Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 2007, Volumen 17, Numerus 2 87 ISSN 1392-1657



Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University, Akademijos 2, LT-08412 Vilnius-21, Lithuania. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. This paper represents an initial attempt to examine mating phases of ten wasp species of the genera Ancistrocerus, Discoelius and , posing the questions as to what species traits are potentially involved in interactions between sexes, and what forms of sexual selection impel the evolu- tion of these traits. The studied species significantly differ in the sex ratio and the relative body size of sexes, their willingness to mount and copulate, male displays (mode and frequency of antennation and position while copulating), female displays (intensity and frequency of rejecting behaviour), the pres- ence of the male’s copulatory and postcopulatory courtship. Results of the comparative study of mating behaviour are discussed in parallel with the review of literature on sexual selection and sexual conflict, defining the framework for future research. Single locus complementary sex determination (sl-CSD), regular inbreeding and female uniparental care in combination with predominant monandry are the fea- tures of these wasps that allow to use them as a model for studies into understanding of the evolutionary maintenance of monandry. Key words: courtship, female rejecting behaviour, monandry, sexual conflict, sexual selection, sl-CSD

INTRODUCTION Most discussions on sexual selection mechanisms have focused on polyandrous species. Their reproductive The lifetime reproductive success of depends success may be affected by pre-mating events, result- largely on male-female behavioural interactions that re- ing in male and female choice, as well as post-mating sult in choosing a high-quality partner. Most males events, including male-male competition in the form including are more active competitors for their of sperm competition (Parker 1970; Danielsson 1998) mates than females (e.g. Andersson 1994; Andersson & and cryptic female choice (Eberhard 1996). The latter Iwasa 1996), and their mating efforts are usually higher two forms of postcopulatory sexual selection are as- than parental efforts (Clutton-Brock & Vincent 1991; sumed to be powerful evolutionary forces working both Clutton-Brock & Parker 1992; Arnold & Duvall 1994). at molecular and population levels (Birkhead & This difference in reproductive interests between males Pizzari 2002; Neff & Pitcher 2005; Snook 2005). Posi- and females provides a potential for sexually antagonis- tive consequences of female promiscuity have been tic selection that may result in the antagonistic coevolu- generally divided into direct effects on female fecun- tion of sexes (Parker 1979, 2006; Alexander et al. 1997; dity and lifespan, e.g. acquisition of nutritious acces- Chapman et al. 2003; Arnqvist & Rowe 2005). The lat- sory gland substances (Gwynne 1984; Arnqvist & ter is thought to shape mating behaviour like the pre- Nilsson 2000; Møller & Jennions 2001), as well as in- copulatory ‘struggle’ between males and females in direct (genetic) effects on offspring fitness, e.g. by aquatic isopods (Jormalainen & Merilaita 1995; selecting compatible or good genes (Zeh & Zeh 1997; Jormalainen 1998), dung flies (Parker 1979) and water Møller 1998; Jennions & Petrie 2000; Birkhead & Piz- striders (Arnqvist 1992; Rowe 1994; Rowe et al. 1994; zari 2002; Tomkins et al. 2004; Neff & Pitcher 2005; Lauer et al. 1996; Arnqvist 1997; Watson et al. 1998; Simmons 2005). According to theoretical models, the Arnqvist & Rowe 2002). Sexually antagonistic selec- preferred male must provide genes that increase net tion is predicted to influence biological diversity not only offspring fitness as compared to the genes provided by affecting speciation rates (Parker & Partridge 1998; by less desirable males (Kokko et al. 2003; Mead & Arnqvist et al. 2000; Gavrilets 2000; Gavrilets et Arnold 2004). However, the prevalence of indirect ben- al. 2001; Martin & Hosken 2004), but also by altering efits is controversial because its genetic and physiologi- the likelihood of extinction (Kokko & Brooks 2003). cal background is poorly understood. 88 Budrienë A., Budrys E.

It is suggested that females of most spe- the less investing sex, OSR increases the competition cies mate only once during their lifetime (Alcock 1978; for mates among individuals of the more abundant sex Boomsma & Ratnieks 1996; Schmid-Hempel & and choosiness among those of the less abundant sex Schmid-Hempel 2000; Baer & Schmid-Hempel 2001; (Trivers 1972; Emlen & Oring 1977). In solitary wasps, Strassmann 2001; Baer 2003; Boomsma et al. 2005). the female choosiness is possible because females of Nonetheless, social Hymenoptera are better known many species can reject suitors as they can physically than the solitary ones in terms of the incidence of dominate smaller males (O’Neill 2001; Budrienë & polyandry in some genera (Crozier & Fjerding- Budrys 2004). stad 2001; Paxton 2005), thus increasing the genetic As the mating behaviour of solitary wasps, including diversity of a colony (Crozier & Page 1985; Palmer & Eumeninae, is difficult to observe in nature, earlier Oldroyd 2000; Tarpy & Page 2001; for alternative hy- knowledge is mainly based on anecdotal reports, de- potheses see Brown & Schmid-Hempel 2003; Kraus et tailed investigations being rare (O’Neill 2001). Only a al. 2004; Schlüns et al. 2005). Therefore, the ques- few studies have compared the mating behaviour of tion is why females do not copulate more than once, Eumeninae (Cowan 1986; Budrienë 2001), even less if polyandry brings some fitness benefits. In the evo- attention being given to the mode of sexual selection to lution of mating systems, costs of searching for and which this behaviour may be subject. This paper pro- discriminating among males (costs of being too vides new data on the mating behaviour of six species choosy) and costs of mating too often (costs of be- of Eumeninae and additional information on four pre- ing not choosy enough) are important (Kokko et viously studied species. al. 2003). Indeed, mating at very high rates is costly The first objective of this study was to shed light on to females in general (Thornhill & Alcock 1983; the basic features of the mating systems of Eumeninae Arnqvist & Nilsson 2000), including the social Hy- wasps, i.e. (1) their choosiness while selecting a mate, menoptera. Among the latter, monandry is favoured (2) the behavioural elements that are involved in mate due to a narrow time window for mating, lack of choice, and (3) their traits related to sexual selection material gain from males, lack of paternal care and such as sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and the sex apparent lack of any post-copulatory sperm discrimi- ratio. The second objective was to review the latest nation mechanisms (Strassmann 2001). achievements in sexual selection theories and to as- Solitary Eumeninae are important because, as a sister sess the potential of Eumeninae as a model group for group of the social subfamilies Stenogastrinae, Polisti- the future research and testing the hypotheses. nae and Vespinae of the family (Carpen- ter 1981; Brothers 1999; Carpenter & Wheeler 1999), they possess behavioural features which may have ex- MATERIAL AND METHODS planatory implications for the evolutionary trajectories of sociality in insects (Kurzenko 1980; Itino 1986; Mating was observed in captivity, using wasps reared Cowan 1991; Chapman & Stewart 1996; Hunt 1999; from trap-nests. Also, occasional field observations of Wcislo 2000; Hunt & Amdam 2005). Solitary wasp mating were used for comparison. females gain little from additional matings, thus tend to The reed bundle trap-nests were exposed in four lo- be monandrous (O’Neill 2001). They are often recep- calities of Lithuania, Varnupys (55°24'N 25°17'E), Bilðiai tive on emergence, therefore, the ability of males to (55°08'N 25°16'E), Kaunas city (54°54'N 23°54'E) and select sites of waiting for emerging virgin females is Papiðkiai (55°56'N 24°16'E) in 1991–2003 (details in crucial for their reproductive success (Alcock 1978; Budrienë 2003). Insects obtained before the year 1997 Batra 1978; Seidelmann 1999). Protandry (males emer- were used for the estimation of sex weight and sex ge several days earlier than females) is a common fea- ratio only. Wasps reared in 1997–2003 were used for ture of the species, whose males seek freshly enclosed observations of mating. females, and represents an adaptive aspect of the male’s We studied mating behaviour of ten Eumeninae spe- life-history strategies (Evans 1966; O’Neill 2001). The cies: Ancistrocerus antilope (Panzer), A. gazella (Pan- intensity of competition among males measured by their zer), A. nigricornis (Curtis), A. trifasciatus (Müller), operational sex ratio (OSR) is defined as the ratio of Discoelius dufourii (Lepeletier), D. zonalis (Panzer), the number of sexually active males in a population to Symmorphus allobrogus (Saussure), S. crassicornis the number of receptive females (Emlen & Oring 1977). (Panzer), S. gracilis (Brulle) and S. murarius (L.). Of It is presumed to be much higher than the population these species, mating of A. gazella, A. nigricornis, sex ratio even in species with a small degree of A. trifasciatus, S. crassicornis, S. gracilis and D. du- protandry (O’Neill 2001). Becoming biased towards fourii was studied for the first time. 89 Comparison of mating of ten Eumeninae wasp species

