of blue grizzlies bear in the logo. This symbol of a

Grizzlies bear had focused and intensity. The symbol represents strength, power and courage. The characters is tenacity and fearlessness. The Grizzly symbolizes

Memphis basketball at its grittiest, at its toughest, at its best. It symbolizes Grizzlies players and the fierce passion they bring to the court every night. It symbolizes incredible leadership and their commitment to winning and class. It symbolizes the

69 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA maturity of an organization that will settle for nothing less than the ultimate – success.

2. Memphis

The team was located in Memphis. Memphis, Tennessee is the city of the

Grizzles team after the franchise moving from Vancouver in 2001. Memphis‟s central location has helped make it one of the largest distribution centers in the

United States. Its international airport is the world‟s second busiest cargo airport

(after Hong Kong‟s), and the city is among the nation‟s largest inland river ports.

The team is the only team in the major professional North American sports leagues based in the city of Memphis.

3. Grizzles

The team aslo use the Grizzlies as their name to represent a strong bear.

Grizzly bears are indigenous to British Columbia, and are a highly prominent icon both in northwestern native culture and Western Canada as a whole. Grizzly bears are majestic symbols of the wild. Bears live in and use a variety of habitat types, playing important roles in each one. The long guard hairs on their backs and shoulders frequently have white tips and give the bears a "grizzled" appearance, hence the name "grizzly." This name also represent the originally city Vancouver,

Canada. Even the team is moving to Memphis, Tennessee, the team keep the

Grizzles name as nickname that represents the team because the supporter or the fans love the name. The Memphis Grizzlies are an American professional basketball team based in Memphis, Tennessee. The Grizzlies compete in the National Basketball

Association (NBA) as a member team of the league‟s Western Conference Southwest

Division. The Grizzlies play their home games at FedEx Forum. The team is owned

70 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA by Robert Pera. The Grizzlies are the only team in the major professional North

American sports leagues based in the city of Memphis.

4. Blue color and gold color

The main colors of the logo are blue and a little gold at the eyes of the bear.

The blue colors represent the city identity (Memphis Midnight, Beale Street Blue and

Smoke Blue) to the neon-inspired typeface of the city name. From the intense gaze of the Grizzly that represents a serious and competitive team to the subtle references to the colors of Egyptian royalty (Grizzlies Gold). Blue also was symbolic of the sky and of water. In a cosmic sense, this extended its symbolism to the heavens and of the primeval floods. In both of these cases, blue took on a meaning of life and re- birth and Gold in Egyptian ancient royalty shared the qualities of being imperishable, eternal and indestructible. The skin and bones of the gods were believed to be made of gold. Thus statues of gods were often made of, or plated with gold. When the pharaoh died he became the new Osiris and a god himself. In the image to the right of the Opening of the Mouth Ceremony, note the skin tones of the mummy and

Anubis. Both are divine beings and both have golden skin. An Analysis of “Memphis Grizllies” Team Logo based on Pierce Theory

After analyzing the semiotics meaning in the team logo based on Barthes theory, the researcher then analyse the meaning of the logo based on Pierce theory to identify the identity of the team. The analysis focused on the relationship between representament to the object and the intepretant.

71 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Table 4.16 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Memphis Grizzlies” logo


1 The symbol of A head of a blue The symbol of no fierce Grizzlies bear that is Grizzlies bear with Grizzlies bear symbolizes have focused and a pair of gold eyes Memphis basketball at its intensity and its grittiest, at its toughest, at its represents strength, best. It symbolizes Grizzlies power and courage. players and the fierce passion they bring to the court every night. It symbolizes incredible leadership and their commitment to winning and class. It symbolizes the maturity of an organization that will settle for nothing less than the ultimate – success. 2 The word of Memphis The word of The Memphis city in extreme represent the city of the Memphis in dark southwestern Tennessee, U.S. team blue color right state is the city of the Grizzles above the grizzles team after the franchise head as the city of moving from Vancouver in the team 2001. The team now plays their home match at FedEx forum arena. The team is the only team in the major professional North American sports leagues based in the city of Memphis 3 Word of Grizzles A word of The Memphis got their name represent the nickname Grizzles in the as Grizzles even when the of the team bottom of the logo grizzles team still in with light blue Vancouver. The name was wordmark represents the greatest of grizzles symbol in Vancouver, Canada. The team keep use the name while their moving because the fans love the name and the greatest figure of grizzles itself.

72 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA SIGN OBJECT REPRESENTAMENT 4 Blue and gold colors as Blue color as the The blue color which is the main color of the basic color of the consists of dark and light blue logo represent the team grizzles head and is the represent of the city and the city the wordmark with identity (Memphis Midnight, the gold color in Beale Street Blue and Smoke the eyes of the Blue) to the neon-inspired bear. typeface of the city name. The gold eyes are represents the greatest of golden grizzles in Egyptian ancient royalty that is believed to share the qualities of being imperishable, eternal and indestructible.

The reperesentament that found by the researcher are qualisign and sinsign.

The qualisign in this sign are white and blue colors in all of visual and verbal sign.

Sinsign in this sign are expression of tenacity and fearlessness that can be seen in the

Grizzles face.

The object that researcher found are index and symbol. The index found in this sign is verbal text that represent to the city name and the nickname of the team.

The symbol of the Grizzles bear also has a lot of meaning that related to the identity of the team and the history of the team.

The identity of the blue city of Memphis is the main idea of the logo. The logo used the symbol of Grizzlies bear as the idea of the logo that represents the city of the team and also the identity of the team. The face of the Grizzlies with its focused and intensity expression determine the identity of the player that have no- fierce and passion. They bring those feelings to the court every night. Actually the

Grizzlies also the identity of their old city in Canada but the team keeps the name and the symbol because the fans love it. The identity of the Memphis as their city

73 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA now is represented by the colors that used in the logo too. The team used the symbol

also as their commitment to win the game and make proud their city. The colors also

symbolize the ancient myth of Golden grizzlies from Egyptians Ancient royalty


4.1.9 Semiotic Meanings on “Milwaukee Bucks” Team Logo

Below is the main logo of “Milwaukee Bucks” basketball team;

Basketball feature

The rack

hard edges that appear Green and 4 almost cut cream colors7 The buck's chest “milwaukee”5 “bucks” word word

Figure 4.9 Milwaukee Bucks logo An Analysis of “Milwaukee Bucks” Team Logo based on Barthes theory

In analyzing the data of Milwaukee Bucks team logo (figure 4.9), the

researcher used Roland Barthes semiotics theory to find the semiotics meaning in the

logo. The analysis focuses on the denotative and connotative meanings with support

of myth. The data is verbal and visual sign in the logo. The numbers in the figure 4.9

are in line with the numbers in the table 4.9

74 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1. Denotative Meanings

Table 4.17 Denotative meaning of verbal and visual sign in “Milwaukee Bucks” logo

NO Sign Denotative meaning verbal visual 1 The buck's chest part of the deer (bucks) body 2 the rack a set of antlers 3 basketball feature a feature that looks like a basketball 4 hard edges that appear the outside limit of an object almost cut that‟s not equal 5 Milwaukee Name of the city of the team 6 bucks the nickname of the team

7 green and cream colors the main colors of the logo

The researcher found there are some Denotative meanings in the logo. The main symbol of the Bucks with the chest and the racks represent the mature of the deer and the team are the visual signs. There are also the nickname of the team and name of the city as the verbal signs. The green and the cream colors are the main colors of the logo that categorize as the visual signs too.

2. Connotative Meanings

1. The buck's chest

There are a figure of word “M” that can be seen in the chest of the buck. The chevron chest “M” of the bucks in that logo represent as homage to Milwaukee.


The buck also had a pair of rack at the head. An expanded rack (from 8 to 12 points) showing the maturation of the Buck, and underlining the point that he has become an even greater force. A rack is a set of antlers. The antlers are bony, and like bones are made mostly out of calcium. A set of the antlers rack also determine that deer are young or mature.

3. Basketball feature

In the in the negative space between the antlers there are a feature basketball that remains that this is the basketball team logo. It feature also serves as a linchpin for the entire brand identity.

4. hard edges that appear almost cut

In the logo there is a hard edge that appears almost cut from metal and industrial but classic proprietary font juxtaposed against the curvature of the logo represents a symbolic union of urban and rural Wisconsin.

