N ew Jersey Courier

I EVERYBODY READS IT :: THE COURIER IS THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF OCEAN COUNTY :: IT U1 ES ALL THE NEWS 'ESTABLISHED 1850. Toms River, N. J., Thursday Afternoon, June 8, 1899. VOLUME 49--NUMBER 3 7 COAL AND LUMBER LAKEWOOD. SCHOOL GRADUATES POINT PLEASANT. FAD MEMORIAL DAY 14 Year Old Suicide. The Lakewood gas company will lay one A Junior Christian Endeavor society has Daughter ot William B. Haines, Form­ Lime, Cement and Brick, Doors, Sash and Blinds, and a half miles o f eight inch pipe ; one aud a County Schools Close. been organized at the Baptist church by Miss erly o f Toma River, half miles of six inch pipe ; six mites o t four What the Veterans Did. Lath. Also, Blacksmith’s Coal aud Coke. At Joyce, daughter of lawyer J. J. Joyce ot Rebecca (or Reba) Haines, daughter of Inch pipe. Its gas house will be 40x140 feet, Lakewood G ram m ar (School. Orange, a summer cottager. It will meet each A number of interesting momorlal day ser­ William B. Haines who a few years ago lived lowest prices. Agents for Lucas’ Paints. The air la rife just now with rumora o f new 33 feet high, and with an iron roof It la situ­ Wednesday alteruoon. The graduating exercise* of the Lakewood vices were crowded out last week and are on tin Berkeley Boulevard in this village, and railway* in different parts o f Ocean county ated at Laurel avenue and Cioyer street and Grammar School took place on Friday evening J. H. Shecler, manager of the Girard avenue given here. who also at one time resided at LavalJetle, • and the development o f much land hitherto re work has beeu started upon It. Tbe gas tank theatre, Philadelphia, Is at the Lewis cottage last in Kindergarten hall. The program wa* At Lakewood. committed suicide by throwing herself into the mote from markets. The trolley read from will be 100 feet in diameter and 33 feet daep, tor the Sommer. Schuylkill rlvor. Her body was found on to Point Pleasant seems to be an as­ a* follows : ?A. B. NEW BURY & CO. vlth 100.000 cubic feet capacity. The plant The Ladies aid society o f the Methodist Memorial Day service* were held In the Invocation by Rev. C . H. McClellan Tuetday above the Girard avenu* bridge and sured thing. If so it will open up much good will be able to turn out 175 000 cubic feet of Methodist EpUcopal church at 2 in the after­ Successor to Wm. Aumack Chora*, Idle church has elected officers as follows ; Presi­ the inquest was held by the Coroner on Thurs­ land In Jackson township that has been gas tn a day. It will be finished in September. dent, Mr*. A. M. Lake; V ice President, Mrs. noon. Reno Post, Grand Army, marched to Declamation, Joan of Arc. Robert K.Seveille day at Philadelphia. I f o posite C. R . R. Depot ______TOMS R IVER, N, J. too far away from markets to be valuable. It 000 000 brick will be required for tue founda­ the church escorted by details from the Junior Recitation, The dandy fifth, Lillla E. E . Platt W. A . Longstreet; Secretary, Miss Clara Reba lived with net parents at 4423 Melon will also make more accessible for residence tion o f the tank alone. Mechanics and Patriotic Sons of Clayton; Treasurer, Mrs Pboj’ie Sherman ; street. Her father broke down while on the the beantiful region about the Metedecouk Declamation. The dedication of Gettysburg. The public school closed on Friday night of Collectors, Miss Phoebe Stillwell, Mrs. Frank America. A program was given as follows: THUOW YOUR TRUSS AWAY, River and the head o f the bay—a spot like the V. George Wilils witness stand and cried bitterly when asked to last week, the grammar department holding Bills and MUs Lydia J. Sembler, Chorus, Battle Hymn of the Republic established 1891, Recitation, The Wives of Brixbam, Elizabeth furnish a motive for the suicide .of hi# little hanks o f Toms River In its natural beauty graduation exercises In the Academy of Music, Prayer, Rev. W. G, Wedomeyer [ RUPTURE Sunday was quarterly meeting day at the girl. 8. Clark Within a few yearB after the construction of the night before the school gave an entertain­ M. E church, Address. Rev. J. L. Howard of Beverly Vocal eolo, Tw o little, bine little shoes, Mary ” She had no reason to take her life,” Bald this road, one may look to see a large Increase ment for the school library fund, in which