Of Crime Novels Seen by Booksellers 2019-2020, a Year of Articles, So Many Leads, Tools, a Panorama to Compile, Complete, Comment
ONE YEAR OF CRIME JOURNÉE ENSSIB 2020 § NOVELS FESTIVAL QUAIS DU POLAR SEEN BY FRENCH BOOKSELLERS POLAR CONNECTION 2020 PROPOS TRADUITS EN ANGLAIS PAR CASSANDRE CUMAN DEAR PROFESSIONALS — or many years now, on the occasion of the Quais du Polar festival, with which we are proud to be partners, Page book- F sellers host encounters, draw panoramas, offer to share their passion and their experience, as well as their favourites. Major trends, established authors or new voices, titles they recommend and titles they sell. All year long, they read printed proofs, give opi- nions on novelties, write articles and conduct interviews. Page is this community of booksellers; it is a periodical, their own periodi- cal made for their peers, for all readers. It is their touch, their pen, their choices so that each one can make his own; it is their enthu- siasm and commitment, to defend books and reading. Once again this year, with the Quais du Polar and the Institut français teams, we have decided to give voice to booksellers. Therefore, even if this precious word cannot resonate in Lyon, our pages, more than ever, will be echoing their speech. Here is A year of crime novels seen by booksellers 2019-2020, a year of articles, so many leads, tools, a panorama to compile, complete, comment. Because we have at heart to carry these voices beyond all frontiers, to all those involved in the book trade abroad on the richness of French literature, as well as to audiovisual professionals for whom current literary news can be a source of choice in the field of adap- tations.
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