Reed internodes containing wasp nests were reactivated mitting the female until extraction of male genitalia. ‘Post- in the refrigerator. The sex of insects was determined at copulatory phase’ (and ‘postcopulatory courtship’, if the pupal stage. After that the latter were kept in small present) refers to the part of the mating following ter- plastic vials until hatching of adults. Males and females mination of copulation and until the end of mounting. were kept individually in plastic cages (6 cm height × The 2 × 2 Chi-square test (χ²df = 1) was applied for the 5 cm diameter) or glass vials (20 cm length × 2.5 cm pairwise inter-specific comparison of proportions of diameter) at ambient temperature (22–26°C), with honey experiments that resulted in mounting and copulation. solution and water available. In total, 439 males and 1,037 The Mann-Whitney U test was performed to compare females of ten species were used in mating trials. frequencies of female antennae antennation by males of Pairings were observed on a white paper arena of 22 cm different species. Statistical analysis was done using the diameter, under a bell-glass 22 cm in height, surrounded computer program StatSoft Statistica, release 6.0. by white paper in all sides, except the side of the ob- server, in a thermostat, at a temperature of 27–29°C. The thermostat was exposed to daylight, with addi- RESULTS tional artificial illumination (two 25 W light sources at a distance of 30 cm). In such artificial setting, the con- Sexual size dimorphism and sex ratio specific partner had to be the only stimulus to mating The average female weight of the studied wasp spe- behaviour. cies ranged from ca. 30 mg (A. gazella, A. trifasciatus, A single virgin female (or an inseminated female in cases S. allobrogus, S. gracilis) to nearly 80 mg (A. antilope) of remating experiments) was let into the arena under (Table 1). The average weight of males made up from the bell-glass and the cage with a single male was placed 45% (D. zonalis) to 62% (A. trifasciatus, S. allobrogus, near the latter for a 1 minute acclimation period. After- S. gracilis) of the average female weight. wards, the male was admitted into the arena, and the The male/female abundance ratio varied among the stud- pair was observed for 30 minutes. If mounting took ied species. Three of them had the ratio close to one- place, the insects were observed until dismounting. In to-one (A. antilope, D. dufourii, S. crassicornis). In order to prevent wasps from responding to odour cues two species (D. zonalis and S. murarius) males were of previous pairings, we changed the paper layer be- considerably more abundant than females. The other tween trials. In total, data of 1,060 observations of five species had a female-biased sex ratio (Table 1). pairing were used for analysis. We used term ‘Precopulatory phase’ (which may in- Mating observations in the field clude ‘precopulatory courtship’) for the part of mating Out of ten studied species, S. allobrogus was the only from the start of mounting until intromitting the female one, which mating behaviour could be observed at their (Cowan 1986). ‘Copulatory phase’ (and ‘copulatory nest aggregations. Males of the other studied wasp courtship’, if present) refers to the events after intro- species were never seen at the nesting sites.

Table 1. Average size of males and females, male-to-female size ratio, and sex ratio of 10 Eumeninae wasp species.

n of Male/female n of males Weight of Weight of Estimated male/ Wasp species females mean measured male (mg) female (mg) female sex ratio* measured weight ratio A. antilope 063 39.0 ± 1.4 092 77.7 ± 2.1 0.50 1.24 ± 0.36, n = 10 A. gazella 002 16.8 ± 0.6 008 28.7 ± 2.1 0.59 0.25, n =1 A. nigricornis 013 30.4 ± 1.5 006 50.0 ± 1.3 0.61 0.31 ± 0.09, n = 3 A. trifasciatus 036 17.7 ± 0.6 061 28.5 ± 0.8 0.62 0.44 ± 0.17, n = 10 D. dufourii 023 20.6 ± 1.3 023 37.7 ± 1.7 0.55 0.94 ± 0.24, n = 8 D. zonalis 029 28.7 ± 1.4 024 64.2 ± 3.0 0.45 2.24 ± 0.35, n = 10 S. allobrogus 639 19.1 ± 0.2 962 31.0 ± 0.2 0.62 0.67 ± 0.06, n = 10 S. crassicornis 023 21.4 ± 1.2 037 46.0 ± 1.9 0.47 1.17 ± 0.61, n = 7 S. gracilis 006 18.5 ± 1.0 031 29.7 ± 0.9 0.62 0.29 ± 0.20, n = 3 S. murarius 043 31.0 ± 1.7 067 64.3 ± 2.5 0.48 1.82 ± 0.42, n = 10 * – average of yearly ratios; n – number of years when species nests were obtained 90 Budrienë A., Budrys E.