Singing, Tho old flag Rudd St. Peter*' Roman C atholic church has been her father with tears in his eye*. " Her Id small trait, truck and poultry farms in about 135 pupils took part. The house was repainted and an addition and belfry built to Address, Rev. W . G. Wedemeyer Jackson and Brick townships. Recitation, The engineer’s story. Cornelia E. Solo and chorus, Vive l’Amerlcalne mother and I loved her and tried to make her I : : CURED crowded. The Kindergarten also held closing the front o f the church. Hill * Addresses by Rev. S G. Pitt and Commander happy. We never knew that she went out mid * * * exercises on Friday morning. Onr carpenter* are busy and many alter­ Another rumor wHch is as yet bu a rumor, Recitation, The Legend of Bregenz, Bessie B. met boys. Sometimes when she staid out BY FIDELITY METHOD The school consus thows 576 pupils In Lake- ation* aud additions are being made to cot­ Edward Stothard of Reno Post is the old story that the P. R. R. will be In­ Brown longer than usual her mother would reprove wood ; L0 at Seven 8tarB; 50 at G reenville; 23 tage*. Chorus, Marching through Georgia We Care—Powtive—Permanent— and Guarantee for duced to build along tbe beach south from Sen Instrumental duet, See the conquering comes, Chorus. America her gently. She was of a highly sensitive at Ruoyona—total 690 Last yoar there were Tbe Borough council chamber has been i life. dVe mean what we Ray. We ran cure yon. 12,000 Side Park to Barnegat Inlet, and that a steam­ Elizabeth S. Clark and Carrie LeCompte Benedictiou by Rev. Mr. Asay. nature and used to brood over thesa rebukes. 635—a gam o f 64, all but 12 o f the gain being moved from the Heudrickson building to the ; cores in last 7 years. We care in 00 days without pain or er would connect this road with the Lontr Recitation, My Playmate, Hattie Conklin Memorial services were held at Woodlawn Sometimes she would go to her room and cry in Lakewood village. Fire com pany's new ball. The Bteel cages, Beach Railway. As much of the beach south Declamation, The Seven Iuvlnclbles, Halsey and i would have to go upstair* to console and j loss of time. Successful on men, women and cnildren. No The Forest Hotel company has elected offi­ which form the borough lockup, were also cemetery immediately after. Reno Post dec­ o f the Barnegat Bay bridge is owned by the D. Po hemus pacify her. Her mother reproved her for her ‘ stance for failure. cers as follow s: S. 8. Beard, president; F P. moved to tho same building. orated the soldiers’ graves In all tbe cemeteries Pennsylvania Railroad offlcitls, they may be Recitation, Old Ace, Carrie LeCompie own good. She was a good, pure, wholesouled Freeman, treasurer; and A. M Bradshaw, Am ong the cottagers recent'y located here about Lakewood. NO PAY UNTIL CURED trusted to build upon this beach as soon as Presentation o f diplomas by 8upt. F. A. girl and 1 loved hor." He tried to go on, bnt secretary ; W . C. O'Leary, assistant secretary. are W illiam Cohn of New Y ork ; C. II. Clark At Point Pleasant. conditions will warrant it. Long Beach peo­ North sobbed so violently that tbe (Joroaer permitted Testimonials at our office or references furnished on U. H. Kimball and J. C. Westervelt are also of Elizabeth; Dr. Price of Philadelphia; Elwood Arnold PoEt, G. A. R , decorated the ple naturally favor the idea as it would give Chores, Learn to live and live to learn tho heartbroken father to leave the stand. application. All patients must come to this office for pro- on the board o f directors. Waiter Ii. Wood at Long Point cottage; soldiers’ graves In the neighborhood of Point them a shorter route to and from New Y ork Tbe class of '99 consisted of twenty-one A number of school mates of tbe litUeJglrl : fessional attention. Quick action means much to your future J. H. Todd and Luke Johnson have been re­ Walter S. Brewster at his bungalow ; the Bax Pleasant. Loaviug the Post room at nine a It is urged that an excursion house on the members and was organized with Benjamin were called to tho Btand, but none o f them elected Fire Commissioners aud $500 was voted ter fam ily at ihn Furness cottage ; W. R Cul­ m., they visited Osbornville aud on their re­ North Point o f Beach could be made the ren­ Fowler as president; Cornelia E Hill, vice could furnish any