This Is a Preliminary, Unedited Transcript. the Statements Within May Be Inaccurate, Incomplete, Or Misattributed to the Speaker
1 This is a preliminary, unedited transcript. The statements within may be inaccurate, incomplete, or misattributed to the speaker. A link to the final, official transcript will be posted on the Committee’s website as soon as it is available. RPTR FORADORI EDTR SECKMAN PERSPECTIVES ON MIXED MARTIAL ARTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2017 House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection, Committee on Energy and Commerce, Washington, D.C. The subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 10:00 a.m., in Room 2123, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Robert Latta, [chairman of the subcommittee] presiding. Present: Representatives Latta, Harper, Burgess, Lance, Guthrie, Bilirakis, Bucshon, Mullin, Walters, Costello, Duncan, Schakowsky, Lujan, Welch, Kennedy, Green, and Pallone (ex officio). Staff Present: Kelly Collins, Staff Assistant; Zachary 2 This is a preliminary, unedited transcript. The statements within may be inaccurate, incomplete, or misattributed to the speaker. A link to the final, official transcript will be posted on the Committee’s website as soon as it is available. Dareshori, Staff Assistant; Melissa Froelich, Chief Counsel, DCCP; Adam Fromm, Director of Outreach and Coalitions; Ali Fulling, Legislative Clerk, O&I, DCCP; Elena Hernandez, Press Secretary; Zach Hunter, Director of Communications; Paul Jackson, Professional Staff, DCCP; Bijan Koohmaraie, Counsel DCCP; Katie McKeogh, Press Assistant; Alex Miller, Video Production Aide and Press Assistant; Madeline Vey, Policy Coordinator, DCCP; Jessica Wilkerson, Professional Staff, O&I; Greg Zerzan, Counsel DCCP; Michelle Ash, Minority Chief Counsel, Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection; Jeff Carroll, Minority Staff Director; Lisa Goldman, Minority Counsel; Caroline Paris-Behr, Minority Policy Analyst; and C.J.
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