5. Milwaukee

The team now located in Milwaukee city. Milwaukee, city, seat (1835) of

Milwaukee county, southeastern Wisconsin, U.S. Milwaukee grew as a manufacturing and distribution center in the second half of the 19th century. Flour milling, leather tanning, and iron founding were all major industries. The Milwaukee

Bucks are an American professional basketball franchise based in Milwaukee,

Wisconsin. The Bucks compete in the National Basketball Association (NBA) as a member team of the league‟s Eastern Conference Central Division. The team was

76 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA founded in 1968 as an expansion team, and played at the BMO Harris Bradley


6. Bucks

The team use “BUCKS” as their nickname and becomes the main symbol of the team. Buck is a male deer that have antlers. Bucks are a spirited, good jumpers, fast and agile animals. The Bucks in the logo is an image of strength and focused determination. The solid logo design, incorporating the powerful Buck, portrays a confident, cohesive team. It is one unit, an attribute of any good team. The Buck itself gazes steadily ahead, as if to accept any challenge that may lie in its path. The theme of solidarity is repeated upon through the physique of the muscular buck and the heavy block lettering. In other reason the white-tailed deer bucks, abundantly represented in North America, is one of the official symbols of the state of


7. green and cream color

Green and cream are the main colors in the logo. The green color is the traditional color of the Milwaukee Bucks with a timeless twist. Emblematic of the deep woods and diverse landscapes of Wisconsin, the green is a hallmark of our brand throughout 47 years of existence. Green also represents the great balancer of our mental, emotional and physical energies which is why there is so much green on our planet. Green is the heart centre of the body. This color relates to stability and endurance, giving us persistence and the strength to cope with adversity. The cream color represent just as the Cream City brick is the foundation upon which Milwaukee was built, Cream City Cream is the foundational color of the Milwaukee Bucks

77 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA brand identity. This color is singularly unique to The Bucks, as they‟re the only NBA team to feature a cream hue. An Analysis of Milwaukee Bucks Team Logo based on Pierce Theory

After analyzing the semiotics meaning in the team logo based on Barthes theory, the researcher then analyse the meaning of the logo based on Pierce theory to identify the identity of the team. The analysis focused on the relationship between representament to the object and the intepretant.

Table 4.18 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Milwaukee Bucks” logo


1 The buck chest that‟s The buck chest The logo trying to inform the look like letter “M” that identity of the team by using represent name of the symbol shape of “M” at the city buck chest as state to Milwaukee name of the city of the team. 2 The expanded rack The expanded The expanded rack showing the (from 8 to 12 points) rack as part of the maturation of the buck as showing the maturation buck head known as showing the of the Buck maturation of this team in order to play the game and give their best performance. 3 The negative space The basketball There are the symbol of between the antlers there feature in the basketball feature in negative are a feature basketball middle of the space in the middle of the antlers antlers that remains us this logo belongs to a popular basketball team from Milwaukee city

78 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA SIGN OBJECT INTEPRETANT 4 A hard edges that appear The edge of The hard edges that almost cut almost cut from metal metal that almost from metal are also one of the that represent the cut and not in a identities of the city that identity of the city perfect round represent a symbolic union of with cream color urban and rural Wisconsin. 5 Milwaukee word that Milwaukee word Milwaukee is a city in represent the city of the in cream color southeastern Wisconsin, U.S. team with green state. This city becomes the background at the home for the Milwaukee Bucks left bottom of the since the team founded in 1968 logo and play for their home match at BMO Harris Bradley center stadium. 6 Bucks word that Bucks word in Buck or a male deer is the represent the nickname cream color and nickname of the team that of the team green background represents the identity of the at the right bottom team and also the state. The of the logo buck head represent strength and focused determination. It also portrays a confident, cohesive team. It is attributes of any good team. Besides that the white-tailed deer also represent the Wisconsin official state symbol. 7 Green and cream Green and cream For the team green color represent the colors of as the main color actually represent as the the logo of the logo from identity of the city because The Bucks head, the green color is the traditional edges and the color of the Milwaukee Bucks wordmark represent of the deep woods and diverse landscapes of Wisconsin. The cream color represent Just as the Cream City brick is the foundation upon which Milwaukee was built.

The reperesentament that found by the researcher are qualisign and sinsign.

The qualisign in this sign are cream and green colors in all of visual and verbal sign.

Sinsign in this sign are expression of the bucks that gazes steadily ahead represent their ready to accept any challenge.

79 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The object that researcher found are index and symbol. The index found in this sign is verbal text that represent to the city name and the nickname of the team.

The symbol of the bucks and the almost cut metal represent the identity of the team and the city. The interpretation of this logo used the idea of dicisign and argument because the data was found from the article of the team.

The identity of the team represent the mature of the team and the iconic of the city through every sign in their logo. The team Logo uses the symbol of Male white- tail deer (bucks) to represent the identity of the team. It represents the location and identity of the city, the maturation of the organization and the team, and also spirit for their player. The colors of the logo also use as the definition that portray the city of Wisconsin with its deep woods and the iconic name as the cream city.

4.1.10 Semiotic Meanings on “Oklahoma City Thunder” Team Logo

Below is the main logo of “Oklahoma City Thunder” basketball team;

“thunder” 3 word

4“OKC” Blue, red and 5 word yellow colors Two splashes2

The shield 1

Figure 4.10 OKC logo

80 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA An Analysis of “OKC” Team Logo based on Barthes theory

In analyzing the data of Oklahoma City Thunder team logo (figure 4.10), the researcher used Roland Barthes semiotics theory to find the semiotics meaning in the logo. The analysis focuses on the denotative and connotative meanings with support of myth. The data is verbal and visual sign in the logo. The numbers in the figure

4.10 are in line with the numbers in the table 4.10

1. Denotative Meanings

Table 4.19 Denotative meaning of verbal and visual sign in “OKC” logo

NO Sign Denotative meaning verbal visual 1 The shield broad piece of metal to protecting self or something 2 Two splashes of orange two line splashes of something and blue 3 Thunder Nickname of the team 4 OKC name of the city 5 Blue, red and yellow Main colors of the logo colors

The researcher found some denotative meanings that used in the logo. The denotative meanings in the logo represent the figure of shield along with two splashes thunder or lightning as the visual signs. The nickname of the team and the city of the team can be ssen in the logo as the verbal signs. The logo looks colorful by using blue, red, orange, and yellow colors that actually is the identity of the city categorize as the visual signs too.

81 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2. Connotative Meanings

1. The shield

There is a figure of shield in the middle of the logo. Shield actually is a broad piece of metal to protecting self or something. In the logo the figure of shield represent the game with the basketball figure in it. The shield also can be seen in the

Oklahoma City that represent of defensive or protective warfare. It also the symbol of piece and the team use that symbol in order to salute their city.

2. Two splashes of orange and blue

There are two splashes of orange and blue lightning that actually want to represent about thunder to represent the city in thunder alley.

3. Thunder

The team use Thunder as their nickname. Lightning is electricity. In effect, positive charges and negative charges collect in different parts of a cloud no one really knows exactly how. When enough charges collect, there is a bolt of lightning as the electricity travels between areas of opposite charge. Lightning can flow between clouds or from the cloud to the ground. The lightning jumps through the air, heating the air and making it expand. The air then quickly contracts again as it cools.

This movement of air makes the sound wave called thunder. The team was named by thunder by two reasons. First reason is to represent that the powerful storms that occur in the area known as Tornado Alley. Second reason is because the city is the home of the Thunderbirds division of the US Army.


OKC states for Oklahoma City that is the city of the team. Oklahoma City often shortened to OKC, is the capital and largest city of the U.S. state of Oklahoma.

Since 2008, Oklahoma City has been home to the Oklahoma City Thunder of the

National Basketball Association. The team plays its home games at the Chesapeake

Energy Arena. The Oklahoma City Thunder is a professional basketball franchise based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. They play in the Northwest Division of the

Western Conference in the National Basketball Association. Formerly known as the

Seattle Supersonics, the team relocated to Oklahoma City in 2008. Shortly after announcing the move to Oklahoma City, the team announced their name as the

"Thunder" and unveiled their logo. Since the team was moved to OKC, the team has had a good run of success in 2011 and 2012 with its stars like Kevin Durant, James

Harden and Russell Westbrook.

5. Blue, red and yellow color

The main colors of the team‟s logo are blue, red, and yellow. The light blue color coincides with the state flag to represent the inclusion of all Oklahomans. The light blue also represent true contentment, azure inspires determination and ambition to achieve great things, a sense of purpose in striving for goals. The yellow refers to the sunset that looks nice in the city. Yellow also can be anxiety producing as it is fast moving and can cause us to feel agitated. Mixture of Crimson red and orange colors that represents the state's two big sports schools - Oklahoma University and

Oklahoma State University. Crimson red also mean a determination to succeed but without upsetting anyone else, while orange radiates warmth and happiness,

83 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA combining the physical energy and stimulation of red with the cheerfulness of yellow. An Analysis of “OKC” Team Logo based on Pierce Theory

After analyzing the semiotics meaning in the team logo based on Barthes theory, the researcher then analyse the meaning of the logo based on Pierce theory to identify the identity of the team. The analysis focused on the relationship between representament to the object and the intepretant.

Table 4.20 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “OKC” logo


1 The shield Triangle shield The shield is symbol of with a basketball basketball game. It symbol of inside it defend as one motion or strategy in basketball competition besides attack. 2 Two colors splashes The splash in blue It actually represent as the like lightning and orange color lightning splash as the identity of the city that is close to thunder alley

84 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA SIGN OBJECT INTEPRETANT 3 Thunder word Thunder word in Thunder is the nickname of represent the nickname blue color at the the city that is chosen by of the city top of the logo voted of the fans when they moved to Oklahoma city. There are two reason how the nickname represent the identity of the team. First reason is to represent that the powerful storms that occur in the area known as Tornado Alley. Second reason is because the city is the home of the Thunderbirds division of the US Army. 4 OKC word that state OKC represent the Oklahoma city is the capital for the Oklahoma city name of the city in and largest city of the U.S. as the city of the team white color in the state of Oklahoma. The team middle of the logo moved to from Seattle to and in the shield Oklahoma city in 2008 and changes the name of the team. The team now plays their home match at the Chesapeake Energy Arena. 5 Blue, red and yellow Blue, red and Some colors that contain in also white represent the yellow also white the logo have their own colors of the logo represent the meaning as the identity of the colors of the logo team. Such as, The light blue from the shield, color coincides with the state the splashes and flag to represent the inclusion the wordmark of all Oklahomans. The yellow refers to the sunset that looks nice in the city. Mixture of Crimson red and orange colors that represents the state's two big sports schools - Oklahoma University and Oklahoma State University.

