raywv.a m much, thoagl» generally supposed, wu CHARLES O'CONOR. «®-N<>TlCR TO CAPTAINS OF VESSELS BNTKR1NO has frown in several 0nittli Fla; Lne? Wri*tit, EI*ey, Mew Be<i literature. THE PORT or NEW YORK AT NIUHT The Nsw Yoax with cats Th«re are"'"'J'u. Bwntnerside bains.»«. **urton, (jardner. Jer»t> City. do! p</sitivt|y known at flnL The Acadimy *.»>s that m chM. Sailed.o U Briori* Hium has adopted a disUagnUbing Coaton fof Oeoriria. It h 4t< for it* tbeui»a "vslgar, repulsive and Improbable TUB OREAT LAWYER UK UCiKS OF K£- night signal MUtcu.aud .*» Bonnie BLCKNPOKT, Dec 14.Arrived, »ehr Maud Webster* W1SQ,' ¦>r n toiril the Hiuld iwm yacht, showln* while ban- Wentworth. New York. ON BYKON. and thai ta upon the whole New York. CASTELAli *Vtfy," vulgarity stamped COVIET. the colon red, green, red, changing from one to the other Nbw TW B Sufnrt, Homer. luf Broro.iV " (Jfor), of it. The at/ientrum thinks it superior to anything ia and can be seen aeveral miles distant. l.ffVort*flat. 15~Arri'"i. *iP Jo«phlM Bran*. and Oraaa Varn aaa By Emilio Fort Wahi^utuji, Dec. lfl.Midnight succession, Cap- l^®"Jjp*"';t'Ui^un<l-hen .he UoateA ld" nUm urso* Loan Mr baa written of late. a will a* ^OUIO- '-.clock, 8m^ South Hardly compli¬ tains of anon tbU Dec Maddocks, niuur Tiaiikl-itod by Mrs. Arthur Arnold. Luti i Browning At midnight Charles O'Conor in so much butter that Tramli, mine aigeal, oblige by pre¬ BAHI, 14.Arrived, schr, Adrle, s beat marine new* hare far the Corbett. Wilmington. i. l*"j. ment when we remember that Mr. Biowning paring any tbejr may Ship Mew* » e< Tiusley Mr. Sloan believes that ho will get well. This morning port Mime time IIARLKSTON. I),.c 13.Cleared, schr. Albert Ttnrtl*^ work it hia earliest. Department of the Uiuui. Rose. Baltimore : 1 Slner. Richmond. Va. Here ai last s the long heralded Caatelar's "Lltfof at »inc«,k»»'»8^* , j j, U1IW runt).rfor David Unotley. be partook free!y of Irutt, and about seven o'clock l>rnm» deiiroun of eommnnieattag with v*»s*)a arriv¬ »et, »od arrived 13th, schr Adelaide (Br), Drayton. EleOI rendered English i>y a ci mpetent.hii,nd. "Madcap Violet" is toe name of William Black'* new »jr will tall for New I or* ^ tyron" in(o It was found that ho had recovered hli ing at New York can do eo bj addressing to sueh veaeela, care Niwrott. rw IB.The urnn*m«nn who hare been new revulaUbns con- novel, which wtU. be begun m the January number of of and hi.- stomach Jr. from ill ,"lrK K,t» Stewart (Br), Pinery, Earar* .o those rxpectiug power digestion bepao of IImud newa yacht, pier No 1 East River, New York. Port Johnson for Portsmouth,..J*® "'f * fcefcire reported nab;U'h-LAl'ir.1;schr K V Uart. Boston. famous his his Jfacnul/aa'l artn*. to assume its n« rmal function* At one o'clock Mr. a. heing -hor. .1 thi. *>.. v ,r t0 the ¦ernmg the world poet. biography, sup May Letter* received from all part* of the werld and promptly de¬ I nderwriter. for the place Alio arrived, wbr the- S (Brl, Mstanr.aa. D. a ,«loaQ mates he ate a meal of chicken, cut m small par- benellt of all £uow leared-Barks Ar. i.ta.-ct (Br). Willleui.port in Unite* memoirs or his ih.s bat brifl Mi.ncure Conway say* in letter to the Academy livered. are nearly all cof!fer" id 0 for tressed hie-work, sketchy tides, >u a very hearty manner, and bis sleep has It-eu Duplicate* required. dlacbaiged. The ves.el will be lula up i,Bre bingdum;J Arcadia iBri. Anderson, Havre, ut volume will bring only disappointment But to that Wall Whitman haa to have hia books printed at a very good Mr. Floan read the daily newspaper* to A1go ma Br>, Carry, Liverpool; brig Char. lbBiiK°AenIn» Mitchell (Br^, with lotM i Knlt.er. do. Aose who relish br.llixnt geueralizalioa, ekniaeat and job piloting office and at his own expense, an no Amer¬ lum, and he seemed gratified to kaow of events ALMANAC FOB NEW YORK.THIS DAY. fmstt* and sugar from Ht DomingoKieldlnf. for .r*A,n°fBoston, (Dutch), Charles O'Conor will it is almost certain. into this three City J°*V£ut 1-ucille. Baltimore. touc hes and the treatment of ican publisher will iaaue them and no magazine print recover, porfindi.tr... week. ago. has near y<om£ CITV'AL*? 