^ T tr a g t Dailbr N IM l Fair, cooler tofllgkt, ootiiMor aMe lata taolcbt aad «ai^ Law Mar M. TMoiagr 13,369 mostly sanDy, waim. Htj[k 78 ta Mombor •( tiM AndK 4,r'- M. Biiroou of CIrraUtlon Maneheiter^A City of Village Charm


T o S a v e N H R R Court Bars State N..V, ew s Trustees Ask Roundup Review of Flies to See D el ay Asked Blue Laws On Phone Co. Washington, Oct.' 9 (A*)- Supreme Court refused today Rate Hearing to reconsider its May 29 de­ i Sam Rayburn cision upholding sta^ie blue, New Haven, Oct. 9 Oommerce Commission approve, the trustees wU' be ent- Waterburj’, Oct. 9 laws against commercial ac­ The trustees of the New Ha­ powered to borrow the money from State Sen. William J. Ver- tivities on Sundays. ven Railrpad look toward a commercial baftks, with the loans riker today asked the State Reconsideration was asked in a $15 million loan as the only guaranteed by the federal govern­ Public Utilities Commission petition filed by a firm using the ment. name "Two Guys from Harrison- P re sid e n t immediate hope of keeping (PUC) to .postpone for 30 git;,. I, , ' The trustees said the certlftcates Allentown, Inc.,” with a store near Ill the line alive. would be cashed from time to days the Oct. 23 hearing on Allento\vn, Pa., and Jn petitions One of them, William JT. Kirk, time, depending on tne situation, the Southern New England from five orthodox Jews having said the debt-stricken railroad, now ’They said they “ cannot and do no^ stores in Philadelphia. In Midwest operating under trusteeship, "can’t Intend to operate the raiiroad on telephone Company’s petition The high tribimal on May 29 = ill provide service beyond next month repeated bbrrow'ing.” for rate increases. ruled on blue law cases from Mary­ unless it receives permission to Verriker said he made the re­ land and Massachusetts as well as borrow the money. . (Continued on Page Two) quest in a letter to PUC Chairman from Pennsylvania. Chief Justice Next Month The two other trustees, Harry Eugene S. Loughlln. He said the Warren said in the ruling that most W. Dorlgan and Richard Joyce scheduled date, “luider the most .fa­ Blue Laws are of a secular rather Newport, R. I., Oct. 9 (/P)— Smith, gave no deadline for a pos­ vorable circumstknees,” leaves a than a religious character, with President K^ennedy undertook sible end to the New Haven but Death' Toll 4 short time in which to prepare basic purposes of preventing over­ agreed the loan was necessary. The properly an adequate opposition. work and unfair competition. today a sad, "sentimental joUT' alternative, they said, was "to stop T^e Waterbury legislator la Sen­ The Supreme Court also refused ney to Texas to comfort ailing running the railroad.’* On State Roads ate chairman of the General As­ to review a Federal Communica­ Sam Rayburn. The gloomy picture was painted sembly’s Finance Committee, which tions Commission order canceling / ‘- 0 The President switched plans and at the first news conference held drew up the tax increase bills the IP-ll sward of Channel 10 in ordered his Air Force Jet to head by the three trustees sine they were Over Weekend passed by the 1916 session. The tax Miami. Fla., to Public Service Tele­ for ballas, Tex., instead o f back named last Aug. 3. ' bills included boosts in public util­ vision. Inc. *v A to Washington at the close o f a As Kirk put it, the life of the ity company taxes. The cajicellation came after a weekend here—beside and on the New Haven, which filed for reor­ By ASS^KTATED PRE.S8 Verriker also suggested in his Hou.se investigating subcommittee a. Four persons died in traffic ac­ ganisation July 7 under the Fed­ letter .that copies of the telephone developed that FCC member Rich­ The 79-year-old Speaker of the eral Bankruptcy Act, is "greatly in cidents in Connecticut over the company's petition for increased ard A. Mack had accepted financial House is gravely ill in a Dallas hos­ Jeopardy.” weekend, including a 20-year-old rates be sent to every municipality favors from Thurman A. White- pital, combatting incurable cancer. ■The tnistees said "much of the Marine and his bride. I in the state. .side, a Miami attorney, during a Distinguished national leaden passenger operations cannot be op­ The Marine, Frank Mitchell, and j Verriker listed as another rea- contest among foiir bidders for and politicians have been phoning erated profitably and thereljore hls wife. Sandra, also 20, of 169 j son for his objejtlon to the Oct. 23 Channel 10. or dropping in to see him. Kennedy cannot be continued imless ade­ Hill Ave., Stamford, were killed hearing date the current election FCC ,ruled that three of the con­ himself has been kept informed quately financed by public funds.” Sunday night when their sports campaign in Waterbiirj'. He said testants engaged in improper con­ constantly of Rayburn’s condition. "The trustees stand ready,” they car ran off the Merritt Parkway that he was "extremely busy” in duct designed to influence the out­ He has ^ e n checking for several said, "to provide such passenger near the Rocky Craig Road over­ his role as Democratic 'Town Com­ come and thus were disqualified days to find out whether tt would service Ss federal, state and muni­ pass in Stamford and struck a mittee qhairman. from holding a TV licen.se. It ruled be wise for him to visit the Speak­ cipal authorities may decide is es­ tree on the grassy divider. ers bedside. State Polige were unable to give out WKAT, Inc., and North Dade sential, provided the railroad is Video, Inc., in addition to Public The decision to make the trip properly smd adequately compen­ an explanation of the accident. Archbishop Improves Hartford, Oct. 9 (.V—Hartford Service Television. The TV chan­ was reached this momlnij'. sated for this inherently unprofit­ The car was completely wrecked. A* the man w-ho served longer^ A 76-year-old Waterbury wom­ Roman Catholic Archbishop Henry nel was ordered transferred to the able service." fourth applicant. L. B. Wilson. Inc. than any other as Speaker, as “ Mr." The conference afforded an op­ an, Mrs. Margaret Michaud, Pond J. O’Brien, .stricken late last month with a heart attack, has been taken Public Service Television ap­ Democrat” to both political friends portunity for the trustees to make St., died Sunday of injuries suf­ and foes, Rayburn was a powerful public what they called some of fered in a crash in Naugatuck off the critical list at St. Francis pealed to the Supreme Court to ' review the ca.«e after the U.S. r. ’. tetd ally of the President in Congress. their “ tremendous problems” since Saturday. Police said she was. a Hospital. j This was reported today by a Court to Appeals here upheld the He left Washington a month before assuming their duties. It was held passenger in a car that struck a Congress adjourned to go home to Friday, but with the provision that utility pole. spokesman for his office, who said FCC action in a 'decision last July the Archbishop spent a comfort­ 6. Cincinnati Red pitcher Joey Jay release.s first pitch of fifth World Series game today as New York Texas and try to get rid o f what he the trustees’ comments would not In Bridgeport, 75-year-old sEdd was lumbago in an aching be released to the public until last Jeanne Driscoll was struck and in­ able night and appears to be pro­ The Supreme Court in announc­ Yankee second ba.senian lets the ball go by for a called strike. Cmcdnnati catcher is John Edwards ing its refusal to review the case back. night. jured fatally Saturday as she was gressing satisfactorily. and umpire is Ed Runge of American League. (A P Photofaxi. Kennedy will mis* Rayburn’s ad­ ’They have sought U.8. District crossing a street. She died- about The pi-elate entered St, Francis also announced that it would not ■ ^ ...... - ...—« ..i.i-ii...... allow damages to B. Wilson, vice tmd help. But he scarceW.is Ootirt permission to borrow $16 three hours after the accident. Sept. 18 for treatment for a re­ In a poelUon to broach with Ray- million to keep the New Haven spiratory condition, and was then i Inc. bum a discussion of a possible suc­ running for the next iO to 12 laid low two days later by the ) A petition by Wilson asked the Rayburn Gets cessor. For rega^ess of what hs months. heart ailment. He has been on the i court to order damages because 199 to 202 the firm had "suffered because of may suspect, Raybbm has not been An Oct. 17 hearing before Fed­ critical list since then. told by his doctors that cancer is eral Judge Robert P. Anderson is Hartford, Oct. 9 (/P) — ’The State the delay occassloned by the filing” Yauks Lead 5-0 Test Injection striking down his long lustrous set on the petition for $15 million Motor Vehicle department’s daily of Public Service Television’s re: record of automobile fatalities as ■ Extended Forecast career in pintles. In trustees' certificates, with pri­ quest for a high court review. *1716 Kennedy might hesitate to bring ority over existing obligations un­ of last midnight and the totals on Windsor Ijocks. Oct. 9 (A'j — The court gave no reason in announc­ To Halt Cancer th same date last year: U.S. Weather Bureau at Bradley up the matter in any event E3M!> der section 77 of the Bankruptcy ing its rejection of Wilson's re­ tion of a new Speaker vriti be Lhi Act. 1960 1961 Field issued this foreca.st for Con­ quest. At End of First Dallas, Tex., OcL 9 UF)— Speidc- If both federal cour^ and the In- Killed ...... 199 202 buainese o f the Houec. And as m necticut today; The Supreme Court also refUMd er Sam Rayburn, taking inject graduate of the Moues,.hefdi» ho Temperatures , during the n£$t, ■tg-ieconsider ,its.„June 5- decision, ’Thefble. Jim Maloney, a right hander. tlons that may prolong his life in five days,,Tuesday through Satur­ that the Communist party must Cincinnati, Oct. 9 {JFj his fight against cancer, was re­ (Continued on Page Eight) day, are expected to average more register as sn arm of the So%’let slugging New York Yankees step started warming up for the Reds. Skowron scored Howard with a ported today to be resting com- ] War Threat Eases in Laos than 7 degrees above normal with Union. ped off to a fast start in the fifth fortably and not in pain. little day to day change. The nor­ In its petition for reconsidera­ game of the World Series with the long drive off the center field fence, but was limited to a single when he D r Ralph Tompsett, chief of mal high and low temperature tion, the party said the court’s de­ Cincinnati Reds today and held a internal medicine at Baylor Uni­ at Hartford this period is 66 and cision destroyed the protection of 5 to 0 margin as the contenders fell rounding first base. Maloney replaced Jay on the mound. versity Medical Center, issued Princes for Souvanna^ i 42, at Bridgeport 66 and 46 and started the second inning. this bulletin: Bulletins I at New Haven 65 and 4,5. Little if (Continued on Page Seventeen) YANKEES FIR.ST (6) Lopez tripled to the right field scoring Skowron, Ken Johnson, a "Mr. Sam Rayburn had a fairly j any precipitation is expected dur- Jay’s first pitch to Richardson good night. He is awake and alert. Culled from AP Wiries I ing this period. was a curve that oroke over the righthander began warming up for CTincinnati. Boyer doubled off the He seems comfortaBle and com­ Split on Cabinet Jobs plate for a called strise. Richard­ plains of no pain. A few minutes son lined the next piten past Kasko scoreboard scoring Lopez for the REDS CLAIM N-8UB FLEET Mamed to PUC Local Rejects Yankees’ fifth run. Terry struck ago he was sitting up in bed hav­ for a single. It was his ninth hit ing his breakfast. There is no Moscow. Oct. 9 (M — The So­ j Hartford, Oct. 9 iA>) — Attorney of the Series, equalling the record out. viet Union claimed today It has Hln Heup, Laos. Oct. 9 t/Pi—The^and left the divdsion, of seats to i William R. Burke, Farmington, Five runs, six hits, one'error, one change in his condition.” af Laos OTangled the hard bai'galning still ahead-i-—j for most hits in a 6-game series. tile world’s fastest fleet of no- three factions was appointed tbday to the State Profit Sharing left. Rayburn is being given an ex­ today over a cabinet for neutral Souvanna Phouma commi.ssloned Kubek filed deep to Pinson. Maris perimental drug called "5-fluoro- clear sobmarines, taster than Public Utilities Commission by filed to Robinson near the right REDS FIRST (0) l«t Prince Souvanna, Phouma, he other two pnneos to call on | gov. John N. Dempsey. uracil.” He received the first in­ the swiftest Atlantle Hnere. AL* king today at Luting Prabang, the field foul line. Coleman muffed Blaaingame bunted back to an Izvestla writer rcfiorted. arp named premier in an agreement Burke, a Democrat and member In AMC Pact the mound and was tossed out by jection yesterday, will get anoth­ royal capital, and to seek a Tues­ Jay's plckoff attempt and Richard­ er today and, if ail goes well, aimed with long range miolear reducing the prospect of new of the Hartford law Ann of Brack­ son went to second on the error. Terry. Kasko sin gle through the fighting In the jungle kingdom. day audience for him. Royal ap­ receive dally injections for around rockets. The goveriuneat news­ proval of his designation as pre­ en and Burke, succeeds the late Detroit, Oct. 9 (/Pi—The future Blanchard, on a 3-1 count hit a hole inti) left field. Pinson popped Souvanna Phouma, 60-year-old Basil P. Fitzpatrick, of West Hart­ of the auto industry’s historic first tw'o weeks.” paper hinted that M arsh al mier is considered a certainty. home run into the right field to Boyer near the pitching mound. It will be several days. Dr. G eorgl K . Zhukov wad f in d Paris-educated former premier ford. workers’ profit sharing plan- - bleachers, a drive of 375 feet scor­ But there was a slight hitchf It Robinson filed to Lopez. Tompsett said, before it is known aa defense minister and from backed by the Soviet bloc, person­ The job pays $11,160 per year. American Motors’ contract with ing Richardson ahead of him, giv­ No runs, one hit, no errors, one ally announced the agreement was announced in Vientiane that whether the drug produces unde­ the Presidiura of the Oommualst Bourn Oum will nol Heave for Burke •will serve under an In­ the United Auto Workers—was ing the Yankee.s a quick 2-0 lead, j [gjj reached yesterday by himself, pro- terim appointment until tfce 1963 sirable side effects. party on Nov. t, 1967, for op­ Luang Prabang until tomorrow. No cast ill doubt today. Howard sent a drive through an Typical bad effects: Nausea, vom­ western Premier 6«un Oum- and session of the state legislature. At AM Cs Local 72 of the UAW at opening high on the scoreboard in posing oonstnictloil of th eso explanation was given for the 24- By JERRY USKA. iting. changes in blood pressure or atomic subs. It satd Pmmier Prince So'uphanouvong, leader of hour delay. It means a postpone­ that time the Governor uili nomi­ Kenosha, W lc„ acting contrary to left center for a grounl rule dou- (.AP Sports Writer) in the blood count. Khrashebev made the dedsloa to the pro-Red Pathet Lao. ment of the king’s audience for nate him to fill Fitzpatrick’s unex­ the four other locals of the com­ (3inciiuiatl. Oct. 9 (/P>—(TJincin- The other two princes stood be­ pany, rejected the plan formally The drug is not a cure, but it go ahead with bnlkUng them and Souvanna st least jn(ll Wednes­ pired term, which ends June 30. nati manager Freddie Hutchinson may halt the spread of cancer. side Souvanna during the an­ day. 1965. last night. that he is known to Soviet shook up his lineup today in an Rayburn appears to be doing sailors as “the father of the nouncement, made at the negotia­ Meanwhile a committee repre­ TTie 49-year-old Burke has Officials of the company and in­ News Tidbils effort to stave off tlhe charging about as well as can be expected. tions tent at this village on the senting the three princes was to served as a research attorney on ternational officers of the UAW New York Yankees who lead 3-1 Each medical bulletin has said nuclear fleet which today gauds . oease-fiie line 50 miles north of w-ere reported in separate huddles froi^ the AP Wires and need only one more vioiory to "rested fairly comfortably” of our Soviet state.” Vientiane, administrative capital (Continued on Page Four) (Continued on Page Seventeen) here today on what steps to take. clinch the be«t-of-seven, 'W’orld “ ate reasonably well. THje' AMC development came as of Laos. Series. Rayburn is eating whst he likes, BBrnsU ELECmONS SEEN Agreement on Souvanna had another nettlesome problem in the The Yankees, however, started and yesterday had one of his fa­ London, OcL 9 (/P) --- Prims long been expected. But it repre­ months-long effort to settle on Carlos Antonettl, 64, father of M inister H arold MariMUlan ap­ seven, shoots and'fatally wounds without injured Mickey Mantle vorite foods: Honey. sented a major concession by Victim Disputes Charges new 3-year contracts in the auto Eminent politicians continue to pointed Colonial Secretary lain Industrie wife. Carmen, in New York because | and Yogi Berra. Berra injured a Boun Ouki’B U.S.-backed regime, shoulder in a slide j'esterday. drop by. MacLeod today as chatamaA of Ford I^cal 600 of the auto union ahe rebuked him for. gambling away the Conservative Party and lead­ which had been demanding that | family’s $146 relief check, New King Savang Vathana be presented set out/picket- lines barring office (Oontinned on Pnge E l^t) er of the House of Commons. workers from entering the com- York police say .. liwin C. Scar- (Continued on Page Eight) a list of several candidates for | Prosecutor Says Doctor beck’s defense attorney Samuel Reginald Maudllng. now proa- the premiership of the ‘coalition | I pany /administration building in ideht of the government board of , the week-old strike against Ford. Klein resumes his efforts In Wash­ goverment. The Pathet Lao in turn | ington to discredit statement Scar- trade, was named to socoeed withdrew its demand that the king ; 1 Since last Tuesday, Ford’s 120,- West Split on Berlin Aims 6IacLeod da coloakd aeoretaR. 0000 hourly workers nave been on beck allegedly gave to State; be handed a full oab(pet as well Gave Wife Poison Shot Department security officer about, R A. Butler, who baa baen Csm- • strike over local plant issues. Ford ons leader and party chairman, ' and the UAW already had agreed turning over secret documents t o . Polish Communist ^ en ls. retains his ciablnet peat aa boma Port Orchard, Wash., Oct. 9 on a 3-year economic package. But secretary. Appotntment of Mao- ! local disputes prevented i general Ommunist East German regim e, U.S. Seeks to Get Allies Secret Army (/Pi — Dr. Robert E.« Boehme. 41. paying heavy price in manpower, i Leod to the party and Hooae. of |.settlement. Negotiations have been Commons leadership poata Indi­ accused of injecting poison into 1 Continuing. morale and economics for closing Berlin border, Frankturt newspa­ cated Macmillan may oaQ for his wife's arm. was to be ifrraigned new elections soon. , Ag Pirates (Continued «ii Page Eight) per Rundschau says:. .Spanish Se­ Support New Red Talks today on a charge of first degree curity Police hold ,17 former assault with intent to kill. French Army officers and politi­ PERMITTEE FINED «M0 Algiiers Radio cians who have been waging cam­ London. Oct. 9 (JPI — Soviet estate Department’s Berlin task Waterbury, OcL 9 tflfl — The ... His wife. Dorothy, 3 4.'said she permittee of a Waterbury reatatt- would leave hospital bed to be ’Red Envoy Battles paign from e.xile against President Foreign Minister .Andrei Gro­ force: CJharies E. Bohlen, the ad­ • _ rant where, police said, several Algiers, Oct. 9 (fi—The under­ at his side. - de Gaulle’s Algerian policy...New myko plans a stop In London to­ ministration's top Soviet’ expert: York t Philharmonic Orchestra re­ morrow en route home from the Llewellyn Thompson, U.S. envoy teenagers were seen drinking ground secret army organization j Boehme -was freed on $25,000 Amsterdam Police prior to an auto accident la knocked the govemment-run radio | bond after his arrest- Saturda.v. 'An sumes rehearsals after voting to United States and Foreign to Moscow; WaKer C. Dowling, ind week-long strike and accepting ambassador to Bonn, and Martin which two of them were hilled, station off the air again today and | attractive nurse, Mr.s. Mary As Tourist Deflects Secretary’ Lord Home hastily was fined $SW m Circalt C oort called for total mobilization of Al- Boehme. 28, AnnapoUs, Wash., was three-year contract. made arrangements to meet J. Hillenbrand, .dk'ector of the Mrs. Marie Fowler of GulMord, Office of German Affairs. today on a charge of vlolatkni of gerians to oppose the established arrested as a material w’i'tness, and htan. the liquor laws. Lee P. Pohi, $7, regime. Amsterdam, Oct. 9 !JP>—Soviet Australia, under treatment for Thompson and Dowling were reiased on $5,000 bond. Ambassador Panteleimon K. Pono­ Gromyko’s decision to visit plead^ no contest in the case The secret army broadcast came Mrs. Boehme was married to the head injuries and exposure after London, coming after hi* fniit-l called to Waahdngton "for con­ marenko and several of his staff five' day* trapped In wrecked car heard by Judge Jotm Daly. Two during the noon hour, after a regu­ doctor’s brother. Jack, an Oregon were involved in a fight with leM UU(* with President Ken­ sultation,’’ Waterbury youths', Kenneth Mo- lar news program was suddenly State Unlversary pharmacy stui ..Members of three generations of The two are expected to return Dutch Military Police at Amster­ Illinois family killed when their nedy In Washington, surprised Neill. 18. and Joseph R. Rocoo, . cut off. There was no immediate dent, for about three years. They dam Airport today. car Is struck by fleet California and puzzled British dlplomsts. to their posts soon and Thompson 17, lost their lives In aa auto indication how-the regular station were divorced in 1959. The scuffle came in a dispute Zephyr at quiet rural railroad wants to be in Moscow before the race with other youths oa' BL 83, transmission' facilities were inter­ Prosecutor Gordon Walgren said over Uie passport of a Russian crossing near Burlington, Iowa .... By JOHN M, HIGHTOWER 22nd ^C3ommunist Party Congress on Sept. 17. rupted. After the 20-minute pirate' Dr. Boehme is accused of injecting tou ris t, Mrs. Alexei GOIlib, whose Twenty-three members of ' West Washington. Oct. 9 (Pi — The opens’ Oct. 17. broadcast, the airwaves remained poison into his wife's _ann...with a husband bolted from a party of Philadelphia Mothers Club, on ex­ Kennedy .administration hopes to At pi-esent, the. Allies appear to j VHH-ET NEAR TOKYO silent...... - ..... biood-samplihg'sy'rihge sept. 20. tourists and asked asylum Sat­ cursion to Roman Catholic Semi­ persuade U.S. Allies in the next be basically split o-ver Berlin Tokyo, OcL 8 (/IT—The Cen- • The ■ectet arniy bi^dcaat came Mrs. Dorothy Boehme called the nary, treated at two Washington, two or three weeks to go along policy problems. tral Meteorologloal Agency re­ on during , the noon hour, afteV a urday. charge "preposterous.” The wife of the 35-year-oM D. C., hospitals after they are ap- with further exploratory talks The West German gCvemment, ported tonight that TyphoM regular news p r ^ a m was cut off. The doctor said his wife had chemical engineer was taken by parently stricken with food polson- Officials said the electrical current I with Russia on the possibility of grappling'' with its own internal Violet has changed ooorea been a diabetic for about 20 years, two Soviet offitlals to a Soviet air- ^ Ing. negotiating a compromise settle­ political difficulties, is appre- slightly and likely will ^nun for two broadcasting stations had and recently suffered from hepati­ b< ^ cut off through sabotage. Hnei waiting at Amsterdam air­ United States Is spending leas ment of the Berlin crisis. 'sive about/ agreeing to the the heavily popplatad Tokyo ra- tis, an inflammation of the liver. port. than one per cent of its groM na­ Western consultations are ex­ ter flexibility on the western glon its fnll fuiy. Weather ra- After the 20-minute pirate broad­ “ I love my wife,” he said. "To Then Soviet Officials stormed tional product on higher education, pected to move forward on sev­ ^de whioh Ruak and ITeffident ports, neverthleas. Indicated the cast, the aim;ave8 remained silent say that I woqld try to destroy Into the airport police office de­ says John E. Saw’yer, new presi­ eral fronts, Including dlscussloi^ Kennedy want for negotiations capital and surrounding rsgloni for an hour before resuming the her is fantastic.” / dent of Williams College . .United regular programs. . . manding her passport. among State Department offlciys with Russia. i will be haffeted by winds np ta . The couple has two sons, aged The chief of the police detach­ Nations Ambassador Adlai E; Ste­ and the ambajssadors of Britain, 98 m.p.h. In the next M baata; A secret army announcer “ order­ 8 and 10. The French government ia fear­ ed" all Algerians to “ join the ment refused to hand It over until venson says current General As­ France and West Germany. I plus torreati 'I rains. ThaAKMey The involved case took another sembly has “ really one item on ful that Rus^a may consider fiecret army ranks.” he had talked with Mrs. Golub to . One step In that process \»as said in an i: pxn. raiHft the* twist when the prosecutor Mid he our agenda—the survival of the hu weetem interest in exploratory “ By the end of the year the se­ make sure ahe was returning to scheduled today aa Secretary of talks a sign/of weakness In facing Vtolet'a eeater wtada had 4a- and Mrs. Mary Boehme had filed Russia of her own free will. man race” . . . New .York reports cret army will have mobilized in State Dean Rusk arranged to up to |ted threats over BerUn. oraaoed froid 148 m.pJk to IM Its civH networks 100,000 civilians an application for a marriage li­ ■ Witnesses at the airport aaid a that, out-of-town theaters have been notified tha,t members of Actors meet with his chief advisers on The British government la eager nxpJiH hut wataed that Ita » who wUl be 100.000 fighters,’’ the cense Juqe 22. flstfight then broke out in the dtus e f L78 ndlea would eaaae Walgreq, himself divorced and police office, in which about six Equity will refuse, to perlomi in Soviet and German affairs. for negotiations and British offt announcer added, and went on: ' Invited to a working luncheon clalj have been reported mildly tt to envelaa soma af the Taliya “ In a momoit you wilt hear a now) engdged to another woman. Soviet embassy officials, Ineliid- any theater permitting segregation either In front of or iMhind loot' in the oecretary’n office were:'- raglaa. fa whttli aMva 8hM M V. Kohler, bead of ttaa (Oonttnued on Page Eight) mUllen noania Mva. « m Page T w ) (OwItMad «■ Tw«> Mm. M arj (OoiittMicd . I I ■I’. ' m W ■7.

