raywv.a m much, thoagl» generally supposed, wu CHARLES O'CONOR. «®-N<>TlCR TO CAPTAINS OF VESSELS BNTKR1NO has frown in several 0nittli Fla; Lne? Wri*tit, EI*ey, Mew Be City. do! ps that m chM. Sailed.o U Briori* Hium has adopted a disUagnUbing Coaton fof Oeoriria. It h 4t< for it* tbeui»a "vslgar, repulsive and Improbable TUB OREAT LAWYER UK UCiKS OF K£- night signal MUtcu.aud .*» Bonnie BLCKNPOKT, Dec 14.Arrived, »ehr Maud Webster* W1SQ,' ¦>r n toiril the Hiuld iwm yacht, showln* while ban- Wentworth. . ON BYKON. and thai ta upon the whole New York. CASTELAli *Vtfy," vulgarity stamped COVIET. the colon red, green, red, changing from one to the other Nbw TW B Sufnrt, Homer. luf Broro.iV " (Jfor), of it. The at/ientrum thinks it superior to anything ia and can be seen aeveral miles distant. l.ffVort*flat. 15~Arri'"i. *iP Jo«phlM Bran*. and Oraaa Varn aaa By Emilio Fort Wahi^utuji, Dec. lfl.Midnight succession, Cap- l^®"Jjp*"';t'Ui^unrnm» deiiroun of eommnnieattag with v*»s*)a arriv¬ »et, »od arrived 13th, schr Adelaide (Br), Drayton. EleOI rendered English i>y a ci mpetent.hii,nd. "Madcap Violet" is toe name of William Black'* new »jr will tall for New I or* ^ tyron" in(o It was found that ho had recovered hli ing at New York can do eo bj addressing to sueh veaeela, care Niwrott. rw IB.The urnn*m«nn who hare been new revulaUbns con- novel, which wtU. be begun m the January number of of and hi.- stomach Jr. from ill ,"lrK K,t» Stewart (Br), Pinery, Earar* .o those rxpectiug power digestion bepao of IImud newa yacht, pier No 1 East River, New York. Port Johnson for Portsmouth,..J*® "'f * fcefcire reported nab;U'h-LAl'ir.1;schr K V Uart. Boston. famous his his Jfacnul/aa'l artn*. to assume its n« rmal function* At one o'clock Mr. a. heing -hor. .1 thi. *>.. v ,r t0 the ¦ernmg the world poet. biography, sup May Letter* received from all part* of the werld and promptly de¬ I nderwriter. for the place Alio arrived, wbr the- S (Brl, Mstanr.aa. D. a ,«loaQ mates he ate a meal of chicken, cut m small par- benellt of all £uow leared-Barks Ar. i.ta.-ct (Br). Willleui.port in Unite* memoirs or his ih.s bat brifl Mi.ncure Conway say* in letter to the Academy livered. are nearly all cof!fer" id 0 for tressed hie-work, sketchy tides, >u a very hearty manner, and bis sleep has It-eu Duplicate* required. dlacbaiged. The ves.el will be lula up i,Bre bingdum;J Arcadia iBri. Anderson, Havre, ut volume will bring only disappointment But to that Wall Whitman haa to have hia books printed at a very good Mr. Floan read the daily newspaper* to A1go ma Br>, Carry, Liverpool; brig Char. lbBiiK°AenIn» Mitchell (Br^, with lotM i Knlt.er. do. Aose who relish br.llixnt geueralizalioa, ekniaeat and job piloting office and at his own expense, an no Amer¬ lum, and he seemed gratified to kaow of events ALMANAC FOB NEW YORK.THIS DAY. fmstt* and sugar from Ht DomingoKieldlnf. for .r*A,n°fBoston, (Dutch), Charles O'Conor will it is almost certain. into this three City J°*V£ut 1-ucille. Baltimore. touc hes and the treatment of ican publisher will iaaue them and no magazine print recover, porfindi.tr... week. ago. has near y0t li-lWloJ' ,ohr 8"rfth c Sraltli, nelapborical high poelie lira ati) moor. men witil p",?ed her repni.. the most of which are of a temporary hia verse* We remember one of Balik^ B* um . ibeme, Catdelar's briel