N ew Jersey Courier I EVERYBODY READS IT :: THE COURIER IS THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF OCEAN COUNTY :: IT U1 ES ALL THE NEWS 'ESTABLISHED 1850. Toms River, N. J., Thursday Afternoon, June 8, 1899. VOLUME 49--NUMBER 3 7 COAL AND LUMBER LAKEWOOD. SCHOOL GRADUATES POINT PLEASANT. FAD MEMORIAL DAY 14 Year Old Suicide. The Lakewood gas company will lay one A Junior Christian Endeavor society has Daughter ot William B. Haines, Form­ Lime, Cement and Brick, Doors, Sash and Blinds, and a half miles o f eight inch pipe ; one aud a County Schools Close. been organized at the Baptist church by Miss erly o f Toma River, half miles of six inch pipe ; six mites o t four What the Veterans Did. Lath. Also, Blacksmith’s Coal aud Coke. At Joyce, daughter of lawyer J. J. Joyce ot Rebecca (or Reba) Haines, daughter of Inch pipe. Its gas house will be 40x140 feet, Lakewood G ram m ar (School. Orange, a summer cottager. It will meet each A number of interesting momorlal day ser­ William B. Haines who a few years ago lived lowest prices. Agents for Lucas’ Paints. The air la rife just now with rumora o f new 33 feet high, and with an iron roof It la situ­ Wednesday alteruoon. The graduating exercise* of the Lakewood vices were crowded out last week and are on tin Berkeley Boulevard in this village, and railway* in different parts o f Ocean county ated at Laurel avenue and Cioyer street and Grammar School took place on Friday evening J. H. Shecler, manager of the Girard avenue given here. who also at one time resided at LavalJetle, • and the development o f much land hitherto re work has beeu started upon It. Tbe gas tank theatre, Philadelphia, Is at the Lewis cottage last in Kindergarten hall. The program wa* At Lakewood. committed suicide by throwing herself into the mote from markets. The trolley read from will be 100 feet in diameter and 33 feet daep, tor the Sommer. Schuylkill rlvor. Her body was found on Trenton to Point Pleasant seems to be an as­ a* follows : ?A. B. NEW BURY & CO. vlth 100.000 cubic feet capacity. The plant The Ladies aid society o f the Methodist Memorial Day service* were held In the Invocation by Rev. C . H. McClellan Tuetday above the Girard avenu* bridge and sured thing. If so it will open up much good will be able to turn out 175 000 cubic feet of Methodist EpUcopal church at 2 in the after­ Successor to Wm. Aumack Chora*, Idle church has elected officers as follows ; Presi­ the inquest was held by the Coroner on Thurs­ land In Jackson township that has been gas tn a day. It will be finished in September. dent, Mr*. A. M. Lake; V ice President, Mrs. noon. Reno Post, Grand Army, marched to Declamation, Joan of Arc. Robert K.Seveille day at Philadelphia. I f o posite C. R . R. Depot __________ TOMS R IVER, N, J. too far away from markets to be valuable. It 000 000 brick will be required for tue founda­ the church escorted by details from the Junior Recitation, The dandy fifth, Lillla E. E . Platt W. A . Longstreet; Secretary, Miss Clara Reba lived with net parents at 4423 Melon will also make more accessible for residence tion o f the tank alone. America Mechanics and Patriotic Sons of Clayton; Treasurer, Mrs Pboj’ie Sherman ; street. Her father broke down while on the the beantiful region about the Metedecouk Declamation. The dedication of Gettysburg. The public school closed on Friday night of Collectors, Miss Phoebe Stillwell, Mrs. Frank America. A program was given as follows: THUOW YOUR TRUSS AWAY, River and the head o f the bay—a spot like the V. George Wilils witness stand and cried bitterly when asked to last week, the grammar department holding Bills and MUs Lydia J. Sembler, Chorus, Battle Hymn of the Republic established 1891, Recitation, The Wives of Brixbam, Elizabeth furnish a motive for the suicide .of hi# little hanks o f Toms River In its natural beauty graduation exercises In the Academy of Music, Prayer, Rev. W. G, Wedomeyer [ RUPTURE Sunday was quarterly meeting day at the girl. 8. Clark Within a few yearB after the construction of the night before the school gave an entertain­ M. E church, Address. Rev. J. L. Howard of Beverly Vocal eolo, Tw o little, bine little shoes, Mary ” She had no reason to take her life,” Bald this road, one may look to see a large Increase ment for the school library fund, in which Singing, Tho old flag Rudd St. Peter*' Roman C atholic church has been her father with tears in his eye*. " Her Id small trait, truck