evidence that would furnish Dr. F. W HITAKER for fire protection for the preseut year. ver o f N ew York, at tbe A ncvorage. turn West Point Pleasant aud Point Pleasant dezvous o f thousands of fUbermen from New president; Raymond E. Todd, secretary and a mcllvo for Reba’s snlcide. One of her boy Freehold's Mayor aud council came to Lawyer J J Joyce sailed for London, cemeteries. Memorial services were held at Offije hours: 12 to 2. York, Newark and Philadelphia and beside treasurer; Halsey D. Polbemus, G eorge GaroH friends said Bbti talked ou Dewey Day fM ay Point Pleasant, N. J Lakewood ou Friday last to inspect the electric England, last week. each cemetery and addresses were made by could be used to relieve the heavily burdened and Hattie Conklin, executive committee. The ibI) about wauting to go on the stage. fire alarm system. Hotel people are getting ready for the sum­ Rev; Mr. Maloney o f the Osboruvillo M. P. Atlantic City branches o f the P. R. R. o f much class motto is : *• Still higher its co lo rs : rose, Tho jury was instructed to render a verdict I ff. UAiUlIOHAEL, The Evergreen cemetery association has mer and opening day. Nearly every year of church ; Rev. Hartpeece of the Bnrrsvllle Bap­ of their excursion traffic. pink and pearl grey. of suicide from drowning while despondent elected the follow ing offl/era : F. M. Marston, late has seen a new hotel at Point Pleasant tist church; Rev. A. M. Lake of the Point :•*'* (JoUISELOB AT L a w AND H. Hirdsall & Cn. B a r n e g a t School. from & rebuke of her mother. The verdict * * * president; W . D. , vice president; D. aud tbis year will be a o exception—tho new Pleasant M E. church, and others. At Master in O hanoeby, was rendered lu accordance with the evidence. Successors to It is also suggested that a trolley line m ight F. Maynard, secretary and E A. Tickner, The Barnegat public school held its com­ house being the Pine Bluff Inu on the Maua- noon a dinner was served at the Post room by Tho tuneral of Reha Haines was held at her b run more cheaply with frequent open cars treasurer aud supoi iutendent, Messrs. Mar­ mencement exercises on Thursday evening of fJTlCECN MAIN AND STREET, squan river bank. the w Ivcb and daughters of the Grand Army from Point Pleasant (or belter yet from Asbury last week, with the follow ing program : late home on Thursday. The body was viewed Fischer, Brown & Co. ston, Tickner, Maynard. G. G. Smith and E. J. Freeholders LeCom pte, Rogers aud IlyerB veterans; and at two o’clock a memorial ser­ Toms River, N J Park) to the Inlet, much as (he Longport cars Praysr by Rev, O. W , W rlgbt by a large number of friends before the ser Westhall were appointed on the improvement met with the Monmouth county committee on vice was held la John Arnold hall with tho Representing the are run at Atlantic City. Chores, Song of Liberty vIceB by W. F. C. Morse!!,rector o f the Church committee. the Squau bridge Monday and decided to ad­ following program: The fact tbatth P. U. R. has purchased two Recitation, Landing of the Pilgrims, pupils of the Holy Comforter. Pupils o f the Martha F AW OFFICES. The Lakewood Heights boy’s Bckool closed vertise fo r bids for repainting that structure The Tar’s farewell, by orchestra entire blocks of land at Bea Side running from room 2 Washington school acted as pall bearers. The American yesterday. Tenting on the Old Camp Ground,by the boy ^ EDWARD H. MURPHY, ocean to bay, has led to the surmise that Sea Essay, Silent Forges. Helen Wright floral offerings were bcautltul. The Interment Rev. Falber Sbceby, after assisting at tbe choir In Ml. Moriah cemetery was private.} Side Park will be made the terminal o f New eburch of 8t Mary of the Lake during tbe last Dnet, Wake up little daisy, May Camp and NEW E G Y P T . S h r e v e ’ s B u il d in g , Prayer by ltev. A M. Lake York trains instead o f Point Pleasant as at four months, has returned to . Dar­ Kathleen Inman Fire Insurance Rev. J . H. Crawford was recently Inst lied T rio by Mrs. R. A. Clark, Mrs. Rosla Clark 144 East S tate S treet, T renton. present, and that the P R R will make stren­ ing the summer months there will be but one Essay, Knowledge Is Power, Eflle Soper T h * Tie That Binds. as pastor of the New E gy pt and Cream Ridge and Mrs. Krall No. ‘380 BRO A D W A