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Ill JackShesridanQuitsAmeric:an LeagueUmpire!Staff.S[ports ofAllSorts YOUNG IS AS EFFECTIVE AS VETERAN UMPI1 ARBS REIMBURSED FOR THEIR HEROISM EVER AGA1INST NATIONAL BOSTON. Mau. July 13..The j I t. l.ouIs Cardinals lave arttlrd ilih the New York. New Haven The Great nd Hartford Itallroad Company t to Was! or the loan of their effect* In ^ Veteran Has Lost But One Game he Itrldgeport wreck. The ^ Hans Wagper company paid the player*ratlnad in .McAleer Carryew 23 each for their work In help- i W\ ;nthusiastic about the dclici ous, refreshing ington iK to rescue the iajored. The ompany alao paid the Individual I thirst-quenching goodness YearsingBut Fi Players. iii >aaea of the nea. II re «m ah on col 200 for bin trunk MA ^ and clothing* lob Harmon sot a new trunk t Lee Majreeseventyve-dollarput t-> Th- Star. 'itt!e of band, bh ||P|p 6p*<~lai I>:«patch flnger Gabby's right ' the bones into and tei flap a n claim for $.13 for the lows of rT.EVKL.AXD, Ohio. 14 .The Naps ering fragments | Ju!y the flesh into shreds. suit of clothes* Hoggins not a oft their ing hav» apparently killed "What are you doing here?" asked '< e«v trunk, and the other boys j- I lioodoo They have met TornWashingtonHushes Aleer. "You ain't ready to nori^ c rot various sums* ran Kins: from in f«»:jr contests this season, and you?" "No." -aid "but i want to wc 25 to «100. % Street, reded in beating him in every* encounter. _i \ snc* out. I'm taking on weight. If I'm w it is the only beverage he ever drank that has H The Nationals' old nemesis, Denton the club I've got a chance to go out a says Young, still has it on them. TecuinsehCy run atound the field. There's no char V^D and go to it.that <quenches his thirst to made his debut for the present smnvn to do anything like that in dear old IV .> 1 A i, vigor Jn when the mane their liamsport." staJl and that has no let down after-effects. U Washington Naps McAleer out an.1 shock t v\ ' y quenched, «- JS J3 A. 3 A 1Un reached B I 9 rr.<! fa-iiern trip. ttnu ucimvu »n_imo. a great eatcher's hand. "That's the spin TANDING, SCHEDULES be y He repeat**! Friday at Sonters .-aid remember I didn't a Jimmy, "but AND RESULTS IN BIG . .Wholesome S Psrli, winning without exen extending you to come. A player with a flnger li Delicious Refreshing himsef. that i- entitled to lay off for six mont BASE BALL LEAGUES There is a story in the Washingt i ! a- been a bard nut for Young always »*.. I camp that on one (iav recently, while s1 y 5c the N'a <»ns«.<t to crack. When he was with suffering agonies from his smashed finp EverywI The H stnn Rt-d Sox. says he re» a'ls IS;reel a mackintosh over liis u: america* league. Cy put for our boi on <>ne .11 four seasons in which form, went out to a Williamsport pa fl I. Pet Win Send 2c stamp oklet/'The game T«»sm«». W. !j0*p ! " jjjgP the NaMonals took his measure. Hut; a id took off seven ponuds of supcrfluo i Truth About Coca-Cola and that weight in one morning. Detroit. 55 24 .096 700 .687 J^'v this team has continued and useful the agains; succp-- Philadelphia. 49 29 .028 633 .620 clever scoring device, AffXr as a Nap. Of course, the Nationals" Rob Groom, one of the Nationals' hi Co; New York.. .. 41 37 .526 .532 .519 i Coca-Cola Perpetual has undergone several big changeslineuppitchers, is likewise one of the nicest m was the idol of in the game. Tie likes books and mm Boston 42 38 .525 .5-31 .519 COCA-COLA COMPANY -ir.ce *he da'- when Cy and and all that sort of thlr THE Whenever the pictures 40 37 .519 .526 .513 , Boston fans, but his luck asrainst bu*. best of all. he likes his friends, a Chicago you see an ' Was; ington players stilt sticks with him. he has scores of them in every city, u Cleveland.... 40 42 .488 .494 .482 ^ Arrow think rarely drops into the hotel where the N 27 53 .338 .346 -333 » reallv nutnitched Dixie Walker Friday are Groc Washington.... °f Coca-CoU "> ; tionals stopping without seeing * was »o decision The 56 .282 .291 .278 and th« in the center of » group of fans, frlen I St. Louis.....» 