American Journal of Ethnomedicine, 2015, Vol. 2, No. 6 ISSN: 2348-9502 Available online at © American Journal of Ethnomedicine

Traditional Medicinal Plants of Lankamalleswara Wildlife Sanctuary, District, ,

S. Rajagopal Reddy1, A. Madhusudhana Reddy*1 and M. V .Suresh Babu2

1Department of Botany, , Kadapa-516003, Andhra Pradesh, India 2Department of Botany, Govt. College for Men (Autonomous), Kadapa-516004, AP, India

*Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]


The present study explores the traditional medicinal plants of Lankamalleswara wildlife sanctuary, , Andhra Pradesh, India. Objective: The prime objective of the study is to document the traditional medicinal plants used by tribal people inhabiting the sanctuary. Methods: The ethnobotanical studies carried out during 2013-15. The information was collected through interviews, discussions and observations. Many tribal pockets were visited to interact local people and gathered information about medicinal plants. Results: The present investigation revealed the medicinal properties of 96 species belonging to 88 genera under 47 families. The most cited family was Apocyanaceae (9) followed by Lamiaceae (6), Fabaceae (6), Malvaceae (5), Capparaceae (4), Rubiaceae (3), Combretaceae (3), Menispermaceae (3), Asteraceae (3), Convolvulaceae (3), Moraceae (3), Verbenaceae (3), (3), Euphorbiaceae (2), Amaranthaceae (2), Liliaceae (2), Caesalpinaceae (2), Cleomaceae (2), Solanaceae (2), Loganiaceae (2) and remaining families contributed one species. Conclusion: The study concludes that there is a urgent need to conserve the plant resources of study area from over exploitation and illegal trade of rare plants like Red sanders.

Keywords- Traditional plants, Lankamalleswara wildlife sanctuary, Phytomedicine, Ailments.

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INTRODUCTION redefining it is modern medicines. Traditional medicine has a long history of Traditional medicine has been serving peoples all over the world. The defined as the sum of the knowledge, skills ethnobotany provides a rich resource for and practices experiences indigenous to natural drug research and development. In culture used in the maintenance of health as recent years, the use of traditional medicine well in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment information on plant research has again of physical and mental health. In developing received considerable interest. The Western countries especially rural areas the people use of such information has also come under depends mainly on traditional medicine for increasing scrutiny and the national and their primary healthcare. The indigenous indigenous rights on these resources have knowledge of medicinal plants has been well 1 become acknowledged by most academic documented in ancient Indian literature . and industrial researchers. According to the Traditional knowledge on medicine since World Health Organization (WHO) 80% of the time of great sage Charaka has led to the World population are relied on traditional discovery of many important drugs of 5 2 medicine for primary healthcare . However, modern age . Charakasamhitha and only 25% of modern medicines are derived Susruthasamhitha written by Charaka and from plant products6.Even in USA, use of Susrutha respectively have information plants and phytomedicines has increased regarding traditional medicinal plants and 3 dramatically in the last two decades. It has their therapeutic values . In the modern days been also reported that more than 50% of all there has been increase in the demands of modern drugs in clinical use are of natural herbal products and plant based drugs across products, many of which have been the world resulting in the over exploitation recognized to have the ability to include of medicinal plants. Habitat degradation, apoptosis in various cancer cells of human unscientific harvesting and over exploitation origin7. to meet the demands of medicinal plants India is rich in biological diversity have led to the extinction of plant species in and nearly 550 tribal communities the world. pertaining to 227 ethnic groups are According to report of all India inhabited. About 26 tribal communities are Ethnobiological survey accomplished by inhabiting in Andhra Pradesh. Different Ministry of Environment and Forests workers have explored and documented the (MoEF), , there are ethnobotanical information from different over 8000 plant species that are being used parts of Andhra Pradesh. For the first time, by the local people. These plants are used Krishnamachari (1900) documented the use Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathy 4 of leaves of Erythroxylum monogynum and Systems of medicine . In other words, there roots of Aloe vera as food during paucity8. are about 300 families of the flowering Hemadri (1976, 1981) reported the plants, at least 250 plants are represented by procurement of raw drug materials and tribal India. Medicinal properties of few such medicine for rheumatism9-10. Hemadri and plants have been reported but a good Rao (1983, 1984) explored the plant species number of plants still used by local people used for leucorrhoea, menorrhagia and are not explored. Ayurveda, Siddha and jaundice11-12. Rao and Sreeramulu (1985) Unani systems of medicine provide good documented 52 ethnomedicinal plants used base for scientific exploration of medicinally by Savaras, Jatapus and Gadabas from important molecules from nature. The District13. Ramarao (1988) rediscovery of Ayurveda is a sense of documented the data on ‘Ethnobotany of