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER,. CONN. MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1981 PAGE THREE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER B. 19«1 .1? ■ I ...... I—iiii Maa binding, Um , stvan old eaa- * Bolton , ' dies, wtiidi «on be wads Into new Trustees Ask tsMs, ribbon, buHom, and all Musiol-Minney Fagan-Fuller aorta oC things. Every Tuasday a t 10’ a.m. .4 ‘Open House’ Sheinwold on $ 15 MiUion group of church women meet at In a candlelight aervice at Sec­ Mias Gall Ann# Fuller became the annex to sew. They are now ond Congregational Church late the bride of Walter Robert Fagan ‘ T H E W A Y Jr., both of Manchester, Saturday (OoBtbined from Page One) working on new acolyte cassocks Slated by PTA STINGY PLAYER South dealer Saturday afternoon, MIm Dorothy Both eidee vulnerable morning at Emanuel Lutheran Slid oottss, also choir vestments. LOSES OGNTB.ACT Elizabeth Mliuiey and Eberhard Q. I HEARD IT * Since they took over two montiis Mrs. Colgma Nsmsd ithe PTA wip spemsor an “open B91 Alfrsd sheinwold NOMH Church. house’’ at the elementary sohoql dk « B. Mualol, both of Manchester, The bride Is the daughter of Mr. ago, the trustees said, the problem Mi«. Dorothy Oolgsn has been If you’ilo going to shut the op­ end Mrs. Lyman Fuller, 451 Hil­ has been one of trying to keep the appointed clerk of the board of Wednesday at 7:30 o.m. Parants ponents out, do the Job properly. ty s 4 were united In marriage. hy John Gruber New Haven operating without will be glvsn an opportunity to see 0 Q 10 9 4 3 The bride la the daughter of Mr. liard St. The bridegroom Is the son asseasors in place of Mrs. Albert Don’t leave the door halfway ^ 4 A K 9 7 4 , of Mr. and Mra. Walter Robert Fa­ cash. S. Taylor, resigned. , the school fhclUtles and to learn opon* / and Mrs. Oliver J. Minney, 45 St. •The cash box was drained about the curricula. 9VEST KAST Paul Dr The bridegroom 1# the aon gan, 38 Coventry St. Opens Oeramle Studio North handled his two-suiter X a KJ 9 43 4k«72 pretty completely when we took Mrs. Henry Pimm of Hebron Is Information was sent home , with of Mr. and Mrs. EJrlch Mualol, 24 The Rev. Walter Abel, pastor of pupils Friday glvin$f details about aggrosilve^,'' hut the final con­ W Q 3 2 ly 6 5 Our < Savior Lutheran Church in over,’’ they said. holdiilg a group class in ceramics, tract was quite reasonable. There 0^2 OKJgJ Starkweather St They need time, they said, to the art . They groom's mother wore a lace dress employed by Pratt and Whitney Said trustee Smith: "Asisumlng in addition to regular business, will vey K. Moualey will also attend. United Aircraft (Jorp. The bride­ all over again. and pointed it at thf maestro, the PhyUis Rankl and Linda Rankl. discuss vacancies. said he never had any intention of Local Stocks groom attended high school and brated by the Rev. Joseph McCann have lived in Manchester since of baby blue with matching acces­ Aircraft, division of United Air­ ART LESSONS This la true no matter how r ^ t better to observe his tiny beat. we have no catastrophe, we .get Boys Welcome marrying the nurse. at St. James' Church Saturday 1915. Mr. Salonik owns a tailor craft Corp., East Hartord. the $16 million, I do not think we'll Baptism# trade school In West Berlin, Ger­ sories and an orchid corsage. We are doing this to show you the guest conductor may be. 'There He didn't last long. Reiner ie not Manchester Evealng Herald He­ Unda Ann, daughter of Mr. and Boys of St. Maurice CYO and ”I was investigating her conduct many, and is employed ss a tool morning. shop at 14 W. Middle Tpke- 'He Is A reception for 175 guests was have to close down any services bron oorreepondent. Miss Susan B. other boys of the parish may at­ and wanted to see if she would go Quotations PurnlslMd by Among the guests were the cou­ a. member of the Holy Name So­ how wo teach COMMERCIAL will always be a bertaln amount of noted for his sense of humor. because of a lack of funds during Mrs. Eric Emt of Jan Drive, He­ Coburn & Middlobrook. Iso. designer in East Hartford. held at the Elks’ Home. For a healtancy in response, on the part Other conductors have other idlo- Pendleton, telephone ACademy bron, was baptized at St. Maurice tend the sports night to be spon­ through with the Idea of marri­ ple's best man and maid of honor, ciety of St. James' Church, and motor trip to northern New York OARTOONERAMA ART by the coming year. We want to car­ 8-S454. sored by the Holy Name Coclety age.” Me said. “She broke off with Bank Stocks Mr. and Mrs. Dimitri Levchuk, 112 Mrs. Salonik is a member of the mail. of the musicians, until they have ■yncracles, and ao it goes. The men ry out various things and keep our (Jhurch Sunday. Others recently Bid Aakqd and Canada, the bride wore a PRESCRIPTIONS played a doaen or more concerts in the New York Philharmonic are baptized at St. Maurice's were Ray­ Oct. 16 In the church hall. Art me the same day.” Bissell St. Guests were present Ladies of St. James. (Herald pho­ green knit suit with brown acces­ LIMITED OFFER In for a tough season, as I see it, head above the water." McGinley, Hartford sports editor, Walgren said the Investigation Conn. Bank and Trust Andover from New York. New Jersey, to by Pinto). unaer the conductor's baton. Per- mond Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Co...... 59 62 sories and orchid corsage. The Free Delivery' Only one to a family! For this ( h^B you don't realize It, but a and no matter how hard they work, Rockville-Vernon Raymond Tilden of Rt. 6; Patricia will be guest speaker. Reserva­ began nine months ago, after he couple will live at 22 Summer St. aperial offer WRITE TODAY berttancy of one-tenth of a aec- the orcheatra will,not be a serious Boston. Oct. 9 (fl>) — A Boston A tions for the dinner, to be served learned Dr. Boehme had telephon­ Hartford National Maine Railroad spokesman says Diana, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bank and Trust Co. 57 60 Mothers to See open house beginning at 6:45 so after Oct. 21. LIGOEH DRUG to: NATIONAL ART TRAIN­ eod will make the difference be­ contender for third place among John Costanzo of School Rd., and at 6:30 p.m., should be made 'with ed a woman in San Francisco and Bolton parents may adjourn to llie Ver- Mrs. Fagan is a 1958 graduate ING SERVICE, Box 500-V, American orchestras this year. the New Haven Railroad's bank­ Constables Stop Fire Insurance CompanlM SHOPPING PARRADE tween a clean and a sloppy per- ruptcy reorganization has “ac­ Ernie Joseph Jr:, son of Mr. and Ray Cocconl b.v Thursday.. It Is said: Aetna Fire ...... 116 124 Slides on Europe planck School by 8. Refreshments of Manchester High School, has at­ Greenwich, Conn. ionnance. I would nominate Cleveland for Mrs. Ernie Chasse of Old State Rd., expected that the entire program "You’ll be swimming in my pool will be served. tended Hlllyer College, and Is em- With some Instruments an error the spot, under the circumstancetK celerated'' a BAM sun-ey of its Quincy Fugitive Hartford Fire ...... 88 93 WSCS Schedules own lightly ' patronized branch Andover. will end at about 9. within six months.” National Fire ...... 150 160 The Andover Mother’# Club will of tiii^ dze could be disasterous. with Chicago first, and Philadelphia Scout Schedule About Town Investigators said the physician aeeond. Boston might make it, since lines. Phoenix Fire ...... 118 120 meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at An­ Auction Saturday Fhitea and clarineU, for example, The Boston Herald said today Quincy, Mass., detectives drove Five Bolton Girl Scout end The board of education will meet made several trips to California Life and Indemnity Ins. Cos. can play more than sixteen notes Munch decided to stay another sea­ to Vernon Saturday to pick up a tonight at 8 at the school. while Mrs. Mary Bo-ehme was dover Elementary- School. The son, after announcing he would re­ the BAM is planning either to Brownie troops have announced Aetna Ca.sualty...... 143 — The Woman’s Society of Chris­ a aeeond if they are pressed and abandon or sell 350 miles of Its fugitive who was taken Into cus­ meeting schedules for the coming St. Maurice Council of Catholic there. Dr. Boehme said his rela­ Aetna Life ...... 136 146 speaker will be Mra. Hazel Floyd, OPEN MONDAY thru SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. ^ X baaltate to think what it would tire following Tanglewood, last tody in this town Friday. Women will hold a business meet­ tionship with Mary Boehme was tian Service WSCS of United ■eimd like if one of them got a Summer. “light density” track mileage, sub­ year. The first meeting of Girl Conn. General ...... 288 303 Grade 4 teacher at the school, who stantially located in New Hamp­ William R. Romig, 37, was want­ Scout Troop 651 for Grade « girls ing tonight at 8 in the church hall, that of a doctor and a patient, and Hftd. Steam Boiler 119 127 will show slides of her trip to Eu Methodist Church will sponaor a OPEN THURSDAY TILL 9 P.M. shire. This would be about 25 per ed in Quincy, constables said, on a ■will be held tonight from 7 to 8 to be followed by a social hour.- that he had treated her several Travelers ...... 155 ' 165 rope.. general auction at Epwoilh House charge of neglect of family and for The commission on education of times. cent of total mileage. at United Methodist Church imder Public rtUlnea Plana will be made for special bam

f \> ji. ■


the Iter. Bdvih C. Xelaekar, pai- working against the fermattea t i a truly moving story wlilch haa bs6H tor. Immediately. CoUimftim War T h i^ t Eases ill Laos South Windsor provisional coalition goveriunent.’ ’ made into an enjoyabls, imfMgot' W e ^ r u u a A meeting o( the church council Now, make all those Open Forum able mov;ls. Your prMence will be of Boeond Otmgcogatiohal Church Pbtluck Planned New York, Oct 8 ID—W. AvaraU a vote for the return of movies RtNU’ da 1 be held at 1 p.m. Thursday in Harrimon, prealdent Kmhedy’a School Report Repeat$ Need Recommends MovM which are entertaining and not of­ y o u r K church basement, By PTA tomorrow Princes for Souvanna., ambaaaador to the Laotian negotia- home improvemenls To the Editor, fending. 1 would urge other groups nar OiMper has been elected Uona at Oaneva, saya tha talka Lately,' I’ve read where pare'nts to give this some thought when telep h o n e ptaaldant of. the Seoood Oongrega- "are going better.’’ in various cities, appalled at thp making their future pUnS. tional Church will be hrid at 8 OolumMa PTA opens its year Harrlraan ad(M : "Thera still : * To Bpild 4 Plants by 1970 ' All proceeds will go to the La­ Your order for d n t m i tomorrow wtm a p^uok, an an­ type of mo'viea being shown re­ oosmet^ wlO bo takso p.m.' Thundky in thO church baae- Split on Cabinet Jobs are tome toOgh nuta to crack. Our with S!!i: money cently, have bondqd together and dles . of Columbus Scholarship nual tradition to which school lmmedlstai(y. E Loi* Mkcw. gaUmon oaunmi- ment program is to maka a peaceful The need for a new achool uveryOeake aquarea, milk: Ihuraday- rented theaters to present moiries Fund.'^ Peggy Cooper has been elected staff and othars connected -^th soluUpn and some prograas has two yeara for a aix-year period , ' Thank you, Uat miA, mdtj)k «t On tkrmptry education are always kivlted. (CoaUnoed fr*m_ Page (Ms) •lust OM HFC HoutahoMsr'a Loan can buy . Spanish rice with meat, buttered which are suitable for family at­ president of the Second Congrega­ on Laos. A major obstacle haa beenmade.’’ j from 1964 to 1970, was predicted spinach, rolls; and butter, cookies, tendance ' Mrs. EMward Goss fir. tional Church Pilgrim Fellowship. Supper will be served in Yeo­ He said some progress haa bean ‘ dfiporiM, rufltt furnlturo arid appjjtfrcou for FREE meet at Hin Heup to diacuss make­ b m that each Laotian faction by Supt, of Schocla .Merle B. nUlk;- Ifriday—eacalloped potatoes, A group of women in Manchester 123 Helaine Rd. I»t‘ PTA me«Unr Others elected are; William Zeig- mans HeiU at 6:30 p.m. and the sent a delegation to Geneva. Tliese made in Geneva "on the Intaraa- your homo or apaitmont Or you may roady your deviled egg, slice of cheese, but­ is doing this same thing although Manchester business meeting will follow at 8. up of the future coalition govern­ WobdmanMe In hia annual report {iWadwidty U 8 pin. *t llobwtMm ler, Tics president; Sussn Potter, presumably now will be i unified. tiona] scale and some in Laos it­ homo for wlntor with now storm window!, " to the board of education.' tered green and yellow beans. Jam their reason la two-fold. DELIVERY secretary; Barbara Dof^fart and ment. self." He was retarrlng to the coali­ Mrs. Rudolph Albair. president, Gen. Phoumi Nosavan, military Both the weatera Allies and the Woodnuuuee faid projeccted en- sandwich, fruit, milk. V The Catholic Ladies ol, Columbus DR. GRISWOLD HONORED Bdward Perkins, faith commission; has announced committee riiair- Communists have announced their tion government named in Laoa. woiithoratrfpping and a modom hoating unit. A ifLeagne Exhibit * Mkgn noiM9A hi* baclMlor's Jean Morris and Marion Woods, chief of the Boun Oum govern­ He made the statements last roUmenta Bhbw, a. steady faicreaae have rented Uie State Theater on Willlamstown, Mass., Oct. 9 (JF)— men who will make up her execu­ ment, told newsmen there is still support for the idea of a neutral fat the next decade in both ele­ The South Wlnasori Art .League Tuesday, Oct'. 10, for three show­ Dr. A. Whitney Griswold, president -fBomZth* UniwerUty of action' commission and George tive committee this year, are: night at IdlewUd Airport before will exhibit pBlntings at the Hart­ ______JoutTinuter'a degree from a long way to go toward a settle­ Laos, but the Communists refuse tom o other prof- MONnKrPAYNlINTSdftMlU mentary achoola'and the high ings of the technicolor film, "The of Yale University, received an Eberle and Dianne Wahman, fel­ Mrs. Raymond Hoeizer'and Mra. to accept western demands for in­ leaving for Geneva. ford National Bank and Trust Oo„ iTViM^’ VMitwidty end lies « cer* lowship commission. Mr. and Mrs. ment. He said it was decided that He said he expects to report back oct. /So# HFC. tha M . u ■chool. "In 1964 and every two Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima.” honorary degree from Williams John Ek-landson, co-chairmen of the premier and vice premier ternational supervision. SoFtek Bishop's Oon\er office in' West It will be seen at 3:30, 6:45 and Oillege ye.sterday. 'The degree was (SM datib f tiAcute. - oC edvenoed graduate Steveii Joncus are leaders of the to the President in about two holpful under- t f r * years thenaafter until 1970, a netr Hartford, from Oct. 9 to 27. The ways and meana; Mrs. Jack Thomp­ would double as defense and in­ Cambodia’s Prince N orodom achool ■will ba needed," the report again at 8 p.m. awarded during a program in 'Vwtudy Ifrom the UnlvereRy o f Hart* PF unit which meets each Sunday son, sunshine; Mrs. Sol Koengia- weeks. t 7,27 opening tea for meihbers and PRESCRIPTION n U M H J k O t ^ford^He'taught for two yean at at 7 p.m. at the Church Commun­ terior ministers, but It is not yet, Sihanouk, who helped arrange the atanding company 14.18 aald. t . As a mother of eight, may I take which John E. Sawyer, 'Yal6 eco­ berg, safety; Mrs. Eugene Dente, final whether Souvanna Phouma or 14-nation Geneva Conference, told friends was held this afternoon at this opportunity to urge all parents nomic historian, was inducted as 901 MAIN S T ,-4 0 8-8811 WBaoen Aoadmny and four yean at ity House. you may tnitt. si 20.91 29.27, Woodmanaee’e report outlined tlfe bank. - . well child; Mra. George Gaudreault. the as-yet unnamad vice premier newsmen in Tokyo shortly before 30.83 ^ 6 1 47.K. the ’pl^loeoidiy of the sehoola and to take their children to see this* president of William.s. E3ast* Hampton High School be' About Town library; M ra Henry H. Ramin, Couple Honored Public Records i f a n coming to Coventry. will get the key defense Job. news of Uie agreement on Sou- 36.41 38.74 S6.to lodJo activities sm a rtin g thla phlloa- The Women’s Auxiliary to the legislative; Mm. G. Roberi Church, vknna Phouma tliat he waa very Life iruuranet at Warrantee deeds: Sandra Flax- 4 John OirieUe of the muUc de* North Coventry Volunteer Fire AS' The Neutralists and the Paihet On Anniversary n t i phy, and pnsented a brief back­ man to Eve C.. Haller, property on program; Mrs. Emil Malek and Lao claimed agreement had been pessimiatlc about the riumces for ground .on the kehool ayatem It- TRIPLE-S • paitment, will give a abort talk soclation will meet at 8 p.m. td Mrs. Fred Lowman Jr., co-chair- g ro u p rate it available Burnham St., Mirellle K. Garaude ioh-HlMr program o f inatruotiona on morrow at the firehouse. reached for Souvanna’s group "to neutrality in Laos. He predicted •elf. • > to D. B. Hyman, propehy on Rob­ BLUE m «i of membership and hospital­ get eight cabinet posts and sup­ that' even under Souvanna "the Mr. and Mra. Charles F. Hast­ on a ll loane Instruction la considered to be DOUBLE STAMPS EVERY WED ! t nualoai tnatrumenla. Coventry Garden d u b will have ity; Mra. Rodarick Marrotte, re- ings, 54 Cambridge S t, were hon­ ert Dr.; J.'S . Gleason Jr. (Admin. a workshop at 10 a.m. tomorrow at porters of Boun Oum and Sou- process of commuhization w ill the most in ^ rta n t function of the PTA. ofBoials report square dance frsshmenta; Richard Spellman ored Saturday evening on the oc­ Veterans Affairs) to G. A. Kail- tnstniCtkm for Grades S and 6 has Booth-Dimock Memorial Library to phanouvong four each. However, a come step by stsh-. • like cancer.’’ public schools, .based on Individ­ man, property on AllsoniDr.; D. J. representative to the Boy’ Scouts; spokesman for Boun Oum said the Souvaima Rhouma has had casion of their S3rd wedding annl- ual differences as well as common been ' tempoirarUy receeeed. The prepare for a booth at the Country versBuy. Ryan to James Mllkie, property on ■-g-. . W ' -m ^ K ' '^'^r Fair, Nov. 18 at the Church Com- Mrs. Hazel Smith,' repreeentative Vientiane government wants the strong'and oCntinual Soviet back tendencies. Davewell Rd. claaaea', h ^ Friday evenings at to the Giri Scouts; Mrs. Arnold Mrs. Margery Plummer, 166 Robertson School. wiB be resumed'i munityJHouse of Second Congrega- posts divided among Leftists, ing for his claim that he was the ' The elemitntary schools provide Property on Graham Rd. from Sihvonen, representative to meet Rightists and Neutralists, not Seaman Circle, entertained for teinatructlon In the basic subjects •omcfhne next'month. tional Church. only legal'premier of Laos despite the couple at a dinner party at Towne Homes Inc. to R. P. Green­ f a with board of education, Mrs. thanhers Study, Tee d u b members are remiAded to among the personal followings of the installation of the Boun Oum MANCHiniR fHOPPme p a ^k a b i ^ ..to these are added art, music, field; property at 102 Brook St- George E. Peters, her alternate. her home with members of the and i^yaical education. This year Supt. o f Sehoola Royal O. Fish­ bring suggestions and materials the princes. The pro-western fac­ regime with royal sanction. family as guests. from F. V. Welles to R. T. Lydon; for articles for the booth. Those The principal of the school has tion considers Souvanna Phouma 382 Middle Tumpiko Wool guidknee teacher in' Grade 7 and 8 property on Sunset Ter. from er report that since June 1960. 35 always met with the board In the During a world tour last sping, Mr. and Mrs. Hastings were membeta of the 66-member teach­ attending have be^n aaked to Leftist rather than truly neutral waa em ploy^ for the first time. Windsor Construction Corp. to P; past. Thia year he will, instead, the prince abruptly canceled a married Oct. 3, 1908, at Trinity 2nd Pleo^—MHchall 3-2731 Provision.ia made 'for the edu­ ing staff have received credits for bring their lunch. The hostesses and wants the center group to in­ scheduled visit to Washington, G. Tnldnak; property at U4 Wood­ will provide qpffee and dessert. assign two different teachers each Episcopal Church, New Haven. cation of the educationally excep­ professionu work at the college clude politicians outside his per­ where officials had been pointedly They have mie daughter, Mrs. land Dr. from Woodland Park Inc. Mrs. Harold Lemons has been month to meet with the board. sonal following. tional, .through home l)utructioh to S. P. Dasher; property at 164 level. lAitmag those listed were 11 hostile' to him until It became ap­ Doris Beldlng, and two grand­ or by arrangement with the town members of the elementary school elected for a three-year term to Sisterhood Meets Tonight Despite the unsettled issues, the Woodland Dr. from Woodland Park the executive board of the Nathan parent Boun Oum's forces were daughters, Miss Linda Allen and e f 'Vernon.' Bduca,tlonally excep­ Inc. to W. F. Za'vatkay. staff .trim participated in the cur- The Sisterhood of Agudath Ac- agreement on Souvanna Phouma Miss Everts Belding, all of Man­ Concordia Pilgrimage Leads to Neic Church Hale dmimunlty Center; and him will hold its first meeting of losing the Laotian war. tional children as the term ia used Property on Dart Hill Rd. from -ricuhthi workshop conducted by eased considerably the apprehen­ In Moscow, Souvanna thanked chester. in the report, are those who are the University of Hartford. d a rk Osborn has been appointed the season tonight at 8 o’clock at sion here that new fighting might Bp P. DeCarli to R. J. Cameron; chairman of the nominating com Chestnut Hill Synagogue. Mrs. the Russians for their aid to the phyidcally or mentally handicap-, property on Carman Rd. from R. Sujit. Fisher said ‘This Is a high flare with the end of the rainy two rebel factiims and in Peiping FLYING SUIT ped. ' propontto of the staff and it mittee. Sol Koenigsberg, retiring presi'^ season in a few weeks. The cease­ S. Francis to James Allen; prop­ The board is completing plana dent, said a report will be given Joined Red Chinese Premier Chou East Lansing, Mich. — (NEA) In the high school, courses are s p e ^ y ra U f o r i f fire was offlcially proclaimed last —^Michigan State’s football team erty on Oak St. from J. J, McBride for its fall dance to be held Oct. of a recent ftind-mlaing card par­ En-lal in Uaming the United States 10 YEARS OF AMAZING offered to students interested in to C. L. Oockett; property on May 3. for the war in Laos. Recently he physician. Dr; James S. Feurig, eollege proparatlon , commercial G. Richard 'Maaaier o f tha Ro­ 27 to raise funds for the building ty. Mra. Saul Blum and Mrs. R Brookfield St. from J. J. Mitchell In Geneva, western' sources ex­ and Soupbanouvemg, who is his was instrumental In developing Uie training and general or pre-voqa- tary ;Oub. naval reaervist, will redecoration fund. Maurics Alexander will be host­ PHARMACY PROGRESS to J.J. Mitchell et al;,to Della T. esses.’ pressed hope the agreement would half-brother, Issued a communique first suit designed to withstand the tlanal training. ahow-«ctlon-aonnd pictures of the Ob Leave attacking "certain aggressive pressure of Jet flying during Mitchell, half intere.st in Foster Shirley A. Leary is spending a Senior W’orshlp help end the deadlock in the 5- In all schools, .there Is offered Rd.; property on Barber Hill Rd. V.S.8c. Forreatal aircraft cairler, month Ehwt-West conference there American clrclea and puppets.... World War II. at S'. 6:45 p.m. dinner meeting 14-day leave at Ue home of her The senior group of the Colum­ Who ever believed 10 years ago that pneu­ a wlde,'vkriety of extra-curricu­ from Joseph Motekaitis to D. F. Wednhaday ci the Rotary at First parents. Mr. and M rs Leo T. bia Workabop, disbanded for work monia would be almost wiped out by the use of lar activities .. to promote phy­ Purnell: property at 12 Ahern Dr. Coogfegatlonal Church. Leary a t Upton Dr. She haa Com­ seaaions but continuing to meet broad-spectrum artlblotics, or that a vaccine sical and. social gro'W'th as well from I. R. Stich Associates Inc. to pleted her b i^ c training with the as a social group twice a year, would control polio. as mental growth. H. J. Picard Jr.; property at 2 MeeUiigs Set Intelligence tests are given three WAVES at Bninbridge, Md., and will hold its first semi-annual 'NOT AFHLIATED WITH ANY OTHER PAVING COMPANY' • Ahern Dr, from I. R. Stich As­ The board o f health will hold its times in the eight year's that a pu­ organtsational meeting at 8 p.m. will report Nov. 15 at Great lAkea meeting tonight at eight at the sociates to W. A. Craft; property Naval Base. home of Mrs. George Reama on Within the past ten years we gained traaqutl- pil it In the elementary schools and today.At Center SchooL Isera, oral anti-diabetic medicines and a tubercul- .. on Pine Tree Lane from N. D. Tai- Leo T. Leaiy Jr., her brother, Sleepy Hollow Rd. Assisting at least' once in high school. burt to E. H. Doyoiv paoperty at Tha board of finance organiza­ oels cure. And, all these discoveries and many Woodmansee holds meetings with tional meeting will be held at 8 has been given an honorable dia- hostesses will be Mrs. Lester J. 94 Highland Dr. from Woodland bharge from the Naval Training Hutchins, Mrs. Lucius W. Robin­ more are available in our completely etocked pre- the principals of the schools twice pjn. tomorrow at Center School. ecriptlon department. a month to define' common prob­ Park Inc. to V. J. Pltzt; property Tha aelectniea will meet at 8 Center at Great Lakes, 111. He was son Sr. and Mrs. Julius Banner. at 160 Laurel St. from 'Woodland in training for three months. AMESITE a lems, develop poUcies and proce­ pm. Timraday at the Town Office First Bora Park Inc. to E. J. Sedlock; prop Building. Aviation Electricians Mate 3.C. A ton, David Wayne, was born TOUR DOerrOR CAN PHOMB u s when you dures common to all the schools, i i l s l select textbooks for use through erty at 151 Woodland Dr. from Men Ouly John GarbarinI,. son o f Mr. and to Mr. and Mrs. David Moseley of m m need a medicine. Pick up your prescription if 'Woodland Park Inc. to R. P. Mrs. George Garbarini of South Rt. 6A at Columbia Center, Oct. shopping neerby, or we will deliver juynnpUy the system,, and discuss any other Tha men o f the Mr. and Mrs. DRIVES matters of mutual Interest. Vaughan et al. dub will meet at 7:30 pm. St., is serving aboard the aircraft 6, at Windham Community Me­ without extra charge. A great many people en­ carrier Independence with the morial Hospital. The baby is the trust ua with their prescriptions. May we com- Wednesday at the home of Thom­ ^ FIRST IN QUALITY Experienco One outcome of these meetings Manchester E v e n I n g Herald as MtiKinney on R t 31, to plan a Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean. couple's first child and la the first pound yoursT was the formation of a committee South Windsor correspondent Three local youths, Richard B. grandchild o t Mr. and Mrs. Lay­ Is Our to study the teaching of mathe­ supper the club will servo at the Allen, Arthur Mursyn and Earl ton Moseley of Rt. 87. Maternal ■il* ^ FAIREST IN FRIGE Laura Kate: telephone Mitchell Country Fair, Nov. 18 at the Best matics in the schools and make rec­ 4-17SS. Lovell, have arrived at the Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. • f l ommendations for improvement. A Churoh community House. Lakes Naval Training Center at Arthur Bailey of Willimantie. Guanuitee The fair Is a community project ^ FASTEST SERVICE report of their work will be made Waukegan, HI. next year. sponsored by the CHeaners Circle Allen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Maoeheator EveBing Hermld Go- Connecticut’s Lending Paving Contractor of the Second Congregational Several activities were carried on Cooking Classes Church. Lawrence K. Allen of CTCss St.; lumbia Mfrespeadeat Mrs. Doaald In the schools this year. In the Mursyn, the son of Mrs. Irene R. Tuttle, telephone ACademy 8eoaad Ghnroh Notes Prescription Pharmacy Avery Street School a new ap­ Starting Tonight dot Murzyn of Fox Trail; and Lovell, 8-8485. proach to teaching Grade 1 arith­ The annual meeting of the Con­ the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. 901 Main Street—MI 3-5321 gregational Christian* Conference metic was tried. In the Pleasant Lovell of High St. The youths are FlatteriBg The THOMAS COLLA Co. Copyright 1981 (10W3) Valley School an emphasis on cre­ A cooking class for girls is be­ of Connecticut will be held tomor- undergoing 12 weeks of training. The ribbon knit Jacket cut ing organized by the recriation Wednesday at First Church JA 2-9121 PAVING CONTRACTORS Ml 9-5224 ative writing was put ipto action t ii itsS'* Chanel style is a handy additimi to in all grades. In the Union School department on Monday ,and Tues­ s lc m T Maachesler Eveaing Herald Oov- nearly any wardrobe. Perfect as an a Spanish, club was organized to day evenings at the (jommOnity wShfi^ Church entry correapeadeat. F. Panllae addition to a sleeveless sheath. It Y, beginning tonight. jOlCE wishing- to attend should contact I Little, telepbone PI S-63SI. *NOT AFHLIATED WITH ANY OTHER PAVING COMPANY' study conversational Spanish and comes in black or beige for fall. Spanish culture. In the Wqpplng These classes will be under the iRAHGt School reading clubs were formed direction, of,^ Mrs. Dorothy Neil of in thQ third and fourth grades using the recreation staiff, and will be a modified Joplin plan whereby held from 6:15 to 8. Those wish­ children worked In ability groups. ing to register may do so tonight; ' In the high sfchool an approach was tomorrow or next week. Buy the parts you like best! Fresh Eastern Shore made in developing formal courses of study. As a result of- the work of s Body Identified ^ Parent Teacher Association Coun­ CHICKEN PARTS cil committee. French will be We.st Haven, Oct. 9 (/F — A The BKiCEST thing in STIUIP histora! taught this year to third grade pu­ body found on the beach at Savin pils for daily periods of fifteen Rock here has been identified as minutes. that of Nevelle Kennedy, about 35, ^ CM mb Elementary School Menu formerly of New York City. Police llvm Menu for the elementary schools said Kennedy drowned in-Long Is­ The new Ck>ncordia Lutheran Church was filled to overflowing yesterday mqrning when mora than this week includes: Tom orrow- land Sound, off the Savin Rock 800 persons attended dedicatory services in the church and parish hall. Last Sunday, the’ Rev. - . baked luncheon meat, mashed po­ Amusement Park. 'The body wa.s Paul C. Kaiser delivered the closing prayer after locking the. doors of the church building at Chest­ 48 49 tatoes, buttered carro’z and peas, found Saturday, and identified the nut and Winter Sts. which the congregation had occupied for 65 years. The crucifer, acolytes and rye bread and butter sandwich, following day. Kennedy had been members of the Church Council bore the Cross, Bible, candelabra and sacramental vessels out of sliced peaches; Wednesday—soup residing with a relative in the the former house . of worship • and into the new church on Pitkin St. (Herald photos by Sater- and crackers, egg salad sandwich. West Haven area, police said.. nis and H nto). ■ . r : r SUPER MARKETS Strawberries » * o J t J \ 'W- 6-L h. H'v C*' AAu «■ . «*9 m VIhole GET EXTRA WORLD GREEN STAMPS ON Seans K *-or-' MtRCUirr COMET Lima ■p«i% e m i St tte Mwiyiit atyW Roby Soans EVERY ITEM at POPULAR'S Meat, Fish & Deli. Depts. cot G r e e n • ONE FULL WEEK-OFFER EXPIRES SAT., OCT. 14th One o f Fresh ’ Snow Whife Now is the time to "STAM PEDE" your Popular Mdrket. \ (9Hm PH(« M nw uiiv MONTEREY ^•tso! 25 EXTRA STAMPS on each and every item at the Bw bwMMUac kw Iw *• HIM ^IHOUSI Meat, Fish and Delicatessen Depts. proWdes the best M u s h ro o ii opportunity to fill your stomp books exceptionally fast, 1 («n o’ Huts' Chock - nc to get beautiful FREE GIFTS in time for Christmas.. con C