The reperesentament that found by the researcher are qualisign and sinsign.

The qualisign in this sign are blue, red, and yellow colors in almost all of visual and

85 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA verbal sign. Sinsign in this sign are the figure of shield and basketball inside the shield.

The object that researcher found are index and symbol. The index found in this sign is verbal text that represent to the city name and the nickname of the team.

The symbol also find in shape shield and two splashes that represent the thunders.

The interpretation of this logo used the idea of dicisign and argument because the data was found from the article of the team.

The OKC Thunder team uses their logo to represent the identity and history of their city. The city actually also known as a thunder city because it‟s near to the thunder alley. The logo colors also represent the view of the city. The team uses the colors to represent their city‟s flag and also their two big sports schools as their proud to the sports movements in their city. Actually this team also one of the NBA team that is choosing their name based on the vote of their fans. It also proved that fans become an important part of the organization or the team.

4.1.11 Semiotic Meanings on “Indiana Pacers” Team Logo

Below is the main logo of “Indiana Pacers” basketball team;

1“P ” Yellow streaking Blue navy and 2 gold colors 4 basketball

“pacers” word3

Figure 4.11 Indiana Pacers logo

86 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA An Analysis of “Indiana Pacers” Team Logo based on Barthes theory

In analyzing the data of Indiana Pacers team logo (figure 4.11), the researcher used Roland Barthes semiotics theory to find the semiotics meaning in the logo. The analysis focuses on the denotative and connotative meanings with support of myth.

The data is verbal and visual sign in the logo. The numbers in the figure 4.11 are in line with the numbers in the table 4.11

1. Denotative Meanings

Table 4.21 Denotative meaning of verbal and visual sign in “Indiana Pacers” logo

NO Sign Denotative meaning verbal visual 1 “P” Figure of word “P” 2 Yellow streaking figure of basketball move inside basketball the word “P” 3 Pacers Nickname of the team 4 Blue navy and gold Main colors of the logo colors

The researcher found some denotative meanings in the logo. The denotative meaning represents the figure of yellow streaking basketball and the “P” figure with blue and gold colors as the visual signs. The team put the nickname but didn‟t put the name of the city. The city was representing by the streaking ball that tells the city as the racing city called Indiana polis. The only verbal sign is the nickname of the team.

2. Connotative Meanings

1. “P”

Figure of word P not just state for Pacers but it also representation of figure of the state or the city territory. The territorial of Indiana polis is just like the word of

87 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA “P”. The state icon ties in the entirety of Indiana across every city and town within its borders. It means that basketball isn't just grown in or inside Bankers

Life Fieldhouse, but in all of Indiana.

2. Yellow streaking basketball

The yellow streaking basketball is refers to the identity of the city. It represents the speed of car that have race in Indianapolis (the race Indy 500). The people in the city are well known as the people who love drive fast. This also represents the pacer team that usually plays fast in the NBA game. The symbol is the represented the high speed movement of the players in order to attack and defend in the game.

3. Pacers

The team known by their nickname that called as the Pacers. The nickname is a reference to Indiana's rich harness and auto racing history. Pacing describes one of the main gaits for harness racing, while pace cars are used for auto races, such as the Indianapolis 500. Inhabitants of Indiana are passionate about fast driving. The love for high-speed movement goes through the state history. For many years, horses were the best kind of vehicles for people.

Therefore, different kinds of horseracing were extremely popular all around the world. Over time, the popular animal was replaced with a full-fledged iron horse, creating the new era of car racing. The race Indy 500 was one of the most prestigious world competitions. The above mentioned factors determined the name of the future club Indiana Pacers

88 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4. Blue navy and Gold color

Blue navy and gold colors are the main color of the logo. The color represent of the colors of the state‟s flag. The state flag of Indiana consists of blue field with nineteen stars - thirteen stars shall be arranged in an outer circle, five stars shall be arranged in a half circle below the torch and inside the outer , one large star placed above the flame of the torch - and a flaming torch in gold or buff in the middle. The name of the state (INDIANA) is displayed above the large star and within the outer circle of stars. The blue and gold state flag of Indiana was adopted by the 1917 General Assembly as part of the 1916 Indiana centennial celebration. An Analysis of “Indiana Pacers” Team Logo based on Pierce Theory

After analyzing the semiotics meaning in the team logo based on Barthes theory, the researcher then analyse the meaning of the logo based on Pierce theory to identify the identity of the team. The analysis focused on the relationship between representament to the object and the intepretant.

89 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Table 4.22 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Indiana Pacers” logo


1 The figure of “P” that Figure of a blue The “P” is represent to Pacers states for Pacer “P” with a yellow and also the figure of Indiana streaking ball city territory that represent inside of it that basketball isn't just grown in Indianapolis or inside Bankers Life Fieldhouse, but in all of Indiana. This becomes the symbol of unity basketball in Indiana city. 2 Yellow streaking ball A yellow streaking The yellow streaking ball inside the figure of “p” ball inside the symbolized how the city is that represent the figure of “P” known as the city of speed identity of the city because the racing competition of Indianapolis race Indy 500. The symbol also represent the people in the city that loves driving fast in order to get some place faster. 3 Pacers word as the Pacers word with Pacers is the nickname of the nickname of the team blue color at the team that come from word right bottom of the pacing describes one of the logo main gaits for harness racing and the word pace cars are used for auto races, such as the Indianapolis 500. This fast driving also hope can be the identity of the team for playing faster in order to moving inside the court while in offense or defense. 4 Blue navy and gold The logo use blue Both of the colors actually color as the main color navy in figure “P” represent the city of the team. of the logo and the wordmark The colors of the logo also also use yellow used as the colors of Indiana gold in the state‟s flag. The colors also streaking ball try to inform how the team loves the city and the states and also how the city loves the Basketball.

90 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The reperesentament that found by the researcher are qualisign and sinsign.

The qualisign in this sign are yellow and blue colors in all of visual and verbal sign.

Sinsign in this sign are figure of „P‟ that states of Pacers.

The object that researcher found are index and symbol. The index found in this sign is verbal text that represent to the city name and the nickname of the team.

The symbol that found in the logo is the streaking ball that symbolizes the Indiana city as the city of auto-racing where the people also love driving fast but the ball also remains that they are basketball team. The interpretation of this logo used the idea of dicisign and argument because the data was found from the article of the team.

The identity of the team represent the identity of team through every sign in that logo. This logo contains the streaking ball inside the figure of „P‟. The streaking ball and the figure of „P‟ represent the identity of the city that is known as the

Indiana Polis with the historical Indiana's rich harness and auto racing history. This city was the city where the legend auto racing (The race Indy 500) is held. This historical identity of the city used by the team as their logo to remain them the how famous the city are back then and also to honor that historical world champions race.

It can conclude that the logo really focus to the identity of their city as the city of auto-racing.

91 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4.1.12 Semiotic Meanings on “San Antonio Spurs” Team logo

Below is the main logo of “San Antonio Spurs”basketball team;

“san antonio” word2 Black and 4 silver colors “spur” word1

The letter “U” 3

Figure 4.12 San Antonio Spurs logo An Analysis of “San Antonio Spurs” Team Logo based on Barthes


In analyzing the data of San Antonio Spurs team logo (figure 4.12), the

researcher used Roland Barthes semiotics theory to find the semiotics meaning in the

logo. The analysis focuses on the denotative and connotative meanings with support

of myth. The data is verbal and visual sign in the logo. The numbers in the figure

4.12 are in line with the numbers in the table 4.12

1. Denotative Meanings

Table 4.23 Denotative meaning of verbal and visual sign in San Antonio Spurs logo

NO Sign Denotative meaning verbal visual 1 The letter “U” part of the word representation of spur 2 San Antonio city of the team 3 Spur Nickname of the team 4 Black and silver colors Main colors of the logo

92 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The researcher found some Denotative meanings in the logo. The main denotative meaning represents in the symbol of Spur as the nickname of the team which also can be seen in the figure of “U” that categorize as visual sign. The name of the city and the nickname of the team clearly can be seen in the logo as the verbal signs. The team used the classic colors which consist of black and silver colors also categorize as the visual signs.

2. Connotative Meanings

1. The letter “U”

The researcher see that there is a figure of spur in the middle of word

“SPURS”. The letter “U” resembling a spur. The stylized spur substituting for the letter “U,” has been a part of the team‟s identity since their move to San Antonio.

2. San Antonio

The team was located in San Antonio city until now. San Antonio, city, seat

(1837) of Bexar county, south-central Texas, U.S. San Antonio‟s character is a colorful blend of Mexican and Texan culture. The Alamo dome (1993) is the site of conventions and concerts and the home of the city‟s professional basketball team, the

Spurs. The San Antonio Spurs are an American professional basketball team based in

San Antonio, Texas. The Spurs compete in the National Basketball Association

(NBA) as a member club of the league‟s Western Conference Southwest Division.

The team plays its home games at the AT&T Center in San Antonio.