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Eastern Ghats in Andhra Pradesh14. Reddy ethnomedicinal plants as remedy for et al. (1991) collected information on 45 jaundice by the tribals of East Godavari plant taxa in traditional system of medicine District33. Raju at al. (2014) documented 90 used by tribals of Kadapa District15. Rao and medicinal plants from hilly tract areas of Prasad (1995) enlisted the ethnomedicine East Godavari District34. Rao at al. (2014) from Andhra Pradesh16. Reddy et al. (1996) observed usage of crude drugs in treatment documented the tribal medicine from of liver diseases by Chenchu tribes in Rutaceae17. Rajendran et al. (1996, 1997) Nallamalais35. Swapna (2015) has explored provided the information on hepatic 30 ethnobotanical plants used by Yanadis stimulant plants of Andhra Pradesh18. Jeevan from Kavali area of District36. and Raju (2001) described certain potential Mastan et al. (2015) reported 38 liana crude drugs used by tribes of Nallamalai for species from Lankamalleswara wildlife skin diseases19. Reddy and Subbaraju (2005) sanctuary37. Omkar at al. (2015) reported shortlisted the plants used as ethnomedicine 153 medicinal plants from from Maredumilli region of East Godavari Gundlabrahmeswaram wildlife sanctuary, District20. Reddy and Subbaraju (2005) Andhra Pradesh38. But information about studied the ethnomedicine for rheumatic traditional medicinal plants of this study diseases from Eastern Ghats21. Reddy at al. area is not available, therefore the present (2005) reported certain ethnobotanical study was undertaken. orchids of Eastern Ghats22. Reddy at al. (2006a) investigated ethnobotanical uses for STUDY AREA respiratory disorders in Eastern Ghats23. Savithramma et al (2007) reported the The Lankamalleswara wildlife 24 sanctuary is situated between 13º 50´ – 14º ethnobotanical plants used to treat asthma . º º Rao et al. (2007) explored ethnobotanical 20´ N latitude and 77 51´ – 78 50´ E importance of Pteridophytes used by longitude. In this, there are number of hills Chenchus of Nallamalais25. Jeevan et al. possessing diverse plant species. These hills (2007) recorded some rare and little-known are one of the important hill ranges of medicinal plants from Nallamalais of Kadapa District. A large extent of Kadapa Eastern Ghats26 and Reddy et al. reported dry forests include open and scrub forest the traditional knowledge on wild food type (85%), only few undisturbed and plants in the Andhra Pradesh27. Ratnam and protected hill ranges support natural dry Raju (2008a) enumerated the traditional deciduous forests. The vegetation of the medicine used by the adivasis of Eastern study area is varied depending upon the Ghats for bone fractures28. Suneetha and climate, altitude and other factors. Reddi (2011) provided data on the 600 According to Champion and Seth (1968) the ethnomedicinal plants used by tribal people hills include the following forest types. from East Godavari29. Rao et al. (2011) South Indian dry mixed deciduous forest, Red Sanders forest type, Hardvickia forest enumerated the ethnomedicinal properties of 39 62 plant species used by Gadaba tribes of type and Scrub forests . Within sanctuary District30. Rajagopal Reddy many streams and canals pass through these at al. (2011) surveyed and reported 60 forest hills. The forests in the fringe areas ethnomedicinal plants from Seshachala hill which are heavily used by human beings for range of Kadapa District31. Savithramma at pilgrimage, livestock grazing, indiscriminate al. (2012) reported 20 medicinal plants from cutting of trees, annual forest fire, soil Penchalakona forest area of Nellore erosion and illegal export of red sanders District32. Suneetha et al. (2013) reported wood, while the interior forest areas are