Y , N E W YORK. uous efforts to bring the beach line Into co n ­ service—8 o ’clo ck mats. A literary sketch, Evangeline, Angle Cox Presbyterian churches—Instead o f tho Baptist Lincoln’s address at Gcttysbury, read by Secret Society tioaalp Gathered Irom flic Company dition to pay its own expenses. With plenty Rector D. L. Schwartz o f All Saints church, Recitation, The lady o f the castle, May church as was erroneously reported. Among Comrade Lower A LBEtU C MARTIN. of fast trains to New York, it is easy to be­ •will sail for Europe on Saturday with bis Falkinburg Lodges Roundabout. the clergymen present were Rev- Dr. Swain o f She was Bred In Old Kentucky, by boy choir of Philadelphia, also lieve that tbe entire Squan Beach would soon family, instead of spending the summer at l bores, Colombia my country Mis. William UusBtsll of Barnegat, whose ^ A ttorney and Allentown; Rev. William Finney of Moores- Oration by Rev, J. A. Clyde be built up with summer cottages—one stretch Mantoloking as heretofore. An historical review, The English race, husband wan mate ou the fonrmasled schooner town ; Hey. Mr. Curry o f Jam esburg; Rev Marching through Georgia, by Ihe boy choir Solicitor in C hancery. Philadelphia Underwriters from Point Pleasant to Sea Side Park. Count de Lasted me. husbandof Anna Gould, James Throckmorton Howard Ii. Ilauscom, haB received $3000 from Mr. Sims o f Tennent and Dr. Rice of Philadel­ Benediction by Rev. Mr. Ifartpence who was arrested on Sunday in Paris for par­ Es&ay, Unwritten heroism, Etta Smith the Portland (M e.) council o f the Royal A r­ OFFICE OVER THE BANK, om ce, Room 1. Courier Building, phia. Gen Mllss’ March by orchestra Still another proposed road Ii the much ticipating in the disgraceful demonstration Solo. The Golden rod, Freda Hensel canum- The Hanscom was last seen off Mon- Toms River, N. J. The Penn City club of Philadelphia played At Forked River. TOMS KIVER, N. J. talked of shore line from Mannahawkin to against President Lonbet, was much in evi­ Essay, The Uses of the Imagination, EvclyB tauk Point just betorc the November storm of two games of ball with the local nlue on The Epworth League, held interesting exer­ Philadelphia to give Long Beach quicker dence hern before his marriage to tbe Gould Cox 1. She was commanded by Captain Mark a w o f f i c e s D ecoration day. T h e home team lost in the transportation. Tnis scheme • bobs up se­ millions Presentation of Grammar school graduates cises at tho Good Luck cemetery on Memorial Holmes of Forked River. The steamer Port­ m orning game by a score of 7 to 8. In the Day. The program was as follow* : THEO. J R BROWN, renely ” about once every six months but may Strowberry growers In this neighborhood are by the principal land and dozens of other craft went down iu L afternoon they won— 6 to 3. Iu the evening Attorney at Law, solicitor aud Master lu Chan­ yet surprise people by becoming a fact Long com plaiuicg that lack o f rain has destroyed Awardiug of diplomas by County Superin­ Opculng hymn, Nearer My God to Thee cery, Notary Public. ttie same storm. Beach folks are hustlers and intend to g et out tendent F. A. North to Angie Cox, Evelyn Cox, tbe ball nine gave a ball in Meirs’ hall and net­ Prayer by Pastor, Rev. T. H. Hick* COURIER BUILDING. MAIN STREET their crops. The Supreme Court of the United States has of that beautilul strip r f beach all the dollars May Falkinburgh, Etta Smith, Efiio Soper, ted about $50. Reading, Memorial day,Mrs Arcadia Iloimos GEO. H. HOLMAN decided that a lodge has the right to withhold TOMS RIVER, N. J. they have planted there with more beBlde. Elsie 8oper, Joseph Storm?, James Throck­ On Sunday morning, June 4th, Rev. B. C. Singing, Looking this way, by a quartet Special attention given to Collection* Real Estate T U C K k R T O N . death bencllls from a member under its by­ morton. Helen Wright Llpplncott jr , of N ew Egypt, and Rev. M. It. Reading, Missing, Miss Bertha Eno and Litigations. laws, when death U brought on by drink or While on this line it might be well to dw ell a The grammar school commencement exer­ Chores, The holiday Eastlack of Jacobstown, exchanged pulpits. Rccijatlon, The American llag, Mies Belle Fire, Life and other disease for which the deceased was re­ little upon the success o f the