

Michael Tisserand | 560 pages | 12 Jan 2017 | HarperCollins Publishers Inc | 9780061732997 | English | New York, United States Krazy: George Herriman, A Life in Black and White

With it's unique language and stark backgrounds, it set a standard for the time. The background in this one was fascinating. Herriman worked his entire career, trying every stylistic fad and quirk of genre, seeking a blockbuster smash like or Barney Google, and he created numerous characters and strips in that quest. Is there anything remaining to be uncovered? The s were a period of tragedy for Herriman. His success with these syndicated strips convinced Herriman to give up on magazine submissions. Hearst let it be known that Herriman was to continue the strip as long as he liked. A native of nineteenth-century , George Herriman came of age as an illustrator, journalist, and cartoonist in the boomtown of and the wild metropolis of New York. View all 7 comments. There is sadly no trenchant interpretation or literary analysis of . January 9, [63]. Aug 15, Clayton rated it really liked it. This is especially true since Herriman seems never to have addressed his deception in his personal writings or confided his feelings about racial identity to family or friends. Fellow cartoonist Tad Dorgan nicknamed him "the Greek", a label which stuck and was taken up by his biographers and the press, who called him the son of a Greek baker. Herriman later bought the lot across the street and turned it into a public park. Michael Tisserand. Amateur Americanists will scrutinize Tisserand's bibliography more than the the biography itself, and come back with treasures. R. I literally laughed and cried throughout this book because I wanted George to realize his worth, if only through my imagination. Krazy Kat has been collected in a variety of formats over the years, though Herriman's other strips have been less frequently reprinted. But, as I say, a nice work of biographing and definitely worth a read to people who love Herriman! Want to Read Currently Reading Read. December 7, [26]. George Herriman, like many another early newspaper cartoonist, came out of the sports page, where illustration ruled in the days before photography became ubiquitous: the camera might not be able to Krazy: The Black and White World of George Herriman the knockout punch, but the cartoonist could recreate it at his leisure. That's what makes it art, and that's what makes it good. Will H. Joe Bowler Edwin A. Stern, Alexander November 20, The research behind Tisserand's book is great. He presents Herriman, to the best of his ability, as his contemporaries saw him which, at times, was almost hero worship itself. In this interview, Richard Sala discusses his genre influences, style, and pop culture obsession. My grandfather died in the 's well before my birth in the 's, but I gave what little information I had of Krazy: The Black and White World of George Herriman and my family tree. When I was much younger and Krazy: The Black and White World of George Herriman countercultural sort of teenager I was really into "underground comics. Cummings, and P. The daily strip was short-lived, but the Sundays edition lasted three years. It's great to encounter a missing link, and this completely unknown piece of history is so clearly an influence on the "Looney Tunes" rerun world I grew up with. Inks: Cartoons Krazy: The Black and White World of George Herriman Comic Art Studies. A Savage Life. Herriman, a quiet spoken, kind and generous man who "passed" as white in an era of discrimination, could be an anarchist when it came to his strip. They might think about buying it anyway; what good's a koin if it doesn't buy a kat? It made him even more fascinating. A more rigorous editor could have pared this down to make the book a bit more enthralling and bring the illustrations to life in the reader's mind. He claimed he came from a family of bakers and had worked in his youth as a house painter and carnival barker. The desert, artwork, and Mexican pottery and architecture became more prominent in Herriman's strips, and he sometimes used Spanish vocabulary in the dialogue. Been doing a little research on the intersection of the and American consciousness in the early 20th century, when newspapers and radio ruled what most people knew. Tisserand's biography is also enlightening on two other questions that always bothered me - First, the author links Herriman's racial story to many of the themes in Krazy Kat, eg, the mysteries of identity, etc. Such a simple story, and yet so many complexities. Herriman delighted in absurd sight gags, non sequiturs, and dazzling but simple backgrounds often based on the Monument Valley rock formations he so loved. The first animated films starring a cat were produced by Hearst's International Film Servicethough without Herriman's direct involvement. 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