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Hormones and Behavior 44 (2003) 233Ð241 www.elsevier.com/locate/yhbeh

Interaction of nitric oxide and in aggressive behavior

Silvana Chiavegattoa and Randy J. Nelsonb,*

a Department and Institute of Psychiatry and Laboratory of Genetics and Molecular Cardiology, Heart Institute (InCor), University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Sao Paulo, Brazil b Departments of Psychology and Neuroscience, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA Received 30 July 2002; accepted 19 February 2003

Abstract Nitric oxide (NO) modulates many behavioral and neuroendocrine responses. Genetic or pharmacological inhibition of the synthetic enzyme that produces NO in neurons evokes elevated and sustained aggression in male mice. Recently, the excessive aggressive and impulsive traits of neuronal NO synthase knockout (nNOSϪ/Ϫ) mice were shown to be caused by reductions in serotonin (5-HT) turnover and deficient 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptor function in brain regions regulating emotion. The consistently high levels of aggression observed Ϫ/Ϫ in nNOS mice could be reversed by 5-HT precursors and by treatment with specific 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptor . The expression of the aggressive phenotype of nNOSϪ/Ϫ knockout mice requires isolated housing prior to testing. The effects of social factors such as housing condition and maternal care can affect 5-HT and aggression, but the interaction among extrinsic factors, 5-HT, NO, and aggression remains unspecified. Taken together, NO appears to play an important role in normal brain 5-HT function and may have significant implications for the treatment of psychiatric disorders characterized by aggressive and impulsive behaviors. © 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Aggression; Violence; Gene knockout; Mouse; Animal model; Isolation; Environmental factors

Introduction pectoralis was discovered in the 19th century (reviewed in Parker, 1996), although the mechanisms by which nitrates Nitric oxide (NO), first identified as an endogenous reg- worked were not discovered until 1980 (Furchgott and ulator of blood vessel tone, also serves as a neurotransmitter Zawadzki, 1980). Relaxation of blood vessels in response to in both the central and the peripheral nervous systems acetylcholine requires that the endothelium secretes a sub- (Baranano et al., 2001; Baranano and Snyder, 2001). NO is stance initially termed endothelial-derived relaxing factor an endogenous gas that has several biochemical properties (Furchgott and Zawadzki, 1980), which was ultimately dis- of a free radical at body temperature. NO is very labile, with covered to be NO (Baranano and Snyder, 2001). NO is also a half-life of Ͻ5 s; consequently, many studies have ma- the active metabolite of nitroglycerin, as well as other ni- nipulated NO indirectly by affecting its synthetic enzyme, trates, and stimulates blood vessel dilation by activating nitric oxide synthase (NOS), that transforms arginine into guanylyl cyclase which induces cGMP formation (Toda, NO and citrulline. Studies that have used this approach have 1995). Thus, NO is an important endogenous mediator of determined that NO mediates many critical physiological blood vessel tone. and behavioral functions (reviewed by Nelson et al., 1997). A second biological function of NO emerged in the late As noted, the first biological function of NO was discov- 1970s from an independent line of research documenting ered in the circulatory system. The ability of nitroglycerin the carcinogenic risk of dietary nitrosamines. The discovery and other organic nitrates to alleviate the pain of angina that both humans and non-human animals produce urinary nitrates in greater amounts than consumed and that this

* Corresponding author. Fax: ϩ1-614-451-3116. production increases during bacterial infections led to the E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Chiavegatto), [email protected] realization that an endogenous source of nitrates existed (R.J. Nelson). (Green et al., 1981). Macrophages convert L-arginine to

0018-506X/$ Ð see front matter © 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2003.02.002 234 S. Chiavegatto, R.J. Nelson / Hormones and Behavior 44 (2003) 233–241