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American Journal of Ethnomedicine ______ISSN: 2348-9502 relatively free of human disturbance. The categorized into their respective genera and endemic species Pterocarpus santalinus families to understand the diversity of flora. witnessed rapid decline during last two The data was analyzed for number of decades due to illegal export. The sanctuary species that can be used for the treatment of has relatively high abundance of wild a particular disease and to check the number animals compared to other forest areas of of diseases that can be cured by using a Kadapa District. The vegetation includes single species. The collected specimens number of endemic, rare and threatened were identified with the help of floras44- plants40. The tribal people live in hilly tracts, 47.The voucher specimens were deposited in forest and naturally isolated areas. They are Yogi Vemana University herbarium, generally referred to as Adivasis, Adima Kadapa. The botanical names were updated Jati, Aboriginal, Girijan, Vanya Jati, and according to AGP III classification48. The Vanavasi41. The tribal inhabitants of the plant species are arranged alphabetically study area mainly consist of Yerukalas, with their botanical name, followed by local Sugalis and Yanadis. These tribal people name, family, habit and mode of depend on wild medicinal plants for the administration. (See Table No. 1) treatment of different diseases and ailments. They also collect non-timber forest products RESULTS AND DISCUSSION from the forest and sell them in Girijan co- operative stalls. The forest provides ample The present study documented the scope and socio-cultural activities of the medicinal uses of plants used by local tribal tribes that live in adjacent areas. people in the Lankamalleswara wildlife sanctuary. The results are presented in table METHODOLOGY 1. During the survey it was found that most of the tribal people use medicinal plants for Since the tribal societies are store various therapeutic purposes in their day to houses, accumulated experience and day life for primary healthcare. A large knowledge on indigenous vegetation, the number of informants (62%) were educated present information is an outcome of and remaining (38%) were illiterate and they Ehanobotanical studies carried out during were keen to provide the information and 2013-15. The ethnobotanical information transferring the indigenous knowledge of was collected through interviews, medicinal plants from one generation to discussions and own observations42-43. Many another generation. tribal pockets were visited to interact with The information was collected from local people, local vaidyas and tribal doctors 95 respondents both men and women. It was and gathered information about medicinal observed that traditional knowledge is plants. In this way, a total of 95 persons related to the age and sex of an individual. were contacted for present study. The data Generally old age people have much was collected for the name of plant species information about medicinal plants due to used for treatment, parts used, disease cured, their personal experience and interaction local name, mode of administration, plant with the plants. A survey was conducted in habit etc. The interviews were preferably Tamilnadu which revealed that old age conducted in local language for the people have sound knowledge about convenience of the respondents. Field visits medicinal plants as compared to young were conducted along with the local people people49. This corroborated with our results. to document the medicinal properties of the But in this study area, young people are plant species in that area. Plant species are most sensitive to conserve their knowledge