new hotel at cises are tbe events o f (he week. Beginning A Memorial Day dialogue, Mrs. A lieu aud On Thursday evening, May 25th, the annual Worden AM U EL O. B A IL E Y , sponsible. The case was that of (he family of Lakeburst which was open tor the first lime on Sunday evening at the Methodist church her Grand Children, pupils of room 2 m eeting of the New Ilauovur and Plumslcd Exercise, The blue aud the gray, by 16 young Dealer In Walter C. Lloyd of Long Branch, who sued S Accident — last winter. Ii had about as many guests as it when Rev. E. M. VanNote preached the bac Essay, Energy. VanCleaf Predmore townships Sunday-school association, wub held ladies. FRESH, SALT AND SMOKED MEATS, thoEndowmcut Rank of the Knights of Pythias could comfortably hold most of the season. calaureato sermon, the exercises last till to­ Solo, Beautiful May, Georgle Holllngsworih in the Jacobstown Baptist church. Thu de­ Singing, Star Spangled Banner RUTTER, LARD, MINCEMEAT, ETC., ETC. for $3000 on the ground that the bylawB fo r­ This summer a new laundry and stable will be morrow night ClasB day exercises were held Essay, Tbe future of (ho Philippine Islands, votional exercises were led by tho Rev. M. R Address by p&Btor AT LIVING PRICES. bidding payment In such cases had been passed built and some unfinished sleeping apartments on Wednesday afternoon at the school bouse, Winfield 8. Predmore EaBtlack (who by the way is a summer rusi Singing, I n ’.he morning, Mrs Anna Britton r 'i-'raer Main anu Wannlngton Streets, dent of Island Heights); the singing was con­ after he joined the order. The court upheld Toms Kiver. N. J. will be finished and furnished, giving accom m o­ Commencement exercises proper will be beld Solo, The too ambitious robin, Fred Camp and Miss Annie Worden INSURANCE the order. dations lor more guests tonight (Thursday) at the Methodist chmeb. Presentation o f High School graduate* by the ducted by Rev. B. C. Ltpplneott, jr. The ofll Essay, Memorial day, W. H, Morehouse r^R LEON GOBLE, At Lakewood the Laurel in the Pines w ill be A reception will be given the graduates on principal cers elected for the coining year are as follow s: Singing, America George B. Sexton of Ocean Grove, Is the new Always Safe greatly enlarged and so will the Laurel. The Friday night at Bartlett hall. The class is the Awarding of diplomas to VanCleaf Predmore President, Her. B. V. Llppiacolt, jr., pastor of Benediction Supervising Deputy Grand Regent of tho ^ D E N T IS T , Lenox and some o f the other smaller places largest ever graduated. and Winfield S. Predmore by the Board of the M. E. church, N ew E gy pt; first vice prcsi At the close o f th* services the members pro­ Royal Arcanum for District No. 14 The OFFICE OPP. WARD ELL HALL, MAIN ST. Always Sure will do the same Lakewood has an assured The old grave yard Iiub been improved won­ the Board of Education, dent. Rev. W E Cornwell, pastor of Jacobs- ceeded to the graves o f the soldiers, and tbe councils comprising this district arc located at TOMS RIVER, N. 1. winter traffic; Lakeburst seems lo have no derfully by the expenditure of a few dollars. Chores, Graduates’ farewell town Baptist church ; second, Rev M. It East* ouu member of the League whose body is In­ Matawan, Koyport, Atlantic Highlands, Red Office Days—Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Washington St.,Toms River trouble to gel winter guests—why not other William 8. Johnson has leased Sprague's lack, pastor of Jacobstown M. £ church; terred here, and appropriate exercises were Bank, Long Branch, Anbury Park and Lake- Tetth extracted without pain by Ansesthetle third, Rev J. O. R Corliss, pastor Polnivllle applied to gums. Ocean county towns as well ? marine railway. 