This document was created by Alex Yartsev (
[email protected]); if I have used your data or images and forgot to reference you, please email me. Special Areas in the Upper Limb and their Borders THE AXILLA o A PYRAMIDAL space: has a flat apex, 4 walls, and a base. Superior border of scapula APEX First rib Clavicle Scapula POSTERIOR Subscapularis WALL Teres major Clavipectoral fascia LATERAL WALL Pectoralis minor ANTERIOR WALL Intertubercular groove of Pectoralis major the humerus; Thus also the tendon of Anterior axillary fold the long head of biceps MEDIAL WALL Chest wall and serratus anterior CONTENTS Axillary artery and its branches Axillary vein and its tributaries- brachial vein, basilic vein and thoracoepigastric vein Lymphatic vessels and axillary lymph nodes Cords and branches of the brachial plexus BOUNDARIES - Apex Medial wall – o Cervicoaxillary canal; passageway into the neck - Rib cage, chest wall – ribs 1-4 and o Bounded by the 1st rib, clavicle, and superior edge of the scapula the intercostal muscles o The vessel and nerve’s gateway into the arm - Serratus anterior - Base o Axillary fossa: fat, fascia, skin Lateral wall – - Anterior Wall– - Narrow wall; intertubercular groove o Pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, pectoral and clavipectoral fascia of the humerus o The inferior part is the anterior axillary fold - Posterior wall – o Scapula and subscapularis o Inferior border is the teres major and latissmus dorsi This document was created by Alex Yartsev (
[email protected]); if I have used your data or images and forgot to reference you, please email me. The Medial Triangular Space, Lateral Triangular Space, and the Quadrangular Space These are gaps in the posterior wall of the axilla.