L-citrulline and a reactive species that kills tumor cells in ing throughout development when critical ontogenetic pro- vitro, namely NO (Hibbs et al., 1987). Thus, NO plays an cesses, including activation of compensatory mechanisms, important role in immune function. may be affected (Nelson, 1997). Furthermore, differences in It was soon discovered that NO was also released when genetic background might also contribute to the observed cerebellar cultures were stimulated with glutamate (Garth- changes in behavior of knockout mice (Wolfer et al., 2002). waite et al., 1988). Pharmacological inhibition of the syn- To address these criticisms, mice were treated with 7-nitroi- thetic enzyme NOS blocked the elevation of cGMP levels in ndazole (7-NI) (50 mg/kg ip), which specifically inhibits brain slices coincident with activation of the N-methyl-D- nNOS formation in vivo (Demas et al., 1997). Isolated mice aspartate subtype of glutamate receptor (Bredt and Snyder, treated with 7-NI displayed substantially increased aggres- 1989; Garthwaite et al., 1989). Since then, many studies of sion in two different tests of aggression compared to control NO affecting neural function have been reported (reviewed animals (Demas et al., 1997). treatment did not affect in Baranano and Snyder, 2001; Wiesinger, 2001). By acting nonspecific locomotor activities. NOS activity in brain ho- on the neurons and endothelial cells in the circulatory sys- mogenates was reduced Ͼ90% and immunocytochemical tem, NO exerts profound effects on neuroendocrine func- staining for citrulline, an indirect marker for the NO syn- tion and behavior. In this review, we focus on the role of thesis, revealed a dramatic reduction in 7-NI-treated animals NO on aggression. (Demas et al., 1997). These pharmacological results confirm Consistent with its three main functions, three distinct and extend the behavioral results obtained in nNOSϪ/Ϫ isoforms of NOS have been discovered: (a) in neural tissue mice. Importantly, a combination of the traditional pharma- (nNOS; NOS-1), (b) an inducible form found in macro- cological approach and a targeted gene disruption approach phages (iNOS; NOS-2), and (c) in the endothelial tissue of to the study of aggression enhances the strengths and min- blood vessels (eNOS; NOS-3) (Baranano and Snyder, imizes the weaknesses of each single approach. 2001). Suppression of NO formation by either elimination Plasma androgen concentrations influence aggression. Ϫ/Ϫ of arginine or use of N-methyl-L-arginine, a potent NOS nNOS and WT mice do not differ in blood testosterone inhibitor, affects all three isoforms of NOS. concentrations either before or after agonistic encounters (Nelson et al., 1995). However, data on castrated nNOSϪ/Ϫ males suggest that testosterone is necessary, if not suffi- Behavioral studies of nNOS cient, to promote increased aggression in these mutants (Kriegsfeld et al., 1997). Castrated nNOSϪ/Ϫ mice dis- nNOS is localized in high densities within emotion- played low levels of aggression equivalent to the reduced regulating brain regions (Nelson et al., 1997). The specific aggression observed among castrated WT males. Androgen- behavioral role of neuronal NO was examined in nNOS replacement therapy restored the elevated levels of aggres- gene knockout (nNOSϪ/Ϫ) mice created by homologous sion in nNOSϪ/Ϫ mice. recombination (Huang et al., 1993). Informal observation of A complete battery of sensorimotor tests was conducted the newly arrived nNOSϪ/Ϫ mice in our laboratory revealed to make certain that the mutant mice did not suffer from high levels of aggression among male cage-mates. We now impairments (e.g., blindness, muscular weaknesses) that know that the combination of the missing nNOS gene and may have indirectly facilitated aggression (Nelson, 1997). the isolated housing conditions within the shipping contain- Although there were no obvious motor impairments in ers facilitated the extreme aggressiveness when the animals nNOSϪ/Ϫ mice when tested during the light portion of the were subsequently housed in groups of five. Behavior, as day, testing during the animals’ nocturnal activity period any phenotype, is