S. allobrogus males were emerging a few days earlier The differences were statistically significant for most than females and were active for about three weeks. inter-generic comparisons (Table 3). Males spent much time at nesting sites waiting and The highest probability of copulation (more than 70% searching for receptive females. These activities of of all mountings) was also observed in Symmorphus S. allobrogus males were defined as follows: species (except S. murarius; Table 2, Fig. 1). In con- - patrolling of nest aggregations and continuous in- trast, A. nigricornis, A. antilope, and S. murarius copu- specting of surfaces with cavities; lated in less than half (11%, 12% and 38% correspond- - locating cavities with females (in the observed cases ingly) of all trials, and the difference was significant in the females were apparently underdeveloped, with un- comparison with most other species (Table 4). formed wings) and attempting to pull them out with Taking into account that the partner was the only their mandibles; stimulus to initiate mating behaviour in the trials, we - brief touching of conspecific foraging females in flight assume that the observed differences of mounting and resulting in their refusal to copulate and occasional copulation probability reflect the intrinsic differences abandonment of their load; in mate recognition and discriminatory ability of the - brief pouncing on conspecific males or dead females wasp species. as well as other dark objects of similar shape and size. Female hatching and mating period was short, as we watched females already performing nesting activities 4 or 5 days after the first observations of males. In that time, copulation of S. allobrogus was never ob- served at the nesting sites. Therefore, we suppose that the majority of copulations occurred immediately after the females’ emergence.

Probability of mating in captivity Of total 1,037 pairing trials with virgin females, 583 (56% of all observations) resulted in mountings. Of them, 353 (34% of all trials, 61% of all mountings) ended in copulation. The species showed considerable differences in readi- ness of mates to take up a mounted position (Table 2; Fig. 1). Observations of mounting attempts by Symmorphus species showed that they were success- Figure 1. Mating behaviour of 10 Eumeninae wasp spe- ful in more than half of cases, while representatives of cies in the laboratory: probability of mounting and copu- the other genera showed less than 50% of mountings. lation.

Table 2. Number of mating trials that resulted in mounting and copulation of 10 Eumeninae species.

% of trials with n of trials that % of trials that n of trials that n of mating mounting that Wasp species resulted in resulted in resulted in trials resulted in mounting mounting copulation copulation A. antilope 133 060 45% 007 12% A. gazella 012 001 08% 000 00% A. nigricornis 027 009 33% 00111% A. trifasciatus 022 007 32% 004 57% D. dufourii 008 002 25% 001 50% D. zonalis 093 045 48% 029 64% S. allobrogus 606 367 61% 264 72% S. crassicornis 033 020 61% 018 90% S. gracilis 010 007 70% 005 71% S. murarius 094 066 70% 025 38% 91 Comparison of mating of ten Eumeninae wasp species

Table 3. Pairwise comparison of the number of trials that resulted in mounting and those without mounting among 10 wasp species: 2 × 2 χ²1 values*.

S. mura- S. gra- S. crassi- S. allo- D. zo- D. du- A. trifas- A. nigri- A. gaze- rius cilis cornis brogus nalis fourii ciatus cornis lla A. antilope 14.0 10.6 6.1 A. gazella 17.5 9.0 9.7 13.3 6.9 A. nigricornis 12.1 4.0 4.4 07.9 A. trifasciatus 11.3 4.1 4.4 07.2 D. dufourii 06.8 04.2 D. zonalis 09.2 04.9 S. allobrogus S. crassicornis S. gracilis * – only significant (p < 0.05) values are presented in the table; highly significant (p < 0.001) values are shown in bold. n – see Table 1

Mating behaviour in captivity When mounted, male of any of the studied species, Precopulatory phase. Typically, the male took a hori- except A. antilope and D. dufourii, held his forelegs zontal position over the female on her dorsum with head on the sides of the female’s pronotum, his mid legs on above head. However, in 22 cases (nearly 3.8% of all the sides of her propodeum, and his hind legs close to mountings) the male initially mounted the female in anti- her petiole. In contrast, males of A. antilope and parallel position. He started to antennate her abdominal tip D. dufourii splayed out their mid legs horizontally, di- but after a few seconds of such behaviour, returned to rected in opposite sides. the typical position. Males of S. allobrogus demonstrated Antennation of female antennae was one of male this behaviour in 4.4% of all mountings of the species behavioural elements distinctive of each studied spe- (16 observations), D. zonalis in 6.7% of all mountings cies. In contrast to irregular tapping by switching an- (3 observations), A. antilope in 3.3% of all mountings tennae of A. antilope, males of other species stroked (2 observations), and S. crassicornis in 5% of mountings female antennae from pedicel to flagellum regularly. (one observation). Such behaviour occurred both in vir- The manner of stroking differed among the species gin males (11 cases) and those having earlier mating ex- studied. It was mostly a straight simple movement in perience (11 cases). Thus we may conclude that such A. gazella, A. trifasciatus, D. dufourii, D. zonalis, and behaviour does not depend on the male’s experience. S. murarius males in contrast to the jerking motion

Table 4. Pairwise comparison of the number of observations with mounting that resulted in copulation and those without copulation among 10 wasp species: 2 × 2 χ²1 values*.

S. mura- S. gra- S. crassi- S. allo- D. zo- D. du- A. trifas- A. nigri- A. gaze- rius cilis cornis brogus nalis fourii ciatus cornis lla A. antilope 11.4 15.2 42.8 80.5 31.8 9.5 A. gazella 06.3 A. nigricornis 06.1 17.1 15.6 08.6 3.9 A. trifasciatus D. dufourii D. zonalis 07.6 04.5 S. allobrogus 29.1 S. crassicornis 16.7 S. gracilis * – only significant (p < 0.05) values are presented in the table; highly significant (p < 0.001) values are shown in bold. n – see Table 1 92 Budrienë A., Budrys E.