23,000 Acres Sold. held over each and llowcra and (lags were n«t wood. What is wanu-d to push our town to the Judge Otis will open the Woodland Beach. Yi. E church; fourth, Rev. M Crawford, pas forgotten. The exercise* were duo lo the The membership o f Odd Fellows lodges in DOSIEEN WALTON,’ ~ front as both winter and summer resort 1b ad­ (Del ) picnic resort on June 24ih, from which Hanover Furnace Tract Bought by a tor of New Egipl Presbyterian church ; fifth, Fourth Vice President, Mrs. Arcadia Holmes. Now Jersey on January I, 1893, was 24,184. vertising and united, intelligent iSort on tbe date the steamer Thomas Clyde will make Boston Capitalist. Rev. Mr. Hall, pastor of 8ykesville Presbyter­ At Barnegat. Oa January 1, 1899, there were 24,269, show part o f their citizens. Goods roads we have ; daily trips from Philadelphia. This Is one ot the ian church: sixth, Mr. Foulks of the New UONTRAOTUR OF PLASTERING AND The Hanover tract of land extending over Decoration Day was duly observed In this ing a gum of eighty-five. W. G, GDNHB.il good hotels are to be found In most o f onr most popular of tbe many rivgr excursion re- Egypt M. E. church ; secretary, Rev Georgu B rick-L aying several miles o f territory in Pemberton and town. In the morning at about 9 o’eiock, Tbe Grand Army of the Repub­ DIALIB IN ALL KINDS OP sortB about tbe Quaker City -d u e largely to tbe D. Huggins, superintendent of M. E Sunday- Repairing ueatly and prouip.iy done. Aii tow ns; good schools—but not good enough. adjoining townships, has been sold to ■ Ryerson Post or lu ck erton , arrived iu town lic met yesterday at Trenton ar.d is m session work guaranteed Estimates or advice given These are good to hold people after they are Judge’s enterprising business methods. wealthy Boston man named Upton. school, Jacobstown ; treasurer, Mrs. Alien of 1 UMBER, COAL AND WOOD, HARD on a special train on the fuekorton railroad. today. An effort will he made to lnstrect the with pleasure. Address, once here bat they mast be first attracted. The Will Blackman is home from a Trenton busi­ The tract contains over 23 000 acres o f land, Pointville. W______TOMB RIVER, N. J. They paraded through town—many of the New Jersey representatives to the National ness college. ware, Locks, Hinges, Serews, Nails, best way to attract them Is by systematic ad­ embracing many cranberry bogs,cedar swamps, residences being appropriately decorated Encampment—soon to be held in Philadelphia vertising la the best New Yoik and Philadel­ Clarence Ireland is again running on the pH AS. T. HUDSON, water powers, timber, valuable desposits of LAKEHURST then went to the cemetery where short services —to allow the admission to the order o! veter ­ Glass, etc., Doors, Sash, Blinds and phia dailies. Beach Haven train. pipe and brick clay and many fine farm s with were held, and the graves of fallen heroes dec­ ans of the Spanish war. ^ B A R B E R . Captain Ed Bragg takes his wife and Miss thousands o f acres o f cultivated land. Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, Lime, Ce­ Mrs. Nora Fiulgan, cook for W. A. Torrey, orated. The W. C. T. U. was present In E stablished 1877. As an example o f this (as has before been Parker on this trip south, It is not known definitely for what purpose got burned very badly on the arms, neck and body and gave each veteran a bontlnlere with Colum bia vs. Sham rock. Opposite tee Ocean H ouse. ment, Brick, etc., etc. Lowest prices pointed out in this colnm n) look at tbe success the great tract w.ll be used, bat it Is staled that face Monday night by her clothes catching fire a card and scriptural text attached. In tbe Wtiere Satisfaction is generally given to oII cub- of New' Egypt. Five years ago It hadn’t ISLAND HEIGHTS much o f it will be divided Into farms and n*ed from aD oil stove. Dmers. Ladles’ Shampooing a specialty, done »m ce and Yard on Bay street;, evening special Memorial services were beld The Two Cup Champion* Nearing Com­ dreamed of summer boarders. For the past for colonization purposes The cedar swamps, bv Mrs. Hudson. C lerk MeCalJion o f tbe Board o f Education, in the M E ebarch The church was hand­ B arnegat N. *1 . The Cbickering family have been in their pletion. three years many old mansions and farm cranberry bogs, water powers and clay de­ reports 318 scholars this year. Simpson avenue cottage for a few days. Like somely decorated with digs and bunting, tho The cap defender Is now nearing hou-cs have been turned into summer board­ posits are all valuable properties now and with T he dry weather has stopped all w ork on the LYSSES S. GRANT, many others they have to wall for the city work of the Junior Mechanics and Daughters completion at Ilerrcshoff’s Bristol (R. I ) shops ; ing houses and one of the chief sources of in­ proper development there is a great future for roads. T onsorial