22 Naps scored one ,-nn in {he first and chance acquaintances tha' he h | With one down Waltter issuedinningpicked up on some previous trip, passes to Olsen and Jackson. The former Norman Klberfeld is a great admu XATIOVAIj league. <51-d at third on an attempted double j and A I j of fancy kittens o:' the Persian Team*. W. T*. Pet. Win. « steal, bur Jackson registered on Manager gora type. Jfe has been hunting all ov .698 .613 .600 8'ovall's solid w'na k to center. There the country for a long silken-haired k ti Philadelphia. 48 31" was no more doing in the scoring line whose aneestory could be traced back New York.... 47 3i .603 .608 .595 when Jackson a life on AFTER the sixth, got LYNCH the :OGEL until famous Menelik of Washington. 45 30 .600 605 .592 Cunningham's f'imlde and ea.me around Cleveland h:s search was successful. T Chicago ;nt@ment on StoxaTs sacrifice and nail's double. a m ' kitten is daughter of Fiddlestick, o St.Louis.. .. 44 33 .571 -577 .563 Ann if fumble, this one by Mr Bride, of Cleveland's most beautiful felines, a .571 .559 wanted the Naps on the road to two her sire is Pet Cream, owned bv John Pittsburg 43 33 .566 |3hillies? President Sore Over runs :r. me seventh. Cy was the 416 JUertini Young Bourke. a well know n political wr t< Cincinnati.... 32 44 .421 .429 bencShs .. <iianey singled and after The kitten was easily worth SIX) and I 'I 29 47 .382 .390 .377 of ):ad been retired Jackson singled,Olse:iherfcld offered to pay tiiat sum for renalf ^B Brooklyn Suspension Magee. fnr'ny f"\ and tJraney. but her owner was a base ball fan and i I ^B Boston 19 58 247 256 .244 ' Happen T; Nationals ncvej- had 3 look-in until I sisted no giving the kitty to the Tobas " in^-^ortdom tin ninth, such was the of jSpfrgp ^.' Jf*? quality Kid, who ha* six little shavers at hoi ! he In Cleveland he made four T. s plteiuna. tiraney made a Dentento entertain the pretty little pet. Yesterday's Besults. C;lub owners to blame BY J. ED GRILLO. played -e m 1 fT of Schaefer's fly. end twobathe hits, and. as usual, played a strong Jim McA leer's announced of insr game. Walker lias displayed enoughfieldI Dm hman senred on singles 1 y Klberftdd "One of t he that time h policy changes I.EAGlia * natural ability to venture the prediction and t'. \Vai';e>-. in base ball has been tlie ii lE^P: AMERICAN t to build tip a winning teamatemptingJ Naturally Jim MoAleer and his boys wrought Cloveland A ! Boston 7... 2 X that he stands a aood ehanre of develop- provement the way a teaini [eld for on 1lere with young blood should be set in a v w i r«- when the visiting Wa*t 1 rhiragn O Responsible Rowdyism ing inio valuable ha" player. The ve< sorely disappointed Naps i is Treated says M BB^^I iiiifton notion at once. available made .1 .-lean of the series. This nowadays," Jimmy Every fart that he is both ambitious and «t 1 Oa T I . A sweep Alecr. "Wherever a teaim » is the second time this season that the major league Potrf>11 National League Fields.Pub- I who gives tlie slightest Indicationyoungster gives him an advantage overintelligenta. goes now it is welcomed columns ^pMrsj Phila 1 ) New York 3 who are locals have cleaned up on the Nationals by dclpbia >f making good in this company should majority of the youngster* ui'v not'ers in the newspapers and by lie Is for Clean Ball. breaking into fast company these days. fo..r straight games. They have won i pretty little stories about the opposi 8§S|il§& T^T- In,-, "j.-f NATIONAL (EAGLE. Jte brought into camp and given a trial. ev<-'. game played with McAleer's boys v along with and sketchi * 7 * efforts should be made to have Following the hoe's of the story at 80mere Park, and two of four at players, pictures a^ Now Y"rk I R.in Boston Special upon M in the eld days when the old Olevela Pitts hurg: S St. Louis 3 Outfielder Tging of Gadsden and 1'itcher that O^orgp Htalllngs Would succeed ashing!on. Spiders would go into another city abo XEW YORK. July 1 J.President Clark Griffith gs manager of the i r<- .na11>mh ^ w r r« a sun 7a?b!on of Greenville, two of Mike up ;i^;unsi we a Cbloi I Philadelphia 5 a ai*1 the only press notices would g et JACK SH ERIDYN. tgo n.in * a Fogel of the Philadelphia, club, Horce team comes the report that CincinnatiOwner proposition. however, as the Naps would be about 1 Brooldyu S Cincinnati purchases, report here as soonKaloe'sas made his to team In something like th is V that Sherwood Magce has been Oomiskey has up tnind playing better ball than any "Well, the Cleveland rowdies are lie,rp yp»'-l»l Pinpatrb to Th^ Star.