exhibited by males of A. nigricornis, S. allobrogus, during copulation than males of any other species S. crassicornis, and S. gracilis. In addition to simple (Mann-Whitney U test, p < 0.05). Unlike the other spe- stroking, males of A. trifasciatus sometimes demon- cies, the male of A. nigricornis moved his trembling strated trembling antennal movements similar to those antennae alternately from side to side, if the female of A. nigricornis observed during copulation (see copu- became restless. That movement bore some similarity latory phase). with the precopulatory antennal switching of A. anti- Rejecting behaviour, or the ‘struggle’ of females (de- lope. scribed in Budrienë 2001, 2004; Budrienë & Bud- After the initiation of copulation, males of A. trifascia- rys 2004) of varied intensity during the initial phase of tus, D. zonalis, D. dufourii and S. murarius always (ex- mounting was more or less characteristic of all the cept a single observation of D. zonalis) released their studied species (Table 5). leg-hold and fell backwards behind the female, remain- Copulatory phase. Copulation always took place on ing attached to the female by their genitalia. Some- the substrate: the bell-glass wall or the layer of the times, males of S. allobrogus, S. crassicornis and S. gra- arena. In most cases, each mounting resulted in a single cilis fell backwards, as well (Table 5). Such behaviour copulation. The exception was A. antilope. Of the to- of males was observed in cases when the female ex- tal number of 7 pairing trials of this species that resul- hibited vigorous rejection behaviour. After the termi- ted in copulation, four pairs copulated once, two pairs nation of copulation, males of A. trifasciatus, D. zona- copulated twice and one pair copulated three times. lis, S. allobrogus and S. murarius sometimes remained Therefore, each successful pairing of A. antilope in- immobile for 272 ± 25 (n = 4), 147 ± 9 (n = 28), 5.7 ± cluded 1.6 ± 0.3 (here and further average ± standard 1.2 (n = 137) and 308 ± 31 (n = 25) seconds, corre- error) copulations. In addition, 2.7% of pairing trials spondingly. of S. allobrogus that resulted in copulation (7 pairings) Females demonstrated a different degree of rejecting included two copulations each, the interval between behaviour, mostly by the end of copulation (Table 5). them lasting from 9 to 259 seconds. It was expressed as kicking and wriggling of their ab- Male antennal strokings were less common during domens in order to release themselves from males, and/ copulation than during the precopulatory phase of or walking on the substrate dragging the attached male mounting in most species (Table 5). The only excep- behind. The most vigorous ‘struggle’ was demonstra- tion was males of S. gracilis demonstrating significantly ted by females of A. antilope, S. allobrogus and S. cra- higher probability of presence of antennal stroking ssicornis and a more moderate one by A. gazella,

Table 5. Selected features of mating behaviour in 10 Eumeninae wasp species.

Female Male ‘struggle’ Antennal strokings Falling Species Precopu- Copu- Precopu- Copu- back- Mode latory* latory** latory** latory** wards** A. antilope 057% 085% 082% 000% tapping /switching 000% A. gazella 100% 100% simple A. nigricornis 078% 100% 011% 000% jerking/ trembling 000% A. trifasciatus 043% 100% 086% 050% simple /trembling 100% D. dufourii 050% 100% 100% 000% simple 100% D. zonalis 027% 093% 071% 028% simple 097% S. allobrogus 066% 097% 084% 029% jerking 052% S. crassicornis 050% 100% 095% 028% jerking 017% S. gracilis 057% 100% 071% 100% jerking 020% S. murarius 073% 088% 085% 020% simple 100% * – percentage of mating trials with the precopulatory ‘struggle’ and antennal stroking of the total number of trials that resulted in mounting; ** – percentage of mating trials with the copulatory ‘struggle’, antennal stroking and male falling backward of the total number of trials that resulted in copulation 93 Comparison of mating of ten Eumeninae wasp species

A. nigricornis, A. trifasciatus, S. gracilis and S. mura- DISCUSSION rius females. Although predominantly feeble kicking of D. dufourii and D. zonalis females contrasted with Though multiple matings have been reported for a few quite uniform rejection behaviour of the other species, species (Cowan & Waldbauer 1984; Cowan 1986), mo- we recognised it as the ‘struggle’, as well. In addition nandry is thought to be the most frequent feature of to kicking, the female of D. dufourii arched her body Eumeninae females (Smith & Alcock 1980; O’Neill 2001). and seized the motionless male with her mandibles re- It has been assumed that: peatedly. This ‘aggressive kicking’ strikingly differed - for insects in general, monandrous systems are char- from the rejection behaviour of D. zonalis. acterized by weaker selection for mate choosiness Postcopulatory phase. Following the termination of (Bonduriansky 2001); copulation, males of A. antilope demonstrated the post- - for social Hymenoptera, sexual selection is relatively copulatory courtship behaviour, which was similar to weak in both males and females as the obligatorily sin- the precopulatory courtship and lasted from 1.9 min- gly mating ants, bees, and wasps may not have any utes to 19.5 hours. Each pair of the other studied sexual selection beyond premating partner choice Eumeninae species usually separated immediately af- (Boomsma et al. 2005); and ter copulation. However, there were some exceptions. - for solitary bees, the variance in male mating success, In 13% of all copulation cases of S. allobrogus (33 ob- and, hence, the opportunity for sexual selection is low servations) and in 67% copulations of S. crassicornis in species that practise male scramble competition (12 observations) the male remained on the female in which is thought to be the most frequent male mate mounted position from 1 to 841 seconds and from 1 seeking behaviour among bee species (Paxton 2005). to 24 seconds, correspondingly, after the termination One of the aims of the present discussion is to high- of copulation. Generally, the male simply rode the fe- light the degree to which these assumptions may match male, but in three trials with S. allobrogus and in one the mating systems of Eumeninae wasps. trial with S. crassicornis, within 12 to 841 seconds the Mate searching tactics. The behaviour of S. allobro- male initiated courtship behaviour. The similar simple gus observed in the field shows that males use virgin riding after the end of copulation was demonstrated in female emergence site-patrolling tactics like many other some pairings of A. nigricornis, D. zonalis, and S. gra- protandrous species (Evans 1966; Cowan 1979, 1981). cilis, as well. Immediate refusal of foraging (mated) females con- Remating experiments. In order to check the mo- firms that an S. allobrogus male is likely to recognise nandry of the studied Eumeninae wasps, we tested eight the mating status of a female instantly on contact, as it copulated females of S. allobrogus and three females occurs in other Eumeninae species (Cowan 1991). We of D. zonalis in additional mating trials. Each insemi- assume that olfactory cues are applied for ultimate iden- nated female was allowed to pair with one male once tification of mate as it has been observed in other per day. Out of 23 trials of S. allobrogus, two females Aculeata (Barrows 1975). Females’ refusals imply that were tested during four subsequent days, three females they usually mate once and that males’ attempts to were tested during three subsequent days, and three grasp them incur costs to females. Indeed, attempts females were tested during two subsequent days. Out of males to mate with foraging females of the solitary of six trials of D. zonalis, three females were tested in bee Anthophora plumipes could have significant nega- two subsequent days. In all experiments the females tive consequences for females’ fitness as they reduced rejected males that attempted to copulate. This regu- their ability to provision cells (Stone 1995). larity was significant for S. allobrogus (χ²1 = 21.77, The absence of other than S. allobrogus males at nest- p < 0.001), however, it was not significant for D. zona- ing sites may imply that they use other mate searching lis at the current number of observations (χ²1 = 3.11, tactics. For example, males of A. antilope search for p = 0.08). conspecific females in patches of suitable inflores- Males of S. allobrogus (70% of all test trials) as well cences (Cowan & Waldbauer 1984). In general, ren- as those of D. zonalis (50%) showed nearly as high dezvous sites of Eumeninae wasps seem to be spe- mounting frequencies as those in the trials with virgin cies-specific. females (67% of all trials of S. allobrogus, χ²1 = 0.67, According to Wickmann and Rutowski (1999), the mat- p = 0.41, and 51% of D. zonalis, χ²1 = 0.07, p = 0.80). ing strategy and mating site choice depend on ecologi- These results support our field observations (see above) cal and behavioural variables that include population demonstrating that female’s mating status is recognised density and female mating frequency. High population (possibly by chemical or tactile cues) only after an density and low female mating frequency favour the immediate contact, e.g. mounting, has occurred. patrolling of female emergence sites, whereas low 94 Budrienë A., Budrys E.

