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Returngin 0ctottot: I volunteer for my son's Boy Scout tFoop. Every surruner we trek to Camp Grimes, a bjJly, humid hideaway in the shadow of North Carolina's Great Smoky Mountains. One ni€ht around the ca.mpflre, I lit up a gizmo that I had stashed in my pocket and passed it around. One by one, the kids took turns inha^ling and exhaling, ohhing and ahhing over this powerful thing they'd never experienced. It blew thelr minds. I'm talking about the Ocarina application on my iPhone. As you wili read in the following pages, the Ocarina turns the iPhone into a simple flute. You blow into the iPhone's microphone to produce sound and music. Inventor, professor and musician Ge l|llang created the app, and for the flrst time has turned a mobi-lephone into a wind instrument. Music, mobility and always-on Internet access - that's a pretty potent combination. Our cover story explores some of the technolory and socia^i well as the for other in us back in time to the trippy, hippy days of Woodstock. The site in New York has been turned into a hi$h-bech homage to the Summer of Love. As she notes, the Bethel Woods Genter for the Arts deploys the latest technolog[r to showcase a maglcal moment in Maybe through music, communication aJrd gleater understanding and appreciation of cultural differences and similarities, that dream is still in the cards. AJr, if onJy. I think I'U light up my iPtrone, launch Ocarina, take a toot and pass it to a friend. ilt+ a4 Illlilre Dru.mmond, editor mi*e. dnrmmond@inventorsdiglest. com 4WWtc InventorsOigest.com I ob September2009 When tlrczoning board of Wallkill, N.Y., "Said,I'n going down to Yasgur'sFarnr. banned Michacl Lang. John Roberts,Joel gonnu.joinin a ruck and ntll bund. Gol to get Rosenmanand Artie Kornf'clclflorn holding back to the luntl ttnd set nt.rtsoul./i"ee. " an outdoorconcert, the four 2o-somethings Billed as "An Aquarian Exposition" and improvised. "ThreeDays of Peaceand Mr"rsic," the weekcnd CVI with Tinre WarnerClablc in 1996.The With lessthan a monthbefbre the big show, of August humidity, intennittentthundcrstonns, missionofthe GenJ FoUndationwas to revitalize they turned to alfblfa farnrerMax Yasgurand abundantmud, arornaticweed. sparsefood ancl SullivanCounty, N.Y., and stimulateeconomic askedif he'd let them usc his 600 acresin hippiesnurning out ofrloney provided a challenge activity;specifically with the conceptionof the Bethel,N.Y. for tl.rethrongs. He said"yes." The world,and history, said Onekid diedwhen a tractor "wow." movirrg garbageacciden- Sorne qraced FronrAug. I 5- I 8, I 969,Yasgur's lbmr seled tally ran over hirn; at least acts that astlre rnuddy setting fbr Woodstock,the three-day oneotherdied liom a heroin the stage 40 yeabs ago concertinitially plannedfor 50,000.Ultimately, overdose.But all reporls somehalfa million flowerchildrenflockedto the indicatedthat therewas no are slated to play at world's largestrock n' roll event - thehigh-water violence- a blissful,threc- mark of the '60s peace-antl-lovemovemenl. dayassembly ofpeace, love the bucolic setting That the concert even took place was a and music amid outdoor this surnmer. n-rinorlogistical rrriracle. Two weeksbefore adversities. the event, Lang and his WoodstockVentures " Bv lhe tinre $'egot to llJooclsto<'k,v'a were not-for-profit Bethel Woods on the hallowed had sold I 80,000 tickets.Yet they had not half u ntillit;n strong. And even+t'ltere u'u.sct groundsof theoriginal Woodstock 1969. bookedall the acts. song ond u celebratiofi..." Justenter the grounds and you catchthe vibes Fans, fi'eaksand standald bearersof the Flashlorward 40 yearsto the samelocation. of the"Sunrmer of Love," with plushlawns and counterculture.inc I uding Ro I I i ng St o n e, helped The Bethel Woods Ccnter for the Arts now greenerythroughout the nearly 2.000 acres. spreadthe word - this long beforethe advent servesas a pennanenttribute to the I 969 festival, Openedin 2006,the New York Philharmonic of MySpace,Facebook and Twitter. In theend. a $100 million outdoorperforming arts center perfonned the resurrectedvenue's first concert some 32 acts took the stage,including The and museunr. on July I that year. Band,Richie Havens, The Who,Jimi Hendrix, The centeritself