1>0t li-lWloJ' ,ohr 8"rfth c Sraltli, nelapborical high poelie lira ati) moor. men witil p",?ed her repni.. the most of which are of a temporary hia verse* We remember one of Balik^ B* um . ibeme, Catdelar's briel book will be welcome, certainly seeing Snn nne» 1 19 Got. I'-laud eve 12 14 DANVKRs, Dec l'i.Arrived, srhrs Island City, AHen, poetic FAILURE OF A FICKLE FIRM. "*N ii . vrN j>eo IV-The a misnomer it be to it Whitmans poems in a number of Hagon ha. Sun hu 4 34 Sandy Hook...morn 11 20 tngboat A K Kapella »«» Mjrti ° lri»h. Terrell. Philadelphia, towever great may style Harper't mmarn 'the Hat. 4n KaJt Kiver, Madison. when last ofir^11i>ew ^.Arrived, eciir Aiiuie t bibcock, Tha of the Moon rises eve 10 20 Hell Gate eve 1 50 i i i Out of pages of the London edition trst volume of the Bryant "History THE ANCHOR PICKLE OF ?The tuft went to the river Saturday to tow the Lee, i-harle.ion. biography. WORK8, PITTSBURG, RArnold to Cnnel Jock. The schooner w Port than or 179 are United States" will be in Jaauary. M£ a. also .tuck J* Ueudereon. Johnaonj rss half, only pages, occupied ready BTSPEND.ON* OF THE PAIiTNEIUi ABRBSTED In the moil. Olh. Katie Colliim. Mathii. do. .itb Lord The other materula, fitly dsnom- Happy thought I Let Charlotte Cnshman employ ir.Steamer Centipede arrived KKY WKHT. De«* In. A M.Arrived. ftteamer City of TToufc Byron. POUT OF NEW YORK, DEC. 16,1875. here Galveston for New \ t her leisure momenta in her recollections of FOB FRAUD.THE LIABILITIES SAID TO BE tug Monitor in tow. Che latter P* York gtnd proceeded^ .au-rt "sketches" ,o the tie page, are brilliant char- writing JdiyirtKbnnt her feed having .chr Taunhauaer,s^*,®rt111*' Cedur Key*. the She could an LARGE. pipe. W imooloo Southwest Pais; tcierizations of ft ur eminent Frenchmen and one stage; make intensely interesting « Port,and con- (Br), May, CLEARED. RHip»cr.»twfi-J 8 Winsiew . have ecnr.rhfw<lu~JJ*r!'w b hculi, Ottlvonton. Kalian transplanted to France-Victor Hugo, Alexan- book. Pitthbcko, 1'a., Dec. 16, 1875. d % tirs, cla. #h|p 0f 19-Pl"°d °°1, ^ Bret Hartw's last "Tales of the Argonauts," This morning Henry J. Hem*, of the firm of Heinz, Steamer of Lorne Ulr), London.Pea- i "MuS & Rio Ja,*i£ Ire Dumaa Emile Girardla, Adolphe Thiers and Daniel volume, Calley Burgoyue, Alrd Rio New off in of char¬ Noble & Co., of the Anchor Pickle body, Willie A Co. ***¦ Rosario (Br). (from Janeiro), daoin. Paisng over these essays, which have been (Osgood k (.)©.), shows a falling strength proprietors Work*, siaamer Somerset (Br), We*tern, Bristul, E.W D Mor¬ Tork. that Harte ia was arrested at the instance of Blair on the WBALEM-EN. 'Arrived, «br II ar jablished mother forms, let us come to what Castelar acter drawing and huiuor. It is said Mr. Kinder gan. ' nTHed^ Steamer Tvrian Br). Law win. Bros. * » _* P#uM»££SE his "Gabriel Coaroy." charge of removing goods and secreting them for the Clasgow.Henderson sjftn Krwicisco from the Arctic I "land.Sclir sag to Hay of Byron. His book is prefaced by a grand- dramatizing Steamer Prists <U*r>. Meyer. Hamburg via I'lymouth and ib* bU1,e' Prudence. is the title under which Mr. C. purpose of their creditors. Noble k Cherbourg. Knrhardt A Co. ha?^hbU-To®htuMW"° (ULVKST()V'i,'' ship Caledonia, Potter. loqueul introduction by Jom; R. Leal, of Havana, The "Quad's Odds" defrauding Heinz, Steamer Mail Bteam- Liverpool? i.rt»'.r'nc 4rCleared.f°r . "l"' An"*E* Freu Man" has Co. are well known the as extensive Acapulco, Gray, Aapinwall.Pacific .hich Mra Arnold bus proper to render B. Lewis, "The Detroit Frtt published throughout country a111 n Co. SPOKEN. wSSffcw^K." thought Steamer of New Tim merman, Havana.P Alex¬ ***«>.«; ¦««» *». from the on but wUich better have a collation of rollicking, humorous sketches which manufacturers of sauces, spices, Ac., and beside their City York, ».nal edition, might works here hare a at andre A Soda from time to lime ia the paper of which quite large house 8t Louis. Steamer Canlma Hamilton Bark Storm, Petrel Baltimore for BeltMl D#C 13 Arrived, .chr Add.. Co.MD, .cen left out. Castelar's prci.rmuary sketch of the have appeared It would appear that depression of business has (Br), Whitter. vBermuda).A E Outerbridge. I Wnm?nJ^^Sc.N- tbat "Odds" v._ v .v itormy birth, Infancy aed childhood of Byron seizes he is the "Man." It ia to bo regretted the rripplnd thorn financially, Inasmuch an they flailed to Steamer Uatteraa, Maukin, Port Royal and Pernaiidina. e^:^^l?.dA,J,-k«*»#Sr'Portland, for Boaton. Dec Cleared.Schr K V Clover Inirenntt not contain more of the and of the liquidate the claim? of Mr.
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