population density may determine more specific mat- (Blanckenhorn 2005). The study of SSD should test ing tactics, as rendezvous sites, pheromonal or other the applicability of Rensch’s rule to Eumeninae and signals. Therefore, the reason behind the patrolling of that of the assumption that the taxa deviating from it virgin female emergence sites by S. allobrogus males must be affected by female fertility selection (Székely et may be nesting of this species in colonies of higher den- al. 2004) as well. sity, in comparison with the other species (Budrys et In summary, selective processes driving the sex-spe- al. 2004). The mating system of S. allobrogus may be cific body size evolution in Eumeninae remain poorly classified as scramble competition polygyny (Thornhill understood and a further comparative analysis of the & Alcock 1983), when the occurrence of females is SSD is needed. focused in space and time, and males do not compete Recognition and assessment of mate. The interac- with each other directly defending territories or re- tion between cues is a common phenomenon influ- sources but compete in a race for receptive females. encing mate choice or facilitating its assessment Sexual size dimorphism and sex ratio. The fact that (Candolin 2003). Within Hymenoptera, the visual cues, only 56% of all trials with Eumeninae resulted in as facial and abdominal markings, are used to recognise mountings suggests that selective forces influencing the quality of conspecifics, e.g. hierarchical state of mates’ decision ‘to mount or not to mount’ need not colony members in paper wasps (Tibbetts 2002; necessarily be weak. The mate location system and Tibbetts & Dale 2004). A positive relationship between strength of premating sexual selection in Hymenoptera the frequency of display of abdominal stripes and male are assumed to be associated with sexual size dimor- mating is found in stenogastrine wasps (Beani & phism (SSD) (Boomsma et al. 2005; Paxton 2005). Turilazzi 1999). The inter- and intra-specific variabil- According to this assumption, female-biased SSD ity of colour patterns in the studied Eumeninae species (males are smaller than females) predicts non-territo- (Budrienë & Budrys, unpubl.) may function not only rial male mate seeking tactics. The fact that all the stud- as species identity cues but mate quality signals, as ied species have female-biased SSD is consistent with well. However, the misdirected mounting orientation this prediction (Table 1: the male/female weight ratio). of males, regularly occurring in A. antilope, D. zonalis, However, there is a variation in SSD among species, S. allobrogus and S. crassicornis, may reflect rather thus the intensity of selection that drives SSD may limited visual capabilities of these wasps. The correct vary, as well. It is supposed that in the case of male orientation of mates during courtship may be a non- scramble competition for mates, a common phenom- trivial problem in the species with scramble competi- enon among solitary wasps (O’ Neill 2001), the selec- tion polygyny that may be solved using tactile and tion is directed toward a smaller male size, associated pheromonal stimuli (Shine et al. 2000). The presence with agility and in-flight manoeuvrability during mate of antennal glands in Eumeninae males (Budrienë 2001) search and courting (Blanckenhorn 2005). However, and the occurrence of antennation in all the studied our data on SSD do not support this assumption. species (Table 5) suggest generality of tactile and S. allobrogus, the species with scramble competition chemical signals in sexual advertisement displays. tactics and a higher frequency of mounting attempts Differences among species in antennation modes indi- (high agility), has relatively larger males (Table 1). In cate their functional importance in recognition and as- contrast, some species, most likely applying other sessment of conspecific mate. In Hymenoptera, the mating tactics, possibly, rendezvous sites on flowers antennation type is related to the species-specific num- or leaves, and demonstrating a lower probability of ber and location of glanded antennomeres (Romani et mounting attempts (lower agility), such as A. antilope, al. 2003). It is hypothesized that antennation is asso- or D. dufourii, have relatively smaller males (Table 1). ciated either with the spreading of a paste-like secre- It is assumed that these male tactics and SSD are as- tion onto female gustatory receptors while contacting sociated with the sex ratio (e.g., Hardy & Mayhew 1998). the mate’s antennae (Isidoro et al. 1996) or with the In Eumeninae, the species with relatively large males release of a volatile pheromone in the case of antennal (A. nigricornis, A. trifasciatus, S. allobrogus and S. gra- fanning without contact (Felicioli et al. 1998). The co- cilis) have a distinctly female-biased sex ratio, while occurrence of these two types of antennal movements males of the species having a male-biased ratio (D. zo- in Polistes dominulus could be related to the release of nalis, S. murarius) are relatively small (Table 1). two different secretions (Romani et al. 2005). A posi- Sexual selection for small males is thought to be com- tive relationship between the intensity of precopula- paratively rare, thus it is important to integrate all the tory antennation and the occurrence of copulation in three sexual selection episodes: the mate search, the S. allobrogus (Budrienë & Budrys 2004) as well as precopulatory and the postcopulatory episode excretion from male flagellomeres during antennation 95 Comparison of mating of ten Eumeninae wasp species