book will be welcome, certainly seeing Snn nne» 1 19 Got. I'-laud eve 12 14 DANVKRs, Dec l'i.Arrived, srhrs Island City, AHen, poetic FAILURE OF A FICKLE FIRM. "*N ii . vrN j>eo IV-The a misnomer it be to it Whitmans poems in a number of Hagon ha. Sun hu 4 34 ...morn 11 20 tngboat A K Kapella »«» Mjrti ° lri»h. Terrell. Philadelphia, towever great may style Harper't mmarn 'the Hat. 4n KaJt Kiver, Madison. when last ofir^11i>ew ^.Arrived, eciir Aiiuie t bibcock, Tha of the Moon rises eve 10 20 Hell Gate eve 1 50 i i i Out of pages of the London edition trst volume of the Bryant "History THE ANCHOR PICKLE OF ?The tuft went to the river Saturday to tow the Lee, i-harle.ion. biography. WORK8, PITTSBURG, RArnold to Cnnel Jock. The schooner w Port than or 179 are United States" will be in Jaauary. M£ a. also .tuck J* Ueudereon. Johnaonj rss half, only pages, occupied ready BTSPEND.ON* OF THE PAIiTNEIUi ABRBSTED In the moil. Olh. Katie Colliim. Mathii. do. .itb Lord The other materula, fitly dsnom- Happy thought I Let Charlotte Cnshman employ ir.Steamer Centipede arrived KKY WKHT. De«* In. A M.Arrived. ftteamer City of TToufc Byron. POUT OF NEW YORK, DEC. 16,1875. here Galveston for New \ t her leisure momenta in her recollections of FOB FRAUD.THE LIABILITIES SAID TO BE tug Monitor in tow. Che latter P* York gtnd proceeded^ .au-rt "sketches" ,o the tie page, are brilliant char- writing JdiyirtKbnnt her feed having .chr s^*,®rt111*'Taunhauaer, Cedur Key*. the She could an LARGE. pipe. W imooloo Southwest Pais; tcierizations of ft ur eminent Frenchmen and one stage; make intensely interesting « Port,and con- (Br), May, CLEARED. RHip»cr.»twfi-J 8 Winsiew . have ecnr.rhfw. Meyer. Hamburg via I'lymouth and ib* bU1,e' Prudence. is the title under which Mr. C. purpose of their creditors. Noble k Cherbourg. Knrhardt A Co. ha?^hbU-To®htuMW"° (ULVKST()V'i,'' ship Caledonia, Potter. loqueul introduction by Jom; R. Leal, of Havana, The "Quad's Odds" defrauding Heinz, Steamer Mail Bteam- Liverpool? i.rt»'.r'nc 4rCleared.f°r . "l"' An"*E* Freu Man" has Co. are well known the as extensive Acapulco, Gray, Aapinwall.Pacific .hich Mra Arnold bus proper to render B. Lewis, "The Detroit Frtt published throughout country a111 n Co. SPOKEN. wSSffcw^K." thought Steamer of New Tim merman, Havana.P Alex¬ ***«>.«; ¦««» *». from the on but wUich better have a collation of rollicking, humorous sketches which manufacturers of sauces, spices, Ac., and beside their City York, ».nal edition, might works here hare a at andre A Soda from time to lime ia the paper of which quite large house 8t Louis. Steamer Canlma Hamilton Bark Storm, Petrel Baltimore for BeltMl D#C 13 Arrived, .chr Add.. Co.MD, .cen left out. Castelar's prci.rmuary sketch of the have appeared It would appear that depression of business has (Br), Whitter. vBermuda).A E Outerbridge. I Wnm?nJ^^Sc.N- tbat "Odds" v._ v .v itormy birth, Infancy aed childhood of Byron seizes he is the "Man." It ia to bo regretted the rripplnd thorn financially, Inasmuch an they flailed to Steamer Uatteraa, Maukin, Port Royal and Pernaiidina. e^:^^l?.dA,J,-k«*»#Sr'Portland, for Boaton. Dec Cleared.Schr K V Clover Inirenntt not contain more of the and of the liquidate the claim? of Mr. Blair, amounting to some Herman (ielpcke. IH;' Uoi tie main points of his strange biography and brings do sayings doings R fbr Lagn.yra. no date. N.