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MANCHESTER EVENING HERAU>« MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1961 MANCHESTER EVENING p E ^ D . MANCHESt'e R. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1961 PAGB aiiVBN Urn right wing hitherto supported any place aad I will underwrite night and.-the doctor could only that the board for the entire voy? by UB,. the OMnmunlet / facUon the sxiMiumu- findfi alight bump o^i hie heed. Re A Tlioiqiht for 'niAkr age bad been included in the price Open Forum was eby about gMng into the fire- Whldi haa for aome mentha been Tha' tutdenlable truth Mr. ,and b» tito ' o l the ticket Red En^oy Battles ji'few iiw r iw M il Mra. Taxpayer is that you have hopee for a UtUe whUe. We believed Are WS'taking advantage of our enjoying domlnahoa In too field, m et. OLD CLOTHES ’Min Ne« Oppese been taken for the proverbial tlm rubber mat at the bottom of great privllegu or are vto U v ^ Amsterdam Police P-: "*™* OK. and toe neutraUat foctlon headed 'Ifo the Edit(w, sleighride. folLOiarUe on the "crackers and cheese of a Prince Souvanna Fhoiima, Willard Rogers. sertrioe out " ‘H o# touoil ttity mUrf So many people hays asked me and faihUy.. selfish UfaT As Tourist Defects came to h suddei. agreement that, Who have no eyes .to aeet” Submlttwl hy Mrs. ittehanl The Baby Has why . I did not oppose the applica­ FI rehouse Meeserlee Owldn’t that tandem bieyclt be toe latter should be the one to sold as «n antique ! So wrltM Bishop Ralph •.'Cueh- H. Ptoney, AMociate Min­ HOBO DANCE tion of the electric light company To the Editor. (Gonttoilsd from Page One) head a new coalition government The Ahrena-Fox pump (not Teura truly, ' ' man to "Spiritual RlUtope.” God’s ister of Second Congrega­ for an increase to overall rates uiA tional (tourch.—Taken from 9 to 11<~SiATURI>AY, OCTOKK 14 for Laos. If there wiu to, be such a Ehrena) 'of Hose Company Np. I j . W. Cheney power is always reedy , for our tog PonMnarenko, were involved. if I am going^to oppose the appli­ D o o ty tey e To Devotion by B^en Named... goveniment, it could be nobody was called to h e lp ^ h t tha Herald spiritual need. A humble apirlt and Soviet press'' attache A. D. AMSMCAN LE to note that not a atogle buainesa ws> csisbrats by giving our patrons tha biig« THIS is ihs TIME Mrs. Golub had disappeared. Laos was always supposed to have, or civic organization backed me Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents am Mr. and thorlaed, but, we believe, com­ Mm. Robert C. Ferrier, Flint, Mich. Her paternal grandmother is Dutch officials say they believe under Ihs Oeneva agreement of in my fight for what the head of gast valuas of tha antira yaar. This yaar'<— Mrs. Golub had ori^nally also in­ pletely valid deseHptlan o f the to PREPARE Mm. Elma Kettlewell, Maumee, Ohio. 19M. By going back to right prin­ the electric light company now. our 53rd Birthday— is no axcaption. Wa urga • • • •• The MMt Rev. John F. Hackett, auxiUary bishop of Hartford, censes the hallway of the new East tended to ask for political asylum, adraiits haa been an IMuatlce to l^oBidant’a motivation in the mat­ ciple, we may still fxposs Laos to Dlubac, Mark Andrew, son of Mr. and Mm. Raymond Dlubac, (tothoUoe High School to the solemn benediction ceremony.’ Assisting him are the Rev. Ray­ but apparently changed her mind. T o assure good music the Manchester. Spinal ‘braces for the avary woman to taka advantaga of tha sav» The police spokesman refused to ter o f a national fallout iriieltef Communist take o-vsr. But it is. at 73 Ridge St. He was bom Sept. 29 at Manchester Memorial mond B. Yaskauskas, with hands folded; the Rev. Dennis Hussey, to the bishop’s right; the Rev. men and women who claim to be ings to ba mad# during this avant. Henry J. Murphy, to his left; and cross-bearer, the Rev. Jsunes T. O’Connell. (Herald photo by give Golub’s reasons for defecting (rogram. least not the certain, speedy lose EARN A Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mm. Kart East Catholic High School for the townspeople’s interests Sudeikat North Lethbridg^ Alberta, Canada. His paternal Pinto.) to the West. He applied for politi­ ^ The ‘Ftealdent is reported to ou.- previous policy seemed to be might -well be the solution. a ------, — cal asylum and the chief ot the po­ Save confided in aoma o f hia pub- grandparenta are Mr. and Mm. Andrew Dlubac, .40 Oakwood Rd. boomeranglng into. Also, instead of calling me to He has a brother, hOchael Raymond, IH . lice alien department expressed chose The Hammond Organ SA er gueeta to tba Offect that he ask for a fight against utility in­ SPECIAL PRICES BIGGER • • • • • Henry J. O’Brien, and the Rev. confidence it would be granted. It was the Elsenhower adminls- Francis T. Butler, assistant pastor dnda his hands tied, in deialing terests why don’t you well mean­ Lsuaeii, Randall Oharlea, son of Mr. and Mm. Robert Larsen tratien vdilch fostered that previ­ ing men and women call both Re­ INCOME o f the Ctourch of the Assumption, and Everett Piano Iplth Khrushchev over Berlin, so 1 Sr., 84 Seaman Circle. He was bom Oct. 1 at Mancheater Me­ East Catholic High mastera of ceremonies. Dow Dew Back- ous ped a help. If you still hs've hair (or at One Did Escape national Congress did as soon as 893 MAIN ST. AMPLE PARKING'AT ALL SALONS MI 3-8951 To Win a promotion'lnidcff Argo, Norwich. His paternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mm. assistant pastor of St. J a m e s’ ttrengthen the President’s bar- it awakened- to the fact that a yourself promotable pre^ schools for their children because treatment that is not only stop­ least aome fuzz) on top of your OREN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10 Oirl Thomas, Gary, Ind. He has a brother, Ricky Jr., 1. Church, processional crckss-bearer; ping hair loss . . . but is really head, and would %ike to stop your BM»tBg hand. If we have been slower then salea tax on thesd drugs was in­ they know that they are made not pare for it. only to their image but also to the Rev. Robert W. Shanley, t growing hair! hair loss and grow more hair . . . X’Uasualties are guesswork, and some others in sxpresalng to Park excusably unfair ? Fisher, Peter Donald, son of Mr., and Mm. Donald Fisher, sistant pastor of St. Mary’s I ato still a Republican for the God’s,” Bishop Hines said. "They They don’t even ask you to take now ii the time to' act. ffihody could actually guarantee Supeiintoidont Heraes Murphey 160 (toarter Oak St, He was bom Sept. 30 at Manchester Me­ Church to Bast Hartford and the greatest country to the world, the morial Hospital. His maternal grrandparenta are Mr. and Mm. know that education should be a their word for it. If your symp­ evm a full shelter program certain smtlnents about the sum preparation for life and that our Rev. Bl-ancls T. McGlynn, asslS' toms indicate that the treatment Loeach Laboratory (tonaultanta XJRA, became great under Repub­ Chtarles E. Botteron, 67 Autumn S t Hia paternal grandparents tant pastor of St. Paul’s (tourch will ouiqily you with treatment d ^ d sava any lives, even for two msr season now passing, wa have lican .leadersMp. are Mr. and Mra. Maurice J. Fisher, 42 Madison St. He has earthly life is but a prelude to will help you, they Invite you to m YEAR eternal heavenly life,” he said. in Glastonbury, acolytes. for 32 daya at their riak, If they w ia ^ . had two reesons. But, If Representative Shea, two sisters, Barbara Lee, 3, w d Donna Louise, 2. try it for 32 days, at their risk, Students Sing Also, the Rev. Raymond B. and see for yourself! believe the treatment will help GS ZTWhat the President has been First, ws didn’t dare openly re­ also chairman' of the Republican you. Juat send them .Information Town Committee,, is so proud of ' Vd MfNiofl Graduolaa PalozeJ, Linda Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Richard V. During the program. Blast Yaskauskas, assistant pastor of St. FYancis of Assisi Ctourch in Naturally, they would not offer to help them analyze your prob­ sns-snvici d o t s t o m Btor. In lending hia office and joice about the comparative ab­ his record as a r^resentatlve and Palozej, RFD 3, Box 171, WlndsorvlUe Rd., Rockville. She was Catholic High’s 350 ninth graders this no-risk trial unless the treat­ lt,(KM Men end Women South Windsor, thurifer; the Rev. lem. This Information should in­ , Midtlgo to stimulation of a shelter sence o f mosquitoes tola year until the record of the Republican par­ bom O ct 1 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal sang Gregorian’s' "Sacerdos ,et ment worked. This is all the more HABTFOBO RD. and PINE IT. In Connecticut Pontifex,” P. Piel’s "Hall Holy Dennis Hussey, assistant pastor clude how long your hair has been Sfogram, la something psychologi- moaquito weather was definitely ty to the last General Assembly, grandparenta are Mr. and Mm. Henry L. Blanchard, 19 Home­ remarkable in light of the fact Queen," R. Bigg’s "Praise Ye the of St. Bridget's (tourch, mitre thinning, and whether or not you SIANCTESTER gd- Ha wants to have us all show aind safely beyond us. il challenge him to meet me in stead St. Her paternal grrondparents ore Mr. and Mm. Joaeph that the great majority o f cases now have or ever have had any of Palozej, RockvlUe. She haa a sister, Kathleen Jean, I'M. Lord" accompanied by William bearer. publie debate at any time and of excessive hair fall and bald­ the following conditions: Do you Free Parking—Parcel Pick-Up fBumshdiev, tqr digging holes, that Secopd, we didn’t want to take * * • « • O’Leary, organist. Also, the Rev. Raymond F. Gal­ ness are the beginning and more w « accept the possibiU^ and the the lead in pinning reaponaibUity The Rev. Charles E. Shaw, lagher, assistant pastor of Blessed have dandruff? ia it dry or oUy? f ^ e , Francis WlUianu Jr., son of Mr. and Mm. Frank Lane, fully developed stages of male whether your scalp erupts In for this happy state of affaire too JS69 1S60 1SS1 260 Oak St, Wapping. He was bora Sept. 30 at Mancheater Me­ principal, welcomed the group to Sacrament (tourch in East Hart­ " etieability o f fighting a nuclear the Mhool. constructed by the pattern baldness and cannot be pimi^es or other Irritations, does morial Hospital. Hia maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mm. ford, holy water bearer; the Rev. helped. But how can any man or Whan we have demonstrated directly upon ilr..- Mulrpbey and Archdiocese of Hartford at a sost Philip J. Hussey, pastor of St. your forehead become oily or Tuesday and Wednesday Specials Edward P. Sheehan, Seymour. His paternal grandparents are woman be sure what is actually greasy? does your scalp Itch and eOUa, to Khrushchev, ami to the his innovation of an early larva- Mr. and Mm. Frank M. Lane, Branford. He has two sistem, of about |3 million. Sistem of Bartholomew's Ctourch, crosier causing their hair loss? Even if Ehsaideht himself, then the Presi- cide spray this year, lilracles are Kathryn, 2, and Patricia, 1. Notre Dame de Namur form the bearer. how often? and an^ otoer infor­ ; * * ’•** t nucleus of the faculty, who wlU baldness may seem to "run to mation you feel m i^ t be helpful. Bpit feel strong, and have all sometimes bettor n A . questioned. Also, the Rev. .^ohn J. Graham, your family,” this is certainly no HANOrS STRICTLY FRESH Munroe, Dorothy Lynne, daughter of Mr. < and Mra. Melvin teach 1,200 students when full en­ pastor of St. Augiuttoe’s Church All lettera will be answered g w be could desire, at the If, next year, mosquitoes shouJ4 rollment is reached to 1964. proof of the cause of YOUR hair promptly. Send the above infor­ Munroe, 11 Barbara Rd., Vernon. She was bom Sept. 27 at in South Glastonbury, and the Rev. loss. final poker table over Berlin. return to Manchester in revenging Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Bishop Hackett was' celebrant Robert P. Sullivan, pastor of St. mation, and your name and ad­ ~pne eould wtth that there were force, then Mr. Murphey might be­ Mr. and Mm. James Harvey, Springfield, Mass. Her paternal for the solemn benediction of the Paul’s Ctourch in Glastonbury, Actually, there are 18 scalp dis­ dress to Loeach Laboratory Con­ orders that can cause hair Idas. same cheaper, some more dfgni- come tha goat and the villain, for grandmother is Mm. Evelyn Munroe, Springfield. She haa three Most Blessed Sacrament. Assist­ chaplains to Bishop Hines. sultants, Box 66001, Houaton 6, PORK SALE! ing him were the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Also, the Rev. Austin F. Munich, No matter which one is toe cause Texas. Adv.' SiMl, atme more aelf-respecting. not having sprayed right In 19d3. brothem, Gary, 6, Keith, 4, and Michael, 2M. LEAN TENDER DALE CARNEGIE • • • • • ^ John F. Hannon, pastor of St. pastoi' uX. St. Rose Ctourch In East SSme Uia soul-poisoning way for But now he has been given Kerwto, Donald Martin Jr., son of Mr. and Mm. Donald Ker- James’ (tourch, as deason; and the Hartford and the Rev. Henry J. BEST CENTER CUT BpMfiCua to show they back the credit for the current season and ‘‘'win, 1804 Lee Highway, ArlingTon, Va. He was bom Sept 2 Rev. James A. Connelly, super­ “Murphy, pastor of Blessed Sacra­ visor of schools for the Arch­ l&asldant in what has to be his has to take the risk for the next, Introducing ihm H ylo o f tho your Ic gotUng to bom hmbM whh Pontine I at Georgetown University Hospital, Waahtogton, D. C. His ma­ ment Church in East Hartford, diocese of Hartford, aa subdeacon. chaplains to Bishop Hackett. PORK Campleto fUiMess on the Issue of and, accordingly^ there is no long­ - " ' V ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Ktotthew M. Moriarty, 75 Forest St. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mm. Mar­ Attend Ceremony Also, the Rev. William J. Mann, Berlin. _ er much reason to withhold addi­ One right after another, the Wids-Tracks have introduced the style that's bssn ihs yesr's most FREE tin Kerwln, Waterbury. Among dignitaries present at assistant chancellor of the Archdio­ -^One cannot help but cmnpare tional testimony. W e didn’t notice TV viewing • • r * * tbe ceremonies were General Man­ cese of Hartford, the Rev. William CHOPS ager Richard Martin; Willard J. Mullen, secretary to Archbishop REG. 99c LB. Biia phase o f the President's Ber- Mr. Murphey doing .his early looked at and longed for. And along comes the '62 with the kind o f freshness and fineness that only Warner, Alison Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Alden War­ S l toughness with another phase spraying, and ws don’t know it eosy today... REMONSTRATlON ner, Box 224 RFD 2. She was bom Sept. 16 at Hartford Hos­ 1 pital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and ^>Im. CSlnton R. where he did it, but there isn't the BONELESS FULL 7-RIB CUT ■yXhsit o f troop build-up. That has Pontiac comes up with. New length. New twin-scoop grille. A efisp, tow silhouette. Cleanly curving Jaycox, Farmington. Her paternal grandparents are Mr.'and lie n going pn, moderately but slightest doubt that this has been SESSION Mra. Norman J. Warner, Hebron. / She has a brother, Scott, 5; OF MANCHESTER Rpadily, eyer since the President an unusual Manchester year for and two sisters, Bonnie, 3. and Gale, 2. PORK * * • * • PORK bla su b i fpesch on the Ber- mosquitoea. It waa elmoet possible, taiHights. You don't have to look twice to tell a '62 Pontiac! And you only have to drive it once this j ^ r , to deel ^ t h them ons at DeMaroe, Deanna Lynn, daughter of Mn uid Mrs. Dean De- ' V TENOEIUjOINS crlals. But we noticed a New 7 :0 0 P .M . Marce, Llynwood Dr., Bolton. She waA bom Sept. 28 at Man­ EXTRA ROASTS, ; Tbnas beadliM the other day a time. to know that nothing else will do for you. Why not take the wheel and go Wide-Tracking soon! chester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. wlhldi said this: “ Sharp Reduction It was almost possibIe^ this yssr, and Mrs. Claude Hig^ns, East Hartford. Her paternal grand­ M Ttoopa Ukely If Crisis Re- for human beings to enjoy outdoor parents are Mr. and Mra. Guy DeMarce, Cornell, Wis. She haa i HOURS a sister, Denise, 3. - t l dea,** dusk again. * * • • • ^ ^ a t can be done, when It'seenu For a iM^ tims, we toyed with MANCHESTER, The B2 WideTracks are GluUano, Steven Roger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel GiuUano, 7 3 » 3 9 » flpaaibia, aUd the Uvea interruptod aome theory toat the timing o f the 22 Canterbury St. He was bom Oot. 1 at Manchester Memorial CATALINA • STAR CHIIF • aONNSVILLS « 6RAND MIX c a l ^ or frssae in find tlwlr rains, hhich can also play some WEONESOAY, Hospital. His maternal grandmother is Mm. Irene Darling, part la the breeding o f the pest, Hartford. His paternal grandmother is Mm. Alice GiuUano, WESTFIELD 5jay b s^ to pormaUy. Hartford. H»But wbpcan eyar wipe out mem- had been especially fortunate tots to's homo hooting OCT. 11 * • • • • PINEAPPLE- ^ hC the fact- that Americana year. But there was *.t least one Turcotte, Frank Richard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. GRAPEFRUIT s i r put fhemaelves into i. frame extended period -when breeding; ' our wovl Wbitoii ’ Turcotte Jr., 55 Waddell St. He waa bom Oct. 2 at Mancheater P.r>^ ■6‘mtnd,.ta ' a^ d i they e\en dia- ■hould have had a field day, and Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Yea gat premium quality Mrs. Frank R. Cacri, 11 Orchard St. His paternal grandparents DRINK somehow didn’t UiMwy Audiforiiim pdbUcIy, tha advisability MobUluet with RT-68. . . the are Mr. and Mm. Richard Turcotte Sr., 145 Wclto St. His ma­ tha^m^ral JusUficatipn of So Wfc too, to the end, come beer-, most comptetriy effective fuel 85 N. Moin SK ternal great-grandmother is Mm. Mary Massacco, 236 School St. SUNSHINE ting down any noigfabors who tog gratitude to Mr. Murphey, and oil additive la use today. And Manehattar His paternal gfreat-grandparenta are Mr. and Mra. Samuel Tur- BURRY'S KftlSPY ClUiCKai try to share their ehelter ? a request that h e , repeat his you get premium aervice. Au­ . cotte, 65 Overland St. He has a brother, Richatd m , 3; and a sister, Cynthia Sue, 2. ' • ^ ■a the .man in the White miraculous performance next year, tomatic dalivtriae . . . a bal- * * • « • HAPPY FAMILY l-Lb. Pfcg. 29c' BUddanly nnnembers that and ellmtoate. If he can, the par-; anetd payment p^a aad many Wutsch, Kimberiy Jean, daughter of Mr, and Mm. William ASSORTMENT NABISCO a honaan being, and that we tictlar spot that bred the particu­ othar eztoas dedgned to make J. Wutsch, 18 Englewood Dr. She was-bom Oct. 1 at Manches­ home heating rt^lp easy. too, toe only hope would aoeja lar moaquito that did bite us, on HARTFORD, ter Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother Is Mm. Fred­ 14 Oz. CHEESE NIPS the outside knob of our right erick Newman, Glastonbury. Her paternal g^randparents are Mr. Pkg. 6 V4-M. Pkg. 19e ending of the Berlin and Mra.' Joseph A. Wutsch, Glastonbury. She has a brother, 3 9 c SO Butt the prospective re- ankle, on the night of Aug. 36. We Mobilheat«?!;^s TONICHT Craig, 6; and two sisters, Linda, 17, Louise, 14. Transform your otAfck^r can be paralleled mention tUs not to set up a * * • • • FANCY, FRESH k tiMiSa for the American plaint, but a goat But, to any Schaeffer, Alisa Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mra. (toarlea case, this\year has been remark­ M Schaeffer, 83 Murray Rd., Wapping. She waa bom Oct. 2 at ipip ftojlp this official preesure Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparenta dining area f k o t a d ^ toenosatves, able. TUESDAY, OCT. 10 are Mr. and b^m. Smith F. Crane, Albright. W. Va. Her paternal t ------W E GIVE grandparents ore Mr. and Mm. Charlea S. Schaeffer, Ktogwood, W. Va. Green BEANS 2 ! 25 GREEN STAMPS. PITNEY-BOWERS BLDO. , The Saxon dining: grroup by Daystom wil! trans­ 536 FARMINOTON AVE. -••••• ( form your dining: area into a setting rich with •IE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZiD PONTIAC DIALIR (Next to Mark Twain Diner) Clarke, James Andrew, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Clarke, 86 Highland Dr., Wapping. He waa bom Oct. 1 at Xtanchester -atmosphere. It gn*atifies the wish for pieces MORURTY Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. end Mm. that reflect a little of the past, much of the Elmer Seaburg, Kensington. His paternal grandparents am Mr. present. Made entirely of hardwood excepting CALIFORNIA VALENCIA PreeenM By and Mm. Charles Clarke, Platoville. His paternal great-grand­ mother is Mm. Eaizabeth Clarice, Glasg^ow,. Scothuid. the wood-grained Daystromite plastic top; Top BROtNERS PAUL DODGE PONTIAC, Im. Mnnegement * • • * * ^ extends from"35 x 50 to 60 inches. Finished in DevelopniM^lBatituto S7S MAIN STREET MANCHEaTU, CONN, Bennlson, Rtohard Henry IV, eqn of Mr. and Mm. Richard H. rich tobacco brown walnut or teak oak. Table M l 3-5135 K BOOHAEL PBANCOBCB Bennison m , 44 Clement RA, Bast Hartford. Ho waa bom Oct. 6S6 FARMINOTON AV& 3 a^ Manchaatec Memorial Homital. His matamol giaadparanto and four chairs . . . Other famous Daystrom ORANGES 3 ^ SO IeSIS CfifitMT St. , HABITFORO 5. CONN.. am Mr. and .Mna Joaeph I t BanaeUa, Btst Hartford. SOs CUMiNT ANNUAL MVIDINO dinettes start at $49.96. o m B M a r s , ' AD t-ebte ton a l grandparetoto are M^. and Mra. Rtdiard H. Bwuilacn, Ifort XAntdariMla, fflA Ho haa a alator, Stolto Traqr, L

■t ■ — - ■ |4 , ' I f : y r- n i t m m i o m MANCHESTER EVENINa HERALD, U A N C ^ T B R , COIW^ MONDAY. OCTOBER 9. 1961 MANCHESTER EVENING HERAX.D, MANCHESTER, „CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1961 P A G E M B I K Kennedy Flies to See 6 -T e a r Capital Works List Martiii Taken West . Split on Berlin Aims Asked of Department Heads To Hospital U.S. Seeks to Get Allies Ailing Sam Raybiu*n Mahoney Suffers Town dspsTtnitoit heaHla mat tfalsf the p r o ] ^ eatlmsta its cost, sug- From Office Stroke at Work morning with refgeasntatlysa of gsst-a method of ftaianetaig It, snd- I tM i riM* OM) teU how long It will take to con­ Support New Red Talks (C Planning and Raoawal Aasociataa Oenaral Mhixagar Richard Mar­ He Knew His Man W. Frank Mahoney, 73 Spruce struct I t awvtd on to tho Sonata w d White of Cambridge, Mass., to begin Tho various methods of flnanc^ tin la tax MaaeiiaUer Jieiaorlal Hos­ St., died aMdenly this sftemoen at (CoattaxiMd from Pago Oae) to trade away thalr rictats planning a capital ixnprovemants Ing are from current rovenue, by pital today tmdargoliig taata to de- at B b^ the PrertdM t la maara that An off duty patrolman yes­ the Center l ^ v e l Agency 493 eesa to the oily. program fw the next aix years and revenue bond, by specisi aasesa- temtaie Uxa cauM or "axcruelat- avao a ftiaodljr Oongtaaa la ipsly terday spotted a driver whose Main S t, where he was associated hopeful that a reaoonaWe fm nula Mayor WiUy Braixdt more. menta, atate gran t federal grant Ing" pain in his left leg, and at Wad to raaant any real dabbling In Ita license he knew was under with hla brother, Raymond B. M a­ Berlin said yeotarday that ha w m Morton Braim, a partner in the and grants from other governmmt “mary’ pains in hie chaat cto he worked out with Russia. aftotra by tiio Chiar Bxaeutlve. suspensian and an hour later honey. I convinced "the govenunsht and firm, told departmmt heads that .agencies or bodies. The general manager was strick­ Kennedy and Rusk are oaid to KaBmdy*8 plane will leave for arrested him at his home. Death w as caused by a heart people of the United Btatas are the "key to selling the progrixm" An estimated effect of the proj­ en shortly after ha arrived at hla feel that at the very least It la m- Dalhu at 3 » 0 p.m. (E D T ) and Patrolman Robert D, Lan- attack, according to Dr. J o e e ^ hilly detenalned that Btolfax of urban renewal was to plan far ect On the annual budget once It office tax the MunldiMa Building aiTlva at laiva Field at 3:SS pjn. nan saw Harold R. LIsk, 27, Barry, who was summoned to the tremely important to continue remain ftee, that we'^wn rely enough ahead eo that taxpayers la built Is being asked. this morning. am (C8T) after a trip of three hours of 134 Oakland St, driving. travel office. this.” could see just what was in store Each year ths program can be His condition is deocrlhed as East-West exploratory talks. and five mlnutaa. Me waa expected Limnan was afoot and unable Mr. Mahoney was bom in Man­ The first round of such talks Brandt’s oommsnta ware iM d » for them. reviewed in the light of now de­ "falriy g ^ ’’ by hla phyatdan. to leave Dallas at 6 p.m (C S T ) chester, a son of the late Dermis ended here Friday night in a 2-hour on rsturnlnr to V a s t from to follow. To that end, Braun distributed velopments, said| Braun, so that 'D m - general manager’s Wood and reach Andrews Air Force Base Together with a patrolman and Margaret Mahoney. He was pressure, pulse, and dlMMXsltlan a n meeting which the Imaldent and a 3-day visit to N ow Y « ^ vrhsro at Washington at 9 :U pjn. (KDT). formeriy owner of the Green Cor­ forms to all the department heads, the tojvn always has a aix-year who was on duty, Lannan saking them to list all the projects normal, said tna doctor. Rusk held with Soviet Foreign Min­ hs receiv«d a Freedom Rouse Kennedy la trdcklng westward ner Store at Manchester Green. plan of CM>ltal improvementa. went later to Llsk’s home their departments will ntod for the Then are several posslUe ister Andrei A. Gromyko. This Foundation award and eonferred again ne^ month on a different Survivors Include his wife, Mrs. Braun aakad the deportment toy telephona with Kaonedy. where Lisk objected to accom­ next six years. causes, said ths doctor, and two waa the fourth of a series of U.S.- hind o f trto* It will be a midurt Case8 heads end npnsentatives of the laauea end Answers) that the Ken- Plorra Salinger, White Rouse f^ th Wiliington Mrs. Ruth E. nedy-Gromyko talk represented a chester. Friends may call at the funeral Planning and Renewal Associates The Rev. Megr. JoMph V. King, Brass s ecretary announced ireater- Colbum. 72, a past matron of step back along the path toward home tonight from 7 to 9. of Cambridge. Mase. superintendent of schools for the day ooto that Kennedy will speak Climax Chapter, Order of Eastern MANCHESTER SESSION finding a basis for Berlin negotia­ Susan DevUn of PhSadelphla Atty. Arthur LeCIain Jr. Is Nohvich Diocese of the Roman Nov. I t in Seattle at the lOOth an> Star of Merrow, died yesterday Mlse Eva A. Edwards t. tions. was fined |3 for failure to c o ^ acting general manager in M ar­ Cathollo Church, will m m Ic on B lv in ary of the University of afternoon at Johnson Memorial .Miss Elva A. Edawrds of Myatle Grewe sold: "The disturbing Local Rejects a driver's license, -i. tin’s aheenoe. LeC Iain aWd he will federal aid to eduoatlon fax Vernon Waridngm and again Nov. 17 in Hospital. Stafford Springs. and formerly of Mancheetar died tiling Is that the end of those talks Mrs. Colburn, who was also a Albert Oauthiw, 25, of South attend tonight’s fnteting of the Wednesday night. Phoenix at a dinner honoring Sen. at her home in Mystic yeetorday were more negative than the be­ charter member of Climax Chap­ Windsor, woe fined 325 fo r hreoicta boaurd of directors at S'o'clock in Monslgnor King will be the Cari A . Hayden's 00 years in Oon- after a long iltawes. ginning, which la not very en­ gress. Profit Sharing ter. was a past president of CpI. of tile peace. Aix intaaricatlon tha.hearlng room of tho Municipal est of tho Ladtas at tha Sacred Miss Edwards was bom in Moa- couraging.’’ that half century Is longer than Heniy Toberson VFW Post Auxil­ dxerse waa noUed. Biilldlng. Seart i at their meeting at 8 p.m. ohester, daughter o f the late John U.S. leaders took a leas pessim­ aimne else has served. iary and past president of the R < ^ GtaixUn, 25, of 160 BiaeeU at the Parish Center on Rt. SO. and Annie Bird Edwards She waa istic view of Friday’s White House Bayden, who waa elected to the In AMC Pact Third District, County Council of S t , wes fined 310 fo r drtvtng All memtoera of tha parish, in­ a teacher at the Broadway School seaslon. Houae of'Representatives in lU l. Hartford. without a Uoenee. cluding the men, are invited to at­ in Mystic for more than 30 years Borrowing Plates A t Newport, R. I., where Ken­ Bret took seat on Feb. 10, 1912 (Oontlnaed from Page One) Survivors include her husband, Itarmon Haynes Jr., 45, of Cov­ tend the open meeting. until She retired because of ISnMS nedy spent the weekend. White —five days after Ariiona was ad­ Walter W. Colbum; a brother Ro­ entry, was fined 325 for operating House press secretary Pierre Office workers made no attempt several years ago. Cost Youths $120 mitted as a state. He has been In land EUia of Somers; a sister, a motor vehicle without a Hoense. Salinger discounted reports that the Bouse or Senate ever since. to go through the picket lines. In­ Survhrars include two sisters. Mrs. Marshall Bradway of West F h ^ Merritt of Gloatonbury Kennedy was discouraged as a re­ 9 Plied with questions, Salinger stead, they joked with pickets and Ntae. Clifford W . Dolsen of Milford Fines totaling 358 each w e n Argument Brings Stafford; and several nieces and wee finod 350 for evading reepon- sult of his meeting with Gromyko. said that after the Phoenix visit, stood around. Pickets barred their and formerly of Manchater and meted out today to two young nephews. sibiUty. His oar hit a pole on S. Salinger said the talks had not Kennedy has "some other stops cars from company parking lots. Funeral services will be held at J&a. Clifford S. Duxbury of P a w ­ Manchester men who took ngts- Fines for Three Main St and he left the eoene. gone sour even though as yet they under consideration.” Only General Motors has finally tucket, R. I.; end two brothers, tmtioa plates from a oar, put Hall Memorial Church of South He told the court that in the dark had not produced a basis for Asked whether the trip is shap­ settled with the U AW —and this Wiliington Wednesday at 2:30 WaKer J. Edawrds of Groton and them on an uncegtotered auto­ he could find no evidence of dam­ negotiations. An argument between friends la First ing xqi as a speaking tour, he re­ came only after a strike of nearly pan. ’Ihe Rev. Howard E. M ay Jr., ElwBWDrth F .0 Edwards of Mystic. mobile one of them owned, and age to hla oar and oSiild not see Rusk said Saturday In recording Rockville last night In which a per­ plied that "We've already got two two weeks over local Issues that pastor, will officiate. Burial will Funeral services will be held took a ride in it. the pole. a television program for use Oct. speeches. Anything over one idled more than 200.000 G M work be in Wiliington Hill Cemetery. WeAieeday at 2 p.m, at the Wil- fume toottle and an empty gun Tinaothy Janssen, 18, of Hozexd- Both Richard OUver, 18, of 146 14 that tho mood and atmosphere inakea it a tour.’" era. Friends m ay call at the Potter liama FHuraral Home, E. Main St., Bissell St, and Leseley Edwards, figured aa weapons sent ons person ville, and George Murdock, 18, of of the talks had been "serious and I h e White House announced last A M C Local 72’a contract rejec Funeral Home; 458 Jackson St., MysUc, with Imrial in Mystic. 