MONDAY Or Best Offer
16—MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday. November 17, 1990 KIT 'N' CARLYLE by U ny Wright 34 HOMES FOR RENT 39 ROOMMATES 87 MISC. FOR SALE 88 TAG SALES 91 CARS FOR SALE CARDINAL MANCHESTER-3 WANTED Bedroom, 2 bath END R O L L S , CHURCH BAZAAR-Crafts FORD Taurus 1987- Ex BUICK, INC. duplex. $765 plus CONSERVATIVE-Non- and baked goods. cellent condition. $6400 1990 Buick Skylark $8,960 smoker. Student or 27 V." width - 50'f, November 16, hours, 1989 Buick Sl^tiawk $7,480 MONDAY or best offer. Moving utilities. 12/1 professional. $350 a occupancy. 645-7717. 13" width - 2 for 50y 10-8pm. November 17, must sell. 742-9334. 1989 Cavalier Coupe $7r«5 month, includes utilities. Newsprint end rolls can be 9 -5 p m . 187 1989 Buick Riviera $14,980 Call 742-9996 evenings picked up at the Manchester Woodbridge St. NISSAN Pick-up Truck 1989 Hotxia Accord LX $13,480 36 STORE A OFFICE or weekend. Herald O N L Y before 11 a.m . 1987- 37K. $4100 or 1988 Buick Skylark $7,985 ________SPACE________ Monday through Thursday, best offer. 742-9334. 1988 Ctiev Cavalier $6,990 OLDSMOBILE-1 976 1987 Buick LeSabre $7,980 LOCAL NEWS INSIDE FOR RENT-Commercial/ 58FL O O R IN O Omega, 6 cylinder, 4- 1987 Buick CentU7 $5,999 Industrial space. Ex 88 TAG SALES 91 CARS FOR SALE door, air. Runs good. 1987 SHverado 4X4 $13,990 cellent location. 646- $500. 742-1687. 1987 Celebrity Sedan $6,385 $4,995 SanrtfTsjn 0672. 1986 OMsmcblle Ciera ■ Ribbon Mill hearing is tonight.
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