°.E?^k.BTOWS' ^"rr^Jh/aojUAxch, but of him is to $&,OUU. During last night it is alleged that Steamer Herman Livingston, Mallory, Savannah.W M»r£SlKo^Ne^Vork D*C 9cllr» .he belore the reader's eye w.ih great force of now famous Bijah, enough given pre¬ a Garrison. 1U"~ArrUed- Lanle Cobb, Cobb, Bar- picture large number of wagons were engaged in remov¬ Point and Crow.ll from New York for Bueno, b»!doi.HIL''i, vent his easy exit from the public mind In the Intro¬ and sauces from the manu¬ Steamer Isaac Bell, Lawrence, Norfolk, City Anuit .apression. Witness the fallowing:. ing jarred pickles, spices Richmond.Old Dominion Steamship Co. Ayre., Nov I'Mat .) NL IonCh^e- Schr. UliM, Simmon., and Acara, Chai.d ThtK stormy fircskle; this rebellious birth; this duction Mr. Lewis in his best vein criticises the wood- factory. and so industriously did they do the work thut Steamer Deiiance. Pierce. Ptiiiadoiuhla.Jas Hand. Scbr Jas A fracy. bonnd north^ (probablyy the John L. Tra- ^Cleared. oi ^ mU#1 MACUIAS Dec II.Sailed, schrs ' 6aarbrnck*ot- Clark aci1 this assassin this mother cuu in the and that he much the little value was found this morning. The bulk of Steamer Eleanora, Johnson Portland.J .* Aine*. ey. from Wilmington, NC, for rroviuenw,^owo ipendtbritt lather; uncle; book, says regrets were to K BA of at. k»una I,na. Sanborn. We.t Indie.. embittered the sweetness of whose the goods removed shipped by train Chicago Steamer Nerena. Berrv. Boston.LI Dimock. Barney L'' b,rkA by disappointment, non-acceptance by his publishers of a plan which he uid started to their Borneo, aliaw, Londoo.C W Berutux. _____ U"~Sl"le(1'* Hamilton, New sex had been the thorns o! her this destination daring the night. Mr. Ship | V,fJfc^2RV>GI-;iYork .. Afureliii. >ai£u>t. pierreu oy sorrow; to Heinz wok arrested on information Ship Spartan, Jackson, San Prancisco.Simonson A brig blood, boiling and agitated like the troubled seas over submitted and offered execute. His proposition waa this afternoon notice to merchants and CAPTAINS NEW ORLEANS, Dec lfl.Arrived steamer State of Ala. noted above and released on bail lor a Howes bama bark Lu. Morau. Cietw which watid) red the Normans; this cradle, rock'd t»y made alter viewing some of the cuts with wbich his hearing. Bark Chriatel (Oer), Bockelman, Bremen.H Koop A Co. (Br),' Hamlin, Liverpool; tSp.>, and watered tears this of an illus¬ K. J. Noble and Clarence L. Noble, tho other part¬ Bark Axel (Sws), Uengtaon, Montevideo.Kniieh, Edye A luegos. despair by decay was to be and was to the effect that . 1< t book embellished, ners. were not apprehended, having left lor the West Co. Cleared-Steamer. Prancoll (Sp), Oarteptil,, Liverpool; trious line, which threatened extinction in i-< C C Ron A Co. 'hip Coronet (Br), Cruwell, Havre: this accidental lameness. to which the be be allowed to make soma sketches with an axe. A charge of false pretence was also preferred against Hrig Sweeny, Cole, Havre.Brett, bark Elxsne^er Oenoa. representative; Mr. on the that Mr. Brig Jolin \V Hunt, llont, Havana- J E War A Co. EL55TSXS~ (Nor Xeifsen, < ruel shaft ol ridicule made htm all Noticcable the nnmeruua In the book ia Heinz, allegation he procured SouTuwiutT |). r 1(1.Sailed, uteamer. Cordova fBr), keenly sensitive; among pictures to note Brig Shannon, Moore, Caibarteu.Simpson, Clapp A Co. rari. 0«e., addreMltvg "Benm*. 