Grant Payments List.Xlsx
Grant recipient Grant value (£'s) BirdLife International 771,433.04 Gola Forest Programme 578,548.00 Society for Cons of Nature of Liberia 373,853.65 Bombay Natural History Society 269,623.00 BirdWatch Ireland 266,495.86 Stichting BirdLife Europe 253,500.00 Nature Kenya the EANHS 172,890.50 Bird Conservation Nepal 159,135.69 Asoc.for Cons.of Biodiversity Kazakhstan 118,880.01 Yayasan Konservasi Ekosi Hutan Indonesia 105,050.36 Ceska spolecnost ornitologicka (CSO) 103,638.77 Birdlife South Africa 98,023.46 Durham County Council 95,408.15 Falklands Conservation (UK office) 79,110.21 Historic Environment Scotland 78,009.00 Aves Argentinas Asc Ornitologica d Plata 67,182.52 Ghana Wildlife Society 66,057.20 Conservation Society of Sierra Leone 60,088.00 Russian Society for Conservation & Study of Birds 60,037.34 Darwin 54,978.00 BirdLife Cyprus 52,500.00 Buglife 51,746.00 Ethiopian Wildlife & Natural History Soc 51,551.64 St Helena National Trust 49,031.16 Namibia Nature Foundation 48,787.15 Central Scotland Green Network Trust 48,584.00 Natural England 46,534.29 The National Trust 41,156.01 BirdLife Indonesia 40,000.00 Durham University 36,848.29 Crown Agents 36,605.53 IUCN - Bangladesh 36,340.00 Denbighshire County Council 34,386.54 North Wales Wildlife Trust 33,490.77 BirdLife Zimbabwe (GBP) 33,433.33 Comite Nacional Pro Defensa De La Fauna 30,922.14 BirdLife Bulgaria (BSPB) 30,000.00 UCLM 30,000.00 Northern Ireland Water 29,586.00 Nature Uganda EANHS (GBP) 29,000.00 Natural Environment Research Council 26,008.08 ATF South Africa 25,508.95 VADEMCO 25,194.33 Falkirk Council 25,061.00 The SCAPE Trust 24,506.00 Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds 24,350.94 ATF Brazil 24,000.46 BirdLife Malta 23,805.00 Twin Ltd 23,293.00 Vsi Ekodraugas 22,927.42 Valores Security S.A.
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