Extensions of Remarks E 1515 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
July 26, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 1515 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO AFRICAN-AMERICAN guished generation in the history of African- Margaret Bailey, Edna Young Shannon, Dr. WORLD WAR II VETERANS ON American military service.'' As a group, he Olivia Hooker, Dr. Howard Mitchell, SSgt. THE 47TH ANNIVERSARY OF said they were protectors ``of a legacy older Robert Powell, John Silveria, Dr. John Garrett, PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S SIGNING than the Declaration of Independence; one World War II Heritage Commission, Commit- OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 9981 that includes the legendary service of the tee for the Aviation Mural Project Success, Massachusetts 54th in our Civil War, the Buf- and Black Military History Institute of America. falo Soldiers in the West, the 92d Division in HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL Again, on behalf of a grateful nation, I speak OF NEW YORK World War I.'' for the Congressional Black Caucus in ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The President continued, ``For decades, Af- pressing our deep appreciation for the con- Wednesday, July 26, 1995 rican-American veterans were missing in our Nation's memories of World War II. For too tributions, dedication, commitment, and na- Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, July 26, 1995 long, you were soldiers in the shadows, forgot- tional service of the African-American men marks the 47th anniversary of President Harry ten heroes. Today it should be clear to all of and women who served in World War II. Their S. Truman's signing of Executive Order 9981, you, you are forgotten no more.'' job was done well, and will forever be remem- officially desegregating the U.S.
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