is largely courtesyof Alan Your first stopshoLrld inclucle a visit to the Big Brotherand the Holding Companywith Geny, the wealthy philanthrcpist,founder and site'srnuseurn, which opened in 2008rvith more JanisJoplin, Santana, John Sebastian and the formerCEO of ClablevisionIndustries Inc. ['le than 10,000square f'eet of pemranentexhibit Grateiul Dead. createdthe Geny Foundationafter he merged space,a specialexhibit gallery downstairs,an InventorsD;gesl.comr September2009 eventsgallery seating 350 (where,at presstirne You are now ready for a concert in the Richie Havens was set to perform the song outdoor Pavilion Stageor the TerraceStage. Freedom on Aug. 14, as part of Woodstock's The TerraceStage is a 1,000-seatoutdoor venue, 40th anniversarycelebration) and a gift shop. for more intimateconcerts, such as Eileen lvers Within the museumthere are a total of 20 lastyear. The PavilionStage seats 15,000 (4,500 different films, multimedia exhibit displays, seats,and spacefor an additional I 0,500people and six "interactives,"all fed via fiber optics on a naturally-slopinglawn - with uniqueback- to a central room. drops ofthe original concertsite, and the green Exhibits includea SixtiesTimeline feahrring Sullivan County landscape). the Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement,the Since its debut in 2006, the Pavilion has SpaceRace and the planning of Woodstock. hosted Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Tony The "Festival Experience" is an immersive Bennett, Chicago and Cindy Lauper. The exhibit in a 3-story room, with four screens, lineupfor 2009includes: The Allman Brothers, nine projectors,theatrical lighting and 5. I Dolby B.B. King, Bob Dylan (who opted out of the SurroundSound. I 969 gig reportedlybecause he wasdisgusted "The technical challenge," says museurn with hippieshanging out in front of his house), director Wade Lawrence,"was to take three Willie Nelson,and for the 40th Anniversary projectorsand blend them togetherinto one, on Aug. 15 - "The Heroesof Woodstock" seamlesspanoramic view." with membersof the original concertsuch as Make sure to "ride" the flower-power Levon Helm (of The Band), Big Brother and convertedbus, where you can watch a film of the Holding Company, Jefferson Starship, someofthe scenesfrom the original concert. Mountain and CannedHeat. "The developershad to figure out how to ln the fall, there'stlre HarvestFestival, held projecta film on a schoolbus," adds Lawrence. most Sundaysin Septemberand October,with a "By rear projection on the windshield." farmers market, pony rides, arls and crafts work- Amid the tiedyed t-shirtsand peace symbol key shops,com and hay mazesand live music. chainsat the gift shop,you alsocan makeyourown Duke Devlin, 67, is site interpreterfor the customposters- includrngdropping in your facein BethelWoods complex. He attendedthe original a scenefrom the original Woodstockcrowd. concert in 1969and claims he never left. After some retail therapy, enter into the The bearded,jovial, mucho-tattooedgentleman expansivelobby and head downstairs.Here, holdscourt atthe outdoorMonument, and provides aside from the lavish restrooms, you find the tours for celebs and others on his golf cart. The Special Exhibits gallery, with ever-changing Monument,built in 1984by WayneSaward from 'oi' memorabilia. During our visit, we saw the 5.5 tonsofcast iron andconcrete, is a stone'stluow ill tl original guitar usedby PeteTownshend ofThe fiom the 1969 concert stage,down the hill from al Who, and one of the original Woodstock the Museumand Pavilion,and is a must-seefor posters. photo-opsbefore concert sunsets. The big draw was the Orange County Asked to reflect on the contrast between Choppers' commemorative Woodstock- Woodstock 1969and the modem BethelWoods themedmotorcycle in the style of Sixtiesbikes. era,Devlin smiled. Cunently housedat the gallery is "Give Peace "Back then we droppedacid," he said."And r|rf' A Chance: John Lennon and Yoko Ono's now we drop antacid." I Bed-In for Peace,"featuring photosand stories "lle are stardust, v'e are golden, we are r oflennon andOno's legendarystayat Montreal's billion year-old carbon. And we got to get QueenElizabeth Hotel in 1969. ourselvesback to the garden..." t n I September2009 InvenrorsDigest-com21 .