19, of 107 Spruce. St., pleaded East Hartford, were each fined constructive.” to the hospital for smsrgsncy Wednesday that teams of adminis­ tlon, reportedly by a slim margto, WiUlmantic, Tuesday from 7 to 9 315 on charges of breach of the guilty to the three barged Both Kennedy and Rusk are be­ treatment and brought all threa to tration officials are going out in came at a sparsely attended maes p.m. against them. peace. They were Involved in a lieved to have been disappointed court today where they 4ere lined. November to hold forums and dis­ meetli« of the local at Kenosha, Each was fined 310 for improp­ WIs. Only about 8,000 of the lo- scrap with another man in a that the Soviet government had cuss urgent national problems Mrs. JaUa E. Bawson Funerals er use of a ngtstration, 325 for In circuit Court 12, Manchester, cal’e 12,000 members cast ballots. Manchester reetaurant Sept. 22. not come t8 terms on a negotiating and needs. Amcmg 10 cities listed M n. Julia E. Rawson, 81. of 127 operaiting an unregistered motor Judge Searles Dearlngton fined _ so far are San Francisco on Nov. Objections reportedly centered Robert OuUette of Fitchburg, basis while Gromyko waa in the National Main St, widow of E. Ftank Raw- vehicle, and 325 for tampering Osa Thrash of 14 liSurei St. 335 on factors other than the profit- Mrs. Bernice Walther Mass., was fined 375 for speeding. United States. A t the same time, 30 and Los Angeles Nov. 21—Just son, died at her home yeeterday wiith a motor vehicle. on a charge of aggravated aoaault. a few days after Kennedy flies to sharing phase of'the new contract after a long Illness. Rockville — FUneral aerviees William Peach of lO Depot Sq., U.S. officials said they were well Her husband, Lacey Thrash, waa were to be held today at 1:30 p.m. was fined 3100 for speeding. They were omated Sept 27 aware that they were going the coast on the 4 >ea]dng tour Mrs. Rawson was bom in Man. attffr police were kifonined that fined 335 for breach of tha peace, that m ay be extended. at the Burke Fhneral Home for Roland Pett of Newton Falls, through a phase of very hard bar­ Chester, A ug. 24, 1879, the daugh­ they had been seen putting the and a friend of the couple’s, W il­ ter of the late Jolpi and Julia Mrs. Bernice Walther of 43 Grant Maas., was fined 310 for failure to gaining with -Soviet Premier liam Powell of Spring^eld, was St., Rockville, who died FYlday at drive In the proper lane. plates back on the car from which Khrushchev, even though the' talks About Town Hickey MeShean. She was a life­ they had taken them. fined 3100 for aggravated aosault long resident and was flnanelsl Rockville City Hospital. Vincent Quinn, 18, 73 Seaman are designated as being only "ex­ and 315 for intoxication. S to re s Raybum Gets Mrs. W alther was born in E ll­ circle, waa fined 315 for apeedlng. ploratory.” Hie Mancheetar branch of the secretary for 27 years of the According to the varalon the W C T U w m meet tomorrow at 10:30 ington, Aug. 10. 1890, a daughter Charles Schaub, 18, of 188 Hllla- One of the basic difficulties Women’s Benefit Association. three told the judge, the dispute ajn. in the chapel of the South of Myron and Emma Newell town Rd., was fined 315 for fail­ from the western point of view Is Survivore include two eisten, Mechanics Class arose during the course of a social Test Injection Methodist Cliurcji. Hostesses will Mn. Sarah Fox of Brooklyn, N. Dlmock. ^ ure to obey a traffic signal. that Khrushchev wants to change be be Mrs. Ellen Staikweather, She is survived by two sons, the satus of W est Berlin by con­ visit at the Thrash home. Y„ |md Mn. Helen Hennessy of Gordon Turrise, 22, of Lebanon, Powell said in court that tha Mrs. Elmore Watkins and Mrs. Robert G. Boucher of Vernon, and Offered Women verting it into what he calls a Hartford; and several nieces and waa fined 315 for driving without only part Mrs. 'Thrash played In To Halt Cancer Clarence Jajrcoz. nephews. Walter D. Boucher pf Brunswick, glasses dtspite an optical restric­ "free city.” ^ that he means Maine; a daughter. Mrs. FYank A course in mechanics for wom­ that Western fdroes would sooner the dispute was to try to atop the " ....W The funeral will be held Wednes­ tion on his license. lUOBlIlllltfl Page One) The Manchester WAXES will Missdko of Rockville; two broth­ en drivers will be offered by the or later have to -withdraw and fight. day at 8:15 am. at the John F. Mrs. Thrash said she merely hold a free night for old members Tlemey F’unersl Home, 219 W. ers, Claude Dimock of Ellington, 'YWCA, beginning next Monday W est Berlin’s close political and Yesterday's guests included Vice wishing to return, tomorrow at 7 and Howard Dlmock of Har^ch- Two Youths Fined from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., at Cook's economic ties with West Germans tried to frighten the men with tha 0 Center S t, followed by a requiem Garage, E. Middle,Turnpike. small gun which she had brought President Lyndon B. Johnson, udio p.m., at tho Italian American Club Mass at 9 a.m. at St. Bridget’s port. Mass.; and eight grandchil­ would be whittled away. Practical " Instruction in car Gromyko had made these points slipped to and out of Rayburn’s on Eldridge St. Church. Burial will be in St. dren. out earlier at Powell’s request to On Racilig Counts to Rusk in their first three talks room ao igpdsUy no one spotted Bridget’s Cemetery. The Rev. Laurence M. Hull of maintenance, emergency road display to the guests. service, and repairs will be includ­ in N ew York and he is reported him; Sen. Ralidi Yarborough of The Manchester Grange will hold Friends may call at the funeral Rockville Methodist Church was Powell said it waa a "pretty Texas: and L o o y Ooilins, former Two Manchester youths charged ed in the course. Registration may to have made them over agraln a rummage sale Friday at 9:30 am . home tonight from 7 to 9, and to­ to officiate and burial was to be thing, pink metal i^th a pearl han­ governor of Florida who now is Members are requested to bring ar- in Grove Hill Cemetery. with racing Sept. 24 on Hlllstoivn be made at the YW CA office In a long statement on Soviet pol­ morrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Rd. were each fined 375 in CSrcult dle.” He had been-thinking about praaidcnt of the National A n o d a - ticlea to Orange Hall, Tt E. Cen­ Bearers were to be Gordon through next Monday- icy to Kennedy at the White p.m. Court 12, Manchester, today. buying one like It. tkm of Broadcasters. ter S t, XTiuraday at 6:30 p.m. For Dlmock. Myron Dimock, John The first play In the YW CA open House meeting. Kennedy told Ety now things have settled down They are Brien D. Jacobsen, 17, bowling will be tomorrow at 0 him in blunt but polite terms that Powell was treated at RockvUla pickup call Mrs. Carl HUding, 801 Miss Alice E. Murray Lanz, Robert Grumbach, Philip to a routine. of 675 Center St. and James W. a.m., at the Community Y, Play the United States and its Allies City Hospital for scalp cuts he re­ Main St., or Mrs. James O. Baker, Mias Alice Elizabeth Murray, 87, Bedard, and Maurice Roberts. A press room has been set up 146 High St Smith, 16, of 127 Green Manor is not league play and is open to have no Intention of bargaining ceived when Mrs. Thrash broke a a teacher at Northwest School In Rd. perfume bottle on his head. fax a small Ubrary. Twice each day Mrs. Helen M. B. Carroll the public for the first three weeks over the continued presence of U. Hartford for 40 yean, died yester­ They conducted the race after Rockville police were notified of c a news conference is held in a without the payment ol YW CA S.. British and French troops in Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Rosenfeld day S t St. Francis Hospital, Hart- Fimeral services for Mrs. Helen room next door. Doctors strive to of Mesa, Ariz., are guests at the Mansfield Bissell Carroll of Hart­ a debate over which of them had membership fees. West Berlin, nor do they Intend the fray by neighbors. fora. She lived at 11 Sallsbiiry St., the faster car. Atty. Jules Karp, give new answers to the same old home of Mr. and M n . George L. ford, mother of Mrs. Louis Heard J Hartford, and had been a patient quesUons, hut basically they add Cohen, 18 Oersitd St. Mrs. Rosen­ of Manchester, were held Saturday representing Smith, told Judge qp to this: Raybum u an extreme­ at St. Mary’g Rome, West Hart­ Searlps Dearlngton that the feld is the former Mias Beatrice morning at Trinity Eplscop^ ly sick man h ^ yes, there’s some ford, for several yean. boyg were egged on by fellow stu­ Cohen, sister of George L. Cohen. She retired as a teacher in 1946. Church, H^tford. Tho Rev. Khigpland VanWinkle dents at Manchester High School. the telephone numbers She w a* bom In Manchester, Jacobsen was represented by Atty. Reservations for the buffet din­ and the Rev. Malcolm Van2;andt of­ HARTFORD COUNTY af the preee room have gdten out, Aug. 15, 1874, the daughter of the Vincent Diana. ner to be held at the South Metho­ ficiated. Interment was in the and from time to time calls come late Michael F. and M argaret R. dist Church Saturday from 5:30 to Murray. She wSs a Hartford resi­ Mansfield Center Cemetery. to from what seem to be elderly 7 pjn. may be made by calling MJrs. women wondering bow Raybum is dent for-many y ean - Ralph Oaven, 31 Jxmsen S t m / . as well as the rest of Connecticut g etting along. A nto>hew, Frank "T. Murray of Mrs. Margaret F. Neville One insisted that a message be Hartford, survives. The funeral of yas, Margaret F. Hospital Note^ Mrs. Paul Krauaa of Forest HUls, taken to him immediately. When The fimeral will be held tomor­ Neville, 85 Birch St., was held at O O N. Y., will discuss " A Great Heri­ |o o| told that Raybum waa too ill for row St 8:15 a.m. at the John F. the Holmes Fimeral Home, 400 Visiting hours 2 to 8 p.m. for tage — The Jewish ffheologlcal that, she said: “Promise me you’ll Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. Cen­ Main St. Saturday afternoon. The all areas, except maternity, where 4Ut S die!>io Seminary," at the first fall meet­ take tt tax aa soon as he feela bet­ ter St., followed by a solemn high Rev. William F.' Gender m , as­ they are 2 to 4:30 and 6:80 to 8 t t d i t t i i o eioi(!> ter.*’ ing of the.. Sisterhood of T ^ p l e Mass ct requiem at St. James’ sistant at St. M ary's Episcopal p.m.; and prirate rooms .where The reporter mxwniaed. The feel- Beth Sholom tomorrow at 8 p.m. in CSiurch at 9 a.m. Burial will be in Church officiated. Louis Lawrence they are 10 a.m. to 8 pjn.. .Visit­ WiRINO tag was that Raytnim, ever an the temple vestry. Refreshments St. James’ Cemetery.... was soloist and Sydney M acAl- ors are requested not to smoke In ataoto and alert politician, would will be served. Friends m ay call at the funeral pine, organist. patient’s rooms. N o more than b s gtad to know bow much the home tonight from 7 to 9 p.m, Burial was in East Cemetery. two visitors at one time per pa­ There wm be thrto special per­ BRING YOU AMERICAN voters atm cared. Bearers were Thomas Leemon, tient. formances of the film, "The M ira- John SolUvan Samuel Wilson, Joseph Lutz, Gus­ Patient||Mi Today 184 .cle of Our Lady of Fatima,” at the John Sullivan, 61. of Tolland, KRISHNA MENON IMPROVING tave Peterson, William Stratton ADMITTED SATURDAY: Mrs. State Theater tomorrow at 3:30, died yesterday morning’ at St. An­ New Yorit, O ct 9 (ff) — Indian and Jame.s Gleason, Leona Clough. 122 BissSlI St.; 5:45 and 8 p.m., aa a benefit for the thony’s Hospital in RockvUle. Defense Minister V. R. Krishna Harold Hail. Niantic; Miss Dianne scholarAip fund of Gibbons As­ He was bom in Manchester, Jan. StoooD Is "doing very well” in Anniversary Mass Scroton, 140 Deepwood Dr.; Gor­ sembly, Liulies of Columbus. 16, 1900, a son of the late John Mnnteflora Hoto>^l following sur­ An anniversary Mass for- Mrs. don Clark, Ellin^on; Mrs. Eklna gery to rmnove a collection of and M ary Clifford Sullivan. Rose Pontillo Lasala will be cele­ Sprague. 78 Alton St; Herbert Hood from between his skull and Manchester Assembly, Order of Survivors include a son, Clif­ brated Thursday, Oct. 12, at 8:30 Alley, 69 Washington St.; Mrs.' MOST VAUIABU STAMPS I biain. Rainbow for Girls, will hold a busi­ ford L. Sullivan, and a brother, a.m. at St. Patrick’s and St. A n ­ Amy Noble, 270 Hackmatack St,; Menon, who underwent surgery James F. Sullivan, both of Man­ ness meeting tonight at 7:30 at the thony's Church, Hartford. Mrs. Maria Berberick, Glaston­ on Saturday, received hla first vis­ chester. Masonic Temple. Officers will wear bury; Richard Bennison, East itors yesterday. He waa expected white. The funeral will be held tomor­ FIRE PREVENTION WEEK row at 9:15 a.m. at the Burke Hartford; Nancy Tingley, Glas­ to leave Ora hnq|)ltal by the end tonbury; Donna CJontl. 461 Wood- .,*in addition to our traditional low prices •at the week. There will be a meeting pf the Fimeral Home, 76 Prospect St., Yanks Lead 5-0 RockvlUe, followed by a requiem bridge St.; Kenneth Irish, 17 N. ijDDauHao; Menon beads India's delegation board of directors of the Kiwanls School St.; Terrance O ’Neill, 158 to the United Nations General Club of Manchester tomorrow at Mass St St. James’ Church, Man­ At End of First chester at 10. Burial will be In St. W alker St.; Mrs. Bella Rogowski, AaaemUy. 11 a.m. at the Manchester Country 362 Adams St. James’ Cemetery here. Club before the regular noon .lunch­ (Continiied tram Page One) ADMITTED Y E S T E R D A Y There will be no calling hours. THUR9UCB IMPROVED eon' meetings'' Frank Gray, 18 Foxcroft Dr.; New York, Oct B oe) — Humor- Hutchinson counted on Joey Jay, George Buck. 132 W . Middle mm Francis R. W arren Jr., Interior Miss Mary Rita Finn tat James Tburber remained on Miss M ary Rita Finn. 70, of 170 hto strapping right-handed ace, to Mrs. Elizabeth Reichenbach. 20 & ttiq critical Hat at Doctors Hospi­ communications electrician fire­ Hfimlin St.: Linda Jones, 112 N. Ridge Rd., Wethersfield, a teacher keep the Reds’ hopes aidve. Jay, tal today, although be was report- man apprentice, U S N , son of Mr. Elm St.; Mrs. Julia Luppi, Staf­ as* *? 0 and Mrs. Francis A. Warren, Tol­ at the Connecticut Institute for the who beat the Yanks 6-2 on a 4- ad slightly Improved. Blind for many years, died Sat­ ford Spring;s; Mrs. Sylvia Oreehe, land Rd., Bolton, is serving in the Thurber underwent surgery for urday night at her home. hltter in the second game last 9 Fern St.. Rockville; Charles Atlantic aboard the distroyer, USS lamoval o f a blood clot on the Survivors Include thtee brothers, Thureday, was opposed again by Bleau, 24 Proctor Rd.; Mrs. Doro­ Decatur. The destroyer partici­ Brain last Wednaaday after col- Raymond Finn of East Hartford, right-hander Ralph Terry. thy Stone, 208 Woodluxd St, Mrs. pated in the recovery of the first M oft Valuable! S&H is America’s oldest amT talMfiig tax tala hotel room. H e has Walter Finn and Leonard Finn, It was clear and warm with the Freda Pashalis, 81 Benton St; * man-in-space shot and also re­ been blind fax recent years. both of Hartford; two sisters,-Mrs. temperature in the 80s for the fifth Leon Huestis, 71 VeUton S t ; Miss trieved the first space capsule Irene Russell of Florencei Mass., game, last to be played at Crosley Sharon McCartan, 47 Lilac St; B B O S t reliable stamp plan! Only 1200 st^ p s from orbital flight reminders for overy week and Mrs. UlUan LsMarotae of Field. If a sixth and seventh are Herbert Little, Enfield; M n . Lea f . Rebdudis to Fete Northampton, M ass, formerly of needed they will be played in New Couture, Andover; M n . Mae Ven- The Manchester Dental Society nard, 184 Holllater St.; M n . Julia Manchester, and several nieces York .Wednesday and Thursday. Your broom and mop and brush and vacuum cleaner fiHiyonr S&H Bpok! You choose from over Assembly Leader will meet tomorro)v at .8:30 p.m. and nephews in Manchester- In any event tomorrow is an Duhring, 17 Strant St.; Mn. Flor­ at Flano’a Restaurant. Future pro­ The funeral will be held tomor­ day for travel. ence Kunz, Box Mt. Rd., Vernon; are important aids to fire prevention. They help you grams and committee appoint­ row at 8:15 a.m. at the Benjamin Mrs. ' Margar.pt Wupperfeld, 00 ITOe&i cnous name brand gifts. Bnnset Rebekah Lodge wm en­ ments will be discussed. Oflicers Hutchinson restored Don Blas- Grandview St.; James PikC, 875 J. Callahan Fimeral Home, 1602 ingame to second base in pla^e of clean up those spots in the attic# broom-closet, cellar tertain Mrik Lois K Stevens of recently installed are Dr. Fred­ Main St.. Ehist Hartford, followed Center St.; Miss M ary Fbrand, Avon, president of die Rebekah erick Spaulding, president; Dr. Elio Chacon and installed him in RFD 3,. Vernon; Chester Pansullo or garage where papers and rags may collect. Be>' by a solemn high Mass of requiem the leadoff position. Rookie John nHEEl Pick up your free copy of the AatomUy of Connacticut and staff Robert Walsh, vice president; Dr. In St. Rose Church, Blast Hartford, Jr., Ashford; M n . Shirley Segal, amcan, nest Monday, Oct 18, Reinald Chutter, secretary, and Dr. Edwards. replaced Darrell Johnson 342 Ganlen Dr.; Mn. Beverly Mc­ sides taking up valuable space those things constitute at 9 a.m. behind the plate and b a tt^ eighth. S*rtiBS «tth a supper at 6:30 at John B arry Jr., treasurer. Friends may call at the funeral Laughlin, 178 Maple St.; Merton possible fuel for a fire. Be honesL with yourself. If you 8 Mn. Mary home tonight from 7 to 9. game in New York but gave way to n>e Rebekah dbgree wm be cqp- Ventura, 25 Division St.; M n . . haven't used it in the last year. . , throw it out! Chacon in the second after his hand Stored. Supper m aarvatlons. must Raymond W. Blake Helen Friedrich, 46 South St, nearby First National Store today. be made by Wednmdsy by calling Drama Trio Heard was injured in fielding practice. Rockville. Raymond W. Blake, 63, of 98 Hector L«pez look over Berra’s ADMITTED TODAY: Richard Alice Wethmll, ^ Florence Deepwbod Dr., died suddenly at job in lef£ field and catcher-out­ That little fuse is a friend of yours, too. It is designed By Cosmopolitans Martin, 33 Harvard Rd.; Gert An­ his home yesterday of a heart at­ fielder Johnny Blanchard played to interrupt the circuit in case of trouble arising from A cnnplete degree reheanal for tack. > right field. Roger Marls moved derson, East Hartford; Mias Eliza­ Q fB esn and mambere o f the About 45 members of the He waa bom in Atkinson, Maine, from right to center field as he has beth McConnell, S to m ; Fred too many appliances on one line or frayed wires. win be held Wednesday Cosmopolitan Club were entertain­ June 25, 1898, and came to Man­ been doing In all of tae games that. Rowley, Amaton; Susan Badeau, at lOOF BaU. This ed by the Drama Trio of the Uni­ chester three y ean ago. He was Mantle has missed.'' 233 Woodland St.; Chester Kim­ g P jto the last rehearsal before versity of Hartford after a dessert a maintenance man at Pratt and The Yank batting order had ball. 184 Hackmatack S t When you buy, build or remodel, ask your electrician pg-Bfgrgie. meeting PVidsy afternoon to the Whitney A ircraft,' division of Blanchard betting in the No. 4 B IRTH S S A T U R D A Y : A son ot Federation R o ^ at Center Con­ United A ircraft Corp., in East clean-up position and Lopez hitting Mr. and Mrs. John Dunlop, S to m ; or The Hartford Electric light Company obout coo*' gregational Church. Hartford. H e was a member o f the seventh. a daughter to Mr. and M n. Walter The trio presented excerpts from Community Baptist Church and Manager Ralph Houk said Bill Kluberg, Warehouse Point. .venient, modem, safe. Red Seal W iring.f ^cUceArre$i 8 O. B . Shaw, Sheridan, Sophiclas, ita Couples’ Club. Stafford would be his sixth game B IR TH S Y E S T E R D A Y : A son and Shakespeare, and narrative Sunrivors. include his wife, Mrs. pitcher if there is a sixth. Hutchin- to Mr. and M n. Russell Smalt 69 poems from the "Spoon River A h- Effie Palm ar Blake; three sons, son was expected to name Bob Pine St; » son to Mr. and Mrs. This notice is run in thO’interest of public sofety* 1 tolproper th o k ^ ' by Edgar Lee Masters. Raymond L. Blake of Manchester, Purkey for the Wednesday game Richard Dillon, 30 Hilltop Dr.; a Mrs. Herbert Swanson was In­ John L. .Bloke of W ^ t Brotdcfleld, if one la played. son to M r and M n . Roger Lord, troduced as a new member. Mrs. Bss., and Harold IN. Blake of l^ ^ U a 's sM ence from the line­ 4 Range Hill Dr., Rockville; a Join The 27»(HHi,000 SrmHjT^^ Women Who EaruiThe Best Values With GreenStamps iw B IbA tn im C. Elmore jVatktau was la charge North Chelmsford, Mass.; a sta­ up was not xmeiqwcted. Ha played daughter to Mr. and Mrs. A udiw The Hartford Electric Light Company at the srogrsn, and Mrs. Alsg- tor, Mis Marguerite Blake of only four tamings yaoterday and Selonka Warehouss Point. M u n in a , hy jtosto- ftoJoHa, Oslif. and a ijM grtnd- bled from hla U p wound sman ha B IR T H T O D A Y ; A son to Mr. o f the saeentlve eenunlttos, diildrtB. waa taken out for a pinch m an ■tad Mrs. Albert Seabies, 31H Fos* MM hx charge at the dessert. inmenl ssrvloM will hp held to* after a fourth-i cle. ter BL , ^ 1. in i ■ . '■/ ' A

UANCHESTEB fiVEIONG H E B A ^. IIANCHESTBB. CONN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1961 I ■■ r- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, OCTOBEI^ 9, 1961 FAGlttUtyiN Skiimer Rd., Vernon;. Ellsworth ly inclined to renew aefotiatloiu filSiti >ee> Hoi^vUle-Veraoii Jensen,' 33 High St.; Mrs. Sarah Stricken Sailor Grateful Secret Army as soon as possible; PUT AWAY YOUR CABB8--40IN OUR t Stitt, Buff Cap Rd., Tolland; Youasef Ben Kbedda, premier GUITAR HOBBY CLASSES Joyce Wright and son, Hi Manor ’The Nathan Hale Chapter of of the 7-msa provisional reglms Book Praises HEALTH CAPSULES Trailer Park, Vernon- the American Red C rou in In exile, opmed the meeting in A f c y M k M s I^ Prill. M lh Night School Enrolls 959; Dtoohatged Sunday: Herbert Rockville helped a stranded Again Pirates cloMly muinled villa in a Tunis rO R A D U L T S Pedersen, Pthney St., raitagton. Navy airman laat month and residential suburb. I n fo r m e d P P € System MU.IGHTWO' a y-Radio Tonight Registration Closes Oct. 11 Disctuuiged today:' / William has received a letter of thanks ■ources said the meeting would INSTRUCTIONS RY • halp- bMo w p ^ baullt Sfampi and Powell, Springfield. MkM. for It. Algiers Radio last two to threo days and no final CKWABTTIS '^HARMPUUT Alexander A. Paterson of c(»nmunlque was expeotsd. A ciMptar in a' roocntlgr pub- ifMaialt ia ttiii ad A totai of 9M adulU hava regia-faiid l> tty Arektvy hold other of- Vernon and TaloottvOle news Is Willlngton, heading for the Na­ (Caattwad ~ t^ Paga Dm ) The rebel cabinet, informant IkdMd b o (^ *Hoo|)iitale, Doeton,' _ .. ____M. —^ AlkA Tele'vision fared for the fall semester of the Bees in the chorus. handled ttiroagh the Herald’s val Air Station at Patuxmit tald, is studying reports of Swiss and Dollara” waigha-HuM pcaleai •ffaaHva In Hartford The chemistry group is divided Roekvnie boroui, 5 W. Main St. River, Md., was Involved in a statement by Gen. Raoul Salan, authorities who have been acting ARNOLD LANDSBERG 6.00 Mg t lie peegrys) T:IU Cheyenne 6. 19. 69. Rockville-Vemon Adult Bvening —^ManchaaUr Mamorha Ijloi^tal’v 4t» progrtas) Manhunt School and more are expected from into two sections one meeting m 5-8186 or MI B4797. highway crash which damaged commander in chief of the aserst aa intermedlataa between Praai- •783S hospital has bech easentlaily on 6:00 Panny Thomaa Show \l Thompsonvilla anlyl independence. l:6U giTb Bouts . 87th Precinct 19. hand Tuesdays, beginning typing president of the Rockville chapter Enjoys Fair Skies Mrs. Mildred Connors, Na­ probably wiu Be wrilUng to pertlel- openting - room - with - aUach- Cinema (0 of the Future Farmers of America. than Hale Secretary, put the Dtaplte a recent series of ar­ mentfl—an extenelcn, in epee* and Far '7our Information Mondays or Tuesdays, Intermediate resta of secret army suspects, the paba In the transttlonel govern­ Gbsnttfll I News Surfalde Six I, typing ' Wednesdays beginning Other officers are: Alan Rudd, The sixth annual Pumpkin Festi­ Red Cross t o ' work, she said. ment De Gaulle plana to aet up to ■e EnroUment Limited^ e Instruments Loaned function, of the surgeon’s incision," ItoMn HooO I Andy Griffith ghow voice Mid; the secret army la ex­ Uous flSdlrardi Henneiiey Spanish and German Tuesda; rice president; Richard Loos, secre­ The auto was repaired! trailer euperrise a aelf - determination Cunningham says. Sound of tba StxUea 10. $3. val was held under exceptionally tremely powerful. "The progieesive-care concept Humlty-.-Brinkloy Roport ginning Russian Wedneh^a^sj tary and Barry Shea, treasurer. replaced, motel rooms found, vote. 10. 36. Millltm Dollar Movla ginning algebra Wednesda; Training Coarse Slated ideal weather conditions on the and train U.ckets for Mrs. Pat- “ The very feet that I can talk may be the signal that this era ACCORPINQ TO A M CliN r Bvonlns Report Ben Caaey ever the facUitlea of the official But the way to peace in Alger­ ) l>- e - Got - A Secret llsh for non-speaking people Mon­ A\(ndning couiae for aides to grounds of the Talcottrille .Con- ei-son and the two children ia is still blocked .by such other has mded and that hospital pa­ Stupy, IF YOU PO THIS, I After Olnnei Uorlo 11:00 New* radio is the proof that the govern­ MOWS a Weather \ News,. Sport* A Weather days, rug braiding Tuesdays, sculp­ work In. the mobile blood unit Is gregationaji Church Saturday after­ bought. ■erious obetaclee as the organised tients may now be emancipated YOU MAY POUBUS .News, Sports a weather Also, the chapter verified his ment is slowly dying,” the man as­ from floors 'and routine* organ­ YOUR CHANCES QP U:l6..l.irk Paar Hhnw n-the- trict commissioners due to the re­ "The secret army wnTItrln. Long Internal medicine, and othera who cles made by women of the church. indlcatlona that the rebels would helped pioneer books on taxation, died Sunday. boat piloting sponsored by the job training will get Red Cross Pony rides and various types of signation of Richard Clark, who live France- Long live French Al­ tolerate the FYench military on FPC. certificates and will be qualified to The chapter partioulariy con­ Kaiser organised Sears* ta x ; de­ Radio Manchester Power Squadron. Ap­ throwing games were well patron­ had been deputy chief for several geria.” Algerian sol) once it becomes In- work at Bloodmobile visits in the siders Whether ]PPC hringa the partment In 1928 and headed it (This UstlBg Ineludea only those new* broadoasto of 18 or tS-iBiBiite plicants can sign up Wednesday in ized with one of the most iMpular years. Clark remained with the de­ On several previous occasions 'dependent until 1953. In recent year* he had room 25 between 6:30 and 7 p.m. Vernon, Rockville. Ellington, Som­ being the sponge throw. William partment as a fireman. the secret army has interrupted beat poaalble car'e to pa^-ents at length. Some atatiens carry other short neweeasts.) ers, Tolland, Wlllington, Coventry, the loweat poaaiblej coat. .... been a tax consultant to the U. S. Classes filled up are beginning Smiui, festival co-chairman offered the radio and television stations 'lYeasury Department. WDRO—136* o> w pop—ttie Union and Stafford Springs "Better care for lesa money has 6:00 News 4:00 roday In HarUord shorthand, business machines elec­ his head as the target. Manchester Evening Herald here and at Oran to broadcast Danbury Fair Record Chicago — Thomas J. Howard, 0:05 Today on WaU Street branches of the Nathan Hale chap­ been'the goal of hospital admin­ 6.15 Connecticut Ballroom tricity, woodworking and refinish- The Sllhoutte Drum Corps of TalcottvUle correspondent, Morris similar programs. The regular 88, retirsd . chief photographer of 6:10 Sport News 7:UU Bob dcott Ing, beginning sewing, tailoring be­ ter. SlmoncelU, telephone MltcheU transmission facilities, were re­ Danbury, Conn., Oct. tl UP) istrators ever since h o s p 11 a J ■ 6-15 An Johnson 8how 3:00 Ray Somers Win Second Straight Vernon, formerly of Talcottville, the Chicago Sun-Times and a-news 8:06 Raynor Shine* ’.1:00 New* ginning oil paintings. Investments presented a oarade and concert as S-2382. paired quickly, . ' ^ The Danbury Fair, which closed Shtittdea iST'* emerged, year* ago, as something 1:00 New* a Slen Ull The Vernon Pioneers, midget laat night, set an attendance rec­ more than refuges for the sick photographer for 41. ysara. died 11:10 Ray Somert and welding. the final outdoor event of the after­ Sunday af a heart ailment. How­ WRAY—*16 1:00 Del Raycee Show football team, won its second Tunis, Oct. 9 OP)—^The Algerian ord of 165,082 for Its 9-day run. and poor. To some observers, pro­ 6:00 Paul Harvey Police Arresta noon. ard was the photographer who 6:30 Sound Staze WINF—13ir league contest Sunday, 25-0, de­ Rebel govenunent met today to A total of 30,777 persons vtritqd gressive care looks lika the first 6:00 World News A New Britain man whose car Eleanor Webb Mendelin of Wind­ riiot the famous and controversial 7:00 Edward P Horgas started a three-car chain accident feating a midget team from Board Will Act decide whether the time la ripe to the fair on the final day to surpass breakthrough in the long uphUl 8:80 Night nisht 6:10 Wall Street Windaor at the Loomis School sor was selected Queen of .the resume peace talks with FYance. WTKINS;WEST picture of the electrocution of hus­ 11:68 News 6:16 Showcase and Ne-ers on Rt. 83, Vernon, was arrested Festival in a mld-aftemoon draw­ laat year's record of 158,428 by struggle to make better care at 13:00 SIKD Off 6:46 Lowell Thomas field. One week ago, the Plcmeers On Tabled Items The rebels were reported strong­ 6.654. band-killer Ruth Snyder in the 6:65 Phil Rlxsuto Saturday and charged with follow­ ing. She was presented with a num­ lower cost a reality," the author WT10-16M ing too closely. defeated South Windaor, 33-0, in Sing Sing Prison elecrtric chair 6:00 New*. Weather A Sports 7:10 Richard Hayes and Carol Buraett their opening game. ber of gifts. •ays. for the New York News in 1928. 6:20 Strictly Sporta 7:30 News Anaiysli Sebastian Fazzina. 30. will be The board of directors will act ORMANDJ.WESt • DIRECTOR’ However, Cunningham also cites 6:30 Supperllme Serenadt 8:00 The World Tonlfht arraigned Oct. 24 in Circuit Court In two pre-season practice The contest to guess the correct He began his career with the 6:46 Three Star Extra 8:15 Showcase and■ New* games, the Pioneers loet one game weight of a large pumpkin was tonight on the items left over some problems of PPC—the neces­ 13:16 Slzn Off 12, Rockville session. MmchiUii’.O M «i-w lth III Ml 9-7196 sity of continual moving of pa­ Chicago Tribune in 1919. 7:06 CoDverratl'in Piece Vernon Chief Constable Edmond by one touchdown and tied tbe won by Nicholas StiUbach of Rose­ from the meeting last Tuesday. Baden-Baden, Germany — Reu­ 7:30 New* ot the World. wood Dr., Vernon. riw HrmI hclHlIw y tients to different rooms, the feel­ 7:46 Radio Moscow Tackle Stan Fanning of the Chi­ F. Dwyer said Fazzina’s car bang­ second. A practice game with the Atty. Arthur J. LeClair Jr., wlU ing oh the part of some patients ben E. Sommer, 62, president and 8:00 Pop* Concert Manchester Blue Devils la sched­ A ditiner consisting of half a mUIAM J. UNNON, Ik. tawetak IH ^**'"8 general manager of the Keystone . 