The global conference on Aging and citizenship in

The Madrid Plan of Action adopted within the Second UN Assembly on aging in 2002 called on member States to consider the social and economic challenges of the global population aging. In its statements and resolutions the UN emphasized the importance of senior citizens’ participation to decision-making within the public and the private spheres.

In September 2007 within the University Descartes/ La Sorbonne (France) 75 contributors from eight different French-speaking countries representing 37 universities and research centers convened to analyze macro-social perspectives on this issue and to share experiences on national policies in this field. To foster an international debate on this topic, and link the French speaking research community with other key persons on this issue a second conference will take place on the 8th and 9th of October 2008 in , France, . This scientific meeting on age and citizenship will take place France under the auspice of the famous Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique (IDEES/CIRTAI), and the International Network on Age and Citizenship (REACTIS) previously involved in the La Sorbonne meeting. This international network is supported by the UN for a research on senior citizenship and the integration of older people in decision making.

The international conference in Normandy will be open to written contributions of researchers in the field of citizenship, social movements, urban planning, and citizens’ participation to public and private decisions. The focus of the symposium will be centered on the integration of the elderly into the public policy sphere at the local level. The micro-level of decision-making will also be at stake, and participants to the symposium are welcome to propose contributions on empowerment and power relations between older persons and individuals interacting directly with them (social workers, caregivers, volunteers, family members).

Written contributions : A summary of the written contribution proposed for the symposium with maximum 4500 words and a short presentation of the author is required by May 15 2008. For a written contribution to the conferences a Master’s degree in social science or human science is recommended.

Posters : Poster session will be organised to present research but also pilot projects and experiences on senior citizens empowerment. Therefore poster session are opened to any contributors with or without a Master’s degree.

Scientific Committee: Marc Bernardo (F), Jean-François Bickel (CH), Michel Bussi (F), Vincent Caradec (F), Danièle Carricaburu (F), Michèle Charpentier (CA), Anne-Marie Guillemard (F), Hae Ran Kim-Lescarret (Corea), Cornelia Hummel (CH), Rosita Kornfeld (Chile), Monique Legrand (F), Isabelle Mallon (F), Simone Pennec (F), Mercè Pérez Salanova (SP), Christian Pihet (F), Daniel Réguer (F), Carla Risseeuw (NL), Benjamin Steck (F), Daniel Thomas (CA), Philippe Vidal (F), Jean-Philippe Viriot-Durandal (F), Didier Vranken (B).

For further information please contact: Melissa Petit : [email protected]