61 these on a sensitive nature, Iilair's signature the promissory by falsely Schr A L Kiaher. San Bias.K K Pialier. "SS-JAJS Xjiverpool; Uhooli i Mr), Griiuabj; ship Lirxie Horrill (Br), loflueaoes, acting naturally the one of. Old Bljah, with a shepherd's crook that he was for a loan of Putnam, .d barkit Frank Tancred (Nor). inspired the eternal elegy embodied in his verses, like representing negotiating Schr E II King. Bunker, St Thotnaa.Penlaton A Co. *J-»»un>peJ Liverpool; Marion, Antwerp; his oxistenca. in one hand, a box of bon bom in the a swarm of $10,000 from the bank in Sharpsburg, on the following Schr of the Eaat, Ponce. PR.E L Bocarra. -d aU v, Zof>"r s " «^«enburg; J M Burnt. the continuation of tho tirst bitter cry of other, Light Harper, . ~ SZZ UUcu S day. The liabilities of the firm were not given, but Schr S8 ?H SweetI" tBr), Dunn, St John*, NV.J Y Whitney with the United the NKWBKRN M'. Dec I.Arrivou, .tuamor Terry, Cattelar in hia second speaks mod¬ urchins around bis left leg and a tribe of girls around A Co. States foreign Salyear, New Vork. himself, chapter, must be large, as they had an excellent reputation as NORFOLK. Dec I .cbr Jennie M Van>lervoort, of the task be has undertaken, and claims no fhl- his right. The facc is so clearly cut and such great at¬ enersretic business men, and their failure caused no Schr Ancona (Br), Wasson, St John, NB.P I Nevlus A Arrived, estly Son a. -»«««^ Brown. New York Jment In it of what the world lias long looked for with tention has been given to the details of the central little surprise in commercial circles. Schr , Phillips, Savannah.Evana, Ball A Co. N*Vu"",a. Cooper. Liverpool. K terranean porta will Bnd the Pari, offlce the more economic*ands «jo?ST?.Tr?jlF. "''' 1'..'bailed, Kteamrr A< Lilies- on the life of the which figure that we must believe it to be a true portrait of Schr Nellie Potter, Howard, , NC -W Her¬ u, IMM y, impatience.namely, a work po< t man A Co. and expeditions for telegraphing new*. " Nadab, Cheney, do. PLANING MILL DESTROYED. vviw , pil: .chr Halt io shall be, so t< monumental, "a book which Bijah. The author does not claim that all he has writ¬ Schr E li Knight, Pratt, Baltimore.W Clialmera. NKW HBOFORD, "Due 14.Arrived, Perry, speak, Schr Perth J (yna»o, rbiladi'lpti. i. would a a on this ten is humorous, for we are informed by the title page Mangle Dulling, Dolling, Arnboy.John OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. lfith .chri Annie Annig V throw new and groaler light great Creed. . Sailed,1 May, Philadelphia; Milwaukee, Dec. 16, 1875. Bnrcen, do. mind, and be for .t almost a resurrection." Such a that it is "a book of humor, anecdote, pathos and other Schr Ida Ella, Wilbur, Boston.Jed Prye A Co. A fire at Oshkosh, Wis., to day destroyed the planing Schr laa I'almer, Stanford.Stamforo Manufac- Antwerp. Dec 15.Arrived, .hip May *ueen (Br). Flynn. NBVVPORT, Der T I. I'M.Arrived M),r Charlie Cobb, he had «ha been worthy, might have things." Paimer, Kcuoedy, I'rovidcnc 'or New Yorl^iand .ail«d l.'