9:00 Nlghtbeat cago Bears is now listed at 8-fect- ed into the rear of a car stopped fill in for General Manager Rich­ that; they are “ neglected,” the 11:00 New* 7 and 270 pounds. He's an Inch for traffic at the Vernon Circle uled Wednesday at Legion field. chicken with all the trimmings was 142 EAST CENTER STREET, MANCHESTER Steel and Wire Co. of Peoria, III., served to less than 150 persons. ard Martin, who is ill. question of whether the method is 11:16 Sport* Final taller and 18 pounds heavier than Shopping Center, pushing that car State Barbers Elect On the agenda of the meeting less expensive than previous meth­ died Sunday. Somiher, jion of Pe­ 11:30 Starlight Serenade John Merz of Church St., Ver­ Arthur Palmer along with Smith 1:00 Sian OH ' a year ago. Into the rear of another. was co-chairman. which vrill begin at 8 o’clock In ods. ter W. Sommer, founder of the Robert J. BanviUe, 17, of 180 non, was elected third trustee of the hearing room of the Munici­ In PPC, a seriously 111 or injured company, was in Germany on a Chestnut St, Manchester, a pas­ the Connecticut Master Barbera’ A final touch of excitement oc­ pal Building are the foUowlng: patient is admitted immediately to vacation trip with his wife. senger in the car hit by Fazzing, Protective Association at its 37tb curred around 7 p.m. when the 1. Bryan Fam#t subdivision ap­ a special care zone, where he re­ Detroit—Capt. Philip E. Thorpe, suffered a head cut and was treat­ annual conyentiem in New Britain fire siren rang. No one knew of proval. ceives a maximum of service in 63, who piloted the first Amer­ ed on the scene, then was taken to yesterday. Sam Sitala of Rockville any fire, and it was finally deter­ 2. Personnel appeals board specially designed unit. ican flag vessel to Detroit through Manchester' Memorial Hospital. was named third vice president. mined that a prankster had push­ ordinance. STUDENT TICKETS As his condition improves, he Is the St. Lawrence Seaway, died ed ^ e alarm button. Banvilte’s father, Rodolphe J. The association named a Stam­ 3. Authorize the estabUahment transferred to the intermediate Saturday. Thorpe, who tailed with Jr., war driving the second car, ford barber, 'Joseph Legato^ as its Oar Fire of a fire district reserve fund, and zone, and finally to the self service the Goodrich Line for many years, a small sports model, but was im- new president. A minor car fire occurred off transfer about $47,000 from the FOR THE zone. In each of these zones, his was bom in Kingston, Ont. MUFFLERS ■X hurt. The car was considered heav­ WWI Veters to Meet Kelly Rd. opposite the Mt. Vernon fire budget into the fund. care is reduced as his needs be­ Shenandoah, Iowa — Roymond ily damaged. Hocksnum Bafracka, Veterans of Motel at 8 o'clock last night. Co. 4. Appoint a member of the come less until, in self service, he H. Sawyer, 66, widely- known World War 1, will meet tomorrow 3 firemen responded to the call as The third vehicle was driven by development commission. dresses for meals and has freedom agriculturalist and broadcasting John Richard of Hyde Ave., Rock­ in the g a r rooms at 8 p.m. Re­ did members of Companies 1 and 6. Sell an old voting machine of movement throughout tlie ward. executive, died Saturday of can­ ville. Damage to hia car was light ports of the naticmai convention 2. The book is In the hospital's li­ to the towm of EIling;ton for $25. cer. He was executive vice pres­ James Payne, 45, of 139 Vernon will be read and plans lor the win­ Drill Tonight 6. Hear a report on the ptegress brary. AND ident and general manager of the Ave., Rockville, was arrested in ter season will be made. Firemen of Co. 3 will hold a drill of plans for the proposed public MARINE BAND Bari May Seed and Nursery Co. UP the city Saturday night and Hospital Notes at 7:15 this evening. works department garage, and on charged with driving under the in­ Admitted Friday: Wilbur Beaver- the de^opm ent oommissdon’s and secretary of the ^ y Broad­ It will be the first drill under the one neighbor tells another Weekend Deaths casting Co. He was bom in fluence of liquor or drugs. Free stock, 4 Mountain St.; Kathleen direction of the newly appointed work by Robert Tomaaei, ftormer under $500 bond, he Is due in Adams, 117 Prospect St.; Mary dialrman. Prairie City, lU. deputy chief, Vytau Chemerka, and By THE ASSOCIATED PREM court Oct 24. Daigle, 33 Mountain St. newly elected captain, John 7. Conaider buUding a aidewralk about Bantly Fuel Oil Club Heads RCH AoxlUaiy Admitted Saturday: W illiam MATINEE Illgen City, Minn.—Harold E. FOBTER PARENTS REPORT FREE INSTALLATION Giulietti. Giulietti was named to in Robertson Park, and eetUng a Mrs. Richard Symington has Pratt, Pinnacle Rd., Ellington; dajte fbr a public hearing on bidd­ Wood, 64, president of the Minne- Now York, Oct. 9 WP) — Footer Rosemary LaMarche, 20 Oak St.; his post only last Monday to fill apolis-St. Paul Stock Exchange been elected president of the the vacancy created when former ing sidewalks - paign seven years ago when AJner- $2 million in cash. Citizens in all • OPEN THURSDAY NIGHTS TO 9 • tomorrow at 7:30 pm. at 8t Jo­ Powell, Springfield, 'Mass. LARGHl QUARTERS TO SERVE YOUR NEEDS! Ican doctors gave him only 'three 50 states and Canada donated to seph’s School. Admitted today: Beulah Oordner, spot advice on ways to reduceidu< fuel consumption. ON SA U days to live, died Thursday of can­ the plan. Scoot Drive to Start 72 Village St.; Harry Allen, 95 Or­ PIENTT OF I^ N T AND HEAR PABKINO cer, It was aniiounced Sunday. The The Brownie and Girl Scout an­ chard St To make paying easier, the cost of heating your Rev. Mr. Hession, a pioneer of re­ nual fund drive will b^gln in the Births Saturday: A stm to Mr. AUTO GLASS INSTALLED ligious films in Britain, was found­ *8xccpt 8eer ' Rockville, Vernon and Ellington and Mrs. Eaton Sperry, 15 Phoenix home For the entire year may be divided into ten er of the organization "Cancer and Clisrettet neighborhoods Oct. 36. Parents St, Vernon; a daughter to Mr. and GLASS FURNITURE TOPS equal amounts, payable monthly. Anonymous." tTste law and troop committee members, ac­ Mrs, Douglas St. John, 12 Mary Sydney, Australia'—Jack R. companied by uniformed scoi^ts, Lane, Vernon. Queen, 41, second secretary at the Everyone's. invited to attend I Discharged' Friday: Cornelius MIRRORS (Firapkics and Doer) For Further facts on {oining Bantly's Fuel Oil Club, TOMORROW will canvass door to door. U. S. Eknbassy in Canberra, died Galvin, Windsor Locks; Cora phone. Ml 9-4595 or TR 5-3271. Sunday. Queen, who was stationed Funds raised will go toward the Helm, 45 Windsor Ave. neighborhoods’ shares . in opera- PICTURE FRAMING (aH typM) This matinee concert is reserved exclusively foT In Tokyo from 1955 imtil hia as­ Discharged Saturday: Margaret signment to Australia last Novem­ ticms of the Connecticut Valley French, Thompsonvllle; Timothy Olrl Scout CounciL^out troops in WINDOW and PLATE GLASS **Our Reputation students up to and including Junior High Schools. ber, was bom in Kentucky. Baraw, IS Mary Lane, Vernon; DELC044EAT Miami, Fla.—Robert Law Weed, the three neighborhoods now num­ Brian Boudreault, Saiington; Mrs. Is Your Assannoe” ber 650 girls. CONTRACTORS: WE HAVE IN STOCK .64,' a well-known architect and Specials for Monday^ Tuesday & Wednesday! Helen Burke, 35 Lawrence St.; Representatives will be at all schools tomorrow chief designer of the modem Uni­ Mrs. Joseph P. McManus will Rose Clark, 14 Brookside Lane, be chairman for the Rockville and MEDICINE CAUNETS aiM SHOWER DOORS versity of Miami Campus, died Vernon; Wilbur Beaverstock, 4 only. Tickets are 50c. Be sure you bring your 50c Sunday. Weed, who also had de­ Venum neighborhoods. Mra RHl- Mountain St.; Nathan Lanz, Wy­ OPEN SATUROAVS—OPEN THTOSDAV EVENINGS ton Lisk wrill be assistant chair­ signed some of the principal build­ oming, R.I.; Henry WUson, Tol­ tomorrow! ings in Miami, was bom in Se- man for rural Vernon. land; Mrs. Lydia Heiberer, West ESTIMATES GLADLV GIVEN BANTLin01LC0 .6it Mrs. Frederick Wise will head Rd., Efilington; Eleanor Skinner, J d l M A IN STREET MANCHESTER. C O N M Oak^Park, Ul.—Arthur R_JEal- the drive in EUington. ■er; 73, retired general manager of Returns Awaited Saturday Salvation Army canvassers will return their fund drive envelopes BLOCK DANCE Saturday to staff personnel at the V E A L Chops Fitch firehouse, Rockville, behind m Important Town Hall. Fire Chief John F. Ashe will < ^ n the building from 1 to 5 pm . Facts About TUESDAY NKHT OeMoiay to Install SNOW WHITE Gregory WilUama will be in­ pay your bills... stalled as master councilor and Paul Klrth, senior councilor of the Insurance Fayette Chapter, Order of DeMo- 6:30 to 9:30 lay, Saturday at 8 p.m. at the Ma­ Running all over town with cash not only Hie Big Differenoe in car, home KIDNEY--CHOPS) sonic Home. and business Insurance is the takes time, it becomes tiresome after a while. L, continuing personal attention Other officers are: Alexander IN THC PARKING LOT AT This may be a favorite af yours or an undis- - Chapman, jimior councilor; Rich­ You are dependent on weather conditions and, you get from an independent In­ surance agent. covered delioecy. Either way ift a value and ard Gullberg, senior deacon; Orin of course, there’s usually a parking problem. THE MANCHGSTER STOP A SHOP Hakey, junior deacon; Charles Bar­ / IVe iielp yon bhoMe the r ig ^ vitamin-packed meet to iry this week. ron, senior steward; Herbert Ha­ It costs BO little to pay your bills with a protection, key, Junior steward; Don Winslow, lb Chaplain; Thomas Ludwig, mar­ CheckMaster checking account, and there's / W e reconunaod only" strong, DANCE TO THE MUSIC shal; Ralph Barron, scribe; Brian no minimum balance required. It’s the mod­ reliable contpoaiee known to Frederick, sentinel; and James pay claims qideUy nnd fairiy, i White, Fred Hansen, EM Tennstedt, em, biisinesslike way to handle household / We work on ynnr side when OF ^THE uNoeiir Oaiy Merton, Richard Symonds, and personal payments. Also, you’ll get a you have a- lose fenow. Really Fresh . . . ground hourly! Charles Sutherland, and ^-P a u 1 through to see you get Toung, preceptors. monthly statement of each transaction to prompt, fair pairnait.‘ The installation will be conduct­ help you keep the family budget. We are an independent insur­ ENJOY A ed by the state officers of DeMo- .5 . lay. Refreshments will be served. CheckMaster service costs just 10 cents a ance agency, reaiw to give you Bojrs between the u e s of 14 and 21 check, plus a 25 cent monthly serviciB charge. continuing personal attehtton are eligible to xiin'm e order. —The Big DUferenob in InauT' Save time and trouble with a Conn^ticut ance today. 6R0UND B E E F S ;2-79 Heads BBS Senior Ctass Mark Smith has been elected Bank CheckMaster checking account. i)ent of the senior class, at ^♦♦♦♦♦eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee»»ee»e»5eeee^4>»eeeeee; lie High School, th^ third 1 ■ <» {Urn their president. CORTLAND“ JONATHAN Save 23c on Timothy Fahy is vice president; TUESDAY NIGHT Sally Dunnells, secretary; Michael •f r\ 1 / Albom, treasurer: anJ RTlUam IFWd, assistant treasurer. CHARCOAL M O IW FRlAML ROLLSk PlCtOJ^ Habe Bath lAagne Meets Appointment o f a nominating POTAirOCMPSaadSODA. . .AUFORONLY eommittee to pn^xise oSIcers for COTT the coming year beads the agenda » * f of a Babe Ruth league meeting All proceeds to Manchester United Fund> Wednesday at the Lottie Fisk Me­ morial BuUdiw at 7:80 pm . Elec- QUALITY tloaa will be held at the annual '___/ masting in December. iSmbors to be eli|1ble to vote THE CQMMECTICUT BANK mast attend four regular meet­ ings a jnsar. I' . flayetB in the Babe Ruth or- AND TRUST COMPANY US pOiUE Ibc flnigatiaB are ariMd to turn in thsir uniforms to Dielr enecti— 30 Offiew i . . Mrving 21 Connecticut communitiM TUM inKE U if they have not al- 1 • Rtcularly. OfOeers Manchester Offices: Sensational low price) ' Cbrtland’a | ouarl 893 Main St.—15 North Main St. WeST JIfuartt ■ ptssMent o f m for cooking or eatinit Jbnethana for b u m n i ok lloekvUla High Shopping Parkade for 490 ' I JUjUns Is pcsri* Eftsi Cfinter crfip, juicy eating. ^ , t.af I t a gA flelli otwiBlsti'y dub NaialiMlir MmOH IM mi BcgMa kMWMM CwpMliM Phone M I S 4 I 2 6 1 .- ' \‘ f , t I ■ t - i r r r

■ - 1 . . ■! , -f;#rv/.ilff.• i-.'-, S.’^-. '1^ > ’ j . i- -■ \ - ( i •- » . ■ ■ - ; ' I . ■ ' ' ■ • ' ' ' , MANCHESTIER EVENINO h e r a l d . M ANCRESTER. C0NN« MONDAY. OCTOBER 9. 1961 PAGE tgonyiN MANCHESTER EVENINiQ HERALD. BCANCHESTBR. CONN« MONDAY. OCTOBER 9. 1961 p j m r w E L V B ------‘------— ' *- ^ ------' • ■'||».II I ~| Iiti y"|» |i .»iii'..iji .!■■■ .1 • I I I ■.■■! !—■ ...... II equipment because the boat was Sefi. Barry Goldwater o f Arisona, HBlptYM iOvtrcuiM Oim BOARDING HOUSE ' irlth MAJOR HOOPJLB • ^ DAILY CROBSWOKD PUZZLE 5 in FateiUy Die sinking. Nixon to He^ v Gov. Robert B. Smytts ot Idaho, BU66S BUNNY - Cyanide Killed Fishermen sped to tbs seen# in and Gov. Mark O .. Hatfield of f » FALSE lEETH 'meoPYouR/miRKr. ivRHAKWbsHOUl^ fOMEHOW.iraFUTHK In Fighihg Boat the icy strait area, -but found only Gall of People, Oregon ahd "a whole new batch" UMmemssjPvou REFUND MfMaNBYi X>A, PROBUM 973IU. HAfNTv Two Students, the hatch cover i^ m the boat and of Republicans he said ths party L o o m n u m u m I W u r r y the three bodies. expects to eliiOt in 1962. wPL^sc«auv*MORi AFRA IP THIS WON'T BeCNVOCVEPl -C Juneau, Alaska, Oct. 9 (A') — A GOP Chief Says MelMMari PBOWlPtAPBaUA-Tg At the time the weather -was Miller spoke last night on a M e- ___- bwai ^ AIASOR Doesiar iQikM fishing boat sank off Lemesurier good and seas were normaL vision program. ' PRonvcmoNi S IT.BUT AW. araJMCH « Police. Report teeth.FAS NOW a a r t h is . AAR.aRuNCH Musical Moods I^ n d r ’T7 miles northwest of here New York, Oct. 9 (JP) — Repub­ Unefaon-aeM) CH.UHUMI HARDpPMBARiNa/ lican National. Chairman WilHam MELPVA. lEOAR AND WOMBLeOFTHUNbeRTHB jfi^eMUy, apparently wiping out a AAALANCH» STARTSl ROOOFaST AKN R Ms CANRKAD LIF«, • 800( 1 (or OM Chapel Hill, N. G., Oct. B UP) — B. Miller.saya he believes former family of ftv.e from Tacoma, Wash. nsmmtMuMbyleeeegletes w M a/THewaviAs NO FACAW^Na rr.SQ eOTtHrAAASOR .llbWaapMaH I ascttd Police Chief W. IX Blake laya the Parents to Get Vice President Richard M. Nlxori BANG! PAarmrni------et ear smssrag eoaater. BNototfMdo TBOppait "would have to succumb” If the X lODUeO AWSELP U Ke THe OORB cyanide polaonlndNlMtha W two ' Fishermen said the *7-fopt troll- OFAHUae SNOWBAJJ.ANDWAS Y B SrU '^ • KlsdoEvM •r. Partner, may-.have hit a chunk Booklet Tonight people called* on him to run for N CS—O r i Ulaeomgo Unlyendty ot jNorth CaftSlna atue president again In 1964. tUfi Oil CARRlBO ONTHe SORFAkCB OP •SOX. AS UF m b •HMmwaMOth . ot floating ice. 1He AyALANCWe,UNHARMap.*t» 'denta found dead In tlihl^ room MlOMa lOlnttTiiMtetiil I The bodies of 'Mrs. Shirley Moe A 14-page "paranta’ handbook" "If In 1964 it appeared that it GASOLINl TMar emSE OF TUB AlPiMe YILLA8B, iS V t M l u r were "either dottle murder, will be diatributed to pereitta at waa almost the unanimous desire ttklrlpoal Waaktrii and her sons, Paul, 6, anci David, AU8TERFB6S4TZj lsFiM»a(aooA dde pact or niurder-aulctde." the first meeting of' the Manches­ of the delegates to our convention Ce A D / i r r 7, have been recovered. No trikce ter High School PTSO tonight. to nominate him, and the polls Drfirt U 1 PttUcd are continuing their Invea- tlgation, while Walung fo r ah. an- has been found of Mrs. Moe’s hus­ ’The' handbook, which may be seemed to indicate that by and aoi 01 Sharp 43BBUniaaM band, Donald, who owned the boat, 'Obtained at a small membership large the vast majority of the BANTLY OIL ' Pjrieos oi Low. ^**4Ssc*" ^ — — SAAatariik 43Klnd^^ alyala report on the eontentaiof two 0~4 im S B . r» ««.»*'• H. Wliit milk ahake cupa found in the room or their Infant daughter, Donna. fee, contains information about American people wished to elect ( i\i Sorvieo THot't lotfor as sum ncordtf him .. .1 think that he would have BY V. T. HAMLIN ___ aroppoMd 44Mnalcal‘ia]i^ ' ahared by the two, Jampe Michael A woman radioed the first dis- the school, including curricula, ‘ ■'I \\ - I IMI. I A L L Y O O P amoHUiMita aaOttWar’itlUa 4SGrMtLalct^( ' Barham, 20, Burlingtim and Wil­ trass signal, saying the boat had regulatkma and servioea. to succumb to the draft," he add­ IHBSySU , or TNialfiid — F 40 Huilcri 46^ liam Harrlaon Johnaon Jr., 24, been holed and was in a sinking Scholarship and award oppor­ ed. m M ltrhrll 9 .4 S7 S Polterton's ARE.[0 C1DR„ latHMiolMnd , wlatioM 47IUad condition. Later, a man radioed tunities for atudsnta are also Miller ■ slso mentioned Gov. aowatdtaa 41SiB& > 4Bimar Stateaville. BolMrt P. OovMl* H en ry O ste IM Ceater St.—Oov. Ot CtaNfi IHATOUGHX ttOndMtott Their bodlea were diacovered he was securing the electronic listed. Nelson A. Rockfeller of New York, ROCKVILLE TR 6-3271 POIT! SSHtwtUaa r “ r nr r Friday morkiing, in their Idorfh VIMth q r ~ Attend University of Madrid 04OidlH*clai IT IT IT room, after they failed to report SSLocmUob j for aelf-help joba in the dining hall.. Robert P. Covlello of Coventry^ aounted nr ' IT IT An autopay report received Sat­ and Henry Cote of Bolton have en­ abroad were made ugh Mr. pcopartlM urday aaid the deaths resulted from rolled at the University of Madrid and Mrs. John Morris of- Madrid, SsfiidrtlMnB J bt cyanide polaon. A d-man coroner'a tOHafUnee i r in Spain for a year of study. friends of the youths. Morris for­ SAVE Jobanai ■ jury received the report. The youths left recently on the merly taught Grade 7 at Bolton IT Chief Blake said, "If wo can lo­ SS Independence for Madrid where Elementary School and Mrs. Mor­ W a l k - dOCrmt □ 1 AlBhythm 7T IT cate thh source of the polaon, I be- they are expected to begin their ris fa the former Olga Brondolo of ,^ N S 1 0 441tnfiGd IT llava we’ll be a long way In clear­ studies Oct. IB. Both are 1960 Bratidy St., Bolton. ’The youths rW MSELF= iiatiitiMBl* □ □ ing up the mystery." o dSWinmiapod ST II graduates ' of .'Manchester High will llvs In Madrid with private CASH! AOBdoaT^^ □ □ The chief aald that during the School, and<%te studied for a.year families. ■ M nn 9 course of the Inveatlgation it waO at the Untvarslty of Connecticut. Coviello is ths son of James J. □ r m r . BlBaodi learned that a university student n ieyyexpect to spend three Coviello of Coventry and Mrs. .Ann CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER o r i r n had deaidly mercuric cyanide pills monthk concentrating on study of Covlello of 176 Center St., Man­ M it S a r m n .. - - 4' K i s a i i u J OALtgJWflt •0 In his poBsassion, but that the ar­ the, Cpanlsh language before be- chester. Cote/tf the son of Mr. and BaAOMOt r ~ — ! rest of the student Sunday was not gihnlng their liberal Arts work. Mrs. Henry L. Cote of Uynwood P R IS C IL L A ’S POP BY AL VERMEER ■BQqtimpat IT IT IT IT w IT connected with the deaths. ■ Arrangements for the study Dr., Bolton. -^WAl i 1 l ' DOWN -Chief Blake IdenUfied the stu­ IVaUdM B" / ST dent as HalNi Scargent, 20, a ju n - BET N O BO D V a Wtod ioftmntot IT sr lor from Plainfield, N.J., and said Matt Moriarty Chairs Group iKoacuteoi he was rSleased under $400 bond ' eMcUl IT BT BT on a charge of dispensing poiidton- look et these Special Low Beef Prices and teke your 4SndiM mm _ __ MM mm _ mm _ mJl ous drugs. The chief emphasised that Seargent cooperated fully with Planning Dodd Testimonial pick of guaranteed eating goodneii. Every piece of officers, ^ d told them he didn’t meat from A&P mutt satisfy you or your money will even know the two students who 9 Matthew M. Moriarty, presldentt AdministraUon, and three years died. be cheerfully refunded. The quality it high and S H O R T R IB S BY FRANK O’NEAfi of Moriarty Bros., is the chairman later he joined the offlee of the • The chief said Seargent said he attdrhey general to prosecute vio­ tha pric# it down I So come, buy right . . . Buy took nine mercuric cyanide pills of a $l00-a-plate tutlmonial din­ from the dental laboratory where lations of civil rights laws. Super-RightI ^ he worked in New Jersey before ner in honor of Democratic Sen. He was appointed chief of the & e . » . Wl. K^«0 rtT.ylA\A■T■s^ coming to school. Eight of the pills Thomas Dodd. first civil rights section of the YWATOYAKNCW. . NboR were in the private room In town The dinner will be Saturday, departm-ent, and then was switch­ 1ME KNK5KT IS where Seargent lives, and the Dec. 4, at the StaUSt- Hilton in ed to espionage and sabotage O n e P ric e Only BACKW1CWM ninth wak recovered from an-un­ Hartford, and Vice President cases during World War II. This f ' ' ii>9 Wiai9 » . identified student to whom it waa led to his appointment as counsel P «o-^ ^ 19>t >f WlA, I—. T.^ given, the chief said. . . for this country at the Nurem­ . . As Advertisoif BY JOE CAMPBELL Blake aaid the pills contained berg, Germany, trials of Nazi BONNIE one gram. A medical authority criminals. ItNMORROW said 1/10 of a gram can be fa­ Dodd was elected to the House HAMA! tiMiw ^ 9yA. tal. of Representatives from Hartford J9EN T BONNIE AMCNIE IT'LL 6 £ Blake quoted ^several students as County in 1952, and was elected SUP£R-RIGHT q u a l i t y , h e a v y , WESTE RN, CORN-FED STEER BEEF 1DBED.$HEDRO\/E STAR SOMETHINO saying they saw Barham In con­ to the Senate in 1958, defeating mEMAPAUUnw, ? vulsions in a re.^t room the night sen. William Purtell. WITH HER TALK before he died- The student.i. Blake YOUR CHOICE OP BECON\IN& said, related that they offered to A HOLLVWOODj I ay HA. Ria ML W RK F«. eti. * - call a doctor, but that Johnson ACTRE69 did not appear to be greatly con­ Children’s Wing cerned alwut his roommate's con- Boneless Chuck - dltlon. Of Drama Group To Meet Oct. 20 Rockville Oil Inc. The first meeting of the Chll- BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD your own back yard!* You’d think thia JU D O SA X O N waa East Berlin!” One new fuel company has filed tween the ages of 8 through 14 may enroll at thM time. Arnold HE'S OaMIN® BACK.' “A>-4 0 «Al Its Incorporation papers and two m o o r .AND BAN UKMCR - S Matthew M. Moriarty Thompson will present a children’s LB I'V E G O T THAT CMS LEAVES MSA •BUT I'M NOT PUaiNS existing companies merged. SCVAE BACK- • NOTES tyJNS AROUND *” OUTOFHERE,VET„. wcrkeliop h\ makeup. GROUMPNIHIS URE THE ABSENT-MINDED GOT TO DUCK OUT OF LITTLE SPORTS B Y BO USO N James D’Agata, Arthur E. Lyndon Johnson will be the main The Little TlMatre of M sndus- Morse and Paul Angelonl, officers speaker. Ground Chuck STUFF AND BOOB HE IS/ SIGHT FOR A WHILE.' ter will be in chewge of the chil­ UNDERSTAND in Rockville Sheet Metal Inc., are The affair will be non-partisan, dren’s wing, Mrs. Ruth Rowley, rr... Incorporators of Rockville Oil Inc., Moriarty said, with invitations ex­ chairman, asinounoed that tile play established as the fuel service arm tended to prominent members of chosen for public perfonnance will of the sheet-metal firm. both parties. Republican Sen. be "The Blue Biid,” by Maurice D’Agata aaid no expansion of Styles Bridges had Inmcated he Maeterlinck. The production will ONE- PRICE M l existing quarters will be neces­ would attend, and then waa strick­ be given on Saturday March 10, sary. He said the firm has been in en with a heart attack. with two matineea tentatl'vely act ONE QUALITY LB the fuel oil business three months. Preceding the dinner will be a for 1 and 6 pjn. Gretund Beef Rockville Sheet Metal Is In its reception at 6 o’clock. OominltteM are: lise and Bever­ Caar. 4> &*a1S«a*«'«iCa'F. Moriarty said the teatimonlai AO - 9 -» ni.World t>QliHli»d. 14th year, D’Agata aaid, and does ly Burton of the Beverly BolUno heating installation and repair would recognize Sen. Dodd's “be­ Burton Dance Studio, chore­ work. The firm used to Sell appli ing at the forefront of recognising ography; Florence Schildge, ooe- LONDON B . C . BY JOHNNY HART ances. but abandoned the venture, the deceit of the Communists.” tumea; Arnold Thompson, make­ he aaid. Sen. Dodd is a native of Nor­ up; Dick Hssaett, soens deaigning, M O I L LB BUZZ SAW YER BY ROY CRANE Fuel dealer Walter ‘ W. Gessay wich. He obtained his law degree and combined direotion. Will Gay. Shoulder Steak THEl?eSA BALL sold his business, including equip­ from Yale University in 1933, Marilyn Mann, Joan Ooe, Robin fir r WS RBTRSAiT WITH CAim OADS OF B O O TY. VDUSEE.HIHO. WC T H A fS fe O IK JC ^ - ment, customers and good will,- to and joined the FBI as a special Lockwood and Celeste Latendrc. COMRADE ALWAYS WC W H SDMBTHIN6. GUERRlUASHtTANORSN. Farmoll Inc. of Windermere Ave. agent. He took part in the han­ The Little 'Iheatre of Msnohea- MONBOOCr, WEmtACKTMCKUI&tOIS this week and will become associ­ dling of the Dillinger case and ter is now In rehearsal for its next - r ifYi— iT'v irYe— ifi’ nnnp~in.*nti Jbis~i TW SOUTH CUPnAUSTSWASOFTSPOi; ated with the Farmoll firm for an the Brimmer kidnapping case. VIEr-NAM IFWRREASOUnOlOSE, production, "Bcm Yesterday," to indefinite time. In 19S5 he waa appointed stats be presented at Bowers Mvool BONELESS LB TROOPS our- WEBACKOFFANOSnSKE Yd if/A Delmanico Steak HUMKRUS. ANOTHER SO FT SPOT. Farmoll’s Ijester J. Baum said director of the National ' Youth euditoriusn Nov. 2, 8 and 4. MON., TUES. WE ALWAYS KEEPTMEM there are no plans to build addi­ t ONTHEPEFEHSIVE. tional quarters. BY SUCH TACTICS. WPRE His firm took over Oessay’s two Delmenico Steak BONE IN LB WINMNOTHEWOiaP. tank trucks and other equipment. WED. ONLY! Meanwhile. George Pearl sold his interest In the package store at 18 Windsor Ave. to Eugene Llsk TENDER SOFT-MEATED Plate Beef FOR BOILING LB A • s t’s.’st’w sa .” for sn undisclosed sum. Y ' A/Cia.i>-si iMrE I The bill of sale Included all in­ FRESH BRISKET terest in stock, fixtures, leasehold What does r'\ and good will. P A OER CAMKA NONl SBNSRTKMAL FIUM C A K EFO R ■erOice of people youll like to do •SOU/AAR. ABBOtATHK businefli with. Remember, for moN Shoulder LAMB CHOPS LB LB Don’t blew your top when you ' than” oil” ..>. II Blade • Steak• / begin to think hot water went ont of style yesterday. Have all 3 LB PhoM IK for your ufiufor you want. . .Just call BERSON! Yellow Omens BAG Shoulder Roast NO FAT ADDED LB a . . • e a • RibSteak FLAVORFUL AND DELICIOUS LB Ml 9-5253 ter had three long drives the opposition, you’re wrong. Getting out of the bright sunny for trying to get themselves going In' t h q - ^ t half but twice Fiwaee Completed ....S -1 8 76 degree temperature and into the shade of the New York ‘Cincinnati (/P) — The out of trouble. But to others, Paseca Inter. By . . . . wer* thwarted by. fumbles and the wounded but relentless New Panting Average . . . .48.8 other tlms stopi^ by Hall's de­ Yankee dugout before yesterday’s fourth game of thb 1961 By EARL YOST *>from? Did you play any tollega and you can include Manches­ fense. The , lAdtana’ second bobble York Yankees were 3 to. 2 fa­ ball?” ■Walt waa filled in on both ter Hiah'e elevm in that category Yards Lost PemIttM 48 geries, I was joined by Whitey Ford, the visitor’s only 20-pIus Cincinnati—Usually when a well in first (milter led to Hall’s-only ‘'itching, winner this season andi^ ..... vorites to close out the World known sports performer has his Morhardt’s home town and col* —it’e an oftenalve weapon—al­ real (Mpniig oppoihmlty on which lege. NMdiess to say, Dropo waa most Uka- ha\ing a fifth player in the Indiana were quick bo capi­ bolder of an opening game 2-0, Series today with a decisive picture on the cover o f a national talise on H. Junior balfbaok Cart the vtsltohi quickly riplUilised :^o-liitter over CinclnnaU. magazine he flounders in his next red faced -when he heard Moe waa the backflelii or an extra ()own. Welcomer who ,later was to be fourth victory over the des Then, who really cam# into his ,, ^‘What's on your mind,” I asked perate Cincinnati Reds, whose few performances. This happening from Manchester and another in Such waa thi case Saturday- a series of good pro prospects when the f ired-up Indiana came own against the West Hartfoi^ Ford as he picked a bat out of the last-ditch hope was their lone ae­ didn’t hold true in the case of Joey team, ' crashed to the two yard bat rack and sat next to me while ries winner, strapping Joey Jay. Jay. The latest issue of Sports Il­ turned out by Coadh Joe Clwlstian from behind in the Mcond half to ysird lustrated features Jay on the front at UCkmn. " down Hall, 14-8. The -^in waa the line on a quick dive play over .the over from there In 11 plays with Ills teammates were taking batting Jay’s pitching opponent In this right side. With almost everyone practice. , fifth World Series contest, the last cover with an interesting story In­ T" first under hew head Coach Tony fullback Tom Lucas scoring the Average age of the Redlegs is lookirig for Malausky, quarter­ 8 ,”Goii. I can hardly wait until —no matter what happens—Ih Ck04- side on the Cincinnati Reds’ biggest Aliprio in three games and enabled touchdovm and'Howie 'Radak cir­ winner. All young Jay did his first 27.4 years. He’s six feet, one and back Dave Tupper mnartly gave cling eiid for the two points after next week when I can get out and ley Field, is the same rival who f'ti them to open their home season bowed to the 225-pound Onennati time out after the magazine hit the one-half Inehes tall and weighs . successfully before some 1,600 the ball to his other halfback. touclichdown. ’ • ■ ■ hit that ball,” he answered. Tommy Sheridan, apd the later righthander In New York last newsstands was beat the Yankees 193.3 pounds. Rookie pitcher Ken sun-drenched fans. Defense' Brilliant This was a big day in Ford’s life, Hunt Is the tallest at 6-5 with ^’ent Into the end rone tannoleei.- Then gave Indians’ running at­ find even though he v^asn’t around Thursday, 25-year-old Ralph Terry. In addition to playing his stellar, The Reds won that one, 6-2, behind This has been a great year for Hunt and Joey Jay the heaviest at ed oh a dive play ovw the left tack a real - boost picking up ,63 when the final out was made, he 335 pounds. And in this com er... two-way performance . as o ffw - Bide. A pass for the points aftw yards in a dozen carries to actual­ bad blanked the Redlegs for five Jay’s four-hit pitching. Joey Ja.v. Not only did he pick up live fullback and defensive line­ ’Die weather again was expected 21 pitching victories during the Na­ touchdown w-as knocked down. ly outgaln Malausky who was cred­ innlnro, to run his consecutive Cincinnati has one of the young­ backer. Co-Captaln Dave Malau- ited with 60 yards in 15 rushes fecorefesa aeries performance to 32 to be as perfect as yeaterday when tional League season tn helping the The Indians, who had dominated New York’s Whitey Ford surpassed est pitching staffs in the majors sky got off. three booming kicks play tn the first half but had been from scrimmage...All of Indians' e l innings, eclipsing Babe Ruth’s old Red* win the pennant but he also Babe Ruth’s 43-year-old Series rec­ was named to the AU-Star team with Ken Hunt, Joey Jay, Sherm of better than .50 yards. In the final p la ced by fumblea turned a re­ defenders played well with Tony Standard of 29% innings of not al­ Jones, Jim Maloney and Jim period to keep the Warriors com­ Alibrio, Doii.' Golas, Malausky, lowing the opposition to score dur­ ord for consecutive scoreless pitch­ y. and wound up in the World Series, bltlNUS OLT YARDAGE: Fullback Dave Malausky.bulls his way through the middle covered' bobble at their own 48 ing innings and a bevy of other winning his first start. The I'an- O'Toole all under 26. .Others under pletely bottled up and'help set up by “Then into the tying touchdown fdfJ' Haugh ing Uie 1916-1918 series. Before be- 26 include the one-two outfield of Hall's line for a few yards in second quarter of Saturday’s game at Memorial Field. Uie game wrlnning touchdown. boming baseball's greatest home Yankees got into the act In a kees claim Jay has developed a Other identifiable Indians in the picture are A1 Spencer (8) and Bob Guliano (38) on in i e third quarter. After_ being monotonous 7-0 shutout of the screwball but the big pitcher nei­ punch of Vada Pinson and Frank These fine punts, plus ferocious held to a single yard on their first at times but Alibrio was the stick run hitter, Ruth had toiled on the Robinson, plus catcher John Ed­ out making or being Ui on at least Reds. Ford now ha.s pitched 32 ther confirms nor denies the ground. (Herald Photo by Pinto.) lin* play which found the In­ running play from scrimmage roound for the Boston Red Sox. runless innings, topping Ruth’s old wards and infielders Leo Cardenas dians’ fonvard wall playing the two-third.s of,his team’s tackles, ; Fully aware that he was closing charge. Redleg pitching coach, Jim after the recovered fumble, the mark of 29 2/3. Turner, is also non-committal on and Elio Chacon. game, as if it were a Crusade, Tnrfion*. In.