3. Spur

The team also used to represent their nickname “SPUR” in the middle of the logo. The team‟s name derived from the spur cowboys made by metal bars and wore on the heels of their boots to help them control a horse. Actually the history of the

93 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA name begin as a group of San Antonio investors purchased the Dallas Chaparrals from the American Basketball Association in 1973 and promptly changed the team name to the San Antonio Gunslingers. Before the Gunslingers played their first game in their new home, the ownership group renamed the team the Spurs. Some accounts indicate that the name was voted upon in a name the team contest. It may have just been a coincidence that one of the team‟s main investors, Red McCombs, was born in Spur, Texas. The name was chosen to represent the identity of the city because

Texas is the city of cowboy. It also represent the player as a cowboy with their horse that not afraid of anything in order to win the duel or the game. An Analysis of “San Antonio Spurs” Team Logo based on Pierce


After analyzing the semiotics meaning in the team logo based on Barthes theory, the researcher then analyse the meaning of the logo based on Pierce theory to identify the identity of the team. The analysis focused on the relationship between representament to the object and the intepretant.

Table 4.24 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “San Antonio Spurs” logo


1 The figure of “U” in Figure of “U” in The symbol of spur that the middle of SPUR the middle usually used by the cowboys that represent the figure “SPUR” word with to control their horse. This of spur that use in silver color figure is important in order to cowboys boots to control the horse moves. This control the horse figure becomes the identity of the team since the beginning.


SIGN OBJECT INTEPRETANT 2 San Antonio word that San Antonio word San Antonio is a city in south- represent the city of the in black color at central Texas states, U.S. the team the top of the logo city become the home of the team since they join the NBA and moved from the ABA in 1973. The team now plays their home match in AT&T center stadium. 3 Spurs word that Spurs word in Spurs word as the nickname represent the nickname black color with a of the team represent the of the team silver “U” as silver identity of a cowboy. The spur of spur in the cowboys made by metal bars middle of the logo and wore on the heels of their boots to help them control a horse. The spur also represents the identity of the Mexico city as the city of cowboys. The courage of the cowboy is something that tells the team was not afraid to do a fair duel. 4 Black, silver and white The logo use black Actually the team uses the colors as the colors of color in the black and silver as the main the logo wordmark, silver color of the logo is to color for the figure represent their old logo. It of spurs, the colors symbolize back to the background of logo basic classic but still look and white line elegant.

The reperesentament that found by the researcher are qualisign and sinsign.

The qualisign in this sign are black and silver color in all of visual and verbal sign.

Sinsign in this sign is the figure of Spur as the identity of cowboys.

The object that researcher found are index and symbol. The index found in this sign is verbal text that represent to the city name and the nickname of the team.

The symbol Spur is the main idea of the logo that symbolizes the identity of the team. The interpretation of this logo used the idea of dicisign and argument because the data was found from the article of the team.

95 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The identity of mexican city and mexican people in USA can be seen as the main identity that used in the logo. The logo of the team contains the identity of the people in that city that usually are Mexicans or also called as Hispanic. The figure of spur represents the identity of a cowboy that needs the spur in order to control their horse. The spur symbol used by the team also represents the identity of the team that emphasizing the aggressive and free spirit. The cowboys can ride the horse and make it run fast by using the spur. It makes Spur is one of important things that must be have by a cowboy as their identity. The team used the symbol of spur from the beginning to honor their identity as the city of cowboys in America.

4.1.13 Semiotic Meanings on “Toronto Raptors” Team Logo

Below is the main logo of “Toronto Raptors” basketball team;

“toronto” word2

Red, black Figure of and silver4 basketball 1 colors

“raptors”3 word

Figure 4.13 Toronto Raptors logo An Analysis of “Toronto Raptors” Team Logo based on Barthes theory

In analyzing the data of Toronto Raptors team logo (figure 4.13), the researcher used Roland Barthes semiotics theory to find the semiotics meaning in the logo. The analysis focuses on the denotative and connotative meanings with support

96 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA of myth. The data is verbal and visual sign in the logo. The numbers in the figure

4.13 are in line with the numbers in the table 4.13

1. Denotative Meanings

Table 4.25 Denotative meaning of verbal and visual sign in “Toronto Raptors” logo

NO Sign Denotative meaning verbal visual 1 Figure of basketball a silver basketball with black line dinosaurs claw 2 Toronto city of the team

3 Raptors nickname of the team 4 Red, black and silver the main colors of the logo colors

The researcher found some denotative meanings in the logo. The logo consists of basketball figure with dinosaur‟s claw that represents the raptors claw as the visual sign. The logo also consists of the nickname of the team and name of the city as the verbal signs. It looks attractive with red, black, and silver colors in that logo that categorize as the visual signs too.

2. Connotative Meanings

1. Figure of basketball

There is a figure of basketball with a strange stratch inside it. The figure of silver basketball featuring black lines that resemble to the dinosaur claw. That‟s long been associated with the team. The claw represents the raptor. They change the figure of red raptor from the logo before into black line that represent the raptor claw. The raptor claw in the basketball represent that they are still The Toronto

Raptor basketball team as the claw like holding the ball.


The team now plays for the Toronto city. Toronto is the capital city of the province of Ontario and the largest city in Canada. The Toronto Raptors are the only

Canadian professional basketball team in the NBA, playing in the Eastern

Conference. The Toronto Raptors entered the National Basketball Association

(NBA) in 1995, and have since earned seven playoff spots and three Atlantic

Division titles in 20 seasons. The Raptors are the only NBA team with their own television channel, NBA TV Canada. They and the Maple Leafs play their home games at the Scotiabank Arena. They originally played their home games at Sky

Dome (later renamed Rogers Centre in 2005), before moving to the Scotiabank

Arena (originally named the Air Canada Centre) in 1999. In 2016, Toronto hosted the 65th NBA All-Star game, the first to be held outside the United States.

3. Raptors

The team use “Raptor” as the nickname of the team. The ownership group of

Toronto‟s prospective expansion team conducted extensive marketing research across Canada in 1994 and held a nationwide vote that helped team officials come up with a list of potential nicknames. The final selection Toronto Raptors was unveiled on Canadian national television on May 15, 1994. Raptors, which Jurassic Park helped popularize the year before, was eventually chosen over runners-up Beavers,

Bobcats, Dragons, Grizzlies, Hogs, Raptors, Scorpions, T-Rex, Tarantulas, and

Terriers. Velociraptor is a genus of dromaeosaur ID tetrapod dinosaur that lived approximately 75 to 71 million years ago during the later part of the Cretaceous

Period. Swift and deadly “raptor” dinosaurs similar to the terrifying velociraptors featured in the movie Jurassic Park was more widespread than previously thought, a

98 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA new fossil find in Argentina has revealed. For the team “Raptor” swift and deadly move are become the identity of the team to play more fast but straight to make a points and win the game. In other reason the team management settled on "Raptors" in part because of the popularity of "Jurassic Park." The idea is supposed that little children would see something they already liked and begin a related fixation with the basketball team.

4. Red, black and silver color

The main colors of the team are rap black, rap red and rap silver. Red is energetic and lively color that can symbolize strength, confidence and power that determine the powerful of the team. Black is represents of the classic and dark, that is matched with the stratch symbol of raptor claw. Silver represent "Naismith silver" in honor of the Canadian inventor of basketball, James Naismith. Silver also represent to emotional balance and patience. An Analysis of “Toronto Raptors” Team Logo based on Pierce Theory

After analyzing the semiotics meaning in the team logo based on Barthes theory, the researcher then analyse the meaning of the logo based on Pierce theory to identify the identity of the team. The analysis focused on the relationship between representament to the object and the intepretant.

99 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Table 4.26 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Toronto Raptors” logo


1 The figure of the silver Figure of The figure of basketball with basketball featuring basketball in the a dinosaur‟s claw was the new black lines that middle of the logo logo since the team not use resemble the dinosaur the figure of a raptor in the claw logo. The team uses the claw to represent the raptor or the velociraptor as the symbol of the dinosaurs. 2 Toronto word as Toronto word in Toronto city is the capital city represent name of the white color at the of the province of Ontario and city of the team top of the logo the largest city in Canada. This city is the only city in Canada that joins the NBA league. The team was joining the NBA in 1995 and now they play at the Air Canada Centre Stadium. 3 Raptors word that Raptors word in Raptor is one kind of represent the nickname white color at the dinosaurs that can move fast of the team below of the logo. and wild. The team uses the name because of the popularity of Jurassic Park movie at that city and the world in 1993. The management hopes that the name of the team can help the team to get fans especially kid‟s fans that love dinosaurs. 4 Red, black and silver The logo contains The colors of the logo are colors as the main black color and red looking cool in how the black colors of the team circle for the in the silver ball can represent background and the raptors claw. The silver the claw with color was used as symbol of silver color for the "Naismith silver" in honor of ball and the the Canadian inventor of wordmark. basketball, James Naismith.

100 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The reperesentament that found by the researcher are qualisign and sinsign.

The qualisign in this sign are black, silver and red colors in visual and verbal sign.

Sinsign in this sign are the figure of dinosaur‟s claw that belongs to the velociraptor.

The object that researcher found are index and symbol. The index found in this sign is verbal text that represent to the city name and the nickname of the team.

The symbol of claw in the basketball figure symbolizes the raptors that hold the basketball to represent the identity of the team. The interpretation of this logo used the idea of dicisign and argument because the data was found from the article of the team.