the result of genotypeÐenvironment in- was critical to reveal motor deficits. Because the cerebellum teractions. Often, the environmental influences are subtle, has the highest numbers of nNOS neurons in the brain, it and careful behavioral analyses are necessary to untangle was surprising that presumed cerebellar functions such as lawful relationships regarding the contribution of environ- balance and coordination were grossly normal in nNOSϪ/Ϫ ment and genotype to the behavioral phenotype (Pfaff, mice. When tested during the night (active phase of the 2001). Male nNOSϪ/Ϫ residents engaged in three to four rodents), a striking impairment in balance and motor coor- times more aggressive encounters than wild-type (WT) dination performance was discovered in the nNOSϪ/Ϫ mu- mice when tested in the intruderÐresident model of offen- tants, but not observed in the WT mice (Kriegsfeld et al., sive aggression (Nelson et al., 1995). Nearly 90% of the 1999). The temporal interaction between nNOS activity and aggressive encounters were initiated by the nNOSϪ/Ϫ ani- the serotonin system has not been described. mals. Similar results were obtained in diadic or group en- Importantly, inappropriate aggressiveness was never ob- counters in neutral arenas. In all test situations, male served among female nNOSϪ/Ϫ mice in these test situa- nNOSϪ/Ϫ mice rarely displayed submissive behaviors (Nel- tions; however, when aggressive behavior was examined in son et al., 1995). female nNOSϪ/Ϫ mice in the context of maternal aggres- Behavioral studies of mice with targeted deletion of sion, during which WT females are highly aggressive to- specific genes suffer from the criticism that the gene product ward an intruder, nNOSϪ/Ϫ dams were very docile (Gam- is not only missing during the testing period, but also miss- mie and Nelson, 1999). All other components of maternal S. Chiavegatto, R.J. Nelson / Hormones and Behavior 44 (2003) 233–241 235 care were normal in nNOSϪ/Ϫ females. There were no 5-HT synthesis such as parachlorophenylalanine (pCPA), a sensorimotor deficits among the mutant mice of either sex to tryptophan-free diet, and lesions of 5-HT neurons decrease account for the changes in aggressive behavior. Taken to- 5-HT levels and elevate aggression in nonhuman animals gether, these results suggest that NO from neurons has (Hole et al., 1977; Gibbons et al., 1978, 1979; Valzelli et al., important, but opposite, effects in the mediation of aggres- 1981; Chiavegatto et al., 2001). Conversely, reduction in sion in male and female mice. Although there are no sex aggression has been obtained by treatment with 5-HT pre- differences in NOS activity in the cortex, cerebellum, amyg- cursors, 5-HT reuptake inhibitors, 5-HT releasing agents, in dala, or hypothalamus, androgens generally inhibit and es- addition to 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B agonists (Gibbons et al., trogens generally increase NOS activity in the brain 1978, 1981; Rolinski and Herbut, 1981; Olivier et al., 1995; (Weiner et al., 1994; Singh et al., 2000). Chiavegatto et al., 2001; Miczek and de Almeida, 2001; de Almeida et al., 2001). Gene targeting strategies in mice that either directly or Behavioral studies of eNOS indirectly affect the functional integrity of the 5-HT system have generally strengthened the influence of 5-HT on ag- Because nNOSϪ/Ϫ mice display elevated levels of ag- gression (reviewed by Nelson and Chiavegatto, 2001; Mic- gressive behavior compared to WT mice, we investigated zek et al., 2001). Both male and female mice that lack Ϫ/Ϫ Ϫ/Ϫ aggression in eNOS mice (Demas et al., 1999). In the- functional expression of the 5-HT1B receptor gene (5-HT1B ) ory, NO from the endothelial tissue could contribute to are more aggressive (Saudou et al., 1994; Bouwknecht et aggressive behavior. Anecdotal observations, however, in- al., 2001), consistent with the anti-aggressive effect of sev- dicated that these knockout animals were very docile. Male eral 5-HT1B agonists including (Olivier et al., mice were formally tested using two behavioral paradigms. 