.th), book, thinks, mill of James P. tiould and the Grant House. The loss tuf ng Co. Al.o nch N Providftwe the Ci unless that beautifu sloop James T. Morgan, Chevalier, Hackemack River, arrived, llenry cker-on. BohMni, been written by Gmccioli, . ties in the care is token to instruct .15th-^In port. Alice. Roirert, language city. Special young EVENING WEATHER REPORT. KZPORTKD BT TIT* HKRAI.D MTRAM TACTITTS AND EKHALD Klnia; Idaho. Jam. Km. Rockland for New York; Annie Tio- tl at woman, who met dard(Br».I^wU.l'orttaIldMe^BnnnKit, Dec 15.Arrneu, oar*Hilton.u E Ar.d, indeed, the poet women In the domestic arts, and advice and instruc¬ WIHTR8TO.HK TKLKGUAril L.1NR. bett*. Eaton. Calais lor do; Oertrude Smith, ,laiiirM>n, n « Ucd inmost wild O W Bnli. Teller do. Boston for Chariest, n: M K Rawley, Rollins do for Sa? hall way his career, maddened by tion are to all women merit. The War Philadelphia; brig tBr) and when faith and li!e were given seeking employ Dipartmioit, Stcumer Pereire (Kr), Raure, Havre Dec 4 via Plymouth Sail'd steamer Sailer Krain, vauniih; J F Carver Kohbinv Bangor Cor New York; Mar> past.ons desperation, Oppick op thk Chikp Signal fbdxi; and to de 16th, (Oer), s for Carrie E Wood. who sm led fair in aid of the is now going on at Masonic Opptck*,men,} Dth. witli passengers Louis Bebian. cut Hunter, Henley. Wood Hole do; nearly extinguished; she upon him like Directory Dec. to. Steimier liardlner. St Dec (In place of the Mo.eli. lieoi for s Mnry moio Washington, 16.7:30 P.P. ) Wilmington, Domingo 8, Maya- Pontbampton "oodhury. ^etown, DC, Ailyii Point; the between tho ciouds of the tempest and Temple, and Santa Claus appears in ail bis glory to (riei C'th, Sainaua 7th, Porto Plata Sth and Turk* Inland Carrie wlllMemWUittem E Gilki'v. Portland for 8agua la (>r»nde Milli. toothed h.m with her as the ram Probabilities. CAPnf-«ail«^ "rig 1'urlngton (Br). ore, Ihomp.ou, tears, gentle calms gladden the hearts of the young people. Numerous 1H.ii, with mdae and passenger* to W P Clyde AOs. Had »\ auhhnrn. Llttleficld. and Lu.ie W liuonum. ('obb, Prov* the stormy ocean, and inspired him with tender verses, For Friday, io the South Atlantic and Gulf States, strong northerly winda. inceuiwn for ; Liizie D Barkor, Nathan Cleavea, whose sweetness and pathos aro equalled by their valuable and curious articles, including sewing ma¬ steamer Orescent City, Cnrti*, Havana Dec 11. with "rUi VMft-Wled, iichr Mary R Somirs. Ack.ey', West rlor enee Mayo, and ..tlier., dia(-. she who to falling, followed by rising barometer, colder, northerly nuKe and passenger* to \Vui P Clyde A Co. NORWICH. Dec I.'».Arrived, schr. Kit Carson, from ViJ» grandeur; incited him deathless actions, chines, pianos, a Remington rifle and Japanese curl- Steamer Keliei' Galveston Nev l> inch as the tor the of the Greeks, winds and cloudy with a severe (wrecker). Crowell, 13, (fit'la, li Moiri., from Alex.udria. struggle emancipation oslties of various kinds are to be rwfflud lor, and music partly weather, New Orleans 20th and Key Wert Dec 12, with wrecking ma¬ "c.'itm., D« 15-ArtT.a, Mr L""' Sailed.Bri« Oeorjjc. for New London. the memory o( whose deeds shall be cherished among and dancing taker place every evening. "norther" in tho Western Gulf. terial to J J Merritt. Had strong Nw winds, with heavy LONDON. I"».Arrived, r.hrs C C Nnvln., Phil. the heroisms and the nobler sacrifice* at his The grand dolls' bazaar at the drawing rooms of the For the Ohio the tho eroaa aeaa, to Uatteraa, thence moderate westerly winda and adelfihla lor Nnrwiih;J F Pai(je, Bunion for Baltimore^ that woman is one of those sublime Tennessee, Valley, upper lakes, fine weather. The Relief whs detailed the Coast Wreck¬ D.