(Budrienë 2004) confirm that male antennae may be ‘struggle’ is a behavioural trait allowing females to regarded as one of the main sexually dimorphic signal assess mates as it has been earlier suggested for structures in Eumeninae. They perform tactile and S. allobrogus (Budrienë & Budrys 2004). A similar in- chemical communication, recognition and assessment terpretation has been proposed to explain the female of mates thus being essential to selective processes in reluctance observed in four monandrous species of conventional sexual selection models (e.g. ‘good ichneumonine wasps (Teder 2005). genes’, ‘Fisher’s runaway’). Indeed, the antennal play Two major forms of sexual conflict are associated with used by males of Eumeninae wasps during their court- mating and parental investment (Parker 2006). Manipu- ship is thought to be subject to the runaway compo- lative behaviour or rapid evolutionary changes, which nent of Fisher’s model of female choice (Cowan 1986). may be symptomatic of sexually antagonistic co-evolu- In addition, olfaction signalling can be considered as a tion, are more rare as outcomes of conflict over paren- handicap due to physiological costs of excrete pro- tal investment than conflict over mating (Lessells 2006). duction and can serve as an indicator of sender’s qual- In haplodiploids, where males pass their genes to ity to females (Gosling et al. 2000). Females benefit daughters only, there is selection on males to ensure from the use of such signals both directly and indi- that females produce more daughters by increasing the rectly. The indirect advantage is the inheritance of genes fertilization rate (Jennions & Petrie 2000). The result- that increase viability and attractiveness of offspring. ing differences in optimal male and female sex ratios The direct benefits include decreased predation vul- may lead to the sexual conflict over sex allocation nerability and increased foraging time due to male search (Shuker et al. 2006). It has been established that males and courtship time-saving (Endler & Basolo 1998). of the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis may partly Obviously, Eumeninae wasps may recognise and as- influence the sex allocation behaviour of females. One sess their mates using multiple cues. Therefore, stud- of the possible explanations for that phenomenon is ies of the individual variation and behavioural manipu- that males deliberately attempt to increase their fitness lative experiments are needed to further clarify the func- by influencing daughter production (Shuker et al. 2006). tioning of species-specific traits (colour markings, struc- Furthermore, the situation can become even more com- tural features and behavioural elements) as signals. plicated taking into account the single locus comple- Sexual conflict. High occurrence of the precopula- mentary sex determination (sl-CSD) mechanism in tory rejection by females (Table 5) indicates the pres- most Hymenoptera, including Eumeninae. Under sl- ence of sexual conflict. Parker (2006) defines the lat- CSD, in contrast to the standard arrhenotokous situa- ter as a contradiction between evolutionary interests tion of uniparental haploid males, biparental diploid of different sexes that may, or may not, be generated males (often infertile) result from the so-called matched by sexual selection. According to Lessells (2006), not matings in which parents share an allele at the sex lo- all cases of sexual conflict lead to the evolution of mani- cus (Wilgenburg et al. 2006). Although in some soli- pulative behaviour or ongoing antagonistic co-evolution tary Hymenoptera sl-CSD can result in a sharply in- of sexes. In the sexual antagonism model, the female’s creased probability of extinction under inbreeding con- preference is described as a general avoidance of male- ditions (Hedrick et al. 2006), it is not a case in the imposed direct costs (Chapman et al. 2003). However, naturally inbreeding Eumeninae wasp Euodynerus the precopulatory female resistance, which is inter- foraminatus where diploid males have near-normal fer- preted as a cryptic mating preference, can help to indi- tility and father fully fertile diploid daughters (Cowan & rectly assess the male’s quality (Kokko et al. 2003). Stahlhut 2004). As the potential for the conflict is ubiquitous, there is a It has been suggested that there is a potential conflict controversy in the understanding of the relative im- between mates over the ploidity of sons that should be portance of sexual conflict co-evolution and the sexual produced in species with a combination of inbreeding co-evolution that is caused exclusively by indirect se- and sl-CSD (Cowan & Stahlhut 2004; Stahlhut & lection (Cunningham & Birkhead 1998; Kokko et Cowan 2004). From the female’s point of view, the al. 2003; Arnqvist 2004; Cordero & Eberhard 2005; production of diploid sons results in loss of control Parker 2006; Tregenza et al. 2006). Therefore, it is over the offspring sex (ability to adjust the amount of difficult to judge from the available data on the studied provisions given to each offspring according to its sex). Eumeninae species whether the precopulatory reject- Diploid sons have only half of the value of haploid sons ing behaviour of females minimizes mating costs aris- to females, while haploid sons have no value to males ing from male interests, or increases indirect benefits because they do not receive genes from the latter. It by selecting the strongest and the most persistent male. must be noted, that in the case of low inbreeding costs, At present, the simplest explanation is that the female mating with kin increases an individual’s inclusive 96 Budrienë A., Budrys E.

fitness (Parker 2006; Kokko & Ots 2006). This view scramble competition and the predicted low variance is in concordance with the assumption that the advan- of male mating success, such as S. allobrogus, demons- tage of mating with a brother and thus achieving greater trate high variation in the willingness of males to copu- genetic representation in offspring for an E. forami- late (Budrienë & Budrys, unpubl.). Hence, the opportu- natus female outweigh the costs of lower genetic varia- nity for sexual selection in Eumeninae is not as low as tion among her offspring (Cowan & Stahlhut 2004; it is assumed. According to Reynolds and Gross (1990), Stahlhut & Cowan 2004). the greater possibility for female choice in leks and A possibility to avoid inbreeding was recently described related scramble mating systems can be explained by in the solitary crabronid Philanthus triangulum lower costs of mate search activities, and thus direct, (Herzner et al. 2006). This wasp seems to recognise rather than genetic benefits through either ‘good genes’ kin mates by the similarity of a genetically variable male or the ‘runaway’ selection. It has been suggested by sex pheromone. The authors point out that the comple- Werner and Lotem (2006) that lekking males may be mentary mate choice maintains diversity in contrast to also much choosier than it was previously supposed. the ‘good genes’ model that is associated with strong Male choosiness, in combination with other factors, directional selection and ‘the paradox of the lek’. may help to solve the ‘paradox of the lek’. Neverthe- Copulation between siblings does occur in some of less, high probability of copulation within most of the Eumeninae species in captivity (Budrienë & Budrys, studied Symmorphus (except S. murarius) may indicate unpubl.). The ability of kin recognition and inbreeding a relatively low choosiness of both sexes, hence it im- avoidance, the fertilization success of sibling matings plies a rather low actual intensity of sexual selection. and the ability of females to adjust their offspring sex Male’s copulatory courtship. Antennal stroking dur- ratios in response to mating with brothers has not been ing copulation, characteristic of S. gracilis and often investigated yet. However, the potential for both forms present in other monandrous species (Table 5), is a of sexual conflict, i.e. over the precopulatory mating kind of copulatory courtship. However, the latter has decision (within the context of mate quality and/or traditionally been explained as the male’s attempt to mating between siblings) and over parental investment influence the female’s cryptic choice, which represents (within the context of what kind of progeny should be a post-copulatory aspect of sexual selection in polyan- produced and how much to invest in it) is likely to be drous species (Eberhard 1996). This is inconsistent present in Eumeninae. with the assumption that premating sexual selection is The studies aimed at the identification of potentially the only form of mate choice operating in singly mat- sexually antagonistic traits in populations are challeng- ing Hymenoptera. Nevertheless, Simmons et al. (2000) ing in terms of examining the interaction between popu- have associated the presence of the copulatory court- lation ecology and the level of sexual conflict (Rowe & ship in monandrous bee Amegilla dawsoni with the Day 2006; Tregenza et al. 2006). In Eumeninae, the possibility for cryptic female choice. Permanent loss latter should be taken into account applying the multi- of female receptivity of this bee is caused by the pres- faceted model of the parental investment for offspring ence of ejaculate in spermatheca, the filling of which provisioning and sex allocation tactics (Rosenheim et is stimulated by the copulatory courtship. Insufficient al. 1996). courtship may result in a renewed receptivity of the Choosiness of mates. Our observations of the copula- female and mating with another male. To date, ejacu- tory behaviour of Eumeninae lead to two main assump- late peculiarities in Eumeninae have not been studied tions: (1) the fact that only 34% of all trials and 61% yet, but there is growing evidence that seminal fluid of of all mountings resulted in copulation infers the exist- male insects is a complex medium containing molecules ence of mate choice; (2) inter-specific differences in and cells (apart from spermatozoa) that may have many willingness to copulate and hence choosiness are poten- effects on females (Simmons 2001; Gillott 2003; tially causally linked to differences in mating systems Arnqvist & Rowe 2005; Poiani 2006). The compari- that in turn are likely to be the target of different forms son of male sexual organs among species of Attinae and strength of sexual selection. Therefore, we argue ants has revealed a negative relationship between the here that the assumptions about the weakness of se- degree of polyandry and the relative size of accessory lection on mate choosiness need not necessarily be glands, potentially indicating the male’s ability to mo- applied to all the Eumeninae species studied. Addition- nopolize paternity (Mikheyev 2004; Baer & Boom- ally, the readiness to mate seems to be skewed among sma 2004). Also, males of bush crickets can reduce individual males in Eumeninae: some of them may copu- the lifetime degree of polyandry of their mates by late up to six times during their lifetime whereas others means of the transfer of large ejaculate volumes do not copulate in any of trials. Even species with (Vahed 2006). Monandry is thought to be maintained 97 Comparison of mating of ten Eumeninae wasp species