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American Journal of Ethnomedicine ______ISSN: 2348-9502 and plant resources. The present when taken orally. Tribal people use investigation revealed the medicinal substitute of one medicinal plant in the place properties of 96 species belonging to 88 of other if that particular plant is not genera under 47 families. Among them 30 available. The information on plant species were herbs, 25 shrubs, 26 trees, 6 lianes, 7 includes scientific name, local name, family, climbers and 3 stragglers respectively. The habit and mode of administration of drug most cited family was Apocyanaceae (9) presented in table. Despite their high followed by Lamiaceae (6), Fabaceae (6), medicinal importance, the use of traditional Malvaceae (5), Capparaceae (4), Rubiaceae medicinal plants is declining day by day (3), Combretaceae (3), Menispermaceae (3), which may be because of the availability of Asteraceae (3), Convolvulaceae (3), the fast relieving medicines in the market. Moraceae (3), Verbenaceae (3), (3), There are many plant species which were Euphorbiaceae (2), Amaranthaceae (2), used by the natives in earlier times but are Liliaceae (2), Caesalpinaceae (2), not in use today. This may be due to lack of Cleomaceae (2), Solanaceae (2), knowledge of their utility as traditional Loganiaceae (2) and remaining families medicinal plants. contributed one species. The uses of aboveground plant parts CONCLUSION for medicinal purposes were found to be higher (84%) than the underground (16%) In ancient times, human beings lived plant parts. Leaf was the most widely used in the nature and attributed divine qualities plant part accounting for 36 plant species in to it. It is fact that natural forests are total of 97 reported plants, followed by root progressively shrinking due to ( 11), stem bark (8), fruit (6), seed (6), overexploitation, it obligatory to investigate tubers (4 ), stem (3), root bark (3 ), flower (3 scientifically and document our floristic ), aerial parts (3), gum (2), wood (2), latex wealth in order to use the same. (2) and rhizome from one species. The Ethnobotanical research can provide a whole plant parts of Andrographis wealth of information regarding both past paniculata, Bacopa monnieri, Borreria and present relationships between plants and hispida, Evolvulus alsinoides, Hybanthus the traditional societies. Indigenous herbal enneaspermus, Mimoisa pudica, Sida acuta treatment is a part of the culture and were found to have a medicinal value. The dominant mode of therapy in most of the remedies are prepared in the form of paste, developing countries. Many medicinal extract, decoction, powder, infusion etc. plants occurring have yet to be subjected to Most of the herbal remedies were taken in rigorous chemical screening and the form of paste. pharmacological investigation. The plant parts were crushed and made into paste for drug administration. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Majority of remedies were taken orally We would like to thank all the followed by external application. In external informants for their co-operation in application the drug applied over the area of documentation of medicinal properties of diseases. In some cases the remedies were the plant species. To the forest official of taken along with other combinations like Andhra Pradesh for giving the permission to milk, honey, pepper, salt, lemon etc. This field visits and especially Sri Nagaraju, addition of other substances to drugs DFO, Red Sanders Flying Squad, Kadapa. enhances the efficacy of herbal remedies or to make the remedy as undesirable taste

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aspera Linn. Among the Folk People of 108-111. Tamilnadu, South India. J of Phytology 1(2):

Table 1. List of medicinal plants reported from Lankamalleswara wildlife sanctuary

S. No Botanical Name Local Name Family Habit Mode of administration Abutilon indicum Leaf paste applied for 1 Adavibenda Malvaceae Shrub (Linn.) Sweet toothache Acalypha indica Klein Kuppi Leaf juice used as a lotion for 2 Euphorbiaceae Herb ex Willd. skin eruptions Leaf paste with honey used as Achyranthes aspera 3 Uthareni Amaranthaceae Herb an external application for Linn. deep cuts by iron tools Rhizome paste used as a 4 Acorus calamus Linn. Vasakomma Araceae Herb peppermint for free from cough Aganosma cymosa Root paste applied externally 5 Paramalle Apocyanaceae Shrub (Roxb.) G.Don for snake bite Root bark soaked in a glass of Alangium salvifolium water and taken orally for 6 Oodaga Alangiaceae Tree (L.f.) Wang next day morning for stomach disorders Aloe vera (Linn.) Xanthorrhoeacea Tender leaf pulp used as a 7 Kalabanda Shrub Burm.f. e lotion for foot cracks Alternanthera sessilis Tender twigs used as a 8 Ponnagantiaku Amaranthaceae Herb (Linn.) R.Br. for eye diseases The whole plant ground with Andrographis seeds of Strychnos, the extract 9 paniculata (Burm.f.) Nelavemu Acanthaceae Herb heated and administered for Wall. chest pain Stem ground with black Anisomeles indica pepper and the extract 10 Addabeera Lamiaceae Herb (Linn.)Kuntz. administered for malarial fever Dried leaves are burnt and Anisomeles 11 Magabeera Lamiaceae Herb fumes spread out in home for malabarica (Linn.) R.Br evil spirit and cold Leaf paste applied over the Annona squamosa head before going to bath 12 Sithapalam Annonaceae Shrub Linn. twice a week for fortnight for free from lice Aristolochia indica Leaf decoction used for 13 Nalla eswari Aristolochiaceae Herb Linn. indigestion Asparagus racemosus Fresh peeled tubers 14 Pilliteegalu Liliaceae Shrub Willd. consumed daily once for one