« M-Acrl.*. 0...H (M. Li2»le Dow, do tor il >. tory; Muses who Free Training! School, No. 30 West Tenth street, is by Gnr- the world singing, like a flock of white mystic progressing favorably, and crowds oI ladies and chi- Upper Mississippi and the Lower Missouri valleys rising ing Co to aaaist In getting afloat the British steamer Aus¬ HAVBN. Dec '"..Arrived, schr. Oeo Onrney, pssoverover its sorrows and terrora tralian. aabore aontli of Oalveetou, which, after having done, ^ tru^ ^ tiurney, Guruey, and E Burtictt, birds, dreu are daily in attendance purchasing dollH. Tho barometer, colder, northwest winds, partly cloudy or towed lier to New Orleans. Bfnt n d After this somewhat extravagant to the Training School is a noble charity, and it Is to be hoped with occasional snow on the lakes and Steamer Montgomery, Faircloth, Pernanillna Dcc 11. Cleared.Schr. Allen tiumey, Gurney. Weehawkcn; Ejc compliment to clear weather, and Port with Countess, Castelar contrasts her with whose the bazaar will realize enough enable the good ladies Brnnawick 12th, Royal 13th. ind»e and passen¬ celsior, Blydenbursli, HoOokeu. Heloise, who take chargo of it to push forward their charitable possibly followed by stationary baromoter in the ex¬ ger* to H (ielpcke. PORTLAND, O, Dec 7.Arrived, .hip Briti.h Statesman immortal love for Abelard was of so and Steamer Old Dominion, Walker, Norfolk. City Point nnd vlch New York via Qneenstown Sea Wail, Ha.torf, do. much higher work the winter. treme Northwest. . bri# during Richmond, with mdae and passengers to the Old Dominion Ba***i Dec 15.Arrived, .chr Lookoot. Nichols Charle. rc..>aACUI^A,S'jKri,"''»t0'¦I)i*c l.».Arrived, nchrs Joauna DouKbty, finer a quality than that of Guicctoli for Byron. Ho The fair in aid of the new Church of St. Francis For the lower lakes and Middle States fol¬ Co. " Port Xavier on at falling, Steamship y°uu«. Hali, Hp»ia. Ends fault with the fair Countess for survived Is going the College Hall which is con- Bark B M Width (Nor), Brekke, Rio Janeiro Oct 8 via p°ifMoS'nuV':"lA "»« li.Arrived, .hip.) W Hatfield hiving nected with the church. The noil, which is one of the lowed by rising barometer, southerly winds, veering to Roads 0 day*, with coffee to B G vessel (Br),n IULAV£LIScoville, Antwerp, schr. Jame. A Potter. (Idler, Fer- the Hampton Kamsey; Riuhaida poet. Says he:. prettiest in the city, is linely decorated, and the One cold westerly, cloudy and snow. to C Tobias A Co. Crossed the Equator Oct 30. in Ion 30 W. nandina: h v.C Cook,i look, do; Mary E Keincnck The Countess her first paintings with wuicb the walls are are a Bark American Kagle, McMabon, Pernambuco Oct 7, via Savannah. wronged husband for the Rake hung great For New England, rising, followed by falling barome¬ with coffee to H H Swift A Co; vessel to hirks Ollva atal). Dodero, of Such a fault could have one attraction. The fair is conducted the ladies ot the Hampton Roads, iOth-Arrived, Speciosa Byron. but excuse.the by northeast to southeast and southwest Squire Broa. Crossed the Knuator Nov 13, in Ion 37: Dec 9, Havre; ^ulma Pel rson, Trinidad: schr. Clara David.on, eternity of her love How did the Countess Guiccioli