by sexual conflict in the house fly Musca domestica At the same time, mothers do bear parental care and (Arnqvist & Andrés 2006) and the bumble bee Bombus may be interested in haploid sons, because both daugh- terrestris (Baer & Schmid-Hempel 2001), males of ters and inbred diploid sons are more costly (but see which are able to enforce monandry upon their mates Reece et al. 2004 for understanding of female-biased despite the beneficial for females effects of multiple sex ratios in haplodiploid species). For instance, dip- mating. loid male larvae of Philanthus triangulum cost twice These facts allow us to hypothesize that the copula- as much as haploid males (Strohm & Linsenmair 1999, tory courtship via antennal strokings and possibly some 2000). According to the multifaceted model of nest- yet unknown characteristics of ejaculate may enable building Hymenoptera (Rosenheim et al. 1996), these the male to influence the female’s reproductive invest- costs can be attributed to at least three limiting com- ment in monandrous Eumeninae (though we could not ponents of parental investment of Eumeninae females: reject their possible function in induction of the female nesting cavities, resources for offspring provisioning unreceptivity too). It means that females may adaptively and oocytes. The former two involve the interplay be- allocate investment depending on the quality of their tween the female’s postinseminating decisions and en- mates or that the male’s ability to manipulate the vironmental factors. Since female control over the off- female’s investment is associated with his quality. Such spring sex ratio is partly influenced by the interaction abilities were discovered in parasitoid wasps Nasonia between sexes during mating phases, we hypothesize vitripennis and Uscana semifumipennis. Males of N. vi- that the female-biased sex ratio (Table 1) may at least tripennis can affect the sex ratio of their progeny partly reflect the sexual conflict that has been won by (Shuker et al. 2006), while those of U. semifumipennis males. In contrast, male-biased sex ratios may imply vary in their capacity to inseminate females, larger that females ‘have kept the upper hand in the coevolu- males producing a more female-biased sex ratio tionary arms races with males’. At the same time, fe- (Henter 2004). The demonstration that a female allo- male-biased offspring sex ratio might be achieved by cates investment differentially, depending on the qual- means of females’ optimal control under a local mate ity of her mate, is challenging, because the experiment competition model (Hamilton 1967), that is, a single must include the determination of the subsequent suc- female should produce just enough sons to inseminate cess of both the female and her offspring (Shel- all daughters without increasing competition among don 2000). Again, to decide whether the intraspecific themselves for mates. However, in populations, where variation in male traits is related to differences in his male offspring will compete with mostly unrelated manipulative ability, or to female choice, is a difficult males, the effect of local mate competition on the sex task for empiricists (Danielsson 1998). An example of investment ratio is supposed to be weak (Helms 1994). such difficulty is seen in recent experimental studies It is essential to establish the relative importance of of differential allocation in crickets, Acheta domesticus each of the components discussed, and future studies (Head et al. 2006) and Gryllus bimaculatus (Bretman et may lead to the re-evaluation of the offspring sex-ratio al. 2006). control currently held as being performed purely by Female’s rejecting behaviour. The similar problem females (Shuker et al. 2006). arises when interpreting the female’s copulatory We may also expect that there is a link between the ‘struggle’, where two explanations may be equally intensity of female rejecting behaviour and the sex ra- applied. First, this behavioural trait is aimed at ‘screen- tio. For instance, forcibly struggling females of S. allo- ing’ the male’s genetic quality, thus it is maintained by brogus produce a female-biased sex ratio, while mod- indirect benefits to the female (Eberhard 1996). Sec- erate kicking mainly occurs in the group of species ond, the rejecting behaviour may reduce direct costs with a male-biased or nearly equal sex ratio (Tables 1; potentially associated with male attempts to monopo- 5). Males of the latter group (D. dufourii, D. zonalis lize paternity and to influence the offspring sex ratio. and S. murarius) fall backwards after the initiation of Differences in costs and benefits of parental invest- copulation remaining cataleptically immobile until copu- ment to males and females result in conflict. Hence, lation is ended or even longer. To dislodge the mounted the two sexes are selected to produce different sex male is a much more difficult task for a female (espe- ratios (Wedell et al. 2006). This may be true in the cially in the species with relatively large males, e.g. species with a combination of inbreeding and sl-CSD, S. allobrogus) than to detach a motionless lying part- such as Eumeninae. Their fathers may prefer to pro- ner. Therefore, an increased rate of rejecting behaviour duce diploid offspring (daughters and inbred diploid may reflect a more overt sexual conflict and the re- sons), since they do not provide parental care and do sulting decrease or loss of the opportunity for the fe- not contribute any of their own genome to haploid sons. male to control copulation. If it is so, the negative 98 Budrienë A., Budrys E.