1990), CP-94,253 (Fish et al., 1999; Chiavegatto et al., First, animals were tested using the residentÐintruder para- 2001), (de Almeida et al., 2001), and anpirto- digm; eNOSϪ/Ϫ mice displayed virtually no aggression dur- line (Rilke et al., 2001; Miczek and de Almeida, 2001; de ing these tests. Second, when tested in a neutral arena with Almeida and Miczek, 2002). Although agonists at 5-HT1A a WT stimulus male, eNOSϪ/Ϫ mice displayed many fewer receptors also decrease aggression in rodents (Olivier et al., attacks and a greatly increased latency to attack the stimulus 1995; Miczek et al., 1998), the mutant mice lacking 5-HT1A male relative to WT mice (Demas et al., 1999). eNOSϪ/Ϫ receptors are more anxious, less reactive, and possibly less mice exhibit approximately a 35% increase in basal blood aggressive (Zhuang et al., 1999). Studies of behavioral pressure relative to WT mice (110 and 81 mm Hg, respec- phenotype in mice derived from a tissue-specific knockout tively) (Huang et al., 1995). Pharmacological normalization strategy, which discriminates between 5-HT1A presynaptic of blood pressure did not affect the absence of aggression in autoreceptor and 5-HT1A postsynaptic receptor, could clar- Ϫ/Ϫ eNOS mice (Demas et al., 1999). These data, in com- ify this controversy. In a recent elegant study, 5-HT1A bination with the nNOSϪ/Ϫ data, suggest that the two iso- receptors were expressed in mice exclusively in forebrain forms of NOS may normally act to increase (eNOSϪ/Ϫ) and regions, in a temporally controlled manner (Gross et al., Ϫ/Ϫ decrease (nNOS ) aggressive behavior in vivo. Thus, 2002). Although this study implicates the 5-HT1A postsyn- male WT mice with normal concentrations of both isoforms aptic receptor expression during the early postnatal period of NOS display only moderate levels of aggression. Mater- in anxiety-like behaviors, aggressive behavior remains to be nal aggression was not significantly affected in eNOSϪ/Ϫ investigated. dams (Gammie et al., 2000). An important component of the 5-HT system is the serotonin transporter (5-HTT). The absence of the 5-HTT gene (5-HTTϪ/Ϫ) in mice perturbs 5-HT neurotransmission Serotonin (5-HT) and male aggression demonstrated by increased basal levels of extracellular 5-HT (Mathews et al., 2000; Daws et al., 2001) and several Both pharmacological and clinical approaches have iden- compensatory alterations in 5-HT homeostasis (Bengel et tified serotonin as a key neurotransmitter system involved in al., 1998; Li et al., 1999; Rioux et al., 1999; Fabre et al., aggression and impulsivity. High aggression in humans is 2000; Gobbi et al., 2001; La Cour et al., 2001). As expected, correlated with low cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of male 5-HTTϪ/Ϫ mice are less aggressive than WT animals 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) (the 5-HT metabo- (Holmes et al., 2002). The data for the genetically altered lite) (Brown et al., 1982; Linnoila et al., 1983) and a blunted mice are consistent with pharmacological manipulations; response of prolactin to a 5-HT (fenfluramine chal- rodents display reduced aggression after administration of lenge) (Coccaro, 1992); (Manuck et al., 1998). Brain 5-HT 5-HTT inhibitors (Kostowski et al., 1984; Lyons et al., turnover is reduced in aggressive laboratory animals (Val- 1999; see also review in Fuller, 1996). zelli and Garattini, 1968; Giacalone et al., 1968). The neg- Because of the impressive array of receptor subtypes (15 ative correlation between 5-HT system activity and aggres- to date) (Kroeze et al., 2002), and their extensive distribu- sive behavior is further substantiated by pharmacological tion throughout the nervous system, the precise role of 5-HT manipulation of the brain 5-HT levels. that inhibit in the mediation of aggression remains unspecified. No 236 S. Chiavegatto, R.J. Nelson / Hormones and Behavior 44 (2003) 233–241 pharmacological approach has been identified that selec- tively affects only one 5-HT receptor subtype and its sig- naling mechanism. Further progress in understanding the mechanisms underlying aggression may await the use of tissue-specific targeted gene knockout studies, as well as the development of specific 5-HT agonists and antagonists.