church, and the object is to raise foads tor the new ter, winds, lat 36 50, Ion 73 30, spoke ship Reynard, from Norfolk lor uarwood. Norfolk: tlcoree swing, Facemire, Bridireton. wear her perpetual mourning? Calling toerself the church building. A very fine selection of articles is warmer, cloudy weather and possibly snow. Liverpool. Cleared-Bark a.. (Oer), Bohm, Bristol, E; brie de Boiacv. after death of sh displayed on the different and the attendance is Brig Peggy (Nor). Moller, Rio Janeiro 29 via Lokpoh, Dec 16.Cleared, hark Harold Uaafager (Nor,. Sagua Sa iu schr. Mawie A Uand. Hand, Aeidt* Marquise the her husband, tables, Cautionary s'gnals are ordered for Indunola and Sept Hamp¬ Mutday, (ir*. wrote an interminable book a monotonous good. ton Roarfa Dec 11, with coffee to order. wall; A Lilian, Smith, Jacksonville; Lucy npou Byron, Galveston. Schr Mary 8 Lunt (of Dtekaon, San Bias 21 ham. Siulth, llavan \bble Coraon, Corson, do; F R Balrd, and wearsome apology, instead of the lyric poem The fair for the benefit of St. Peter's Parochial Granada), Clement. .Br). Elvie Am:- now In or days, with cocoanuts to Hoadley A Co; vessel to B J Wen- Ma/hew. do; Anna Bell, Griffin, Boston; Davis, which should emanate from an enamored heart School*, being held the basement St. Peters For the canal regions of and Virginia the Wa* 10 north df Uatteraa, with strong N and strong, Salem. cliurch, in has a assortment berg. day* Barclay street, very . The few and felicitous touches which sre good temperature will remain above freezing. NK gale*. t'"rk Boston « Sailed..Steamer [mlittna, LiverpooL personal of article!) on exhibition, and is well attended. Schr Ocean Pearl, Wilbur. Mayagnez, PR, 14 dayi, with Smyrnlote. Sears. Nfwcastlk, Del. He,- l.i, AM.Bark Advocata, for Rotter- found In Castelar's book are mingled with a mass of The children's merry making at the New York Diet The Mississippi and tributaries will continue falling. oran^ea to J A T Pearsall; vessel to B 0 Bahhitt. IIattic Pettis (Br), Pettis, do; Uarry Stewart. Atwo d. dam, anchored abovo lie re last night and proceeded down which is to occur at No. 110 Second Schr ('iara Woodhousr, Cruae, Braios Santiago 18 till, morn u£. Brij: \\ loo'^etie. lor Santanaer, parsed down philosophical reflections which constantly interrupt Kitchen, to-night days, l' dowb in aid of the sick is to bo a series of in¬ THE WEATHEB YESTERDAY. with hides. Ac, to Woodhoose A Rndd this morning. Steamer iorida, for Providence passed the n&rrativa as a avenue, poor, E R Kirk Cfdar IS IS.Off, ».l. E.U tBrt. n.» last Castelar literary artist belongB es¬ entertainments. Not will a Schr Burnett. Key* days, with lumber niKht. teresting only it be chil¬ The following record will show the changes in the to ve*ael to Van Brunt A Broa. Ia hound to Kenne- Noon.Schr Therms i Keens, for Havana, pawied down. sentially to the class of orators. not dren's but of mature will order; Nitchored off hern Rhetoric, logic, merry making, people ages for the past in com¬ bunktxTt. Put into this port to repair sails. Dec 7, alter Schr Benjamin Oar' ,tie. i,,r (Jharleslon, is his forte, and long episodes, brilliant but beside tho tlnd at it something to please. temperature twenty-four hours, clearing Straits of Florida, was In company with ahip Tvna- tills AM. Bark Luedu.i Durkce got under way and pioceetictl parison with the corresponding date of last year, as wamla. from Mobile for Liverpool. down. subject, continually divert the reader from his theme, SHALL WOMEN VOTE FOR PRESI¬ indicated by the thermometer at Hudnut's pharmacy, Scnr Seguin, Whlttemore. Richmond. .Schr Benjamin Can.ide, for Charleston, .till re¬ which he has styled "The Life of Lord Byron." He Hkrald Building:. Schr T M Perot, Scnll. Virginia. New York for Parana mains. 