and poultry farms in about 135 pupils took part. The house was repainted and an addition and belfry built to Address, Rev. W . G. Wedemeyer Jackson and Brick townships. Recitation, The engineer’s story. Cornelia E. Solo and chorus, Vive l’Amerlcalne mother and I loved her and tried to make her I : : CURED crowded. The Kindergarten also held closing the front o f the church. Hill * Addresses by Rev. S G. Pitt and Commander happy. We never knew that she went out mid * * * exercises on Friday morning. Onr carpenter* are busy and many alter­ Another rumor wHch is as yet bu a rumor, Recitation, The Legend of Bregenz, Bessie B. met boys. Sometimes when she staid out BY FIDELITY METHOD The school consus thows 576 pupils In Lake- ation* aud additions are being made to cot­ Edward Stothard of Reno Post is the old story that the P. R. R. will be In­ Brown longer than usual her mother would reprove wood ; L0 at Seven 8tarB; 50 at G reenville; 23 tage*. Chorus, Marching through Georgia We Care—Powtive—Permanent— and Guarantee for duced to build along tbe beach south from Sen Instrumental duet, See the conquering comes, Chorus. America her gently. She was of a highly sensitive at Ruoyona—total 690 Last yoar there were Tbe Borough council chamber has been i life. dVe mean what we Ray. We ran cure yon. 12,000 Side Park to Barnegat Inlet, and that a steam­ Elizabeth S. Clark and Carrie LeCompte Benedictiou by Rev. Mr. Asay. nature and used to brood over thesa rebukes. 635—a gam o f 64, all but 12 o f the gain being moved from the Heudrickson building to the ; cores in last 7 years. We care in 00 days without pain or er would connect this road with the Lontr Recitation, My Playmate, Hattie Conklin Memorial services were held at Woodlawn Sometimes she would go to her room and cry in Lakewood village. Fire com pany's new ball. The Bteel cages, Beach Railway. As much of the beach south Declamation, The Seven Iuvlnclbles, Halsey and i would have to go upstair* to console and j loss of time. Successful on men, women and cnildren. No The Forest Hotel company has elected offi­ which form the borough lockup, were also cemetery immediately after. Reno Post dec­ o f the Barnegat Bay bridge is owned by the D. Po hemus pacify her. Her mother reproved her for her ‘ stance for failure. cers as follow s: S. 8. Beard, president; F P. moved to tho same building. orated the soldiers’ graves In all tbe cemeteries Pennsylvania Railroad offlcitls, they may be Recitation, Old Ace, Carrie LeCompie own good. She was a good, pure, wholesouled Freeman, treasurer; and A. M Bradshaw, Am ong the cottagers recent'y located here about Lakewood. NO PAY UNTIL CURED trusted to build upon this beach as soon as Presentation o f diplomas by 8upt. F. A. girl and 1 loved hor." He tried to go on, bnt secretary ; W . C. O'Leary, assistant secretary. are W illiam Cohn of New Y ork ; C. II. Clark At Point Pleasant. conditions will warrant it. Long Beach peo­ North sobbed so violently that tbe (Joroaer permitted Testimonials at our office or references furnished on U. H. Kimball and J. C. Westervelt are also of Elizabeth; Dr. Price of Philadelphia; Elwood Arnold PoEt, G. A. R , decorated the ple naturally favor the idea as it would give Chores, Learn to live and live to learn tho heartbroken father to leave the stand. application. All patients must come to this office for pro- on the board o f directors. Waiter Ii. Wood at Long Point cottage; soldiers’ graves In the neighborhood of Point them a shorter route to and from New Y ork Tbe class of '99 consisted of twenty-one A number of school mates of tbe litUeJglrl : fessional attention. Quick action means much to your future J. H. Todd and Luke Johnson have been re­ Walter S. Brewster at his bungalow ; the Bax Pleasant. Loaviug the Post room at nine a It is urged that an excursion house on the members and was organized with Benjamin were called to tho Btand, but none o f them elected Fire Commissioners aud $500 was voted ter fam ily at ihn Furness cottage ; W. R Cul­ m., they visited Osbornville aud on their re­ North Point o f Beach could be made the ren­ Fowler as president; Cornelia E Hill, vice could furnish any evidence that would furnish Dr. F. W HITAKER for fire protection for the preseut year. ver o f N ew York, at tbe A ncvorage. turn West Point Pleasant aud Point Pleasant dezvous o f thousands of fUbermen from New president; Raymond E.
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