Thursday, An^St 36, 1880. T H E C O U N T Y . Born, to G. W
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exception, the Nortb Aurelius union Boots and Shoes. oliuroh presents • line appearance, and Dnnning's Colnmn. will l)e.ihuoh appreciated by many who are anxiously awaiting Its com- Thursday, An^st 36, 1880. pletion. ; , THE COUNTY. Dr. A. C. Johnson has again opened Til Will FM al Mf M an office in Young's block. Born, to G. W. Lesher, a son. Miss Mamie Huntress of Jaolcson is the guest of Mrs. V, H. Grout. Great exbltement on the wheat mar ket between the " Bulls and Bears-" A call has lieen numerously signed IW E B Bi for a Garileld and Arthur club here. The OnondaKa Sunday-ecbool will AU KINIS OF Lodge Xo. 212 of F. and A,. M., will lcnlc In Grlfilth'8 grove to-Uay—If It Has got into his old quarters again, and is daily receiving the Son'train.y give an exourelon to Bay CV^, Aug. 31 VOL. XXII.-NO. 36. A rare treat Is promised the people Alfred Hays boa sold bis fann to latest styles in Boots and Shoes for the fall trade. MASON. MICH., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1880. on Sunday evening, Sept. 5, It being Lafayette Peek and gone to Nebraska. WHOLE m, 1130. J. D. Woodworth and daughter the occasion of Marlon Baxter's famous Mn80ii BiihIiicss Directory. lecture entitled, "Driftwood" for the have returned from their visit at Vicks- months old, put its hunds on tho Porsonnl. BUSIITESS LOCALS, benetitof the Rev. S. Nielson, of the burg. GROCERIES Hide of tlie tub and pulled itself uj), und Beaicd Proposal* Wanted. M. E. church. All who have heard M. E.Bunisey has purchased 1,100 as tho mother stepped into the house Miss Olive Wdotlhouse spent Sunday Healed proposals for tlio orootlon of n ono tUIII.I.SHKI) KVKUV TllURSIlAY AkTKII- Lr.\S pur.VEn, dealer InTnitchesToloiiks" Mrs. Baxter speak are enthusiastic in robes for the Mason huffiilo robe fac .NOON ]IY it overbniiinced and fell into the tub, in Mason. tl^u{J}^,"ff''f'''''•"wliOuerUon. Nona- story brick school building In tho elty of their praise of her abilify to charm an E. vorwiiro, otc._ HopalrliiK done. lien tiuerletl/w teiu Ihnn Iwenl/z-Jlve centt. Mason, will bo rocolved by the school board tory. -AND- iiiul eanic very near being drowned, audience, and "Driftwood" Is said to V. r. 113FFT. T C. nEnuy,Jowolor,and dealeri II wntohos, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Fuller spent up to Monday noon, Sept. 111. Flans and Miss H. Moore, one. of our village M-*.„.V!!?'*;'J""l?"'y".»'''vorwaro, and luiislcnl arrs. Slaght wiw a former resident of Hot esiHK. be one of her most taking subjects. Instriimnnm. Itopalring a spuclaUy. Call! Sunday In St. Johns. Having concltidod to roiiiulii lit Mason, I spoctllcatlons of said building. can lio socn at mllUnei-s, Is spending a few days at Handlea as speoialties the Woodsum Boots and Shoes, man tlio olHco of M. Ryan, on and lirtor Sojit. 1. Owosso. OM i»»r, tl.SO; ilx monthi, 7S e»nU; ihrae Aurelius. shall he»iappy lonieot my mimorois IMcnds OkenioH. • MINVKM.ANEOVN. Mrs. Oreella Tiuii'ston, im: Rolfu of Dy Order of School Board of City of Mnson. W. K. Clater of St. Louis, Missouri, ufactured at Jackson; the Goodrich patent Tap-Sole Boots. mtnlhi, 40 osnli—in advanoe. We have received tlio score made at and iitttrons, socially, as well as professional- The social for the reform club at Dr. and Miss Sara Hirst of Consthntlnc, W.TANNKIl, dealer In dry Koods. no- tlio sliooting tournament on the fair .Tackson, is visiting in Ma.son and vi my Iiouho. Will promptly attend all Money to Coan. One pair of these half soles will give three times as much CROCKERY ADVERTIBINQ RATES. calls, day or night. Rospeetfully A. F. Ferguson's last Friday night, Michigan, are the guests of Josle Howe. Our advortilNlnt! valeK arc ?1(W per coUnnii M^ •-i'.''r«..«j.'j«H.Ji"<JJiiiicj^Koo;is.JNIalii St, cinity. on farm property, nt low rato of Interest; wnsa success; every one seemed to en ground, Aug. 2-1 and 2.">, but it came too •'"""•S. Vm. H. Hkkby CboK. gooil mortgages bought. Inquire of Rev. Mr. Gibbs from Ohio occupied wear as a common sole. per year. ItiinlneKH cards 61 a linn per year. A MEAD, exclnslvo doaiors in joy themselves. BUHhieHN localH tlvo contN per lino cauli and ----_«L9!:."'!y .''"^'."'