relationship between the duration of copulation and the tractiveness, and this attractiveness of female is persis- female rejecting behaviour (‘struggle’) in S. allobrogus tent at least up to four days after mating. Within other (Budrienë & Budrys 2004) may indicate an attempt of monandrous Hymenoptera, mating reduces receptivity the female to affect the copulation length in the ‘co- but not attractiveness in parasitoids, Spalangia cameroni evolutionary arms race’ with the male. However, this (King 2000) and Aphytis melinus (Allen et al. 1994), attempt seems to be unsuccessful, since the species as well as in solitary bees, Centris pallida (Alcock & has a female-biased sex ratio. The question, why fee- Buchmann 1985) and Amegilla dawsoni (Simmons et bly kicking females and ‘cataleptically’ falling back- al. 2000). However, in the latter species this holds true wards males of A. trifasciatus still produce a female- only for recently mated females because nesting fe- biased sex ratio, is still without an answer. Hypotheti- males are unattractive to searching males. This phe- cally, males of this species might evolve a counter- nomenon may be viewed as female adaptation to avoid adaptation to the female’s rejecting behaviour by in- time and energy costs associated with resistance to creasing the copulation duration and, consequently, unwanted harassment, given that females nest at dense direct effects of ejaculate substances. The fact that emergence sites (Simmons et al. 2003). In this context, the duration of A. trifasciatus copulation is one of the additional studies into ontogenetic aspects of the longest among the species with the ‘cataleptic’ behaviour of mated Eumeninae females are needed. behaviour of males (Budrienë & Budrys, in prep.) sup- Postcopulatory behaviour. If postcopulatory male dis- ports this speculative scenario. The decreased ability plays in A. antilope as well as multiple copulation are of the A. trifasciatus female to resist her partner’s understood as male response to female promiscuity, our manipulation could be also mediated by low SSD (rela- explanations for the adaptive function of multiple copu- tively large male) in this species. Further understand- lation should be applied here. It has been suggested that ing of why offspring sex ratios differ among species male behaviour during postcopulatory guarding might in Eumeninae requires empirical studies into relative signal the male’s genetic quality to the female (Thornhill aspects of interactions between two parental sexes: & Alcock 1983; but see Bussière et al. 2006 in terms of degree of control over mating phases, balance between the maintenance of postcopulatory guarding due to sexual costs and benefits associated with mating and, conse- conflict over insemination). If so, female choice (ex- quently, identification of behaviour, traits and mecha- pressed as differential allocation) may be associated with nisms that are responsible for it. the male’s ability to perform postcopulatory displays Multiple copulation. Repeated copulation observed (particularly in S. crassicornis, demonstrating frequent in A. antilope and S. allobrogus is thought to be quite occurrence of this behaviour). Thus, the function of rare in Eumeninae, and its significance is obscure postcopulatory behaviour could be analogous to that of (Smith & Alcock 1980). This pattern has been de- the copulatory courtship discussed above. scribed by Smith and Alcock (1980) in polyandrous Postcopulatory mounting is viewed as a form of mate wasp Abispa. A. antilope females are also known to guarding, aimed at maximizing fertilization success and mate more than once during their reproductive cycle inducing female unreceptivity (Alcock 1994). Postcopu- (Cowan & Waldbauer 1984). Therefore, it is possible latory courtship is responsible for the induction of loss that multiple copulation per one pairing is associated of both receptivity and attractiveness of Spalangia with female’s promiscuity. According to Cowan (1986), endius females (King & Fischer 2005) and only loss repeated copulation in A. antilope is comparable to post- of receptivity of A. melinus (Allen et al. 1994) and insemination displays of other Hymenoptera and may C. pallida females (Alcock & Buchmann 1985). We be viewed as an adaptation that increases chances of can only speculate that reduction or loss of receptiv- obtaining a mate with ‘good genes’ by females, and ity might occur during either copulatory or postcopu- decreases the probability of their remating with an- latory events in Eumeninae species with the presence other male. Interestingly, this behaviour sometimes of postcopulatory behaviour and during copulatory occurs in the expectedly monandrous S. allobrogus. episodes in those with the absence of postcopulatory Therefore, we may speculate that repeated copulation behaviour. Hence, there is a need for studies designed reflects intraspecific variation in mating tactics and to determine which aspect of each consecutive mat- relativity of females’ monandry, thus endowing the ing sequence is involved in loss of receptivity and mating system with evolutionary flexibility. attractiveness of Eumeninae females. This need be- The fact that in the remating experiments males of comes even more important with the recognition that S. allobrogus and D. zonalis mounted inseminated fe- changes in both receptivity and attractiveness are males almost as frequently as the virgin ones suggests potentially associated with mechanisms leading to that mating has reduced female receptivity, but not at- monandry. The manipulative experimental design in- 99 Comparison of mating of ten Eumeninae wasp species

cluding interruption of mating phases (e.g. King & regular inbreeding at least in some species, in combi- Fischer 2005; Arnqvist & Andrés 2006) could yield nation with predominant monandry, as idiosyncratic insights into these mechanisms in Eumeninae. features of them. These features may provide Eumeninae with the opportunity for becoming a prom- ising model system for testing hypotheses of sexual CONCLUSION selection and understanding of the evolutionary main- tenance of monandry. The results of our discussion on the comparative as- pects of mating systems in the Eumeninae species stud- ied are summarized in Table 6. Our understanding of REFERENCES evolutionary processes of sexual selection in this group of solitary Hymenoptera is obviously insufficient. How- Alcock, J. 1978. Notes on male mate-locating behaviour in ever, we should emphasize the potential importance of some bees and wasps of Arizona. The Pan-Pacific the sl-CSD, female uniparental care and presence of Entomologist 54: 215–225.

Table 6. Summary of the predicted types of sexual selection discussed in the studied Eumeninae species.

Feature Variability of the feature (alternative states) Type of sexual selection Sexual selection episode observed in the studied Eumeninae wasp likely to be associated with involvement of the species with the feature feature Sex ratio 1. Close to one-to-one (A. antilope, Indirect (good Mate search, precopu- D. dufourii, S. crassicornis) genes); sexually latory, postcopulatory 2. Male-biased (D. zonalis, S. murarius) antagonistic 3. Female-biased (most Ancistrocerus, S. allobrogus, S. gracilis) Sexual size di- 1. Lower – male less smaller than female Direct (time saving Mate search, precopu- morphism (S. allobrogus, S. gracilis, D. dufourii, etc.); indirect (good latory, postcopulatory most Ancistrocerus) genes); sexually 2. Higher – male much smaller than female antagonistic (A. antilope, D. zonalis, S. crassicornis, S. murarius) Willingness to 1. High (>50%) mounting attempt (Symmor- Direct (time saving Mate search, precopu- mount phus) etc.); indirect (good latory 2. Low (<50%) mounting attempt (Ancistro- genes) cerus, Discoelius) Willingness of 1. High copulation rate (most Symmorphus) Indirect (good Precopulatory mates to copu- 2. Low copulation rate (Ancistrocerus, genes); sexually late Discoelius, S. murarius) antagonistic Mode of male’s 1. Stroking combined with trembling and Direct (time saving Precopulatory, post- antennation switching (most Ancistrocerus) etc.); indirect (good copulatory 2. Jerking (most Symmorphus) genes, Fisher’s 3. Simple stroking (Discoelius) runaway) Position of a 1. Copulation while lying behind the female Sexually antagonistic Postcopulatory copulating male (A. trifasciatus, Discoelius, S. murarius) 2. Copulation while mounted (others) Female rejecting 1. Feeble (Discoelius) Indirect (good genes); Precopulatory, behaviour 2. Higher magnitude (others) sexually antagonistic postcopulatory Postcopulatory 1. Present (A. antilope, S. allobrogus, Indirect (good genes); Postcopulatory behaviour S. crassicornis) sexually antagonistic 2. Absent (others) 100 Budrienë A., Budrys E.

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