Book of Abstracts Translata 2017 Scientific Committee

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Book of Abstracts Translata 2017 Scientific Committee Translata III Book of Abstracts Innsbruck, 7 – 9 December, 2017 TRANSLATA III Redefining and Refocusing Translation and Interpreting Studies Book of Abstracts of the 3rd International Conference on Translation and Interpreting Studies December 7th – 9th, 2017 University Innsbruck Department of Translation Studies Translata 2017 Book of Abstracts 3 Edited by: Peter Sandrini Department of Translation studies University of Innsbruck Revised by: Sandra Reiter Department of Translation studies University of Innsbruck ISBN: 978-3-903030-54-1 Publication date: December 2017 Published by: STUDIA Universitätsverlag, Herzog-Siegmund-Ufer 15, A-6020 Innsbruck Druck und Buchbinderei: STUDIA Universitätsbuchhandlung und –verlag License: The Bookof Abstracts of the 3rd Translata Conference is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Disclaimer: This publications has been reproduced directly from author- prepared submissions. The authors are responsible for the choice, presentations and wording of views contained in this publication and for opinions expressed therin, which are not necessarily those of the University of Innsbruck or, the organisers or the editor. Edited with: LibreOffice ( and tuxtrans ( 4 Book of Abstracts Translata 2017 Scientific committee Local (in alphabetical order): Erica Autelli Mascha Dabić Maria Koliopoulou Martina Mayer Alena Petrova Peter Sandrini Astrid Schmidhofer Andy Stauder Pius ten Hacken Michael Ustaszewski Katharina Walter Lew Zybatow International (in alphabetical order): Michaela Albl-Mikasa, Zurich University of Applied Sciences Nora Aranberri, University of the Basque Country / Universidad del País Vasco Alexander Behrens, Universität Leipzig Eduardo José Jacinto García, Universidad de Córdoba Gyde Hansen, Copenhagen Business School Natalia Kaloh-Vid, University of Maribor Vlasta Kučiš, University of Maribor Anna Małgorzewicz, University of Wroclaw Nathalie, Mälzer, Stiftung Universität Hildesheim Reinhard Rapp, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz Ioannis E. Saridakis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Lancaster University Dennis Scheller-Boltz, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Stefanos Vlachopoulos, Technological Educational Institute of Epirus,Igoumenitsa/Greece Klaus Ziegler, AIIC Organising committee Alena Petrova (head of the committee) Daria Fuchshuber-Weber Lisa Lanthaler Annabell Marinell Sandra Reiter Peter Sandrini Andreas Schumacher Beate Steinhauser Translata 2017 Book of Abstracts 5 6 Book of Abstracts Translata 2017 Contents Scientific committee.........................................................................................................................5 Organising committee.......................................................................................................................5 Plenary Lecture 1 Lew Zybatow..................................................................................................................................13 Was ist und was soll Translationswissenschaft und Wofür steht die Konferenz TRANSLATA? Plenary Lecture 2 Michaela Albl-Mikasa....................................................................................................................14 A changing profession and emerging sub-discipline. Interpreting and Translation and the impact of English as a lingua franca (ELF) Plenary Lecture 3 Annette Đurović..............................................................................................................................15 Qualitätsoptimierung und Partikeln - Grammatische und pragmatische Aspekte des audiovisuellen Übersetzens Plenary Lecture 4 Holger Siever..................................................................................................................................16 Ein Vorschlag für eine komplexe Translationstheorie Plenary Lecture 5 Pius ten Hacken..............................................................................................................................18 Language and Translation Session 1: Translation Theory and Translation Process Research Manuela Valdivia............................................................................................................................19 Le caractère interdisciplinaire de la traductologie Juan-Francisco Silvente..................................................................................................................20 Les Unites Communicatives-Intentionnelles Elementaires (UCIES) Rawan Ghaly..................................................................................................................................21 L’erreur culturelle en traduction Iris Plack, Jörn Albrecht.................................................................................................................22 Europäische Übersetzungsgeschichte oder Ein Panorama der Übersetzungstätigkeit in Europa von der Antike bis heute. Vorstellung eines Projekts Silvia Vecchi...................................................................................................................................23 L’interpretazione testuale: alcune riflessioni in prospettiva traduttologica Terje Loogus...................................................................................................................................24 Translationswissenschaft in Estland: Eine Bilanz der akademischen Publikationen Translata 2017 Book of Abstracts 7 Session 2: Corpus-based Translation Studies Ondrej Matuska..............................................................................................................................25 Workshop on Corpus Tools with Linguistic Intelligence for Translators Miia Santalahti; Serghey Mikhailov...............................................................................................26 More than words – the State Treaty as an Object of Corpus-based Translation Study Ioannis E. Saridakis........................................................................................................................27 Collocational behaviour and semantic prosody: A corpus-driven, translation-oriented view of the cross-linguistic behaviour of near synonymy in European parliamentary discourse Matthieu Bach; Laurent Gautier.....................................................................................................29 Zum Zusammenspiel von Textsorten- und Kulturspezifik in der Übersetzung von Weinbesprechungen Beibei He........................................................................................................................................31 Detection and Correction of Negative Translatability Indicators in the Human Translation of CSR reports from Japanese into Simplified Chinese Session 3: Translation Practice and Translation Industry – New Developments and Consequences for Training Maxim Chikov................................................................................................................................33 Herausforderungen der Translatorenausbildung Olivia Seidl-Péch............................................................................................................................34 Immer neue Herausforderungen für Berufserfahrene. - Welche technologischen Kenntnisse müssen im Rahmen der Fachübersetzer-Ausbildung gelehrt und bewertet werden? Koen Kerremans, Helene Stengers.................................................................................................35 Going virtual in translator and interpreter training: practices and recommendations Jean Nitzke......................................................................................................................................36 Berufsbild Post-Editor – Muss das sein? Loïc de Faria Pires..........................................................................................................................37 How will Neural MT revolutionise translation practice? State of play Edyta Więcławska...........................................................................................................................38 Capitalising on the Translation Market Data in the Field of Commercial Law Flavia De Camillis..........................................................................................................................39 Der öffentlich Bedienstete als Übersetzer? Eine explorative Studie über das Personal der Südtiroler Landesverwaltung Elena Chiocchetti............................................................................................................................40 Arbeitsschutz übersetzen: kulturelle, rechtliche und fachliche Herausforderungen Session 4: Translator and Interpreter Training Lukas Piovesan...............................................................................................................................41 Selbstreguliert und strategisch Fremdsprachen Lernen: Was angehende Translatoren weiterbringt Irina Sinowjewa, Anastasija Schestopal.........................................................................................43 Herausforderungen in Translationsausbildung aus der Perspektive von Studierenden Giada Biasetti..................................................................................................................................44 Visual Scanning and Pupil Dilation in Second Language Acquisition and Translation Tasks 8 Book of Abstracts Translata 2017 Ángel López García-Molins...........................................................................................................45
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