•C'''^' ttiriilslilng Koods. lute to publish. It sliows that some Rev. Mr. Vandorliart will return to 17tl. , County Rkoistkic. the pulpit Sunday morning and even every ln»ortlon. Buy the boat Ton In the city of A boy seven years old staying at Mr. For the Children he has the Albany Protection Toes and JfarrlUBO, birth, and death notices fi'ee. FUANK CLARK, blacksmith and, tine capital shooting was done. occupy the pulpit at tlio Presbyterian LONO & El.LIS. " Penny Wine and Pound Fooliah." ing at the Congregational church. L, earrlaB0bijJMnr._IlopiUr[iiK2)"illL9._'''.'^ Shubal Hammond's had his leg badly In better Assortment and Cheaper in Price Obltiiaiy notices, rosolutlona f>f rcHpecl, liev. A. McLearn is selling the Em church next Sunday. " Pound Foolish" Is tlio man or woman who crushed tliis morning, by a loaded A straw stack belonging to Benjamin Mundell's Patent Solar Tip, the best sole leather tip made. eardK of tiiaiiks, etc,, live cents a line. l7\RK HOUSE, Wni. H. Clark, proprietor. Refrmhment Mtunda. Etc., At the Vair. Nlmms, two miles south of this place, C press Relief, which is «aid to Ije a great On Friday, .Sept. 10, at one o'clock v. M., the think they cnn go your In and year out with wagon running over it. He was than ever before! Itest one dollar a day liousn in tho clt..\% MLss Lillian Clark returned last Sat out talking anything to cleanse their systems. was struck by lightning and burned JOB PRINTING! piiin reliever. Wo understand some of business committee will moot on tho fair promptly attended bj' Drs. A. F. and EACIC * UO.SE, nianufactm'Oisaiuldoal- urday from a two weeks' visit to Eaton At lost tho foil destroyer comes at n time wlion .T. W. Ferguson. the 18th. , Mteain I'owor, Now IVeosos, and Now Typo M_0TsJn all kindsoffiirnlture. Ash .street. our citizens who liavo tried it speak grounds and lot the cxclnslvo rltflit toscll rc- enable vis to do .Tob I'llntlnii; on short Rapids and Charlotte. I'reslimcnts on tho grounds during the fair thoy think not, and thoy are prostratod,n'over We arc pained to record the death of Mrs. M. A. Oldman bos returned notice, at low prices, and In Iho ir. DRIiSSIOU loans money, buys notes, lilglily in its praise. to rise. " Penny Wise" Is tho man or woman from her visit at the General Grand T, and makes colleetlons; also riro Insur and sell other pilvllogos. Mi's. Eliza Weaver, wife of George ance aucnl. Over Lowe's bank, Mnlnstieot. Miss Kate .Stephens has iicceptcd a who thinks it iioccssary and conduolvo to Chanter (Ladies Masonic degree) held BE.ST POSSIBLE MANNEBi Tlio best time on record, 2:11.1 was .TouN C. SauiKHs, Socrotiu'y. Weaver, an old resident of this place. 'JlRAZEr. A MEflAN, proprietors of city po,sition as teacher at Ishiieming next lioalth to take Parmeleo's Blood PurlHor nt Mre. Weaver was a very estimable at Cuicago last week. Gall and See Him Before Buying! made at Hartford, Conn., l)ySt. Julion, Huy you Flour ol LoNo & I all times of the year when thoy. tool the ne Ilusiness CardN. IJ _bakovy. Fresh bread, pies, and <a»kcs. year at a salary of $400. lady and leaves a large circle of friends Friday. He trottetl the ilrst half mile cessity for It. Price 81 per bottle; saiiiplo bot Ntnokbriilffc. WHITJJLEY, nowsdoalor and snbserlp- Xntlce. tle 15c. Sold by Dr. L. D. Dean, druggist, who deeply foe! tlio loss. Her donth l)resented to the speaker. He expects Cnrrljigfts, Etc. ATTIIKSTKYN. H,_tloiijii,'oiai alsi> AinoHean Ml^ in 1:0.5. St. .Tulien is uncle to Webb & Geo. W. Polar lias returned from a I hereby forbid any person trusting or har was caused by enlargement of the Dansvllle. , . To Robert Reet, also, another girl to lecture here again this fall. AYEUS & PHELPS, dealers In hardware, Flora's horse. Trophy. three months' trip through Minnesota, boring my wife, Mary A., on my account, os I spleen, having been sick for about S_Htoves, llnwiy-e, niUlR,jtlnHK, putl^^^ For (toler baby. FIVE THOUSAND VOLLAKS IN TTOUNEV AT X.XW. INSUUANOE AND Dakotaand Wisconsin, looking healthy shall pay no debts of her contracting after this two months. She died last evening AInlcdon. oollecMonsspecialties. Woljbuiyllle,MlclK F. DROWN, inimfr. and dealer In harness, Some mueli-nec«lcd improvements date. Isaac .Si.o,vs. Ono platform wagon, nearly now, and ono and will be buried to-day in Mt. Hope Harvy Lewis was also prosentetl with A and hearty. a boy. WAGONS & CARRIAGES C, sa<Idles, whips, robes, t,rmlks,_ot<^, olc. arc being made in and about the liigli Sept I, im. SOw.'Ip. single buggy; also one good farm horse. Any cemetery at Lansing. J. Potter has lost a gooil hoi-so. A. B. HAYNE8, ono In want of olthor or nil of the above may TTOUMJY AT luWV ,VND SOLICI'i'Cdl E. SMITH, dealer In aurlenltHral linple- scliool building. Eacli of tho .school Frank E.