Countryside Jobs Service Weekly® The original weekly newsletter for countryside staff First published July 1994 Every Friday : 19 April 2019 News Jobs Volunteers Training CJS is endorsed by the Scottish Countryside Rangers Association and the Countryside Management Association. Featured Charity: Canal and River Trust
[email protected] 01947 896007 CJS®, The Moorlands, Goathland, Whitby YO22 5LZ Created by Anthea & Niall Carson, July ’94 Key: REF CJS reference no. (advert number – source – delete date) JOB Title BE4 Application closing date IV = Interview date LOC Location PAY £ range - usually per annum (but check starting point) FOR Employer Main text usually includes: Description of Job, Person Spec / Requirements and How to apply or obtain more information CJS Suggestions: Please check the main text to ensure that you have all of the required qualifications / experience before you apply. Contact ONLY the person, email, number or address given use links to a job description / more information, if an SAE is required double check you use the correct stamps. If you're sending a CV by email name the file with YOUR name not just CV.doc REF 990-DIRECT-3/5 JOB CONSERVATION OFFICER – HABITATS & SPECIES BE4 2/5/19 (9am) LOC PENRITH, CUMBRIA PAY 22000 – 27000 FOR EDEN RIVERS TRUST Fixed term 2 year full time contract. Eden Rivers Trust is looking for an individual to lead on the Trust’s Habitat Conservation and Species Monitoring within the Eden catchment. The role will be split evenly between habitat management and species monitoring and you will be expected to have, or be able, to develop the skills and experience required to deliver on both fronts.