Artist, schools to close before coming for the season. o f Liberty. Rev- Mr. W right presided and and Sir Thomas Upton’s new craft, the Sham­ U F.M.ClmmhBrs’ come lu the village is the summer guest. the neighborhood. S ch ool closes on Friday and closing exercises Tbe McKeehan family will be in tbeir cot­ after appropriate singing, Rev. Mr. Ogden de rock, will soon kiss British waters. WATER STREET, TOMS RIVER. N. J. Dkalkr In But no Ocean county man with Lakewood. Hanover Furnace derived its name from the will be beld In Red Meu’s ball Saturday even­ tage in a few days. livered a stirring address. Mr. Rldgway lot The Columbia will be tried with a steel mast Beach Haven and Point Pleasant in fron t of iron furnace on the tract long years ago ing. Open every day (except Sunday) from 6.00 a. m. The Littleton family are at the Simpson cot­ lowed with his graphopbone piaymg tbe bngle and steel boom, but sticks o f Oregon pine will C D H L and W D Q D him should need other examples of what push As late as 1830 fourteen foresees were in active Mrs. Anna Eliza, w ife o f Charles Bickerlon, *• I p. m.; Saturdays, from 6 a. ui. to la midnight, tage calls and patriotic air*. be ready In case the steel spars fall to com e up PRICES REASONABLE and pluck can do in building up reeorts. operation In the pine belt o f New Jersey, died Friday night o f last week aged 53 years. fcfldays ttii 13 m. Ref. C. M. Boswell has taken tbe callage lu expeelallou*. using only (he bog ore found in the swamps Death was caused by a cancer tumor from on the Bind which was •ccupied by Mr. Landis Notes From Roundabout. It is expected that the Shamrock will be ^RTHUR P. CLAYTON. Dppir Lehigh Coal a Specialty Not to be outdone by Rudyard Kipling, who a-id low lands. which she had suffered over two mouths. In­ nas given reminiscences of his schoolboy days last year. launched about tbe end o f June. Sir Thoma* PrtHbyferlanlnm In Lakewood. terment at Bayville on Tuesday of Ibis week •small Items fiathired W ith Sclsieri or Lumber and Building Material. in ' Stalky & C o ,” published In McClura’ Mr. Stanwoad is fit'irg up his commodion* will first take her around to tbe Solent, then, to NEW BARBER SHOP, John Walnright, jr ., fell from hi* bicycle ou Lime, Cement, Brick, Lath, Magazine, Ian MacClaren baa started a series residence on Ocean aveunc, for a first clas* The Lakewood Presbyterian church on May Pencil. the Bangor regattas and afterward to Clyde. U p T o w n . Monday afternoon and broke his leg just above lu the Saturday Evening Post, descriptive of boarding house. 38th celebrated tbe tenth anniversary of the Mannahawkin wants water works, Inspired According to tbe present arrangements she Is •owperthwalt Exchange. Mein street Sash, Mouldings, etc., etc. b egion logof Rev. U. H. McClellan’s pastorate. the ankle joint. Hair eutttng, shampooing, shaving, et school boy life at ’* T he Mnirtown Academ y ” Mrs. Parsono recently attended the spring by Tuckerton’s example. expected (o leave Ireland for the United 8tates •test fashion. La-Hes’ nalr trimming. conference of the Camden District Woman’s The Presbyterian church is the oldest of the The citizens of IbU place regret very much All our Coal is Screened. It is tc be hoped that the canny 8cnt w ill have Tuckerlon Is agitating a street lighting aoout the end of July, which will give her Razors sharpened and repaired. Foreign Missionary Society (o f which she is present churches in Lakewood The first per­ that Rev. Father McCullough, pastor of St. better luck with this theme than Kipling plant of acetylene gas. rather m ore than a month's practice before the Bobbins St. TOMS KIVER secretary) at 8wpdesboro. manent congregation was gathered by Rey. A. John’s Catholic ch n rcb, leaves ns this week. UGENE LAYTON. had - for Stalky & Co. has added little to Kip­ races begin. ti. Dxshiell, D. D ., In tbe building formerly He goes to Ocean City. The barber shops in Lakewood will remain ling’s reputation. His three school boy heroes The Herrcshoffs arc said to be more than E Prosperity has b it tbis place enre, for last closed Sunday daring the summer. one o f them unmistakably himself, are evi­ B A Y HEAD. occnpying (he site o f the Baptist chnrcb, and pleased with the way the Defender com ports BARBER. Everything week four of our citizens