The identity of the team clearly can be seen in how the phenomena of the

Jurrasic Park movie can be used as the main idea of the logo to make the team more famous in all age. The logo used the symbol of raptors claw in the figure of basketball that represent the identity of the team and the nickname which is choose because of the popularity of the “Jurassic park” movie in that year. The management wants to make the team become famous especially for the kids since they love to see dinosaurs. In other reason the figure of raptor or velociraptor used by the team as the logo because it was one of the fastest predator‟s dinosaurs. The agility and the instinct of the raptors hopefully can determine the identity of the team that play with a good agility and a sharp instinct to win the game and the league.

101 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4.1.14 Semiotic Meanings on “Portland Trail Blazers” Team Logo

Below is the main logo of “Portland Trail Blazers” basketball team.

“portland” 3 word

The pinwheel1

Black, red5 and white 45 degrees line

“trail blazzers” word

Figure 4.14 Portland Trail Blazers logo An Analysis of “Portland Trail Blazers” Team Logo based on Barthes theory In analyzing the data of Portland Trail Blazers team logo (figure 4.14), the researcher used Roland Barthes semiotics theory to find the semiotics meaning in the logo. The analysis focuses on the denotative and connotative meanings with support of myth. The data is verbal and visual sign in the logo. The numbers in the figure 4.14 are in line with the numbers in the table 4.14

1. Denotative Meanings

Table 4.27 Denotative meaning of verbal and visual sign in “Portland Trail Blazers” logo

NO Sign Denotative meaning verbal visual 1 the pinwheel the spiral shape of paper like a children toys 2 45 degrees line the angle of the line 3 Portland city of the team 4 Trail Blazers Nickname of the team 5 Black, red and white Main colors of the logo colors


The researcher found some denotative meanings in the logo. The denotative meanings consist of the figure of pinwheel that looks like children toys and the 45 degrees lines represent the position of the city as the visual signs. The nickname of the city and also the name of the city can be seen in the logo as the verbal signs. The black, red, and white colors are the main colors of the logo also categorize as the visual signs.

2. Connotative Meanings

1. The pinwheel

The researcher found a figure of pinwheel inside the logo. The pinwheel is ordinary known as a child‟s toy consisting of a stick with colored vanes that twirl in the wind. The pinwheel in the logo is consisting of ten lines, 5 red lines and 5 white lines. Each of the lines follow the same trail to the center of the pinwheel and are now connected as an added symbol of teamwork, unity and competition. The updated pinwheel is reminiscent of the team original 70s logo that was constructed with evenly spaced lines and congruent edges. Each of the five lines from one side of the emblem symbolized an offensive player, while the five lines on the other side symbolized defensive players. The curved lines represent the movement and speed of the individuals on the court. So, instead of focusing on the team‟s distinctive features or image (like logos of most athletic clubs), the emblem rather represented the basketball game in general, with its speed and fierce competition.

103 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2. 45 degrees line

The logo lines actually have the different angle with other logo. The angle of the lines is now at exactly 45 degrees representing the 45th Parallel North that leads on a path to the Northwest region, the team community and their hometown.

3. Portland

The team plays for Portland city as their make the name of the city in their logo. Portland, city, seat (1854) of Multnomah county, northwestern Oregon, U.S.

The Portland Trail Blazers, commonly known as the Blazers, are an American professional basketball team based in Portland, Oregon. The Trail Blazers compete in the National Basketball Association (NBA) as a member club of the league‟s

Western Conference Northwest Division. The team played its home games in the

Memorial Coliseum before moving to Moda Center in 1995 (called the Rose Garden until 2013). The franchise entered the league as an expansion team in 1970, and has enjoyed a strong following: from 1977 through 1995, the team sold out 814 consecutive home games, the longest such streak in American major professional sports at the time, and only since surpassed by the Boston Red Sox. The Trail Blazers have been the only NBA team based in the bi-national Pacific Northwest, after the

Vancouver Grizzlies relocated to Memphis and became the Memphis Grizzlies in

2001, and the Seattle Supersonics relocated to Oklahoma City and became the

Oklahoma City Thunder in 2008.

4. Trail blazers

The team used Trail Blazzers as their nickname since it means alot for them.

Trail Blazers (or, more properly trailblazers) is defined by Webster as “One that

104 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA blazes a trail to guide others: A pathfinder: A pioneer.” The actual name came from a practice by explorers making paths through forests and marking the paths by chopping white “blazes” in trees‟ bark so others could follow. The term

“trailblazing” is associated today with those on the cutting edge of discovery in such areas as space exploration, science, medicine and technology. The Trail Blazers also represent the identity of the city as Portland was the end of the Oregon Trail, a trial which brought millions of people into the American west. A Trailblazer was someone who opened up the route for the wagons to travel upon. This name was usually a former fur trapper who knew the area well. The team and the players are needed to become the pioneers who show the way to be the champion for their fans and their city.

5. Black, red and white

Black, red and white are the main color of the logo. Actually red and white colors are the represent of offence team and defense team that is the basketball game in general. Black is the background color of the logo. An Analysis of “Portland Trail Blazers” Team Logo based on Pierce


After analyzing the semiotics meaning in the team logo based on Barthes theory, the researcher then analyse the meaning of the logo based on Pierce theory to identify the identity of the team. The analysis focused on the relationship between representament to the object and the intepretant.

105 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Table 4.28 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Portland Trail Blazers” logo


1 The figure of pinwheel Figure of the The pinwheels that consist of that looks like children pinwheel that 10 lines represent 10 players toys that represent the consists of 5 red that play in a basic basketball symbol of teamwork. lines and 5 white game. The red 5 lines The basic of basketball lines in the middle represent the offense team rules. of the logo. while white lines represent the defense player as basic rules of basketball. The team trying to make a basic idea about basketball game as their identity. The curved lines shape also represent how the movement and speed of the individuals on the court. 2 The logo is surrounded 45 degrees line The 45 degrees line is the by 45 degrees line as with a silver color represent of the position or the symbol that around the logo the path of the city and the represent the path of the community. It represent to the city 45th Parallel North that leads on a path to the Northwest region. 3 Portland word that Portland word in Portland is a city in represent the city name white color at the Multnomah county, of the team top of the logo northwestern Oregon, U.S. The city become home for the Trail Blazers teams since they join the NBA league in 1970. The team plays match at Moda Center Arena. 4 Trail Blazzers word The trail Blazzers The team use the nickname represent the nickname word at the below that represent the identity of of the team of the logo the team and the city as a pathfinder or a pioneer. The Trail Blazers also represent the identity of the city as Portland was the end of the Oregon Trail, a trial which brought millions of people into the American west.

106 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA SIGN OBJECT INTEPRETANT 5 Red, white and black Red and white The white and red colors are represent the color of color at the figure the represent of different team the logo of the pinwheel, that play in a basic basketball the 45 degrees team and also symbol of lines and also the teamwork while there a wordmark and the symbol of offense and defense black color as the players. The black color as the background of the background that makes the logo logo looks cool.

The reperesentament that found by the researcher are qualisign and sinsign.

The qualisign in this sign are red, white and black colors in visual and verbal sign.

Sinsign in this sign is the figure of pinwheel.

The object that researcher found are index and symbol. The index found in this sign is verbal text that represent to the city name and the nickname of the team.

The team uses the Pinwheel as the symbol of teamwork and basic idea of basketball game. The interpretation of this logo used the idea of dicisign and argument because the data was found from the article of the team.

The identity that mention in this logo is the identity of the city and also the basic idea of basketball game. The logo used the unique figure of pinwheel. The pinwheel not represents the identity of the team but actually the basic ideas of basketball game with 5 players for offend and the others 5 players are defend. The motion of the line also represents the movement of every player. The logo trying to inform that the team wants to use the basic idea of basketball as their identity. The identity represents the fair play game and the teamwork that would bring the great game. The other sign also tells about the identity of the city. It also remains that the

107 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA team not just play a great game with a fair play and teamwork concepts but they also

play for their city.

4.1.15 Semiotic Meanings on “Utah Jazz” Team logo

Below is the main logo of “Utah Jazz” basketball team.

“utah”3 word “J-note” 1

Yellow, “jazz” word2 green and 4 purple colors

Figure 4.15 Utah Jazz logo An Analysis of “Utah Jazz” Team Logo based on Barthes theory

In analyzing the data of Utah Jazz team logo (figure 4.15), the researcher

used Roland Barthes semiotics theory to find the semiotics meaning in the logo. The

analysis focuses on the denotative and connotative meanings with support of myth.

The data is verbal and visual sign in the logo. The numbers in the figure 4.15 are in

line with the numbers in the table 4.15

1. Denotative Meanings Table 4.29 Denotative meaning of verbal and visual sign in “Utah Jazz” logo

NO Sign Denotative meaning verbal visual 1 “J-note” kind of note in music notation / a type of music 2 Jazz nickname of the team 3 Utah city of the team 4 Yellow green & purple the main colors of the logo colors

108 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The researcher found some denotative meanings in the logo. The denotative meanings consist of “J” note as the music note symbol that categorize as the visual sign. The name of the city and the nickname of the team also can be found in the logo as the verbal signs. The colors of Mardi Grass consist of yellow, green and purple that used as the main colors of the logo as the visual signs too.