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month for female potency Bacopa monnieri Whole plant used for venereal 15 Brahmi Scrophulariaceae Herb (Linn.) Wettst. diseases and scabies Root bark extract mixed with Bauhinia vahli Wt. & 16 Addaku Caesalpinaceae Liane goat milk and used as Arn. aphrodisiac Whole plant powder Borreria hispida (Linn.) administered daily twice for a 17 Madanakattu Rubiaceae Herb K.Schum week for minimizes excess of heat Tender leaves ground with Boswellia serrata 18 Guggilam Burseraceae Tree turmeric and paste applied for Roxb.ex Colebr skin diseases Butea monosperma Root extract administered 19 Moduga Fabaceae Tree (Lam.) Taub. orally for gastric troubles Root bark extract mixed with 20 Cadaba fruticosa Linn. Uttarasi chettu Capparaceae Shrub sesamum oil and administered for antifertility Seed paste used as an Calophyllum 21 Ponna chettu Clusiaceae Tree external application for body inophyllum Linn. swellings Calycopteris floribunda Dry leaf powder mixed with 22 Adavi jama Combretaceae Liane Lam. milk used for diabetes Canavalia gladiata Flower juice given orally to kill 23 Adavithamba Fabaceae Shrub (Jacq.) DC. intestinal worms Stem bark crushed with onion 24 Cansjera rheedii Gmel. Adavi karedu Opiliaceae Straggler and extract administered for epilepsy and leucorrhoea Stem extract administered 25 Capparis sepiaria Linn. Nalla uppi Capparaceae Straggler orally for rib muscle pain Leaf crushed with pepper and 26 C.zeylanica Linn. Pedda uppili Capparaceae Shrub extract used for mouth ulcers Cardiospermum Leaves ground with jiggery 27 Budda kakara Sapindaceae Herb haalicacabum Linn. and eaten as an appetizer Gum dissolved in water and 28 Carissa spinarum Linn. Chinna kalivi Apocyanaceae Shrub taken orally for urinary disorders Leaf and powder paste used 29 Cassia fistula Linn Rela Caesalpinaceae Tree an external application for skin eruptions Leaf juice mixed with lemon 30 Cassia tora Linn. Pedda kasintha Caesalpinaceae Herb juice taken orally for stomachache Stem bark paste made into Chloroxylon swietenia 31 Billudu Flindersiaceae Tree bolls and used as mosquito DC. repellent Leaf juice used as a lotion for 32 Cleome gynandra Linn. Vaminta Cleomaceae Herb wounds