purchased new The Hi tie son of Mayor William L Butler of dently intended to be very superior creatures, owned by the Bricksbnrg Land and Improve herself under her new rig. She will be used in In the old estnbliebed stand under Cottage arrivals are corniog fast aud Bay ptafioi, iai-ging la price from $300 to $150. Beach Haven,recently broke his arui by a fall. who do immensely funny things in a very meat Company. Application was soon made the Columbia's practice races. the Bank. Head never had a better season in prospect. Mrs. Mary R Larrabee, who has been spend­ mysterious way, entirely unfathomed by their to tbe Newark Presbytery to form a church Full fledged, high grade mosquitoes are oc TO M S R IV E R , N. J. Among tbe cottagers now here are E. 8. Hall ing several months In Boston, returned home TRIMMING superiors who are always in rebellion against which was done in 1863. It consisted of six­ casional visitors once (some times twice) in a first class wort in every particular. and R Adams o f P hllade'pbia; Mrs. A. K. on Saturday last. Roaming Jersey Woods. and TAINTING authority, yet always in some non understand­ teen membe.r(, only three o f whom remain. while these warm evenings.—Tnckcrton Bea­ Montgomery o f Trenton ; Edwin P. Gleason In 1870 the present building was erected, A. V O IG T , able way. doing things for the good and glory con , Plnrhftwkerft F ftr m Woman who Lives ...A House tike This, or Any Other... of Germantown ; Goldsmith Helbert o f Wayne. though tbe chapel only was ueed daring Ibe BARNEGAT CITY. • successor to E. A. Gulick of the school. In very truth they are a trio of George Gould's polo team was beaten last Among the Trees. G aoo Designs and Plano, free to Customers Pa : Dr- Miller of Jersey City. next fourteen years Then the conditions of insufferably conceited cads, who play smpid week on the Westchester grounds by the Phila­ A Ml. Holly despatch to tbe Philadelphia Firstclass Plum bing,Tin R oofin g and Judge Beasley of Trenton, has brought his tbe pUce and times making larger accommo­ T he public school closed at this place las^ tricks, iu a most stupid fashion, upon still delphia country club’s second team—score 11 Record ray* A woman eoppoeed to be Mrs. Sheet Iron Work. Co al, Coke, W ood sloop yacht Ariel here. dations necessary, the present audience room Friday. A program of exercises consisting oi more stnpid superiors. They talk a m ongrel to 9 % Martha Brown, a resident of Ocean Connty, tUvaa. Manxes, Heaters. Iron and Wooden Pumps Fencing, Boat Boards, qpars, Rope, Nails, Sea bathing began a week or so ago, bat was finished and dedicated in (884 In 1892 singing, readings aDd recitations was rendered Varnish, Glass, Brick, Terra Cotta Pipe, slang, much o f which is mode n American, Hoi low-ware. Tin-ware etc. only the m ore venturesome have as yet tried It. by the pupils ot the school, after which a use­ Charles McCne of Lakewood, entered his has for weeks past been roaming through the I.lme, Fertilisers, etc. Everything cheap some English and some East Indian —such as tbe addition on tbe north was made, more than VANHI8S BLO K TOMS RIVER, N. J. for cash or approved credit. R:v. Dr. George T Purvcs of Princeton, ful and instructive book was presented by the •• Sam L." In tbe Memorial day race* at Free pme woods and cedar swamps In Pemberton no school boy every yet invented. doubling the seating capacity of the church teacher (Mies Julia Voigt of Toms Kiver) to hold, wlnnine the first and second heats and township, subsisting on roots, berries and each Toms RLei.H.J. A . A . B R A N T * (and a summer resident here) who received a boil.Hag. O W A R D D. V anSANT, other nourishment of like character aa she second call from the First Presbyterian church. Dr. Disbiel) remained tbe pastor from J868 each o f the pupils We cannot praiie Miss s p a rs e of $100 Time, 2 18)4, 2 20)4. Sam The brightest o f these tnree. Beetle, (M r coaid find, and tbna far all attempts to capture H REAL ESTATE, Baltimore, has declined to accept it The to 1888. daring which year a call was given to Voigt too mocb for her good work In onr pub­ Grover of Lakewood, entered his Mutual C.j Klplii g) delved a half day iD an architectural lic school daring the p%*t year, and It Is hoped, and C. D Euson o f Colliers Mills, his J