2. Connotation Meaning

1. “J-note”

“J-note” is kind of notation in music. Music notes are the different pitches that named by letters. The musical alphabet is, in ascending order by pitch, A, B, C,

D, E, F and G. After G, the cycle repeats going back to A. Each line and space on the staff represents a different pitch. The lower on the staff then it becomes the lower the pitch of the note. the J-note resembles an eighth note in music notation is a reference to the team's birth in New Orleans and an acknowledgement of the team's heritage.

2. Jazz

The team used the nationally great art “JAZZ” as their nicknam. Jazz is a type of music of black American origin characterized by improvisation, syncopation, and usually a regular or forceful rhythm, emerging at the beginning of 20th century.

Brass and woodwind instruments and piano are particularly associated with jazz, although guitar and occasionally violin are also used, styles include Dixieland, swing, bebop, and free jazz. The jazz name actually represents the city of the team but not represent the Utah city because there is no jazz history in Utah. The jazz represent the old city of the team that is New Orleans. New Orleans is the capital

Jazz city in the world. Jazz had been born in New Orleans. Jazz is one of those things for which New Orleans is nationally famous and locally proud. It is a great art form

109 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA which belongs to New Orleans and its rich history. The Jazz name was also selected because of its definition in the dictionary: "collective improvisation." The name can determine to the players that have a same purpose and improvisation in play the games. Their collective purpose will increase their teamwork to play good and win the game together as a team.

3. Utah

The team was located in Utah. Utah is a state in the western United States. It became the 45th state admitted to the U.S. on January 4, 1896. The Utah Jazz is an

American professional basketball team based in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Jazz compete in the National Basketball Association (NBA) as a member club of the league‟s Western Conference Northwest Division. Since 1991, the team has played its home games at Vivint Smart Home Arena. The franchise began play in 1974 as the New Orleans Jazz, an expansion team based in New Orleans; the Jazz moved to

Salt Lake City in 1979.

4. Yellow, green and purple color

Yellow, green and blue colors are the main colors of the logo. As with the tradition of Mardi grass, the three original team colors were emblematic of the following: purple for justice, green for faith, gold for power. Mardi Gras is French for "Fat Tuesday," also called Shrove Tuesday. It is the day before Ash Wednesday, which marks the start of Christian Lent season leading up to Easter. During Lent, many Christians fast, and the name Fat Tuesday refers to the last day of eating richer foods before the leaner days of Lent begin. This year it is celebrated on Feb. 13. In

America, celebrations for Mardi gras are most famous in New Orleans, where it is the conclusion of weeks of parades that begin in January.

110 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA An Analysis of “Utah Jazz” Team Logo based on Pierce Theory

After analyzing the semiotics meaning in the team logo based on Barthes theory, the researcher then analyse the meaning of the logo based on Pierce theory to identify the identity of the team. The analysis focused on the relationship between representament to the object and the intepretant.

Table 4.30 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Utah Jazz” logo


1 The symbol of “J” note Figure of “J” note The “J” note actually that represent an eighth in purple color and represent the honor of the note in music notation a basketball with team to the New Orleans city gold and green as also known as the city of color music Jazz and it also represent to the team's birth in New Orleans. 2 Jazz word that Jazz word with a The jazz nickname actually represent the nickname symbol of “J” note represents the identity of New of the team with a purple color Orleans city because Jazz and green shadow music was born in that city. It is a great art form which belongs to New Orleans and its rich history. In other terms, jazz as an improvisation music can be the identity of the team in order to play an improvisation and initiative game to win the game with a different styles. 3 Utah word that Utah word in Utah actually is a state in the represent the name of purple color at the western United States. It is the city of the team right top of the 45th state admitted to the U.S. logo The team actually plays for Salt Lake city, Utah. The team play for Utah state since 1979 after they move from New Orleans. The team now plays their home match at Vivint Smart Home Arena.

111 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA SIGN OBJECT INTEPRETANT 4 Gold, green and purple The logo use 3 As with the tradition of Mardi colors are the main colors; purple Gras, the three original team colors of the logo that colors that use in colors were emblematic of the represent the identity of “J” note and the following: purple for justice, the city and Jazz itself wordmark, green green for faith, gold for and gold that use at power. The Mardi Gras also a the symbol of ceremonial that represent the basketball and also city of New Orleans because shadow of the this known as the traditional wordmark ceremonial that held in the city every year. It present the identity of people in New Orleans that honor Cristian tradition

The reperesentament that found by the researcher are qualisign and sinsign.

The qualisign in this sign are gold, green and purple colors in visual and verbal sign.

Sinsign in this sign is the figure of “J” note.

The object that researcher found are index and symbol. The index found in this sign is verbal text that represent to the city name and the nickname of the team.

The symbol of “J” note represents the Jazz that actually born in New Orleans city.

The interpretation of this logo used the idea of dicisign and argument because the data was found from the article of the team.

The identity of the New Orleans city still used as the idea of the the logo even the team have been moved to Utah city. The logo used the symbol of “J” note. This

“J” notes represent the identity of the city before in New Orleans that also called the city where the Jazz music was born. The team keep use the name and the symbol after they moved to Utah even Utah is not the city of Jazz. The Jazz also means the collective Improvisations that use as the identity of the team to represent the collective perception. This identity hopefully brings a great teamwork to make a

112 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA performance in the game such as the collective improvisations of music jazz that produce a good music. The colors also use to represent old tradition that usually held in New Orleans. The logo remains that the team still remember and honor their city

New Orleans before they moved to Utah.

4.1.16 Semiotic Meanings on “Washington Wizards” Team logo

Below is the main logo of “Washington Wizards” basketball team.

3 stars

“washington”3 word

Monument ball Red, white and blue 6 colors Stripes 2

“wizards”4 word

Figure 4.16 Washington Wizards logo An Analysis of “Washington Wizards” Team Logo based on Barthes theory

In analyzing the data of Washington Wizards team logo (figure 4.16), the researcher used Roland Barthes semiotics theory to find the semiotics meaning in the logo. The analysis focuses on the denotative and connotative meanings with support

113 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA of myth. The data is verbal and visual sign in the logo. The numbers in the figure

4.16 are in line with the numbers in the table 4.16

1. Denotative Meanings

Table 4.31 Denotative meaning of verbal and visual sign in “Washington Wizards” logo

NO Sign Denotative meaning verbal visual 1 Monument ball a figure of Washington monument in a ball 2 Stripes a long narrow band or strip red, blue and white 3 Washington city of the team 4 Wizards Nickname of the team 5 3 stars figure of 3 stars 6 Red, white and blue The main colors of the logo colors

The researcher found some denotative meanings in the logo. The denotative meanings consist of the monument ball that represents the Washington famous monument as the identity of the city. The stars represent the states of America. The stripes that usually used in American flag and the uniform of the team. Both three of that are the visual signs. The name of the city and the nickname of the team also can be found in the logo as the verbal signs. The main colors are red, white and blue that look like the color of American flag nation and its also categorize as visual signs.

2. Connotative Meanings

1. Monument ball

The researcher found there a monument with a ball in the logo. The

Washington monument ball is representing to the Washington monument as one of

114 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA the identity of the team. The monument was built to honor George Washington, the

United States' first president military leadership from 1775-1783 during the

American Revolution. The 555-foot marble obelisk towers over Washington, D.C.

The Monument inside the ball remains that this is the logo of basketball team from

Washington D.C city.

2. Stripes

There are three stripes with different colors in the logo. The stripes that colored by blue, red and white are the represent of United States flag and also the uniform of the Wizards‟ team that is consist of stripes.

3. Washington

The team was located in Washington D.C. Washington, D.C., D.C. in full

District of Columbia, city and capital of the United States of America. The

Washington Wizards (National Basketball Association), the Washington Capitals

(National Hockey League), and the Washington Mystics (Women's National

Basketball Association), play at the Capital One Arena in Chinatown. The

Washington Wizards are an American professional basketball team based in

Washington, D.C. The Wizards compete in the National Basketball Association

(NBA), as a member club of the league‟s Eastern Conference Southeast Division.

The team plays its home games at the Verizon Center, in the Chinatown neighborhood of Washington, D.C.

4. Wizards

Actually after a long history the team used to choose Wizards as the nickname of the team. Wizard is a man or a woman who has magical powers, especially in legends and fairy tales. In 1996, team owner Abe Pollin decided to adopt a nickname that portrayed a non-violent image, and selected Wizards. The

115 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA name depicts energy and an omnipresent power, and brings to light what is hoped to be the wise and magical nature of the team.

5. 3 stars

In United States of America flag there are 50 white stars that represent the 50

States of America. In the logo there are 3 stars also that represent 3 States in USA.

Each of the three stars has a geographical symbolism of its own: they represent

Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. An Analysis of “Washington Wizards” Team Logo based on Pierce


After analyzing the semiotics meaning in the team logo based on Barthes theory, the researcher then analyse the meaning of the logo based on Pierce theory to identify the identity of the team. The analysis focused on the relationship between representament to the object and the intepretant.

Table 4.32 Verbal and visual sign analysis of “Washington Wizards” logo


1 The figure of Figure of The figure of the Washington monument ball the Washington monument represents the represent the monument inside identity of the city that has a Washington monument the basketball. The historical monument. The color is white with monument The monument blue and red color was built to honor George of the basketball Washington. It becomes one symbol of that country. It a great honor also to use the figure of the monument in the team‟s logo.