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Leaf aroma inhale daily for 33 Cleome viscosa Linn. Kukkavaminta Cleomaceae Herb three days for free from fever Leaf paste contains cloth kept Cocculus hirsutus 34 Dusarateega Menispermaceae Climber over the eyes for free from (Linn.) Diels reddening eyes Stem bark paste heated mildly Combretum albidum 35 Yadara teega Combretaceae Liane and applied over ulcers and G.Don. wounds Corollocarpus Tuber paste administered for 36 Nagadonda Cucurbitaceae Climber epigaeus Hook.F poisonous bites Tuber paste mixed with milk Costus speciosus 37 Bomma kachika Costaceae Herb and used orally for arthritis (Koen.) Smith. pains Leaf juice used as eye drops 38 Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. Jittegi Fabaceae Tree for eye irritation Fruits crushed with pepper Decalepis hamiltonii Maredu Apocyanaceae 39 Liane and extract administered for Wt. & Arn. kommulu paralysis Desmodium Seed paste applied for snake 40 pulchellum Deyyapaku Fabaceae Shrub bite (Linn.)Benth Diospyros melanoxylon Flower paste mixed with milk 41 Tuniki Ebenaceae Tree Roxb. and used for urinary disorders Tender tips decoction Emilia sonchifolia Kundeti chevi 42 Asteraceae Herb administered daily once for (Linn.) DC aku eye diseases Whole plant powder with Evolvulus alsinoides 43 Vishnukantha Convolvulaceae Herb water taken for mental Linn. disorders Ficus benghalensis Latex used as a lotion for foot 44 Marri chettu Moraceae Tree Linn. cracks Fresh fruits consumed daily 45 F. racemosa Linn. Medi chettu Moraceae Tree for gynecological disorders Fresh tender leaves with 46 F. religiosa Linn. Ravi chettu Moraceae Tree honey consumed daily for easy fertilization in women Fresh fruit paste applied on 47 Gmelina asiatica Linn. Chundrukaya Verbenaceae Shrub head for reduce hair falling Dried leaf power mixed with Gymnema sylvestre Apocyanaceae 48 Podapatri Climber water or milk administered (Retz.) R.Br orally for diabetes 49 Helictres isora Linn. Gubatada Sterculiaceae Shrub Fruit powder applied for sores Heliotropium indicum Telukondi Leaf paste smeared over the 50 Boraginaceae Herb Linn. chettu sting area for scorpion bite Root decoction administered Hemidesmus indicus 51 Sugandhi pala Periplocaceae Herb for cardiac troubles and (Linn.) R.Br var. indicus jaundice 52 Hibiscus platanifolius Konda pathi Malvaceae Tree Leaf past mixed with heat

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(Willd.) Sweet. water and bath for free from rheumatic pains Root bark made into bolls and 53 Hugonia mystax Linn. Kakibeera Linaceae Shrub used as anthelmintic Hybanthus Whole plant paste applied for 54 enneaspermus (Linn.) Ratnapurusha Violaceae Herb leucoderma Muell. Aerial parts are burnt and Hyptis suaveolens 55 Seema tulasi Lamiaceae Herb fumes inhaled for cold and (Linn.) Poit. cough Ichnocarpus frutescens 56 Nalla teega Apocyanaceae Shrub Seed oil used for hair growth (L.)R.Br Slightly warmed leaf paste Ipomoea hederifolia 57 Kasiratnalu Convolvulaceae Herb used as an external Linn. application for body pains Leaf decoction administered 58 Ixora pavetta Andr. Korivi chettu Rubiaceae Tree orally daily twice for constipation Leucas aspera (Willd.) Leaf aroma inhale for 59 Tummi Lamiaceae Herb Link headache and cold Maerua oblongifolia Gum paste applied for dog 60 Meruputeega Capparaceae Straggler (Forsk.) A.Rich bite Manihot esculenta Burnt tubers are consumed 61 Karrapendalam Euphorbiaceae Shrub Crantz. for general debility Whole plant burnt and fumes 62 Mimoisa pudica Linn Attipatti Mimosaceae Shrub inhale for bronchitis Morinda pubescens Leaf decoction given orally for 63 Togaru Rubiaceae Tree J.E.Smith loose motions Leaf juice administered orally 64 Ocimum canum Linn Kukka tulasi Lamiaceae Herb with honey for fever Fresh leaf juice administered 65 O.tenuiiflorum Linn Tulasi Lamiaceae Herb with 2-4 drops of honey for winter allergy Flower paste with turmeric Opuntia dellenii (Ker 66 Nagajamudu Cactaceae Shrub and salt used as a lotion for Gawl.) Haw. ulcers Pachygone ovata Unripe fruit paste plastered 67 Peddadusara Menispermaceae Liane Miers. over for bone fractures Passiiflora foetida Leaf paste used as external 68 Jumiki Passifloraceae Climber Linn. application for skin eruptions Stem bark paste made into Pavonia zeylanica 69 Karubenda Malvaceae Shrub pills and orally administered (Linn.) Cav to women for conception Pergularia daemia Slightly warmed leaf paste 70 Juttapaku Apocyanaceae Climber (Forsk.)Chiov. applied over the swellings Fruits are consumed to 71 Physalis angulata Linn. Budda busara Solanaceae Herb dissolve stones in kidney 72 Plumeria alba Linn. Devaganneru Apocyanaceae Tree Latex used as a lotion for