- ■. Consplcuous by its pre.sence was in oh Ruth’s record, Ford was asked If Jay should duplicate his vie- proved to be the turning point of Indian connected on two con- ^ i^ ian s' band and twirlerettes 'If he ever met the Babe. the subject. secutive paiis plays. On the first put'on another fine halftime tory in Yankee“ Stadium idl the Series The state of Ohio produced three Wetory. * . e * * would return to New York for a of the 1961 Reeven yd. ruehi; Sheridan <2 yd«.-<4 riiehi>->isK I urday's Memorial h'ield contest. (Herald Photo by Pin­ "I’ve hit three home runs in my Johnny Dnitas pitches and another Giants led 7-2 in (lie third period all in the same breath. in uie S^OS a m a OOIiecu\e case Redak 2 ini,hi; Kellev 2 (pas* bition against Walter Johnson. It series games, now is out of the "KC, Mo,” stands for Kansas bad daddy,’ and he gets his Maris Boyer 3b ...... 4 0 1 0 2 pennant* In a dozen year*, was iis scored M points on four touch­ by sub quarterback tamar McHan. before breaking R open against Given this golden opportunity, of apoplexy. But Tupper, Instead | from Tupper). to.) ’ was part of a promotion to boost major league career,” Ford re­ dander up." asked by a reporter, during a mas* Manchester Scandia soc.cer downs, a field goal and six conver­ series, no matter if it goes the sev­ City, Missouri. Maris’ home is in Ford p ...... 2 1 0 0 u the Cardinals (2-2’) when the de- .the War Bond sale. I was sitting called. "I got one at Yankee Sta­ en-game limit. The ugly wound on Raytown, a suburb. Hitting Exhibition Intervleiv before one of the game*, team journey to Ludlow, Maas., sions in Green My*!y ’ » 45-7 romp over Coates p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 yesterday afternoon and scored a 4SEBS 85, BAMS 0 — The 49ers. fensiVf unit awaimed over St. out in the centerfield bleachers that dium, down the rightfleld line, his hip where an abscess was re­ Actually, Maris will be able to "Keep talking, Casey, will ya, I tbs Baltimore Colts. I just fair, leas than 300 feet., I hit "I’m going to get home the 2-2 tie against with come from shutting out the oppoaitlui for the Louis p a s ^ Sam Eltcheverry and day. I guess I must have been in moved 10 days ago has drastically quickest way possible,” Roger spend only one week in the seclu­ need a *tory!.” The stranger Homung, srbo sst an >NFL scor­ It off Vic Raschl when he was 34 7 11 27 10 behind goals Art Couch and second week in s row for ,the first caused two fumbles. They led bo high school around 1943. hobbled the fleet slugger. The said. "It’s too bad the series didn’t sion of his home smd family. He Cinrinnati (N) (0) learned an hour later that Casey ing record with 176 points during time in the team's Ustory, again al­ a one-yard scoring i^imge by Alex ^ “ I never shook hands with Ruth, with Kansas City in 1955. I think wound was bleeding badly when end in four games. h8LS agreed to participate in a hit­ never needs any encouragement Don D’Ahanno. the 1060 campaign that s w ^ the Fasi Hartford Rul^ Sullivan Registers my homer hastened his release AB R H 0 A After being behind 2 to 0 at the ternated passers John Brodie, Billy Webster and a 12-yard TD ramble but It was something that 1 always Mantle was removed for a pinch- "I miss the children," explained ting exhibition, along with Jim Chacon 2b ...... 4 0 1 4 4 when It comee time to talk. If the Packers to the top In the west, has Kilmer and Bob Waters effectively by linebacker Sam Huff with the W wanted to do," he added. from that club. The other homer runner following his hit. Gentile of Baltimore and Harmon fellow in question only knew half, Scan'dla came alive with a amassed 64 pcdnts in file first four I got was in Detroit.” the 27-year-old New York slugger, Kaske ss ...... 4 0 1 1 2 in the shotgun offense to over­ second fumble. Like most player.s before a Besides Mantle, the Yankee sick Killebrew of Minnesota, on Oct. Pinson cf ...... 4 0 0 4 Steni^ese, which cannot be found hard hitting attack in the second games this season, a psea that By this time, newsmen from all- a father of four children, the old­ 1 half. Couch scored the first Scan­ whelm the Rams (1-3). Kilmer * . • • Local Midget Elevens Jgame, Ford didn’t shave and he bay required treatment of F6rd, est four-year-old Susan. 15-18 in several cities in North Robinson rf ...... 1 0 0 2 0 In the .American dictionary, he threatens to smash Us own stand­ soonU twice on -short runs while COWBOYS 28, VIKINGS 0 — : LbSIow (3) Snead to Tom Osborne. defeat the Cruisers by a 6 to 0 Elk* (Cl —26, Jim Colburn 32-6— 26, Mario Raider offense went outside with struck by a foul tip off his own themselves, rallying t o take the "My youngsters aren’t even two runs, I regard aa a good day. for O’Toole in 5th; c—bell ground­ Younastrora ...... Foote blasting Detroit 81-17. took it the flnal yard. The Lions slipped past the last defendera 1958 series from the Milwaukee aware they have a father,” Maris They didn’t need me today. The Don’t look up the record books ' ' G ..... (2-2), their defense falling apart score. It was. the second EUc win End*: Stanlzzi. Martin. G. Satalino, Boccalotte 32-6—26, Mike Sibrinz aUernaling quick pitchouts and bat just above the toes on his ed out for D. Johnson In 7th; d— now but Connecticut boasts more over the Oruisere this year. Tiri, Richard*. only to be caught from behind. Braves. said, "except Susan. She loves her other guys came across. French, Duft ...... Rodrlfues EACOES XI, SnaaJBtB 8 — for the second straight WMk. had Tacltle*; B. Mendenhall. P. Menden­ 33-7—26. John Chanda. 33^7-26. off tackle slants, Manchester Yogi Ambidextrous Golfer right foot in the fifth he left the Lynch .struck out for Brosnan in players In history in the same FB PAGKB88 45, OcL t S 7 — Hor- Both teams played a fine de­ moved the ball down to the Wind­ With two minutes left, a 25-yard scene with 2-0 lead which the However, few of the 32,589 faith­ dadcly even if no one else does. "I hope I can score a couple or Kampe ...... Silva nung broke Don Hutson’s club rec­ A 17-ysrd TD flip flrom Sonny tied it on a 100-yai^ Idckoff re­ hall, Foran. T. Satalino. Harold Jarvia 31-5-r26. ‘ ‘Never,’ ’ -Ford .said. "Mick's 8th. World Beries ttU* year. Joey Jay fensive game for more then three- Guards; Bum* Plecher, Burfinzton, • Class C— Bud McCartick 37-11 sor six-yard line where Dan Sulli­ pass up the middle to a Windsor Yanks increased to 7-0 before the ful fans Who watched their "For Roger Jr., (age 3) .sometimes tell* more tomorrow. If I do, you can ord of 81 points set In IM Sby scor- Jurgensen bo Pete Retsla# sent turn by rookie Pat Studstill. Gompper, R. Richards. long off the tee but hi.s putting. bet It will be goodbye Cincinnati, New York (A) ...000 112 300—7 of Rockfall, I know everyone says Raynerd ...... Neves quarters before Bob Judd of the —26, Skip Rov 36-10—26. George flanker caught the locals napping final man waa retired, taking a real Reds" sag before the excellent me ‘I don’t like you,’ but just let KHB Centers; Tracy, Judies. van took a quick pitch and swept 'Oh! I’ll bet he’s broke at least hello Kansas City.” e, Pinson; RBI; Howard 2, Middletown, Billy Gardner of New EU(s scored from three yards out Backs; Willette. Alubicki. Powlow»kl, Mcliafferty 36-8—27( 'Will Simp­ his own left end for the touch­ and resulted in Windsor's only three to one load going into the pitching of Ford and Jim Coates anyone else say to him 'you got a Couch ...... Fei .20 putters just playing with me. believed Fred Hutchinson's Nation­ Boyer, 2, Kubek, Skowron. dp, London, rather Waterford, and CHB to cap a 45-yard Elk drive mid­ Judd. Jenks, Lebell. T. F. Richard*, son 37-10—27. down. RoYi Anderson took a pitch- score. The try for extra point* fifth game Monday. Reliefer Jim Kasko, Chacon a(id Coleman; Giulino. failed and no further threat waa , You know, down in Texas where al League wond.er team could now Rollle Sheldon of -Woodstock are LeTendre...... ! ...... Panlo. F. way through the flnal quarter. The CraUer* (•) Low Gross—Leon Terrj’ 73, Ken out to the right side cut back and Mickey lives and plays, the course Ck>ats gooseegged the Reds over Kubek, Richardson and Skowron; the Nutmeggers. LHB Ckanes Close as Glued Toupee try for the point failed. mounted by either team. overtake the well-balanced Yan­ Curran ...... Coeta End*; Patulak. P. Dtmlnico. J. Di- Gordon 73. drove over for the two-point con­ is lousy and he’s too hot tempered the last four frames. Freese, Chacon and Coleman; Cole­ OR In a second contest, the East mlnlco, Moneegdio. Tom Anderson, Dan Sullivan Victory was sweet for Ford, his kees. Blind Bogey—Bert Carlson 74, version aA the Raiders took an 8-0 ‘ to be a good golfer. I’ll bet the * Big Guns Spiked man unassisted; left. New York Big Walto Dropo, a major Smith ...... Gonsaire*, A Hartford Teamsters romped to a Tackle*; Laria. Bleller, Robertaoh, ESrwin Kennedy 74, Jim Kirkpat­ and Bob Hamilton ran well for th* ninth, greatest total ever for a Yanks Confident Crew (A) 6. Cincinnati (N) 7; 2b, Rich­ IR Wagner Lawrence. I'cad. people would forget about Tommy 'The concensus in this baaeball- league player for 11 years until D'Ayanzo ...... Gonsaive*. J. 20 to 6 win over Manchester’s Guard*; Krob, Hemenwa.v, Crotta C. rick 74. Adjusting assignments at the winners. Defensive standouts wera ‘ Bolt and his temper if Mickey was series pitcher, as seven o f his ardson, Howard. Boyer. Brindamour. whacky city was that while Redleg released this past spring by Balti­ AFL Tight Rope Walk Devils udth scoring drives of 41, SUNDAY half, the Raiders once again Anderson, Mann, McCartan, Oak- playing golf on the circuit. post-season wins were achieved at Pitching more. is making the rounds in Gorman Hoeckh 65 and 45 yards. - ITie teamsters Center*; T. Brindamour. Dtnraall. Yankee Stadium. On the roitd. pitching hasn’t been too bad, al­ IL Backs: Cunningham. Minor. Robert*. SWEEPSTAKES moved deep into Windsor terri­ msui and Dowd. “ Yogi’s (Berra) a pretty good though th e Yankees clubbed LP H R ER Cincinnati, a club he played with BudaJ Panlo, A. never trailed after Bill Bevins Benson, John Quaglis, Joe Qiiaglla, Class A —^Paul McNamara tory only to be set back by an of­ The Raiders will play South „goUer, too. He putts and chips left- Ford has won but two of six de­ O'Toole, Jim Brosnan and Bill Working Behind Ford O’Toole (L) ., . 5 5 2 2 before going to Baltimore. The OL scored a touchdown in the first Leber, BouUIler. . handed but doc.s everything else cisions, whipping Pittsburgh a 6 5 5 Period ScorinB: Score by periods: —66. Mel Hodflekl 75-6-^-69. ‘ fensive holding penalty." Windsor Windsor away neSet Sunday, In Henry for 11 hits yesterday’s Cin­ Brosnan ...... ex-UConn athlete also performed 0—3 quarter followed by Dick Harvey’s Class B—.Walter Freebum 80-12 righthanded. I play lefthanded, all year ago and the Redlegs Sunday. Henry ...... 0 0 0 I.udlov ...... 0 0 Weekly for Mentors Elk* ' 0 0 0 4- was, forced to punt and Manches­ a pir^eas«if practice game, th* cinnati's own big guns have been By YOGI BERRA . 1 ' with the Boston Red Sox, Chicago Manchester ...... 0 3 0 - 3 two-point extra' point. Bevins TPs: Judd (I yard run). —66, Merrill Anderson 78-9— 69. ter, starting on the Windsor forty, FPAC team squeisked through to 'the way. Next Sunday, Ford will be play­ almost completely spiked. x-Ford (W) , . 5 4 0 0 White Sox and Detroit Tigers. He scored from thige' yards out. OlaiM C— Bud Sprague 87,-24— *’We have a club rule that we ing golf. Cincinnati own pected. Whitey Ford in the first inning. They knew he’d be hard to Cubs, Walt asked, "Where’s he with Steve' 'Vibberts going over Guards: Brown. Carr, Serulst. 8. Blind Bogey—Paul DutoUe, Joe Rhineland Birthplace of Baseball pen. Ford’s throbbing toe caused Coat*.* 1 Robinson; so. O’Toole 2 ing^ footbaD the AFT* games have been aa close as a glued tou- from the five on an end-around Perrons, Gaberlault. Skinner and D4d( Armstrong, all him to quit following Elio (Jhacon’s score on when they tried to bunt. (Kubek, Howard); Brosnan 3 Tbe widest margin has beenO play. 'Vibberts later scored his sec­ Centers: SglaRa, Chudzik.' 89. . inning-opening single in the sixth. After 'Wliitey struck out (Elio) Outside of Whitey, everybody on (Lopez, Howard, Coates); Henry ond touchdown of the afternoon Backs: Maaiulf. Harvey. Wentworth. Chacon with four pitches. Eddie 2 (Kubek, Marls); Ford 1 f T' pperints but more often It has BIUB 82, OILERS 12—A fugi­ Bevin*, McGown, Lopez. Vibberts, .Cincinnati Charter' Member In the three previous games, the the Yankees seems to have a hand been from two to sevoi. > on a eight-yard Jaunt that capped Lavariere. Ellington Ridge Reds had collected only 19 hits in Kasko and Vada Pineon both tried in this series. Bobby Richardson (Chacon); Coates 2 (Lynch, tive from the National' Football Dsvils (4) to - bunt sinking curve balls. San Diego, the only unbeaten League and a feUow who turned on a 45-yaid third period dri've. New England Prestige 101 at bats. "Our big guys just picked up where he left off against Freese); hbp, by Ford, Robinson, Gibson Scores Ends; Landberg.-' Fiengo. Nielson, Whitey had so much stuff they team left m the league, has been his old teammates proved to be Scott,. SATURDAY- > Of Original National League aren’t hitting,” said Hutchinson. Pittsburgh last year and now has by Coates, Robinson; wp. Brosnan; eaesfring the real close Ones but Mark Gibson o f the De'vils Taacklea; Steely. Barton, Moriarty, NINE BUND MOLE8, Ford, a happy-go-lucky pitcher couldn’t drop one. hit safely in his last six World 11, Donatelli (N), plate. Runge the combination that knocked over Hachell. You always feel good when they the margin wasn't exactly com­ Houston. Warren Rabb, wb8 atari- Bopred the only touchdown for his Guard*; Gabby. Strickland. Weleh, */j HANDIC AP who talked about nothing except Series games. In this series he is (A); first base. Conlan (N) second fortable lest week as the Chargers teaiq in the seixmd quarter. He Gels Gridiron Boost try to bunt on Ford. It’s right eight for 17 with five of them off base, Umont (A) third base, Craw­ ed in the NFL with Detroit last Donovan. • A1 Orotheer 40-5—33, Stan Davia By EARL YOST O'for the next nine years—and sold golf before starting yesterday’s best Boeton, 88-27, to stay -firmly scampered six yards to keep the Center*; Malkeneon. Dingwall. 41-6—36, Jack Hunter 45-10—35. game, apparently was not overly down his 'alley. Not only is he one Jim O’Toole, a fine pitcher. " ford (N) left field; Steward (A), season, got in for the first Ume Back*: Ricci. Keam**. Mannlrlit. Kua- Cincinnati — Outgrowth of the beer at the ball park. OD top of the Western Dlvisian. with Buffalo and proceeded to pUot Devils ' in the ball game as the mlckaa, Cartier. Gibson.aon. MacDoinaldr "KliAtoS Cincinnati fans have been fortu­ impressed in breaking Ruth’s for­ of the greatest competitors in the On Saturday. I said "A guy can right field; t, 2:37; a, 32,589. Jams Kempt had to give one of the BlUs to 'Victory Hla IS-yard half ended with. the score Team­ Moorehouse. Huriie*. I ^ Midford 04-16-^,'Lou Beck­ Boston (iP)—The undefeated college football ranks ar« 4 first professional baseball team are nate-'"in having only four World mer scoreless series string of game, but he is also a pretty good get hurt playing left field here." I his patented performances in order touchdown pass to Perry Richards, sters 14 . and Devila. 6. Score by perlooii ^ er 84-6—79, 'Howard Buck 103-24— down to six in New England today but the region’s prestige ist "the present National League Series played in the Rhineland de­ 2 9 ^ 3 irmnigs. That mark was set fielder. wasn’t kiddin’. When I ran in for for the Chargers to whip the te­ Teamster* 8 * 4 And beating the Christy Math- (Jhacon’s ball I tried - for a shoe­ waived by Houston three weeks In a close fought battle at Ekut Devil* 0 4 0 4 79, Mark Kravltz 94-15— 19, Sally a. bit higher— thanks to such teams as Harvard, Dartmouth, champions. spite the honor of being the first in 1916 and 1918 with the Boston ^innin^ PI avers nacious Patriots. Kemp, who was ago, was the clincher. . Hartford, between the Smokeaters TD*: Bevins (S yd. plunge); Vibberts Grotheer 117-3S—79, 'A1 Groth'eer pro team. The 1919, 1939 and 1940 Red Sox before the Bambino be­ ewson (28 1/3 scoreless innings) string catch but really dug a divot used as inaurttance only when he knd the Plumbers, the Plumbers (Si (5 yard run, 8 yd. run) : Gibson (6 Holy Cross, Tufts and Southern Connecticut. Back in 1869, a band of ball and Babe RutSi (29 2/3 straight with my head. I did well to smoth­ yd. run). 84-8—76, John Harrigan 82-8—76, Reds won pennants before the 1961 came baseball’s preijjJcr home run waa in the National Football TEXANS It, BRONCOS 12-JDal- triumphed 8-6. The Smokeaters’ PAT: Harvey (run). ■ ! Andy Repko 90-14—76. ' *- Haivard. upended by little Le-* players from Cincinnati, called the club turned the trick. hitter. scoreleas inninge) records couldn’t er the ball. When I got up I saw Get About $8,000 Lsagus but has been a workhorse las hung 'in there with a U-12 SUNDAY high a week ago, bounced back (Saturday night), Coast Guard at Retl Stocking.s, went on a , tour "Naturally, I’m proud - about happen to a nicer guy. That’s why blood running down. The noi piece with Ban Diego, passed for three triumph over Denver. The Texans ______SWEEPSTAKES Saturday to ficore the biggest up- Wesleyan, Springfield at Oilby and (.playing games across the length pitching 32 scoreless innings,” said we made him our ’ pfayer repre­ or rim over the right lens cut me dncinnatl — The financial touchdowns, which. It la obvious, stren^ened their second place Low Gross—Sherwo^ F e rg u s o n I s«t of the day'with a 14-0 win over Soqtheni (Connecticut at Youngs­ and breadth of the United States, Ford, "But this is a record only sentative. above the right eye. But I’m all phase of the World Seriee. for was the difference' in the ball spot in the Western Division when 77. ' strong Cornell. town. Ohio. taking on all comers in a victori- The Reds haven’t gotten a run right. It was just a scratch. the players at least, ended yes- game. talked about during a series. It’s they ran up 19 pointa and then LADY’S FIRST — Be­ Three Car Duel Thrills Fans Low Net—Pete Nakterils 78-9—69.; Dartmouth continued unbeaten Quarterback Ted Halaby scored ous swing. not like Ruth’s 60-homer record off Whitey in 14 huiinga and he Looks Like Tulip tordayX with a total player pool The saddlst note of the weekend beat off a Denver rally that netted spectacled E. V. Parlyuk Kickers—WUlle Olekslnski 78-6- with a crisp 30-0 Ivy League vic- twice in Harvard's win over high­ The following year they again which Roger Maris broke this sea­ had 18 Scorless innings in hla two Mickey Mantle is one who’s real­ of 5649.928.28. Of that amount. ly hurtin’, Ya gotta give Mick all wsa Houston’s third straight de­ two touchdowns in the flnal period. has both feet off the 72. Jeanette Harrigan 100^ 9 - 72. tory over Penn. Holy Cross also ly touted Cornell ahd its "lone- »hlt the road and rang up siich lop­ Tuesday, Oct. 10 son.” shutouts last year" against I Pitts­ 70 per cent or $452,149.80 will be At Quarter Midget, Racing Card Les Baum 96-16—80, Fred Meurant' rebounded with a 20-b loao victory the credit for playing in his condi­ feat. The Oilers took a 22-12 trim­ Denver beat Itself at the start— ground as the Russian fioine end” formation. Th* Roches­ sided victories as 79-6 over New Soccer — Conard at Manches­ It’ s questionable i^hether Ford burgh. ' di'vidfd among the Yanks and ming -from Buffalo and plunged A1 Frazer fumbled the opening 83-3---80. at Buffalo, and Tufts stamped it- ter, ■ N.Y., senior raced 56 yards • 'Orleans, 94-7 over Louisville and tion. That abscess on his hip looks self as New Eingland's outstanding ter. 3:15, Memorial Field. can further extend his scoreless But in the Ifourth It looked like Reds, with the other 30 per cent tnto the etiOar of (he Eastern Dlvl- kickoff and Dallas got the ball on niiss breaks the tape to early in the game snd smashed '■100-2 over Memphis. string in this series. If Yankee trouble when Kesko singled with like a tulip. H ; might not play to­ going to the sec«)nd', third and ston,. two games sway from the A three car duel thrilled specta-^chlldren squeezing Into the tiny smaller college eleven with an up­ Cross (Yiuntry — Manchester, day, but the way he has been swing­ th^ Bronco 19. The Texans soon Had wii) the women’s 800- over from the four to cap a long ^ In all, the Red Stocking.s won Platt, Hall in Meriden.' starter.Terry- needs help today, it none out. We were leading only fourth place teams in each league. leader. New York. The defending a touchdown ahd 'were' ahead to tors for 25 laps at quarter midget cars for an unusual adult race. hill win over unbeaten (Jol'oy 16-14 drive hi the last period. The first ing that bat in practice I wouldn’t meter run in a dual meet races in Buckland Saturday night. The event will be sponsored by Clay Wants Fight Southern Connecticut rolled up '130 consecutive games before tast­ Friday, OcL 18 may again come from Coates, Luis 1-0. When Pinson came up I was The winning pool is $271,289.88. championa Just don’t seem to have stay. Jack Spikes’ 21-yard field TD ■ run was Harvard's longest playing a bit deep and I just {)e surprised' if Ralph used him as . what It takes thisiyear; maybe with England in Lon­ Cars''driven by Busan Oriill of the Connecticut Valley Quarter the ■ biggest score of the day 'as ing defeat at the hands of the Manchester at Bristol Central, Arroyo or Bud Daley. a pinch hitter, if we need him. It about $8,000 per player for the goal and a 24-yard touchdown abot scoring dash since Ted’s brotner, caught hia short fly at my knees series champion and approxi­ they didn’t try hard enough to from (fotton Davidson to CTiria Bur- don’s White Citj' Stadi­ Meriden. Tommy Erdin of East Midget Association. Against Johansson quarterback Ray Clarleglio and his Brooklyn, N. Y.. Atlantic*, 8-7, in 8, Muzzy Field. If, however, the series should was great how the Cincinnati fans Sam, turned in an 83-yarder ■’ l l Innings in 1870. switch back to New York, Ford’s after a long run. That’s one fly mately $5,200 for each player on strengthen the chib, thinking it was ford sacked it up for the Texans. um record time of 2:06. Hartford and Robert Anderson of substitute, Joe Landlnu, both pass­ against Brown in 1958. Soccer — Manchester at Weth­ gave Mick a big hand after he sin­ good enough although aU the others Frank Tripucka passed for both of Talcottville were , bumper to ed for two touchdowns and ran for By that time, the team had big toe could become a vital factor I wanted. Then Whitey showed his gled and left the game because he the losing club, based on an un­ Lost fdir Year Louisville, Ky., Ufp—With Alex Dartmouth quarterback Billy ersfield. in halting any resurgence by tfllr best stuff to Frank Robinson biit official allotment of 34 shares per were being improved. the Denver scores. bumper throughout the Junior, Miteff out of' the ' s way, Olympic another, overwhelming Geneva, 60- King, given the starting Job, re­ Awakened an’ interest in baseball Cross (Jountry — Manchester at could hardly run. main event and"- kept changing 0. ,all over America, and other cities Reds. with two strikee he hit him on the Today, we face Joey Jay, who team. Pinto Medalist Storrs .ca would never have known its rated No. 1 bowler by the Nation­ New IToIk (8^--Rslii>i Dupas gets^flgbt (ABC-TY 10 p.m.) At New Friday night when Etoiton College New London UPt — Williams try in 1946 against the Boston Red led off with a single in the sixth. cinnati's fans. Their park is so al Duckpin Congress In 1931 and ton, N. ■y. during Saturday's play, Hartford won the novice, main UConn also lost the rervlces, for Sweden, yesterday morning and gained. 129 yard.s with five recep­ tnoat popular sport - pro baseball. bis long sooifit .rabira shot at Dsl York’s Madison Square Garden plays its tiiird straight road game, tions. edged Coast Guard in the Class C Sox. Whitey fouled off a pitch in the small that you get the feeling of be­ again in 1951, nailed the win with WlUiama- and MIT qualified for event. at least two weeks, of second requested a reply within 48 hours. visiting Detroit. The Eagle.g were Charter Member FUumgtli in a lO-nkmder at Vtim Jowe Fernandez, the No. 3 con string guard Jim Cohen who IVe know a fight between Clay High scoring fullback Ron ■When^the National League was elimination of the New England Without Mantle, the Yankee top of the inning jnd it hit him ing at a real country fair. It’s like closing games of 184 and 164 and the championship, postihg the low­ Preliirilnary event winners were toppled 21-0 at Houston Saturday lineup today will again find Maris, Orlasas lonlikt. tender from Argentina, faces Cecil sprahied his left khee. Connecticut and Johanason would draw a big Deveaux ran his point toUl to 52 -organized in 1876, it was only na- on the big right toe. When Chacon old Ebbets Field. But they have fun an eight game average of 146.1- (Available) Shorts, the No. 10 147- est team scores^ 0 9 and 821 32: re- the Anderson. bothers, Orrill, night. " team sloop championship yester­ whose only hit In 14 AB's was a rooting for their team and I guess specUvely. lost to Rutgers, 35-i2 ^ gate,” King said. ) with both Tufts touchdowns *tural that Cincinnati should be a eingled Whitey realized he might The New Britain stylist has been The ssepnd nahlng welterwsight pounder from Cleveland in 10 Erdin, Stavola, Salernp and Gerry Big Games Upcoming day. Both schools, however, will third-game homer, moving to cen­ put the game in jeopardy if he that's the way it should be. They pacing the crack Northern (Con­ Demeusy of Manchester. The flgtat would b* held in Lou­ against Colby. But sophomore ' charter memb^. The city has held compete against the Class A and ooBUMer ww outpointed by th* roynds. Shorts subs for Italy’s isville, he added, and- probably In the top New England games halfback Ralph Doran was Just aa 'A franchise since, except for the ter and John Blanchard taking stayed in. He’s that kind of a team are good sound baseball fans. necticut Men's League with a 145.9 Bnmo Vlalntin who couldn’t make End Season Sunday Copnmifisioner to Quit Saturday, Dartmouth will shoot for B winners in the finals here Oct. vstsesn. :F]fliisg«n, a boxing would be carried nationally on valuable, gaining 84 yards in 16 'period from 1881 through 1889. Marls’ rightfleld post. man. As for my (diking to the Reds average for five weeks of play, the trip because of niarilal trou Hot and Cold' The program was the last’Satur- its third in a row against Brown, 21- 22. Not even Gene Freese could bullpeii pitchers In leftfleld, they Tronsky’a big total gave him a 30- *‘catlBr,? Ja;l9^A hometown of St.- day night race o f the/season.' A television. Rlzra fold he would carries an(l making a game-sav­ Cincinnati withdrew from the bles, Stratford (/f) — Joseph Barber meet today with television offi­ Yale entertains CSolumbia, (Colgate Willieuns scored 34 points and wear Whitey out in the fifth. weren’t ribbing me. We were just pln lead over Steve Drotar of Fair- JNbI 19M., DiqMU>> o t Portland, Ore. (Ab—PGA cham­ season-cloaing classic will be held says he ia resigning .as slate soft la at Harvard and Holy ( ^ s s ris- ing tackle in the second half. Bert league over a dispute concerning Yanks Now lO-l Sboria, known gs ^’Available” cials to discuss the bout i 'the club’s practice of selling beer Coast Guard 31. Other scores were Freeee fouled off six pitches be­ having conversation. It gets lone­ field, who had 1,139 which included becsi Itohiiqf to pion Jerry Barber, captain of the at the Buckland oval on Sunday ball commissioner, effective next ita winleas Boston University. Metzler'a two conversion ruahea games of 174, 166, 167 and 145. because M his nuiny flghts In sub provided the margin of victory,» at the park on Sunday. Worcester, 28, Yale, 27, Univer­ fore he Hied out to Hector Ldpez some in leftfield. until those Reds ta. He’s a . 2-1 ia> U.S. Ryder Chip team, shot a courae at 2 p.m. Tha event ia expected to Feb. 1, because of the. pressure* of In other games, Bowdoin is at sity of Rhode Island, 22, Main*, Las Vegas, Nev, UP)—The New Mart driving the ball out there. ^ roles. ■ earned the ml-m shot and TalUea Four Tlnie* Some of the league members In- York Yankees were favored 10-1 in right field on the 10th pitch. l.nbe score ta his record 64 In the second round of attract children drivera from his re^ la r Job. He has been com­ PAODBO canx Amherst,-Williams at Mlddlebury, 15, and Amherst, 13. Davs Carey bis first Gsnlsn main avent by the Portland Open. However, next throuhgout-N(sw England who will Halfback Dave C9outier tallied '■Isted that either the practice of today to win the WoHd Series, and Jim Coates pitched gTeat ball Bunny of Shot stopping Brazilian Fernando Bar missioner since 1957. His resigna­ Rhode Island at Vermont (Ydnkae of (joaat Guard waa high akipper when Ralph Houk called him in to day he ran ip to trouble. When hla compete for trophies In several tion wilt be submitted formally to Baltimore -r- (NBA) — One of Conference), Maaraebusetta'at Om- four times against Vermont aa offering beer to the patrons be dls- the odds were 3-2 they would do It Louisville, Ky. — Claasius d a y , reto In tbe stafii roigid recently. ball wound up next to a tree on the special race*. Mfilne remained unbeaten 24*14. eantinued, or, CinclnnaU be re­ with 31 pointa. WilUama and before nightfall. Yhe -Yankees, who relieve. He got Kesko on a high 188, Louisville, stopped Al«x (Joldwater, Kan. (ff)—VI Nicholas MAKES FAVORITE SUDE->Yank«e left fielder Yogi the Connecticut Amateur Softball the more ^ngbnioualy named' of the nectlcut (Yankee Conference), Coast Guard will compete ggalnat FsnigwUs. XE Ul gunning for hla MBCond hole he missed a Ieft-hande|d Ttih Sunday program, which will Association next month. Barber (s 174 celts eligible for the Pimlico Northeairtern at Ainerican Interha- aouUer now has 42 pointa for the lieved of it* franchise. The club’s could eqd the Series by winning fly end Pinson on a grounder but Miteff, 210, Argentina, 6. has been playing golf Just a few Berra, well known for his head-first slides, triefi out iJ b straight;^ 'n ctewry. i w — Ws - record - swing. He took a 73. He ahared ITth also include a new car show and pubibllc relations director at Ray* season. Two of his scores Satur- president withdrew ratbeir than B uton University. and Harvard, th* fifth game today, were rated he hit Robinsqn with a pitch over New Glasgow, N.fi. — Billy (The months and hasn't got a birdie yet. technique in seventh inning of World Series game Sun'- tixtb Futurity Nov. 18 is e eon of. Tom .tional, Worceater Tech at Bates, tee shot ara Asgtoredhe TSS-L’/to o rte ' rtrord is lf-7-1. place with George Bayer. Each infield attraction* featuring many bestos Division of Raybestoo-Man' Fbol out a t Oeoupenicy. Ho 1# Broelm rt 8toto at Central 0 » - on paaees 'from qua8- yield to virhat be felt waa an un­ the claas A winnei:, and Mazsachu- .6-1 favorites the inside of the plato. With two Kid) Pickett, 158V4. New Yorker But ahe got a bunny. day and is tagged-out by Red third baseman Gan# FraaiM SB is 93. •anied 1560. eelabritlM, win find parent# o f Uui hattan Inc. Ffeddad C ea Marwick at Rridfeport M uck WhMlar. WM-....