116 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA SIGN OBJECT INTEPRETANT 2 The emblematic of 3 The symbol of 3 The 3 stars represent the stars at the logo that white stars at the geographical position of the represent the middle, left and Washington state which is geographical position of right of the logo located at the middle between 3 states in U.S. Maryland and Virginia States.

3 Washington word that Washington word Washington D.C is the capital represent the city of the in white wordmark of United States of America. team and also the state at the top of the The team plays for the in U.S. logo as the city and Washington city since 1975. also name of state The team now plays their of the team home match at Verizon Centre Arena. 4 Wizards word that Wizards word in Wizards is the nickname of represent the nickname white wordmark at the team since it voted by the of the team the bottom of the fans in 1997. The nickname logo. was made as a represented of a good wizard that portrayed a non-violent image since there are a lot of criminal actions at the city. The name depicts energy and an omnipresent power, and brings to light what is hoped to be the wise and magical nature of the team. The team hopefully can be a magic that make the people of Washington D.C proud of their city as they proud to the team. 5 Red, white and blue Red and blue Red and blue color actually color that is represent colors use at the used also in the uniform of the identity of the city, stripes and also in the team that represent the the country and also use the figure of flag of United States of as the main colors of basketball and America because the city the uniform of the team. white color use for known as the capital of the the stars and the country. The white colors as line at the logo. symbol of states and also symbol of white star in U.S flag too.

117 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The reperesentament that found by the researcher are qualisign and sinsign.

The qualisign in this sign are blue, red and white colors in visual and verbal sign.

Sinsign in this sign is the figure of Washington Monument in the iconic ball.

The object that researcher found are icon, index and symbol. The icon that found is the Washington Monument as the identity of the city. The index found in this sign is verbal text that represent to the city name and the nickname of the team.

The symbol of three stars that represent three states in USA related the geographical position of the city. The interpretation of this logo used the idea of dicisign and argument because the data was found from the article of the team.

The identity of the team that can be seen in the logo is the identity of the city too. The team used the iconic Washington Monument in their logo to represent the identity of their city. The colors use to represent their country and the stars use to represent their cities and states geographical position. In other words, the team uses their logo as the representative of their city. The name actually choose by the official management in order to be the identity of the team as a Wizards that bring light as hoped to be the wise and magical nature of the team. The name looks powerful and energetic that brings something good for the city since it known as the city with the highest criminalization.


The researcher found the aspect of Barthes theory in the semiotics meaning used in each logo of the team. The signs found in the logo depends on the meanings of the sign which can be classified in denotative and connotative meanings with support of Myth. For the denotative meanings, the researcher found the meanings in every visual and verbal signs of team logos. The denotative meaning indicates the real meanings that can be suddenly realize by seeing the sign in the logo. The denotative meanings can be found from the figure or picture in the logo, city name of the team, the nickname of the team, the things, the animals, or the colors and all the elements of sign in the logo that represent the meanings directly at the time we see the sign. The researcher found that 16 NBA logo teams with 75 signs that have been analyzed also used 100% denotative meanings.

The connotative meanings were also found in the logo. The connotative meanings represent the second meaning of the sign. The meanings actually trying to informed by the team and the official to all people that had seen the logo. The connotative meaning can be a symbol, a representation, an icon or an illustration.

The connotative meanings found in this research were strength, integrity, powerful, cities dream, city icon, form of defense, leadership, fair play, teamwork, faith, religion, identities, American , American States, energetic, tribes, determination, intimidate, hope, music, maturity, nature, basketball identity, respect and appreciates.

The researcher found that from 16 NBA teams logo consist 75 signs. The signs contained connotative meanings only 71 (94,6%).

The myth sign was also found in some team‟s logo. The teams used the aspect of myth related to their city or also to another myth from inside and outside of

119 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA the country. The myth meanings supported the connotative meanings based on

Roland Barthes theory. The myth representing in the logo related to Indian myth,

Irish folklore or myth, old England myth, Egyptian myth and also old American beliefs. Myth of that team‟s logo represented the ideology and culture of western beliefs. The researcher found the myth in each logo can represent culture, tradition, historical story and also the myth itself. The culture and the tradition bring the meaning of good luck, victory guaranteed, identity of the city and the people also the aspect of beliefs and religion. The histories bring powerful story behind the nickname of the team. The real myth was found to represent the identity of the people and the colors that used by the team. The researcher found 7 myths from 16 teams and 75 signs or maybe around 9,3%.

Table 4.33 Representative of verbal and visual signs in 16 NBA teams logo based on Barthes‟ theory

No Source of data Data Total (%) Components of Barthes theory 16 NBA teams in Signs NBA playoff 2016- Verbal Visual D C M 2017 1 Atlanta Hawk 2 2 4 5.3% 4 3  2 Boston Celtics 2 3 5 6.6% 5 5  3 Cleveland Cavaliers 2 4 6 8% 6 6  4 Chicago Bulls 2 3 5 6.6% 5 5 5 Golden State Warriors 2 2 4 5.3% 4 4  6 Houston Rockets 2 2 4 5.3% 4 3 7 LA Clippers 2 2 4 5.3% 4 4 8 Memphis Grizzlies 2 2 4 5.3% 4 4  9 Milwaukee Bucks 2 5 7 9,3% 7 7 10 OKC Thunders 2 3 5 6.6% 5 5 11 Indiana Pacers 1 3 4 5.3% 4 4 12 San Antonio Spurs 2 2 4 5.3% 4 3 13 Toronto Raptors 2 2 4 5.3% 4 4 14 Portland Trail Blazzers 2 3 5 6.6% 5 5 15 Utah Jazz 2 2 4 5.3% 4 4  16 Washington Wizards 2 4 6 8% 6 5  Total 31 44 75 100% 75 71

120 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Percentage of Signs in 16 NBA Team Logos 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Figure 4.17 Representative Percentage of signs in 16 NBA team logos.

To answer the second research questions, the researcher found some related meaning by using Pierce theory in order to find other aspect meaning of the sign that cannot be found by using the Barthes theory. Those meaning found by using Barthes theory was completed by the other meanings found by Pierce theory. The Pierce theory used the triadic theory to find the relation between the representament, the object and the intepretant.

The representament founded in this research are qualisign sinsign and legisign. Qualisign can be seen based on the quality of the colors used in the logo.

The researcher found that mostly the logo used brighter colors to represent their identity such as red, yellow, white, green, gold, blue, purple. The colors can be symbolized as a bright future, champion, spirit, purity, faith, confidence and power or strength. Some of the logo also used dark colors such as black and silver represented integrity and old times. Sinsign founded in the basketball team‟s logo is the expression of the animal figure and expression of the icon which are predatory,

121 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA smiling, smoking cigar, fierce, angry, focused, intensity, confident etc. There also figure of iconic things that relates to the identity of the team. Legisign is the law or fact which used by generally such as the application of color and the symbol of basketball that remained these are basketball team logo. The legisign also represent all of the logos because actually every logos become the identity of different teams which already promoted and confirmed. Every logos have different designed and each logo was only represent identity of one team. Each logo was agreed upon the franchise or the official to be promoted as their logo, so that logo cannot use by other teams or official.

The object founded in this research are icon, symbol and index. Icon such as the figure of bay-bridge, American emblem, American flag, Washington Monument, icon of States in USA, and iconic cartoon figure. Second is symbol which founded such as flag, sword, animal figure, rockets, shield, thunder, spurs, clover, bridge, ship, horizon of the sea, claw, pinwheel, music note etc. That symbol represents the identity of the team or the cities and the fans. The index is the written language used to inform the identity of the team such as the nickname of the team and the city name of the team.

The intepretant found in this research are dicisign and argument. The intepreted is the process of thinking supported by the article to described the meaning of the logo. Each article represented how the team and the official represented the identity of the team through how they designed their logo. The logos of every team actually have been changed several times in order to make it more attractive to the fans and also become more meaningful. The teams loved their own cities because they struggle to win every match with the name of their city as their responsibility

122 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA and their honor. The interpretation of each logo in this research used the idea of

dicisign and argument because the data was found from the article of the team. The

team delivered their identity through their logo clearly by using their article or

official website. The researcher found there is no rheme aspect in the logo. This is

answered by the analysis below.

Table 4.34 Representative of verbal and visual signs in 16 NBA teams logo based on Pierce‟s theory

No Source of Data Total Components of pierce theory data 16 NBA Signs teams in Verbal Visual representament object Intepretant NBA playoff Q S L Ic In Sy R D A 2016-2017 1 Atlanta 2 2 4      _ _   Hawk 2 Boston 2 3 5       _   Celtics 3 Cleveland 2 4 6    _   _   Cavaliers 4 Chicago 2 3 5    _   _   Bulls 5 Golden 2 2 4      _ _   State Warriors 6 Houston 2 2 4    _   _   Rockets 7 LA 2 2 4    _   _   Clippers 8 Memphis 2 2 4    _   _   Grizzlies 9 Milwaukee 2 5 7    _   _   Bucks 10 OKC 2 3 5    _   _   Thunders 11 Indiana 1 3 4    _   _   Pacers 12 S A Spurs 2 2 4    _   _  

123 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA No 16 NBA Signs Total Pierce theory teams in NBA Verbal Visual representament object Intepretant playoff 2016-2017 Q S L Ic In Sy Rh Dc Arg 13 Toronto 2 2 4    _   _   Raptors 14 Portland 2 3 5    _   _   Trail Blazzers 15 Utah Jazz 2 2 4    -   -   16 Washington 2 4 6       -   Wizards Total 31 44 75

4.3 Findings

The researcher found verbal and visual signs in NBA basketball teams logo.