1874 1875. 1674 1875. Schr Ra Schr Rillow. Bennett. Pall River for New Yorx. Sailed.Bark.l II i'h.idwiek; bri** Protena, and Belle ble in Albany in January next, securing to the women Schr Oaute Cock. Sackett. Millstone Point for New Boston. Boshrod W Hill, and othera in general Pvron in Venice prompts 'a personal rem¬ York, __ Pr.?"ci;y ..*chr, ?»»rah Bird. or tin* Suite the rignt to vole for Presidential electors Schr Clara Jane, Uubbard, Portcbester for New York. T ^r>ec 16.Bark Homeward Bound. Dec i5.Arrived, .chr L'nlou Flay, Pri»- iniscence of the Grand Canal and an of in the fall of "and thus to the centen¬ OBITUARY. Merryman, ^.PORTSMOUTH,bie, New York, apostrophe Edgar 1S76, inaugurate BOUND KABT. from New wh.cb arrived at Lisbon Dec had lo«i her nial year by an act of equity aud Justice," In accord¬ York, 0. A -hepam. Ed^eil. Baltimore. (juinet's great work of "Ahasuerua" Byron's ad-, Steamer United States. Davis. New York for Pall PBOVIDENCK. Dee 15.Arrived, sehr. Henry Whitney. ance with that part ot tbe Declaration of Independence THOMAS B. HOLLAND. River. Ella Matheura, McElwee, (ieorL-e- vent in the Bouse of Lords tempts Castelar into an ac¬ which declares that derive their Schr C W Morse, Mar, iloboken lor Somerset. (Br,, from Bo«on Nov 27 for Shepard, Kiohmond. Va; "governments jtut Thomas S. Holland, a prominent actor In tho Scftr John Cadwallader, Phiuney, Port Johuson fur Salem, f0«?"P'DeTi;arana Liverpool, SLT? Py'': StePl'«ii' Morgan, (iale, do; E F Cabada, Swain, count of-his own sensations on seeing for the first time powers from the consent of the governed." The word Schr for Batb. arrived at Queenstown to day short of coal and with her *1-'" »'. Bliveu. Port Johnson ; Only Son, died at on the 12th Inst Agnes. Ilodgkina. Ueorgetown JJ ,*4. R " Marcena the Houses of Parliament, the Cathedral of Tolodo, the "just" is printed in italics, and the circular concludes West, suddenly Indianapolis Schr J a* English, Barker, Weehawken lor Providenee. VVakefield, do; Llllie Wells, Well., Weehawkcn. by ask.tag ".shall it not be iloue?" He made his first at the Old National SckrUen Banks. McParland, Port Johii«m for Salem. Munson. Jr. Davton. do. Josepti Uall, Hamilton, New York : Coliseum of Rome and the Cemetery ol Pisa Some¬ appearance Schr New York for Portland. '.jJarCchHo O.ttorao (ItA). Schiaftino. wh,ch .loop North . Lvon, do. and since that time has led a Keystone, Wild, .. times Theatre, Philadelphia, Schr John K Shaw, Baltimore for New iinven. Y,.rk gers, Philadelphia; of poetic analysis, but at others they become ifeart- that city. Sclir W 8 Thompson, Johnnon for Ks*ex. He"crew to-day Newport. Rilfirs, do: Kate X Mary. Cogswell, Haverstraw, John Bradley^Port ..i.ind nf 33 850 bushels of corn. Heacliam. Beacliain Minnesota, Coombe;Highlander.Wood; as with the reflections of the indi¬ tbe it now was Schr John Manlove. U