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sprains Pongamia pinnata Root bark juice used for insect 73 Kanuga Fabaceae Tree (Linn.)Pierre bite Portulaca oleracea Leaves used as a curry for 74 Payalaku Portulacaceae Herb Linn. general debility Dry leaf powder with coconut 75 Premna latifolia Roxb. Konda manga Verbenaceae Tree oil applied for dandruff Wood extract administered Pterocarpus 76 Yegisa Fabaceae Tree daily twice for minimizing marsupium Roxb. diabetes Root paste used for Rauvolfia serpentina hypertension and decoction 77 Sarpagandhi Apocyanaceae Shrub (Linn.) Benth. administered orally for intestinal disorders Rivea 78 hypocrateriformis Boddi teega Convolvulaceae Shrub Root decoction used for fever (Desr.) Choisy. Wood paste applied for 79 Santalum album Linn. Sri Gandham Santalaceae Tree herpes and skin eruptions Whole plant paste is applied 80 Sida acuta Burm.f. Parasika Malvaceae Shrub externally for wounds Root paste used as an Climber 81 Smilax zeylanica Linn. Pirangi chekka Smilacaceae external application for body

swellings Solanum surattense Seeds burnt fumes are pulling 82 Nelavakudu Solanaceae Shrub Burm. for free from rotting of teeth Strychnos nux-vomica Seed paste administered 83 Musti Loganiaceae Tree Linn. orally for dyspepsia Strychnos potatorum Stem bark paste with milk 84 Chillangi Loganiaceae Tree L.f used to cure asthma Syzygium cumini (Wt.) Root paste applied for 85 Neredu Myrtaceae Tree Walp. rheumatic pains Terminalia chebula Stem bark paste applied for 86 Nalla karaka Combretaceae Tree Retz. bone fractures Root bark powder mixed with Thespesia populnea 87 Gangaravi Malvaceae Tree milk and administered orally (Linn.) Sol.ex Corr. for piles Tinospora cordifolia Leaf paste made into bolls and 88 Tippateega Menispermaceae Climber (Willd.) Miers. used as Mosquito repellent Tridox procumbens Leaf decoction used for 89 Bellapaku Asteraceae Herb Linn. menstrual disorders Triumfetta Leaf paste administered for 90 Kustumokka Tiliaceae Shrub rhomboidea Jacq. cooling effect Stem crushed with pepper Tylophora indica 91 Kukkapala Apocyanaceae Climber and made into bolls applied (Burm.f.) Merr. for leprosy Ventilago Seed powder administered 92 Yerra surugudu Rhamnaceae Liane maderaspatana orally for jaundice

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Gaertn. Leaf paste applied externally 93 Vitex negundo Linn. Tellavavili Verbenaceae Shrub for headache Wattakaka volubilis Bark powder with milk 94 Kalisaku Apocyanaceae Shrub (L.f) Stap. administered for purgative Wrightia tinctoria 95 Palavareni Apocyanaceae Tree Bark powder used for blisters R.Br. Leaf paste with water Xanthium strumarium 96 Marulamatangi Asteraceae Herb administered orally for Linn. dysentery

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