DATABASE FOR SPECIAL NEEDS RESOURCES A resource list for parents, caregivers and teachers Fall 2009 Compiled by Wendy Singer Updated December 2013 This database is strictly a research guide. The English Montreal School Board highly recommends that you research these resources to determine if they are appropriate for the care of your child. If you would like to recommend a resource for this list, please contact
[email protected] Table of Contents Sections Resource: Page 1. Special Needs Education 1 2. Specifically Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), 5 Asperger’s Syndrome, Pervasive Development Disorders (PDD) Includes resources that only accommodate the above special needs. See other sections including Therapy/Support Services for resources that include ASD, Asperger’s Syndrome and PDD in their services. 3. Therapy / Support Services 12 Servicing all types of special needs including ASD, Asperger’s Syndrome, PDD. 3.1 Counselling / Evaluation / Therapy 13 3.1.1 Support Groups 22 3.2 Occupational Therapy / Physiotherapy 22 3.3 Osteopathy 24 3.4 Psychological Services 24 3.5 Sexual Education 26 3.6 Speech Therapy / Audiology 26 3.7 Medical testing at home 28 4. Recreational Activities and Therapies 29 4.1 Art / Drama Therapy 30 4.2 Music Therapy 32 4.3 Cheerleading 32 4.4 Gym and Swim 33 4.5 Horseback Riding 34 4.6 Sailing 34 4.7 Skating 35 4.8 Soccer 35 4.9 Skiing 35 4.10 Yoga 36 4.11 Dance 36 4.12 Zootherapy 36 4.13 Other Recreational Therapies and Activities 37 5. Tutoring Services 40 6. Vocational Services 42 7.