Because most of the current data have implicated the 5-HT1 family of 5-HT receptors in aggressive behavior (Miczek et al., 2002), additional efforts might be aimed toward a better understanding of the effects of selective manipulation of Fig. 1. Mean percentage change (ϮSEM) of serotonin turnover (5-HIAA/ these receptors in different brain regions as a guide to future 5-HT ratio) in the cerebral cortex (COR), hypothalamus (HYP), hippocam- research in aggression. pus (HIPP), amygdala (AMY), midbrain (MID), and cerebellum (CER) of highly aggressive nNOSϪ/Ϫ adult male mice compared with WT cohorts. The values of 5-HT turnover measured by HPLC in WT mice are as follows (ϮSEM): COR ϭ 0.386 Ϯ 0.018; HYP ϭ 0.569 Ϯ 0.032; HIPP ϭ 5-HT and female aggression 0.571 Ϯ 0.038; AMY ϭ 0.470 Ϯ 0.060; MID ϭ 0.586 Ϯ 0.031; CER ϭ 1.094 Ϯ 0.086 (n ϭ 5 or 6). *P Ͻ 0.05, **P Ͻ 0.01 by Student’s t test. As noted, 5-HT modulates male aggression in several species, including humans. The role of 5-HT in female (Sumner and Fink, 1998). Importantly, both androgens and aggression, which is mostly observed in the context of nest estrogens modulate 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptor agonist defense, is less well-characterized. In common with male effects on murine aggression (Cologer-Clifford et al., 1999). offensive aggression, however, systemic injections of the Indeed, estrogens appear to directly interfere with 5-HT 5-HT precursor, 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), in mice re- binding (Frankfurt et al., 1994). Thus, sex steroid hormones duced maternal aggression (Ieni and Thurmond, 1985). and 5-HT interact on several levels to influence the likeli- Treatment with a 5-HT1 receptor agonist also diminished hood of aggression. Furthermore, estrogens regulate the maternal aggression in mice (Parmigiani et al., 1989; Racine expression of NOS mRNA in the hypothalamus of rodents and Flannelly, 1986). Similarly, treatment with a 5-HT (Ceccatelli et al., 1996; Rachman et al., 1998). The inter- reuptake inhibitor, fluvoxamine, or with 5-HT1 or 5-HT2 action among sex steroid hormones, 5-HT, NO, and mater- receptor agonists (e.g., 8-OH-DPAT, , , nal aggression deserves further study. fluprazine, RU24969, eltoprazine, DOI) reduced maternal aggression in rats (Olivier et al., 1985, 1986, 1995; Ferreira et al., 2000). Centrally administered DOI and 8-OH-DPAT 5-HT in nNOS knockouts also reduce maternal aggression in rats (De Almeida and Lucion, 1994, 1997). Some of the reduced maternal aggres- Because of the inverse relation of 5-HT system activity sion observed after drug treatment may reflect the general and aggression, we hypothesized a disturbed 5-HT neuro- malaise and reduction in locomotor behavior observed after transmission in the nNOS null mice as a possible explana- treatment with 5-HT receptor agonists (Olivier et al., 1995). tion for the excessive aggressiveness of these knockouts. Notably, some studies have found controversial results re- Decreased density and altered distribution of 5-HT termi- lating the 5-HT system, 5-HT receptors, and brain regions in nals were reported in the highly aggressive mice that lack rodent maternal aggression (Ieni and Thurmond, 1985; De one copy of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene Almeida and Lucion, 1994, 1997; Ferreira et al., 2000). (BDNFϩ/Ϫ) (Lyons et al., 1999), but no alterations in 5-HT Long-term (4Ð8 weeks) treatment with fluoxetine, a immunocytochemistry were detected in either sagittal or 5-HT-specific reuptake inhibitor, reduced aggression by coronal slices of the brains of male nNOSϪ/Ϫ mice (Chia- male prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster), a biparental ro- vegatto et al., 2001). dent, but did not affect maternal aggression (Villalba et al., 1997). This suggests a sex-specific dissociation of the ef- Decrements in serotonin turnover fects of serotonin on aggression. In humans, central 5-HT is inversely correlated with aggression in men, but not women Serotonin metabolism, analyzed by the ratio of the me- (Cleare and Bond, 1997). tabolite 5-HIAA and the 5-HT levels by HPLC, was signif- Androgens, either acting directly or via estrogenic me- icantly reduced in several brain regions including the cortex, tabolites, tend to facilitate aggression, whereas 5-HT tends hypothalamus, midbrain, and cerebellum of nNOSϪ/Ϫ in to inhibit aggression in male mammals. Exposure to andro- comparison to the WT mice (Chiavegatto et al., 2001) (Fig. gens early in life affects the expression and distribution of 1). Interestingly, these alterations in 5-HT turnover are due 5-HT receptor subtypes (Simon et al., 1998; Sumner and to increased levels of 5-HT with no changes in its metabo- Fink, 1998; Nelson and Chiavegatto, 2001). Both testoster- lite in most brain regions studied. The disturbed neurochem- one and estradiol increase the levels of 5-HT2A receptor ical profile appears specific to the 5-HT system, because mRNA and binding site densities in the brains of male rats norepinephrine, , and metabolites were generally S. Chiavegatto, R.J. Nelson / Hormones and Behavior 44 (2003) 233Ð241 237 unaltered. Taken together, these data make it unlikely that these mutants (Demas et al., 1999), thus strengthening our alterations in monoamine oxidase account for the 5-HT proposed relationship between NO and 5-HT in aggression. abnormalities in the nNOS knockout mice. It is interesting to note that the same molecule, NO, whether derived from nNOS or eNOS, has opposite effects on 5-HT, Reversal of aggressive phenotype hence leading to opposite effects on aggressive behavior. It seems that differences in the localization of the source of The 5-HT precursor 5-HTP was used as a pharmacolog- NO and/or subcellular sites may account for the distinctive ical tool to increase 5-HT neurotransmission and metabo- disturbances in 5-HT neurotransmission. lism in nNOSϪ/Ϫ and WT mice. In conjunction with an increase in 5-HT levels and turnover in all brain areas investigated, there was a dramatic decrease in the male mice 5-HT and extrinsic factors that affect aggression aggressive behavior. Therefore, the aggressive phenotype of the nNOS mutants is a plastic alteration in the 5-HT system Several environmental factors, including housing condi- and can be completely abolished by a robust increase in the tions, quality and quantity of social interactions, and paren- 5-HT metabolism. tal interactions, can affect both 5-HT and aggressive behav- ior. The first indications that individual housing conditions Mimicking the aggressive phenotype in WT mice could affect behavior were obtained in rats 40 years ago (Hatch et al., 1963). After 4Ð6 weeks of isolation 100% of The high aggressiveness of nNOS mutants can be in- rats displayed clinical symptoms reflecting chronic distress duced in the WT mice after a regimen of pCPA injections. (Hatch et al., 1963). Aggression increases after 3Ð6 weeks Reductions of 5-HT turnover in the brain of WT mice of individual housing (Garattini et al., 1967; Oehler et al., induce aggressiveness comparable to nNOSϪ/Ϫ mice (Chia- 1985). Coincident with this transient increase in isolation- vegatto et al., 2001). evoked aggression in mice is a decrease of 5-HT metabo- lism in diverse brain areas (Valzelli and Bernasconi, 1979;