Bnilduis Materials 47 Musical Instruments 53 Businesa Locutions qiv B ubIdoki SkTviMB Offorad IS iTHERB OUGBTA BE A LAW BY FA6ALY and SHOBTEN Help Wanted— FoRuHe 35 Articles For Salt 4S H ouses F S ail 72 Houses for Sale ! *72 Houses for Sale 72 L o ts |for Sajto 73 PIANO TUNING (elactronically)< For Rent 64 M A M RUBBISB - Raaldentlal. HOUSEKEEPER wantad two daya TV ANTENNAS, tubas, parts and YOUft BEST BUY IS AT ikiVBNTRY—Liattag 168, Cape, 4 COUNTRY LANE, Vernon—3 bed- BOLTON—$9,500. Economy special. MEADOWBROOK MANOR, Coven­ Court Bars Phone x a 9-0500. All piano ro- commercial, industrial. Barrels par week. Muat have own trana^ acceosorlea aala ta our famous "Do E X C E L L E N T apot tor any hm taeae ftoiahed rooma, 3 up, full haaer rMm ranch, high one-half acre Small 5- room, ranch, baacmenti try -7 exceUent lota, 60x125. Own­ NBMBILITirMMO portatton. CaU XO 9-8825. _____ NA'nONAL pairs. New keys a specialty. Old o r otfioe. Center of tow n, plenty ment, block from Lake, $1,000. aa- lot with trees, attached garage, privacy. Lawrence F. Fiano, Real­ er leaving country, will aactiiice CLASSIFIED fumlshsA Cleaning vacant homes, pianos modernized and rebuilt. ^Murtmsnta, attics, cellars, ymrds. M OlON^ T t/jr of parktag. Ml A V m M aumea mortgage. Bent ft Bent, encloMd patio, picture window tor, x a 3-2766. Ed Crawford, XH for quick sale. J. D. Realty, XU HAPPY WOXIAN. Run friendly lit­ —. .— up. Csiltaf Tile 9Hc Ft. 'Five restyled and rebuilt uprights. Realtora,BlJB U 9^105. T ------Evenings . Mri with a real view 1% years old. 9-4410. • 3-5129, 470 Main St. Review of tnetnerstors emptied, light truck- HB4RD THAT IVMlILUR Special 3x4 Studa 60o Each tag. Ml 94757. v \A*‘oooA tm r tle ohop-my-mall club. 3 houra door antennas from 89o and up See them at Meyers Plano, 91 STORB'iisar Main St. at 36 Birch Fiano,no, MI S-0458. Drive by, you’ll like it. Robert weekly, 10 weeka. Nice warm fun, Outdoor antennaa from $1,99 and lOiotty Pins Bans}tag—Bli Center St. Open 4-ld p.m. eve­ St. 3,000 sq. ft., parking. Apply Wotyerton Agency, XG $-1914. iiSnehester ADVERTISING ALL KIND6 of clocks repaired. An- help jfour friends ahbp better. Get up. Chlnmey mounta only 99c, 8 ft. l8Hc 8q. Ft. nings. All day Saturday, Karlow’a, 867 Xiafc. Resort Property For Sale 74 M uss included. Work gueranteed. w h o p ; $80 free ta fine merchandiae. Send IGIF wire 3c a foot. Also,, used Combtaation Doors from $14.95 MANCHESTER TWO f a m il ie s —5 ft '6 flat on Blue Laws for 376-page catalog today. Popu­ TVs completely overiiauIeA Sea Hitch JUII rsnetag OFFICE FOR RENT-600 aq, ft., Center for $19,900 ; 6 ft 6 duplex BOLTON—First Ikke —wktsrfront 100% Main Street location. Call EARLY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS lar Club, Dept, D 753, Lynbrook, us first for the best deals. Open $3.99 Per Section Office and Store for $l$,400 ; 5 ft 6 on Griswold ; 5-room cottage which can be (Oonttaued m Disappearing Stairway $33.95 Each x a $-0419 or x a 8-7614. Page O > SA JLtoSP M . HOME tANDSCAPm o, lawn m a N. Y. evenings tlU 6, Saturday til] 6, Equipm ent 54 ' and . VICINITY 6 ft 6 on Oakland and many more. easily winteriMd. Marlon E. Rob- maintenance, lawn fertlUssUon, Louver Doors from $8.95 Each T. J. Crockett, Realtor, XO $-1577. AMERICAN ^rtaon, broker. Ml 3-6953 Prices In effect tlU supply la ax- EXCELLENT STORE for any busi­ tha constitution’s first amondmaat heOse pruning. Contact John E. PART-’TOIE R'UNNER. Muet have hsuated or replaced by olinUar Birch Paneling 25c Sq. Ft. and opened the way for COnsjssa Whltham, MI 9-2660. MLL license and car and be Intereated Mahogany Paneling 17c Sq. Ft. ness or office, apartment taclud- $13,360—8 minutes from Manches­ CAPES—Six rooma In central loca­ FALL BARGAIN—Westbrook Sea­ COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED AOVT. items. SatelUte Eleetronio Service OFFICE FILES, roU-top desk, nafe ed, 476 Main St. Xa 9-6329, 9-5. ter Center. New 6 iroom Cape,' tion fw $13,600; 6 rooma immacu­ INFLUENCE... to "outlaw any dissident poUUcfl m o m u w n r a w m m Av m m A J i^ -«A T im o A T • a m . in learning to be a mechanic. Ap­ 165 Scbool Street, Manchester. XCt 8d ft I5d Common Nails $8.96 Keg for sale. XU 3-7894. shore, 4 room cottage furnished, PIANO TUNING, $5. Repairs gusn- 5. finished, oil hot 'water heat, late for $14,750 and 8 rooms l*/4 one year old. Only $6,900. Owner, group simply by making opprobrK ply in person at the Thomas Colls 9-178$. COUN’TRY CLUB AREA COLON­ oua findings.’’ sntsed. Free eatimstes given on Company, 351 Broad St., Man­ CASH 'N CARRY amealte drive, one acre lot. baths for $14,900. T. J. Crockett, IAL. 6 gracious rooms for family x n 9-0827 evenings. Houses For Rent 65 Only $600 do«m. Realtor, XO 8-1577. .Justice Frankfurter, author Ot PLEASE BEAD YOUR AD request. Can MI 3-1385. Kenneth chester. WCXILKNS FOR m g making. AU A n tiqu es living, Maturing lovely landscap­ Robinson. Nobody, But Nobody, Undersells 56 the court’s June 5 opinion, on Juna shades. PUgrim MtUs, formerly National ROCKVILLE —I Neat > bedroom $12,600—New S.H room ranch, Man- WALKSJR STREET—6 room Cape, ing including fish pond and swim­ _ Cheney Hall, Hartford Road. Open Suburban For Sale 75 20 granted a stay of effectiveneoa “* *“*“Ua M M **m ‘ riBST OAT IT ranch. WUI accept well mannered Chester outskirta,' bulIt-ln screened'porch, . - . fireplace,- i-car ming pool! Living Room with fire­ OUTBOARD motor, lawn mowers, Help Wsnted-— Male 36 noon tiU 9; Saturday 10-8. place, Dining Room, Kitchen \rith of the decision until the tribunal la Obn tar tk* Mxt taM>. tuned and repaired. Have them jet- ANTIQUE PINE COXCMODE. X « chUdren. Available on or prior range and oven, amealte drive, garage, ahaded lot, $16,000. Phu- LEBANON----- Near center and NATIONAL LUMBER, INC. 8-0456. knotty pine cabinets. Screened side acted on the petition for reconsid­ lilw M ia y ONB taeamel or oorittei paired now. Pick-up and delivery. PLUXIBBRS and plumber’s help­ SEASONED CORD wood, oawed to October 31. $180. Tel. XQ 9-7319. oil hot water heat, one acre lot. brick Agency, MI 9-8404. school, charming Victorian ten eration. If tile stay had not been 381 State Street, Only $500 down. porch. Partial basement rec room room, 114 bath dwelling, beautiful ■ m oa|7 ta Ike oxtaat of m Manchester Cycle. Ml 9-2098 ers, steady work. Insurance bene­ any length, top quality, free de­ with fireplace. Garage. $29,500. granted, the court's mandats for Ei i w Ab mtA iaoM tko ootao of North Haven, Ctonn. BOLTON—New 3-bedroom ranch, A’lTRACnVE 6% room ranch ,on setting on five open acres, two- fits. Apply ta person between 8-9 livery. Edward Yeomans, PI $15,800—Manchester, Exceptionally half acre lot, carport, ceramic Call Frances Wagner, MI 9-6306. enforcement of the decision would Hr*‘M k a | o o f HANDY MAN service — home, 2-8002. Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 bullt-ta range, oven and cabinets, a.m. St Berson Bros., SO Harvard CHestnut 8-2147 basement garage, furnished or un- well kept 5 room ranch 1-car bath, city utilities, overt and xn 8-1023. -3 f**" shed combination, ^k-jhave been issued June 30. stores, (dflces. Floors washed, Street, New Britaaln, or call for ing $18,900, quick occupancy. Les- waxed, windows washed. Attica 300 CEDAR POLES, many clothes­ GIRL’S SeZE 10-11 winter coats, fumlshefl,-$135. XO 3-3323. garage, aundeck, combination range,'4>4,% assumable mortgage, sengcr Co., Realtors, Willimantic, Communist party officials de­ TODB coonaunoM wiu. appointment, JA 9-8287. windows, large brick firepIaOe, small down payment. Beechler- CAPE COD COTTAGE-5',4-rooms clared after . the June 5 decision and cellars cleaned. Lawn main­ line sizes, delivered Or installed. Diamonds— l^atchca— sweaters, I skirts, and dresses. Ex­ MANCHES’TER—3 bedroom mod­ of Early American charm, Living HA 3-9291 any time, or S. Kass­ !^*^Diol Ml 3-2711 tenance. Odd Jobs. MI 8-8946. cellent condition. Reasonable. XU one block to ous, two blocks to Smith, Realtors, Xa 9-8952 XH man, Columbia AC 8-3045. that they did not plah to register. HEATING XIEN; steady work, in­ Good Che'vrolet sedan. Reason­ em ranch, centrally located. Im­ 8- 6969. Rooirt with fireplace. Kitchen with surance benefits. Apply In person able. Xfl 9-1353, . I Jewebr 48 9-1912, school. Lovely landscaped lot. Atty. Gen, Robert F. Kennedy BOOKKEEPING, accounting, and mediate occupancy. Xa 9-6468, BU built-in cabinets, power outlets for COLUMBIA—Gorgeous nine room, then ' announced proce^tags betwem 8-9 a.m. at Berson Bros., LEONARD W. YOST Jewelers ~ 9-5727. $15,900—Manchester. Older 8 room CHOICE LISTINGS include 9 room washer, dryer, 'gas or electric RW q... Income tax services for small bus- so Harvard St, New Britain, or PFAFF COXIXIERCIAL sewing ma­ 214 bath colonial on two acres against the party would be under taessea and tadlviduala. MI 9-8938. T i m S b t r chine, electric, zig zaga, button­ Repairs, adtasts watches eiroert- Colonial, 8 bedrooms, living single on Bigelow St. for $20,000; stove. 2 Bedroomg 1st floor, 1 bed­ near lake, sun room with fire­ way by Aug. 9, but Frankfurter’s call for appointment, JA 9-8287. ly. Reasonable pricea. Opro ’Tues­ Wanted— ^To Buy 58 FOUR ROOM eingle house on bus rooin dining room, and kitch­ 7 room cape on Steep Hollow in room,- family room 2nd. A conven­ JA O fm L g, holes, etc. Asking $195. CH 7-6060. line, near ahoi^tag Center, avail­ place, terrace, large maples, ask­ stay required deferment of Justlea mooKON.MV EXPERIENCED painters wonted. day through Saturd^, ^ursday WE BUY, SELL or trade antique en. ’iSvo acres of land. Excel­ the 20s; big colonial on Pitkin ient home, conveniently priced at ing $29,9(X). Lessenger Co., Real­ Department action. , TF4I. mptii evenings. 129 Sprues St. XU 9-4387. able Nov. 1, no children. Call* Xa lent location for chUdren. Only St.; deluxe $30,000 plus ranch in $14,500. Call Don Gay, MI 9-5306, FOR THE nRSTTIME ANYWHERE Hoasehold Scrvicea XtEdford 8-7765 between 8-7 p.m. CASH REGISTER, National, • and used furniture, china, glass, tors, Willimantic, HA 3-9291 any The Supreme Court refused to drawer, electric. Beet offer ac­ 9-3282. two blocks from Main Street. Lakewood Circle; new 4 bedroom JA- 8-8989. m Offered 13-A 44 Bayberry Rd., Glastonbury. silver, picture frames and old time or E. Chaase, AC 8-3039 eves. review a decision that statea hav­ cepted. MI 3-5625. coins, old dolls and guns, hobby colonial with 2-ckr for $27,600. T. A H-HOUR WAHT AD ANSWERINO Fuel and Peed 49-A $18,800—Btriton, 6 room ranch J. Crockett, Realtor. Xn 3-1577. ing right-to-work laws may baa WASHER - REFRIGERATOR re­ RADIO-’TV repair man, steady, collections, attic contents or whole W anted T o R ent 68 plua finished family room, agency shop agreements. Radlo-TV Repair Brndness OpportanitiM 32 Help Wanted—-Female 35 permanent, family hospitalization WESTERN AUTO oil burniiw heat- estates. Furniture Repair Service, Farms For Sale 76 pairs. Prompt, economical, expert DON’T WATT until snow flies — basement garage, flr^lace, SOUTH WINDSOR—Ranch, 3 bed­ BARROWS The decision was given by tha guaranteed. Phone MI 9-4517, Pot- Services 18 plan, vacation, pension, other er, thermostatic control, blower, Talcottvllle, Conn. Tel. X0 8-7449. TWO OR THREE car garage, Man- SERVICE FREE TO HERALD READERS b e a u t y s a l o n ta exceUent loca­ like new, $40. XU 9-4914. ' order your wood now at the Wind­ combination windows. Lovely rooms garage, full cellar, oil hot Kansas Supreme Court. Review terton’s, ISO Center St tion, catering to East Hartford fringe benefits. Give fui] qualifi­ cheater or vicinity, electricity. JA lot, good location. Priced to water neat, large living room with CONNIE'S TV and Radio Service, SWITCH BOARD cations. Write Box FF, Herald. ham Woodyard. Slabs and hard­ FRANK IS buying and selltag good S-2854. WALLACE BOLTON — 110 acre farm fully and reversal by the highest tri­ Woat iBtomiotloa m o m of our i^loiolOod odverttwaMatar No WEAVING of Bums, moth holes avaUable all houra. Sattafactlod and Manchester residents. Xlinl- ’TWO 7 FOOT 6 Inch overhead wood cut to any length you want. used furniture and antiques start­ sell. fireplace, aluminum storms, equipped. Call Broker, XG 8-1365. bunal was asked by the ’Teamsters mum cash required,, exceUent fi­ Permanent position available for doors, complete with hardware, Call HArrison 3-0408. Open daya screens and awninga. Immaculate 55 E. Center St. XU 9-5306 Union. anrwer at tbo tolephoM Bstedf SimplT eon Mm and tom clothing, hosiery runs, guaranteed. CaU MI 9-1316. I WISH I could find a man with ing Sept. 9 at 420 Lake St Call and $18,900—Vernon. 3 year old 5 room nancing. Currently grossing switchboard operator, typing es- car who wants to make $100 week­ good condition, $25 each. CaU XQ 9 to 4, nights 7:30 to 9:30. see what we’ve got. Open Sun­ end to end. Has to be seen. Rob­ (Office open 0 a.m. to 9 p.m.) The high court’s refusal to con­ handbags repah ^ , sipper re­ Business Property For Sale 70 split level, finished- family Wanted— Real Estate 77 MANCHESTER ANSWERING SERVICE placements, umbrellas repaired, TELEVISION antennas and rotor $12,000 per year. J. D. Realty Oo., sentiaL Opening also aviUable for ly, take a few headaches, work 3-8334. days. MI 9-6580. ert Wolverton Agency, XO 8-1914. sider the case was announced to n systems installed and repaired. x n 8-5129 . clerk-typiri In our clerical depart- BOLTON—Industrial zone. Building roorrt basement garage, weU LARGE 6 ROOM Cape, full shed men’s shirt collars reversed and hard, and he his own boss. Write kept throughout. XIANCHESTER—Usting 187. Two- dormer, 114 baths, hot water oil ASK US about our cash offer for brief order which gave no reason. Serving Manchester and sur­ -ment. High School education, ac­ FOR SALE!—One saddle, bridle and FIREPLACE WOOD for sale. $13 WAN’TED TO buy for cash antique 90x35, two Mortments up, buai- The refusal letp stand unchanged Ml 94)500 replaced. Marlow's little Mend­ Box V, Herald, giving full particu­ blanket; also, one child’s saddle, a cord. XU 9-5807. Aimettl. family newly renovated including heat, fireplace, near school, shop­ your property. No red tape. Hon­ ing Shop. rounding areas. Modern TV Serv­ curate typing and good knowledge lars. furniture and any bric-a-brac. All ness down. ’iSvo building lots. For $25,500—Bolton. Exceptionally well the Kansas Supreme Court ded- u d IMTB your mmarngb. Ton’ll kear from oar adroiUaw ta Jig ice, 405 Center St.. BC $-2205. of grammar required. ExceUent bridle and blanket. CaU 3-6197. things I buy are for sale rear 42 appointment call Broker, XH bathrooms, floors, walls, plumb­ ping center. Must be seen to be est value. HI J. Bradley, Xu 8-7879. alon. built 7 room ranch, spacious ing and heating, city water, appreciated. Priced at only ttaw wlthoat opeadlBg aO eveoliig at tko telephoBo. SAM’S UPHOLSTERY - Retired working conditions and liberal em­ DOUGHNUT MAKER, married Spruce St. MI 9-4836, Village 3-1365. living room, formal dining CASH WATTINO for property own­ An agency shop agreement re­ 9 26" S-SPEED English bike; used Garden— Farm— Dairy sewer. Bent * Bent, Realtors BU $18,700. Charles Lesperance, xn from ths shop. Can take cars of RADIO-TV REPAIRS, any make, ploye bmieflta. CaU man looking for tremendous op­ Charm Antiques. quires non-union employes to pay tree pickup and deUvety on smaU MANCHESTER Frigidaire refrigerator and 80" room, 2 or 3 bedrooms, sepa­ 9- 8855. Evenings Mr. Fiano,’ MI 9-7620. ers. Please cftll us before you buy all your upholstering needa at portunity ta doughnut business. Products 50 Or aril. Siicedy serviee. J. D. union dues on the theory that tha radios, phonc^aphs. Hours 6-10 range; baby crib, regular size BOL’TON—15 acres business prop­ rate laundry room, well plan­ 3-0458. great savlii^. Call CT 3-2373. NEEDED: Several mature men Apply ta person between 2-5 p.m., ned kitchen. ’This custom built MANCHESTER — 8 rooms, 1% Realty, xa 8-5139. union as bargaining a ^ n t for all p.m. H ft B Radio and TV. Ml Liberty Mutual Bess Eaton Doughnuts, 160 Center with springs and mattress. Also, FOR SALE— Apples, hand picked, Rooms Without Board 59 erty. Call Broker, Xn 3-1365. Lust and Found 1 Trailers— MobUe Homes 6-A with modest sum to Invest ta their midget washer. XU 9-9106, also good windfalls. Louis Bunce, home has to be seen In order BOLTON l a k e ;—Bathing, boating, baths, garage, excellent location workers is entitled to financial sup- FLAT FINISH Holland window 9-5582, Xn 8-1479. St. CUSTOMERS WATTING. LIttings pdrt from all. own Independent buataesa. Must be 529 W. Center St., XU 8-8116. ROOM FOR lady or gentleman. to appreciate. CaU us for an ap. fishing may be yourg when you and condition. Close to bus and FOUND—One brown female mon­ IF YOim DESIRE la a high, tree shades made to measure. AU Insurance Co. wanted. Single or 2 or 4 family The Supreme Court agreed today metal Venetian blinds at a new willing to learn salesmanoblp, at­ PAINTERS, experienced men only, WOOD STORM windows — four Kitchen privileges, quiet. Inquire Houses For Sale 72 polntment. purchase this adorable year shopping center. Charles Lesper­ grel. Call Btdton Dog Warden, Xn ahaded lot in a quiet area, have a 39x27%; two 47x32; six 67x30; two GREEN MOUNTAIN potatoes — ’round 4 rooin ranch. Excellent ance, MI 9-7620. homes. Broker XQ 3-1365. to hear a case involving efforts to 9-7601. low price. Keys made whQe you Millinery Dressmaking 19 tend paid training school, and have xn 8-1161 full-time work, XII 9-8632 or XII 224 Charter Oak St., XII 3-8368, leisure look at the new quality 2 for further taformatitm 57x20. Good as new. Price $3 each. The same good eating baked or SDC ROOM C^pe, fireplace, garage, $29,900—Vernon. Custom 6 room condition. Price only $9,990. $500 desegregate a restaurant in the bedroom on display at B^h wait. Marlow’s. good references. Some very profit­ 3-0683. CH 6-4738. HOLLISTER ST.—714 room Dutch WISH SOMEONE to handle youf FOUND — One female German FOR DRESSXIAKINO and altera­ Phone MI 3-7283. boiled. Ready for delivery. Call near to stores, schools and bus. ■ ranch, plug family room, all on down. Goodchlld-Bartlett Realty, real estate? Cal] ms at MI 9-0826 Memphis, Tenn., Municipal Airport Manor Park. 12 minutea from RADIO-TV REPAIRS all makes. tions; caU Lyn Kratzke MI 8-0682 able dealerships wUi be available TBXIPORART SECRETARY want­ AUTOMOBILE mechanic, first- Hathaway, XU 9-6438. FURNISHED ROOMS, complete Marion E. Robertson 3roker, XO one floor, 2-car garage, deluxe, Realtors, BU 9-0939, MI 3-7925. Colonial, 114 baths, beautiful mod­ Building. Sheirfierd. Call Boltcm Dog War­ Manchester. Alao, a one bedroom SNOW BLOWERS—Arlens, and em kitchen, excellent closet space, for prompt and courteoua servtes. den, MI 9-7601. Cars, phonographa changers. any time. in Manchester and East Hartford ed for local law office. Box G, class only. Olender’s Body Shop, housekeeping facilities. Centrally 3-595S. kitchen, stone fireplace, all Joseph Barth. Broker. Aa presented to the high court, for rent or sale Rockville TR Herald. 5% h.p.; Snowbird. 3 and 6 h.p.; Thermopane windows, brick SIX ROOM Cape Cod, full ahed large lot with trees. Philbrick the principal question' to be argued 6-1423. Honest, economical. Guaranteed 90 areas soon. For Information caU RockviUe. located. Children accepted—limit­ flays. Famous for service for 80 SEWING TO be done, dressma Toro Power Handle; Bolens 3 and Fertilizers 5 0 -A ed. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch St., Man­ GLASTONBURY—6 room ranch, 2 veneer front, % acre lot. Only dormer, attached garage. Better Agency, MI 9-8464. Is whether a lower tribunal prop­ and alterations, reasonable. BU 9-1561 or JA 4-5869 after 6 p.m. AUTOMOBILE painter first-class 7 h.p.; Ridamatic ’Tractors. Parts baths, center hall, 8 twin size b ^ - than average construction. ’Two P en o n a ls years. Phans MI 9-4537. Potter- TOYS—TOYS—TOYS GOOD COW MANimE $5 and $10 chester. one yetir old. erly deferred k ruling In a suit ton’s. 3-8688. and on weekends. only. Olender’s Body Shop, Rock­ and service. Capitol Equipment rooms, 146 fooi lot, only $18,400. acres land, I-E REXXIRDERS for rent. Mar­ Lake. BU 9-0939 MI 3-2692 town. Call MI 9-2409, JA 7-0791, 9-7398. tiques snd modem. We carry a deliveringr. Don’t delay, call to­ for Mister Donut Shop, Contact (Continued from Page One) ordinances involved. extension 82S. 48 states. Personalized service, IC low’s, 867 Main. Call XII 9-5221. MANCHESTER—Bowers School—7 ANDOVER — $13,100. $1,500 as­ Older home (30 years) in * good The restaurant is opeiratsd by nice line of antique sofas, love- 3-5187, CH 7-1423. Mr. Donut, 255 W. Middle "Tphe. LARSON’S Connecticut’s first li­ WILLIMANnC—Nice clean pack' day, OR 3-3455 or OR 3-9829, Boats and Accessories 46 LARGE comfortable room and rooms, l*/i baths, fireplace, ga­ R. I). Murdock MI 3-6472 sumes present mortgages. 5*4 condition. Idea) for retired couple anti-trust matters for the federal Dodds Houses Inc. 'which leaaas WANTED----- Ride to Middletown. seats, gent’s chairs, etc. for sale. Three Rooms of Furniture censed driving school trained — Completely restored. MI 8-4892. age store, long time establiahed, Avon, Conn. MAINTENANCE mechanic— Must garage. MI 9-2651, rage, hot water oil heat, custom room ranch, over one acre, ■view, or young family, 6 rooms, oil heat, government. the bundling spacs from the dty. leave Manchester about 8 a.m., XIANCHESTER Moving and Trude- built 1960. Escott Agency. Xa MANCHES’TER — 6 room Cape, Certified and approved is now of­ tag Company. Local and long dis­ only $2,500. for the key, clean In­ have practical working knowledge FOR SALE—1960 Glassparr Boat, FROM MODEL HOME privacy, out building. Ideal for dishwasher, Venetians, wqll-to-wall Dempsey aaid he has had ex­ th e lease requires the firm to return about 5:30 p.m. MI 9-2683 fering classroom and behind ROOMS TO rent; also 8 room cot­ 9-7688. 80x180 lot with trees, basement pony or pets. Lawrence F. Fiano, AN UNUSUAL bargain! Reuphol tance moving, packing and stor­ ventory, Lessenger Co., Realtors, LOCAL PHYSICIAN’S office recep­ in electrical, steam, and hy­ 1960 Evinrude 75 h.p. motor. 1961 garage, fireplace, plaster walls, carpeting. CHose to bus, dhurch, tensive legal experience in the abide by all state laws. evenings. wheel instruction for teenagers. step 8 piece living room set: sofa WUllmanUc, HA 3-9291 any time, tionist, full-time. Salary com­ draulics. Pay commensurate to Elgin trailer. Asking $1,300. Phone Cost Over $700 tage, all utilities. Scranton Motel, Realtor, MI 3-2766. Ed Crawford, schools and shopping. City water motor carrier transportation field. Counsel for Turner asked a rul­ MI 9-6076. age. Regular service throughout Call MI 9-0828 after 6. HOMES WITH LAND ....older call xn 3-1914 for information, xn 9-4410. and 2. chsdrs, $145. Choose from New England States and Florida. or S. Kassman, Columbia AC mensurate ^U i experience. Send experience tn these fields. Apply MI 9-8029 or inquire 248 Spruce Robert Wolverton Agency. and aewer. Substantial FHA mort­ Burke i.s a former assistant U.S. ing that Dobbs, in operating a group of fine fabrics. Work done 8-3045 —E. Chasse, AC 8-3039. resume and references first letter. in person.' Spencer Rubber Prod­ St. NEVER BEEN USED six rooms w*ith I 'i baths, ga gage 4*4% available. Quick occu­ attorney for Connecticut, former place for public benefit, was sub­ PREPARE FOR driver’s test. Xn 8-6563. rage and chicken coop adjoining EAST HARTFORD—Listing 185. 5 AntomobOeo Tor Sale 4 by expert craftsmen on our prem­ Box E, Herald. ucts Co., Chapel St. Sale Price $388 NEW RANCHES—Featuring city pancy. Priced under $14,000. Call judge of the Farmington Town ject to provisloni o f the U.B. Con­ 0 Ages 16 to 60. Driving and class CI.1EAN, HEA’TED rooms on bus the High School for $13,900; dis­ ises. All work fully guaranteed. X4ANCHESTER Package Delivery. water, city gas, landscapiiig, large rooms, radiant heat, ample Stephen Rose, MI 3-7308. Court, and chairman of the Farm- stitution’s 14th Amemltnt. Tha OLDER CARS mechanics spe­ room. Three instructors. No wait­ Mill Fabric Salesroom, 175 Pine WAITRESS WANTED Thursdays, line. 146 Center St. MI 3-5002. tinctive 7 room cape, suburban closet space, large lot, cost-free Light trucking and package deUv- Help Wanted— Female 35 Pay Only $4 Week 90x150 lots, formica counters, knot- ii^gton Town Counsel. Qiecial court, sitting ta Mei|n>his, cials, fixit yourself cars, always ing. Manchester Driving Acade St., exclusive Cheney Fabric ery. Refrigerators, washers and Friflayg, and Saturdays from 9 Help Wanted— Building Materials 47 quiet yet in town, T. J. Crockett, living. Bent ft Bent, Realtors, BU J. WATSON BEACH & CO. a good selectiati. Look behind our my. PI 2-7249. p.m. to 1 a.m. Garden Restaurant. Realtor, XH 3-1577. ty pine cabinets, full basements, 9-68,55. Evenings Mr Fiano, Xn Burke is also a former president said it was required to adhere to salesroom, in Manchester. MI stove moving cmecialty. Folding Male or Female 37 Sacrificing complete bedroom, ROOM IN quiet home, North End. metal hatchways, full insulation, of the Hartford County Bar As­ ths dootrine of abstention under office. Douglas Motors. 383 Main. 8-7322. Budget terms arranged. SEWING XIACHINE. operators 8 Call XO 9-8102 after 12 p.m. ASSORTED USEUl lumber, buUd* 3-0458. 21 Central Row, Hartford JA 2-2116 chairs for rent. ^ 9-0752. a.m.-4:30 p.m.; also, nights 6 complete living room and kitchen Parking. MI 3-6607. BOLTON—6 room Ranch, 3’,4 years colored bath fixtures, ceramic tile, sociation. He is married and has which state courts first interpret BUILD YOUR future, grow with Ing and plumbing supplies, radia­ decorator furniture from model dis­ NEED A CAR and had your credit Gazaije—Service— Storage 10 p.m .-ll p.m. Experienced pre­ old, modern kitchen with built-ins, hot air heat, built-in oven and BOWERS SCHOOL. 3 bedroom FOXCROFT DRIVE — Spacious three children. state la'ws. HAROLD A SONS, Rubbish remov­ Mott’s. Help us build ani open 3 tors, pipes and fire bricks, doors play home. We will give you free ROOM FOR young lady, ail the range. garage. Priced from turned down? Short on down pay­ al. cellars, and attics cleaned. Painting— Papering 21 ferred. Apply Kaklar Toy Com­ Why Commute? and windows. Open daUy 3:80-6 dining room, hot water baseboard rartch, built-ins. enclosed porch, cape, plaster walls, hardwood Appealing to the Supreme ment? Bankrupt? Repoaaesmon? pany, 60 HilUard St. new super markets in one year. delivery and free storage up to one comforts of home. Please call heat, full basement with recrea­ $12,490 to $14,400 with as little as garage trees. Carlton W. Hutch­ floors, fireplace, tile bath^ exhaust Court, Turner’e counael contended Ashes, papers, all rubbish. Harold Experienced and above average p.m., 8-4 Saturdays. Yard at Stock year. after 6:30. MI 3-7969. $390 down. For additional In­ Morano Verdict Due Don't give up! See Honest Dong- GARAGE at 182 Maple Street. Tel, Hoar. MI 9-4084. EUCTERIOR and interior painting, The Telephone Company has tion room, 2-car garage, ameslte ins, xn 9-5132. fan. finished recreation,.laundry, Bridgeport, Oct. 9 (J")—A supe­ the special court had "abused its MI 3-4751. COUNTER HELP, full or part- men and women will advance Place off North Main St. Choman’s drive, large lot, $17,900. Philbrick formation or appointment call 'H las, get ths lowdown on the lowest decorating, ceUings, floors. Clean openings right here In Its Manches'^ Housewrecking, MI 9-2392. FURNISHED large bedroom, garage, fenced play area. 3 or 4 rior court decision is expected to­ discretion." The appeal cited aa down and smallest payments any­ WILLIAM J. LEONE—rubbish re­ workmanship. Free estimates. No time, days. Apply In person morn­ ter Business Office for girls as rapidly. Openings available in all NORMAN’S Agency, Ml 9-8464, 9-5391, John Panciera, XH 9-1898. ANSALDI HEIGHTS—Six room Co bedrooms. Owner, XG 3-7084. departments. Apply Mott’s Super 443 HARTFORD ROAD adult.s, business block, free park- morrow on whether former Repub­ April 17 Supreme Court deciskm where. Not a small loan or finanee moval. Cellars and attics, incin­ job too smaU. John VerfaUIe XU ings. Patio Drive-In, 240 W. Mid­ Service Representatives. A "Serv­ lonial, 4 years old. Consisting of 8 that a Wilmington, Del., res* GARAGE FOR RENT. MI 9-1592. Markets, 587 Middle ’Tpke., East, xn 3-1524 ing, Depot Square. Call Mr. Keith, MANCHESTER—4 bedroom home, RANCH—5 rooms first time op large bedrooms, living room, din ONE BLOCK from XIain Street—8 lican Albert P. Morano may run C company plan. Douglas Motors, erator, commercial and light 2-2521. dle Tpke. ice Rep” deals with the public, re­ for first selectman in the Green­ tauront that leases its space from US Main ^ trucking. MI 9-0339. Manchester. Before you buy furniture any­ xn 9-8191. excellent elcS'et and storage space, market. Bowers School, Plastered ing room and kitchen, built-ins. room Colonial, fine condition, ga­ garding its telephone service and walls, cast iron radiation. hot wich Democratic primary. Judge a city parking authority la re­ EXTERIOR and interior painting. WANTED—Two experienced wait­ makes recommendations for im­ ZONING BOARD where—shop at Norman’s, large enclosed porch, 2-car ga­ 1*4 baths, fireplace, hot water oil rage plus frame building with 1K8 CHEVROLET Impala Con­ SLIP COVERS expertly made resses fuu or part-time. XU 8-0723. rage, $19,700 Philbrick Agency, xn water heat, choice setting with Thomas E. Troland studied legal quired to serve Negroes. The Del- Paperhanging. WaUpeper books. proving service. Rooms With Board 59-A heat, plastered walls, full insula­ business opportunity. Priced be vertible, V-8, 348 cu. in. engine, Business Services Offered 16 chairs from $12; also, all kinds of Wallpaper removed. Ceilings. Mr. Russo. Sitnationa Wanted— OF APPEALS —AT ALBERT’S— 9-8464. trees, $18,900. Philbrick Agency, tion, beautiful enclosed porch, low appraisal, $13,400. Beechler- briefs at his New London home Kwmre case was appealed to tha Requirements Include poise, Inl- NOT $900 — NOT $800 — xn 9-8464, over the weekend. Morano already highest trtiiunai after the Dela­ reasonably priced. Call MI 9-9358. OOSMA APPLIANCE Service—Re­ custom reupholstering done at low Floors. Good clean workmanship. tiaUve, good judgment. You should Fem ale 38 ROOM AND board near Bolton patio, combination windows and Smith, Realtors, XG 9-8952, XG cost. Three free foam throw cush­ Fully insured. Reasonable rates. TOWN OF COVENTRY NOT $700 — NOT $600 MANCHESTER — New listing. 8 doors, amesite drive, city water 3-6969. is a candidate for first selectman ware Supreme Court ruled against 1929 MODEL A Ford, restored, ex­ pairs all makes refrigerators, SBX3RETARY-—Local law office. be at least a High School graduate. There will be a public hearing NO! NO! NOT EVEN $500 Notch, good home for retired per rooms, fireplace, oil heat, 2-car BOLTON LAKE—$12,400. Two full in the Greenwich Republican pri­ a Negro city councilman o f Wil­ freezers, washing machines, dry­ ions with every three piece set. Leo Pelletier, MI 9-6326 or XU Additional education or business WOULD LIKE to care for child of son. Call PI 2-7721. baths, 6 room Cape, fireplace, and sewerage, excellent condition cellent condition. Asking $595. Will All work fully guaranteed. A. 9-5082. State experience. Box Z, Herald. working mother in my home days. Friday, Oct. 13, at 8:00 p.m. in the BUT A WHOLE HOUSE garage with attached screened throughout. Near Main St. and TWO-FAXGLY ranch, 5-4, enclosed mary. He asked the court, for mington who sought eervloe in trade. MI 9-5056. ers ranges, oi] and gas burners. experience is helpful and will be Cente>- School to take up the fol­ 3 ROOMS LOVELY patio, trees, nicely landscaped, plastered walla, basement garage, writ of mandamus to compel the restaurant. Quail, 252 Spriice Street. Call MI recognized in starting salary. Call xn 3-8387. schools. Priced to sell. Charles breezeway, garage, two furnaces, MI 9-0055. All work guaranteed. PAINTING AND paperhangtag. CONNECTICUT registered Ucensed lowing appeals; NEW FURNITURE with extra lot. Dwelling in very lake privileges. Lawrence F. aluminum siding, fireplace, 246’ Greenwich Town Clerk Otto 9-1154 after bi All day Saturday. practical nurse for relief shifts in Apartments— 'Plata— Fiano, Realtor. XG 3-2766, Ed. Lesperance, MI 9-7620. CHAIN SAW work — Trees cut. Good clean workmanship at rea­ (1) —Robert Girard on behalf of AND APPLIANCES good condition throughout. Quick ■ frontage, trees, greenhouse, excel­ Klumpp to certify him for ths T 1948 DODGE 4-door sedan, black, convalescent home ta RockviUe. OPENINGS ALSO IN Tenementa 63 Crawford, XG 9-4410, Reasonable rates. Call PI 2-7558 I WILL DO your, ironing in my sonable rates. 