Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, June 26, 2003 Published Every Thursday Since 1890 OUR 113th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 42-113 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] FIFTY CENTS Hearing Dates Set 2003 WHS For Parking Decks Graduates Honored By LAUREN S. PASS bid. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Mr. Gildea explained that the in- By FRED LECOMTE and A resolution to begin engineering formation to be gained from the stud- MICHAEL POLLACK studies on the Prospect and Elm ies is crucial to the project. He stated Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Streets and South Avenue parking that HKT Nassau has “secured com- Three hundred and thirty-one lots was approved by the council in a petitive bids” and the only delay in seniors and their families filled 6-1 vote with First Ward Republican the awarding of the contracts was the the National Guard Armory in Councilman Sal Caruana being the “cost sharing” agreement. Westfield to capacity on Monday, only “no” vote. He added that when awarding con- as Westfield High School’s (WHS) Second Ward Republican Coun- tracts for professional services, the Class of 2003 completed its final cilman Matthew Albano and Third council did not need to use the public rite of passage before graduation. Ward Democrat Councilman David bidding process. Despite the intense heat inside Haas were absent from the meeting. The council has also agreed to at the Armory, graduates appeared The resolution appointed Edwards least three dates for the first round of dapper in their customary blue & Kelcey of Morristown for $16,000 Charrettes, or forums, to be held on and white caps and gowns. to do the Survey and Topographical the parking decks. At these meetings The ceremonies commenced Investigations; PMK Group of residents will have the opportunity with “Pomp and Circumstance,” Cranford for $28,300 for Environ- not only to ask questions, but also to performed by the high school’s mental and Geotechnical Investiga- have input on the design of the decks. combined concert band, wind en- tions; and HKT Nassau Associates of A meeting will be held on Tues- semble, symphonic and chamber Princeton for $6,645 to perform the day, July 15 for the Prospect and Elm orchestras. Administration and Supervision of Streets deck, one on Tuesday, July 22 Fred Lecomte for The Westfield Leader Following the salute to the flag Engineering Services. MAKING THEIR WAY…The Westfield High School Class of 2003 parades to the armory as their final act together at and the singing of “America, The for the South Avenue Deck, and then WHS – the graduation ceremony. Town Administrator James Gildea CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 Beautiful,” Class President An- explained that in addition to the reso- drew Ruotolo and Student Coun- lution there is also an agreement for cil President Marc Schott wel- the cost sharing of the studies. The Engineer Completes comed the audience and offered town will pay 60 percent of the costs congratulations to their fellow while the developer, HKT Nassau, class members, as well as reflec- LLC, will assume 40 percent of the tions and inspirational words on costs, providing the Redevelopment Testimony at Third their time at Westfield High Plans for the properties are approved School. next week after the public hearing. “We all learned our lessons of If the plan does not pass, the town disappointments, but we met the will assume 100 percent of the costs. Meeting on Temple Lot challenges and overcame them,” Mayor Gregory McDermott noted By KIMBERLY A. BROADWELL Vinegra; Professional Planner, Peter said Andrew. “We accomplished the importance of the studies so that Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Steck, and Rabbi Emeritus of Temple meeting our goals.” the exact property lines are known The third in a series of four meet- Emanu-El, Charles Kroloff. “We watched in disbelief the and that the town will know what is ings regarding a proposed 163-space In his testimony at the May meet- tragedy of 9/11, the passing of underground. parking lot next to Temple Emanu- ing regarding the proposed lot for the our classmate Greta Schoeneman, Councilman Caruana questioned El was held Tuesday evening for temple, Mr. Vinegra stated that the the War in Iraq, all of which dem- why the council would not wait for another standing room only crowd. lot would consist of 170 spaces. onstrates how precious life is,” approval of this resolution until the John Schmidt, attorney represent- During the Tuesday evening meeting said Marc. “We were confronted plans are passed. He also questioned ing the temple called three witnesses he stated that the proposal has been with challenges and we overcame. if these projects were advertised or to testify including: Engineer Victor shaved down to 163 spaces, noting All of this has given us the vision that the stacked parking has been to strive to accomplish our goals removed. and be happy with life.” Fred Lecomte for The Westfield Leader Following the graduation, Pe- He said that Westfield ordinance FRIENDS FOREVER…Lisa Venezia, Meghan Connors, Jamie Spector, and Commission Kills Lease states that 50 percent impervious Cari Rock realize their joyous times together at WHS, even though they now ter McClellan, Social Studies coverage for the temple and the lot is realize that they will be traveling on different life paths. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 allowed and that the original plan asked for variance relief at 70 per- Proposal From RVSA cent. Now the coverage is proposed at 67 percent. Westfield Planning Board Approves By FRED ROSSI A private entity to take over During his cross-examination of Specially Written for The Westfield Leader RVSA’s assets had already been Mr. Vinegra, Attorney James Flynn, The Rahway Valley Sewerage identified two months ago, and who represents a U.N.I.T.E. (United Authority (RVSA) last week killed Mrs. Papen had expressed concern Neighbors Investigating Temple Ex- North Ave. Building Reconstruction a proposal to enter into a so-called at that time about the financial pansion) asked about the expressed “lease-lease back” ar- By MAUREEN COOKE The proposal approved last been vacant for over three years. viability of that organiza- concern that the group had regarding Specially Written for The Westfield Leader rangement in which it tion. Thursday’s calls for the reconstruc- There is a hole in the rear wall of stray headlights. Mr. Vinegra ad- The Westfield Planning Board ap- would transfer its assets Under the proposed ar- dressed the subject by noting that the tion of the second and third floors of second floor and the third floor has proved an application allowing the to a private entity, which rangement, the private en- applicants had agreed to additional 244 North Avenue. The renovated pulled timber. The plans include the would then sublease tity would ultimately lease reconstruction of 244 North Avenue first floor will have a lobby with the installation of an elevator, two stair- fencing, one at four feet which will during a special meeting last Thurs- those assets back to back the assets to RVSA, be closest to the parking lot and the stairwell and elevator and open space cases, and new sprinkler, electric, day. RVSA. a move that could poten- other at six feet, which will be clos- for retail tenants. and plumbing systems. By a 10-1 margin, tially have lowered some The hearing of the application plan- Salon Visage, which is currently Mr. Downey said that the aesthet- est to Fairacres Avenue to shield the ning to bring Wolfgang Puck Ex- members of RVSA’s gov- of the agency’s operating headlights from neighbors. located at 226 North Avenue, will ics of the building will be improved press to 1 Elm St., originally sched- erning commission – rep- costs. RVSA would ulti- Mr. Vinegra also noted that there move to the second floor. EKA Asso- by the renovation. The facade of the resenting the 11 commu- mately buy back the as- uled for last Thursday’s meeting, has ciates, P.A. of Scotch Plains and building will be redone with ma- was a 25 foot buffer proposed, which been indefinitely postponed. The at- nities served by the Joan Papen sets 20 to 25 years from is “twice what the municipality re- Potter Architects of Union drew the sonry and slate. torney for the applicant requested a agency – voted to en- now and pay whatever the quires.” floor plans. Albert Cesario, the owner of Salon dorse a resolution put market value was at that later meeting date to have more time According to John Downey, of Visage, testified that the new loca- Mr. Flynn also asked if there was to prepare and study traffic laws. forth by commissioner time. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 Potter Architects, the building has tion would give his business more Joan Papen of Scotch In response to Mrs. space. “Right now we’re extremely Plains that ended con- Papen’s request, the Town- cramped,” he said. “As far as our sideration of the idea. ship Council passed a cliental, when they come into the The only municipality resolution last week ob- Residents Continue to Oppose salon if they’re getting more than which voted against the jecting to the lease-lease one service we need to move them resolution was Rahway. back idea without the ap- from location to location.” Mrs. Papen told The Robert Viglianti proval of the 11 member The proposal did not meet the park- Westfield Leader that if communities. Reopening of Rahway Railroad ing ordinance requirements, but ac- the arrangement had been put into The resolution said the proposal cording to Mr.
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