The verbal signs are the written text of the logo such as the nickname of the teams

and also name of the city of the teams. The visual signs are the image or the figure

that supported the verbal signs. The teams used some kinds of visual signs such as

figure of animals, icon of the city, figure of war equipment‟s, colors of the logo and

any others in order to make the logo looks powerful, colorful and meaningful for the

teams and the fans. The verbal and visual signs are absolutely refered to the identity

of the team. The data of verbal and visual signs can be seen below:

124 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Table 4.35 Dominantly used of data verbal and visual signs in 16 NBA teams logo

No 16 NBA teams in NBA Signs Total Percentage playoff 2016-2017 (%)

Verbal Visual 1 Milwaukee Bucks 2 5 7 9,3% 2 Cleveland Cavaliers 2 4 6 8% 3 Washington Wizards 2 4 6 8% 4 Chicago Bulls 2 3 5 6.6% 5 Boston Celtics 2 3 5 6.6% 6 OKC Thunders 2 3 5 6.6% 7 Portland Trail Blazzers 2 3 5 6.6% 8 Atlanta Hawk 2 2 4 5.3% 9 Golden State Warriors 2 2 4 5.3% 10 Houston Rockets 2 2 4 5.3% 11 LA Clippers 2 2 4 5.3% 12 Memphis Grizzlies 2 2 4 5.3% 13 San Antonio Spurs 2 2 4 5.3% 14 Toronto Raptors 2 2 4 5.3% 15 Utah Jazz 2 2 4 5.3% 16 Indiana Pacers 1 3 4 5.3% 31 44 75 100%

The researcher draw the table above from the dominantly used of verbal and visual signs in each team‟s logos. The researcher found the visual signs more dominant than verbal signs. The team‟s official or the company (franchise) prefers to used some visual sign that is more attractive to represented the identity of the team than verbal signs. The logo needs to look more colorful, powerful and meaningful in order to expressed the identity of the team to their fans. The signs represented about the identity of the city are the most signs used by the team. The teams practice, struggle and play for their honor to their city and the history of the team. The signs not only represented the newest city of the team but also the latest city before they moved or maybe before they change their nickname. The identities of their city in their logo become the spirit idea for the teams and the players to win the league.

125 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The researcher analyzed the data and found some aspects that can be seen from the table above. The researcher divided the team based on the most sign that use in the logo. There are 4 levels. The first level team is Milwaukee Bucks with 7 signs that found and analyzed in their logo. The team has mentioned a lot of things through 7 different sign in their logo that divided into 2 verbal signs and 5 visual signs. The second level teams are Cleveland Cavaliers and Washington Wizards with 6 signs that have been found and analyzed in their logo that divided into 2 verbal signs and 4 visual signs. The third level teams are Boston Celtics, Chicago

Bulls, OKC Thunder, and Portland Trail Blazzers with 5 signs that have been found and analyzed in their logo that divided into 2 verbal signs and 3 visual signs.

The fourth level teams are the teams that dominantly use only 4 signs in their logo.

The teams are Atlanta Hawk, GSW, Houston Rockets, LA Clippers, Memphis

Grizzlies, Indiana Pacers, San Antonio Spurs, Toronto Raptors, and Utah Jazz.

For the last, the researcher also found that only one team from 16 teams that use one verbal sign while the others use two signs. The team is Indiana Pacers that use only one verbal sign to mention their nickname and they not mention the name of their city in their logo. The table below is the representative of semiotic meaning in every signs that found in the logo and the identity that related to the semiotic meanings of the logo.

126 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Table 4.36 Representation of semiotic meaning and identity of team logos of NBA playoffs 2016-2017

NO 16 NBA teams in NBA Analysis Total playoff 2016-2017 Semiotic Identity D/C/M – meaning R/O/I

D C M R O I 1 Milwaukee Bucks 7 7 - 3 2 2 21 2 Cleveland Cavaliers 6 6  3 2 2 20 3 Washington Wizards 6 5  3 3 2 20 4 Chicago Bulls 5 5 - 3 2 2 17 5 Boston Celtics 5 5  3 3 2 19 6 OKC Thunders 5 5 - 3 2 2 17 7 Portland Trail Blazzers 5 5 - 3 2 2 17 8 Atlanta Hawk 4 3  3 2 2 15 9 Golden State Warriors 4 4  3 2 2 16 10 Houston Rockets 4 3 - 3 2 2 14 11 LA Clippers 4 4 - 3 2 2 15 12 Memphis Grizzlies 4 4  3 2 2 16 13 San Antonio Spurs 4 3 - 3 2 2 14 14 Toronto Raptors 4 4 - 3 2 2 15 15 Utah Jazz 4 4  3 2 2 16 16 Indiana Pacers 4 4 - 3 2 2 15 Total 73 69 7 48 34 32 252



5.1 Conclusion

After analyzing the data, the researcher draws the conclusion as follows:

NBA league is one of major basketball league in the world that held in

United State of America. There are 16 teams that play in the playoff games every year. The playoff game is the second phase after the team plays in the regular season.

The different with the regular season is while in the playoffs games every team will compete with others team 7 times to determine the league champion. The team uses a logo as their identity that represent the history of the team, the history of the city and also spirit and hope of the teams. In understand the semiotic meaning that used by the team, the researcher use the semiotic theory proposed by Roland Barthes and also got help by the triadic theory proposed by Charles Sanders Pierce in order to relates with other meaning and also to find the identity of the teams.

The data of this research are the logos of 16 NBA teams that compete in

Playoffs games 2016-2017. In each logos of the team, the researcher finally found that the visual signs are more dominant use by the teams than verbal signs. The visual sign are used more to make it look nice and attractive because it symbolize the identity of the team and the city. The logos of the team are several time changes to make it look more modern and cool. The fans also sometimes share their idea to the team for redesign their logo and uniform. This relationship also become one best phenomenon as we can see that is built by the team, the official company to the fans or the city.

128 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The denotative meanings that found in the logo represent the real meaning of the sign. For the connotative meaning the researcher found that some signs of the logo are represent about others meaning that made to represent the identity or the spirit of the team. Myth also presented in the logo. The team use the sign that refers to other meaning which is actually support by Myth meaning or cultural concept in order to make their opinion clear and reasonable to use that sign for their logo. The use of myth meaning represent other reason that represent how the team still use some old beliefs for a fortune even basketball is a modern sports.

The researcher used the theory of Pierce to complete the analysis. The theory also focused in analysis every sign which is related to the identity of the team. The theory used the relationship of three important components of sign in order to find how the meaning of the sign can be interpreted as the identity of the teams. The theory refers to the relationship of representament, the object and the intepretant.

Each article represents how the team and the official represent the identity of the team through how they design their logo. The logos of every team actually have been change several times in order to make it more attractive to the fans and also meaningful. The team use to interpret their identity by publish the identity of their city and their team in their logo. The teams are loved their own cities because they struggle to win every match with the name of their city as their responsibility and their honor. The researcher finally can answer the research question in this research.

The identity of the team can be seen by analysing the semiotic meaning of verbal and visual signs that found in the logo. The sign also correlated to the object and the representament in order to identify the identity of the logo. The identity that found in

129 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA the logo mostly related to the identity of their city as the main idea that can be found in their logo.

5.2 Suggestion

From this thesis, the researcher realizes that this research is far from the perfect work because of his limitation in order to conduct the research. The researcher hopes that would be another researcher who interest to analyze the semiotic meaning by using Roland Barthes Theory and Charles Sanders Pierce theory in other terms of human life.

In analyzing the meaning and to relates that meaning to the identity of the logo the researcher suggest to another researcher to use more than one theory because it would help very much in order to find all of the meaning of the signs in that logo. The researcher also suggest for the readers to understand about denotative and connotative meaning that support by myth meanings to find how the meaning used in the logo. The researcher suggest for the reader to find more information about the triadic theory by Charles Sanders Pierce to increase the knowledge about the relationship between the representament, object and intepretant. It would help the reader to find the relations between the sign to the identity of the logo.

Hopefully this research can give a great deal of contributions of semiotics fields to every researcher who interested to conduct a research dealing with

Semiotics theory of Roland Barthes and Charles Sanders Pierce.


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Appendix 1: Basketball Team Logo of Atlanta Hawk

Appendix 2: Basketball Team Logo of Boston Celtics

Appendix 3: Basketball Team Logo of Cleveland Cavaliers

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Appendix 4: Basketball Team Logo of Chicago Bulls

Appendix 5: Basketball Team Logo of Golden State Warriors

Appendix 6: Basketball Team Logo of Houston Rockets

Appendix 7: Basketball Team Logo of Los Angeles Clippers

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Appendix 8: Basketball Team Logo of Memphis Grizzlies

Appendix 9: Basketball Team Logo of Milwaukee Bucks

Appendix 10: Basketball Team Logo of Oklahoma City Thunder

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Appendix 11: Basketball Team Logo of Indiana Pacers

Appendix 12: Basketball Team Logo of San Antonio Spurs

Appendix 13: Basketball Team Logo of Toronto Raptors

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Appendix 14: Basketball Team Logo of Portland Trail Blazzers

Appendix 15: Basketball Team Logo of Utah Jazz

Appendix 16: Basketball Team Logo of Washington Wizards