Deficient 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptor function Kempf et al., 1984; Rilke et al., 1998, 2001). Manipulations of 5-HT receptors with various agonists Alterations in 5-HT metabolism can reflect or lead to and antagonists have revealed that social isolation in rodents adjustments in 5-HT receptor function. Because both differentially affects 5-HT receptor subtypes (Wright et al.,

5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptors function as auto- as well as 1991; White et al., 1991; Sanchez et al., 1993; Fone et al., heteroreceptors and are involved in aggressive behavior, 1996). Binding studies show transient down-regulation of Ϫ/Ϫ they were compared between nNOS and WT mice. Al- presynaptic 5-HT1A receptors in the midbrain of mice iso- though the 5HT1A agonist 8-OH-DPAT and the 5-HT1B lated for 3Ð6 weeks (Rilke et al., 1998). Significant differ- agonist CP-94,253 dose-dependently decreased aggression ences in the affinity, but not density, of postsynaptic hip- in both genotypes, significantly higher concentrations of pocampal 5-HT1A receptors between group- or individually both agonists were required to reduce the aggressive behav- housed mice were also noted (Rilke et al., 1998). The effect ior of the nNOS knockouts. The ED50 for the antiaggressive of social isolation upon other 5-HT receptor subtypes, or Ϫ/Ϫ effect of the 5HT1A agonist in the nNOS mice is 4-fold other neurotransmitter systems, deserves further investiga- higher and for the 5HT1B agonist 1.8-fold higher than for tion. Ϫ/Ϫ WT mice. These results suggest hypofunction of the 5-HT1A The aggressive phenotype of nNOS mice is not ex- Ϫ/Ϫ and 5-HT1B receptors in the brain of the nNOS mice, pressed if the animals are group-housed from weaning until thus implicating neuronal-derived NO to the integrity of testing in adulthood. That is, an isolation period is necessary 5-HT neurotransmission. for the hyperaggressive phenotype to become manifest. Currently, we are assessing 5-HT turnover in WT and nNOSϪ/Ϫ mice that are isolated or group-housed for various 5-HT in eNOS knockouts periods of time. Maternal influences represent another pos- sible contribution to adult brain 5-HT levels and aggressive The brain monoamines were investigated in the behaviors. Maternal separation, the most common model of eNOSϪ/Ϫ mice after water-maze training. These mutant maternal influences, produces enduring behavioral and neu- mice exhibit an accelerated 5-HT turnover in the frontal rochemical changes in the limbic system that may affect cortex and ventral striatum and the 5-HT metabolite is adult reactivity to stressors (Andersen et al., 1999; Caldji et increased in the cerebellum. Dopamine turnover is elevated al., 2000; Matthews et al., 2001; Meaney, 2001). in the ventral striatum (Frisch et al., 2000). The lack of Acute prolonged or chronic maternal deprivation events eNOS gene fails to alter acetylcholine or choline in any of produce alterations in molecules related to 5-HT neurotrans- the brain areas examined (Dere et al., 2001). Therefore, the mission (Vazquez et al., 2000; Matthews et al., 2001; increased activity of the 5-HT system in the eNOSϪ/Ϫ mice Vazquez et al., 2002). Studies in offspring that have expe- is in accordance with the decreased aggression reported in rienced different episodes of maternal separation have 238 S. Chiavegatto, R.J. Nelson / Hormones and Behavior 44 (2003) 233Ð241