30 yesurs ta Man­ Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 the Atlantic Refining Co. for a EVERYTHING occupancy. Asking price. $17,600. 8 ROOM COLONIAL—4 bedrooms, lent condition. Only $19,500. Carl­ Democratic primary, also. Bota $85. Call M f 9-2632. home; also, dressmaking, it e r a ­ chester. Raymond Fiske. MI Tel. TR 6-4201. ROCKVILLE AND variance to erect a gas station at FOR ONLY $488 Charles Lesperance, XII 9-7820. family room, wail-to-wall carpet, ton W. Hutchins, XG 9-5132. primaries will be held Oct. 17. between 1:30-4:30 or any time BUFF COCKERS, 8 months, AKC GENERAL RENTAL agency, J. D. MANCHES’TER—8 room Cape, 6 Saturday or Sunday. tions, and mending. Call Mrs. Vin­ 9-9237. comer of Lake St. and Route 3 1, 2 or 3 -SEARS to PAY 1*4 baths, off Porter Street, Price 1955 BLUE Volkewagen Converti- cent at 29 FalrvJew St. or MI FULL-TIME sales woman from EAST HARTFORD registered. H. C. Chase, Harmony Realty, 470 Main Street, Xn BOL’TON—Listing 169. One year finished, 1 unfinished. In excellent Ue, deluxe model, extra tires, now until January 1 for Manches­ ■A without the prope.- amount of land. — INCLUDES — 3-5129. and quiet neighborhood, near bus is right. Beechler-Smith, Realtors, Manchester LAWN MOWERS Sharpened and 3-7320. Hill, Hebron Rd., Bolton. MI (2) —A requested variance for old apacioua 7 room' Cape, at­ MI 9-8952, XG 3-6969. Held in $5,000 Bail ~ ' raiUo and heater. ^ 9-2691. ter Jewelry store. Experience de­ To learn more, come in and talk 1 Westinghouse Refrigerator and ahopping, $13,900. Philbrick Springfield, Mast., Oct. 9 (jp) — repaired sales and service, pick PAINTING, papering, floor sand­ 3-5427. Connecticut By-Products Inc. on FOUR ROOM apartipent, central­ tached garage, 2 full baths, acre ing. CaU xn 9-0726. sired, but not necessary. Reply with Miss McGee, our Employment 1 Westinghouse T.V. Set lot. Bent ft Bent. Realtors, BU Agency, MI 9-8464. BOLTON LAKE—Route 44, $8,600. Delightful The case of Francis W. Schweit­ 1951 FORD CUSTOM deluxe in up and delivery. Complete line of Representative. She will be in our property located bn Hop River 1 Bedroom Suite ly located, automatic heat, hot Bnildlng-Coittraetiiig 14 stating quallficaUonz and exper­ ONE LITTLE Tom kitten looking 9-685.5. Evenings XIr. Fiano, XO Five room winterized cottage, new zer. 24, East Windsor, Conn., good condition with extras. MI Toro riders, reels, and rotaries, ience Box A, Herald. RockvUle Business office, 30 Park for home of his own. F^zzy and Road, Coventry. 1 Living Room Suite. water, adults Phone Xtl 3-2171; 3-0458. MANCHESTER — $18,300. Large garden and lawn supplies. L St M after 6. Xn 3-8470 heating system, well and septic CUSTOM BUILT sought by Connecticut police in . Q—'Which is the brightest star 3-8833. Electrical Services 22 Place, Monday and ’Tuesday, and frolicky. XII 4-0204. Grant E. Toothaker Sr. 1 Dinette Set quality ranch, fireplaces, full ta the heavens? Equipmem Corporation. Route 83, ADDITIONS, recreation rooms, re­ Chairman basement, hot water oil heat, system, insulated. Lawrence F. connection with two burglaries, modeling all types'of carpentry. JEWELS — BEADS — our Manchester Employment Of­ 1 Healthrest Mattress SIX ROOM ranch, 8 years old. Flamo, Realtor. MI 3-2766. A—Sirius, the Dog Star. Vemoi, Conn. 1R 5-7609. FREE ESTIMATES—Prompt serv­ fice, 808 XIain St., Wednesday and 41a ROOMS, second floor, hot priced right, vacant. Owner Escott has been continued to Oct. 17. Nelson Higgins MI 4-1700. 1 Healthrest Spring water, heat, garage, central loca­ Bowers School, all rooms better SPLIT LEVEL Schweitzer declined to waive ex­ ice on all types of electrical wir­ Friday. Articles For Sale 45 2 Throw Rugs than average In size, entire base­ Agency, Xn 9-7683. ATTRACTIVE six room Cape near SAM’S UPHOLSTERY - Retired BAUBLES tion. adults only. Call after 6, MI tradition in Springfield Saturday Q—^What Is the population o f Read Herald .Ad\s. ALL MASON WORK expertly done ing. Licensed and insured Wilson 1 Boudoir Chair ment finished off into large family Manchester Green. Owner ready High with idew, 2-year-old, 3-bed­ from the shop. Can take care of Electrical Co., Manchester, XO HOME MADE ravioli, fresh or 9-4068. XIANC^HESTER—5% room ranch, room. 6-room split level. Features and was held In $8,000 bail. He was Nigeria? all your upholstering needs at —bricks, blocks, stones, fire­ Earn extra $$$ for your 2 Vanity Lamps room 4'«!% mortgage, priced for to listen. Full shed' dormer, front 9-4817, Glastonbury, ME 8-7876. THE SCUTHERN froze-, 30c doz. H. Pasgualini. 246 quick sale, $16,900. Philbrick 1*4 baths, plus exceptional recrea­ include hot water oil heat, full plas­ arrested Friday in West Spring- A —Estimates vary from 35 to great wivlngs. Call CH 2-2878. places, cellar floors, stucco. -MI 6-ROOM 2 Pillows 95 W. XIIDDLE ’TURNPIKE— 4M tion room, with built-in bookcaaea vestibule.' outside patio, garage. 9-3001. Christmas Season thru Jewel­ Avery Street, Wapping. Agency, Xn- 9-8464. Don't miss this exceptional buy. ter house.' 1*4 baths, picturebook field on charges of breaking and 40 million. Nkwett In Classics 1 *Pr. Blankets room apartment, all conveniences, and bar. Well landscaped corner kitchen.• dining room, rec room entering in Eaat Windsor, and of ry Fashion Shows. 1 Cocktail Table adult parties only. Available Oct. Beechler-Smith, Realtors, v XG MASON CONTRACTOR and cement Bunds— Stocks Mortgages 31 NEW ENGLAND LOAM SALE—Rich, clean $14 loam BRICK home;—6 large rooms, 2 lot. $19,900. Philbrick Agency, XG with fireplace, 2-car garage, large being a fugitive from justice. Po­ Q—What civilization flourikhsd for $12.50. Alao HU, gravel, sand RANCH 2 Table Lamps 15. Call MI 3-2785 before 5. 9-8464. 9-8952, xn 3-6969. work. Call after 4 p.m. MI 1 . We pay 30% commission 1 9 X 12 Rug ^ full baths. 2-car garage, exceUent shade trees, beautiful lot. House lice said a total of $450 was stolen ta Italy prior to that of the Ro- Rose*Embroidered Afghan SECOND MORTGAGE money—We and stone. MI 3-8603. condition. Between one and two vacant. Priced to sell. in breaks Aug. 3 and Aug. S at an 9-5451. to Director, Plus Finished Basement 1 Floor Lamp 2% ROOXI apartment, centrally lo­ DON’T XGSS this 2-bedroom Cape MANCHESTER-Bolton — Over 200 mana? can supply any amoimt money TELEPHCNE CQ acres of land. Fruit trees. High years old. Large 9 room Colonial. East Windsor restaurant and club, for mortgages. Terms to fit your ’TORO SNOW blower at new low 1 Smoker cated. Ideal for gentleman. Clean, featuring quality construction, in A—^The EStruacan. 2. No investment, no collect- 52 Pc. Dinnerware Set heat, hot-water, stove, refrigera­ elevation. Six miles from Man­ Basically sound. Furance heat. m 3-6273 needs. Construction mortgages price, $189.95, power handle chester. Philbrick Agency, Xa town location, at reduced price. Florists— Nurseries 15 model. Marlow’s, 867 Main St. . 30 Pc, Sljver Set tor, and bathroom. $63 monthly or Owner, 28 Sterling Place. ^ Large shade trees. Lot 309x200. License Revoked . Q—What is meant Ity an aqua­ also avaUable. J. D. RealW, 470 ingr, no delivering:. CLERK * 1 6 , 9 0 0 9-8464 Extra lot available. Charles Lea- Main St., xa 8-5129. 18 Yards Floor Covering weekly terms. MI 9-8404 after 12 Brae-Burn Realty Hartford, Oct. 0 (j>) _ The li­ tint? LARGE VARIETY of mums, cor­ noon. LAKEFRONT, 6 room ranch, fire­ perance. MI 9-7620. ner of Welles Rd. and Taylor St., 3. We pay commissions Office experience not required. Free Storage Until Wanted MANCHES’TER—Charming 6 room quor license of a Meriden restaurr A—It is an etching on copper Interesting and varied work, good Near Bowers School High place. hot water he(at, cellar, TsiicottvUle., weekly. School and IlUng Junior High. Free Delivery FOUR ROOXI flat, third floor, hot Cape with garage. Four finished EXTRA LARGE six room Cape — ANSALDI HEIGHTS — Excellent 6 ant has been revoked because the or steel 'with nitric acid giving the Business Opportnnities 32 wages, peasant working condi­ Free Set up By Own Reliable Men $10,700. Carlton W Hutchins. XG room ranch, full basement, plas­ • SEPTIC TANKS Cali now to inspect this excel­ ■water, refrigerator, stove and ga­ plus rec room. Plastered wails, ex­ 9-6132. lots of land. 4 bedrooms .each operator failed to appear at a effect of a water color or Indla-tak HARDY CHRYSANTHEMUMS, the tions, -excellent benefit program. Sure It Pays To Buy At Albert’s haust fan, new awnings, private tered walls, fuUy insulated, fire­ hearing to answer a charge of-^ fi­ dewing, Don’t delay, call today OR Apply GLEANED and INSTALLED lent value. Tomorrow may be rage, MI 9-0482. 15x15, fireplace, modern kitchen. largest blossom variety. Cushion WILLIMANTIC too late. — BECAUSE — yard with fireplace, good .location, VERNON—Highest spot in town—8 Xlust be seen. Beechler-Smith, place, ceramic tile bath, hot water nancial irresponsibility. mums, pom-pon mums, in all 3-3455 or OR 3-9829, Avon, tip top condition. Robert* Wolver- oil heat, amesite drive, city water Package store’for sale. Current­ Albert’s Gives You In Writing MODERN DUPLEX 8-8 for rent. bedroom split. Beautiful ahrub- Realtors, XG 9-8952, XG 3-6969.. The state liquor Control Com­ Q—Is the Apostles’ Creed In the colors, 69c each. Open seven days Conn, " • SEWERS No Payments Steam heat. Garage. Cali XU ton Agency, XH 3-1914. and sewerage, large yard. In mission announced the revocation Bible? ly grossing approximately $60,000 FIRST NATIONAL STORES, MACHINE CLEANED bery, architect’s home. Left town. a week .and evenings till dark. In case of unemployment 9-9257, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. A steal. Call Broker, XG 3-1365.' VERN(5n . XIANCHESTER line. excellent condltnon' throughout. Saturday for Lou Duncan’s Res­ A —No. PontlcelU’s Greenhouse, 433 N. a year. Legal hours' 8 a.m.-9 p.m. $13,900 —IMMACULATE 7 room $1,700 assumes present mortgage. However, present owner operates HOME SHdI’PERS INC. PHILBRICK In case of illness Charles Lesperance, XG 9-7620. taurant. south Broad St.. Meriden, Main Street. • INSTALLATION In case of accident Colonial, wall-wall carpet. St. MANCHESTER—7 room/ranch with 3-year old 6 room ' ranch. 1*4 operated by Louis B. Duncan. Q—What is a paravane ? from 10 a.m.-9p.m. Owner retir­ Park and Oakland Ave. FIVE ROOM apartment. Write James Parish, Carlton W. Hutch­ baths, fireplace, bacl^ hatchway MANCHESTER —Excellent 6 room ing. Excellent opportunity. Busi­ REPRESENTATIVE SPECIALIST In case of strikea 4 bedrooms,, garage, large lot. A The commission alsd imposed a A—It is an underwater device AGENCY Box D. Herald. ' ins, xn 9-5132. real buy at $14,900. 5 room older to full basement,-/ laluminum custom built ranch. Features in­ ness can definitely be increased. East Hartford, Conn. A Paid Bin In Full 15-day . liquor license suspension used in mine sweeping. Rooftaig-r^idiiie 16 Prepare to train to represent For What You Owe home $9,450. Short way out—beau­ storms. XGtcheli telephone ex­ clude 2 full baths, 2-car garage, on Brownie’s Restaurant. Route 69, $16,000j WILLMANTIC—Four room apart­ MANCHESTER—A half block off change. Only $16,300. Lawrence large -, lot, convenient location. leading drug stores’ in your area. Town and Country Ml 9-8464 In Case Of ’Death Main Street, 7 room Colonial,' 1% tiful 3 bedroom ranch, over one- Wolcott, for selling beer for off- Q—Do any members of the pine A. A. DION INC. Roofing, siding, ment in new house, quiet; scenic half acre land. Can’t be beat for F. Fiano, XG 8-2766. Phone XG 3-6273, .Brae-Burii Real­ painting. Carpentry. Alteratiops r J. D. REALTY \ SEE rr DAY OR NIGHT area. $85 monthly. iWillimantic baths. 4 roomrdbwn. 3 bedrooms ty. , " premises consumption and selling family shed their leaves in the Call M r 3-6144, MI 9-1786 up. Modern kitchen. 3 porches, $12,900. Many more $4,800 up. Call after hours on Suhday, and a 10- fall? and additions. Ceilings. Workman­ DRAII^AGE GO. Phone SAMUEL ALBERT, Hart­ HA 8-5748. the Ellsworth ’• Mitten ' Agency, MANCHESTER—Income or in-law ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn St. 470 Main St. MI 3-5129 ford CH 7-0358 for Jin Albert well shaded lot, 2-car garage, special. Large 6 room home and a BOLTON—$10,500. Retirement or day suspension on Jessie’s Res­ A—Yes. the American larch, 5 Bedroom... M l 9-4143 ROCKV^lLLE — Beaiitiful modem $16,900. Philbrick Agency, Xn Realtors, XG 3-6930. XG 9-5524. taurant in Hartford for selling to also called the tamarack, and tha MI 8-4860. CIGARETTES Read Herald Advs. Courtesy Auto. We will call for 4 room home together on a large beginners economy .special. ^ '4 Older home, newly remodel­ you at your home, bring you back 31i room apartment available No­ 9-8464. pUTCH COLONIAL -This lovely lot, 3-car garage, garden space, room ranch, plaster walls, quiet, a minor and other offenses. bald cypress. » COUGHLIN ROOFINO CO. - AU ed, next to school and public home again. Poeltlvely No Obliga­ vember 1. Ideal for young Or old­ near Center. Asking $26,500. Law­ dead end street, trees, low taxes. XfULTI-BILLION DOLLAR 3400 SQUARE FEET BOL’TON-Liattag 16^. 5 roOm well kept home features living types of roofs and roof repairing, SECOND FLOOR playgronnd. V /i acre lot with tion! er couple. Range, refrigerator, room, formal dining room, kitch­ rence F. Fiano, Realtor, XG 3-2768. Lawrence F. Fiano, XG 8-2766. Ed specializing ta Twenty Year Bond­ in d u s t r y large barn. CaU tor appoint­ heat and hot water furnished, plus ranch, fireplace, large knotty pine Ed Crawford. XG 9-4410. Oawford, XG 9-4410. ed Roofs. Ceili Ml S-TUyi. INDUSTRIAL ZONED A— L —B— E— R—T— ’—S kitchen, basement garage, porch, en, 3 bedrooms,, fireplace, 1% ment. other conveniences. Shopping and baths, laundry room, plastered PART OR FULL-TIME WILL DIVIDE 43-46 ALLYN ST., HARTFO^ID walking distance. Minutes to Hart­ 3 acres, brook. Bent ft Beiit, Real­ ■COVENTRY—Snug, cozy 4 room BIDWEIX ROME Improvement VERT REASONABLE Evftrtn W. Van Dyn* Open Nights ’Till 8, Sat. 6 p.m. tors, BU 9-6865. Evenings, Mr. walls, full basement, oil heat, side GRACIOUS ELEGANCE ford over Parkway $95 a month. porch, garage, amesite drive, ranch, large lot. $7,500. Joseph Lets For Sale 73 Company—all types of siding and Get In cm the Big Business of Call Rockville ’TR 5-3748. Fiano, Xn 3-0458. Barth, Broker, XG 9-0320. rooClnv. Aluminum clapboards a BuIMnr— CH 6-4781 SOLID MAPLE double bed- with shade trees. ElxceUent location. TOLLAND — Ehctra nice lot with sellinz cigarettes through automa­ CaN Ml 9-3283 For additional information or ap­ sclaity. Unexce’Jed workman- tion. Own and operate a route of box spring and mattress. XII FOUR UNFURNISHED rooms on EVA d r iv e ;—6 room ranch with many shade trees, high elevation, RUG CLEANING IS YOURS at 9-2765. pointment call McCarthy Enter­ ip. MI 9-6495. cigarette vending machines in your second fldor, redecorated, automa­ garage and patio, 3 or 4 bedrooms, TWO-FAMILY ' choice surroundings, 140x175. S. A. tic h6t water and bath, two adults, nicely landscaped, fireplace, pias­ prises, Inc., xn 9-5391, John V. Beechler, Realtor. Phone XG area. $1,470 to $2,940 cash required. KENMORE DB l u x e ironer, ex­ Panciera, XG 9-1898, Must have car, references, and a one achool-aged child accepted, ter walla full cellar, aluminum 8-6—2-car garage. East Side, 8 3-6969 or XG 9-8952. Roonuff Mid ChiraneTR- ,16-A Eattbury Aeret, Weir St, 8LAST0NBURY ceUent condition, $25. Mahogany storms, tnermopane picture win­ bedrooms each side. Asking $15,600. desire to a t t ^ success. Write ta' vanity, $10. Call XH 8-4887. $55 monthly. XII 3-7094. MANCHES’TER—Headquarters for eluding phone number to: dow, priced right. Robert Wolver- 5-5—One block from W. Center BUILDING LOT — 100x281 feet, ROOFING — Specializing repairing Beautifully Designed Ranch THREE' ROOM modem, neat ton Agency, MI 3-1914,— two and four families. Inquire St. Every modem convenience. fully treed, city water, city sewer, ; / ★ MAHOGANY dining room aet In­ West Sid«i Realty, XG 9-5315. roofs of aU kinds, new roofs, gut­ Northeastern Marketing Corp. apartment, ground . floor, private sidewalks, curbs, excellent loca­ ter work, chimneys cleaned; re­ AMESITE PAVING On Full Acre Wooded Lot cluding table, buffet, china closet, tion. For additional information 8266 527 Lexington Ave., N.Y. 17, N.Y, comer Cupboard, and 8 chairs, driveway. Ideal for elderly couple PORTER ST. SECTION FIVE ROOM quality ranch,- choice BEECHLER-SMITH paired. Aluminum aiding. 80 Suite 610 or newlyweds. Rent $85, Available or. appointment. Call McCarthy 1040 years’ experience. Free estimates. • Spacious living Room with Fireplace and Mantel $200. One traditional couch, $70. location, ideal for children, twin a DRIVEWAYS a WALKS a PARK|Na LOTS xn 9-9180. on dr prior to Nov. 1. XII 9-7319. size bedrooms, dining room ' or / REALTORS Entetprises, XG 9-5391, John Pan- 9s,M R U G S CaU Howley, MI 8-5861, MI 8-0763. a 8 Bedrooms • liarge Dining Area ENTICING clera, XG 9-1898. . Here’S a fresh, new softened Soft and luxurious — a cozy MAOHINB GRADED a PAVED onj ROLLED third bedroom, many large trees, crocheted afghan with lovely roses ...... V SHERATON inlaid mahogany din­ FOUR RCk)M rent available, cou­ xn 9-5605. MI 9-8952 MI 3-6969 dassie frock to brighten your ple preferred. Inquire at 179 Main WOODED • lAJ’X's—looming embroidered In easy cross- a Knotty Pine Cabinets with BulILIn Oven and Surface Bangs ing room set, $250; pair tilt-top R oNm I a n d r t o d y wardrobe. Wear it for all ocea> HeatlnB and Plombinir 17 St. COLONIAL VERNON - XGtcheli Exchange. tions. Future valuea. Glastonbury: stltcb. SEPTIC TAIWS a Hot Water Baseboard Badlation • "Bllco Hatchway tablea, $26; tea wagon, $25; lamp 63 PITKIN STREET—A four bed­ siesiaL In appropriate fabrics. FREE ESTIMATES CijiLL ANYTIME table, $20; coffee table. $20. All Non-development 7 room split Main road minutes South of Man­ n o. tlM with Patt-O'Rama is in Pattpni No. 6579 has crochet PLUMBING AND heattag — re­ AND FIVE ROOM fiat and garage, good 7 room aullstantlal flawlesa Co­ room colonial hopie In one of Man­ chester. Half acre or more. Near directions; stitch Ulustratlona; dia­ modeling tastaUations, repairs. s SU«it Electric Switches • Sliding Door Closets In excellent condition. Alter 7 p.m. location, oil heat. Tel. XU 9-1922 lonial. Custom built by Hutchinson. level, 2 baths, 3 or 4 possible bed­ chester’s finest residential areas. tageforH indrivnr. aiaas 10, 13. 14. id. IS, 30. Bust 81 315 Demtng St., Wapping. rooms, plastered walls,'large car­ fine homes. Town water. Man- gram for embroidery. < AU work guaranteed, 2S years ex­ PLU60ED SEWERS after 5 p.m. ’Three bedrooms, 114 baths. For the Large living room, formal dining cheater: Vernon St. near Towh to 40. Bias 13, 33 bust, short slseve, THE PRICE IS RIGHT Many other features for one low price of ^ 4 9 0 discriminating buyer. Shown by port with storage area. High, well 44e,.ya$dB o i 35-4n. To order, send 25c In coins to: perience. 24-hour service. CaU room, family size kitchen, 1*,4 line half acre on high ground, road Earl VanCamp. Ml 8-4749. Ba c k in j u r y forces sale of FOR RENT—4 rooms and bath and appointment only. shaded % acre lot. Anxious own­ baths, two car garage plus beau­ Vs-ortar,' send Sfio in doins to:— Anne Cabot, Manchester Evening Machine Gleaned TIME PAYMENTS ARRANGED alightly used queen size 80’’Lx60" ers waiting (or offers! Ashing at easy grade. Call XG 8-4844. M. H erald, 1150 AVE. OF AMER­ ; garaga adulta. Call at 93 Union tiful grounds 100x181 are some of Bita W m stt, The Manchester Eire* Septte Tania, Dry Wells, Bewar 10 mlnntes from the Aircraft. 20 minutes from Downtown Htfd. W Beautyrest spring and mattress $17,800. Lawrence F. Fiano, Real- J. McGuire, Broker. ICAS, NEW TOBK 36, N. T. St., Rock[Ville. PHONE MI 3-6273 the features of this attractive Herald. IIM AVE. OF RAdio-TV Reipair Lines InstaUefl—OeOar Watar- DIRECTIONS: Route 94 (Hebron Ave.) to Bncktaghsm Church. .aet, pad, frame, headboard, and top. XG 3'-2766. property. Porter Street School dla NEW TOBK IS. N.Y. For 1st class mailing add 10c proofing Done. unused sheets and pillow, cases for each pattern. Print Name, Ad Servicea Bight on Weir St. (Oburch at Corner) Short Distance on Left. Brae-Burn Realty trict. Reasonably priced in the ii Ji^lsaB mailing add 10c for Original cost $280. Will sacrifice Furnished Apiu’tments 63-A mid-twriities. Robert- J. 'Smith, .- Print Nome, Address dress, with zone and P a t t e r n ' TV SERVICE—AU makes. Honest, for $180. Call x n 9-2597. Number. McKin n e y b r o s. DE MAIO BROS. SUB-LET 4 ROOXIS, 2-bedroom, $11,900---$ BKbRfXOM ranc^ flro- J I M Ko. and Sixe. Bconomicalt High quaUty pans. Have you the '61 Album con­ OPEN TODAY 1:30-5:30 a p a r t m e n t s iz e gas stove, ex- completely fomlahed, heat, , hot mita the faU A winter ’d l Guaranteed 90 days Famous for Stwftrag* DItpoial Co. cellent candiUon, $85. CaU XQ Himoa—a handy ^tsxn taining many lovely designs and TEL M l 3-7691 W eek d i^ hy Appointment Phone JA 7-t6G9 or MX B-4TtO. water, adults only, no petz, refer­ service since 1931. Phone MI 136-IS3 Penri 8L—BO S-ISQd en ce. x a $.1$4$, x n 9-7405. I Hua aawsia. Ue. free jiattams? Only 25c a copyl 9-40$7. PottsKton's. 330 Center B t 1 : ■ t * I I I’ -I

MONDAY. OCTOBER », IMl firntririfatpr ^tt^ntng feralb ATera«* Dalljr Net Preee Rmi ilie Weetlier For tho W e ^ Haded Feroeast of D. B. Woatker ! Odtober 7, 1991 The executive boarjl of the Rob­ Gov. John N. Dempsey will ad- Area Drug Stores F air, a Uttto aiUder io sl(h t, ertson School PTA will meet to- dress an open meeting of the CJdn- patehjr greoad fog toalght. About IW n n i^ t a t 8. at the scht^l. necticut Chapter, National Aa- 1 3 ,3 7 9 In Recent Merger SMitm HMtll-StHIMll ITMU FUtV Low la 50s. WodaUdocr sociatlon of Social Workers, to­ CirtllM labwatory taita sraia ULL-ANS (ak< - MeiBber of I Andlt A.Ibtrt I* Blaiich«Ue, aon of Mr. The Army-Navy Auxiliary will morrow at 6:30 p.m. at the Indian lata nitrtralln 3 tlmn ai nuch sianacfiuklty Barcaa o f C ulatloa wrana. High aear 99 . ^ •0 4 Mm . tdto Blanchette of 15 sponsor a public card party' to­ Hill Country. Club. The governor Five Manchester and are* drug in ana ninuta a> maiiy liatini Mrs. Samuel Wilson and her Drug Stores, Inc., In a joint state­ Recognition to New Two Primaries East Berlin the Pythian fair. A cup auction Sunset Council, Degree of Poca­ committee: Members are reminded ment said: Jal. Doors $59.95 will be held and refreshments hontas, will sponsor a public of the rummage sale to be held ’.'The result of this merger served. Members are asked -to re­ kitchen social tonight at 8 at the Oct. 20. means greater savings to the buy­ . Pins InstsUatton. Bridgeport, Oct. ^10 (/P)— turn stubs, for the Grand Temple home of Mrs, Martha Johnson, T54 ing public. We will still retalni our Former Congressman Albert gift party. Park St.. Apt. 2A. Members are identity as independent merchants MANCHESTER Syrian Government Immaculate Conception Mothers backed by group buying powe^of P. Morano, a Greenwich Re­ asked to bring grocery items. Re­ Circle will meet Wednesday at 8 AW NING CO. The friendship Club of St. John's freshments will be ser\'ed. a much u larger organization. The publican, may not run for p.m. at the home, of Mrs. John merger will effect some 50 stores PHONE 8II 9-3091 PoUah National Catholic Church Conner, 18 Virginia Rd. first selectman in the town’s win sponsor a rummage sale The ladies auxiliary of Little in the Hartford, New Britain, Washuigton. Oct. 10 Democratic primary next Status Remains Unaltered Wednesday from 10 a m to 1 p.m. Manchester and Rockville areas,’’ advance of their intention to join League will meet tonight at 8 at Anderson-Shea Auxiliary. VFtV, The United States today rec­ the parade in the hope of assuring at St. John's Church Hall. the Army-Navy Club. All mothers they said. Tuesday, Oct. 17, it was ruled will meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. The five area stores are the ognized the new state of him that the recognition was in today in superior court. of Little League, farm team and S Officers will wear their uniforms. no way intended to imply either Malcolm D. MacDuff, boilerman or 9 groiip players are invited. Lenox Phar,macy at 299 Center St., Liggoit Spocial Syria. In denying! Morano’s bid for third clasa USN, son of Mr. and Pine Pharmstfcy at 664 Center St., The State Department, in an­ approval or disapproval of the mandamus to be certified in the: Kennedy Visit Mrs. Orton S. MacDuff. 86 Mil­ Members of Anderson Shea, aux- and the Miller Pharmacy at 299 nouncing this, said that the gov­ Syrian rebellion. primary, Judge Thomas E. Tro- Paris, Bonn The Swedish language clav«es, ford Rd., recently participated in iliaiy. VPW, will vi.sil the Callahan Green Rd., all Manchester: the ernment of Premier Mamoun Al land declared the former Con­ rescue operations off hurricane- spon.sored by Scandia lodge. Va.sa Funeral Home. 1602 Main St., East Fabian Pharmacy at 59 Windsor Kuzbarl was Informed today about Beirut. Lebanon. Oct. 10 (Ah— ‘J Brightens Day Order of America, will start to­ Exiled Khalid Bakdash. the Middle gressman had “not estiblished ertppled Galveston. Tex., aboard Hartford, tonight from 7 to 9. to Ave., Rocjtvillo, and Franks Phar­ the U.S. diplomatic move. clear legal right to the relief Pushed for the tntl-sulwnarine warfare sup­ morrow at ~ p.m. at the home of The U.S. consulate general In East's leadiiig Communist, has pay respects to Miss Mary Rita macy on Oakland Rd.. Wapping. j cabled Syrian Premier Mamoun sought” and that issuance of a port alrefaft carrier. USS Antie- Mrs. William Orr, 542 E. Middle Finn, sister of Mrs. Lillian La- Damascus will be raised to the For Rayburn Tpke. Kuzbarl from Moscow asking to rhandamuB writ” would be con­ tam. The carrier tran.sported Marche, a member of-the auxiliary. status of an embassy. Prior to the trary tp public policy." msi^cal supplies, food and water appointment of an ambassador, be allowed to return to Syria. The cable dated Oct. 7, told the Dallas, Tex., Oct. 10 (/P)— New Talks to eommunltlea stricken by Hur­ Mias Marsha Ann Jewell, daugh­ l Conn., to priests and four monsignors—the John Delaney of St. Bridget's DON.AnON $1.00 Vengeance Try reported, agreed on Ambassador U was in the room with them. its assertions that the West's Rt. Rev. M.sgr. John F. Hannon, ' Church and the Rev. Philip Hu.s- stones. Providence, R .;Ji ,i(jia^“ virtually Rayburn had been told about the Mets Select Cachon Pet Thant of Burma as an interim suc­ convert one taO B Of the state of cessor, but they differ on how he ■visit only a half hour before the don’t believe it” was the rewUen 3}Jteed after the Russians sign a By Prosecutor Connecticut intiai. .9 . television President landed. It w'as the first should function’'in that office. morgue,” Sen. ITihihas j. Dodd, D- treaty with East G er^ y Russia has insisted on an even­ tim e' they had met since a White Cincinnati. Oct. 10 (JPi The^Houston manager Harry Craft manne vvarf^ authority to a they say they will Conn., said today. House breakfast on Aug. 29. Sian claim that the S^ et Union Gromyko said his conversations Port Orchard, Waah., Oct. 10 (Jl ly matched group of westem-Com- T he statement caM in a letter Houston Colts picked Eddie Bres- won. Dr. Robert L. Boehme, charged ihunist and Neutralist deputies Kenitedy, who said he found Ray­ soud, San Francisco shortstop, General Manager Paul Richards haa the vKorld s fastest fleet of Kennedy "were not conclu- to Newtown Minqi|^ chairman of nuclear submarines. ,sive. ' -It is difflcult - indeed to find with trying to poison his wife, ac­ with whom the secretary-general the Federal Communications Com­ burn “somewhat thinner, but ex- and Bob Aspromonte. Los Angeles of Houston made the first selec­ cused the proeecuting attorney yes­ would have to consult before mak­ second baseman, as their first two tion of Bres.soud. Bressoud. 29, The authority, who did not want anybody who would say, ‘Well, I mission, protesting an FCC no­ to be quoted by name, said the know how the situation will de- terday of seeking personal ven­ ing, any decisions. The United tice of Aug. 3. (Continued on Page Eight) choices in the draft for two new played shortstop four years for the geance. States contends there should be no National League teams. Giants and la-vt season batted ,227 Navy thinks the Russians have a|velop.’ " The FCC proposed changing small fleet of nuclear submarines. In a statement issued through hi« check on the secretary-general’s The New York Mets selected, in 58 g^ames. He is 6-1, 180 'and The Soviet leader told newsmen authority. VFW 3 in Hartford to UHF (Chan­ bats right-handed. His lifetime But he ad(ll he thought there was a definite attorney, the 41-year-old physician nel 76 and then doing one of three as their first two choices, catcher ”If they hiive a submarine up toj said prosecutor Gordon L. Wal- U Thant is reluctant to accept Hobie Landrith, of the Giants, and average is .240. the post unless the Soviet Union things with Channel 3. Squirrelj, M a n President George Wedsa of the the state of the Nautilus we’d be | (Gontiniied oa Fage Bight) gren was “trying to exact retribu­ 1. Transferring It to Providence. second baseman Elio Chacon of surprised.” tion because he thought I prevent­ and the western powers agree on the National League Champion Mets took Landrith as his first hlg powers. He reportedly ha* told 2 Converting it to a non-com­ selection. The 31-year-old catcher, The Nautilus was the first nu­ ed his marriage to Mary Boehme.” mercial, educational TV station. Contest Nutty Cincinnati Reds. clear submarine. It was commis­ Mary Boehme. an' attractive 28- Soviet delegates he could not op­ a left-handed hitter, batted J36 Beautiful way to erate as secretary-general unless 3. Reserving it for future use. Bressoud and Landrith were the sioned just about seven years ago for the Giants i;i 42 games for the year-old nurse, is a former sister- first choices as the two new mem­ and the Navy since has evolved in-law of Dr. Boehme. She is free given a free hand. Dodd said WTIC-TV, licensed As Pecan. Tree Giants this year. He is 5-8, 170 I Elsewhere In the U.N.: for VHF Channel 3, “is a fine sta­ bers started to build their rosters and has a Ufetime average of .237 more advanced models. Bulletins on $5,000 bond os a material wit­ for 1962 operations. The U.S. fleet now has 14 nu-' ness. Soviet Delegate Alexei A. Rosh- tion with an excellent record of and has been around the National chln assailed the location of U.N. public service.” Tampa, Fla., Oct- 10 l/f)— President Warren Giles tossed clear atack submarines. A ISth will Called from AP Wires Advised of Dr. Boehme’s atate- ,What happeps when a deter­ coin for the first selection and League for 10 years, off and rU. bean on which he pointed out the new. But for the moirjent I got ring at plant. . .Lee Arthur Hes­ daily record of automobile fatali­ her checked.” enemy aircraft and guiding its. consisted of 90,000 men In the reg, Acting Foreign Minister Carlos alleged training sites. ter, 14-year-old Chicago Negro, own planes over targets, ties as of last midnight and the He could kill the squirrel, of convicted of fatally stabbing wom­ ular services, about 45,000 men in LABOR BARS TEAMSTERS Oli'vares called in the diploinatic He pinpointed the Florida loca­ totals on the same date last year: Lt.