Shipping News
raywv.a m much, thoagl» generally supposed, wu CHARLES O'CONOR. «®-N<>TlCR TO CAPTAINS OF VESSELS BNTKR1NO has frown in several 0nittli Fla; Lne? Wri*tit, EI*ey, Mew Be<i literature. THE PORT or NEW YORK AT NIUHT The Nsw Yoax with cats Th«re are"'"'J'u. Bwntnerside bains.»«. **urton, (jardner. Jer»t> City. do! p</sitivt|y known at flnL The Acadimy *.»>s that m chM. Sailed.o U Briori* Hium has adopted a disUagnUbing Coaton fof Oeoriria. It h 4t< for it* tbeui»a "vslgar, repulsive and Improbable TUB OREAT LAWYER UK UCiKS OF K£- night signal MUtcu.aud .*» Bonnie BLCKNPOKT, Dec 14.Arrived, »ehr Maud Webster* W1SQ,' ¦>r n toiril the Hiuld iwm yacht, showln* while ban- Wentworth. New York. ON BYKON. and thai ta upon the whole New York. CASTELAli *Vtfy," vulgarity stamped COVIET. the colon red, green, red, changing from one to the other Nbw TW B Sufnrt, Homer. luf Broro.iV " (Jfor), of it. The at/ientrum thinks it superior to anything ia and can be seen aeveral miles distant. l.ffVort*flat. 15~Arri'"i. *iP Jo«phlM Bran*. and Oraaa Varn aaa By Emilio Fort Wahi^utuji, Dec. lfl.Midnight succession, Cap- l^®"Jjp*"';t'Ui^un<l-hen .he UoateA ld" nUm urso* Loan Mr baa written of late. a will a* ^OUIO- '-.clock, 8m^ South Hardly compli¬ tains of anon tbU Dec Maddocks, niuur Tiaiikl-itod by Mrs. Arthur Arnold. Luti i Browning At midnight Charles O'Conor in so much butter that Tramli, mine aigeal, oblige by pre¬ BAHI, 14.Arrived, schr, Adrle, s beat marine new* hare far the Corbett.
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