found up-regulation of 5-HT1A receptors in the hippocam- sary to rule out this hypothesis (Meaney, 2001). Also, be- pus (Sibug et al., 2001; Vazquez et al., 2000, 2002), ele- cause maternal behavior is learned by the mother, careful vated 5-HT1B receptors in the dorsal raphe nucleus (Neu- analyses of maternal behavior of knockout mice are re- maier et al., 2002) and in the hippocampus (Vazquez et al., quired in order to rule out subtle maternal effects (Caldji et

2002), and significant increases in 5-HT2A mRNA levels in al., 2000). the parietal cortex (Vazquez et al., 2000; Vazquez et al.,

2002), but no alteration in the 5-HT2 receptor binding ca- pacities in the cortex (Ogawa et al., 1994). Summary Alterations in stress-related hormones are also reported (Levine et al., 1991). Twenty-four hour maternal depriva- Serotonin appears to be the key neurochemical involved tion on postnatal day (PD) 14 elevates basal and stress- in male-typical offensive aggression (Lesch and Mer- induced corticosterone levels, as well as decreases its re- schdorf, 2000; Nelson and Chiavegatto, 2001; Miczek et al., ceptors in the hippocampus of rats (Vazquez et al., 2002). 2001). Targeted gene knockout or pharmacological inhibi- Although glucocorticoid responses are imperfectly devel- tion of nNOS causes elevated and sustained aggression in oped during the first 2 weeks postnatally, rat pups that were male mice, and the nNOSϪ/Ϫ females show reduced mater- maternally deprived at PD 6, 9, and 12 showed increased nal aggression. The excessive aggressive and impulsive basal corticosterone concentrations and elevated stress-in- traits of male nNOSϪ/Ϫ mice are caused by reductions in duced ACTH and corticosterone concentrations (Vazquez et 5-HT turnover and deficient 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptor al., 2000). Thus, dysregulation of the HPA is another po- function in brain regions regulating emotion. The consis- tential mechanism through which social factors could affect tently high levels of aggression observed in male nNOSϪ/Ϫ aggression. mice could be reversed by 5-HT precursors and by treat- Because maternal separation could merely evoke stress ment with specific 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptor agonists. responses to the lack of food or warmth that the missing The effects of pharmacological inhibition of nNOS on 5-HT mother normally provides, pups were deprived of food, neurotransmission remain to be determined. Similarly, the warmth, or maternal contact for 24 h at PD 4, 10, 16, or 22. interactions among NO, 5-HT, and maternal aggression Serotonin levels, 5-HIAA, and 5-HT turnover were in- remain unspecified. creased in the cortex and caudal brain regions of young pups Mice lacking the endothelial version of NOS showed that were deprived of food, warmth, or maternal contact, but enhanced 5-HT turnover in the frontal cortex and ventral less so in the older preweanlings (Spear and Scalzo, 1985). striatum and increased 5-HT metabolite in the cerebellum Thus, both maternal presence and food are necessary early (Frisch et al., 2000). Dopamine turnover was also elevated in ontogeny for typical adult 5-HT system functioning, in the ventral striatum of eNOSϪ/Ϫ mice. The elevated whereas absence of food appeared to be primarily influential 5-HT activity in the brains of eNOSϪ/Ϫ mice corresponds to in older pups. the reduced aggression shown in these mice compared to A recent study examined the influence of maternal sep- WT and nNOSϪ/Ϫ mice. The differences in the brain dis- aration during infancy on maternal aggression in adult off- tribution of nNOS and eNOS likely contribute to the oppo- spring (Boccia and Pedersen, 2001). A regimen of 3 h site behavioral effects of NO. maternal separation of PD 2Ð14 reduced maternal aggres- The aggressive phenotype of nNOSϪ/Ϫ knockout mice sion in rat dams. The agonistic behavior of adult male rats can be ameliorated by group-housing from weaning. The has not been investigated. effects of social factors such as housing condition and Although it remains possible that maternal behavior of maternal care can affect both brain 5-HT levels and aggres- genetically altered dams could affect the aggressive pheno- sion, but again the interactions among extrinsic factors, types of knockout offspring, a cross-fostering study com- 5-HT, NO, and aggression deserve specific investigation. paring wild and domesticated rats showed that aggression of Both pharmacological and genetic approaches to the wild rats was higher than that of the laboratory rats regard- study of aggression have advantages and disadvantages. No less of the foster mother (albino or wild) (Lucion et al., pharmacological approach affects only one 5-HT receptor 1994). subtype and signaling mechanism. Further progress in un- The increased aggressive behavior of the male nNOS derstanding the mechanisms underlying aggression may knockout mice as well as their disturbed 5-HT system is await the use of tissue-specific targeted gene knockout stud- unlikely to be due to maternal influences. The maternal ies, as well as the development of specific 5-HT agonists Ϫ Ϫ behavior of the nNOS / dams was not different from that and antagonists. of the WT female mice, and in fact, the nNOSϪ/Ϫ pups Taken together, NO appears to play an important role in displayed increased average weight compared with WT normal brain 5-HT function and may have significant im- pups during the testing period (PD 5Ð10) (Gammie and plications for the treatment of psychiatric disorders charac- Nelson, 1999); however, cross-fostering studies are neces- terized by aggressive and impulsive behaviors. S. Chiavegatto, R.J. Nelson / Hormones and Behavior 44 (2003) 233Ð241 239

Acknowledgments De Almeida, R.M., Lucion, A.B., 1997. 8-OH-DPAT in the median raphe, dorsal periaqueductal gray and corticomedial amygdala nucleus de- Support for the studies reported from our laboratory and creases, but in the medial septal area it can increase maternal aggressive behavior in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl.) 134, 392Ð400. for writing this review was provided by NIH Grants MH De Almeida, R.M., Miczek, K.A., 2002. Aggression escalated by social 57535 (RJN) and MH57760 (RJN). SC thanks FAPESPÐ instigation or by discontinuation of reinforcement (“frustration”)in BRAZIL (01/01637-5 and 01/09079-1) for financial support. mice. Inhibition by anpirtoline: A 5-HT(1B) receptor agonist. Neuro- psychopharmacology 27, 171Ð181. De Almeida, R.M., Nikulina, E.M., Faccidomo, S., Fish, E.W., Miczek, K.A., 2001. Zolmitriptan—a 5-HT1B/D agonist, , and aggres- References sion in mice. Psychopharmacology (Berl.) 157, 131Ð141. 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